HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150202BAC AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — FEBRUARY 2, 2015 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Introduction of Members 5. Selection of Chairperson 6. Selection of Vice -Chairperson 7. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of September 8, 2014 8. Review Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2014 9. General Discussion by Members - Thoughts and Ideas for Upcoming Budget Year 10. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, March 2, 2015) 11. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of September 8, 2014 Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2014 Memo from Ed Herlihy Pelican Newsletter Budget Article Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Ed Herlihy Dionna Farmer Bill Flaherty Bruce Hoffman Gary O'Hara Tim Slaven Christine Vicars ALSO PRESENT Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Frank Watanabe, Community Development Director/City Engineer Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. Approval of Minutes: August 4, 2014 MOTION by Ms. Farmer and SECOND by Mr. Flaherty to approve the August 4, 2014 minutes passed with a voice vote of 7-0. 5. Committee Discussion of Millage and Budget Recommendations Made to City Council and Consideration of Possible Changes Chairman Herlihy said they were convened to decide on recommendations for City Council. For the public's benefit, he reiterated the amounts discussed at the Board's last workshop: an additional $265, 000 would be raised with a proposed millage of 3.8556 to be divided up as follows: $100, 000 for the Lagoon $50, 000 for All Aboard Florida $15,000 for the COPS Grant $100, 000 for road resurfacing He began to say the Lagoon money would be spent on seed money to obtain seven baffle boxes and the oyster mat project. He explained that Council did send a resolution to state officials requesting funds for the needed boxes. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board September 8, 2014 Page Two Mr. O'Hara said he learned from the City Engineer that the City has two boxes in place, a third one is underway and a fourth is budgeted through the Coolidge Street improvements; they cost $50,000 to buy/$20,000 to install so he felt the $100,000 should be reduced. The City Engineer confirmed the high end cost to purchase and install a new baffle box is in fact $100,000; there is one box at Davis Street and upon completion of the Presidential Streets Project there will be two more with charcoal filters; so there will be three new boxes at the end of October. The Davis Street box can be retrofitted with the charcoal filter. He also noted the Coolidge Street improvements have not been approved by Council yet. The City Engineer said the projects were ranked by the Indian River Lagoon Coalition and the remaining boxes needed by the City came in fourth place so there is no guarantee the City will receive any money especially since the second ranked Septic to Sewer Project is $2M. He said boxes should be placed at all of the outfall locations in the City, but at least three more should be installed for the Lagoon at the main discharge sites. Maintenance will require a vacuum truck and they cost $14,000 a month to rent or $400,000-500,000 for a new truck. The rest of the Board members supported the $100,000 Lagoon allocation noting the protection of the Lagoon enhances all of their property values. To pay for the vacuum truck, the Finance Director explained that the millage will buy the baffle box, and then continue in future years to pay for the maintenance of the boxes. Mr. O'Hara reiterated he is not comfortable raising taxes based on money they might not get from the state. The City Engineer said the growing trend is that all grants are requiring matching funds or "seed money." Chairman Herlihy pointed out most of the businesses are east of US 1 and depend on the Lagoon so they should be proactive. All Aboard Florida Chairman Herlihy said he has concern that consulting assistance will be needed to complete the Environmental Impact Statement. The City Engineer reported that he has completed the index risk calculator for the City but the County has indeed hired a consultant at the cost of $38,000 to complete their report. Chairman Herlihy added the County and City Attorneys are going to oppose All Aboard Florida's request to renegotiate the crossing agreements. There was consensus to leave the $50,000 allotment for All Aboard Florida. There was consensus to leave the $15,000 for the COPS grant. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board September 8, 2014 Page Three Road Paving Chairman Herlihy reminded them there is over $1 M needed for road repair to think about for the next 6-8 years and some of the roads might not last. The City Engineer added that he is finishing up the 2014 Paving Assessment where the stages are color coded and this report will depicts a lot more yellow and red roads with serious signs of failure. The Finance Director reminded them the health insurance savings ($57,000) was rolled into road paving, staff's recommendation of 3.7166 millage would provide a total of $200,000 for road resurfacing. Mr. Hoffman cited discussion held at the last Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory Committee where nationally there is very little gas tax available and the Committee might suggest a gas tax increase to the County Commission. The Finance Director said a $100,000 homestead property at a 3.7166 millage rate would pay $2.79; 3.8556 millage rate would pay $7.05. Ms. Farmer pointed out homeowners would pay more but have safer, better roads. Chairman Herlihy asked if anyone would be interested in taking away $100,000 from the roads to bring the recommended millage down. The City Engineer expounded the best way to take care of roads is put two inches of overlay on every 5-10 years; the second way is to mill the failed surface and put overlay back on; when there is base failure, patchwork with overlay is needed, leading sometimes to full reconstruction. The worst case scenario is if there is moisture in the base then depth reclamation is needed, costing millions. He cautioned the road failure expense is steep once the asphalt is gone. Ms. Farmer and Mr. Flaherty remarked the nominal millage increase would go a long way to protect their property values and quality of life. Chairman Herlihy confirmed he would go forward to City Council with their recommendation of a 3.8556 millage rate. The Finance Director announced the Police Benevolent Association settled on a 3% increase that was included in the proposed recommendation. 6. Public Input - None. 7. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting at 6:48 p.m. Chairman Ed Herlihy Date ,m.s E HOME OFPEUCAN1"ND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 2014 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting Quarterly Financial Report and Adopting Necessary Amendments to the F'( 2013-2014 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resofution R-14-32. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly, A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Several adjustments were approved by City Council during the quarter. Primarily as a direct or indirect result of the City Manager and Administrative Services Director resignations, there were several Departments that exceeded their budgets by the end of the year. Therefore, final adjustments are being submitted for approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. All these adjustments are summarized in Exhibit °A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. IF AGENDA ITEM REQUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: None Amount Budgeted in Current FY; NIA Amount of Appropriation Required: None Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA j �- Administrative Services Department Review: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. R-14-32 Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2014 City Manager Authorisation: _ Date: 174 of 241 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2013 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-13-23 on September 25, 2013 approving the City's 2013-14 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution R-14-05 on March 12, 2014 amending said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution R-14-09 on May 28, 2014 amending said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution R-14-16 on September 10, 2014 amending said Resolution; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended September 30, 2014 indicated that additional adjustments need approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014 be amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Bob McPardan Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Jerome Adams Counci Imember Richard Gi 1 Imor The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adapted this 19°h day of November 2014. ATTEST: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Bob McPartlan Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Sally A. Maio, MMC Robert A. Ginsburg, City Clerk City Attorney 175 of 241 EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R-14-32 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 Changes „Authorized by Ci Manager: Transfer within Stormwater budget to cover cost of water testing equipment and supplies. Adjustment within Roads budget to record cost of light pole replacement on Indian River Drive. Transfers within Police Department budgets to cover various overages in some accounts. Adjustment to cover unexpected Sweeper maintenance and drawings for railroad sidewalks. Adjustment to cover the cost of a driveway into new public works storage area at the Airport. Establishes budget for a Disc Golf Course using unexpended Recreation Impact Fee funds from the Tennis Wali project, as approved by the Parks and Recreation Board. Adjust Police overtime budget for time reimbursed by the MACE Program and FBI. Adjustment within Airport operating accounts to cover purchase of a new air condensing unit. Transfers within Stormwater budget to cover cost of tree removal and fencing. Transfers within the Golf Course operating budget for unforeseen equipment repairs. Adjustment to record the receipt of Insurance Premium Taxes that are required to be transferred to the Police Officer Pension Plan. Transfer within the Police Department budgets to purchase a fingerprint scanner. Transfers within the City Manager budget to cover overages in some accounts. Adjustment to record completion of the Schumann Park Playground project. Adjustment to record completion of the Hardee Park Pedestrian Bridge project. Adjustment to record completion of the Police Vehicle purchases project. Adjustment to record completion of the Stormwater Equipment purchases project. Transfers within the M.I.S. budget to cover overages in some accounts. Adjustment to record completion of the Pipe Slipling project. Adjustment to record completion of the Blueway Signage project. Adjustment to record completion of the Airport Equipment purchases project. Amounts $ 5,000 $ 6,217 $ 2,591 $ 9,200 $ 3,450 $ 18,000 $ 12,666 $ 1,120 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 147,868 $ 700 $ 300 $ 6,602 $ 600 $ 8,256 $ 1,728 $ 5,150 $ 40,609 $ 19,060 $ 14,573 Page 1 of 2 176 of 241 Changes Approved by City Council: Set up new project accounts to begin engineering services for five projects anticipated to be funded in next year's budget, as authorized at the 7123/14 City Council meeting. Establish budget account to purchase an Excavator from the Equipment R&R Reserve, as approved by the City Council on 9/10/14. Establish budget account to repave Englar Drive, as approved by the City Council on 8113114. Establish budget accounts from Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund for parking on Indian River Drive, as approved by the City Council on 8/13/14. Establish budget accounts from Riverfront CRA Fund for shoreline restoration, as approved by the City Council on 9110/14. Additional Changes Submitted for City Council Approval: Establishes budget for upgrading the computer authentication system at the Police Department from the Equipment R&R Reserve that was required by the FDL.E. Adjustments in various General Fund departments to cover unanticipated expenditures due to the City Manager and Administrative Services Director resignations, plus other transfers between accounts or other departments to cover overages from unexpected expenditures. $ 10,000 $ 28,056 $ 28,888 $ 6,138 $ 20,000 $ 4,343 $ 174,200 Page 2 of 2 177 of 241 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW THE OVERALL STATUS AT THE END OF THE YEAR APPEARS GOOD, WITH $348,311 BEING ADDED TO THE GENERAL FUND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES R&R RESERVE. GOLF COURSE OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES INCREASED BUT RESERVES WERE FAVORABLY AFFECTED BY THE CART REPLACEMENT TRANSACTION. REVENUES AND EXPENSES AT THE AIRPORT ARE BOTH LESS THAN LAST YEAR DUE TO GRANT ACTIVITY. BUILDING FUND REVENUES ARE SLIGHTLY LESS THAN LAST YEAR, WHILE EXPENSES WERE UP DUE TO ADDING STAFF AND PAY INCREASES. ALL THESE NUMBERS ARE AS YET UNAUDITED AND MAY CHANGE AFTER THEIR REVIEW. GENERAL FUND The graph below and left compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Cash Reserves at the end of the current quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. Calculated Reserves balances increased, as a result of revenues exceeding expenditures. The graph below and right compares the 4rr, quarter of this year to the 4th quarter of the prior 2 years. Revenues and amounts Expended are a bit higher than prior years' 4tn quarters. 12,000 000 2,400.404 10,004,000 _ _ 10,000.040 8,400.004 8.000,000 6,400,000 6.000,000 4,444,444 4,000.400 2404000 2,000.004 - 4 0 Revenues ExWwM Reserves Revenues Ex ended Reserves ■913012012 9,685,015 9,785,301 5,002,171 913W2013 10,218,238 1 9,750,951 5,469,458 ■9130013 10,218.238 9350,951 5,459,458 grSOQ0141 10,563 485 1 10,215,173 5,817,7134 FM913012014 10,563,485 10,215,173 1 5.817,769 The graph below and left shows collections through the 4"' quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 72% of all budgeted revenue. About $274,000 more was received from those three sources for this year, as compared to the last, primarily due to unusually high receipts from FP&L. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by department at the end of the year (with proposed budget adjustments). In total, all departments expended 96.7% of amounts budgeted. 4,500,000 sa.4% 4,000,000 80.0% 3,500,000 70.0% 3,000,000 60.0% 2,500,00W3 50.0% 2,000,000 40.0% 1.500,000 30 0% 20.0% 1,000,000 10.0% 500,000 4.0% 0e�"$°a9ei�G`etv-`gt�,e°gs,�`�on��e�°v, 4th Qtr 2013 4th Qtr 2014 2014 Budget 2014 Projection o*cy �y� G, c, ."Sv, s Ops oee 01 req ` ■Electric Franchise ■Electric Wk Tax ■Hal%cant Sales Tax oToWs of the Three SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Special Revenue Funds provide most of the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections the current year compared to last year and shows the current annual budget and collections for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. The graph below and right shows totals budgeted for capital projects, as compared to amounts spent through the end of the year. It reflects large unexpended amounts for the Presidential Streets, Fish House, Tulip Drive, plus the Airport's Main Street Access Road and Hanger projects. 3,000.000 A, 3.540000 — 2.500.000 3.0a4000 2.500.000 2.44x 000 ' 2.044,004 1,500.040 1.540.000 1 .000.004 t,400-000 sms144 500,000 e+ s e a} `Fee 4 GPg' LOGT DST StormwaterFee eta ,��1 � ��%me g0,1 X5,dy� e��w S�cF�OP W 04lbW2013 04th Q10014 62014Bdget N2014Pmlator V-0 Oayat` ,.'P Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONG-TERM DEBT The City's debt is accounted for in the two Debt Service Funds. They are the Discretionary Sales Tax Bank Note ($2,730,000 outstanding, maturing 4/01/17) and the Stotmwater Revenue Bank Note ($2,982,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City refunded the previously issued bonds with Bank Notes on December 1.8, 2013. The City also has a Bank Note for Street Repaving ($1,896,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22) and a Bank Loan for Golf Course Equipment ($25,014 outstanding, maturing 12/06/15) and for Golf Carts ($171,228 outstanding, maturing 1.0/31/17). The City is in compliance with covenants and repayment requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of this year to the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues, Expenses and Reserves for the current year to the prior two years. The Golf Cart and Golf Equipment Bank Loans have been omitted from the Revenues and Expended totals. Reserves are net of liabilities for the Bank Loans and net of accrued leave and advance payment of fees (about $123,000). 1.300.000 1.100,000 900.000 700,000 500,000 300.000 100,00D 1100.0001 (300.000) I9"012013 12062&'0 1236,234 (3i 1,764) 916012014 1,251,581 1 1.291,366 (?80-48) 1-400,000 1200.000 1000,000 800.000 600,000 400,000 200.000 0 (200,000) (400,000) 091302012 1„354,042 1,394.627 (161,078} X97302013 1,208.260 1236234 (311,784) IM94'30120141 1251,581 1 1291.366 (260.848) AIRPORT The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares the current year to the prior two years. Reserves are net of liabilities for accrued leave (about $29,000) but not long-term advances from other Funds, which currently amount to $752,511. 1.000.000 906.600 800,000 800,000 - 700,000 600,000 600,000 _',<) 500,000 t 400,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 200,000 '.. _ _ - 100,000 6 0 _ (100.000; (200.000) Revenues Ex ntled Reserves Revenues Expanded Reserves ■9130[2012 678,771 528.289 (64.860) 9[3012013 794,498 608.004 (79,386) [913012013 794.A98 808.004 [79,386) 19MI20141 775,677 1 580.254 (10,246) 69130i20t4 779.677. 580.254 (10.246) BUILDING The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares this year to the prior two years. Reserves are steadily increasing with the improved economy. Reserves are net of liabilities for accrued leave (about $106,000). i 1,000.000 $00.000 600.000 400.600 200.000 0 '200.000) �9r36rz613� 71o.s66 � 423,166 � r75,z64 � 9730!'2014 703,080 530.621 954,150 Page 2 of 2 1.1200,000 960.000 600.000 700.000 600.000 500,000 400,000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 ■913012012E 426.218 399.855 487.169 .9130.12013 710.966 423,100 775,254 0973012014 703.080 1 530.621 1 954.150 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 TAXES 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT MISC. REVENUE ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE -1,188.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TAXES -6,733,189.56 -6,320,546.78 -6,608,301.56 -6,747,713.28 -6,675,306.00 101% LICENSES & PERMITS -23,645.50 -22,430.50 -45,499.50 -138,562.87 -149,050.00 93% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -2,002,031.90 -2,078,685.56 -2,215,443.45 -2,366,935.70 -2,196,168.00 108°% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -260,838.43 -290,950.76 -370,905.70 -375,125.28 -386,222.00 97% FINES AND FORFEITS -80,653.18 -52,307.38 -60,189.17 -52,239.15 -65,400.00 80% MISC. REVENUE -242,820.70 -227,378.04 -352,499.75 -252,160.51 -234,850.00 107% TRANSFERS IN -736,727.00 -692,716.00 -565,399.00 -630,748.00 -630,748.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -227,614.00 0% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -10,079,906.27 -9,685,015.02 -10,218,238.13 -10,563,484.79 -10,565,358.00 100% CITY COUNCIL 47,059.42 49,224.38 49,608.05 49,939.28 53,724.00 93% CITY MANAGER 232,468.82 223,778.95 228,375.27 264,715.45 265,389.00 100% CITY CLERK 272,885.92 301,394.48 269,992.27 282,115.78 311,390.00 91% LEGAL 98,712.39 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 102,270.00 101% FINANCE/ACCOUNTING 481,050.21 478,043.38 485,361.87 554,678.57 555,725.00 100°% M.I.S. DIVISION 274,796.85 161,526.33 161,616.17 143,152.46 193,347.00 74% POLICE DEPARTMENT 5,073,183.87 4,515,750.62 4,435,260.97 4,614,265.18 4,617,014.00 100% PUBLIC WORKS 3,201,253.78 3,112,210.93 3,038,250.18 3,256,649.46 3,516,329.00 93% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 349,387.54 237,574.77 235,652.38 248,945.54 249,288.00 100°% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 553,215.51 595,073.31 697,280.72 697,302.96 700,882.00 99% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 10,584,014.31 9,769,295.49 9,697,172.74 10,214,723.13 10,565,358.00 97°% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -557,929.65 -550,702.22 -551,238.83 -555,934.25 -544,000.00 102% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -9,353.00 -9,353.00 -9,474.00 -9,758-00 -9,474.00 103% MISC. REVENUE -9,624.53 -2,301,061.35 -46.75 -2,838.90 -1,656.00 171% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 -14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0°% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -19,760.00 0% LOGT FUND REVENUE -576,907.18 -2,861,116.57 -575,259.58 -568,531,15 -574,890.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 209,591.29 224,404.81 219,338.94 205,401.74 248,000.00 83% DEBT SERVICE 264,463.23 2,330,741.99 243,199.81 242,740.90 242,741.00 100% GRANTS AND AIDS 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TRANSFERS OUT 1,386,944.68 124,257.59 266,095.50 228.80 84,149.00 0% LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 1,910,999.20 2,729,404.39 728,634.25 448,371.44 574,890.00 78% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES 2,358,675.83 -2,464,240.07 -2,587,903.75 -2,666,099.03 -2,596,325.00 103% MISC. REVENUE -5,377.34 -27,165.54 -26,111.19 -5,551.48 -27,658.00 20% TRANSFERS IN -1,188.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -975,559.00 0°% DST FUND REVENUE -2,365,241.17 -2,491,405.61 -2,614,014.94 -2,671,650.51 -3,599,542.00 74% TRANSFERS OUT 2,120,894.54 2,099,275.43 1,921,864.28 2,125,524.95 3,571,052.00 60% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,490.00 0% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 2,120,894.54 2,099,275.43 1,921,864.28 2,125,524.95 3,599,542.00 59% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -21,418.61 -13,440.27 -7,511.61 -27,386.89 -1,936.00 1415°% TRANSFERS IN -297,619.74 .255,068.85 -266,323.21 -272,060.44 -265,466.00 102% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -402,053.00 0°% RRD REVENUE -319,038.35 -268,509.12 -273,834.82 -299,447.33 -669,455.00 45% OPERATING EXPENSES 110,494.08 108,065.02 104,472.40 146,917.57 157,495.00 93°% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 6,562.18 0.00 0.00 0% GRANTS AND AIDS 78,424.05 32,902.81 20,583.00 0.00 130,000.00 0°% TRANSFERS OUT 356,899.45 104,457.84 66,175.09 62,850.00 381,960.00 16% RRD EXPENDITURES 545,817.58 245,425.67 197,792.67 209,767.57 669,455.00 31°% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE CAPITAL OUTLAY TO FUND BALANCES PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES TRANSFERS OUT STORMWATER EXPENDITURES LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO FUND BALANCES FORFEITURES FUND EXPENDITURES DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC, REVENUE TRANSFERS IN DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE TO FUND BALANCES DST DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE DEBT SERVICE STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET -12,631.70 -13,833.40 -13,972.08 -18,313.39 -13,861.00 132% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -31,138.00 0% -12,631.70 -13,833.40 -13,972.08 -18,313.39 -44,999.00 41% 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,487.50 31,138.00 85% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,861.00 0% -12,631.70 -13,833.40 -13,972.08 -18,313.39 -44,999.00 41% -49,471.78 -62,888.89 -169,869.04 -170,045.53 -36,569.00 465% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -134,746.00 0% -49,471.78 -62,888.89 -169,869.04 -170,045.53 -171,315.00 99% 0.00 0.00 2,430.00 0.00 10,000.00 0% 5,117.54 0.00 5,522.91 0.00 0.00 0% 302,478.22 217,854.15 306,210.69 123,409.79 161,315.00 77% 307,595.76 217,854.15 314,163.60 123,409.79 171,315.00 72% -816,412.38 -813,004.25 -1,007,220.94 -986,955.72 -983,721.00 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73,670.00 0% -816,412.38 -813,004.25 -1,007,220.94 -986,955.72 -1,057,391.00 93% 103.72 8,348.18 72,980.87 47,395.69 25,100.00 189% 954,995.58 1,087,257.29 1,007,374.83 1,032,291.36 1,032, 291.00 100% 955,099.30 1,095,605.47 1,080,355.70 1,079,687.05 1,057, 391.00 102% -880.00 -5,268.37 0.00 -1,900.00 -8,000.00 24% -26.09 -9,290.94 -492.82 -7,547.76 -2,185.00 345% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -22,093.00 0% -906.09 -14,559.31 -492.82 -9,447.76 -32,278.00 29% 1,599.96 12,238.98 1,219.00 12, 286.31 11,093.00 111% 5,881.00 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 100% 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,185.00 0% 7,480.96 12,238.98 1,719M 23,286.31 32,278.00 72% -5,746.86 -4,994.51 -4,817.66 -40,282.46 -4,966.00 811% -1,015,787.40 -1,016,206.15 -1,012,795.20 -1,012,493.04 -1,012,493.00 100% -1,021,534.26 -1,021,200.66 -1,017,612.86 -1,052,775.50 -1,017,459.00 103/0 675.00 300.00 675.00 0.00 300.00 0% 1,018,936.76 1,022,066.76 1,017,481.76 2,013,840.20 1,016,644.00 198°% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 515.00 0% 1,019,611.76 1,022,366.76 1,018,156.76 2,013,840.20 1,017,459.00 198% -127.93 -174.45 -617.68 -39,230.52 -171.00 22942% -440,018.07 -439,673.91 -439,829.63 -441,720.00 -441,720.00 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -599.00 0% -440,146.00 -439,848.36 -440,447.31 -480,950.52 •442,490.00 109% 440,077.00 440,289.50 439,089.50 463,413.09 442,490.00 105% 440,077.00 440,289.50 439,089.50 463,413.09 442,490.00 105% GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUE GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT ADMINISTRATION MAINTENANCE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE MAINTENANCE GOLF COURSE CARTS PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE GOLF COURSE CARTS GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUE AIRPORT REVENUE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TRANSFERS OUT ADMINISTRATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPERATING EXPENSES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AIRPORT EXPENSE BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE BUILDING REVENUES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES BUILDING EXPENSE CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET -1,298,369.63 -1,310,963.72 -1,224,340.82 -1,184,747.88 -1,302,250.00 91% -33,302.21 -43,078.21 -40,354.99 -537,883.42 -373,860.00 144% -1,331,671.84 -1,354,041.93 -1,264,695.81 -1,722,631.30 -1,676,110.00 103% 222,571.43 210,325.14 217,927.06 225,219.79 226,359.00 99% 394,007.52 425,761.59 417,862.12 334,876.96 324,016.00 103% 0.00 0.00 -104,189.99 132,440.00 0.00 0% 0,00 34,002.07 60,661.24 59,097.21 51,740.00 114% 616,578.95 675,088.80 592,260.43 751,633.96 602,115.00 125% 549,689.42 568,243.04 566,091.25 569,189.35 578,724.00 98% 0.00 0.00 0.00 -49,970.00 1,391.00 -3592% 0.00 0.00 2,173.88 1,383.63 20,011.00 7% 549,689.42 568,243.04 568,265.13 520,602.98 600,126.00 87% 74,709.37 73,423.81 70,043.25 78,300.17 77,043.00 102% 63,540.90 63,661.95 64,921.66 5,376.39 5,700.00 94% 0.00 0.00 103,200.00 0.00 333,450.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,838.70 57,676.00 83% 138,250.27 137,085.76 238,164,91 131,515.26 473,869.00 28% 1,304,518.64 1,380,417.60 1,398,690.47 1,403,752.20 1,676,110.00 84% -16,924.03 -17,205.46 -9,643.33 -13,327.20 -25,000.00 53% -372,837.16 -422,505.93 -427,980.26 -421,331.38 -418,236.00 101% -389,761.19 -439,711.39 -437,623.59 -434,658.58 -443,236.00 98% 229,190.22 207,793.24 170,146.00 81,516.23 168,576.00 48% 573,388.93 884,199.66 613,371.84 219,548.18 233,760.00 94% 0.00 0.00 0.00 -73,901.88 875.00 -8446% 8,550.00 16,575.00 16,575.00 0.00 20,025.00 0% 290,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 1,101,129.15 1,108,567.90 800,092.84 227,162,53 423,236.00 54% 0.00 0.00 19,928.72 19,527.00 20,000.00 98% 0.00 0.00 19,928.72 19,527.00 20,000.00 98% 1,101,129.15 1,108,567.90 820,021.56 246,689.53 443,236.00 56% -390,851.59 -407,721.98 -688,656.16 -674,729.20 -539,650.00 125% -4,573.21 -5,124.83 -12,831.83 -13,169.40 -12,250.00 108% -4,954.18 -5,738.00 -4,037.36 -10,977.00 -3,850.00 285% -4,996.30 -7,633.19 -5,434.43 -4,204.39 -2,250.00 187% -405,375.28 -426,218.00 -710,959.78 -703,079.99 -558,000.00 126% 366,796.39 311,652.46 334,495.08 377,651.66 376,957.00 100% 103,975.63 87,977.29 88,413.72 87,859.49 83,515.00 105% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,395.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 65,109.96 65,110.00 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,023.00 0% 470,772.02 399,629.75 422,908.80 530,621,11 558,000.00 95% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 TOTALS 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 CITY CLERK 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH OTR ANNUAL PERCENT PERSONAL SERVICES ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL 30,408.15 53,467.74 36,816.29 52,802.01 55,231.00 96% PERSONAL SERVICES 22,746.84 22,745.64 22,723.76 22,722.72 22,745.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 24,312.58 26,478.74 26,884.29 27,216.56 30,979.00 88°% TOTALS 47,059.42 49,224.38 49,608.05 49,939.28 53,724.00 93°% CITY MANAGER 98,712.39 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 102,270.00 101% PERSONAL SERVICES 229,006.77 220,243.59 224,306.41 258,428.74 259,669.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,462.05 3,535.36 4,068.86 4,208.76 3,620.00 116% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,077.95 2,100.00 99% TOTALS 232,468.82 223,778.95 228,375.27 264,715.45 265,389.00 100% CITY CLERK 112,909.42 100,981.09 89,335.18 92,290.13 97,965.00 94% PERSONAL SERVICES 242,477.77 247,926.74 229,172.94 226,343.81 253,189.00 89% OPERATING EXPENSES 30,408.15 53,467.74 36,816.29 52,802.01 55,231.00 96% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 4,003.04 2,969.96 2,970.00 100% TOTALS 272,885.92 301,394.48 269,992.27 282,115.78 311,390.00 91% LEGAL 3,152.56 1,380.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% OPERATING EXPENSES 98,712.39 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 102,270.00 101% TOTALS 98,712.39 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 102,270.00 101% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 479,978.76 464,406.20 464,848.47 503,610.17 504,892.D0 100°x6 PERSONAL SERVICES 398,533.68 399,962.37 400,429.11 464,034.68 465,811.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 82,516.53 78,081.01 84,932.76 89,124.02 88,314.00 101% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,519.87 1,600.00 95% TOTALS 481,050.21 478,043.38 485,361.87 554,678.57 555,725.00 100% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 231,289.93 117,621.31 114,081.27 115,440.50 163,863.00 70% OPERATING EXPENSES 43,142.30 38,642.02 47,534.90 27,711.96 29,484.00 94% CAPITAL OUTLAY 364.62 5,263.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 274,796.85 161,526.33 161,616.17 143,152.46 193,347.00 74% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 649,180.00 669,549.43 635,683.87 682,404.30 682,604.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 112,909.42 100,981.09 89,335.18 92,290.13 97,965.00 94% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,000.00 0.00 7,500.00 12,500.00 9,123.00 137% TOTALS 771,089.42 770,530.52 732,519.05 787,194.43 789,692.00 100% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,395,857.77 2,185,020.98 2,183,233.99 2,162,610.75 2,173,917.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 224,204.55 220,863.50 229,517.47 235,837.63 226,300.00 104% CAPITAL OUTLAY 31,924.80 812.00 4,483.00 10,464.70 8,700.00 120% TOTALS 2,651,987.12 2,406,696.48 2,417,234.46 2,408,913.08 2,408,917.00 100% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 139,837.52 142,209.76 139,892.30 148,218.95 148,287.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 19,487.82 23,155.45 22,917.22 22,522.25 22,505.00 100% TOTALS 159,325.34 165,365.21 162,809.52 170,741.20 170,792.00 100% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 912,572.67 598,853.96 549,229.56 628,633.25 632,118.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 89,177.91 99,773.43 100,748.36 102,518.27 99,116.00 103% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,152.56 1,380.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 1,004,903.14 700,008.34 649,977.92 731,151.52 731,234.00 100% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 479,978.76 464,406.20 464,848.47 503,610.17 504,892.D0 100°x6 OPERATING EXPENSES 5,900.09 6,748.23 7,871.55 12,654.78 11,487.00 110% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,995.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 485,878.85 473,150.07 472,720.02 516,264.95 516,379.00 100% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET ROADS AND DRAINAGE 536,239.85 456,842,44 469,592,91 416,003,99 437,063.00 95% PERSONAL SERVICES 673,723.75 623,761.21 617,722.51 564,601.96 640,590.00 88°% OPERATING EXPENSES 113,982.59 113,357.38 111,451.84 141,617.34 110,297.00 128% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,665.00 0.00 38,579.25 105,695.13 106,227.00 99°% TOTALS 789,371.34 737,118.59 767,753.60 811,914.43 857,114.00 95% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 536,239.85 456,842,44 469,592,91 416,003,99 437,063.00 95% OPERATING EXPENSES 489,067.09 465,276.39 331,059.18 479,482.93 504,880.00 95% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,185.00 3,782.82 4,820.11 32,876.00 15% TOTALS 1,025,306.94 923,303.83 804,434.91 900,307.03 974,819.00 92% CENTRAL GARAGE 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% PERSONAL SERVICES 116,266.61 174,211.05 181,492.67 156,028.16 189,907.00 82% OPERATING EXPENSES 26,550.60 19,555.20 17,640.89 25,045.06 24,089.00 104% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,005.75 3,929.00 1,565.00 2,000.00 78% TOTALS 142,817.21 194,772.00 203,062.56 182,638.22 215,996.00 85% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 110,977.18 140,720.38 129,976.23 139,339.89 160,058.00 87% OPERATING EXPENSES 113,192.38 105,539.51 105,835.02 93,451.62 122,925.00 76% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 2,414.00 18,161.80 10,639.22 57,000.00 19% TOTALS 224,169.56 248,673.89 253,973.05 243,430.73 339,983.00 72% PARKS/RECREATION 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% PERSONAL SERVICES 677,068.36 650,016.92 617,928.86 651,473.23 669,432.00 97% OPERATING EXPENSES 226,768.10 226,488.21 227,422.97 237,323.18 228,148.00 104% CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,438.88 12,128.88 19,190.32 35,199.55 35,587.00 99°% TOTALS 915,275.34 888,634.01 864,542.15 923,995.96 933,167.00 99% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 85,696.77 87,376.57 107,068.99 146,637.57 146,812.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 18,616.62 23,532.05 37,414.92 37,607.18 38,320.00 98% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 8,799.99 0.00 10,118.34 10,118.00 100% TOTALS 104,313.39 119,708.61 144,483.91 194,363.09 195,250.00 100% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% PERSONAL SERVICES 311,677.88 223,308.25 200,069.38 217,865.20 219,977.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 37,709.66 14,266.52 35,583.00 31,080.34 29,311.00 106% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 349,387.54 237,574.77 235,652.38 248,945.54 249,288.00 100% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 31,163.26 105,610.10 134,451.31 140,159.57 176,424,00 79% OPERATING EXPENSES 522,052.25 489,463.21 548,329.41 557,143.39 524,458.00 106% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 553,215.51 595,073.31 697,280.72 697,302.96 700,882.00 99% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 10,584,014.31 9,769,295.49 9,697,172.74 10,214,723.13 10,565,358.00 97% CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT - 9/30/2014 FUND 310 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining A 131 1 Old City Hall Windows (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - A1411 Computer Overhaul 250,000.00 225,070.07 90.03% - 24,929.93 A1412 Diesel Fuel Tank 35,000.00 3,696.00 1056% 27,014.00 4,290.00 A1413 Police Vehicles (CLOSED) 233,204.82 233,204.82 100,00% - 5,664.99 A1414 Stormwater Equipment (CLOSED) 134,152.45 134,152.45 100.00% - 848,947.48 0.00 A1223 652,357.27 596,123.34 91.38% 27,014.00 29,21993 FUND 320 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Project Project Project Project Expenditures Percent Number Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining C0921 Schumann Park Improvements (CLOSED) 248,191.19 248,191.19 100.00% 500,000.00 0,00 CI 123 Bark Park Amenties (CLOSED) 71,812.16 71,812,16 100.00% 39,391.00 - C l 125 Riverview Park Irrigation Fountains 25,000.00 19,335.01 45.85% 90.32% 5,664.99 A1222 Biueway Signage (CLOSED) 5,939.83 5,939.83 100.00% 848,947.48 0.00 A1223 Bleacher Shields - (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - - A1320 Fish House Improvements 497,850,00 49,828.85 10.01% 32,351.27 415,669.78 A1322 Schumann Park Playground (CLOSED) 18,397.23 18,397.23 100.00% - - A1325 Community Center Playground (CLOSED) 23,400.00 23,400.01 100.00% A1421 Mooring Fields (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - A1422 Tennis Wall 32,000.00 19,020.00 59.44% 12,980.00 A1423 Batting Cage(Dugouts(CLOSED) 13,845.00 13,845.00 100.00% A1424 Disc Golf® Stormwater Park 18,000.00 - 0.00%n 17,999.00 A1521 Community Center Parking 2,000.00 740,00 37,00% 1,260.00 A1522 Fisherman's Landing Shoreline 22,000.00 350.00 1.59% - 21,650.00 978 435.41 462,985.79 47.32% 40,274.86 475,173.76 FUND 330 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining C1132 Gateway Enhancement 25,000.00 5,321.49 21.29% 17,550.00 2,128.51 A1231 Presidential Streets 991,655.00 656,337.79 66.19% 304,301.23 31,01.5.98 Al 234 Davis Street Sewer (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - - A 1330 Barber Street Bridge Repairs (CLOSED) 72,032.28 72,032.28 100.00% A1431 Barber Street Realignment (CLOSED) - - 0.00% A1432 Sidewalk Construction (CLOSED) 19,274.86 19,274.86 100.00% - A1433 Street Repaving 103,888.00 228.80 0,22% 103,659.20 A1434 Tulip Drive 351,000.00 19,750.00 5.63% 331,250.00 A1435 Hardee Pedestrian Bridge Reconstruction (CLOSED) 13,400.00 13,400.00 100.00% - A1531 Police Station Parking 2,000.00 - 0.00% 2,000.00 A1532 Cav Corp Parking 2,000.00 2,350.00 117.50% (350,00) 1,580,250.14 772,945.22 48.91% 321,851,23 33,144,49 FUND 363 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND Project Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Bud et To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining C 1601 Stormwater Master Plan (CLOSED) 58,000.00 58,000.00 100.00% - A1461 Quarter Round 500,000.00 446,018.75 88.44%Q 53,981.25 A1462 Pipe Sliplining Closed 39,391.00 39,391.00 100.00% - - Airport Equipment (CLOSED) 137,856.57 597,391.00 58,000.00 90.32% 57,817.25 FUND 455 AIRPORT PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining A1351 Main Street Access Road 1,641,163.00 157,372.45 9.59% 781,352.50 702,438.05 A145I AP Hangar 875,000.00 105,253.02 12.03% 67,594.98 702,152.00 A1415 Airport Equipment (CLOSED) 137,856.57 137,856.57 100.00% - - 2,516,163.00 262,625.47 0.22 848,947.48 1,404,590,05 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 As of September 30, 2014, the total of the City's cash and investments were $11,601,805.73. Of this, $7,997,280.55 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank and $3,604,525.18 was invested with the State Board of Administration. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not currently hold any investments in government securities. At this time, the obtainable yields for maturities less than three years are still less than the yield received on our checking account, which is .30%p over the rate for 13 week Treasury Bills. The State Board rate has been in a range of about .16%. SEACOAST NATIONAL BAND CURRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund $ 3,545,000.33 44.33% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 128,134.67 1.60% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 1,660,495.43 20.76% Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 546,727.92 6.84% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 578,974.58 7.24% Stonnwater Revenue Fund (9,259.96) -0.12% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 4,206.95 0,05% DST Bond Fund 593,802.19 7.43'% Stormwater Bond Fund 201,473.89 2.52% Captial Projects Fund 36,478.04 0.46% Capital Improvements Fund (1,501.36) -0.02% Transportation Projects (567,007.32) -7.09% Stormwater Projects 8,933.20 0.11% Golf Course Operations Fund (84,032.34) -1.05% Airport Operations Fund 52,526.03 0.66% Airport Projects Fund (1,763.81) -0.02%® Building Department Operations Fund 711,071.33 8.89% Cemetery Trust Fund 581,090.78 7.27%u Performance Deposits Fund 11,930.00 0.15% Total Bank Balance $ 7,997,28055 100.00% STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund +Perfonnance Deposits $ 1,836,786.04 50.96% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 851,171.05 23.61%© Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 96,365.52 2.67% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund 32,267.42 0.90% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 16,590.22 0.46% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 49,640.72 1.38% Golf Course Projects Fund 95,758.30 2.66% Building Department Fund 368,749.45 10.23% Cemetery Trust Fund 257,196.46 7.14% Total SBA Balance $ 3,604,525.18 100.00% aft W SfIBASTIM ��' . HOME of PELICAN ISLAND Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Joe Griffin, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: November 12, 201.4 Ke: 4`b Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2014 Enclosed please End the 4'h Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2014. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters + City Clerk prepared, scanned agenda packets, attended and recorded minutes for six Regular City Council meetings and two Special City Council meetings + Completed follow up of approved. Council matters — letters, emails, scanning to LF, indexing, certifying • 14 resolutions adopted by Council • No ordinances adopted by Council + Recorded one resolution with Clerk of Court • 8 proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor • Placed on legal notice and one display ad in Press Journal • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations • Managed Council emails for retention and scanned and forwarded incoming mail to Council • Prepared travel reimbursements for five Council Members for FLC Annual Conference Records Management Program • Responded to 15 public records requests • 27 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned & 15 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred -It Recycling • Scanned into Laserfiche 19 sets of minutes, 24 agenda packets, 16 Resolutions, no Ordinances, 7 contracts, 41 Cemetery files, 2 budget documents and 100 Capital Project documents + Laserfiche Program upgraded to version 9. 1.1 with assistance of MIS and MCCi Election Matters • Two election legal ads placed - July and August • 2nd candidate pre -qualified and withdrew • Five Candidates completed qualification by Sept 5 deadline + Received Mb, M7 and M8 Treasurer's Reports from PAC • Received M8 Reports from candidates in September • Mailed election assessment checks to State Election Commission Trust / <074 City Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared one board appointment transmittal for Council, notified and provided info to appointee, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages and posted on O:drive • Prepared two certificates of appreciation for outgoing members • City Clerk attended and recorded 1 Board of Adjustment meeting • City Clerk attended and recorded 2 CRA meetings • Deputy City Clerk prepared agenda, attended and recorded 2 Veterans Advisory Board meetings • Deputy Clerk prepared agenda, attended and recorded 3 Natural Resources Board meeting • Deputy Clerk attended and recorded 2 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meetings • Published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and council Audio -Visual, Website and Other E Records Matters • Filled Audio Visual Specialist PT position Matt Sinno • ERIM conducted complete review of City website for errors, corrections, removal and updates • Work orders submitted for AV and website updates/additions closed: Electronic Records — 10; Hardware — 19; Network —1 l; Order — 6; Other —8; Photography — 2; Publication — 40; Security — 6; Telecom (cell phones) — 9; Software — 38; Training — 13; Website/COS-TV/PP Presenations — 229; No Subtype -I • ERIM continued assistance to MIS with after hours on call responsibility • ERIM supervised or attended for live broadcast or recording of 18 night and 5 day meetings • ERIM created WiFi program for City Council Chambers and legislative office and user contract • ERIM and Clerk — Recruitment and review of AV Technicians — interviewed and submitted selection of two applicants • ERIM assisted PD in Night Out materials • ERIM and AVSpec filmed GC commercials, Chief Police updates and SRHS Sharks Parade for CH 25 • ERIM updated computers in AV Division Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 26 locations for a total of $31,700.00 • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention • Entered into Pontem database all burials and lots/niches sold Community/Staff Matters • Responded to 90 public inquiry e-mails to the General City of Sebastian a -mail address and/or forwarded to appropriate departments for response • ERIM volunteered for after school Computer training for Sebastian River Middle School Personnel/Educational Matters • Clerk and Deputy Clerk attended Microsoft 7 Training • Deputy Clerk participated in Political Committees & Electioneering Communications Webinar on 7/31/14 and 8/29/14 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared P Quarter 2014 Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Presented Power Point presentation to the City Council to assist in deciding the appropriate rate to set as the proposed millage. • Presented the Capital Improvement Program to the Planning Board. • Presented Power Point presentation to the Citizen's Budget Advisory Committee on the Recommended Budget and assisted with their determination of their recommendations to the City Council. • Presented Power Point presentation to the City Council on the Recommended Budget and Capital Improvement Program at a Special Meeting and Workshop. • Presented final recommendations on the millage and budget at the required Public Hearings. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Completed required paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Approved payments on major contracts. • Recruited, interviewed and hired new employees and replacements for other vacant positions. • Reorganized the Department following the resignation of the Administrative Services Director. 9�? POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into CAPERS... 821 • Arrest Reports (Juveniles)....................................................................... 10 • Arrests Reports (Adults) ................................... .... 87 .................................. • Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into CAPERS...... 81 • Traffic Citations processed and entered into CAPERS .......... . ....... . ....... . ........ . . 260 • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into CAPERS ..................... 5 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into CAPERS ............... 745 • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed .................................................. 264 • Traffic Enforcements........................................................................ 682 • Code Violations, including parking ........................... . ............. . ............ . 344 • Public Records Request., April 55; May 48; June 48 ..........................................151 • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Conducted mock onsite assessment for Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. • Administration► attended 8 Council and special meetings. • Attended over 70 Law Enforcement related meetings and 19 public meetings and/or speaking engagements.' • Attended several training classes as students or instructors. • Interviewed for two 911 operator positions and hired two. • Interviewed and hired a police officer to replace an open position. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,322 hours during this quarter. • 52 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall saving time for the employees by not having to leave their assigned duties. • 6 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 1,086 house watches/close patrols were completed, • 47 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. • 45 business checks were made. These business checks are done and help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. • 56 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 40 Airport checks were made. Again the visibility helps to deter crime. • 127 special details were assigned. • 12 miscellaneous assist for law enforcement personnel. • 78 paper runs i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff's Office, etc, The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and what ever other items are needed, • Assisted with traffic control on 6 traffic crash scenes. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking issued, • 34 citizen contacts. • 403 Miscellaneous jobs. • 59 hours of Funeral Escorts were done. School Resource Officer • Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service, accidents and covering shift shortages as well as follow ups of reports taken. • Assisted Officer Marcinik with programs he was conducting. • Prepared for Shop With A Cop fundraiser "Christmas in July" by planning and going to many businesses for support. • Held Shop With A Cop fundraiser "Christmas in July" at Riverview Park where over $3,000 was raised. • Assisted Officer Marcinik with program held on Monday at the Boys and Girls Club during the summer. • Assisted the police Volunteers with funeral escort. • Participated in Meals on Wheels every Thursday with the volunteers. • Assisted in Crossing Guard training. • Coordinated and completed helmet fitting training, • Attended. Kindergarten camp at Sebastian Elementary to meet new students before school began in mid-August, • Attended orientation for Sebastian Charter Junior High in the evening at the Elk's Lodge. • Conducted numerous area checks each week once school began in mid-August at the three schools in Sebastian's jurisdiction. Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 2,570 calls for service, and self -initiated 4,414 events. • 106 adult and 4 juvenile arrest were made. • Officers issued 202 traffic citations, 6 parking citations, and 920 written warnings. + Officers completed 886 offense reports and 1 ] 8 crash reports. Citations Warnings Incidents Arrests • Traffic Homicides (1) 25 93 41 1 • Boat Ofe (ID 447) Assigned to shift coverage. K-9 Ofe's 45 141 55 19 + TOTALS 70 234 96 20 • K-9 Arrest (Misdemeanors) 17 • K-9 Arrest (Felonies) 2 • K-9 Training hours 320 • K-9 In -House Training Hours 45 • K-9 Demonstrations 7 • K-9 Narcotic Searches 30 • K-9 Activity Usages 15 Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Commull_ity Policing • Attended 24 business contacts/meetings. These locations include numerous financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Civic Organizations, Publix, Wal-Mart, Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers and many other local businesses & numerous committees. • Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service, traffic enforcement violations and school zone safety enforcement, • Officer Marcinik completed approximately 120 hours on backgrounds for applicants. • Officer Marcinik conducted approximately 8 hours of car seat inspection & education to the public. • Officer Marcinik conducted or facilitated 12 hours of presentations for Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp Program. • Officer Marcinik also had approximately 40 hours of community problem solving/intervention, This activity is responding to various neighborhood issues, neighborhood watch and HOA meetings and educating citizens in crime prevention methods to reduce redundant calls for service. • Officer Marcinik had 2 hours of Recruiting. This includes emails, phone calls, walk-in inquiries and presentations.. • Officer Marcinik conducted 6 bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement programs at our three schools. The bike safety and pedestrian program is an effort to reduce accidents and promote safe bicycling and compliance with Florida law with the youth in the community. • Officer Marcinik conducted 2 child I.D. programs at various locations which provided approximately 100 families with child ID's. • Officer Marcinik has approximately 2 hours working with DCF regarding adults in need of services and the Department's RUOK automated calling program. • Officer Marcinik has completed and provided 8 hours of recertification training for crossing guards and supervises and evaluates crossing guards daily. • Officer Marcinik has numerous hours invested in the planning, facilitating and participation with numerous events to include the Meals on Wheels, Neighborhood Watch Groups, Media Relations, CTST meetings, S.A.F.E. Program, Sebastian's Community Night Out, Citizens Academy, Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, N.O.P.E. Program and Scout Tours and presentations. Investigations 110 jL1Y August September Active Cases 56 52 53 Cases Assigned 24 25 11 Cases Closed 18 15 6 Cases Inactive 13 19 6 Arrest 0 0 0 9 of Warrants Obtained 5 2 2 Reports/Supplement 29 31 22 110 Communications Division • 12,409 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that: • 4,184 were dispatched calls for service. • 2,277 were Code Enforcement initiated tails. • 4,399 were Officer Initiated calls. + 1,285 were Volunteer Initiated calls. a Total 911 calls received 2,959 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: • Wireless 911 calls — 2,388 (cell phones) • Wire -line 911 calls — 397 (residential and/or business land lines) • VOIP 911 calls — 174 • 839 of the calls were transferred to other agencies. • 198 were 911 hang-ups. Total Admin Lines calls: • Incoming 5,986 • Outgoing 2,804 • Transferred 1,432 Training attended: • 1 FDLE CJIS Symposium Training. • 9 Dispatchers completed Police Legal Science monthly training. • 9 Dispatchers completed APCO monthly training articles. • 4 Attended Dealing with suicidal callers. • Radio and playback repaired, • Telephone and computer repairs. • 1 Dispatcher was hired. • 1 Dispatcher resigned. • 1 Dispatcher completed training. • Dispatchers worked at County EOC while 911 phones were upgraded. During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign off's, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them, We take and dispatch all non -emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code .Enforcement and Volunteer services. We assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FC1C/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. Communications helps officers to search for information, phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. Communications also assist other agencies with information and/or request they may have. Alarm Assessments • $830 in alarm permits (new and renew). $550 in false alarms fines. • 184 alarm responses by officers, 100 of these were false. • 42 New permits issued. Code Enforcement Division Of the 2,379 code calls for the quarter, the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 629 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 105 property inspections for title companies and 90 sign violations. • 549 Code Services. • 972 re -inspections, 85 violations were not complied with, 300 were posted for abatement, 75 abated by vendors. • 507 violations complied. + 28 Liens filed, 17 liens released. • 352 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. + There was one call for a water violation during the quarter. I �l PUBLfC WORKS DEPARTMENT Roads and Maintenance • Prep Island for 4"' of July fireworks • Added on to sides of the foot bridge at Hardee Park, Filled in edge of sidewalk with dirt and laid sod • Trimmed trees at City Hall, Friendship park, Boys and Girls Club and throughout the City • Weed eat the ditch bank at Nu Pak, Schumann and throughout the City • Removed turbidity barriers from Fisherman's landing and pressure washed and took to airport for storage • Checked lights at Lake Drive and Schumann Park • Took new enclosed trailer out to the weld shop. • Worked on catch basins • Replaced lights at flag pole on Main Street • Checked and repaired docks throughout the City • Replaced photo eye at CavCor Property • Replaced light at 512 Flagpole • Finished Painting bridges throughout the city • Tore down old water cooler gazebo at the Golf Course and hauled to landfill • Hauled dirt for Ron Rose • Repaired parking stop at Chamber of Commerce fixed paver in parking lot corner of Main and Indian River Dr • Repaired road crossings on South Wimbrow • Took Scrap metal from Compound and Airport to scrap yard • Checked bathrooms throughout the city • Curb style catch basin repairs on Englar Dr, Admiral Circle, formed up for Concrete contractor • Took mower deck handle out to the welding shop • Strip out two D basins for Storm water • Picked up couch on side of road (Perch Lane) • Installed pathway signs throughout the City • Removed black mesh from fisherman's landing dock • Made new block outs for catch basins • Organized and cleaned up PW room (couldn't find materials in timely fashion or see what we had in stock) • Paul went to the airport • Replaced Table Top and benches on south Gazebo at Yacht Club • Replaced numerous boards on yacht club dock • Picked up new trailer at weld shop • Installed orange netting, barricades and plywood on north side of Washington Street for construction safety • Filled in trench at Golf Course, where silt fence was going to be installed. • Cleaned roofs of gazebos' and bathrooms from debris at Schumann Park • Closed playground at Friendship Park and removed all foam tiles and hauled to landfill • Weed eat city bridges and guardrails • Road crossing on S.Wimbrow, new asphalt for pipe • Replaced mailbox post at 901 Devon • Pothole filling with remainder of hot asphalt left over from road crossing • Fixed S. Wimbrow road crossing wash out so sod could be laid • Met up with Matt from Shoreline, got them set up with signs and barricades for Indian River Drive Light Poles • Took out Tractor parts to welding shop for Greg for airport new tractor • Installed batteries in barricade lights and installed new barricades • .Edged both sides of Barber Street from 512 -Lake Drive for Road edging Paint • Replaced light timer for volleyball courts at Riverview Park • Cleaned up and did lawn at the compound • Checked all docks on river for loose, broken, or rotted wood, also checked all lights. This is done weekly • Checked wood bridge at park on Kildare replaced broken boards • 413 Biscayne installed orange fencing around pool enclosure • Weekly walk around at Crabby Bills check all decks, handrails for safety. Check all lights • Installed signs on dumpster enclosures at Crab E Bills • Checked all street lights on Indian River Drive, Jackson Street, Main Street flag pole weekly • Repaired (temp) rotted wood on Periwinkle and Barber for bridges • Went through all old catch basin wood to re-do and build new forms to be more organized to have faster turnaround time and organization • Trim trees at Golf Course and city hall • Trim trees and weed eat throughout the City of Sebastian Repaired pot holes with cold patch • Finished up the 2 "D" catch basins • Replaced shower handle on the splash pad • Fixed the front doors at Crab E Bills • Picked up stage from Riverview Park • Checked and repaired all street lights on Indian :River Drive and City Dock • Installed gutter at Crab E Bills on south side of building • Installed slide locks on front doors on south side of crab e Bills, also fixed dead bolt on north side in the market. • Added plywood on rotting spots on Periwinkle and Barber Foot Bridges • Checked lights and gazebo at Garden Club replaced flag light and photo eye • Checked all docks throughout the City of Sebastian Cut sidewalk at Crab E Bills • Painted graffiti on Stevenson Street • Put. up new bike path signs throughout City of Sebastian Replaced lamp on Indian River Drive Light • Relaced 2 fuses and holders on Indian River Drive Light • Repaired edge of road/driveway wash out • Hauled brush from fill pile to Vero (3 days) • Hauled orange dirt from cemetery to fill pile • Fixed washout on Indian River Drive sidewalk and yacht club • Temporarily patched rotted wood on Barber Street Foot Bridge • Checked Indian River Drive Lights, cavcor lights, Easy Street lights done bi-weekly • Checked all docks at Crab E Bills weekly • Finished tearing out braces on new trailer • Replaced (2) top hat fixtures Main Street .Dock Parking Lot • Repaired gazebo bench and table top at Main Street Dock • Replaced wood on top of bed on SW615 • Closed down streets for 9/11 event • Installed 72 bricks at war memorial • Installed 4 bricks at the clock • Installed new light pole on Indian River Drive • Installed new light pole at Garden Club Park • Trim Trees at Garden Club Park Repaired pot holes throughout the City of Sebastian Replaced ballard cover on Barber Street Foot Bridge • Installed new board on fence at Garden Club Park • Replaced light fixture at filet table on Main Street Dock • Ran Drainage pipe along outside wall for ice machine at Golf Course • Removed scrap for Greg at Golf Course • Replaced sink in back building at Compound • Replaced lamp at Main Street Flag • Meeting at Crab-E-Bills • Went and located Roof Leak at Crab-E-Bills (roofer came out to repair) • Replaced in use cover at Crabby-E-Bills • Checked lights at Hardee Park • Cut trees at Hardee Park • Replaced light fixture top at Easy Street Park • Took Curt Oxford around to add stickers on Pathway signs • Changed photo eye out for pathway lights, resealed flag pole light box at Garden Park • Formed up "D" catch basin foundation • Took stage to Riverview Park and set up for SRHS homecoming parade • Set out barricades and closed off streets for SRHS homecoming parade • Took load of scrap to Mr. Scrap • Checked a]I public restrooms throughout the City of Sebastian Set up barricades on flooded streets • Pot holes throughout the City of Sebastian Started building "D" catch basin for Blossom Drive ��Z • Crab -E- Bills meetings, painting, helping out with historical display set up • Removed dead alligator from canal on Sunport Road • Delivered stage to Vero (Riverside Park Art Festival) and set up • Picked up stage from Vero and took back to Riverview Park • Repaired Power Post in Riverview Park • Cleaned off bathroom and gazebo roof at Schumann Park • Call outs: Stop Sign knocked down at 512 and High Street, water leak at Golf Course Cart Barn, light pole hit on Indian River Drive south of Earl's • Repair walk in cooler at Crab E Bills (panels and trim falling off) • Meet roofers and refrigerator guy at Crab E Bills • Changed tight fixture at Twin Piers • Set out barricades on flooded streets • Repaired and Re -secured I.R. Drive Light • Back filled hole behind apartments on Indian River Drive where Shenandoah installed new pipes. • Repaired (2) gazebo benches in Riverview Park • Cleaned up the fill pile • Removed covers from Easy Street Park sidewalk lights and cleaned (full of mud and debris) • Repaired broken gate hinge on dumpster enclosure behind Hess • Hauled dirt for Ricky with Capp for new diesel tank concrete slab • Hauled dirt for Tim Rose Construction for Indian River Drive yard piping • Cut trees back off sidewalk on Main Street Sign and Traffic Control • Sign Fabrication 371 • Regulatory signs 43 • Warning Signs 20 • Guide signs 20 Cemetery • The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. • Marked out grave sites. • Made necessary irrigation repairs. • Handled burials, etc. Parks and Recreation • Prepared Indian River Drive & Riverview Park for 4h of July Celebration. • Replaced 8 electrical outlets in Riverview Park • Replaced irrigation clocks at City Hall, P.D. & Friendship Park (lightning damage) • Assisted with Patriot Day Ceremony • Repaired wind screens & fence at Friendship Park Tennis Courts (wind damage) • Added clay and leveled baseball infields at Barber St. Sports Complex (rain damage) • Repaired lighting on football fields at Barber St. Sports Complex (lightning damage) • Drilled new well & installed new pump at N. Central for U.S. 1 medians • Replaced swings at Creative Playground & Filbert St. Park • Installed new handicap swing at Friendship Park • Distributed flyers to Schools and had signups for Fall Gymnastic & Dance Classes • Repaired fences at Veterans Memorial and Blossom Park • Removed 2 dead trees at Periwinkle Park • Mowed retention ponds on Day and Schumann Drives • Groomed Volleyball Courts in Riverview Park • Repaired Playground slide at Bryant Court Park • Made repairs on clay tennis courts at Friendship Park • Continued regular maintenance Fleet Management • The Fleet Management staff completed 263 repair work orders, 44 preventive maintenance services, 25 service calls and 5 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 4_9 vehicles and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. A. Purchased the following vehicles and equipment: 1. (2) John :Deere Mowers for Parks 2. (1) Ford F-650 Dump Truck B. Took Delivery of the following units: 1. (1) Ford F-650 Dump Truck for Public Works 2. (2) John Deere Mowers for Parks C. Completed the prep (Lights, Racks, Graphics, etc.) on the following Units: 1. Ford -650 .Dump Truck (PW27) 2. Parks Mowers (P-393 — P -394) D. Completed the sale of equipment 1. Total for the year $54,$06,25 E. Trade-in value of Equipment: 1. 12,000 Motorcycles 2. 42,000 (2) Backhoes (JD 710) 3. 16,000 Bobcat Excavator Total: $70,000 • Fuel cost as of 6 Oct. 2014 is as follows: • $2.80 per gallon of gasoline decrease of 13% over the past 90 days • $3.09 per gallon of diesel fuel decrease of 9% over the past 90 days Facilities Maintenance • Conducted quarterly sprinkler tests. • Upgrade lift station with additional pump at Yacht Club. • Complete roof repairs Fisherman's landing. • Pressure clean and paint restrooms Hardee Park. • Clean, strip and wax floors, hang five celling fans Community Center. • Upgrade software for computerized A/C controls. Complete AJC repairs Old School House unit 91, City Hall unit # RTU -2, Art Club, Airport Admin. #4,5 and 10,Golf Course #1 & #3, Fisherman's Landing 41, Senior Center#1. • Fire alarm repairs at Police Department, Old School House and Hanger B. • Arrange Council Chambers for early voting. • Police Department, scrub and refinish floors, replace all stained ceiling tiles, generator repairs, and electronic gate repairs. • Continue monitoring of contracts with pest control, A/C, elevators, fire sprinklers and fire alarm monitoring, • Continued monthly preventative maintenance schedule on lift stations, A/C filters, gates, etc. Completed five year service on City Hall flag poles. • Continued daily maintenance, cleaning and repair of all public work facilities. Stormwater • %4 Project • Driveways Replaced -- 44 • Pipe Installed 1,610 LF • Side Ditches Piped — 1 • Armadillo — Approx. 31,000 LF in Unit 4 and 6 • Rear Ditch Excavation — 60% of Unit 1 All main Ditches west of Barber Street • Vac Truck o Driveway Culverts — 19 Debris collected 30 CY o Road Crossings — 10 o Catch Basins — 4 — Debris collected 3 CY COLT COURSE Is Total revenue for 4'h quarter: $160,698, an increase of $343 over fiscal 12- 13 4'h quarter (despite losing the last two weeks of September due to record-setting rainfall amounts). A) Golf Rounds for 4'h quarter: 8,632, an increase of 244 rounds over fiscal 12-13 4th quarter. B) Green Fee revenue for 4'h quarter: $40,833. C) Cart Fee revenue for 4th quarter: $96,189, an increase of $8,008 over fiscal 12-13 4'h quarter. D) Golf shop revenue for 4'h quarter: $10,284. E) Driving range revenue for 4th quarter: $5,656. F) Discount Card revenue for 4'h quarter: $0 (Discount cards not sold during 4th quarter, majority of sales collected in I" & 2nd quarter.) G) Club Rental & Club Storage revenue for 4th quarter: $329. H) Computerized golf handicap revenue for 4'h quarter: $0. Golf Handicaps not sold during 4'h quarter, majority of sales collected in 1st & 2nd quarter.) I) Rents & Royalty revenue for 3rd quarter: $6,758. J) Annual Membership/Initiation revenue for 4th quarter: $0 (majority of membership / initiation revenue collected in 1st quarter). K) Professional golf lesson revenue for 4'h quarter: $646, an increase of $40 over fiscal 12-13 4'h quarter. *Note: modest increase in overall revenue, rounds and cart fees. In part, this is due to a number of special coupons available for customers. Without question, the coupons have helped increase activity. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 4'h quarter include Indian River Airboat Association (142. players), Barefoot Bay Golf Association (40 players), The I" Inaugural Jim Melia Reading for Students Foundation (78 players), Treasure Coast Builders Association (66 players), Sebastian River Boys & Girls Golf Team Fundraiser (90 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for Lst quarter (14-15) include Central Baptist Church, Sebastian Italian -American Club, Sebastian Tiki Bar benefitting Breast Cancer Research & 2014 Sebastian Amateur. • Driving range netting project completed. • International Golf Maintenance, Inc. (IGM), the maintenance provider for the golf course property, signed new, 10 - year contract entailing IGM become 100% responsible for all golf maintenance equipment acquisition and repair. • Sebastian River High School Boys and Girls Golf Teams started 2014 Florida State High School Athletic Association season, with Sebastian Golf Club serving as their home course. Devised, implemented and conducted an annual fund raiser for the golf teams, raising over $4,300. Conducted several free Junior Golf Clinics in conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation. Junior clinics also scheduled throughout school -year, highlighting elementary and middle -school juniors, with Sebastian River High School Golf Team members assisting and serving as role -models. AIRPORT • Working on Main Street access road Improvements Project. • On-going Stormwater maintenance. Economic Development • Partnered w/Sebastian Chamber on print advertising campaign. • Budgeted for $20,000 in FY2014 to be spent on economic development. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 45 new single-family homes were issued building pen -nits. This is approximately the same as the amount reported in the second and third quarter of this fiscal year. Other permits of significance include 3 new manufactured homes, 2 new commercial buildings, 0 commercial additions, 11 commercial alterations, 1 commercial build outs, 6 residential additions and 1 lresidential alteration. In all, 899 building permits were issued in the fourth quarter. This is only 2% less than the third quarter. • Total number of inspections for the third quarter was 2757 for an average of 43 inspections per working day. The number of inspections has remained roughly the same as the third quarter. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the third quarter included 45 new single family residences, 3 commercial certificates of occupancy and 1 commercial certificates of completion. • The end result for fiscal year 2013-2014 for overall new single-family permits issued was 171. This is equally comparable to the 168 new single-family building permits issued in fiscal year 2012-2013. The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the fourth quarter: New Businesses -44, Renewals -807, Transfers -8, Duplicates -1, Home Based Businesses -27, Commercial Businesses -18, Insurance Companies -8, and Solicitor Permits -3. In addition, there have been 67 requests frorn lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. The Building Department permitting and inspection activity is relatively the same as the third quarter. Larger more significant projects are currently going through the review process and there are few more slated for permitting very soon. This department also actively follows up on complaints from citizens regarding contractual issues with licensed contractors, unpermitted work and unsafe structures. We also continue to pursue enforcement action when necessary to stop unlicensed contractor activity. Disciplinary actions taken by the building department for work being done without permits or proper licensing yielded approximately $5977 in fines this past fiscal year. III Memorandum To: Sebastian Budget Review Committee Copy: Ken Killgore From: Edward H. Herlihy Date: 1/22/2015 Re: First Meeting & some thoughts for 2015-16 Budget The first meeting for the Budcom will be February 2, 2015 at 6 PM. We will be "organizing" the Committee by selecting Chairman/Vice Chairman for the year, discussing the last year's budget results as well as discussion of items for the upcoming budget year. We have two new members of the Budcom this year, Michael Frank and Terry Taylor. Please welcome them to the Committee. Some reminders: 1. Ken Killgore, City's Chief Financial Officer, is our contact with the City. Please feel free to contact him at any time with questions or comments. 2. The Florida Sunshine law governs us all. If you do not know about it or need refreshing, please ask. Basically, Committee members cannot discuss Budcom business between any of us except at a public meeting. 3. If you want to disseminate information to the members of the Budcom, you must do it through Ken. Send him an e-mail (kkillgore@cityofsebastian.org) and he will send it out with a cover letter. This way the information will become part of the public record through the City e-mail system. 4. Ken will be sending out a calendar of Budcom meetings. Please note all of the meetings. We all know they happen during vacation season but we do need everyone at all meetings if possible. Please let Ken know as far in advance as possible if you cannot make a meeting. 5. It is possible that there will be an added meeting in April to review spending on the Budcom's three major items from last year. They include Lagoon January 22, 2015 ($100,000), All Aboard Florida ($50,000), Roads ($157,000). That meeting could also be used to discuss new, major projects. 6. In looking back at this last budget year, the Budcom made quite an impact on the City budget. Ken Killgore summed up our work very well in the latest "Pelican Newsletter". If you did not see the article, it is attached for reference. Thanks Ken. The following are some key issues that we may face this year during the budget process. 1. Possible canal repairs. How does the City finance, if necessary? 2. Golf Course irrigation project funding. Could be $1M. 3. Continued funding for roads. 4. Addition Lagoon funding 5. Staff size increase? 6. Capital equipment and projects Please bring your thoughts, ideas and any pertinent information to our first meeting of the New Year. We can discuss any issue in detail during the meeting. Attachment: 2 THIS YEAR'S CITY BUDGET ISSUES BY: KEN KILLGORE, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER As the City began the budget process this year, the negotiated 3% pay increase for the employees had to be covered and it was important to allocate funds to street resurfacing needs. The City has fallen behind on street resurfacing and this can result in additional costs to completely rebuild roadways in the future. It was possible to fund several large road reconstruction projects from discretionary sales surtax revenues but normal maintenance like street resurfacing is not permitted from those funds. Local option gas tax revenues should be the primary source of funds for these cost but those revenues are not sufficient. Therefore, there was a need to consider supplementing monies from General Fund sources of revenue, which is largely derived from property taxes. The City Council appointed Citizen's Budget Review Advisory Committee conducted several meetings to review and discuss this and they also identified some other issues they felt were important to _address. They determined that most of the concerns could be only be afforded with a millage of 3.8556 and proposed the following allocation of the added revenues: • $15,000 for matching funds for a possible COPS grant. • $50,000 for All Aboard Florida expenditures regarding passenger rail service. • $100,000 for addressing improvements related to the Indian River Lagoon. • $100,000 for street resurfacing work. As a result of successful negotiations on the contracts for employee health insurance, an additional $57,000 became available for appropriation. There was agreement that these funds would be added to amounts being budgeted for street resurfacing. The City Council appointed Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee also played a role in formulating the budget for the Recreation Impact Fee Fund. At a series of meetings, the Committee worked with staff to develop a priority project list which was recommended to City Council and memorialized in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Also, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and recommended to City Council that the CIP for fiscal years 2015 through 2020 be adopted. In the end, the City Council voted to follow the Citizen's Budget Review Advisory Committee's recommendations to increase the rnl4age-.to-3..85 6 ---and added -the $15000-for--�PS grant - matching, the $50,000 for All Aboard Florida expenditures, the $100,000 for the Indian River Lagoon improvements and the $157,000 for street resurfacing. This millage is about 3.7% higher than last year's rate of 3.7166 but taxpayers are affected differently, dependent on homestead exemptions and taxable values set by the Property Appraisers Office. CITY OF SEBASTIAN FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 BUDGET CALENDAR TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 01/28/15 DATE DAY EVENT 01/28/15 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm —Budget Calendar Approval 02/02/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 4`" Quarter FY2014 Budget Report 02/13/15 Friday Departments Receive Instructions for Capital Improvement Program 03/02/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review ls` Quarter Budget Report 03/06/15 Friday Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Finance Director 03/11/15 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Approve V Quarter Budget Report 04/17/15 Friday Departments Receive Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation 05/08/15 Friday Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Finance Director 06/01/15 Monday Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/08/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 2nd Quarter Budget Report 06/10/15 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm —Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Report 06/12/15 Tuesday Finish City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 06/15/15 Monday DR -420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/19/15 Friday City Council and Budget Review Advisory Board Receive Recommended Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 06/22/15 Monday Parks and Recreation Board @6:00pm - City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program 06/29/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Presentation on Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 07/06/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Discussion and Comments on Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 07/08/15 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Receive Preliminary Budget Review Advisory Board Report and Approve Proposed Millage 07/16/15 Thursday Planning and Zoning Board Receives Capital Improvement Program 07/20/15 Monday Deadline to send DR -420 Proposed Millage Form to Property Appraiser 08/03/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Approve Chairpersons Report to City Council on Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 08/06/15 Thursday Planning and Zoning Board @7:00pm — Approval of Capital Improvement Program 08/10/15 Monday City Council @6:00pm — Special Meeting/Workshop on Budget Recommendations 08/24/15 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 3`d Quarter Budget Report 08/26/15 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Approve 3`d Quarter Budget Report 09/07/15 Monday Final Adoption of School Board Budget (Unconfirmed) 09/09/15 Wednesday First Public Hearing on County Budget (Unconfirmed) 09/14/15 Monday City Council @6:00pm — Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on Millage and Budget/Approval of Capital Improvement Program/Financial Policies 09/16/15 Wednesday Final Adoption of County Budget 09/19/15 Saturday Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budget 09/23/15 Wednesday CRA Meeting @6:00pm — Approve Community Redevelopment Agency Budget City Council @6:30pm — Final Public Hearing on Millage and Budget 09/24/15 Thursday Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser