HomeMy WebLinkAboutTwin Lakes Agreement - unsignedAGREEMENT THIS AGR]CEMENT a stored into between the CITY COUNCIL, of bebastian. Florida, as the governing body of the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, SUrida, a municipal corporation existing under tilt laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City"s and GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporatism. organised and existing under the laws of the .)tate of Delaware, authorised to do Masi*ass in the State of Florida, whose address and prineipal place of business is 2810 Coral 121W, Miami $4, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Compaep►", 11. HEhE AS,, an Ordinance was passed by the City to a=wx into the corporals limits of the City of Sebastian certain propotV aitated to Indian River Cousdy. Florida, lying contiguous to the present limits of the CIV of Sebastian and including Us following described property, to -wit: 1. The NE -1/4 of On SW -1/4 of the NW -1/4 of Section 17, Township 31 South, Flange 38 East. 2. Z'he W -1 / 2 of the S %k, -1 / 4 of the NM' -1 / 4 of eotion 17. Township 31 South, Range 38 East. 3. The E-1/2 of the NE -1/4 of Section 18, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, lose the East 1/2 of the NE -1/4 of the NZ -1/4 of Section IS, Township 31 South, ReaaP 38 East. 4. The E-1/2 of the 3E-1/4 of 8eetion 18, Township 81 South, Range 32 East. i. The Weat iia of the N`t,-1/4 of Booties 20, Townehip il,aouth Range 32 East. 0. The East 1/2 of the SW -1/4 of Section 20, Township 31 South, Range is East. NOW, THEREFORE, this Agreement is based upon the assumption than the following items are acceptable and agreeable to the City and that they will be carried out end pertormed by both the City and Compargr ae follows: 1. Tbs Company desires to plat and develop the at'oresaid described propertilr in various stages which shall coutais approximately twelve (12) iedividV%1 plats. The Compatgr agrees to make application to the City for each stage as it is developed and platted and agrees to comply at the time that the plat is submitted to the City for approval with all standards, regulations, specifications and further agrees to abide by asp► additional standards, spocitications, Sed/or subdivisica or additional ordinances that may be adopted by the City relative to platting of subdivisi=13. As soon as a plat is approved by the CU41, tics Conq*W agrees that sixty per coat (1196) e! the lots must be sold, which lots must include resident homes prior to the submission of approval for additional plats by the Ci%r. 1. It is further agreed that in the general overall development of tM above described land that the plats as they are submitted to the City shah be contiguous and the Cily *ball not be required to approve plats whift are act contiguous to plats preoiouefi► approved. S. It is further agreed that as each plat is accepted, the CamnPMSV will submit a performance bond for the construction of the streets and drainage and oilier Ums covered by the rules and regulations of tM Cif' In such amount as raq be set or designated by the Ci#T Council and they farther agree to Incorporate within the perfernaM bond as additioirsl guarantee to the City for the maintenance of the streets and drainage for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the streets and drainage. 4. The City agree+ to zone the above described property as residential in oedormity with the residential &ening regulations now presently outstanding within the Cur* 6. The area above described when imorporated In the City will be aseerOi on the tax rolls of the City Of aeresge, providing, however, that as each plat is aserpNd by the COW and a residential home is constructed on lots thereto, then in that event an each home is built NO e0VAtructed, the same shall be properly assessed upon the tax rolls of the City as improved properly. 6. b isjWOW OgraW brtwoft the C* *1A ComparW that the resident hemem, If be built saoordisg to the general e+r MU d opnaent plum of the CompwW& will be supplied with wat&r which will be dlstribbted UbjW We franchise new existing betw*m the City and Compal►, i earl tW Cid' re..17s t" rW tO amend or supplement the hIlrohise agreement as way be neoassairl► to Gompreheud the outstandingar+ee=neat Between the Chir and Compaegr relative id► i*VSMo Mod other UMN ss to the distribution of the water. As an additi+amal Cons i 101M flap ' d that the main water pleat for tins City tad storage tanks under the preVibift of iM lra*bldse of the City shall be located within the C HY Undts. 7. Itis further agreer *" 4W ' slab pW is submitted is the Cil► for approval, the plat will show the location of the WMW ttaas►missien UMW MA ti &lune line shall be placed upon public easements d tM • •2M " ` MSS X11. ,�. .r.�-. • w «+ry; S. It is further agreed that as each plat is submitted, the Company will submit, if necessary, a separate certificate releasing all Public easements and public dedications from any liens, encumbrances or mortgages of record which certifloate shall be filed, released and certified by the lien holder. Executed thin day of 01000. Sinned, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:, Approved as to form: B. Voce e,A orney STATE yDF F'LOMDA COUNTY ()F INDIAN RIVER CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipal corporation Attest: City Mark GENEFAL LEVELi)PMENT CORPORATiOli, Pres nt Att*st: - ` . :secretary► I UNR1373Y CERTIFY that on this day, before me, on officer duly authorised in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared well known to me to be the and City Clerk respectively of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, named as City is the foregoing Agreement and they acknowledged severally executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses f"elr and voluntar,Uy under authority duly, vested in them. WITNE3, my hand and olfieibl j& the County and State last aforesaid this �day of Notary,1000. , State of F16rida at LArge My Commission Expires:___^„____; STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I BEIiESY CERTIFY that on thin day, before me, an officer duly authorised in the :state and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared well known to me to be the President and Si cretary respectively of the corporation A �ent„ SM they severally acknowledged *arced as Company in the foregoing�'eeily executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses ttsat the seal d v ld the under authority duly vested in thorn by said corporation is the true corporate goal of said corporation. %� x1.pE3S my `and and official Boal is the Coua«y and State fart aforesaid this._ --!My _ _ #1960. Notary I'u , .tato 0 or at Large My Commission Expires: • 3w 401W(441, 4, M hLgr el SON`I'C, Mr. L. B. Vocelle Vocelle 21. Vocelle P. 0. Box 488 Vero Beach, Florida Dear Buck: J'Aw"XI), 7N 4t NnkA1 DVVRI OPM[Nt 1. M? 1'I00 A 111,N P 11 MIIX /I. I.r 11 A•.I IA N, I1111111-\ PIHINF. SEIIA'•IIAN A111 .1lU9 January 18, 1960 We are pleased to list below the legal description of the Twin Lakes Housing Area which Is to bo subject to the restrictions rcqutririjT W, of lots to ,•,(; hullt upon at -id sold prior to the submisslon o:f any other plats. Also, all. rosti.4ettons contained In l,sragi,aph ?_. Page 2 of your recent petition shall apply only to lots included In the descriptions listed below: , ✓ The ITE -q of the SWI of the NW'J of Section 17, Township 31 South, Range 38 East .The W-� of the SWI of the NW4 of Section' 17, 1� Township 31 South, Range 38`East The El� of the NE4 of Section 18, Township 31 South, Range 38 Eastless the East I of the NEq of 3 the I'd,EI of Section 16, Township 31 Souti,, Range 38 Fast The E2 of the SEI of Section 18, (Township 31 South, Range 39 East -_The West i, of the NW4 tof Section 209 Totianship 31, Range 39 East The Fast of the SW -41- of Sectlon 209 Township 31 South, Range 39 East All other lands'described in the petition and the ordinance are either adjoining and contiguous to our present City Limits along Fellsmere Road or contiguous to the former Kersey pr-)perty which was annexed by the City in 1958. JPS/ecf Very truly yours, GE ffl,RAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Set stian iIighla ds Division t 1 � J. P. Siegel Sales Manager (� DEVELOPERS OF PORT CHARLOTTE as Umtured in Life, Look, Saturday Evening Post, and Wide Wide World.