HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayfront TerraceHRS. DWYFR 599-3290 332 BArrRcNT TERRACE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS IN DITCH IN FRQlT OF PROPERTY. LR% �1 'THE DWYER RESIDENCE #331 S/W Bayfront Terrace Sebastian, Fl. 32958 589-3290 Phone GENERAL DEVELOPEMENT CORPORA'T'ION: &/ OR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN COUNCILMAN EVERETT GASS. IN LIEU OF THE FACT THAT I CALLED THE CLERK AT CITY HALL SEVERAL times (four to be exact) to complain about the water standing so long in front of my property, becomming stagnant, a breedin place for all, the Frogs, the polly-wogs, the Misquitoes,Etc. There is absolutely NO drainage on the side and frontal area of our property. The SNAKES are becomming more abundant, seeking higher ground, perhaps. The waterin the Center of what should be a Swirl, is standing at fourteen inches (140 and is up over the Property Line (3) three fEb2q§ washed out the soil under the fence, which is six inches from the line, killed three lovely trees which were(3) three feet, six inches inside the property line. These cost me thirteen, no, 12.98 each at the Nursery. The soil under the driveway for about four (4) feet is gone every day and is constantly being replaced, as we have to have entry to the house. The riYht-hand corner is washed out three to four foot and has been filled three times so far. THIS IS A DEPLORABLE SITUA'T'ION, A GENUINE MESS, A BREEDING GROUND FOR INFECTIOUS BACTERIA. '.i'HERE ARE CHILDREN HEREs I have been here since May 14th. and it was DRY ----May 28th. I think it was, it started to rain, ( We were very happy about this, as ,e had new grass seed and sod down,) Our ha,;.piness dfdnburse didn't last,however, a4 it is still raining and sta�finE & S'TAYIi,�G & STAYINGe ------------------- I received. no acknowledgement whatsover from my calls to the CITY, other than the last one to say I should call GENEiiAL LEVELUPEMiNTs ich I did & was stupid enough to suggest we could use a swirl I was then sked, if by chance i was an engineer? (Humoously, of co rse) also if I bought the lot from them..... said to contact the City a=-ain. Did this, 1,1r. Mayer said to write a formal letter of complaint, with photos if possible, O.K. here it is.****** THE EDGEOF HE ROAD haven't been cut or mowed since we are here. I mowed mine & our Neighbors across the street & down the about fifty feet & back again to gur place, just so we could find our homes: I sold our Big mower & so cannot do this anymore. I thought that I should notify surae ne in authority about this, UN*HEALT'HY, COS-TLY, AND UNSIFGi1Y SITUTION, EXIS`T'ING HERE IN OTHEHwISE LOVELY, BiAUT'IFUL SEBASTIAN. lam enclosing photos that I took, some of them, of course, not all,some I will have Lo hive in case I don't receive any Acknowledgement, Action or something done to rectify the lack of DRAINt'"GE in the front of my home. Sincerely appreciate your time & IMMEDIATE AT'^lENTION, '20 THIS IMPORTANT DRAII,;AGE SITUTION. IT IS IiiDEED A PROBLEM. IT S'I' BE TAKEN CARE OF. I r to To: The City Of Sebastian &/O r I General Developement Corporation. The Dwyer Residence `33I S/W Bayi'ront Terrace, Sebastian, F1. 32958 589-3290 Phone In lieu of the fact that I caAed the Clerk at City Hall several times (four to be exact) to compla.ina.bout the water standing so long in the front of my property,becomming stagnant,a breeding place for all, the frogs, the polly wags, the Misquitoes,etc. There is ablolutely :to drainage on the side or the frontal area of our property. The Snakes are becomming more abundant,seeking higher ground perhaps.The water in the center of what should be a Swirl is standing at fourtten inches (14) and is up over the Property line (3) three feet, washed out the soil under the fence, which is six inches back from the line, Killed three lovely trees which were three (3) feet six inches inside the line. These cost me thirteen, no, 12.98 each at the Nursery. The soil under the driveway for about four feet is gone every day and is constantly being replaced, as we have to have entry to the house.'The rip -ht hand front corner is washed out three -to four foot and has been filled in three times so far. 'PHIS IS A DEPLORABLE SITUA'TION,A GENUINE MESS, A BREEDING GROUND FOR INFEC`.PIOUS BACTERIA. THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE. I have -ween here since May 14th. and it was DRY ----May 28th, I think it w=is, it stated to ra.in,(We were very happy about this, as we had new grass seed and sod down,) Our happiness was short lived however as it is still raining and STAYING. & S'TAYING & S'T'AYING; I received no acknowledgement whatsoever from my calls to the City other than the last one to say I should call General Developement, which I did& was stupid enought to suggest we could use a swirl-: I was then asked if by chance I was an engineer? (humorusly, of course) also if I bought the lot from them ..slid to contact the City again. Did this, Mr. Mayer said to —�_ write a Metter of formal Complaint, with photosif possible, U.K. }fere it is. ALSOe THE EGES OF THE ROAD HAVENT BEEN CUT OR MOWED SINCE WE ARE HERE I MOWED BOTH MINE AND OUR NEIGHBORS ACROSS THE STREET & DOWN ABOUT FIFTY FT. AND BACK TO OUR PLACE,JUST SO VyE COULD FIND 0uR SOLD THE BIG MOWER SO CANNOT DO THISAi,IYMORE. I 'THOUGHT THAT I SHOULD NOTIFY SOMEONE IN AUTHORITY. ea*E'ri ABOUT 'PHIS 1 A UNHEALTHY, COSTLY, AND UNSIGH`T'LY SITUTION EXISTIVG HERE IN OTHERWISE LOVELY SEBASTIAN. I AM ENCLOSING THE PHOTOS `T'HA'I' I 'TOOK, SOME OF 'THEM, OF COUR,�E, NOT ALL, AS SOME I `BILL :;AVE IN CASE I DONT RECEIVE ANY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, AC'TIUN, uR SOMETIiING D014E TO RECTIFY THE `.-HE LACK OF DRAINAGE IN FRONT OF MY HOME. SINCERELY 'THANKING YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND SINCERLY APPRECIATE YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION TO THIS IMPORTANT DRAINAGE SITUTION,I'T IS INDEED A PROBLEM. IT MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. v General Development Corporation Mr. Dwyer 331 S. W. Bayfront Terrace Sebastian, Florida 32958 Dear Mr. Dwyer: C. C. Crump Senior Vice President Homesite Development Division September 28, 1978 In response to your undated letter I have personally made an inspection of your block on September 27, 1978. The conditions that I found no doubt are not as represented in your letter due to the fact that mowing has apparently occurred recently, and it was not raining at the time of inspection. It should be understood that: 1 . Apparently you bought your house and lot from another source than General Development. 2. The lots adjacent to your property are in individual ownership with a scattering of General Development owned lots. My inspection showed that: 1 . There was no evidence of frogs, or other undesirable animals although it is possible that they do exist in the adjacent properties. The policing of these properties is the responsibility of the City of Sebastian and the owners. General Development does not have the right to trespass these properties and will not do so. 2. The road drainage will work if there is reasonable maintenance. However, General Development has performed maintenance work for many years without the City assuming this responsibility, although it continues to issue .Building Permits to the builders and lot owners, obviously indicating approval of your 1111 South Bayshore Drive. Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 305 360 1525 rye r ber 28, wo 1978 building site, and both County and City collect taxes which we do not. The recent maintenance you note was not done by any government agency, but by General Development. 3. During rains and for a reasonable time thereafter there will be wet swales and in high intensity rains the water may go over the street center line. However, as pointed out, with reasonable maintenance it will dissipate in a reasonable period of time. In Florida it should be under- stood that the grades must be minimal and in today's environmental controls the old quick runoff type of drainage is prohibited and swales and ponds must be provided to retain water on site. 4. Your block does not have a rear lot swale so all drainage should be brought to the front. It is your builder's responsibility for side lot drainage and it appears that this was not done. In fact, on the west side water would drain from your lot to the adjacent lot because no swale has been provided. This is not permitted, but side lot drainage is not the responsibility of General Development. 5. In your driveway and your neighbors', small openings have been provided that are small and already filled with grass. No doubt you will have long ponding as a result during rains because the flow will be minimal. Again this is your builder's responsibility, not General Development Corporation. On the whole I feel you are in a very nice area, your home shows excellent care and maintenance and I hope that the City of Sebastian in its continuing negotiations with General Development Corporation will acknowledge its responsibilities to its homeowners for mainten- ance and other City service as paid for in taxes to the City and County. Very truly yours, G�. C. Crump cc: Councilman Everett Gass W. Allen, B. Bevan, F. Widmann