HomeMy WebLinkAboutOswege Ave.Office of the l!ay©r, City cf Sebastian, Sebasti©.r_, Florida.. Dear Mayor Flood, I wish to express Mr. Art M yer,And finally resolved digging a the eater at the rea has been we had to excavatimr 850 -3.W. -Oswego Avenue, Sebastian, Florida. 32958 July , 82 1978 many thews to your Gffice,ix-icluaing the City Council -men, General Developzu.c*nt Engineers,particu.«rly Mr.IvIiller,who the aggravating water situation in front of my property by narrow ditch on the east e►id- ®f ray property line which now allows building up in the Swale of the road to run back to the .main hitch r of my propirty. . The heavy ra.ips we have had during the pa�et weeks a, good test proving that I am relieved of the unfortunate situa.ticn endure for more than two yeara,whieh only took G.D.C. two hours I time to resolve. I am particuarly gratefullA Inspector coopera.tior to me during may frequent tr�,irg period in an endeavor to seek I also appreciate pertinent to home attending some of Art Mayer for ,ais cowi&el and advice and visits to his Cffice,during this long a practical s®lutien to t1lis matter. the way the City Council peen supports your Gffict ori matters owners in the Sebastion area,threugn my ®buervatie�iv, while their Werk -shop meetings. 1hanke again, acid keep up Sebastian,as I sincerely good accomplishments. the good work it: guiding the grawth of the City of feel that patience and honest efforts is the key to c/c General Develop?Qent Corp; Eng. Div. ver© Beach, ']_orida+. very respectfully yours, Andrew Wiener March 1, 1978 Mayor Pat Flood, Jr. and Members of the City Council City Hall Sebastian, FL 32958 Dear Sir: At the last council meeting of February 13, 1978, the council asked me to go out and evaluate Oswego Street in Unit #3 of the Sebastian Highlands. It is the eval- uation of the Building Department that this street is in a saucer -shape and Mr. Weiner's house is in the center of the block. The street is 777 ft. long in length. One end of the street is six inches above Mr. Weiner's property and the other end is two inches. Therefore, unless this situation is corrected, I see no way in which to get the water off art Mr. Weiner's prpperty. Before I went out to make this evaluation, I called Mr. Rosscamp of General Development Corp. Mr. Rosscamp said that he had been out there and he realizes there is a problem. When General Development Corp. gets the equipment, they will dig through the hardpan in front of Mr. Weiner's house for a lateral distance of six feet to eight feet, which they feel will rectify this situation. Being as Mr. Weiner's house lays in a low portion, I feel that this will not do the gob. Very truly yours, Arthur Mayer Building Official AM/gac ,/cc: City Clerk 850-S.W.-Oswego Avenue, Sebastian,Florida.32958 Mayor F.Eugene Cragg, September 21,1977. Sebastian City hall, Sebastian,Florida. Dear Vir, Mayor Cragg, First,I wish to thank your Office and councilman Randy Joachim for expediting my request for the installation of a street light on Oswego Avenue which was installed last monday that was very much needed,and already has given myself and neighbors on this street a better feeling at night that we seem to be more within the city limits. Secondly, I wish to thank you and the city council members at your wcr -shop meeting two weeks ago affording me the courtesy of bringing to the city council attention, the water drainage problem in front of my home in the swale area which prevents us from access to the roadway and mailbox and during unvsua.l hetvy rains water b�eking up into the drainage field and septic tank causes prevention of our toilets from operating properly. General Development Corp. engineers has been aware of this condition for about a year and a half and had promised to correct this condition last year send early this year, but to this date has not corrected our problem one bit. Building Inspector Art bisyer is aware of this situation and has been very faithfull in trying to assist in getting action for us since last summer a year ago for whom we appreciated showing concern for our welfare. A1so,I wish to bring to your Gffice?s attention the condition of Lot #6, block 140. Unit 13 located next lot to our property which had been an eye sore for the past year and a half as per enclosed photo taxen a month ago.rowever after much complaining to our builder Eugene Estes and his carpenter Eugene Wadsworth the latter finally removed the storage trailer and work horses,but still left the lumber ,glass windows and doors,etc. The owner of this lot who I wrote telast July is hire. Tennera M.Jordan, 3295 W. Avondale Drive #I6, Denver, Colorado. 80204 Who mentioned that she had given no permission, to any one to use the lot. Is it jossible for your office to contact this owner regarding clearing of the lot as well as -maintaining cutting of the grass. Vie are very happy with the home Eugene Ester built for us here exeeptfor the above problems which we hope can be correctedd ii., the near future. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Very respectfully yours, Andrew Wierer Encl: 2 -photos. General Development Engineering Company File: SH 3 Mr. Arthur H. Mayer, Building Inspector City of Sebastian Sebastian, Florida September 20, 1976 Re: SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT 3 Dear Mr. Mayer: U phis is to confirm the telephone conversatioja of 9/17/76 concerning the drainage problem on Oswego S reet, in Unit 3. if you can have the concrete driveway in th swale area (Weiner) raised to the elevation reviousl given to Mayor Cragg, is o face will recommen at GDC rework the balance of the swale so that storm waters will flow West across Mr. Weiner's driveway. Also, per your request, we will recommend that the rear lot ditch be cleaned out the length of the block. The decision will be made by our Miami Office due to the agree- nent which affects all of Sebastian Highlands. M.B:ec cc: Bob Bluem /?Mayor Cragg Sincerely, Mar{ Baggett, P. E. Manager, Engineering 2095>>_a U S s'. Vem Beam. Florida 32960 Teiep^one 305-562-6558