HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Mtg Summaries 1957-58SENT ORIGINAL COPY OF EXCERPTS AND: 4 t SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT DECEMBER 18,1958 subdivision ordinance #179 DATED NOV 9, 1959 • AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE #179 DATED sept 21, 1970 TO MR. L. B. VOCELLE ON AUGUST 23, 1976. August 23, 1976 EXCERPTS FROM MEETINGS SPECIAL MEETING - DECEMBER 4, 1957 MRS. CHESSER MADE A MOTION THE CLERK WRITE A LETTER TO LLOYD AND ASSOCIATES, STATING THE COUNCIL'S ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED SOROTA SID PLAT, SUBBECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THIS SID, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN. CARRIED." SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 18, 1958 "COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT LLOYD AND ASSOCIATES STREET SPECIFICATIONS AS MINIMUM SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS FOR STREETS. SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BENSCHOP. CARRIED." REGULAR MEETING - MAY 12, 1958 "CLERK READ ESTIMATED BID FROM CLEARY BROS. ON THE SAND SEALING OF ALL THE CITY'S PAVED STREETS. COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN MADE A MOTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON SAND SEALING ALL STREETS (PAVED STREETS) IN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN AND BRING ALL NEW PLACES UP TO GRADE ACCORDING TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO BE ON FILE IN CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE. THIS MOTION WAS 2ND BY COUNCILMAN CHESSER. CARRIED." SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 10, 1958 "THE CLERK READ A LETTER FROM LLOYD AND ASSOCIATES WHICH STATED TO TOTAL BOND REQUIRED ON A 40 ACRE TRACT OF SEBASTIAN GARDENS ON THE STREETS AND DRAINS $10,150.00. COUNCILIN.AN BENSCHOP MADE A MOTION TO HAVE SEBASTIAN GARDENS ESTATE DEVELOPMENT MEET WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ENGINEER FOR THE PURPOSE OF SETTING THE AMOUNT OF BOND REQUIRED BY THE CITY ON STREETS AND DRAINS OF A 40 ACRE TRACT BELONGING TO SEBASTIAN GARDEN ESTATES. THIS BOND TO BE BROUGHT TO THE COUNCIL FOR FINAL APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPEC. OF STREETS OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. THIS MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN. CARRIED." EXCERPTS RROM MEETINGS (CONT'D) SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 23, 1958 "PRES. SEMBLER IND. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SUBDIVISION OF LANDS IN SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, WHICH LIE INSIDE THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PRE- LIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FOR SUCH PURPOSE: ESTABLISHING MIN- IMUM SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS: PROVIDING MINIMUM IMPROVE- MENTS TO BE MADE OR GUARANTEED BY THE SUBDIVIDER: SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED APPLYING THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING SEPARATILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. 9 UPN MOTION BY MRS. CHESSER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN, SAID ORDINANCE READ THE FIRST TIME IN FULL. UPON MOTION BY AIRS. CHESSER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BENSCHOP, SAID ORDINANCE WAS READY BY TITLE ONLY FOR THE SECOND TIME. UPON MOTION BY MRS. CHESSER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN, SAID ORDINANCE WAS READ THIRD TIME BY TITLE ONLY AND PLACED ON ITS FINAL PASSAGE OF SAID ORDINANCE AND VOTING WAS AS FOLLOWS: AYES: COUNCILMAN BENSCHOP, CHESSER, BERHMER, ELLINGSEN, AND SEMBLER. NAYS: NONE. THEREUPON SAID ORDINANCE HAVING RECEIVED AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THREE FIFTHS OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, WAS DECLARED DULY ADOPTED AND UPON BEING PRESENTED TO THE MAYOR AND HAVING RECEIVED HIS APPROVAL WAS NUMBERED CHAPTER 162 OF THE ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY AND WAS THEREUPON DULY POSTED AT THE DOOR OF THE CITY HALL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 85 AND CHAPTER 16683 OF THE LAWS OF FLORIDA, BEING THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY." SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 21, 1958 "AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF SEBASTI& ... THAT THE BOND DATE OCTOBER 17, 1958, BE SUPPLEMENTED IN THE FOLLOWING RESPECT... THAT THEY HAVE FROM DATE, ONE TO TWO YEARS TO complete STREETS IN ,SEBATIAN HIGHLANDS AND THAT THE BOND BE REDUCED FROM ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO 75 THOUSAND DOLLARS. UPON MOTION BY COUNCILMAN ELLINGSEN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BREHMER, TO ACCEPT SAID AGREEMENT. CARRIED." 2 keeting was called to order by President Sembler. Those present were mayor Taylor, President Sembler and Councilmen Bensehop,Chesser, Elliggsen and .3re13mer. }'r.H,annaht,ta®x a F1a.Power & Light Co. Representative met with the City Council to discuss crices and types of liPhting for the City Streets. Four Citi :ens residing on Louisiana :eve met with the Counciland requested that the City to force Uoad contractors to unload all limeroek for the rew highway,!�est of Louisiana ave . txs.Chesser made a motion this be tabled until a further investigation oras made on this robl em. br.Lloyd presented^the fol _owing plats to the City Council. Sunrise Groves S/D,William Boswotth S/D and the Sorota S/D. Irs.ftamesChesser made a motion to accept the proposed Sl:nrise Groves Plat,subject to the nark area required by the County to be written, the corporate limits of the City of 3ebastian,.elorida and transferred to the City by deed,seconded by Councilman Ellingsen. Carried. kirs.Chesser made a motion to aooept William Bosworth S/D Plat,sub jeot to the City's specifications on Streets, soo©nded by Councilman Ellingsen.Carried. kxs.Chesser made a motion the Clerk write a letter- to Lloyd and Associates, stating the Council's adoption of theroposed Sor©ta S/D plat,sub jeot to the approval of the annex- ation urd"noe of this S/,seconded by Councilman Ellingsen.Carried. - City Clerk was instructed by the Counoil to write a letter to the State road engineer requesting that all oress roads within the City and one lane of South Central be kept open during the bonstruction of the new highway. Mrs.Chosser made a motion to purchase two heaters from natter gas appliance not to exceed 0125.00, se c©nded by Counoi loran brehmer .Uarrie d o Mrs.Chessor made a motion to adjourn,seoended by Councilman Brehm*r.Carried. _,2 f� City Clerk Pres.Couneil Speeial Mniting April 1891958 _W ��oetii!8 was called to order by "resident Sembler. ." These rresont were Mayor Stevenson, President Sambler and Coune ilmon Aen sehop,Chesser , Ellingseen and Brohmer. Clark read resignation from Policeman Joseph Brosk,Jr. �_ ,' L+rs .Chesser made a motion to accept' Joseph Brook's re signation, sc aendod* by Councilman B Ben sehop .Carried. krs.Chesssr made a motion to donate w10.00 to Boy Ssouts of tme risa, seconded by Council- _ ran 2'11ingsen.Carried. Councilman Ellingson made - a. motion to accept Nla..Pswer & light Co.plat for proposed St. lighting of that portion of US #1 Hwy.jNorth of interseetion of North Central >ve and US #1 Highway,aeeonded by Councilman Bousehop.Carried. R Yr.Lip Wagner met with the City Council to discuss possibilities of employment as bldg. Inspector for the City. y- r. Mr.Iloyd presented to the Council a sketch of the proposed grading of a hill on leellsmere ` Highway immediately 'Nest of the R.R.oressing. The Cm=oil roquested Mr..Lloyd to present the above- mentioned drawings to the Ceurty Commissioners at their next regilkr meeting. Bayer Stevenson read a letter from David C.Kolley pertaining to the aogtisition of the Roseland airport for the City. Mayor Stevenson suggested that the Council appoint a Committee ef" one to make all no- se ssary contacts to acquire the above mentioned property. mrs Chesser made a motion to adopt a Resolution to read as Follows: Resolved that the City - Connsil herewith 'appoint Vgrer Stevenson as a Committee of one to make all notessary ` i ra��i ►sthar;ClWtalii dadnA1h=nmsasg to occur* possession of the Roseland airfield. This .motion was seconded by Councilman Brohmer.Carried. Mr.Roy Howard not with the Council to discuss possibilities of employment as read Inspector for the City. Couneilr&n _'llingson made a motion that all -expenses of inspection of reads shall be basad upon the following: Expenses of inspection shall be paid by the Subdivider at the ti mo of tonativs approval of the rsad.Lxpenses to be based as follews:Twelve dollars for •very 1000 ft. or less to be mersured along center line of roadway and x'12.00 for cash additional 1000 ft .or fraction there3of, sedonded by Councilman Brohmor.Carried. counoilran _llinr*sen made a motion to adopt Lloyd and associates Strcet specific:tions as minimum Subdivision re•autrements rer .stres.�ts.s@eonded by Councilman Bonschop.Carried. Clerk read building permit application from "'rneest Seeley for a SerTiea Station. Coun ei lran 2'11ingsen made a moti ®-z to ac cep t above mentioned applications subject to the City's bldg.cade,seeanded by Councilman Erehmer.Carr.L Councilran Bonsehop made a notion to adjourn, 13.- e..ded by Councilman Ellings-In.GiLrried. __ vrna_(`,wt�neil J RSGULAR MSSTING - MAY129 1958 We present were kaor Steveson, Pres. and BerIner. Atty. v oeelle was also present. Sembler, councilman oensehop, 5llingsen, Chesser Minutes of last meeting April 14, 1958 and Special meetings raril 189 April 299, and —1,tav 1 . I95S. were &pDreved as read. Clerk resd16stfioated bid form Cleary -ores. on the sand sealing of all the �it2a epaved streets. cstreezal ouncilman mllingsen made a motion to advl forbids on sandseaccording g ll strpls►nalandapeeitiastion J in the city of Jobastian and bring all Jew placesp grade to be on Zile in amity mugineers officeq, this motion was 2nd by louncilman uhesser. married L'ounoilman mllingsen made motion to employ ri®y noward as road inspector. h►otion was second by airs. Chesser. married. ' mars. "hesser made motion to give ,mor atevsen authority to sign allnecessary applieatiionsin in the aquirement of Aeseland Air frield. 2nd by wounoilman merhmer. harried. Pon making res, sembler apointed a oonn2tteetoconsist Bisthree tsfotheki�lhnrk with ting-PersonBle Councilman P ueoupational license. •his coimnittee .millingsen Atty. +►oeelle and Murl tiubler. 49,Y& R -4,5E XMISA Clerk was instructed to notify ailsby about trahsfer of license of City zar. Mayor Steveson read monthly Police Hepot which shored net profit of 827.22, Mrs. Chesser ix made motion to allow George McCullough to move a building on lot 1 t hs providing rest room is installed. 2md by Councilman 611ingsen. Uarrded Mrs. Chesser requested per to move 3 cabins on her propety across HWY. from the hotel an two cabins out of the city limits. Councilam�iellingsen made motion to allow Mrs. Uhesser to move cabhbs i 2nd by o®unei loran yenschop . d. -'1•,� �ounci lman� de motion to adjourns end by councilman �llingsen. � �rw City clerk Fres. Sembler i SPECIAL ME -TT -NG JLzI 10, 1958 Those present President Sembler, Coancilmar_ Ellisglen, Brehmer, Le^schop, and Chesser. Mayor Stevenson was absent. Mr. Jack Baxter, met with the C-1mcil on the n,- , r of non rec. cf lige Chamber of Com erce on the Ci ty'-s part. Clerk read request of Carl Ingma.nson, requesting the con. for north central avenue to connect with sec-nd street. Councilman Ellingsen mode a motion to table above mentioned matter. S•�cond by Councilman Benschop. Carried. President Pro -tem Chesser appointed a committee to inc. the possible of cont. of north eentral.Avenue to connect with second -street. The Commitee to c-)ntsitt of thefol=owing perope. The City Clerk and Councilman Sembler and Benschop/ The Clark read a letter from hLoyd and Associates which stated to total bond required on a 40 acre tract of Sebastian Gardens on the streets and drains $10,150.00 . Councilman Benschop made a motion to have Sebastian Gardens estate Development meet with the City P_ttorney, ar_d City _Engineer for the purpose of setting the amount of bond required,by the City on Streets and Drains of a 40 acre trelct belonging.to Sebastian Ga.rdesn Estates. This bond to b-: brought to the Co,Lncil for final approval in accorddnee with spec. of streets of the Ci of Sebastian. This motion was sec-,nd by Uoimcilman I.ylingsen. Carried. ,-��—Eo iincilman Ellingsen ;jade a motiont:) ad. ourn meeting second by Cogi i? man Ben,,,ch�p. C„rried. C IT GLERK a,tjhjL,9/ PRESID" "NT OF C ^T T?^ 1 W, (0�Sp 6 11une 23, 1ecial Meeting 958 those present were as follows: Mayor cotevesn®n, gyres. Sembler, aouncilman Chesser, tsenschop, Allingsen, and zerhmcr . Att'y hjullivan was ales, present. res. Jembler- ind. and ordinance entitled; AN ORDINANCE REGULATINu 'fts ZiUbDivlSION OF LANDS IN SABASTI.AN; FLORIDA. WHICH LIE INS -1 THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PRE' - LIIIINARY AND FP'TAL PLATS FOR SUCH PURPOSE: ESTABLISHING MINLMM SUBBIVIDSION DESIGN STANDARDS: PROVIDING MMMUM ]ILDROVEMENTS TO BE MADE OR GUARANTEED BY THE SUBDIVIDERI SETTING FORTH THE PROCE*- DUCE TO BE FOLLOWSED APPLYING THSES RULES AND REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR f 'VHE v IOLAT ION OF THIS ORDINARCE : PROVIDING SEPARAT ILITY AND EFF.&CTIVE DATE. ' Upon motion by Mrs. Chessersecond by councilman Ellingson said ordinance read the first time in full. Upon motion by Mrs. e-hesser seeind by councilmen nenschop said ordinance was read by title only for the second time. upon motion by Bars. Uhesser, second by councilman 511ingsne said ordinance was read third time by title only and placed on its final passage of said ordinance and voting was as follows: AYES: COUCNILMAN BENSCHOPT CHESSER: BERHM O ELLINGSBN,, AND SEMHLBR. Nays: NONE Thereupon said ordinance having received and affirmative members of the Council, was declared duly adopted and upon being received his approval was numbered Qhapter 162 of the ordinances .juiyf.pdsted at the door of the City Hall of the vity of Sebastian of Section 85 and chapter 16683 of the laws -of x1orida, being the Pres. Sembler ind. and ordinance entitled: vote of three fifths of all presented to the mor and having of said City and was thereupon inaecordance with the provisions `'herter of said Uity. A" ORDINANCE OF THE C =L SEB3` TIANT ' FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE PROPER D ISCH_-iRGE OF A POLICE IN THE PER7OTW-AYCE OF HIS DUi�Y ArTD PROVIDING A PEYADVY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Upon motion by iters. i:hesser second by Coucnilman A-llinasen said oridnance was read first time in full. upon motion by woucnilman "llingsan second by Counnilman-berhmer, said ordinance was read second by title only. Upon motion by uounci loran berhmer, , second by Uounc ilman x-llingsen, ,said ordinance was read third time by title only and nlanAA nn ita -P4ro1 -- -- "IS ',.A-. x - M.� . ~' 'w'. �,' d-7 - �• pF.'C7 IdEETI1rTG' OOTOBI`p '21, 195 Meeting called to order by Pres. Sembler Those present were Mayor Stevenson, Prifft. Ser!bler, Councilman Benschop, Elling_ sen, and Brmhmere Counilman Chesser absent. r Upon motion by Councilman llinC;sen, second by Couniclman Lensehop to adv. for Re2oiningr of 44 lots in Unit 2 of Sebald- ian aighlands . n agreement between General Dev. Corp. • p and the City of, ebastian....... that the bond date Uctober 17, 19589 be supiemented in the following respect ....... that they have y fr©m date, one ve two years to complete _ streets ' in Sebast+ Ifighlands'and that the bond be reduced from One hundred twenty-five dhousand dollars to 75 thousand3i�Ers. Upon motion by councilman Ellingsen second by cour:cilman Ik%hmer, to except said agftamdht Ca�rled, Upon.motion by Councilman 'Bilingsen, second by Councilman Benschop, that the .Ifaya have all authorized over the Police Car. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to 2i`i�ie the Road inspector to- notify Seawards Bros. to hold off` ailing the streets until the weather is warmer. Upon motion by Councilman Bllingsen second by Councilman Benschop to have the road inspector t* have charge of this. Upon motion by Councilman Ellir.gsen second by Councilman Benschop, said meeting was adjourned. +' r CITY CLERK 6 PRES. COUNCIL