HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Road Acceptance AgreementApril 15, 1976 Mr. Wayne L. Allen Vice President General Development Corporation 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 Re: Agreement, City of Sebastian/GDC Dear Mr. Allen: Pursuant to your request, I am forwarding herewith a copy of the proposed Agreement between the City of Sebastian and General Development Corporation. Sincerely yours, L. B. Vocelle LBV:ecp Encl cc: City of Sebastian General Development Corporation E!7 Honorable F. Eugene Cragg 644 S.W. Dempsey Avenue Sebastian, Florida 32958 Dear Mayor Cragg, Wayne L. Allen Vice President and Assistant General Counsel May 24, 1976 Re: Road Acceptance Agreement In view of the action taken by the City Council at its meeting on May 19, 1976 we have determined to reas- sess whether or not it is advisable to go forward with negotiations with the City on the subject agreement. Whether or not we determine to proceed, I will be in touch with you further in approximately two (2) weeks regarding the posture we will take in this matter. We appear to have two (2) options at the present, one is to continue the negotiations which have been under way for over a year and a half and the other is to take a firm legal position that. we have completed all roads in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations, we have maintained them for a period of time in excess of any City requirements and therefore have no further ob- ligation to the City for roads previously constructed. This latter position is supported by the fact that roads in the City of Sebastian were submitted to the City for acceptance as early as 1965, and no response was made by the City. Sincerely, WAYNE L. ALLEN WLA:bc cc: L.B. Vocelle cc: Bill Bevan C.C. Crump Dave Doheny 1111 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 305 350 1231 t .......................... Sun., May 2, 1976, Vero Beach, Fla., PRESS -JOURNAL 11D PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Sebastian, Florida, will propose the adoption of a resolution ratifying and adopting an agreement between the City of Sebastian and General Development Corporation accepting roads and drainage facilities and providing for maintenance of Sebastian Highlands Units 2-6 and B-15, according to plats recorded in the official records of Indian River County, Florida, at a special meeting of the City Council at the Sebastian City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, May 19, 1976. The place within the municipality where the said proposed resolution and agreement may be inspected by the public is the City Hall of Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed resolution and agreement. Florence L. Phelan City Clerk Sebastian, Florida May 2, 1976. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Sebastian, Florida, will propose the enactment of the following ordinance entitled: An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, subdivisions, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and establishing an effective date at a special meeting of the City Council at the Sebastian City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, May 19, 1976. The place within the municipality where the said proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public is the City Hall of Sebastian, Florida. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. Florence L. Phelan City Clerk Sebastian, Florida May 2, 1976. VERO BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL Published Weekly Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: STATE OF FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weekly newspaper published at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a in the matter of &->/" JT,, L /✓.( i(.�, 7�i �� in the lished in said newspaper in the issues of fLU Court, was pub- Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, weekly and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida for a period of one year next preceeding the first publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publication in the said newspaper.. ,y Sworn to and subscribed before me thi y of �i/_ A.Dlei ii ._ / • (Business Manager) -- 7 4_� _ate `7'._ e Y z (SEAL) (Clerk of tie Circuit Court, Indian River County, Florida) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Sebastian, Florida, will propose the adoption of a resolution ratifying and adopting an agreement between the City of Sebastian and General Development Corporation accepting roads and drainage facilities and providing for maintenance of Sebastian Highlands Units 2.6 and 8-15, according to plats recorded in the official records of Indian River County, Florida, at a special meeting of the City Council at the Sebastian City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, May 19, 1976. The place within the municipality where the said proposed resolution and agreement may be Inspected by the public Is the City Hall of Sebastian, Florida. All Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed resolution and agreement. Florence L. Phelan City Clerk Sebastian, Florida May 2, 1976. MAY 11 1976 0 PLUM IOMM ATTR MPY CIP AGFMYEW FM TtE MY 19 MtFrrNG WTM WC. Florence Pnelam, "."ity Clerk L Ln Z.e _ � v - - - - w ■wrw - A G R I F M I: 11 `.P THIS AG1:I;1?MENIV, made and ontored into this day of , 1976, by and between GENERAL DEVELOP- MENT CORPORATION (hereinafter called "General"), a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN (hereinafter called "City"), a 111111 ici.p,al:i t:y under the laws ;of ;tho State of Florida; 11 1 T N E f, S E' T II WHEREAS, General_ has recorded in the Official Records of Indian River County, plats subdividing lands within the City, and WHEREAS, General has posted corporate performance bonds and/or surety bonds as security for the construction of roads and drainage facilities as shown on said Flats, and IV11FR1]AS, General. 'h(is completed construction, or will c oniplele in accordance with tl'his Aclreement, roads and drainage facilities as shown on said plats, and WHEREAS, said roads and drainage facilities must be. constructed in accordance with the ordinances in effect at the tinge of: ;.acceptance, by the City, of the plats which wore duly re - I c1cia:di,ci ley Coil orral, and WIEEREAS, Gcnera.l.,having completed construction of all roads and drrain<-agc Faci.liti.cq A -n the recorded plat: of. Sebastian Highlands Units 2 - 6 and 8 - 15, as recorded in the Official Records of Indian River County, which were not previously accepted by the City of Sebastian andhaving an obligation to complete the I road:; and dr<ainade f.,-acilitie� in Units 16 and 17, and NIIERI?AS, Genera's oblicicat.i.on is to,have completed con- sti'uct i.on of said roads and drain<aclu ,facilities in accordance with t:hc rcclaa.i rcmen is of the, o d.i.nauacc.:> or the City in <: f f.'ect ,tat the date of acceptance by the City of the plats; THEREFORE, tit parties do hereby agree as follows:,• i 1. To comply with such requirements as may be r�,klu i rc(I Lo l)r i nk.1 t:he s Lreets to i, stclndard in comp iance: th tho or�li.nances of the City under which the streets were constructed, General shall undertake special maintenance of all roads and drainage facilities in the aforesaid plats on a phased basis, including but not limited to: (a) Repairing any existing visible road base failure. (h) l),egi-eid.i n<J as noco.m ary Lo provicic' ,ldrelrlilt:o dr.allia(p'. (c) Cleaning out all drainage ditches. (d) Cutting all grass in the swales and drainage ditches. (e) Eradicating all weeds in the road surfaces. (f) Repairing all surface defects. (It is recognized that a cracking pattern is a characteristic always found in the surface of soil cement road construction and is not a de- f ect. efeet. 2. The phases to which this Agreement applies are as follows: i Phase 1 - Sebastian Highlands Units 2,3,4,5'6"3 Phase 2 -Sebastian Highlands Units 9,10,11,12&13 Phase 3 - Sebastian Highlands I7nit 5 1,4,15;16&17 t . Tho C. i l:Y W i 11 inspocat a I 1 roads on a unit ba.,i:; �)Y Phlsc`s, comp.LeLinq :such :inspection w.it:hin ninety (9 0) days. The City Engineer may make such g' inspections as he may deem necessary. The City retains the option to review prior testing reports made by any testing laboratories, and if said reports are in the possession of General, General agrees to make said reports readily ay.1:i '1}.�lc' to tho City. 1111o City may retain, at its oh - 1 'i un, 1 (In'l i 1 1, i o l L;thnro Lary lo mill( t:.a illi Tlli.ly bO I-0- (pl i I ('d 1111dol Lha` d i 1 c`c'.l-:i cin c1f tho C i i y dile! Lica Ci Ly wi .1.1, direct. the testing labo-ratory to furnish copies of all their re Torts to General. The City Engineer will advise General, in �..riting, of.the maintenance requirements for each unit as the i II:,pi:ct 1011 i s c•r>mpl(�Led, Iicce:;sI-II.y to comply with the standards contained in the City ordinances in effect at time of plat ac - C o Y taI-Ice . General will be urged to accompany the City En- �;.i.Iic c r on said inspections, and the City Engineer will notify C.Qneral wlien said inspecLi.ons will occur. 4. General will complete the work required by this Agreement un a unit basis and will submit such roads to the City tor City 4wi.11 within thirty (30) days of ::such submission accept such road5L-as are completed in accordance ��,• with this Agreement. J� Upon acceptance by the City of any roads, con- struction bonds, corporate or surety, shall be immediately re- leased by appropriate resolution of the City Council. General shall maintain all roads thus accepted until the dates indicated: Phase 1 - December 31, 1976, or when the work is completed, but not earlier than December 31.; 1976; and three years - thereafter; Phase 2 - December 31, 1977, or when the work is completed, but not earlier than December 31, 1977; and three years thereafter; Phase 3 - As 'set forth in Ordinance 179, as amended and Chapter 22 of the ordinances of the City, 1114 Lilt, r(,;iI I c,i- ;ill Ciil'I heat. ObJ iiof (jononi1 l)(- gull and void ,.Incl the City shall assume full responsibil i.L.y for all rol-ad rind drainage maintenance. 6. General specifically acknowledges and agrees that. St:b�ts tion I1 i-clltlands Units 14, 13 , 16 and 17 shall bc require'd to have homes constructed upon ten (10") percent of.*the lots in the pk-it, Igo. Oro the City will be required to acceptthe neon- st-l'uctt,d within these plate for maintenance. U1.. -)on completion of the roads in Units 14, 15, 16 and 17, -General will tender them to the City for acceptance, and the City will accept them in accor- ?,ince with.the standards and specifications in effect at the time of accept -ince of the plats by the City, and the City shall re- lease -by appropriate resolution of the City Council all bonds, - ,•o rpoY,ite car :.surety, then outstanding which guarantee con- strci.-tion of the roads^. General will continue to maintain = rcadsin �:nits 14, 15, 16 and 17 until ten (100) percent of home construction per unit is reached.i./-� A'** 7. The City Council of the City of Sebastian shall adopt this Agreement by appropriate resolution. 8. General shall complete in addition to the other requirements of this Agreement, the following additional conditions which are being imposed by the City as a condition to this Agreement: (a) Complete the drainage work commenced in Phase 1, Unit 2, within sixty (60) days, upon reaching agree- ment in writing as to, a mutually acceptable means of resolving the existing drainage problems. (b) Commencement of dredging in Collier Creek (between Fellsmere Highway and Grant Avenue) and carrying forward to completion, subject to required permits.--�j) Ph (c) Relocation of the pavement at the in tersection of Sloan Street and Futch Way upon verification by a licensed surveyor that the street is improperly located. (d) Seek to resolve with individual prop crty „wntt fr:c olontl Dr,twtly W,i},, twon Ihoir rc.quost, any (IispuLo over the location of a drainage ditch, for which General Development has legal responsibility therefor. 9. General, by entering into this Agreement., hereby acknowledges that it relinquishes and waives all. rights and protection of any ordinance or regulations of the City which set a ::hoi•t.er OF t im0 for roqui rcd m;li.nLenance ley t)tc_! dovc:lopur.. to. Durincl t]io th►-r'•' (3) year. pur-.iod, "e11011l ::hal l- mow ,ill the swale:, in L110 drai nage fac" i litios, re- pair all holes which might. develop in the pavement of the roads and shall apply a herbicide to kill all vegetation which would inter- fere with t1:e proper operation of the drainage facilities or would cause deterioration of the roads which have been constructed. Upon -4- 1 noLificat•.:ion by the City, in*writing, of work necessary to be donc, dui-in(t said three: (3) yu,a.r mi-li.ntunancc, period, General will ccmply with such notification and do the work within thirty (30) days. During said three (3) year maintenance period General will maintain proper bonds to be deposited with thu City in an amount of $ ��y _per mile, suf- ficient to undertake the maintenance described in Paragraph 1(a) through (f) and approvedfby the City Counciho guarantee said mai uoniiuce by Gener.11 . 11. �e question of all drainage and dams not covered under this Agreement is reserved for future agreements without prejudice as to the City's rights. i 12. Any gross errors relative t�rainage (d.tVches tz culverts caused by General will be corrected by General. 13. It is the intent of the parties that the ,.Iforesa id progr;Iln shall be a. continu-ing program between the par- ties which shall be carried out. in good faith and without undue delay by either party. 14. It is an express condition of this Agreement that it shall be legally binding upon the parties and enforce- r / i II t -ht, 0l' th(� (;Late ref P ] arida r i Ii t c � t I I i :' . (.1 , : y o (__ EXECUTED on behalf of the City of Sebastian in accordance with an ordinance passed by majority vote of the City Council at its mee.tinq on the day of t,7A]'NE L. ALLEN, V.i ce Presiclent and !�.,� istant Secretary General Development Corporation -YPTEST : City Clerk , 197G. C.C. CRUMP, Sr. 1. C0% 1'resi.dent- Geric:ra.l Development Corpora Lion CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: F, r.Uc;I?NS CRZIGG, Mayor