HomeMy WebLinkAboutProof of Claim to GDC• • FRESE, FALLACE, NASH & TORPY, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW GARY B. .'.WRESE t JAMES H. FALLACE CHARLES IAN NASH VINCENT G. TORPY. JR. ELISE A. SINGER RICHARD E. TORPY GREGORY S. HANSEN J. PATRICK ANDERSON WILLIAM A. GRIMM OF COUNSEL VIA AIRBORNE EXPRESS RECEIVED DEC - 7 1990 Dee --ember 6, 1990 General Development Corporation c/o U.S. Bankruptcy Court P.O. Box 03391 Miami, FL 33101 930 S. HARBOR CITY BLVD. SUITE 505 MELBOURNE. FLORIDA 32901 (407) 084.3300 PAX (407) 051-5741 t BOARD CERTIMCD IN TAXATION BOARD CERTIFIED IN ESTATE PLANNINO AND PROBATE D Gti Re: General Development Corporation / City of Sebastian Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Dear Clerk: Enclosed for filing, please find four (4) separate Proof of Claim forms with regard to the above -referenced case. Sincerely, FRESE, FALLACE, NASH & TORPY, P.A. Richard E. Torpy RET/lbg Enclosures as stated. bcc: City of Sebastian UN& STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT RECENED J U L 3 0 iJ✓1� S THERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PROOF OF CLAIM Chapter 11 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Case Nos. 90.12231•BKC-AJC through c/o U.S Fankruptcy Court 90.12236-BKC-AJC Inclusive and 90.12337-BKC•AJC through P.O. Box 013391 90-12339-BKC•AJC Inclusive Miami, Florida 33101 FLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING OUT THIS PROOF OF CLAIM A. DEBTOR: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ( GOD') 90.12231-BKC-AJC B. CREDITOR INFORMATION (The creditor is the person or other entity to whom the debtors owe money or property) Name and Address of Creditor 9012231-0301062-00 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PO BOX 780127 SEBASTIAN FL 32978 If name or address, as printed is not correct please indicate correct name and address to which checks and notices should be delivered here if this claim, replaces a previously filed claim dated: amends a previously filed claim dated: supplements a previously filed claim dated: the amount of claim you previously flied: (if any): BASIS FOR CLAIM Check box and attach copy of assignment if claim has been assigned to you. In re: General Development Corporation ( GCC) General Development Financial Services, Inc. General Development Resorts, Inc. Florida Residential Communities, Inc. Five Star Homes Group, Inc. GOV Financial Corporation Environmental Quality Laboratory, Inc. Five Star Homes, Inc. Florida Home Finders, Inc. Debtors. Your claim is scheduled by the Debtor as: zero dollars Disputed (in U.S. Dollars) Unsecured If there Is an amount shown, you have a claim scheduled as shown. If the following appears: EXECUTORY CONTRACT`, then you do not have a scheduled claim. If "BONDHOLDER", STOCKHOLDER- or BONDHOLDER/ STOCKHOLDER" appears, you are or were a holder of Bonds, Debentures, Stocks or Stock Warrants with no scheduled claim other than for principal and/or Interest or equity.lf You acres with the amount scheduled by the debtor or you have already filed your claim you do not need to file this proof of claim C. CLAIM INFORMATION The amount of claim you previously filed (If any): CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF HOME BONDS and/or DEBENTURES If you have checked STOCKS and/or STOCK __ CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF LAND (principal and Interest) WARRANTS, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE GOODS SOLD AND/OR SERVICES STOCKS and/or STOCK WARRANTS LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS FILED BY THE PERFORMED WAGES / BENEFITS DEBTORS CONSTITUTES PRIMA FACIE -------MONIES LOANED X__OTHER (DESCRIBE BRIEFLY) EVIDENCE OF THE VALIDITY AND AMOUNT OF -----PERSONAL INJURY/WRONGFUL DEATH/ PROPERTY DAMAGE Debtor breached ob li ation UI1derTHOSE SHAREHOLDERS' INTEREST AND IT g SHALL NOT BE NECESSARY FOR THEM TO FILE ___ TAXES (Describe Briefly) contract to improve and/or main -A PROOF OF INTEREST. Type of Tax Taxable Period tain streets and drainage In If you have checked BONDS and/or _. DATE DEBT WAS INCURRED: 8/ 15 /79 General Development projects In DEBENTURES, you may not need to file this Proof of Claim for principal the City of Sebastian. and/or interest due under such BONDS/DEBENTURES. See Note 1 on the reverse side of this form. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF CLAIM: Under the Bankruptcy Code all claims are classified as one or more of the following: (1) Priority, (2) Secured, (3) All Other Claims. Classify the nature of the claim try C` ECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX OR BOXES which you believe best describes the claim. STATE THE AMOUNT OF THE CLAIM IN U.S. DOLLARS. PRIORITY CLAIM S You have a priority claim if any of the following ADDIV, Wages, salaries or commissions (up to S2000), earned within 90 days before filing of the bankruptcy petition - 11 U.S.C. §507 (a)(3) Contributions to an employee benefit plan (up to S2.000, less amounts claimed under Section 507(x)(3) above) - 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(4) Up to S900 of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for personal, family or household use - 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(6) Taxes or penaltles of governmental units - 11 U.S.C. §507(x) (7) Other (specify under Section 507 for Priority treatment): A2 SECURED CLAIM S Attach evidence of perfection of security Brief Description of Collateral : Real Estate Motor Vehicle Other X A3 ALL OTHER CLAIMS 9 4.247 ,9 59.92 For the purposes of this form, a claim Is ALL OTHER If there Is no collateral, or to the extent the value of collateral Is less than the amount of the debt, or If It does not quality as an Al priority claim under Section 507 of the Bankruptcy Code. 4. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM IN U.S. DOLLARS: S - S -µl4 s 247 , 9�9 qs 5 4,247,9S9.92 (Priority) (Secured) (Unsecured) (Total) S. Att; ch copies of documents In support of this claim, such as purchase orders, invoices, Itemized statements of running accounts, contracts, court Judgments, or evidence of security Interest. If the documents are not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary. 8. This form should =be used to make a claim for expenses Incurred of Ethe filing of the bankruptcy petition. Such expense may be paid only upon proper application and notice pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §503. 7. C. EDITS AND SETOFFS: Attach an itemization of all amounts and dates of payments which have been credited against the debt. Set forth any setoff or counterclaim which the debtor may have r.gahist your claim. 8. To receive an acknowledgment of the receipt of your claim, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a copy of your claim. D. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certlfies under penalty of perjury that the debtor named above Is Indebted to the claimant In the amount shown, that there Is no security for the debt other than that stated above or in an attachment to this form, that no unma'ured Interest is Included, and that the undersigned Is authorized to make this claim. Date, Sign and me Name and line, if any, of the Creditor or Other Person Rr mart S. McClar) to File this Claim. City OVSebastian December 6, 1990 Pleere mail this form to GDC at the address set forth above. All claims ¢fust be received by December 10, 1990, Penaity for Presenting Fraudulent Claim: Fine up to $5,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. Title 18, U.S.C. §152 and §3571. A G R E E M E N T TfiIS AG REEffENT, made and entered into this j f�i t day of August, 1979, by and between GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (hereinafter called "General"), a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and the CITY OF SEBASTIAN (hereinafter called '' .":'• �', "City"), a municipality under the laws of the'State of Florida; '.•:,, .:, W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, General has recorded in the Official • Records of Indian River County, plats subdividing lands .l, within the City; and WHEREAS, General has posted corporate performance r'f bonds and/or surety bonds as security for the construction ;•.'. of roads and drainage facilities as shown on said plats; and :• ` WHEREAS, General has completed construction of y roads and drainage facilities as shown on said plats; and ` WHEREAS, General having completed construction of , all roads and drainage facilities In the recorded plats of Sebastian Highlands Units 2 through 6 and 8 through 15, as z. recorded in the Official Records of Indian River County, which were not previously accepted by City and having an obligation to complete the roads and drainage facilities in Units 16 and 17; and WHEREAS, General's obligation is to have completed construction of said roads and drainage facilities In ac- '. cordance with the requirements of the ordinances of the City in effect at the date of acceptance by the City of the plats, which were duly recorded by General; and 4' WHEREAS, the City and General desire to resolve all disputes between the parties in regard to construction and reponsibility for road construction and maintenance in Units 2 through 6 and 8 through 15 of the recorded plats of Sebastian Highlands. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, Lice parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. The agreement entered Into between General and City, dated the 9th of June, 1976, is hereby voided and shall no longer have any force or effect. 2. General tier ewith pays to the City the sum of two hundred thirty-three thousand dollars ($233,000.00) for the purchase of maintenance equipment to maintain roads and drainage facilities In the City of Sebastian, and to assist in the reconstruction and/or repair of the Lake Hardee dam. 3• General herewith pays to the City the sum of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000.00) to assist the City in paying the cost of an access road to the southern portion of the City of Sebastian from U.S. 1 to Shumann Drive and to assist in paying for resurfacing major arterial roads in the City, or for such other road and drainage purposes as may be determined by the City Council. 4. The City by execution of this agreement, which has been approved by a majority vote and resolution of the City Council, City of Sebastian, does hereby accept as completed by General in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the City, all roads and drainage facilities in Units 2 through 6 and Units 8 through 15 of Sebastian Highlands, according to the plats thereof recorded in the Official Records of Indian River County, except as stated in Paragraph 15 herein, and the City henceforth shall be responsibile for the maintenance of said roads and drainage facilities within said plat units. �=l 5. General shall, upon execution of this agreement, deed to the city for municipal P purposes the twelve cre" site located at the intersection of Barber Street and Arbor Drive. This conveyance -by General shall be conditioned upon General receiving from the Indian River County School Board (the School Board) a letter relinquishing all right, title, and interest in said tract. �• •'+ ` j 's �•i•+ ',+ r 1 •,, 6• City shall, within sixty (60) days of the date of this agreement, repeal that provision of Ordinance No. 179, Paragraph 6.0 7-B, requiring construction of ten (10) Percent of homes on a platted street prior to acc� by the City of roads and.drainage facilities constructed by developer. f+` t' ;;•: " V 7. General shall conve • Y to the City the tract located at the intersection of Barber Street and Schumann Drive inthe City, upon the''•+•"+ payment to General of the sum of nine thousand five hundred sixty dollars ($9,560,00), The conveyance wi 11 1 imi t the use of ther+' parcel to school purposes or such tract will revert back to the ownership of General Development. General hereby acknowledges receipt from City of the sum of nine thousand five hundred sixty dollars ($9,560.00) in full payment of this obligation. ti " ••+ • ;a •. ' ' + + 8, City discharges and release General, its Officers, employees, stockholders, successors and assigns from any and all obligations, liabilities or agreements relating to the payment by General to tiie City of surety bond premiums savings which have accrued or may in the future accrue to General because of corporate performance bonds posted with the City by General, r�•.• 9• General shall obtain an easement through the Boy Scout propertyadjacent to Unit Five � (5) of Sebastian Highlands and shall construct, upon receipt of all necessary permits if any are required, and as soon as practicable, any necessary drainageway, as determined in its engineer's opinion, to provide adequate drainage of the area to be relieved by said drainageway, If permits are required • •� 3 - A '7 .J .Y• ;a General shall provide the technical expertise and any necessary engineering design or data for the City to apply for the necessary permits. General shall construct such drainageway j t. and obtain any permits entirely at its expense and at ' no cost or further obligation to the City. 10. General will indemnify and legally defend at .~Y no cost to the City and save the City harmless From any and " "' •.•`' all actions or judgments, if an b Y. y purchasers of property :4} from General who have any complaints or legal actions against General in regard to the location and/or construction of ' drainageways in Life City. 11• General will complete a core boring program and will reconstruct at General's expense City streets It - Units 2 through 1 9 5 of Sebastian Highlands to provide (1) > •� one inch of asphalt wearing surface, as defined herein, where deficiencies have occurred. As an alternative to such } �. reconstruction, General, upon the City's request, shall deposit with the City an amount computed at $33.00 `. per ton ti of asphalt estimated as required to correct the deficiency, for the City's exclusive use for road maintenance In the • '•'''' City. General will be obligated under this paragraph If the results of the core borings, taken at the frequency of five (5) borings per mile, indicate less than one (1) inch of asphalt surface within a tolerance of minus (-) ' one quarter (1/4) inch. Where deficiencies occur the area of•deficlency shall be further defined by additional borings• General ' ti shall provide to the City the results of its core boring 1, tests within ninety (90) days from the date of this agreement. The City within sixty (60) days of the receipt of such report shall notify General of any roads for which It requires ti. funds to be deposited with the City, in lieu of paving work to be done by General. Upon receipt of such n-tice by �. General from the City, General shall complete '.he paving w� work required within one hundred eighty (180) days or will pay the funds to the City, at the City's option. A f 12.. C 1 ty, upon execution of tills agreement, hereby accepts the construction of all roads and drainage facilities and will thereafter maintain such roads and drainage facilities in Units 2 through 6 and 8 through 15 1n Sebastian Highlands, as recorded in the Official Records of Indian River Count y, except as stated herein in Paragraph i5, and does hereby release and forever discharge General and its officers, employees, stockholders, successors and assigns from any and all obligations, under corporate bonds '�'•'e '•: . •,,- .* °...J• . y ' or surety bonds previously posted with the City to guarantee construction and/or maintenance of roads and drainage facilities in the aforesaid units, Including, but not limited to the bonds shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. ' jA V. •f • 13. City�•�� does hereby release and forever discharge General and its officers, employees, stockholders,�' successors and assigns from any and all other obligations, claims, warranties, liens, right of action or other legal remedies � �•,' " ^ } of whatever nature or kind which may have arisen or could have arisen between the parties prior to the date of this , agreement. 14. General and City agree that when General r i rt completes construction of the roads and drainage facilities in Units 16 and 1 7 it shall submit them to the City for ' • acceptance for maintenance by the City. The City shall within a reasonable time inspect said roads and drainage facillities in Units 16 and 17 to assure completion of ' construction in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations in effect at the time of plat recordation. Once such dater- mination is made the City shall by resolution accept such road and drainage facilities for maintenance by the City and shall release all outstanding bonds posted for said units. •�• 15. General shall complete the excavation and , installation of bulkheads in accordance with its orlginal \ \ I • development plans, consistent with General receiving applicable permits which General shall use its good faith '• efforts to obtain. for: (1) Collier Creek from Felismere Highway to its intersection with Elkcam Waterway; and (2) Elkcam Waterway "• in its entirety. General shall maintain these waterways at •'} Its expense until the excavation work is completed. Upon �r completion of the excavation work, the City shall accept. these waterways for maintenance. Executed on behalf of the City of Sebastian in accordance with a resolution passed by majority vote of the City Council at its meeting on the // �a y o f I-�_id �f [�___ � 1979. .. •:; .. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPnRAT I ON B Y ��^'' ""' "l :♦i} ,,�' �,••'� Wi 1 1 1 am R4- AVt 1 lea , Pres dent `y: ,.i• �`. Attest l<•_ .. 4: Wayne L. A I I e n " Vice President , CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By ` Patrick Flood, Mayor Attest: 4 .r City Clerk ' - 6 ' 1 t• •