HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaterGeneral Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service GENERAL, DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES, INC. SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS DIVISION RATE SCHEDULES WATER SERVICE Schedule 1 . I General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 16.0 Sebastian highlands Division Water Service MEX OF RATE SCHEDULES Sheet Number Residential. Service ...................................... 17.0 GeneralService .......................................... 18.0 Fire Hydrants Rate Schedule 19.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service RESIDENTIAL Sz'-RVI CE RATE S =ULE Original Sheet No. 17.0 Ayailabili_r7 - available throughout the _rea served by the Cotpany. Applicability - For water service for all purposes in private residences and individually, metered apartment units. Limitations - Subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Tariff and the General Rules and Regulations of the Commission. :10ntU7 Rates - First 3,000 Gallons Nex= 3,000 to 6,000 Gallons Next 6,000 to 10,000 Gallons Next 10,000 to 20,000 Gallons Over 20,000 Gallons Minimum Charge - $3.25 $3.25 Minimum per month .50 per 1,000 Gallons .40 per. 1,000 Gallons .35 per 1,000 Gallons .30 per 1,000 Gallons Terms of Pavment - Bills are due and payable when rendered and become delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) days, and may, after five (5') dans written notice, be discontinued. B_ lline - Bill shall be rendered monthly and the meter reading dates shat coincide as near as practically possible, and bills randered as soon as possible thereafter. Sits rendered for less than fift7 percent (50%) of the norma, bii ling will be billed in accordance with Rule 25.10.97 (2), Florida Administrative Code: "Whenever, for any reason, the period of service for which a bill is rendered is less than fifty percent (50%) of the normal billing period, the charges applicable to such service, including minimum charges, shall be prorated in the proportion that the actual number of service days bears to a thirty (30) days month; except that: (a) Opening bills need not be rendered but may, be carried over to and included in the next regular monthly billing. (b) For service taken under flat rate schedules, fifty percent (500) of the normal charges may be applied. (c) The practices e=107ed oy the Utility in this regard shall have uniform application to all its customers." Reconnection Charges - On the initial turn -on of a new service or account or reconnection due to temporary disconnects, there will be no charge. On reconnections due to other reasons there will be a reconnection charge of $3.00 request during regular wor-king hours . After Regular worlkiag hours the charge will be $5.00. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No.18.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service GMTERAI S-MRViCE RATE SCHEDULE Availability - Available throughout the area served by the Company. Applicability - For water service for All purposes to General Service Customers. Limitations - Subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Tariff and the General Rules and Regulations of the Commission. MOnthly Rates - First 3,000 Gallons $3.25 !Iinimum Der month. Next 3,000 to 6,000 Gallons .50 oer 1,000 Gallons Next 6,000 to 10,000 Gallons .40 per 1,000 Gallons Next 10,000 to 20,000 Gallons .35 per 1,000 Gallons Over 20,000 Gallons .30 per 1,000 Gallons Minimum i m m+ Char ge - $3.2.5. Terms of Pavment - Bills are due and payable when rendered and become deliacsuent i-` not paid within twenty (20) days, and may after five (5) days written notice be discontinued. Billing - BiIls shall be rendered monthly and the meter reading dates shat coincide as near as practically possible, and b lIs rendered as soon as possible thereafter. Bills rendered for less than fifty percent (507) of the normal billing period wi'' be b:ll.ed in accordance with Rule 25.10.97 (2), Florida Adyninjtrative Code:"Whenever, for any reason, the period of service for which a bill is rendered is less than f3.fty percent (507) of the normal bi1l:�ag period, the charges applicable to such service, including minimum charges, shall be prorated in the proportion that the actual number of service days bears to a thirty (30) day month; except that: (a) Opening bills need not be rendered but may be carried over to and included is the next regi lar monthly billing. (b) For service taken under flat rate schedules, fifty percent (50%) of the normal charges may be app lied . (c) The practices employed by the utility in this regard shall have uniform application to all its customers." Reconnection Char Res:- On the initial turn -on of a new service or account or reconnection due to temporary disconnects, there will be no charge. On reconnections due to other reasons there will be a reconnection charge of $3.00 for each request during regular working hours. After regular working hours, the charge will be $5.00. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division F UE 1-:�R NTTS RAT:.' S CHL'DL7 Z Original Sheet No. 19.0 Availabilitv - Available throughout the area served by the Company. Aoolicability - To fire hydrants furnishing fire protectioninstalled on private property connected to the grater mai:s of the Company. Limitations - Subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Tariff and the General Rules and Regulations of the Commission. Monthly Rates Fire hydrants located on private property - $5.00 minimum per month Fire mains into private buildings - $5.00 mi nim•.:m per month Mi :imum Charge - $5.00 Der month Cost of Installation - Total price for hydrant, cut-off valves, boxes, etc. and the installation of same. Terms of Pavment - Bills are due and payable when rendered and become delinquent if not paid within n7e=7 (20) days and may, after five (5) days written notice, be discontinued. Billins - Bills shall be rendered monthly. Harold E. Schmidt General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service GENERAL, DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES, INC. SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS DIVISION RATES AND REGULATIONS WATER SERVICE Schedule 2 General Development Utilities, Tac. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service TARIFF - WA= General Development Utilities, Inc. 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 Original Sheet No. 1.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 2.0 Sebastian Eighlands Division '.Dater Service TAR—r7F - WATER TABLE OF CON=2 S Sheet Number TmTTORY SERVED .............................................. 3.0 'asc I..I.ANEOUS......................................... 4.0 TECEriICAL 7=1".S ............................................... 5.0 :`IDE3 OF MULES AND REGULATIONS ....... ......................... 6.0 - 7.0 RULES AND REGULATIONS ....................................... 8.0 - 15.0 MEX OF RAT'-: S=UI..ES....................................... 16.0 RATE' SCZDULES ................................................17.0 - 19.0 7-MEY OF STANDARD FORDS .......... 20.0 STANDARD FORMS ................................................21.0 - 23.0 CONTRACTS AND AGREEME TS ...................................... There are none at the date of original issue. Harold E. Schmidt ?resident General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 3.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service TERRITORY SERVED All that portion of the subdivision known as Sebastian Highlands, lying within the City limits of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. In accordance with Exhibit "A" of Ordinance # Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service `ISC�MUS (There are no entries is this Section at date of Orig-lnal issue). Origi,aa.l Sheet No. 4.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 5.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service TECHNICAL TER*S 1.0 "Company" - General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division 2.0 "Consumer" - Any person, firm, association, corporation, governmental agency or si-J"a organization supplied with water service by the Company. 3.0 "Service" - Service, as mentioned in this Tariff Book and in agreement with Consumers, shall be construed to include, in addition to al' water service required by the Consumer, the readiness and ability on the part of the Company to furnish water service to the Consumer. Thus, the maintenance by the°Company of pressure at the point of delivery upon request shall constitute the rendering of water service , irrespective of whether Consumer makes any use thereof. 4.0 . "Consumer's I3sta lation" - All pipes, shut offs, valves, fixtures and appliances or apparatus of every kind and nature used in connection with or forming part of an installation for utilizing water for any purpose, ordinarily located on the Consumer's side of "Point of Delivery", whether such installation is owned outright by the Consumer, or used by Consumer under lease or otherwise. 5.0 "Point of Delivery" -the point where the Company's pipes or meters are connected with pipes of the Consumer. 6.0 "Main" - Shall refer to a pipe, conduit, or other facil.it-7 :.=stalled to cozvey water service to individual service lines or to other—ins. 7.0 "Service Lines" - The pipes of the Company, which are connected f=om the Mains to Point of Delivery. 8.0 "Rate Schedule" - Refers to rate or charge for the particular classifica- tion of service. 9.0 "Comm.issiof' - Refers to the City commission, City of Sebastian. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service Rule Number 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 INDEX OF RULES AND REGULATIONS Original Sheet No. 6.0 Sheet Number GeneralInfomration........................................ WaterService ............................................. Signed Appiication Necessary .............................. Applications by Agents .................................... Withholding Service ....................................... Extensions................................................ Limitations of Use ........................................ Continuityof Service ..................................... Typeand Maintenance ....................................... Changeof Consumer's Installation .......................... Inspection of Consumer's L*istallation ..................... Protectionof Company'sPxopLerty ........................... Accessto Premises ........................................ Rightof Way or Lasements................................. Billing Periods ............................................ Delinquent Bills .......................................... Reimbursement for Extra Expenses .......................... Payment of Water and Sewer Service Bills Consurrently ..... Harold E. Schmidt President 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 6.0) Rule Number Original Sheet No. 7.0 Sheet Number 19.0 Temporar9 Discontinuance of Service .................... 12.0 20.0 Tax Clause ............................................. 12.0 21..0 Change of Occupancy ....... 7 ........................... 12.0 22.0 Unauthorized Connection — Water ........................ 13.0 23.0 Meters .................................................. 13.0 24.0 All Water through deters ............................... 13.0 25.0 Adjustment of Bills .................................... 13.0. 26.0 Deposits ............................................... 13.0 27.0 Request for Meter Test by Consumer ..................... 14..0 28.0 adjustment of Bails for Meter Error .................... 14.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian highlands Division Water Service RUL.:S -M REGMAT=ONS Original Sheet No. 8.0 1.0 General Information - Tae Company's Rules and Regulations, insofar as they are inconsisceat with any statute, ordinance, law, or legislation, now in effect, shall be null and void. These Rules and Regulations are a part of the rate schedules, applications and contracts of the Company, and is the absence of speci�ic written agreement to the contrary, they apply without mod__ications or change to each and every Consumer to whom the Company renders water service. Ia the event that a portion of these Rules and Regulations is declared unconstitutional or void for any reason by any court of competent juris- diction, such decision shall in no way affect the validity cf the remain- ing por-tions of the Rules and Regulations for :pacer service unless such court order or decision shall so direct. Z.0 Water Service - To obtain water ser -rice, apolicat_on should be made at the office of the Company. Applications are accepted by the Company with the understandiag that there is no obligation on the part of the Company to render water service other than that which is then available from its existing water production and disciibunion equipment and service lines. The applicant shall f•.:r^-4sh to the Company the correct name, street address, and lot and block number at which water service is to be rendered. 3.0 Signed Application Necessary - Water ser -rice is fur^ished on.'V upon signed aDplication or agreement accepted by the Company and the conditions of such application or agreement are beading upon the Consumer as well as upon the Company. A copy of each application or agreement :Cr "dater ser- vice accepted by the Company will be =urr.:shed cc the applicant on request. 4.0 AD-olication by Agents - Applications for wace partnerships, associations, corporations, and only by duly authorized parties. When water agreement or agreements entered Tato between the pr nc_aa?, the use of such water service stitute full and complete ratification by the or agreements entered into between agent and such water service is rendered. r service requested by firms, others, shall be tendered service is rendered under the Company and an agent of by the princioal shall cen- princ=pal of the agreement tae Company and ender wh'cn 5.0 Withholding Service - The Company may withhold or discontinue water (Continued to Sheet No. 9.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Ut-ii4ties, Inc. Original Sheet No. 9.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 8..0) service rendered under application made by any member or agent of a family, household, organization, or business unless all prior indebced- ness to the" Company of such family, household, CrYan�izatiOn, Cr business Lor water service has been set-Ied in full. 6.0 Extensions - The Company will make such extensioas to its existing facilities as may be required by one or more Consumers provided the revenues to be derived therefrom shall be sufficient co afford =air and reasonable return on the cost of providing and readering the water ser- vice. Otherwise, the Company will require from the Consumer prepayments, cash advances, minimum guarantees, service guarantees, contribution in aid of construction, or other arrangements with the Consumer, whereby the Company will be enabled to earn a fai-- and reasonable recur-- on the cost of providing and rendering the requi_ed water service. 7.0 Limitation of .se - Water service purchased from the Company shall be used by the Consumer only for the purposes spec -4-4'd in the application for water service and the Consumer shall not sell or otherwise dispose of such water service supe lied by the Company. Water service 'u.—n4shed to the Consumer shall be rendered directly t.o the Consumer through Co= anv`s individual meter and shall be for Consumer's own use and may not be remetered by the Consumer for the purpose of selling or otherwise dispos- ing of water service to lessees,, tenants, or others; and under no circum- stances shall the Consumer or Consumer's agent or any ocher individual, association, or corporation install meters for the purpose of so remecer- iag said water service. :n no case saa11 a Consumer, except with the writ_en consent of the Company, extend his lines across a st_eec, aliev, lane, court, property line, avenue, or ocher way, in order to furnish water -service for adjacent property tarougn one peter, even taough such adjacent propert-7 be owned by him. _n case of such unaut:lor:zed exten- sion, remetering sale or disposition of ;e: -vice, Consumer's water service is subject to d_scontinuance until such unauthorized extension, remeteriag, sale, or disposition is discontinued and :uli payment is made of bills for water service, calculated on proper classification and rate schedules and reimbursement in full made to the Company for all extr ra expenses incured for clerical work, testing and inspections. 8.0 Cant=auity of Ser-,-zce - '_he Company will at all times use .reasonable diligence to provide continuous water service, and having used reasonable diligence, shall not be liable to the Consumer for failure or zterruption of continuous water service. The Cemzarry shall not be liable for any act or omissior. caused directly or indirect'_y by strikes, labor troubles, accident, litigations, breakdowns, shutdowns for repairs or -adjustments, (Continued to Sheet No. 10.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 10.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 9.0) acts of sabotage, ene-las of the United States, warms, 7^ii:_d States, state, tluaicipal or ocher govezental int_r=erence, acts of God or otner causes beyond its ccnt_ol. 9.0 7_170e and Maintenance - The Consumer's pipes, apparatus, and ecuioment shall be selected, installed, used and maintained in accordance with :he standard practice, conforming with the Rules and Regulations of the Company, and in full compliance with all laws and Bove ^..meatal regula- tions applicable to same. The Consumer agrees further to keen all pipes, valves, plumbing and fixtures i:. repair and to pro=tly scop all leaks on his premises, and the C�any shall not be respoasible or their maintenance and operation, The Consumer a.-gressly agrees not to utilize any appliance or device which is not properly constructed, coat:olled and protected, or which may adversely affect :he water service; and the Company reserves the right to discontinue or withhold water service to such apparatus or device. l0.0 Chanze of Consumer's =nstallat'_or. - No changes or increases in Consumer's installation, which will materially affect the prover operation of :he pipes, mains, or stations of the Company sisal_ be .fade without written consent of the Company. The Consumer will be liable for any change resulting from a violation of this rule. _ .0 Iasvection of Consumer'snstallation - 311 Consumer's cater se:^7ice installations or changes shall be i:.spected upor. completion by competent authority to insure that Consumer's ?iaiag, equipment, and devices ;.ave been installed in accordance with accepted standard practice and such local governental or other riles as may be in effect. rnere aunicipal or other governmental inspection is recuired by local r.11es cr ordinances, he Company cannot render water sex,74ce unail such iaspect_on has been maae and a _ormal notice of approval _from tale .nspecti auc :or__`7 :.as been received by tae Company. ?'he Company reserves the right to inspect Consumer's installation prior to rendering water service and from time cc time thereafter, but assumes no respcnsih ility whatsoever for any portion thereof. 12.0 Protection of Comvang's P-oper.v - The Consumer sisal_ properly protect the Cann any's propert-7 on the Consumer's premises, and shall permit ao one but the Company's agents, or persons authorized by law, cc :nave access to the Company's pipes and apparatus. In the event of any loss or damage to property of the Company caused by (continued to Sheet No. 11.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Ri.ghlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 10.0) Original Sheet No. 11.0 or arising out of carelessnesss, neglect or misuse by the Consumer, the cost of making good such loss or repa4ring such damage shat) be paid by the Consumer. 13.0 Access to Premises - The duly authorized agents of the Company shall have access at all reasonable hours to the premises of the Consumer for the purpose of installing, maimta;mim g, and inspecting or removing Company's propoerty, reading meters, and other purposes incident to per-formance under or termination of the Company;s agreement with the Consumer, and in such performance shall not be liable for tiespass. 14.0 Richt of Waq or Easements - The Consumer shall grant or cause to be granted to the Company and without cost to the Company al' rights, easements permits, and priveleges which in its opinion are necessary for the rendering of water service. 15.0 Billing Periods - Bills for -water service shall be rendered month' -y. Bis are due when rendered:and-shall be considered as received by Consumer when delivered or mailed to water service address or some other place mutually agreed upon. Nonreceipt of bills by Consumer shall not release or dizz -r4 sh obligation of Consumer with respect to payment thereof. 16.0 Deli.ncuent Bills - Bills are due when rendered, and ii not paid within twenty (20) days thereafter become delinquent, and water sertrice may then, after five (5) days WRI'rT.21 NOTICE, be discontinued. Service will be resumed only upon payment of all past -due bi.�,� s and pebalties , together with a reconnect chargt- e.of S3.00, when performed ducag regular working hours. After regular working hours, the reconnection charge will be $5.00. There shat be no L:.ablili.ty of any kind against the Company by reason of discontinuance of water service to the Consumer for failure of the Consumer to pay the bills on time. No partial payment of any bill' rendered will be accepted by the Company, except by agreement with Company, or by order of the Commission. 17.0 Reimbursement for Extra Expenses - The Consumer shall reimburse the Company for all extra expenses (such as for special trips, inspections, additional clerical expenses, etc.) incurred by the Company on account of the Consumer's violation of the contract for service or of the Company's rules and regulations. (Continued to Sheet No. 12.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Ut4 aties, Inc. Original Sheet No. 12.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 11.0) '8.0 ?ay'lent of Water and Sewer Se= ce ?i_15 COnCUr72ntl 7 - : nen both 'Nater and sewer service are provided by the Ccmpany, pal ent of any water ser- vice b;" rendered 'oy the Compan;r to a water ser -r c_ Cons;—er sisal_, not be accepted by the Company wi=gout the si�il=aneeus or conc'_r=e=t payMe_"t of any sewer ser -rice bi: l rendered bv the Company. I_ tie charges =or water service are not so paid, the Company may discor_t- ue ooza sewer sar-rice and water service to the Consumer's premises for nonpayment of the water service charges or if the charges for sewer service are not so paid, the Company may cisccmz:L ue bot?: water service and sewer se=-r_ce tc the Con- sumer' s prem=sex for aonpa•of :he saver sem ce charge. e Company shall pot re-estab:�sh cr reconn-ect sewer serer ce and water serr_ce cr either of such ser? ces uat4 suit: t::. as all sewer ser -r -ice charges and water service charges and all other e=enses or charges established or provided for by these Rules and Regulations are paid. 19.0 Te --mora=y Discon__^.uancs of Service - At any time that water service is not being fur-_.i.shed to the pram-:sas, as conf_ -h by the Company f;: m:sa- ing said water service, upon appLcati.an to the Company by the Consumer for a te'oraz-y shutoff ;; -ill ll be br�ZLed for water service to the premises -in accordance with the Seasonal Bate. 20.0 Tax Clause - Rates and/or charges may be increased or a su=zharoe added in the amount of the arrl 4 cable propos=orate part of any taxes and assessments imposed by any gover-meIILal authc=ity is excess of those is effect -7aaua_-y 1, 1967, which are assessed on the basis of meters or customers or the price of or revenues from water sold. 21.0 Chante of Occ•_canc4 - ,Nnen change of occupancy takes place on any o_ remisas supplied by the Company with water servlca, "�= �TCTTC t:lereof spa be given atthe office. of the Company hot less than three (3) dans pr'Or to the date of change by the outgoing Coria r, who viLl, be held respcn- sibie for al1 water service used on such premises unci= suith net_ce is so received and the Comp.=y has had r_ascnabie t4 -1p to disccn- timue water service. However, if suer written actice has not been received, the application of a succeeding occupant for water service will automatical_17 term -4 --late the prior account. Consumer's deposit may be transfarred from one ser7ice location to another, _f both locations are supplied by the Company. Consumer's deposit may :QCT be transfer -ed fr=m one name to another. For tae convenience of its Consumers, the Campaay w -:1l accept telepncne oraers to aiscontimue or transfer water se= -rice andw '? = use all reason- able dil4ence is tae execution thereof. However, cral orders or advice cannot be deemed binding cr be considered :oral not -=cation to the Company. (Continued from Sheet No. 13.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water -Service Original Sheet No. 13.0 22.0 Unauthorized Connect, -4c --s - `Water - Connections to the Company's water s7ste= =or any p^ose whatsoever are to be --de only b?, e=plovaes of the Compan7. Uaauthor:zed connections render the service subject to immediate d scont. :uance vi=hcut notice and grater service w�'? =ot be restored such unauznor=zed connections have been removed, =d, u:?ess settlement is made in full for all water service estimated by the Company to have been used by reasan of such unauthorized connection. 23.0 Haters - All water meters sea'll be fu=idled by and rem--" the DroDer­­7 of the Compa3:7 and shat be accessibie to and subject cc izs cont.ci. '1^se Cons-smer sha?1 -prov�.ae meta= space to the Compaao at a suitable and readily accessible location and when the Compan7 considers it advisable, wiz is the premises to be served, and should be of adec_uata and oroner space for the-:st`latien cf meters and other devices. 24.0 311 Water Th ouch `Teter mat Dor'.ion of the Cams=er's mst'1.'..atlon for °.Dater ser rice shall be so a=-anged that ;='11 water se -Tice siZ- I l ?lass through the meter. No temDara-r7 pipes, ni7pleS, Or Spacers are )e=" =---ec and wader no circumstances are connections allowed a-rAJ_ch may De= -Lt Ovate= to b7 -pass the meter of acuipmeat. 25.0 3di,,hstme^.t of Bills - When a customer has been over-l-arged or uadercaarged as a result of :.=correct application of the rate schedules, 4- correct reading of the meter, =.correct coanect_on o5 :he meter, or other s��;'ar raasons, the mount may be credited or billed to the Consumer, as the case Say be. 26.0 Customer Deposit - Before reorder; g ser74-ce, the Compan7 N:.11 —Cui=S a deposit or guarantee satisiactcr7 to the Company cc secure tae payment of bills, and the C"ompan7 shall give tae customer a non-negotiable and non- t_rsferable deposit receipt. The mount of. suc depos:- seal_ be m amount necessar7 to cover cha=ps :o= service for :vc (2; periods. Residential General Service 5/8" x 3/4" 1" 1� 211 (Continued to Sheet No. 14.0) Refundable Deposit S 15.00 $ 15.00 30.00 60.00 100.00 Harold E. Scbmidt President General Development Ut Uities, Inc. Sebastian a ghlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 13.0) Original Sheet No. 14.0 The Companv w411 pay interest on customer's deposit at the rate of 6% per annum. The payment of intaresc *ail= be made once a year as a -edit on regular bills, and on final bills when ser -,-ice is discoar hued. vo c•.:stomer depositor will receive iateresc on his deposit until ac least six (6) months continuous service, then interest will be Paid from the date of the commencement of service. noon final settlement of customer`s account or when customer's credit has been established to the satisfaction of the Company, anv unused bal- ance of the deposit will be refunded. Refund is contingent upon surrender to the Company of the applicable depos_c receipt or, when the receioz cannot be produced, upon adequate identification. 27.0 Request for 5gecer Test by Consumer - Should any customer request a bench test of his water meter, the Ccmpanv w4-11 require = deposit to de= -ay cast of testing, such deposit not cc exceed the following sc..eduie of tees. Meter Size -ee All Meters $ 5.00 i� meter is found to register in excess of the accuracy 1=its orescr:bed by the Commission, the deposit wil'- be rerunded; but -f below suth accuracy limit, the deposit will be retained by the Company as a sei-J.ce charge for conducting the test. ur=her, =on Written request of a. -.y customer, tale Company Shal1, -.ai:hcuc charge, =ake a field cast of the accurac'7 of the water =ecar in use at Customer tS premises, Lrovtded that the meter hZ5 not bEen te5tad Cie oast t;aelve (12) months.rule shall _n no way confl'ct wi^ Commission Rule 310-10.80. 28.0 Ad ius t=ent of Bills for Meter E~or - in meter tests made by the Commis- sicn or by tae Company at the request of the customer, the accuracy of registration of --he meter and its performance in service shat_ be judged by its average error. The average meter error shat_ be consideredy be the average of the errors at the test rate flows. Past Meters - Whenever a meter tested is f=ound to register fast, 1."1 eXCeSS of the tolerance provided in the Meter Accurac., Requirements provision herein, the Utility shall refund to the customer the amount billed in (Continued to Sheet No. 15.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 15.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service (Continued from Sheet No. 14.0) error for one -hal` the period not to exceed six (5) mont::s except that if it can be shown that the error was due to some cause, the date or which can be fixed, the overcharge shall be computed back to but not bevond such date. The ref -and shall not include am7 part of any minimum c .a=ge. Slow Meters - N7henever a meter tested is found to register slow, i7 excess of the tolerance provided :.m the deter Accuracy Heau-4-emeats provision I the utility may bill the customer an amount equal to the unbilled error for one-half the period since the last test; said one -hal' period not to exceed six (o) months except that i' -t can be shown that the error was due to some cause, the data or which can be ::.ted, the char may be computed 'back to but not beyond such date -and provided further that if the ut11__y }'las requ-'red a Cep_ osit, the customerma•7 be milled only for that portion of the unbilled er-or which is is excess of the deposit retained by the utility. ? the event of a non -register meter, customer ray be b -4 -1 -led on an estimate based on previous bills for similar usage, suc estimaca to apepl, only to the current billing period. Ia the event of unauthorized use, the customer may be billed on a reason- able estimate of the service taken. `deter Accuracy -Recuirements X11 peters used for measuring quantity of water delivered to a customer shall be in good mechanical condition and shall be adequate in size and design for the type of ser'7ice which trey measure. Before being installed for the use of any customer, every water meter whether new, repai_ed, or =_moved from szrt.ce =or anv cause s1ha-1 be adjusted to register *aitain the accuracy limits set =orth in the fol- lowing table: -lie minimum required accuracy for compound meters at any rate wic:iin the ti changeover` range of flows shah be 85 a. Harold E. Schmidt President Ac--,-,=ac-7 L=._ts in ?e= Cent `lax -4 =vm =ntarmedlate New 3enai=sd Mace= T`me Rata ?ata Displacement 98.0-_01.3 98.0701.3 95-131.3 90-!01.5 Cu=_-ent 97 -103 97 -103 95-103 90-103 Compound* 97 -103 97 -103 95-103 90-103 -lie minimum required accuracy for compound meters at any rate wic:iin the ti changeover` range of flows shah be 85 a. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Ut-i?ities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 20.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service INDEX OF S=ARD FORMS Sheet Number Customer's Deposit Receipt & Service Agreement ............ 21.0 Application for New Residential Service ................... 22.0 Application for New General Service ....................... 23.0 ServiceWork Order ...:............»........................ 24.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service JiQiy4 S REPOS _ '�T & SIRS Cr Gene -A Oa-dAmmem .7;W Utllct-lnc Original Sheet No. 21.0 MSTOiSR'S MPOSIT RECEIPT YO' & SERVICE AGRE MEB i Aeeeived :rpm Date Street address account 30. .Sail Ade --ass Lot NO. 31oc)c Division Water Deposit 5 Sewer Deposit s Gas Deposit $ '"oral Deposit S Xs a Total Deposit and /100 Dollars ,his payment a to guarantee any and al. indebtedness dor +star and/or sever and/or gas service vnica j7 be or beeper due to General Developsanc Oc:L""as, Lac., (heralaatcsr called "7cillcy") by said Customer. :ustooer agrees that this Deposit or any port:an thereof. say be appllea in discr=gm of any Sadiscedness of Customer to Upom discanr n- uanea of sarvica covered 'oy :his :eposic and the presencaciaa of cats 3acei2c and prover wantlticacion, Uci-1:7 agrees to retamd to Custasar =8 Oeposic, lass any counts duh UtilltT• .Sim Deposit snall not preeivae Ut211cy _`tom dimancinaiag for nonpayment :he sarvics covered by anis ]eposic rsgard- lass of the suillciaocT at said DeposLc ca cover any Ladebcadness !or sues sarvtca. 3y the signing of this Customer's Deposit Zacelpt i Service Agreement. Customer recognizes and agrees :o abide Sy all exisriag reasonable rules and rosulacioas of ati11t7 and 907 amaadmanta tnereco, copies of said Miss and regnlatipas and ammodsanta thareco being available for Saspeetioc ac :ns bi "Ing odfiu at Silty. Castoeer agrees that 7t_lic7, tcs ageau or taviaTees in" Ac all ties have across :o Uci:lt715 _:nes, secars and suburbaaaar (prassura sever system) and the areas -norm sucn `ac :.cies are located will be kept i:se of sarubbery, trees, !ancos, 3terferaaca from pets, And ocher obsrrue-,-pas. Cascomer agrees that _ snall :sold Ctll-:y. _:s agents or emoloyess harmless and Ut111c7 sha" not oa Liable !or any damage or Lnjur7 allesea to nave ar_s::ea _%rough �t'r'1t7, .cs agents or employees :nnductia; Laspatt113128 and repairs :o UCL1/r7'3 lines, =scars and iuourpsnaar 1prassurs sever sysus), watcher wee aamage snall have occurrea through negligence or otherwise, and -nether sura triage or Lajury snal;, occur :c real Masrt7, persons or pets. Customer further agrees that all b„•. tar water and/or sawags and/or Sam t^arges •rft.' be paid withLa :1.`teen (:.3) days of asiling bills and attar %ve (5) days written socks 11 hoc so paid. Utility will have the rtgnt :o aiscoaaett setvies and charge a raasonable tae tar reeonaest=g. Lt is further understood and agreed thae cbe sale of vacar and/or gas to Customer occurs ac the meter, and Uti;.1cy has po responsibility raiaciYe to cervica or suppl7Lag vacar and/o! ;as attar said water and/or ;aa passes :nrouga :he atter. Ut111ty's rasponsibilir7 ralative to gravity saver sarvlca -seems ac :ascoerr'I proverty line, and a responsihllic7 ralaeiva cc suburbans- (pressure saver 'Tate) ceases ac the point ac vnica the house :acarol enters the snourbanser unit. -astomer By* MMRAL DECE ;rPtr:IT 'T:=-=3 , :NC. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Iac. Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service dam T :""SON POR `M. RES=MTD=A? 57:r= 41 Original Sheet No. 22.0 I �"-•� G�rerz! u�2!oome:7t —• L`a.;.es lrc New Residential Service PLC EM"M la NAME SLAT LOT 3LOCX a _ •,!wtt.iVG AOORE55 CONING C' ASSIF)CATtON I - C LOCATION OFSFAVICS (it ot*WMV T1TL:'OLOEAOFoo01ERTY- A .:+tnr at aao.a T TYPE OF MAVICE: `NATER SEWER :ST. OA TE SEAVICS AEQUTAED— III =NNEC• 10N CHAAGES 11 Wrtw Rawt C4ortsty CIY1L W Slxgr tatwiiv rrtw - 5726 00 )- nrar - SS)6.00 J'A' mwM - 5414.00 MOO" Itetrra -S108.00 •S Z) wets Man Lin. F:tmoan C % wttt T It. lfwa" froom" on marnl X.=19 votes nwwnttYn toots" Is 80 f"L :) wsw Mtnw Cont -coon Chem" . rrttetw - S 7L00 Y tutor — $11 Lao S79a00 TOTAL'NATER C:IARGE •S 11 5.... Awn C DMVV Mama S S:. Vr f All MMRM - 5726.00 c' 'Aa *of near. - S703C0 •S 21 S— Man um Estates"" cline ro 'ry tt Uootaw trentu" On rnawtl X Sd-SA %io r. mwarnum toots w is 90 1"r lAcb ow w~ tatwta cm or SBLOO A TOTAL SEWEA 04ARGE •S TCTAL'NATEA&SEWORCNARGE 11 OF=ICE .:otrro.ac USE O -•w IV-GRUMENT V .dl 0..1--= umn - --m"l „i :nw enaf-P t. S n -.tit V TI LI TY'S Sa jo, Atra•.4on4tV Yto ,4t- Latrnaton ?71•CY 700t*"d oV ^r FkWM "ua•e Sw Wf :aMnMUon. 1,r net.:r 3fo-085 'or I -aw Yto/or taws :rant awcumn it ;SO ;+tions ow a", 'JTILIT" -wt lot U 70t.48wd M re.-jr =Mwfv or tw..ea .n .aoru or mat 4101=11r43n Yin may "Ve-e :0r-M"WI to Outran It* -n1Qt NYC" t SUGM Y10Gt00 4:7041"N' C -.term"-, Signattwa �svrr,rrrt rtivtwo S �V urnwrl Otr.r.00nrrw i -mm rt. I -- Harold E. Schmidt President IW • General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 23.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service A??T--- --ON FOR == M -7R.. T S=..;'V — Genera( Oomw m t : RUC:.TTOFOcR 4E:a G—eE?.Al S_77VIC—z 1aae: Oats: !falllaL Address: Location of ;N. Facility: Plat: Lac: 31eet: Zoning QassificaLian: -r,ve of Service: eater Seer Esti"Ced Oaea S*"%Ca Zeauired: Tltla holder of ?roper -y: Sane as abawe Other: Spens.4y Yale i 1e14tionshi7 Sisa of xpni:ed water _tetsrs: 4ua3er of upui:ad water, Mato -3: !.SAGE DATA: 1. Apar sent 3uilding Yo. at Unita U¢itS/Acre 2. Haoilt Rana ?ar= 4o. zt �;ai:a S_ 3ospi:al. �I AuAe—f .So. at Seas t. Hospital. ca :auACry 40. of Seas S. Hursiai :foes Souart Feet 6. Hotel or Matti tie. :f Uni:a 7. wasCaurant No. 2f sesta i. fiC:, i/slaws " Ve. 7t � -1oye.a 9. Laundronat Na. si '!aea:aes 10. Office 3 Square Feet U. airehpYae Sa::are Frec 12. Soares. no ._:than ra Feet ". Other xECUIi.ED A%,AC 4V, -Z'S; Legal Usrzpcian of ?roperey Sits nae (includ zC location of st:ac:ures sad utility connection Points) MOM: Additional iafoaiation say be reouired. GHQ will respond with%n 30 jars :a four soplication. aew:sing whevher servies will be provited. *f 30, :-e est:nated :art service -lil :e available and :.%* tats! Cost ai :onneC::an =X11 be :r-v:jea. :vu =est :hen aot4 y '.3U in writing of -our AC:totanea of tneae :eras ane .sr• w rd as atreefent preeassang cee ai 1150.00 Deiore say :ut:mer -or% wall be undertaken. aXtnaeute . ....t oX _arpor�t. on Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service S=Cr- WORK OPJr—R Original Sheet No. 24.0 f � G��:ai Oz�,�opment �YJ ei rc Service Work Oder - I I I i I =l4lYr1 wYw � uw +owe <irt oteJirR 9ewit �ierw � � wy. Gew '. «...� GtY +w,eewr W lq Strew fJ Sun �ewre SwYen •eww l --ow I •eo.r_'TYs i � e atwaewY.e,• I I: telw.wnre � I � u.wr..7w....� i uww � I �� t0.1JaaG � Aefea+� I I L i v o t 14 •w'ew" i e +� a uar4a. a S.Y.. I 3W.nq Status Goetz: f `Ywer I 1 I,I• 7 ww l!7 Www Omw�WI1 Cfl �ee�n N... we Tail i iw'Y.O NeA Sw S- 3 . I Aee. w.el I • f:ww i:ll:.glhs.ie0 i I S i w. t.Z Www ! •a..r w itt �.w SiAvlCI i Jeoout `Aeter 7 9— OMITew.fwr i afte }n aeaew r +..w.,wr .wwewaf Sn rws t a 7u Ow �.�o•Y �e Maawaont: �wnntw Celrtwa Car. Crwm Ten! Tiw�� •.wwrw Te to true= lYfra Iiwtte.teee•ale ane Yaw were ne. 3ew Dewe : e wwt Swwtearw Harold E. Sc! midt President s- r fS General Development Utilities, Inc Sebastian Highlands Division Water Service S=Cr- WORK OPJr—R Original Sheet No. 24.0 f � G��:ai Oz�,�opment �YJ ei rc Service Work Oder - I I I i I =l4lYr1 wYw � uw +owe <irt oteJirR 9ewit �ierw � � wy. Gew '. «...� GtY +w,eewr W lq Strew fJ Sun �ewre SwYen •eww l --ow I •eo.r_'TYs i � e atwaewY.e,• I I: telw.wnre � I � u.wr..7w....� i uww � I �� t0.1JaaG � Aefea+� I I L i v o t 14 •w'ew" i e +� a uar4a. a S.Y.. I 3W.nq Status Goetz: f `Ywer I 1 I,I• 7 ww l!7 Www Omw�WI1 Cfl �ee�n N... we Tail i iw'Y.O NeA Sw S- 3 . I Aee. w.el I • f:ww i:ll:.glhs.ie0 i I S i w. t.Z Www ! •a..r w itt �.w SiAvlCI i Jeoout `Aeter 7 9— OMITew.fwr i afte }n aeaew r +..w.,wr .wwewaf Sn rws t a 7u Ow �.�o•Y �e Maawaont: �wnntw Celrtwa Car. Crwm Ten! Tiw�� •.wwrw Te to true= lYfra Iiwtte.teee•ale ane Yaw were ne. 3ew Dewe : e wwt Swwtearw Harold E. Sc! midt President