HomeMy WebLinkAbout03032015NRB Agendahe �� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 3, 2015 Regular Meeting 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. PUBLIC INPUT 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Indian River County Day of Service — April 25, 2015 i. Use of City Boat B. Oyster Bed Restoration Project Update i. Spat Viability Report from Matthew Anderson, Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserve Office ii. Status of Army Corp of Engineers Permit C. Earth Day Planning —April 18, 2015 i. Is the Board allowed to seek door prizes on letterhead ii. Assign members to write door prize letters iii. Assign members to do follow up vendor phone calls 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Board mission statement and support by City Staff MEMBER MATTERS 10. STAFF MATTERS 11. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY"S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE 1NATTENDANCE. 1 of 8 CR OF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND MINUTES NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairman Northcott called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Alan Northcott — Chairman Bob Progulske (excused) Gil Gordian —Vice Chairman Rose Glaser Also Present: Ann Lucier Frank Watanabe, P.E., City Engineer George Millar Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Specialist Andrea Ring Paul Giordano, Father of Eagle Scout Candidate James Clifton —Alternate John Giordano, Eagle Scout Candidate Jack Lampiasi —Alternate 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 6, 2015 Regular Meeting Chairman Northcott asked the minutes reflect a voice vote of 7-0 as the alternates are to vote only when filling in for a regular member. The January 6, 2015 minutes were appoved as amended. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Indian River County Day of Service — April 25, 2015 Chairman Northcott announced the day of service. Ms. Lucier said she has access to a boat if they would like to participate by doing an island clean up. It was the consensus of the Board to put this on the next agenda for further discussion and ask to have the City boat participate. 6. PUBLIC INPUT - None 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Update Oyster Mat Protect The City Environmental Specialist met with Mr. Progulske earlier this afternoon to go over the permitting. Mr. Gordian asked of the Specialist received anything from Mr. Progulske. 2 of 8 Natural Resources Board Meeting February 3, 2015 Page Two The City Engineer did not have a chance to review the material or to speak with the Specialist before the meeting. Mr. Gordian asked for a permit update at the next meeting. The City Engineer offered to accelerate and submit the permit because of the late date. The City Engineer reported the shells are drying at the City Compound and distributed a sample shell for their inspection. Paul Giordano reported that City Council approved John's participation; a Minnesota company will supply the 226 ft. mesh at $656.00; 2,000 8 inch, black zip ties will be $125.00 sans shipping; and the donut weights are $1.17 each at Lowes. In response to Paul Giordano, Mr. Gordian offered to be John's mentor and liaison in case he can't make a meeting. Mr. Gordian reminded them they might need PVC tubes to mark and hold the mats. Paul Giordano said he is checking with someone at the Brevard Zoo to see what the water temperature should be for placement; he will pick up six 29 -gallon totes to bleach the shells; the second phase purchasing will be go through the scout's charter organization, St. Elizabeth Church. The troop will have a table at Earth Day to raise funds for phase ll. The City Engineer offered to transport the shells to the drill site, store assembled mats at the Compound, and then transport them to the placement site. i. Set Up Spat Traps Mr. Millar noted they should probably put out traps by the end of the month. Paul Giordano reminded them that Marc Virgillio from the Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves Field Office determined their sites are viable. Mr. Gordian said he would check with Brian (who took Marc's place) to see if there was follow up on their locations. Timeline Paul Giordano said he would take John's proposal to the Eagle Scout District Monday night and should hear back within a week; he is making a screen to use when they rinse the shells. Announcement Mr. Lampiasi introduced himself, said he was a professional musician and educator all his life, he volunteers at the Pelican Island Refuge and thought service on the Board would extend his environmental interest. B. Earth Day April 18, 2015 Ms. Lucier reported that she has 11 vendor confirmations, including the Elephant Center; she was happy to see the shredding event will be same weekend as vendors will like the business; the Chamber of Commerce has offered to put the event on their calendar. She would like to receive more food vendor applications. The City Engineer offered to look into closing off the sidewalk for the proposed sidewalk chalk contest. 3of8 Natural Resources Board Meeting February 3, 2015 Page Three Mr. Millar said he would take care of the fire extinguisher permit again. Mr. Gordian said he would be checking on music. C. Shift Assignment for EcoFest - March 1 2015 Chairman Northcott said he was looking for volunteers. Ms. Lucier offered to take the 10:45 — 2:00 shift. Mr. Clifton offered to take the 1:45 — 4:00 shift. Mr. Millar said he might be able to help in the morning. Chairman Northcott said the Board's booth had been chosen to be part of the Eco Quest Challenge where children will be asked a question about the different booths and they will win a prize if they answer all the Challenge questions correctly ensuring all the booths are visited. He said he would come up with a question for the children. In response to Mr. Gordian, the City Engineer said the Board could use some funds to make a poster to display at their booth. Mr. Gordian said he would stop by City Hall to review the stored photographs for the poster, 7.07 pm 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Indian River Countv's Sewer Plan for Indian River Drive The City Engineer explained there is a nexus between the Board and the Indian River Lagoon, the County is moving forward with their gravity force main septic project, and he considers it to be the northern section of the riverfront area. There is a force main on the west side of Indian River Drive, this project will tie in a gravity system that will make it more cost efficient for businesses and home owners. On behalf of the City he will submit two comments. He would like the lift station switched from the residential side to the commercial side at North Central and Jackson Street; and, allow the Davis Street House (bed and breakfast) to hook up to the gravity system as they were denied three years ago. This plan does not mandate property owners to hook up but ideally everyone should to help the Lagoon. Mr. Millar suggested offering a free hookup as the project is underway as an incentive. The City Engineer said that would be up to City Council. Ms. Ring noted that when she lived in Virginia, the Chesapeake Bay Act forced one house to hook up to a chemical system. He added the water table is only two to three feet down so the septic systems are bleeding into the water table. Ms. Lucier asked what happens if a septic system fails. The City Engineer said the Board may want to consider this possibility and make suggestions to City Council. The City Engineer further explained that most homes are on the gravity system because forced main systems would require individual lift stations with maintenance costs, making it cost prohibited. Mr. Lampiasi asked if the costs could be paid over 20-30 years and the City Engineer explained systems are typically paid by fees incorporated into monthly utility bills. 4of8 Natural Resources Board Meeting February 3, 2015 Page Four He invited the Board to submit their comments with his or give them directly to the County, whichever they prefer. He asked the Board to think about how policy decisions to suggest to City Council because it doesn't make sense to have this $1M system installed and not use it. Mr. Gordian asked if the City uses the water samples the Marine Resources Council collects. The City Engineer said we do not, so many agencies are involved in the Lagoon there should be a pooling of data that might happen under the proposed Lagoon Council. In response to Ms. Ring, the City Engineer said Sebastian residents use the County's system and a septic system fails, homeowners must hook up. He noted no one has yet to apply for the City's grant program. He said he would get them grant information to distribute at 'Earth Day. He noted the City also has a no illicit discharge code per the NPDES Ordinance that should be promoted. 9. MEMBER MATTERS Chairman Northcott noted at the last meeting he brought up that there were tortoise burrows at the Stormwater Park and there has been more brush clearing. The City Engineer said sometimes the workers can't see the burrows in the thick brush until it is too late, but they have decided to tag and flag the burrows. He is also going to have the DEP instructor come to educate the Public Works crew. Chairman Northcott noted the walking path has needlessly been cleared on each side housing three protected species. The City Engineer said the path was cleared to follow St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) operating procedures as a man- made park. Chairman Northcott noted a specialist should have inspected the park prior to clearing as posted on a sign at the park. The City Engineer said the City has to maintain the park per SJRWMD requirements. Chairman Northcott said there should be more education as the swale in his yard has been cleared up to the fence which is within 25 feet of a burrow. The City Engineer said he is not familiar with each case, City crews try to do their best but do not have time to walk each site to keep up with the mowing. Crews will now mark the burrows. Chairman Northcott confirmed the Environmental Specialist is not inspecting each area as one would think an. Environmental Specialist might. The City Engineer said there is not enough staffing for each area, the Environmental Specialist has many other duties and sometimes may not be available to inspect prior to the maintenance moving forward with the clearing operation. Mr. Gordian asked how often a specialist goes to the Stormwater Park. The City Engineer said once a year, Mr. Gordian asked if the burrows could be staked as done In state parks. The City Engineer said GPS could be used but tortoises move around and that the Board members could assist in the GPS of sites. There is a GPS app which can be loaded onto a smart phone which logs the tortoises. At the Fish and Wildlife Service class he attended, it was instructed that people should not mark the burrows; only touch a tortoise that is in the road --move it to the direction it was headed otherwise it will turn around and go back into the road. Ms. Lucier commended the stormwater crew. 5 of 8 Natural Resources Board Meeting February 3, 2015 Page Five Earth Darr In response to Mr. Gordian, Ms. Lucier said some vendors are indicating that they will have door prizes at the event. 10. STAFF MATTERS The City Engineer introduced Michelle Stromberg as the Environmental Specialist who will be staffing future Natural Resource Board meetings. He noted her duties also include doing the water sampling and testing, engineering CAD/GIS, inspections for stormwater/land clearing/tree removals/driveway-drainage inspections, and environmental concerns from citizens. 11. Being no further business, Chairman Northcott adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:46 p.m. By: Chairman Alan Northcott Date 6of8 http://www.ircdayofservice.org/ Indian River County Day of Service - April 25, 2015 In an effort to uplift our communities, provide service to those in need and build bridges of friendship among members of all faiths, faith -based organizations, civic leaders, and community organizations in Indian River County, we invite you to join us for a Day of Service on Saturday, April 25, 2015. This site has been created to assist with the volunteer coordination for the service projects being held in Indian River County Florida. We invite you to learn more about the projects that have been scheduled and to volunteer and join us for this fantastic event. The deadline for submission of projects for consideration for April 25, 2015 is February 15. To learn more about the history and vision behind this event, please visit www.DayOfServlce.org. Volunteer Organizations: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Vero Beach Ward The Community Church of Vero Beach Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vero Beach Unity Center of Vero Beach Our Savior Lutheran and Sunrise Rotary Club Temple Beth Shalom The Boy's & Girl's Club of Sebastian City of Vero Beach Employees Indian River Estates Employees Vero Beach High School Lacross Teams First Presbyterian Church St. Helens Catholic Church First United Methodist Church The General Federation of Women's Club of Sebastian, Vero Beach, and Treasure Coast Civil Air Patrol 7of8 Sec. 2-241. - Natural resources board; mission and duties. Mission statement: To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the beneficial relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources. In pursuit of this mission, the natural resources board will provide analysis and advice to the city council on environmental issues with a three -pronged focus on Preservation, Enhancement, Regulatory Programs and Public Assets Management. Preservation and Enhancement guidance will feature: a. efforts for the protection of historic, specimen and protected trees; b. development of initiatives and programs for conservation of sensitive lands and open space, to be pursued both within the city proper and regionally on an intergovernmental basis; C. spearheading public education and awareness events such as the Champion Tree Program, Arbor Day and Earth Day celebrations; and d. a model for monitoring and enhancing the urban forest and protected species within the habitat. Regulatory Programs guidance will feature: a. periodic review of the tree protection and landscape code provisions to formulate recommended amendments; b. proposals for development of additional areas of environmental protection regulations; and C. formulation of policy considerations to be used as guidelines by the Planning and Zoning Commission in considering land development regulations. Public Assets Management guidance will feature: a. proposed planting of trees or landscaping; and b. developing environmental best management practices to be employed by the city. The city council may assign or request additional activities by the board. (Ord. No. 0-07-11, § 2, 6-27-07) 8 of 8