HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Sewage System - GDC• LLOYD AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND SIJF'VEYORS REPORTS DESIGNS SUPERVISION APPRAISALS CONSULTATIONS June 24, 1980 SFVi7AGF COLLECTION SYSTFM ROBERT F. LLOYD REGISTEREU C'VIL ENGINEER 353E REG-STEREU LAND CURVEYOR 94. 6 3 5 2 O T H S T R E E T VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 3296 SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS - iTNIT SIXTEEN The following report is the result of review of the Sebastian Highlands, a portion of Unit 16, Phase One, Sewage Collection System Plans as submitted to the City of Sebastian by General Development Corporation as reviewed by Lloyd and Associates, Consulting Engi- neers for the City of Sebastian, Florida. The sewage collection system as proposed by General Develop- ment is comprised of 8" P. V. C., SDR -35, Class 160, sanitary mains at varying distances between manholes flowing by gravity to a wetwell/ lift station and pumped via a 10" P. V. C. force main. 1400 L. F. ± to the proposed sewage treatment plant. Although the minimum slope for 8" V. C. P. has traditionally been established at . 476 or 4/10ths of a foot per hundred feet, P. V. C. pipe has a reduced friction coefficient (. 11% vs. . 13%) and thereby transmits greater quantities at reduced grades. It becomes extremely -1- PRELIMINARY ONLY important to ensure that strict controls are adhered to with reduced gradients to preclude increased maintenance costs for cleaning. The selection of Flygt Pumps for the wetwell will reduce main- tenance cost. "Flygt" has long been recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of submersible pumps. The gravity system and appur- tenances including the transmission system is good, except as follows: 1. Top elevations of manholes do not appear to conform to paving and drainage plans. Following are random manhold elevations: Manhole Number Top of M. H. Elevation on G. D. C. Sewer Plans Top of M. H. Elevation as scaled from G. D. C. Paving and Drainage Plan 7 23.20 23.69 12 24.50 24.67 15 23.00 23.27 17 25.70 25.95 29 23.70 23.10 2. An electronically detectable plastic tape should be buried a minimum of 12" below ground surface of all sanitary laterals. 3. Submit pipe manufacturers laying instructions to City Engineer for approval prior to starting work. 4. Backfill for trenches on gravity and force main systems to be compacted to 100010 density to a height l' above -2- PRELIMINARY OWLY pipe and to 95'1'� density in 12" lifts to finished grade for all r'w backfill outside pavement. 5. Backfill for trenches on gravity and force main systems to be compacted to 100% density in 12" lifts for backfill in pavement.. Density tests, as required by the City Fngineer, shall be taken at the owners expense, except that retests on failures will be charged to the Contractor. 6. All pipe to be laid in a dry trench. A wellpoint system or other approved dewatering method shall be utilized to maintain dry conditions. 7. Due to the depth of gravity system. 10. 631, and the wetwell depth of 20. 87 feet, sheeting and shoring is the responsi- bilitv of the Contractor. 8. Thrust blocking schedule for force main should be sub- mitted for review. 9. Concrete encasement detail should be submitted for review. 10. Although a general concrete encasement notation is listed on the cover sheet, specific locations are not indicated on construction plans. 11. Rear lot line sewers are not recommended. Utility -3- PRk"LIMlNARY ONLY easements are not shown on plans. A fifteen foot easement is the minimum practical width for rear lot maintenance. 12. Backfilling around manholes and other structures should be accomplished in same manner as for connected pipe. Fxtreme care should be used in backfilling wellpoint holes to prevent settlement. The holes should be plugged with a dry sand cement mixture (ratio 9 parts sand to 1 part concrete) to be placed immediately after pulling well points. 13. Concrete for manholes should have a bearing strength of 3500 psi in 28 days and should receive a protective coating on the interior and exterior surfaces with two (2) coats of Hoppers Co. Bituniastic 300-M, PROCO FW -1 water base epoxy, as manufactured by Protective Coatings, Tampa, Florida. or approved equal. 14. Manholes occurring in asphalt pavement should be reset to grade after wearing course has been applied. and a 40" x 40" x 8" concrete collar poured to wearing course grade. 15. Mortar for jointing and plastering brick manholes should consist of one part Portland cement and two parts of fine -4- PRELIMINARY ONLY sand. Onlv the exterior surface of brick manholes should be plastered with 3.%4 of an inch of cement mortar. 16. Precast concrete manholes should be constructed of concrete attaining a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi in 28 days, using Type II acid resisting cement. Construction shall conform to ASTM C478-70. 17. Infiltration and exfiltration leakage tests are required of all sections of the system. including laterals. The maximum allowable leakage as determined by 24 hour infiltration,/exfiltration testing should be 50 gallons/day/inch of diameter/mile. The test should be conducted to City Engineer's requirements. 18. As noted on plans, shop drawings covering wetwell should be submitted for approval to the City Engineer prior to construction. 19. C. I. P. at wetwell and valve box should be of a working pressure of 150 psi and conform with the requirements of AWWA Standard C106 or C108 for cast iron. 20. Cast Iron Pipe and fittings for sewage transmission shall be of enamel lined (not cement lined). -5- PRELIMINARY ONL ":' 21. Fittings shall conform with the requirements of AWWA Standard C110 for cast iron fittings. Flanged pipe and fittings shall have barrels conforming with the require- ments of AWWA C110, with integral cast or screwed on companion flanges faced and drilled in accordance with ANSI, 1121 .15-1975. 22. All hardware, bolts, anchors and accessories in the wetwell and valve vault should be stainless steel. 23. Valve manufacturers shop drawings shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. 24. Electrical components and installation should comply with the rules of the National Electric Code. All material should be new. 25. Ground rods should be copper clad steel not less than 3/4 inch in diameter 10 foot long. The maximum re- sistance of each driven ground should not exceed 5 ohms. 26. All conduit should be P. V. C., minimum of 2" diameter to each pump. Conduit should be sealed with zinc chromate duct seal below the panel. 27. Prior to final approval of the station by the City and at such times as the Engineer may direct, the Contractor/ Owner should conduct an operating test for approval. The PRIELImINARY ONL equipment should be demonstrated to operate in accordance with the applicable requirements in the presence of the City Engineer or his authorized repre- sentative. General Development Corporation should furnish all instruments and personnel required for the tests and the necessary electric power and water. 28. The Engineer or his designated representative should perform ongoing inspection during the construction of this system to ensure compliance with sound engineering practices. Work should be stopped on any individual portion or the entire project if, in the opinion of the City Engineer the construction materials/methodologies are not consistent with the best interests of the City of Sebastian or the future residents of the proposed subdivision. 29. The Contractor/Owner shall maintain the site of the work in a neat and workmanlike condition. The Contractor/Owner shall remove all excess materials and all debris resulting from all operations, and upon completion, leave the site of the work in essentially the same condition as he found it. All necessary steps should be taken to prevent objectionable blowing or drifting of dust, sand or other debris. -7- PRELIMINARY ONLY