HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150202BAC MinutesCITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY —FEBRUARY 2, 2015 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Roll Call Present: Ed Herlihy — Chair Dionna Farmer —Vice Chair Bruce Hoffman Gary O'Hara Tim Slaven Michael Frank Terry Taylor Also Present: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Nancy Veidt, Accounting Services Manager Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. Introduction of Members Chairman Herlihy introduced all members. 5. Selection of Chairperson The Administrative Services Director called for nominations and Mr. Hoffman nominated Mr. Herlihy. Mr. O'Hara nominated Mr. Hoffman. A roll call vote was taken: Ms. Farmer—Herlihy Mr. Taylor — Herlihy Mr. O'Hara — Hoffman Mr. Slaven — Herlihy Mr. Hoffman — Herlihy Mr. Frank — Herlihy Mr. Herlihy — Hoffman Mr. Herlihy was appointed to serve as chair for the upcoming year. 6. Selection of Vice -Chairperson Mr. Herlihy nominated Mr. Hoffman. There were no other nominations. Mr. Hoffman was appointed to serve as vice chairman for the upcoming year. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board February 2, 2015 Page Two 7. Approval of Minutes a. Meeting of September 8, 2014 MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. Slaven to approve the September 8, 2014 minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. 8. Review Fourth Quarter Report — FY 2014 6:19 Am. The Administrative Services Director said in accordance with the City's financial policies, a quarterly report is given to Council on the various accounts and departmental activities. He mentioned there are changes noted in the resolution attachment that include adjustments due to staff payoffs in the Administrative Services Department and Police Department. He reported the general fund currently has about $348,000 excess revenues over expenditures due to the increased franchise fees, utility taxes, and 1/24 sales tax. He reported that the Golf Course maintained a status quo; the Airport experienced in an increase in revenues; and the Building Department displayed signs of the recovering economy. He said a good number of the capital improvements were completed however permitting problems and other factors are hindering current capital improvement projects. He explained the previously requested task measuring continues to be difficult to achieve with limited staff and other priorities so the department reports are included as presented. In response to Mr. Hoffman, the Administrative Services Director reported he should receive a draft audit by next Monday and should present it to City Council at their second meeting in March. Mr. Hoffman asked if Council appropriated the excess to another equipment/capital improvements fund. The Administrative Services Director explained according to the City's policy any excess should be put into the equipment and facilities replacement account. Mr. Hoffman asked that the fund be detailed on future budget amendments. Mr. Hoffman asked for clarification that the Golf Course has lost money for the last three years. The Administrative Services Director said the last couple of years have been tough because of the financing with golf carts, the equipment loan, traded in equipment -- there has been a lot of shuffling that distorts the report. Mr. O'Hara asked if that includes the money the Golf Course puts into the general fund each year. The Administrative Services Director explained the Golf Course reimburses the general fund for services such as financial administration, human resources. It was noted they also pay rent to the Airport. In response to Mr. Hoffman, the Administrative Services Director confirmed the impact fees had significantly increased due to increased building. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board February 2, 2015 Page Three In response to Ms. Farmer, the Administrative Services Director reported the Oyster Bed Restoration Project with the Eagle Scout Candidate came out of the Indian River Lagoon improvements. She asked if any grant monies have come in. The Administrative Services Director said a lot of the grant programs recently discussed are reimbursable grants that will happen after the City incurs the cost. Mr. Frank reported his questions were answered by the Vice Chairman's questions. The City Engineer reported the City is currently in the process of applying for a few grant cycles. In response to Mr. Slaven, the Administrative Services Director reported the COPs grant application was denied that would have provided one more police officer; and the City Engineer said the oysters will clean the Lagoon similar to a baffle box. The City hopes to receive grant monies for the oyster project as well as baffle box enhancements. Mr. Taylor asked what the All Aboard Florida funding would cover. The City Engineer explained that as the project goes forward, the City may need expert consultants/engineers and then down the line, legal expertise. 6:36 pm Chairman Herlihy reported that the Administrative Services Director gave an excellent presentation on the general fund reserve that the new members may wish to review. He noted the reserve fund has roughly $5M in it. The Administrative Services Director said in accordance with the Government Finance Officers Association, it is recommended to set aside 25% of the operating budget which would be about $2.5M for Sebastian. Chairman Herlihy explained the Committee has previously encouraged that constituted to Council not to spend the reserve but the Committee may or may not want to change that recommendation this spring. 9. General Discussion by Members —Thoughts and Ideas for Upcoming Budget Year Chairman Herlihy went over his memo attached to the agenda Mr. Hoffman asked how long it would take to receive an estimate of the Elkcam Canal project. The Administrative Services Director said the last management discussion was that emergency repairs would come from reserves; the overall solution is still being determined and Council has asked staff to come back with a recommended course of action. Mr. Hoffman referenced the potential gasoline savings e-mail sent by the Administrative Services Director. (see attached) The Administrative Services Director Ne cautioned continued savings may not be the case depending on the season and whether the stormwater trucks are deployed. Mr. Hoffman said it was incredible that there is a $1 M estimate to replace the irrigation at iof the Golf Course. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board February 2, 2015 Page Four Mr. Taylor said the gas analysis was excellent; the Golf Course continues to attract visitors especially from January to February. Chairman Herlihy said there is some hope that St. Johns River Water Management District might help with the canal repair and there are different options to do the repair. Chairman Herlihy said the Committee should He said they will continue to monitor the road repair, staffing, and capital equipment. He noted the new Indian River Lagoon Coalition was discussed at the last Council meeting where the idea was floated that Sebastian and the City of Vero Beach might join instead of the County at the cost of $25,000 each which may come out of the Indian River Lagoon allocation. 6:55 pm In response to Mr. Hoffman, Chairman Herlihy said he understood the $100,000 road resurfacing is going for Fleming Street, east of CR512 to Main Street. He noted the Presidential Street project is almost finalized. The Englar project has been bid. He said the bridge over Barber Street canal needs work. He suggested having the City Engineer give a project update at the next meeting. 10. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, March 2, 2015) Chairman Herlihy urged the members to work around the scheduled meeting dates and if they can't make it, to call the Administrative Services Director to ensure quorum. There was no public input or final comments. 11. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Advisory Review meeting at 7:00 p.m. By.G Chairman -- Approved as amended on pages three and four.