HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 0-81-9A Sewer rate increaseORDINANCE NO O- 8I -9A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 0-81.9, THE SEWER FRANCHISE ORDINANCE HELD BY GENERAL DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES BY INCREASING SEWER RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE FROM $S.00 PER MONTH TO $10.00 PER MON'T'H; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian authorized General Development Utilities to provide sewer service to a portion of the City on May 11, 1981; and WHEREAS, the rate schedule for residential and general sewer service was adopted without change from the previous franchise ordinance which was originally adopted in 1959; and WHEREAS, General Development Utilities, Inc. has submitted to the City a request for a rate increase, and provided to the City substantial documentation to support said request; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Sebastian after careful review and analysis of said request, has determined that a rate increase is justifiable; and WHEREAS, the Council has found and determined what a just, reasonable, compensatory and not unfairly discriminatory rate for sewer service is to be, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA: SECTION I. That Schedule I of Exhibit "B", Tariff -Sewer, of Ordinance 0-81-9, including all. substitute pages attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby amended as follows: Residential Service Ate Schedule. Monthly Rates - $10.00 flat rate per month General Service Rate Schedule. Monthly Rate - $10.00 flat rate per month, or 100% of water bill, whichever is greater, SECTION II. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,, phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held unconstitutional or invalid, for any reason, such ruling shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon becoming law. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was finally passed by the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, on the 12th day of July,1982. ayor, City o Se astian ATTEST; I HEREBY CERTIFY that Notice of Public hearing of the foregoing Ordinance was given in accordance with Section 166.041 of the Florida Statutes, that said public hearing was held in the City Hall of the City of Sebastian, Florida, at 7.'00 PIX , on the 7T of , 1982, and that the foregoing Ordinance was duly passe and adopted by the City Council of. the City of Sebastian, Florida, on the la'Lt day of ,1982zx, —'� City C1er 12� General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service GENERAL DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES, INC. SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS DIVISION RATE SCHEDULES SEWER SERVICE Schedule 1 General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 14.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service INDEX OF RATE SCHEDULES Sheet Number ResidentialService ....................................... 15.0 GeneralService ........................................... 16.0 Harold E. Schmidt President II General Development utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 15.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE Availability - Available throughout the area served by the Company Applicability - For sewer service in private residences and individually -metered apartment units. Limitations - Subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Tariff and the general Rules and Regulations of the Commission. Monthly Rates - $5.00 flay.rate per month. Terms of Payment - Bills are due and payable when rendered and become delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) days, and service may, after five (5) days written notice, be discontinued. Billing - The billing- month dates shall coincide with the billing month for water service. Bills rendered for less than fifty percent (50%) of the normal billing period will be billed in accordance with Rule 25-10.111(2), Florida Administrative Code: "Whenever, for any reason, the period of service for which a bill is rendered is less than fifty percent (50%) of the normal billing period, the charges applicable to such.service, including minimum charges shall be prorated in the proportion that the actual number of days bears to a thiry (30) day month; except that: (a) Opening bills need not be rendered but may be carried over to and included in the next regular monthly billing. (b) For service taken under flat rate schedules, fifty percent (50%) of the normal charges may be applied. (c) The practices employed by the utility in this regard shall have uniform application to all its customers." Reconnection Charges - Sewer service discontinued for non-payment of bills, will be resumed only upon payment of all past -due bills and penalties, together with the total cost to the Company of discontinuing and reconnecting sewer service lines. Harold E. Schmidt President Genera. Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 16.0 Sebastian Highlands Divisin Sewer Service GENERAL SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE Availability - Available throughout the area served by the Company. Applicability -For sewer service to general. service customers. Limitations - Subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Tariff and the general Rules and Regulations of the Commission. `lonth17 Rates - $5.00 flat rate per month, or 100% of water bill whichever is greater.) Terms of Payment - Bilis are due and payable when rendered and become delinquent if not paid within twenty (20) days, and service may, after five (3) days written notice, be discontinued. Billing - The billing month dates shall coincide with the billing month for water service. Bills rendered for less than fifty percent (50%) of the normal billing period will be billed in accordance with Rule 25-10.111(2), Florida Administrative Code: "'whenever, for any reason, the period of service for which a bill is rendered is less than fifty percent (50%) of the normal billing period, the charges applicable to such service, including minimum charges shall be prorated in the proportion that the actual number of days bears to a chiry (30) day month; except that: (a) Opening bills need not be rendered but may be carried over to and included in the next regular monthly billing. (b) For service taken under flat rate schedules, fifty percent (50%) of the normal charges may be applied. (c) The practices employed by the utility in this regard shall have uniform application to all its customers." Reconnection Charges - Sewer service discontinued for non-payment of bills, will be resumed only upon payment of all past -due bilis and penalties, together with the total cost to the Company of discontinuing and reconnecting sewer service lines. Harold E. Schmidt President I I t General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service GENERAL DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES, INC. SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS DIVISION RATES AND REGULATIONS SEWER SERVICE Schedule 2 General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service TARIFF - SEWER General Development Utilities, Inc. 1111 South Bayshore Drive :Miami, Florida 33131 Original Sheet No. 1.0 Harold E. Schmidt President r General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 2.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service TARIFF - SEWER TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet Number TERRITORY SERVED ............................................. 3.0 MTVr7TzANFnuq................................................ 4.0 TECHNICAL TERMS .............................................. 5.0 INDEX OF RULES AND REGULATIONS ............................... 6.0 - 7.0 RULES AND REGULATIONS ......................................... 8.0 - 13.0 INDEX OF RATES SCHEDULES ..................................... 14.0 RATES SCHEDULES ..............................................15.0 - 16.0 INDEX OF STANDARD FORMS ...................................... 17.0 STANDARD FORMS ...............................................18.0 - 21.0 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS ..................................... There are none at the time of Original Issue. Harold E. Schmidt President Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 3.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service TERRITORY SERVED All that territory known as Sebastian Highlands, lying within the City limits of Sebastian, Brevard County, Florida. In accordance with Exhibit A of Ordinance # Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 4.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service MISCELLANEOUS (There are no entries in this Section at date of first revision). Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 5.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service TECHNICAL TERMS 1.0 "Company" - General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division 2.0 "Consumer"- Any person, firm, association, corporation, governmental agency or similar organization supplied with sewer service by the Company. 3.0 "Service" - Service, as mentioned in this Tariff Book and in agreement with Consumers, shall be construed to include, in addition to all sewer service required by the Consumer, the readiness and ability on the part of the Company to furnish sewer service to the Consumer. 4.0 "Consumer's Installation" - All pipes, fixtures, appliances and apparatus of every kind and nature used in connection with or forming part of an installation for utilizing sewage for any purpose, located on the Consumer's side of "Point of Delivery", whether such installation is owned outright by the Consumer, or used by Consumer under lease or otherwise. 5.0 "Point of Delivery"- The point where the Company's pipes are connected with the pipes of the Consumer's namely at the main line connection in easements, or property line on the street side, 6.0 "Main"- Shall refer to a pipe, conduit, or other facility installed to convey sewage service from individual laterals or to other Mains. 7.0 " Service Lines"- The pipes of the Consumer that connect to Company's line. (Also referred to as lateral lines). The Company does not lay sewer lateral lines on private property except under special contracts or agreements. 8.0 "Rate Schedule" _ Shall refer to rate or charge for the particular sewer classification of service. 9.0 "Commission" - Refers to the City Commission, City of Sebastian. Harold E. Schmidt President r General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service INDEX OF RULES AND REGULATIONS Original Sheet No. 6.0 Rule Sheet Number Number 1.0 General.Information..................................... 8.0 2.0 Sewer Service ........................................... 8.0 3.0 Signed Application Necessary ............................ 8.0 4.0 Application by Agents ................................... 8.0 5.0 Withholding Service ..................................... 8.0 6.0 Extensions .............................................. 9.0 7.0 Limitation of Use ....................................... 9.0 8.0 Continuity of Service ................................... 9.0 9.0 Type and Maintenance .................................... 9.0 10.0 Change of Consumer's Installation ....................... 10.0 11.0 Inspection -of Consumer's Installation ................... 10.0 12.0 Protection of Company's Property ........................ 10.0 13.0 Access to Premises ...................................... 10.0 14.0 Right of Way or Easements ............................... 11.0 15.0 Billing Periods .......................................... 11.0 16.0 Delinquent Bills ........................................ 11.0 17.0 Reimbursement for Extra Expenses ......................... 11.0 18.0 Payment of Sewer and Water Service Bills Concurrently ... 11.0 (Continued to Sheet No. 7.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from Sheet No. 6.0) Rule Number Original Sheet No. 7.0 Sheet Number 19.0 Temporary Discontinuance of Service ........................ 12.0 20.0 Evidence of Consumption .................................... 12.0 21.0 Tax Clause ................................................. 12.0 22.0 Change of Occupancy ........................................ 12.0 23.0 Unathorized Connections - Sewer ............................ 13.0 24.0 Service Connection ......................................... 13.0 25.0 adjustment of Bills ........................................ 13.0 26.0 Deposits ................................................... 13.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 8.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service RULES AND REGULATIONS 1.0 General Information - The Company's Rules and Regulations, insofar as they are inconsistent with any statute, ordinance, law or legislation, now in effect, shall be null and void. nese Rules and Regulations are a part of the rate schedules, applications and contracts of the Company, and in the absence of specific written agreement to the contrary, they apply without modifications or change to each and every Consumer to whom the Company renders sewer service. In the event that a portion of these Rules and Regulations is declared unconstitutional or void for any reason by any court of competent juris- diction, such decision shall in no way affect the validity of the remain- ing portions of the Rules and Regulations for sewer service unless such court order or decision shall so direct. 2.0 Sewer Service - To obtain sewer service, application should be made at the office of the Company. Applications are accepted by the Company with the understanding that there is no obligation on the part of the Company to render sewer service other than that which is then available from its existing sewage treatment facilities and distribution equipment and sewer lines. - The applicant shall furnish to the Company the correct name, street address, and lot and block number at which sewer service is to be rendered. 3.0 Signed Apvlication Necessary - Sewer service is furnished only upon signed application or agreement accepted by the Company and the conditions of such application or agreement are binding upon the Consumer as :cell as upon the Company. A copy of each application or agreement for sewer ser- vice accepted by the Company will be furnished to the Aoplicant on request. 4.0 Applications by Agents - Applications for sewer service requested by firms, partnerships, associations, corporations and others shall be tendered only by duly authorized parties. When sewer service is rendered under agreement or agreements entered into between the Company and an agent of the princi- pal, the use of such sewer service by the principal shall constitute full and complete ratification by the principal or- the agreement or agreements entered into between agent and the Company and under which such sewer ser- vice is rendered. 5.0 Withholding Service - The Company may withhold or discontinue sewer service rendered under application made by any member or agent of a family, (Continued to Sheet No. 9.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc Original Sheet No. 9.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from -Sheet No. 8.0) household, organization, or business unless all prior indebtedness to the Company of such family, household, organization, or business for sewer service, has been settled in full. 6.0 Extensions - The Company will make such extensions to its existing facilities as may be required by one or more Consumers provided the revenues to be derived therefrom shall be sufficient to afford fair and reasonable return on the cost of providing and rendering the sewer ser- vice. Otherwise the Company will require from the Consumer prepayments, cash advances, minimum guarantees, service guarantees, contribution in aid of construction, or other arrangements with the Consumer, whereby the Company will be enabled to earn a fair and reasonable return on the cost of providing and rendering the required sewer service. 7.0 Limitation of Use - Sewer service purchased from the Company shall be used by the Consumer only for the purposes specified in the application for sewer service. Sewer service furnished to the Consumer sha11 be for the Consumer's own use and sewage shall be received directly from the Con- sumer into the Company's main sewer lines. Ia no case shall a Consumer, except with the written consent of the Company extend his lines across a street, allay, lane, court, property line, avenue, or other way, in order to furnish sewer service for adjacent property, even though such adjacent property be owned by him. In case of such unauthorized extension, sale or disposition of service, Consumer's sewer service is subject to discon- tinuance until such unauthorized extension, sale or disposition is dis- continued and full payment is made of bills for sewer ser -Tice, calculated on proper classifications and rate schedules and reimbursement in full made to the Company for all extra expenses incurred for clerical work, testing, and inspections. 3.0 Continuity_ of Service - The Company will at all times use reasonable diligence to provide continuous sewer service, and having used reasonable diligence shall not be liable to the Consumer for failure or interruption of continuous sewer service. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission caused directly or indirectly by strikes, labor troubles, accident, litigation, breakdowns, shutdowns, or repairs or adjustments, acts of sabotage, enemies of the United States, wars, United States, state, municipal or other governmental interference, acts of God, or other causes beyond its control. 9.0 Tyne and Maintenance - The Consumer's pipes, apparatus and equipment shall be selected, installed, used and maintained in accordance with standard practice, conforming with the Rules and Regulations of the Company, and (Continued to Sheet No. 10.0) Harold E. Schmidt President M General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 10.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from Sheet No. 9.0) in full compliance with all laws and governmental regulations applicable to same. The Consumer agrees further to :seep all pipes, plumbing, and -Fixtures in repair and to promptly stop all leaks on his premises, and the Company shall not be responsible for their maintenance and operation. The Consumer expressly agrees to not utilize any appliance or device which is not properly constructed, controlled, and protected, or which may adversely affect the sewer service; and the Company reserves the right to discontinue or withhold sewer service to such apparatus or device. 10.0 Change of Consumer's Installation - No changes or increases in Consumer's installation, which will materially affect the proper operation of the pipes, mains or stations of the Company will be made without written con- sent of the Company. The Consumer will be liable for any damage resulting from a violation of this rule. 11.0 Inspection of Consumer's Installation - all Consumer's sewer service installations or changes should be inspected upon completion by competent authority to insure that Consumer's piping, equipment, and devices have been installed in accordance with accepted standard practice and such local governmental or other rules as may be in effect. 'Where municipal or other governmental inspection is required by local rules or ordinances, the Company cannot render sewer service until such inspection has been made and a formal notice of approval from the inspecting authority has been received by the Company. The Company reserves the right to inspect Consumer's installation prior to rendering sewer service and from time to time thereafter, but assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any portion thereof. 12.0 Protection of Comnanv's Prorerty - The Consumer shall properly protect the Company's property on the Consumer's premises, and shall permit no one but the Company's agents, or persons authorized by law, to have access to the Company's pipes and apparatus. In the event of any loss or damage to property of the Company caused by or arising out of carelessness, neglect or misuse by the Consumer, the cost of making good such loss or repairing such damage shall be paid by the Consumer. 13.0 Access to Premises - The duly authorized agents of the Company shall have access at all reasonable hours to the premises of the Consumer for the purpose of installing, maintaining and inspecting or removing Company's property, and other purposes incident to performance under or termination of the Company's agreement with the Consumer, and in such performance shall not be liable for trespass. (Continued to Sheet No. 11.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from Sheet No. 10.0) 1-4.0 Right of Wav or Easements - The Consumer granted to the Company and without cost ments, permits, and privileges which in rendering of sewer service. Original Sheet No. 11.0 shall grant or cause to be to the Company all rights, ease - its opinion are necessary for the 15.0 Billing Periods - Bills for sewer service will be rendered monthly. Bills are due when rendered and shall be considered as received by Consumer when delivered or mailed to sewer service address or some other place mutually agreed upon. Nonreceipt of bills by Consumer shall not release or diminish obligation of Consumer with respect to payment thereof. 15.0 Delinquent Bills - Bills are due when rendered, and if not paid within twenty (20) days thereafter become delinquent, and sewer service may then, after five (5) days written notice, be discontinued. Service will be resumed only upon payment of all past -due bills and penalties, together with a total cost to Company of discontinuing and reconnecting sewer line. There shall be no liability of any kind against the Company by reason of discontinuance of sewer service to the Consumer for failure of the Consumer to pay the bills on time. No partial payment of any bill rendered will be accepted by the Company, except by agreement with Company, or by order of the Commission. 17.0 Reimbursement of Extra Expenses - The Consumer shall reimburse the Company for all extra expenses (such as for special trips, inspections, additional clerical expenses, etc.) incurred by the Company on account of the Consumer's violation of the contract for service or of the Company's rules and regulations. 18.0 Payment of Sewer and Mater Service Bills Concurrently - When both sewer and water service are provided by the Company, payment of any sewer service bill rendered by the Company to a sewer service Consumer shall not be accepted by the Company without the simultaneous or concurrent payment of any water service bill rendered by the Company. If the charges for sewer service are not so paid, the Company may discontinue both sewer service and water service to the Consumer's premises for nonpayment of the sewer service charges or if the charges for water service are not paid, the Company may discontinue both water service and sewer service to the Consumer's premises for nonpayment of the water service charges. The Company shall not re-establish or reconnect sewer service and water (Continued to Sheet No. 1Z.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development utilities, Inc Original Sheet No. 12.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from Sheet No. 11.0) service or either of such services until such time as all sewer service :arges and -water service charges and all other expenses or charges established or provided for by these Rules and Regulations are paid. 19.0 Temporary Discontinuance of Service - At any time that sewer service is not being furnished to the premises, as confirmed by the Company furnish- ing said sewer service, upon application to the Company by the Consumer for a temporary shutoff, billing for sewer service to the premises will be continued at the Seasonal Rate.. 20.0 Evidence of Consumption - When a flat rate is charged for sanitary sewer service, the initiation or continuation or resumption of water service to the premises shall constitute the initiation, continuation, or resumption of sanitary sewer service to the premises, regardless of occupancy. 21.0 Tax Clause - Rates and/or charges may be increased or a surcharge added in the amount of the applicable proportionate part of any taxes and assessments imposed by any governmental authority in excess of those in effect January 1, 1967, which are assessed.on the basis of meters or customers or the price of or revenues from sewer service sold. 22.0 Change of Occupancy - When change of occupancy takes place on any premises supplied by the Company with sewer service, WRITTEN NOTICE thereof shall be given at the office of the Company not less than three (3) days prior to the. date of change by the ou�cgoing Consumer, who will be held respon- sible for all sewer service used on such premises until such written notice is so received and the Company has had reasonable time to discon- tinue sewer service. However, if such written notice has not been received, the application of a succeeding occupant for sewer service will automatically terminate the prior account. Consumer's deposit may be transferred from one service location to another, if both service loca- tions are supplied by the Company. Consumer's deposit may NOT be trans- ferred from one name to another. For the convenience of its Consumers, the Company will accept telephone orders to discontinue or transfer sewer service and will use all reason- able diligence in the execution thereof. However, oral orders or advice cannot be deemed binding or be considered formal notification to the Company. 23.0 Unauthorized Connections - Connections to the Company's sewer system for any purpose whatsoever are to be made only by employees of the Company. Unauthorized connections render service subject to immediate discontin- uance without notice and sewer service will not be restored until such (Continued to Sheet No. 13.0) Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service (Continued from Sheet No. 12.0) Original Sheet No. 13.0 unauthorized connections have been removed and 1 --lass set='' -anent is made _ull for all sewer ser7ice astimated by t e Company to ':ave been '.:sad by reason of such unauthorized connection. 111.0 Ser -Tice Connection - Where the utility operates and maintains sewer Lines on public streets and right -of -:.rays, the "ser -,rice connection" shall be at the Consumer's property 1iae. Maere tae utility operates main sewer lines in a utility easement, the "service connection" shall be where the Con- sumer connects to the main lines. 23.0 Adjustment of 3i1_s - when a customer has been overcharged or undercharged as a result of incorrect application of the rate schedula, or is sewer service is measured by water consumption and a meter error is decar^...ined. the amount may be credited or billed to.the Consumer, as the case may be. 25.0 Customer DeDosit - Before rendering service, the Company will require a deposit or guarantee satisfactory CO the Company to secure the payment of Dills, and the Company shall give the customer a non-negotiable and acn- transf erable deposit receipt. The amount of such deposit shall be an amount necessary to cover charges for service for t -;o (2) billing periods. No Deposits Auhthorized at time_of Original Issue. The Company will pay interest on customer's deposit at the rate of 6% per annum. 'The payment of interest will be made once a ;rear as a credit on ragu ar bills, and on final bills when service is discontinued. No customer ll depositor will receive interest on his deposit until at least six (o') months continuous service, then interest will be paid from the date of the com- mencement of service. Upon final settlement of customer's account or when customer's credit has been established to the satisfaction of the Company, any unused balance of the deposit will be refunded. Refund is contingent upon surrender to the Company of the applicable deposit receipt or, when the receipt cannot be produced, upon adequate identi`ication. Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 17.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service INDEX OF STANDARD FORMS Sheet Number Customer's Deposit Receipt & Service Agreement ........... 18.0 Application for New Residential Service ................... 19.0 Application for New General Service ...................... 20.0 ServiceWork Order ........................................ 21.0 Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 18.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service CUSTOMER'S DEPOSIT ?.ECEIPT & SERV =CE 3GHiH; `_1T General G2.--;opment Street Address .ail Address Lot No. 31ock Division CUSM'ZR'$ EEKSIT RECEIPT No. c C. fnc, Received from Date Account Vo. Water Deposit S Sewer Deposit S Gas Deposit S Total Deposit S As a Total Deposit and /100 Dollars his payment a to guarantee any and all Indebtedness for water and/or sever and/or gas service which =Ay be or become due to Caneral Development Utilities, Inc., (hereinafter called "Utility") by said Customer. Customer agrees :hat :him Deposit or any portion :hereof, may be applied La discharge of any indebtedness of C"stpmer :o Utiliey. Upon discontin— uance of service covered by this Deposit and the presentation of this Receipt amd proper identification, Ucility agrees to refund to Customer the Deposit, less any amcunts due Utility. This Deposit shall not preclude Utility from discontinuing for nonpayment the service covered by this Deposit regard— less of the sufficiency of said Deposit to cover any indebtedness for sucn service. 3y the signing of this Customer's Deposit tecaipt 5 Service Agreement, Customer recognizes and agrees to abide by all existing reasonable rules and regulations of Utillty and any amandmencs :hereto, copies of said rules and regulations and a=andments :hereto being available for inspection at the billing office of Utility. Customer agrees that Utility, its agents or employees shall at all times have access to Utility's 'lines, meters and Suburbanaer (pressure sever system) and the areas where such facilities are Located will be 'kept free of shrubbery, trees, fences, interference from pets, and ocher obstructions. Customer agrees that it shall hold Utility, its aSancs or employees harmless and Utility shall not be liable for any damage or injury alleged :o have occurred :hzoueh ctillty, its agenca or employees conducting inspections and repairs to Utility's lines, meters and :uburbanaer (pressure sewer system), whether such dacags shall have occurred through negligence or otherwise, and wnether such damage or injury sna L' occur :o real property, persons or pets. Customer further agrees that all hills for water and/or sewage and/or gas charges will be paid +ithin fifteen (L5) days of mailing bills and after five (5) days written marine if not so paid, Utility will have the right to disconnect service and charge a reasonable fat for reconnecting. It is further understood and agreed chat the sale of water and/or ;as to Customer occurs ac the meter, and ':cility has no responsibility relative to service or supplying water and/or gas after said water and/or gas ,asses ::,rough the meter. Utility's responsibility relative to gravity sever service ceases at Customer's property lime, and �tzlity's responsibility relative to Suburbanaer (pressure sever system) ceases at the point at which :he house •aceral enters the S•.burbanaer unit. Customer 3y: GENERAL DEVELOP!MNT UTILITIES, INC. Harold E. Schmidt President � e N General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service z -22T 171%7 Original Sheet No. 19.0 `L't,'ates.lrc. New Residential Service CILE I A P NAMc PLAT _OT 3LCCX L NAI LING %.OGRESS ZONING CLASSIFICATION I C LOCATION OF SERVICE (if different) TITLZ �OLOEA OF pPOPEATY: A Same a »ove T Ty -e OF SERVICE: 'NATER -SEWER --'ST OATS SERVICE REQUIRED Otner; soaa:fy name & re.atlamnto I 0 N Duet (Customer's Sgnatnroi _ e�oesatee� 11 O F F I C E w pro.ats: USE oti+wn ?.CGGIMa NumOaf 3.r. �.•. Oj z CONNECTION CHARGES 11 Water Plant CaoacM Chergr 'N Single family Y^ mater — 5126.00 1" mater — S216.00 1 h" motor—S414.00 A .Moode nom" _S108.00 2) WatanMain Lina Extemion Chmgr. T ft. ;footage fronting on main) X 52.19 No. minimum footage is 80 feet. E 71 Water Math Connection Chwge: 'L" motor — S 75.00 1" meter -5715.00 R 115' motor — S14000 TOTAL WATER CHARGE 1) r r Plant Goaeiry Chigoe S Single family All meets — S12100 atoodo Aomee — S108.00 21 Saw- Main Line E:temion Chargt W ti. !footage fronting on maint X SS -4 Note-. minimum footage is 80 foot: inGudae E saw- lateral can of 585.00 R TOTAL SEWER CHARGE TOTAL WATER & SEWER CHARGE IV AGREEMENT UTILITY will orovide semce upon payment of tnew cnaages. 5 n xcoroame wrtn UTILIT"S ServiQ Availaodity and Man Extension Potrcv tooroved lay core Florwa Puotie Service Comm. -on. The Poi-cy provides Ior a water and/or sewer otant arlor-anon of 150 ,lion per pay. UTILITY will not oa oohgated a provide :.. aclry or wrvrce in excess of teat allocation ane may reouire consumers to cunad uw wnrds exceeds such allocated caoacirv. •S r, : Customers Signature) I Ater Payment received S by _ Genent Oevetaomem Utilities. In< 'or Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Original Sheet No. 20.0 Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service APPLICATION FCR =7 GE?Tr RALT SET77-C? GerzalOeveiopmem �L`dte.,LY ,PPLIC,TICN FOR 4Z;W _ENER.4L SERVICE Yaae: Oat*: !tailing Address: Location of xe.s Facility: Plat: Lot: 31ock: .*ding Classification: Type of Service: 'Mater Sewer Estimated Date Service Required: Title Holder of property: Same as above Other: Specify Same i Zdiationship Size of Required water Meters: Number of Required 'Mater Meters: USAGE DATA: 1. Apartment 3uilding `.o. of Units Units/Acre 2. Mobile Home ?arlc 4o. of Uai:s 3. Hospital. ./laundry No. of 3eds 1. Hospital. am :Aundry Vo. of 3eds S. Nursing HoeeSquare Feet 6. Hotel or Mat e1 Vo. of Units 7. nes tau rant, ;a. of Seats i. Factory. /showers Va. of "Employees 9. Laundromat yo. of 4achines 20. Office 3uilding !quare 'Feet 11. warehouse Square Feet 12. Stores, no xitchen Square Feet 13. Other REQUIRED A—,;AC'.-4E\TS: Legal Description of property Site ?Ian Cineluding location of strictures and utility connection points) MOTES: Additional information may be required. GDU will respond �Lthin 30 days :o your ipolicat:on, advising--ecaer service will be provided. (f so, _he estl.'a:ed ia:e service -L.: Se available and :he :otal cost of connection X111 oe cro.•:aea. :ou then notify COU in riting of your icceptince of :hese :eras Ina :or- vrd an agreement processing fee of S1SO.00 oefore any fur:ner -ork will be undertacem. Signature . i:t:e of ..zrpor: clon Harold E. Schmidt President General Development Utilities, Inc. Sebastian Highlands Division Sewer Service Generax l0av(opment utilt SERVICE :•ROM OPTJ_R S— ..aa 31— . oC I Original Sheet No. 21.0 Service Work Order ,..,,q vary –tin Nyw. i�nQ W."'" Sinn a•.�nq l:.nl .trenM uv -9 Strew St.n DO Unm I �rouwTre.: I I A AwwlMt�r I C Comtn.retM I I M Mwti-D•..ifina i2dd1 r... e.1.nerA S.wII d ru a T.e Fnrwe I Ufa • I • • _ www j Gas i.•'n J i11ww SM..C! S.w•1! I "EW SERVICE Rata Clan Ow. naw 6r •�a•e w t>e •pwp.10: Otho Reva+ue 3—ice Gall wrw�r I I I 0lODsrt Awiq w AetewMt lw•Ulf.e iI 'urn on II •vww I '.tltN Sil. V..Tew ,•. Coww•ae rwal fwfe— -•r non .•u.ron:.e dv Te �bov. wo.e v d.w Jo.v "a �.v Sn.•a.n wn — —a• uSE���� A.— 'Here O ew pM 3v •.will IwJyt uuA 3ill.ng Status Codes: t Naw a.1l.nar a.e-Aw. j Nw 1 /Z N•M1•t S ww. N. silt • i:nw ilMiNipm- .fe 5 Finr 1.1 w4 we 5 Ftwr N. aia 7 ^31uf Ota.•T—ao- 9 T.n. Ow J OUw Harold E. Schmidt President