HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-02-19 PZ MinutesALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Jan King, Sr. Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison, was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Dodd noted that three members – Mr. Carter, Mr. Durr, and Mr. Reyes – were excused from the meeting, and that alternate members Mr. Alvarez and Ms. Kautenburg would be voting in their place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of February 5, 2015 Tabled until next meeting March 5, 2015 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION – SEBASTIAN CENTER – ADDITIONAL PARKING, HOOK-UP TO PUBLIC SEWER, DEMOLITION OF SEPTIC SYSTEM – 1627 US HIGHWAY #1 – COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT (CR) ZONING DISTRICT Chairman Dodd asked the Commissioners if they had any ex -parte communication to disclose. There was none. The applicants/representatives and staff were sworn in by the City Attorney. Mr. Wesley Mills, PE, of Mills, Short & Associates, LLC, reviewed the project's specifics noting the majority was for sewer improvements, removing a large drainfield system and connecting to the IRC Force Main located to the rear of the property. He stated 8 additional parking spaces, ADA accessible ramps, crosswalks, and site directional signage were also being added to the site. Ms. King made a correction to a reference in her memorandum that the application was a minor modification, and stated that based on the amount of new parking spaces and impervious area E% r. 06 +^ rn owl CITY OF SEBASTIAN C ) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C V) 8 a MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING C •— FEBRUARY 19, 2015 5 E Chairman Dodd the to 7:00 P.M. a O called meeting order at C U O The pledge of allegiance was said by all. CD p ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. McManus •C O Mr. Dodd Mr. Qizilbash•a C20 Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Alvarez (a) ON Q Q EXCUSED: Mr. Carter, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Durr ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Jan King, Sr. Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison, was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Dodd noted that three members – Mr. Carter, Mr. Durr, and Mr. Reyes – were excused from the meeting, and that alternate members Mr. Alvarez and Ms. Kautenburg would be voting in their place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of February 5, 2015 Tabled until next meeting March 5, 2015 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION – SEBASTIAN CENTER – ADDITIONAL PARKING, HOOK-UP TO PUBLIC SEWER, DEMOLITION OF SEPTIC SYSTEM – 1627 US HIGHWAY #1 – COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT (CR) ZONING DISTRICT Chairman Dodd asked the Commissioners if they had any ex -parte communication to disclose. There was none. The applicants/representatives and staff were sworn in by the City Attorney. Mr. Wesley Mills, PE, of Mills, Short & Associates, LLC, reviewed the project's specifics noting the majority was for sewer improvements, removing a large drainfield system and connecting to the IRC Force Main located to the rear of the property. He stated 8 additional parking spaces, ADA accessible ramps, crosswalks, and site directional signage were also being added to the site. Ms. King made a correction to a reference in her memorandum that the application was a minor modification, and stated that based on the amount of new parking spaces and impervious area E% r. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19, 2015 being added to the site it was actually a major modification, and the appropriate fees for a major mod had been collected. She also stated that over the years more medical uses had been brought into the building which will make the site short on parking when it is full and that staff was glad to see the additional parking being added. Mr. Qizilbash asked if the 12 foot wide drive aisle met city standards or industry standards. Mr. Mills stated it was designed to be incompliance with city standards. Mr. Watanabe stated adding additional parking to the site was a plus, and felt that a foot less would not constrict the traffic flow. In response to an additional question, staff verified that the 15 foot length of the compact spaces was in compliance with city code. A discussion ensued with Mr. Watanabe regarding the width of the drive aisle, industry standards, turning radii, and city requirements. Mr. Mills stated the width was thoroughly reviewed, and also approved by the Fire Department. Mr. Qizilbash stated ITE standard was 13 feet wide. Mr. McManus was pleased to see a site voluntarily hook into the sewer system. Mr. Roth concurred, and had questions regarding the building access off of the drive aisle. Ms. Kautenburg also agreed, and hoped the additional site signage helped with the traffic connection to the Wendy's site. Mr. Watanabe stated that staff quickly re -checked the LDC and verified that for parking spaces that were at a 45° angle, the required drive aisle width was 12 feet. Chmn. Dodd asked if there was anyone in the public that was opposed or in favor of the application. There was none. MOTION by Roth/Qizilbash "that the plan as submitted for the site plan modification for Sebastian Center be approved." ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Roth yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. McManus yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Alvarez yes The vote was 6-0. Motion carried. B. PUBLIC HEARING — RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL — REZONING/CONCEPTUAL PUD PLAN — SANDCREST SUBDIVISION — RM -8 AND RS -10 ZONING TO PUD -R ZONING — SW CORNER OF MAIN STREET/POWERLINE ROAD — PARCEL ID NO.'S 30-38-30-00003-0000-00000.4, 31-38-01-00000-7000- 00001.01 AND 31-38-01-00000-7000-00003.0 Chmn. Dodd explained that PUD's were a hybrid process that involved a conceptual plan with the zoning, and that the Commission should discuss them together but take two actions/motions. He noted that there would be additional public hearings in the future for the preliminary plat also, and that the conceptual plan was not where technical details were provided. Mr. Chuck Mechling, representing the Sandcrest developers, stated the last time he was before the PZ Commission was in 1997 for review and approvals of the Collier Club Subdivision which had developed into a very successful community. He reviewed that on September 10, 2014, they went before the Board of Adjustment, and since then had done an assessment of the needs of the Sebastian market, and determined it wasn't townhomes as previously approved for the property. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Mr. Mechling then had a Power Point presentation (attached) which showed an aerial of the proposed Sandcrest subdivision location, site plan for the previous townhomes, layouts and density for the proposed subdivision, and building elevations of the proposed residences. He also discussed an article regarding the benefits of urban infilling, the history of their conceptual layouts and the purchase of the land nodule on Bob Circle. He noted the final proposed layout consisted of 64 units which was a reduction of 33% of the original vision. Ms. King explained the details of the PUD zoning whereas it allowed flexibility in design, the ability to negotiate setbacks, lot sizes, etc. which were listed in the staff report. She stated the LDC established some minimum standards but there was a clause that allowed the applicant to ask for waivers. She further explained that the Board of Adjustment granted a variance from the minimum size of a PUD which was 25 acres, and the proposed project would be 13.01 acres. Based on allowed density, the subdivision could build 103 units, but was proposing 64 units. Ms. King also stated there was a scrivener's error in the staff report on page 5, and asked the Commission to disregard #13. Chmn. Dodd asked if there was anyone in the public that was opposed or in favor of the application. There was none. Chmn. Dodd questioned if the full environmental impact study was provided for the conceptual plan, and noted the code required an updated study for the preliminary plat. Ms. King stated at some point the environmental issues would need to be addressed, and staff was comfortable with getting the study before the preliminary plat. There was discussion if the receipt of the study should be made a condition of approval. Mr. Mechling offered that the Environmental I audit was done and clean, the scrub jay survey was clean, and the gopher tortoise survey was done, and a State biologist was retained to relocate the tortoises next month. Mr. Dodd suggested those reports be given to staff before City Council, and that would be made a condition. Chmn. Dodd also discussed the School Concurrency Availability Determination Letter (SCADL) and when it should be submitted. After discussion, it was decided to make it a condition also. Mr. Qizilbash felt it was a nice plan but questioned the proposed width of the Right -Of -Way [40 feet]. Ms. King stated they were asking for a waiver for the width. Mr. Alvarez noted the application stated there would be 74 units, and asked what size homes were proposed. Ms. King responded that there had been three revisions since the application was submitted and the final plan proposed 64. Mr. Mechling stated the homes would be 1400 to 1600 SF. Mr. Roth asked if the entrance [on Powerline Road] was in the same location as the townhome project and was it considered safe lining up with the Pelican Isle Apartment driveway. Mr. Watanabe stated the developer still needed to submit a traffic analysis study, but based on the number of units and Powerline Road being a collector street, he did not see any issues, and lining up driveways, center to center, was preferred. Mr. Roth also asked for clarification regarding Bob Circle. Staff explained that a small portion of the roadway pavement encroached into the project's Bob Circle parcel, and the developer was going to donate that portion back to the city. Mr. Roth asked if the large trees and greenery on the west side of the project would be kept and maintained as a privacy barrier. Mr. Mechling responded yes, the community will maintain grass cutting, lawn service, shrubbery, and have a three -rail white picket fence around the subdivision with shrubbery behind it. Ms. Kautenburg favored the subdivision and felt it filled a niche that was needed in Sebastian. She also had concerns with the narrow width of the ROW and asked if there would be pedestrian and bike paths. Mr. Mechling stated there would be an internal sidewalk system inside the community and also externally along Powerline. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Ms. Simchick stated the School Board didn't have any concerns at this time, but was glad the SCADL was considered. She asked if the community would be deed restricted for age. Mr. Mechling stated at this time an age restriction was not proposed. Mr. Dodd discussed the recommendation from staff regarding the design standards and waivers that the Commission should discuss. Ms. King explained that the list on page 6 was design items the developer was asking for, and the items on page 7 specifically needed waivers. She noted the conceptual plan provided a comprehensive chart and details comparing the minimum standards. Mr. Dodd stated he felt the conceptual plans were very clear and warranted the smaller lot sizes, but that there may be traffic congestion issues at the Powerline and Main Street intersection, and that a turn lane may be necessary. There was a discussion with the city attorney with regards to the motions and waivers, and if advisable to refer to the staff report document. Mr. McManus asked if there would be an HOA plus a Master Association, or just an HOA. Mr. Mechling stated the HOA would be the Master. Mr. McManus further questioned if the sidewalk would be on the homeowners property or within the ROW. Mr. Mechling stated it would be within the common property (ROW). And in response to an additional question, Mr. Mechling stated not all of the garages would be side entry as some would be front -loading, and setbacks would be different for each garage layout with the intention that cars would not hang over the sidewalk. He also described the advantages of having a smaller roadway width, similar to Pointe West, in that it created slower traffic and a more closer neighborhood. Mr. Qizilbash calculated driveway lengths and pavement widths, along with the remaining available area for a parked car, and questioned if the vehicles would be overhanging into the roadway. Mr. Mechling stated the shorter front setbacks were for side -loading garages, which would have the additional space in front of the garage [parallel to the road]. MOTION by Dodd/Roth "to recommend to the City Council that they approve rezoning [for the subject property] from RM -8 and RS -10 to PUD -R, with no conditions, and also recommend that they approve the conceptual plan that was submitted with the rezoning request with the design standards and waivers as delineated by the staff in Section #14 of their document [staff report] and the condition that the applicant submit to the city staff the Environmental Study documents that they have." "And a condition that they provide the school concurrency document [SCADL] for Indian River School District." Mr. Roth clarified that Section #14 numbering did not change since earlier Section #13 was disregarded. Staff stated they will revise #13 to read "Reserved" for the staff report that goes to City Council. ROLL CALL: Mr. McManus yes Mr. Alvarez yes Mr. Roth yes The vote was 6-0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Qizilbash yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Dodd yes Chmn. Dodd thanked the city for cleaning up the island on Fleming Street at the Sebastian Boulevard intersection. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19, 2015 MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Qizilbash stated that the irrigation was not working in the same island, nor was the nearby sewer system. Mr. Watanabe verified that within the City's street ROW at that location, there was no irrigation system, and staff would forward the complaint to IRC Utilities Dept. regarding the lift station next to the abandoned gas station. Mr. Alavarez noted the sidewalk in front of the new Cumberland Farms heading [west] towards the Thai restaurant has not been repaired/finished. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. (db) 5 OvInft V) OE TLn V W 0 L CL 0 w L Q m G_ m 1�••R qrp I Lr N �� w. .rw.. ws t �•. ® $Dawe � W ld US NYIIS�183S lr S318r7 ■ � '.�fl/ 19L�Or19 • !wM'Y AW! • OImM11D tYtp7�! 1 11D 'q�: dd m MWI,nw. ■.o• . . a t� •n�fTfMrtf1A c�oa"f �n none+ OPIP E �' r. m IA V) 4� c Rt Q) V) 0 0- 0 Q Q r. m :. •q ,tom r N — � v v — Q N N Q - - -0 0 $�}FF , Q Q C- 0 c6 LU E m a:o Ln