HomeMy WebLinkAbout06022015NRB AgendaCITY 0f SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS pgs 2-6 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 5, 2015 Meeting 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Mat Project Update pgs 7-20 L Permits Submitted to Army Corp & SJRWMD (Permits) ii. Can the Board Spend Remainder of $2,500 Budget Allocation for Supplies iii. Status of Proposed Eagle Scout Project 7. PUBLIC INPUT 8. NEW BUSINESS pgs 21-26 A. Champion Tree Program (Resolution, List of Champions, Copy of Proclamation) B. Upcoming Local Events pgs 27-28 i. Marine Industries Association 7th Annual Waterway Cleanup — July 26, 2015 (Registration Form, Liability Release) pgs 29-35 ii. Keep Indian River Beautiful Events (Information) C. Earth Day 2016 i. Reserve Riverview Park and Bandshell for April 16 or April 23 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. 1 of 35 My LN $E ;;2%ii;; HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. Chairman Northcott called the Natural Resources Hoard meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Members Present: Alan Northcott — Chairman Gil Gordian — Vice Chairman Rose Glaser George Millar Andrea Ring James Clifton — Alternate Jack Lampiasi — Alternate Members Not Present: Bob Progulske (excused) 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS There were no modifications. Staff Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Specialist Chairman Northcott reported that after attending the Joint Council Board Workshop he was under the impression that a motion had to be made before discussion and was told by the City Attorney that could be done at the discretion of the chair. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. April 7, 2015 Regular Meeting MOTION by Mr. Clifton and SECOND by Mr. Millar to approve the April 7, 2415 passed with a voice vote of 6-0. 6, UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. 2015 Earth Day i. Event Summary Chairman Northcott reported the chalk art was well received. Mr. Millar thanked the staff for providing the appropriate fire extinguishers; reported vendors wished there had been more advertising of the event; overall the event was well received. 2 of 35 Natural Resources Board Meeting May 5, 2015 Page Two ii. Suggestions for Next Year Ms. Glaser suggested a vendor list be kept and distributed periodically to board members prior to the event to ensure different kinds of vendors are invited; vendor locations be assigned prior to the event; a door prize list be kept; and, have a prize description with booth location attached to the door prizes. Mr. Millar suggested having an event question for those present to answer in order to receive a door prize. Chairman Northcott suggested printing a two-sided program for next year with a vendor map and event schedule. Mr. Gordian said telephone numbers could be obtained when passing out the door prize tickets. He reported 37 vendors signed up and 28 vendors came. Ms. Ring offered to make a vendor list and pre -call them for next year. To have more involvement by children, Chairman Northcott suggested having an Earth Day Poem Contest that the Board could judge and announce the winner at the event. Ms. Ring suggested giving away a house plant to demonstrate oxygen replenishment. Mr. Gordian thanked the Sebastian Police Department and the K-9 Unit for their demonstration. Ms. Ring asked the vendors could be on the street behind the stage so they are closer. Mr. Millar said the vendors probably enjoyed the shade trees and might not want to be so close to the speaker system. Mr. Gordian said he will try to get wildlife vendors for next year. iii. Thank You Notes to Vendors/Exhibitors, Donators Mr. Gordian reported he thanked the vendors personally as he picked up the door prizes. iv. Thank You on Website MOTION by Mr. Millar and SECOND by Ms. Glaser to post an appreciation for all the citizens of Sebastian, Indian River County and local area, who participated, especially the vendors that made successful event, look forward to seeing you next year passed with a voice vote of 6-0. Mr. Gordian thanked the seniors of the Sebastian River High School Green Club that helped out and noted next year they will need typewritten thank you notes to log their community volunteer hours. 3 of 35 Natural Resources Board Meeting May 5, 2015 Page Three B. Oyster Mat Project Update i. Status of Permits The Environmental Technician reported she received an e-mail from Mr. Progulske that he is still putting the permit together. Mr. Gordian asked if anyone knew how far along Mr. Progulske has gotten and maybe another Board member could take care of the permit. Mr. Millar noted Mr. Progulske was waiting for the location maps. The Environmental Technician said she did provide those. Mr. Gordian asked that the permit indicate that some of the locations would require a vessel to place the mats. The City Engineer advised them to stay true to what they put on the permit application and the Board should approve the permit application as a whole whether they walk the mats out or use a vessel. The Recording Secretary asked that the Board Liaison contact Mr. Progulske to check on the permit and advised if a special meeting is needed to discuss the status and how they want to place the mats, it can be scheduled. In response to Chairman Northcott, Mr. Millar said he would review the proceeding permit to see if he can help out. The City Engineer said the proceeding permit should go in their June agenda packet and reviewed by the whole Board. The Environmental Technician said she would e- mail Mr. Progulske and let the Board know of the status. Chairman Northcott said if she determined extra work is needed they should have a special meeting to have the permit ready for agency submittal at their June meeting. ii. Status of Proposed Eagle Scout Project Approval Proposed Eagle Scout Candidate John Giordano reported the Eagle Scout Board has asked for more information along with a letter from the City authorizing his participation with the project; the project should be signed off this week; he will do a workshop at Boy Scout Camp the second week of June; and, he hopes to have a booth at the Fourth of July Freedom Festival. iii. Status and Cost of Supplies In response to Mr. Gordian, the City Engineer explained their project invoices should be submitted by September I't Mr. Gordian said he priced out $4,500 to place 240 mats in two locations. He asked the Board for permission to spend the remainder of their budget allocation for supplies should the proposed Eagle Scout project fall through. Mr. Millar said he anticipates the Eagle Scout project will be approved. The City Engineer pointed out the $2,000 Eagle Scout allocation will cover one phase/250 mats. If the Board wanted to use the Eagle Scout allocation it would have to go back to Council for approval. 4 of 35 Natural Resources Board Meeting May 5, 2015 Page Four iv. Review of Deployed Oyster Spat T's Mr. Gordian displayed some shells from the test mats he deployed which did pick up some spat; he offered to help the proposed Eagle Scout with his presentation to the Eagle Scout Board; he is in the process of confirming that he collected viable spat with the Aquatic Preserve office. The City Engineer offered to check if the Board could use their budget allocation to purchase mat supplies. 7. PUBLIC INPUT Bruce Zingman thanked the Board and the City for putting on the Earth Day Event; thanked the Sebastian Property Owners and volunteers that helped with the Community Shredding Event held the same day. He also thanked the Board for allowing him to pay tribute to local balladeer Pete Harris during the Earth Day event. He offered to distribute flyers for next year's event throughout the community. 8. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Gordian asked the Environmental Technician to let them know of the projects the City is working on. She offered to check on how she could align the Board with what is happening. Mr. Millar suggested they start participating in local events such as the upcoming waterway cleanup. Mr. Gordian reported the Lagoon Preserve office is looking into an island for them to adopt. Bruce Zingman offered to inform the Board of the next day of service 9. STAFF MATTERS — None. 10. MEMBER MATTERS Chairman Northcott reported the gopher tortoise nests have been marked in the Stormwater Park. The Environmental Specialist reported the tortoise crossing signs are erected on Main Street. Mr. Clifton noted Champion Trees is noted on the website and asked for a presentation of what the program is all about. The Environmental Specialist said she would research the program. Chairman Northcott publicly asked for applicants to fill the current Board vacancy. 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Mr. Millar requested a report on opportunities to serve to them to decide together as a Board. 5 of 35 Natural Resources Board Meeting May 5, 2015 Page Five 91 Bruce Zingman added that Daisy Packer from Keep Indian River Beautiful will be speaking at the next City Council meeting where they might be able to help. Mr. Gordian asked if the Board should give City Council a report on the Oyster Mat Project. The City Engineer suggested they come to Council meetings when they have reached a milestone point. 12. Being no further business, Chairman Northcott adjourned the regular Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:13 p.m. Chairman Alan Northcott Date 6 of 35 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT 7 OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 325) EXPIRES: 31 August 2012 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response. including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewng the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden. to Department of Defense. Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103. 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers: Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This Information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however. if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3 DATE RECEIVED 4 DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME: S. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) First - Frank Middle - Last- Watanabe First- Middle - Last - Company- City of Sebastian Company - E•mail Address - fwatanabe@cityofsebastian.org E-mail Address - 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS. 9, AGENTS ADDRESS Address - 1225 Main Street Address - City - Sebastian Slate - Florida Zip - 32958 Country - US City - State --- Zip - Courtry - 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. WIAREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOs. WIAREA CODE a. Residence b. Business C. Fax a. Residence b Business a FaK 772-388$228 772-388-8248 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize. act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request. supplemental infornati�irs.s�upporl of thi irmit a Ica " APPL S SIGN URE DTE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see u uucwAs1 City of Sebastian Oyster Mat Restoration 13- NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (If applicable: 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if appt.cabte) Indian River Lagoon. Indian River County Address 1733 Indian River Drive and 1660 Indian River Drive 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: 'N N 27'49 42 & N 27'49 66 Longitude: °W W 80'28 37 & W 80' 28 29 City -Sebastian State -Florida Zip - 32958 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN isoe lest ugens) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - 31 Township - 30 Ranne - 39 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Both locations are located on Indian River Drive in the City of Sebastian. Florida. There are two sites D and E. Site D is located at 1733 Indian River Drive and site E is located at 1660 Indian River Drive. ENG FORM 4345, SEPT 2009 EDITION OF OCT 20M IS OBSOLETE PropanenL• CECW-OR 7of35 18. Nalure of Activity i0escivion of amied, mcude all real resp The project will construct 250 oyster mats (16"x16" each) to be placed within the two site locations (D&E) within Indian River 19. Project Purpose tpesrnee gee reason or puipnse M me prnfncl. see msbucrrxul The oyster mat project will help to clean the water quality since an oyter wiPl typically clean 20-50 gallons of water. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s)for Discharge 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled ise. mrrnmrionsl Acres Or Liner Feet 23. Description of Avoidance. Minimization. and Compensation two inaeuci onsl 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Arready Complete? Yes _ No _K IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 29. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners. Lessees. Etc , Whose Property Adjoins the Waterticdy of mor. Shan = 5e toned ora, piano adxh a supplemental Mo Address 1732 Indian River Drive City- Sebastian Slate- Florida Zip- 32958 26. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, Stale. or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL" IDENTIFICATION NUMBER GATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED St John's River Water Dist ` Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information In this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. i/ SI ATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United Slates knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals. or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry. shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FOR&I4395, SEPT 2009 8 of 35 Attachment A - For Army Corps of Engineers Permit ENG 4345 City of Sebastian — Oyster Mat Project Additional Permit Application Information 1. Site Locations: Two locations (sites) are being considered for restoration using oyster mats. They are Iabeled Locations `D' and `E' on the attached aerial photos. The location of `D' is 1732 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27'49.42, W80' 28.37). The location of `E' is 1660 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27' 49.66 W80'28.29). 2. How will you access the site: Both sites will be accessed from amain road, Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida that runs near the western shoreline of the Indian River Lagoon. If access across private property to access the water is needed, it will be requested/coordinated by the City of Sebastian with the private land owner. There is also an option to access the site by boat, but due to the shallow depth of the water, access from land and wading to the site is preferable. 3. Staging of equipment and materials: Any equipment and/or materials will be staged near the site within a day of planned installation. The oyster mat sections will consists of 16 inch x 16 inch plastic netting material with attached oyster shells. They will be cut and assembled at another location before transporting them to the installation site. 4. Description of all types of equipment and materials that will be used to install the project (how you will carefully hand place the materials, etc.)-. Each section of the overall oyster mat will be constructed of 16 inch x 16 inch plastic netting material, as used in other oyster mat projects throughout the Indian River Lagoon. Thirty-six cleaned mature oyster "half shells" will be individually attached vertically to the intersections of the cells on each section by plastic wire ties after drilling a hold in the base of the shell. The 16 inch by 16 inch plastic netting material sections will be set by hand on the bottom substrate. Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. Since both sites are very close to the shoreline, and the sections will be "hand -carried" into the water, there will be no need for other equipment except for containers to transport the sections. Anticipated duration it will take to perform the proposed_ project: We anticipate the initial placement of the oyster mat sections will take less than a day. 6. Anchoring mechanisms: Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. 7. Noise factors (if any) during installation: No noise abo%,e nonnal ambient conditions is anticipated. 8. Time of day that the project will be performed: The installation of the oyster mat sections will be initially be started in the morning and will continue until all the sections 9 of 35 10 of 35 11 of 35 Form 62-330.060(1) JOINT APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT/ AUTHORIZATION TO USE STATE-OWNED SUBMERGED LANDS! FEDERAL DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/ WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS/ U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Effective October 1, 2013 r �a�yi(SI ff0 US Army Corps `•�•oaWE�l°� of Engineers 12 of 35 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THIS FORM: This form is designed to assist you in submitting a complete application. All applications must include Section A - General Information for All Activities. Sections B through H list typical information that is needed based on the proposed activities, and are only required as applicable. Part 1-C of Section A will guide you to the correct sections needed based on your proposed activities. Applicants are advised to consult Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., and the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant's Handbook Volumes I and II for information regarding the ERP permitting process and requirements while preparing their application. Internet addresses for Chapter 62-330, F.A.C. and the Applicant's Handbook, Agency contact information, and additional instructions for this form can be found in Attachment 1. What Sections of the Application Must I Fill Out? Note- if you are required to provide Section 8, then you do not have to provide any other Sections, unless the activities are on state-owned submerged lands. In that case, Section F will also be required. If you have any questions, or would like assistance completing this form, please contact the staff of the nearest office of either the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or a Water Management District (WMD) (see Attachment 2). Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit! Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 2 of 9 13 of 35 Section n 00 0 v rp ?I r7 2 involve,... o v 5 cn a a `D = o cn WAN w e rn tp� a . K Does the project = c a IP � 3 N 0 `°off (Ano `°N" X323 3w rnm o H o y s ccs C a CD CD ci Fill in wetlands or waters for a single family residence? X X Docks, shoreline stabilization, X if seawalls associated with a single X X applicable family residence? Wetland impacts (other than associated with an X X individual residence)? Boating facilities, a marina, jetty, X X X X if reef, or dredging? applicable Any work on state owned X X X submerged land? Construction of a stormwater X X, if X management system? applicable Constructing a mitigation bank? X X X, if X applicable Creating a mine? X X, if X applicable Note- if you are required to provide Section 8, then you do not have to provide any other Sections, unless the activities are on state-owned submerged lands. In that case, Section F will also be required. If you have any questions, or would like assistance completing this form, please contact the staff of the nearest office of either the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or a Water Management District (WMD) (see Attachment 2). Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit! Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 2 of 9 13 of 35 Section A: General Information for All Activities PART 1: NAME, APPLICATION TYPE, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY A. Name of project, including phase if applicable: Sebastian Oyster Mat Restoration Project B. This is for (check all that apply): ® Construction or operation of new works, activities and/ or a stormwater management system ❑ Conceptual Approval of proposed works, activities and/ or a stormwater management system ❑ Modification or Alteration of existing works activities and i or a stormwater management system. Provide the existing DEP or WMD permit #, if known: Note: Minor modifications do not require completion of this form, and may instead be requested by letter. ❑ Maintenance or repair of works, activities and/ or stormwater management system previously permitted by the DEP or WMD Provide existing permit #, if known: ❑ Abandonment or removal of works, activities and/ or stormwater management system Provide existing DEP or WMD permit #, if known: ❑ Operation of an existing unpermitted stormwater management system. ❑ Construction of additional phases of a permitted work, activity and/ or stormwater management system. Provide the existing DEP or WMD permit #, if known: C. List the type of activities proposed. Check all that apply, and provide the supplemental information requested in each of the referenced application sections. Please also reference Applicant's Handbooks I and /I for the type of information that may be needed. ❑ Activities associated with one single-family residence, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex that do not qualify for an exemption or a Noticed General Permit: Provide the information requested in Section B. Do not complete Section C. ❑ Activities within wetlands or surface waters, or within 25 feet of a wetland or surface water, (not including the activities associated with an individual residence). Examples include dredging, filling, outfall structures, docks, piers, over -water Structures, shoreline stabilization, mitigation, reclamation, restoration/ enhancement. Provide the information requested in Section C. ❑ Activities within navigable or flowing surface waters such as a multi -slip dock or marina, dry storage facility, dredging, bridge, breakwaters, reefs, or other offshore structures: In addition to Section C, also provide the information requested in Section D. Activities that are (or may be) located within, on or over state-owned submerged lands (See Chapter 18-21, F.A.C. ht[ s://www,flitiles.or / ateuva lCl)a tei-Home.as)?Cl?a)tet=lB-21 : In addition to Section B or C, also provide the information requested in Section F Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 3 of 9 14 of 35 ❑ Construction or alteration of a stormwater management system serving residential, commercial, transportation, industrial, agricultural, or other land uses, or a solid waste facility (excluding mines that are regulated by DEP). Provide the information requested in Section E. ❑ Creation or modification of Mitigation Bank (refer to Chapter 62-342, F.A.C. https:llvvwvv.flrLiles.orci/ciateway/ChapterHonie.asp?Chapter=62-342): Provide the information requested in Section G. ❑ Mines (as defined by in Section 2.0 of Applicant's Handbook Volume 1) that are regulated by the DEP: Provide the information requested in Section H. Other, describe: Placement of oyster mats adjacent the shoreline of Indian River Lagoon near city discharge storm water outfall. Please contact the Agency to determine which additional sections of the application are needed. See Attachment 1 for Agency contacts. D. Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, works, or other activities. For permit modifications, please briefly describe the changes requested to the permit: Create and place 250 oyster mats (16"x16" each) adjacent to the shoreline of the Indian River Lagoon near a City discharge outfall. E. For activities in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters, check the type of federal dredge and fill permit requested (if known): ❑Individual ❑Programmatic General permit #: SAJ ❑General El Nationwide permit #:NWP ZNot Applicable ❑ Not sure F. Project/Activity Street/Road Address or other location (if applicable): Two site locations at 1733 and 1660 Indian River Drive City: 'Sebastian County(ies)lndian River Zip: 32958 Note: For utility, road, or ditch/canal activities, provide a starting and ending point using street names and nearest house numbers or provide length of project in miles along named streets or highways. G. Project location map and Section, Township, and Range information (use additional sheets if needed): Please attach a location map showing the location and boundaries of the proposed activity in relation to major intersections or other landmarks. The map should also contain a north arrow and a graphic scale; show Section(s), Township(s), and Range(s); and must be of sufficient detail to allow a person unfamiliar with the site to find it. Land Grant name, if applicable: Section(s): 31 Township: 30S Range: 39E Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS) (Taken from central location of the activity). Explain source for obtaining latitude and longitude (i.e. U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Map, GPS, online resource): Collected in the field with hand unit and verified on line Tax Parcel Identification Number(s): Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 4 of 9 15 of 35 [Number may be obtained from property tax bill or from the county property appraiser's office; if on multiple parcels, provide multiple Tax Parcel Identification Numbers] 1 Directions to Site (from major roads; include distances and landmarks as applicable): Both sites are located on Indian River Drive in Sebastian at 1733 and 1660 Indian River Drive. K. Project area or phase area: 0.0204 acres L. Name of waterbody(ies) (if known) in which activities will occur or into which the system will discharge: Receiving Class Type Outstanding Aquatic Preserve Waterbody Florida Water The following questions (M -O) are not applicable to activities related to a single-family residence, including private single-family residential docks, piers, seawalls or boat ramps. M. Is it part of a larger plan of development or sale? ❑ yes ® no N. Impervious or semi -impervious area excluding wetlands and other surface waters (if applicable): 0.0204 acres or square feet O. Volume of water the system is capable of impounding (if applicable): acre- feet. PART 2: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION, AND PERMIT HISTORY A. Is this an application to modify an existing Environmental Resource Permit, or to construct or implement part of a multi -phase project, such as a project with a Conceptual Approval permit? ❑ Yes Z No If you answerr d 'yes", please provide permit numbers below: AGENCY DATE PERMIT/ PROJECT NAME APPLICATION NO. B. Indicate if there have been any pre -application meeting(s) or other discussions about the proposed project, system or activity. If so, please provide the date(s), location(s) of the meeting, and the name(s) of Agency staff that attended the meeting(s): AGENCY DATE LOCATION MEETING ATTENDEES C. Attach a depiction (plan and section views), which clearly shows the works or other activities proposed to be constructed. Use multiple sheets, if necessary, a scale sufficient to show the location and type of works, and include a north arrow and a key to any symbols used. Specific information to be included in the plans is based on the activities proposed and is further described in Sections B-H. Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 5 of 9 16 of 35 However, supplemental information may be required based on the specific circumstances or location of the proposed works or other activities. D. Processing Fee: Please submit the application processing fee along with this application form and supplemental information. Processing fees vary based on the size of the activity, the type of permit applied for, and the reviewing Agency. Please reference Attachment 3 to determine the appropriate fee. Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330:060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 6 of 9 17 of 35 PART 3: APPLICANT AND ASSOCIATED PARTIES INFORMATION Instructions: Permits are only issued to entities having sufficient real property interest as described in Section 4.2.3 (d) of Applicant's Handbook Volume I. Please attach evidence of sufficient real property interest over the land upon which the activities subject to the application will be conducted, including mitigation (if applicable). Refer to Section 4.2.3 (d)for acceptable ownership or real property interest documentation. For corporations, list a person who is a registered agent or officer of the corporation who has the legal authority to bind the corporation. A. APPLICANT (ENTITY MUST HAVE SUFFICIENT REAL PROPERTY INTEREST) 9 THIS IS A CONTACT PERSON FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name: Last: Watanabe First: Frank Middle: Title: City Engineer Company: City of Sebastian Address: 1225 Main Street City: Sebastian State: EL Zip: 32958 Home Telephone: (772) 321-7336 Work Telephone: (772) 388-8228 Cell Phone: (772) 321-7336 Fax: (772) 388-8248 E-mail Address: fwatanabe@cityofsebastian.org Correspondence will be sent via email. Check hereto receive correspondence via US Mail: B. LAND OWNER(5) (IF DIFFERENT OR IN ADDITION TO APPLICANT) ❑ CHECK HERE IF LAND OWNER IS ALSO A CO -APPLICANT Name: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check here to receive correspondence via US Mail: C. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ENTITY (see Applicant's Handbook I, Section 12.3) Entity Name: Contact: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check hereto receive correspondence via US Mail: ❑ Form 62.330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) section A. Page 7 of 9 18 of 35 D. CO -APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT OR IN ADDITION TO APPLICANT AND OWNER) Name: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check here to receive correspondence via US Mail: ❑ E. ENGINEERING CONSULTANT ❑THIS IS A CONTACT PERSON FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check here to receive correspondence via US Mail: ❑ F. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT ❑ THIS IS A CONTACT PERSON FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check here to receive correspondence via US Mail: ❑ G. AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE PERMIT (IF DIFFERENT FROM CONSULTANT) ❑ THIS IS A CONTACT PERSON FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name: Last: First: Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Correspondence will be sent via email. Check here to receive correspondence via US Mail: ❑ If necessary, please add additional pages for other contacts and property owners related to this project. Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1. 2013) Section A. Page 8 of 9 19 of 35 Additional Addresses Applicant Land Owner Operation and Maintenance Entity Engineering Consultant Environmental Consultant Agent Compliance Entity Consultant Form 62-330.060(1) - Joint Application for Individual Environmental Resource Permit/ Authorization to Use State -Owned Submerged Lands/ Federal Dredge and Fill Permit Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.060(1), F.A.C. (October 1, 2013) Section A, Page 9 of 9 20 of 35 RESOLUTION NO. R-11-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CREATING A CHAMPION TREE AWARD PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, trees are an important part of our community as evidenced by our local policies and comprehensive plan and City Council created a Natural Resources Board to protect and promote the City of Sebastian's horticultural values; and WHEREAS, the City Council based on the recommendation of the Natural Resources Board, wishes to promote preservation and recognition of Sebastian's outstanding trees by awarding a citywide Champion Tree designation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager and the Natural Resources Board to create a City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program, whereby owners of specific qualifying trees shall be recognized by a Proclamation of the Mayor. Section 2. GUIDELINES. The Natural Resources Board and City Manager shall adopt the guidelines of the state Champion Tree program to guide the Board in the nomination of Champion Trees. Section 3. AWARD. The Mayor will present a Proclamation to any qualified winner for each species of tree. Section 4. CONFLICT. All resolutions or part of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, including R-08-26. Section S. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. A motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution was made by Council Member Coy The motion was seconded by Council member Gillmor and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill aye Vice Mayor Don Wright aye Council Member Andrea Coy aye Council Member Richard Giilmor aye Council Member Eugene Wolff aye The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 14TH day of September, 2011. ATTES J Sally A. io, MMC City Jerk CITY OF S05ASTAN, FLORIDA Mayor Jim Hill Apfproved as to form and legality for reliartge by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney 21 of 35 SEBASTIAN'S TREE INVENTORY Resident's Address Common Latin Date Tree Height Tree Total Name Name of Tree Name Measured Condition Points Shearer, Mildred 841 Wentworth Laurel Oak Quercus 6118105 42 ft Good 178 & John Street Laurifolia Therrien, Joyce 685 Ervin Street Grapefruit 6125105 26 ft Fair 82.5 & David Landsberg, 1582 Damask Bald Cypress 9124105 51 ft Good 141 Linda & David Lane Dann, Anne 826 Robin Lane Pignut Hickory 9124105 84 ft Good 172 Heincke, Mary 99 Joy Haven Live Oak Quercus 11/19/05 45 ft Fair 164.5 Vir inius Schofield, Al & 734 Rose Ave. Live Oak Quercus 11/19/05 64 ft Fair 181 Helga Vir inius Lagin, Neil 838 Wentworth Slash Pine Pinus Elliottii 12/10/05 45 ft Good 120 Street Varick, Leola 519 Periwinkle Magnolia Magnolia 01114/06 32 ft Good 73 Drive Grandiflora Varick, Leola 519 Periwinkle Live Oak Quercus 01/14/06 49 ft Good 159 Drive Vir inius Kilkelly, Shirley 950 Franciscan Live Oak Quercus 2111/06 60 ft Good 183 Avenue vir iniana Kilkelly, Shirley 950 Franciscan Slash Pine Pinus Elliottii 2111106 60 ft Good 139 Avenue Dubuque, Helga 581 Concha Canary Island Phoenix 3111106 28 ft 110 Drive Palm Canariensis Dubuque, Helga 581 Concha Loquat Eriobotrya 3111106 20 ft Excellent 43 Drive Ja onica Deluca, Marie 554 Agnes St Bald Cypress Taxodium 5/6106 20 ft Good ---- Distichum Baker, Scott & 861 Gladiola Live Oak Quercus 5/6106 80 ft Good 250 Pansy Vir iniana Miner, Barry & 867 Gladiola Live Oak Quercus 5/6106 80 ft Good 250 Diane Vir iniana Shearer, Mildred 841 Wentworth Pindo Palm Butia Capitata 5/6/06 18 ft Good 101 & John Street Rodriguez, 824 Schumann Bismarck Palm Bismarckia 9116/06 16 ft Excellent 89.5 David Drive Nobolis Dann, Anne 826 Robin Lane River Birch Betula Nigra 1219/06 52 ft 85 22 of 35 Cummings, Maureen 134 Englar Dr Laurel Oak Quercus Laurifolia 12/9106 32 ft 97 Driben, Stanley 412 Bywood Ave Screw Palm Pandanus Palm 1113107 14 Good 45 Klitenic, Todd 1274 Barber St Live Oak Quercus Vir iniana 9/22/07 80 ft 173 Thompson, Ken & Debbie 773 Ellingsen Ave Live Oak Quercus Vir iniana 9122107 67 ft 229 Murphy, Thomas 1113 Coverbrook Lane Live Oak Quercus Virginiana 1116/08 52 ft. Good 287.8 Ruthven, Christopher 1020 Evernia St. Red Maple Acer rubrum 05110/2011 40 ft Excellent 73 Main, Leah 864 Mulberry St, Live Oak Quercus Vir iniana 05/10/2011 56 ft. Good 158 Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. 11301 Roseland Rd. Live Oak Quercus Vir iniana 05/10/2011 44 ft. Excellent 154 Kmak, August & Barbara 612 Balboa Street Pigeon Plum Coccoloba Diversifolia 06/23/2011 23 ft Excellent 78.6 Wilkes, Judi 1840 Barber Street Laurel Oak Quercus Laurifolia 06/23/2011 32 ft Excellent 132.50 Siebert, Willard & Katherine 1013 Indian River Drive Live Oak Quercus Vir iniana 06/23/2011 32 fl Very goad 93 23 of 35 CnLF E ,ST HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CHAMPION TREE RECORD COMMON TREE NAME: SCIENTIFIC OR BOTANICAL NAME: DATE: HOMEOWNER NAM ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: TREE HEIGHT: TIME: PTS TREE CIRCUMFERENCE: INCHES PTS CROWN SPREAD AVERAGE: FEET RTS TOTAL POINTS: CONDITION OF TREE: TREE BOARD MEMBERS NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: I TELEPHONE NUMBER.- SIGNATURE: UMBER: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: 24 of 35 CALIBRATING TREES MEASUREMENTS: Chain = 66 feet Log = 16 feet DBH (diameter at breast height) = 4.5 feet TREE HEIGHT: a) Measure 1 chain from tree base. (Number of paces differs) b) Hold tree stick vertically 25 inches away from eyes, with the base of the stick level with the base of the tree. c) Count number of logs. (Widely spaced lines on the stick) This equals height. d) Repeat measurement 90 degrees around the trunk. e) Average. CROWN WIDTH: a) Measure 1 chain from trunk. b) Hold stick horizontally 25 inches from the eyes. c) Count the number of logs at the widest part of the crown and the narrowest. d) Average the two. e) Repeat these measurements 90 degrees around the trunk. f) Average. TRUNK DIAMETER: a) Find DBH. b) Measure the distance across the trunk at this point, using the graduated scale on the stick. (Calibrates the roundness of the trunk.) c) Read as inches. a) To find points you add height @ 1 pt.11ft., plus circumference @ 1pt / 1 in., plus crown @ 1 pt. / 4 ft. to give the total value. 25 of 35 CfIY Cf SEBASTt" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND z, I j 1 /411/ CHAMPION TREE RECOGNITION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby recognizes Mr. Christopher Ruthven of 1020 Evernia Street, Sebastian, Florida for a Champion "Red Maple" Tree. This Champion tree has grown to a height of 40 feet, with a tree circumference of 28 inches and a crown spread of 40 feet, thereby earning a total of 73 Champion Tree points for its species. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Sebastian to be affixed this 28th day of September 2011. Jim Hill, Mayor Attest: Sally A. Maio, MMC City Clerk 26 of 35 7th Annual TrcasurC Coast Waterway Cleanup Jul y 26, 2014 L_i�hility RdCasC Form Marine ' Industries Association of the Treasure Coast, Inc. Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Waiver for Participation (please complete for each cleanup event) Volunteer Group: Volunteer Group Leader: In consideration of the privilege of being allowed to take part in the Marine Industries Associa- tion of the Treasure Coast 7th Annual Waterway Cleanup, use the equipment and the facilities of the Association, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, individually and/or on behalf of my minor child named below do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast, its trustees, elected and appointed officials, agents, servants, volunteers and employees from and against all claims, demands, causes of action of whatsoever kind, and for any resulting judgments, losses, costs, damages, liability, expenses, including, but not limited to attorneys' fees arising out of, occurring during or relating to the use of the equipment, facilities, or participation in the Marine Indus- tries Association of the Treasure Coasts 7th Annual Waterway Cleanup. I further acknowledge and authorize the photograph and videotape and publication of such pho- tographs and videotapes of myself and/or my minor child to promote or publicize the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast 7th Annual Waterway Cleanup. I understand the physical require- ments of participation in these activities and affirm that my child and/or I meet these requirements. I give permission for coordinators, staff and emergency personnel to make necessary fust aid decisions in the event of accident, injury or illness. In the case of injury, accident, illness or inability to complete these activities, I will bear the full cost of any expense incurred due to any injury to myself and/or my child or damage to my property. Owner/ Captain Name (please print): Participant (#l) Signature: Participant (0) Signature: Signature (Parent if participant is a minor): Participant (#2) Signature: Participant (#4) Signature: PLEASE FOLLOW THE BASIC SAFETY RULES: ► Always wear closed toed shoes. ► Please examine all litter for sharp edges before picking up. ► Please provide adult supervision for all minors ► Hats, sunscreen, gloves and water are strongly suggested. Mail or fax completed form to MIATC, PO Box 1639, Stuart, FL, 34995, fax (772) 781-4240. E-mail: info@tcwaterwaycleanup.com / (772) 285-1646 Rev. 4/23/14 27 of 35 7th Annual Treasure Coast Marine Waterway Cleanup industries July 26, 2014, 8:00a m-12:30pm Association of the Treasure coast, Inc. R,eyl5tratlon Form Thank you for participating in the 7th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup! The effort that you are making today is the initial step to seeing that our waterways are cleaner year-round. Please complete this form and identify the area you prefer to work. CONTACT INFORMATION (Each Individual / Team Member) Name: Address: E-mail: City: State: Zip Code: Phone #: Boat Name and LOA: Team Name (if applicable): Team Coordinator/ Captain: Team Members (1): Cell #: size] (2): [t -shirt size] (3): [t -shirt size] (4): [t -shirt sizeL_(5): [t -shirt size] CLEANUP SITE INFORMATION (complete all that applies): Martin County: Leighton Park Ramp Jimmy Graham Boat Ramp (Hobe sound) Sandsprit Park Jensen Bch Causeway Ramp Jensen Bch Boat Ramp (Indian River Dr) Stuart Causeway Boat Ramp St. Lucie County: Rivergate Park Ramp Prima Vista Ramp Pelican Yacht Club Ft. Pierce Yacht Club Stan Blum Ramp Smithsonian Marine Ecosystems Exhibit Jaycee Park Boat Ramp Indian River County: Riverside Park Ramp Vero Beach Municipal Marina Loggerhead Marina Sebastian Main St. Ramp Sebastian Inlet Marina Wabasso Cswy. (SR 510) Boat Ramp Divers: I am interested in participating in the Peck Lake Reef Dive Cleanup Name specific region or tributary: Mail or fax completed form to MIATC, PO Box 1639, Stuart, FL, 34995, fax (772) 781-4240. E-mail: info@tcwaterwayc'leanup.com / (772) 285-1646 Rev. 4/23/14 28 of 35 KEEP INDIAN RIVER BEAUTIFUL EVENTS http://www.kirb.org/events.htmI CALENDAR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL US AT (772) 226-7738 May -June World Ocean's Day - June 8th - Projects TBD July — August July 4th - Register your company or group for the RECYCLE REGATTA Saturday, July 4`h 11am at Riverview Park Teams will build boats made from Recycled/Reused materials and race them head to head on the Indian River. KIRB is challenging Corporate Teams, Summer Camps, Scout Troops, High School Clubs and College Clubs to enter the competition. For more information click here or call KIRB at 772-226-7738 KIRB Marketplace (tentative) - Contact dpacker@KIRB.org to be a vendor September - October International Coastal Cleanup - Saturday, September 19th 29 of 35 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ` <J SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT BOARD MEMORANDUM _ Date: May 1, 2015 To: Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Thru. Vincent Burke, Director of Utility Services 0) From: Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E., Managing Director, Solid Waste Disposal District:9011 Subject: Request to Participate in the "2015 KIRK Marketplace" at Indian River Mall DESCRIPTIONS AND CONDITIONS: The Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) promotes recycling programs in Indian River County in conjunction with the outreach and education support through Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB). SWDD has supported the Indian River Mail Green Market series for the past four years and these events have been very successful for both SWDD & KIRB. Similarly, the Indian River Mail has offered an opportunity to promote SWDD & KIRB this summer during the 2015 KIRB Marketplace which is comprised of five separate events in June, July and August. Indian River Mall has submitted the attached proposal requesting SWDD to be the title sponsor for the upcoming event. ANALYSIS: Per the proposal, the KIRB Marketplace starts on Saturday, June 130 & 25th, 2015 from 10 am to 5 pm. The next two events are scheduled for Saturday, July 11th & July 25th and one additional event Saturday, August 22"d. The general theme of the marketplace encourages reusing, recycling & upcycling in the forms of Artists, Crafters, Organic Goods, Botanicals and more! KIRB will receive income from each event sub -sponsor, be able to solicit donations, promote the Reuse Center, and encourage recycling and sustainability to County residents. Overall, this is a great opportunity to promote our "75 in 51 - 75% recycling by 2020" message and increase participation in recycling. Indian River Mall will provide the venue, event planning, equipment, maintenance and marketing. Indian River Mall estimates a value to SWDD of $11,000 for the marketing of SWDD/KIRB and has requested a sponsorship of $3,000. The reduced cost to SWDD of $3,000 extended last year is offered again this year, and again we will participate in five events. SWDD Agenda - Request to Participate In the 2015 KIRB Marketplace at Indian River Mall (2) Page —1- 30 of 35 242 FUNDING: Funding for the $3,000 sponsorship is available as a sustainability item in the SWDD recycling account under Other Professional Services, Account No. 41125534-033190 which is funded from SWDD assessments and user fees. ACCOUNT NO.: Description Account Number Amount Other Professional Services 41125534033190 $3,000 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the SWDD Board authorize participating in the 2015 KIRB Marketplace at the Indian River Mall with a sponsorship in the amount of $3,000. ATTACHMENT: 1. 2015 KIRB Marketplace Proposal from Indian River Mall APPROVED FOR AGENDA: By: 101"r, - rll.,) --) A '4 &"',i Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator For: ,J Dat Indian River Co. Approved Date Administration Legal Budget SWDD 7 J SWDD - Finance 5 I iZ SWDD Agenda - Request to Participate in the 2015 KIRB Marketplace at Indian River Mall Page — 2 — 243 31 of 35 2015 KIRB Marketplace at Indian River Mall Artist, Crafters, Organic Goods, Botanicals, & More... www.kirb.org or keepirbeautiful@gamil.com INDIAN RIVER MALL 10 am — 5 pm June 13th & 2511, July 111h & 25th August 22nd D D LD Kt-ep Iridian KINcr R(-,jtiQitul $35 a spot includes 2 chairs and Eft table with table cloth in a 10x10 space $45 if electrical is needed (can not bring own table) I To participate call KIRB at 772-226-7738 32 of 35 M 33 of 35 C N N N (U 0 0 0 — 0 "U N qy F- a uci CL m _ _ ,-. L-'-' N E N CO R9 C ILO> N (4 0 M C co 4-0 a)> L V �J J +' Co _ U Nm C E (U c :) .� 1 4-1 ca Q o cia Q N co z3 `6 m �. N (D C3T Y �. cc E .a? OCD � 0 .0 N R3 0 U Ua-_ >� Q L rc� —Of CD Q Q .L — M C N E ( ] 5 C N .� .v tfi ftS tz N N d Cm o > c cc D N i N Ri m +r C6 C� 0 O p} U � c Q �.C� Y Q N U C `a - C F O - _- 0 C Ea) > tv cu � t�� o s. � � .04-0 0 m ca cu `" Q L au M Co > � En C .R Q U �[�/ Q1i `V 'OL U? > N �: W a � Ncts ❑ 0 N L 0 N i C Q 'Q N _ -1--� L � > "a C -��•-r�F E (T3 > .� O Z3 E , 0 U 0 2t �/ Q }' � C C m N .>' a� �I N — 70 0 c))_ C 0 > W 70 > 0 a--� M N i O 0--a . C ) o �v i CU a) >i ~ m E Y .n n E 33 of 35 PROPOSAL FOR SPONSORSHIP SWDD will be the title sponsor and tagged as: Solid Waste Disposal District of Indian River County presents the 2015 KIRB Marketplace at Indian River Mall Media Plan: -Submission of Press Releases and Media alerts monthly to local radio and print publications, logo included ($1,000 value) •On -'Mall signage including logo on 22x28's, State Road 60 marquee, and Indian River Mall Facebook page for 4 months ($2,000 value) •Facebook, Twitter, Text and Email Blast Campaigns promoting markets, on-going, logos and name included ($2,000 value) •(1) Sky Banner in the Indian River Mall, promoting IRCSWD and KIRB for 3 months ($3,000 value) Event Presence: -At each event, SWDD will receive a double vendor booth and be able to give out information to residents about the counties recycling program, sustainability, bin distribution, etc. KIRB will also be able to sell in vendors to the event and generate additional revenue.($3,000 value) Total Value: $11,000 SWDD Investment: $3,000 34 of 35 LVZ 35 of 35 E O U V; N L N Q O N O C:) Q 'pNO Imo. C O CN — 0 ry N to Ln O O U- L cIM( ' Y W 0 v v o > w 35 of 35