HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-04 PZ Agendams SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2015 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of April 16, 2015 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing Where applicable, City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read Chair, if appropriate, shall announce the rules that apply to the hearing Applicant presentation, if appropriate City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, if any Public input City staff final comments and recommendation, if any Chair closes hearing. Commission Deliberation and Action A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Preliminary Plat for Sandcrest Subdivision — PUD -R Zoning — SW Corner of Main Street/Powerline Road — 64 Single-family Lots 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present NEW BUSINESS 10. STAFF MATTERS 11. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 12. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. All Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings are Aired Live on Comcast Channel 25. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S. 286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THEAMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Jan King, Sr. Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Dodd stated that Mr. Durr was excused from the meeting and Ms. Kautenburg would vote in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Kautenburg/Carter to accept the minutes of the March 5, 2015 Local Planning Agency meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW — LDC SECTION 54-2-7.5 — 201 DELAWARE AVENUE — LOT 35, BLOCK 492, UNIT 15 - 24'x 25'(600 SF) SHED — DEREK DAVIS The applicant and homeowner, Mr. Derek Davis, was present, and stated they had recently moved to Sebastian to retire and requested approval of the proposed shed. The manufactured structure was steel with vertical panels to match the T-111 panels on the house, of the same color, with white trim. He stated the shed would be used as his workshop. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that the lots in Block 492 were larger than the standard 80 X125 size and had a 50 -foot FPL easement in the rear. A portion of the shed, 13 feet, would encroach into the easement, but staff had received a written approval from FPL allowing it. She stated that there were two smaller existing sheds in the same location as the new shed, but that they would be removed. A tree survey was enclosed in the Commissioner's packet, indicating 12 trees that were required would be remaining on the site. Ms. Bosworth stated staff recommended approval. OC a E c O 06 CITY OF SEBASTIAN C PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION S.2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (j) APRIL 16, 2015 E � •am � Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. E The by ® pledge of allegiance was said all. r _ as U a ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Mr. McManus p Ms. Kautenburg(a) Mr. Cizilbash Mr. Carter ry p `L Mr. Alvarez (a) Mr. Reyes ®•Q `L CON �a EXCUSED: Mr. Durr ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Jan King, Sr. Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Dodd stated that Mr. Durr was excused from the meeting and Ms. Kautenburg would vote in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Kautenburg/Carter to accept the minutes of the March 5, 2015 Local Planning Agency meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW — LDC SECTION 54-2-7.5 — 201 DELAWARE AVENUE — LOT 35, BLOCK 492, UNIT 15 - 24'x 25'(600 SF) SHED — DEREK DAVIS The applicant and homeowner, Mr. Derek Davis, was present, and stated they had recently moved to Sebastian to retire and requested approval of the proposed shed. The manufactured structure was steel with vertical panels to match the T-111 panels on the house, of the same color, with white trim. He stated the shed would be used as his workshop. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that the lots in Block 492 were larger than the standard 80 X125 size and had a 50 -foot FPL easement in the rear. A portion of the shed, 13 feet, would encroach into the easement, but staff had received a written approval from FPL allowing it. She stated that there were two smaller existing sheds in the same location as the new shed, but that they would be removed. A tree survey was enclosed in the Commissioner's packet, indicating 12 trees that were required would be remaining on the site. Ms. Bosworth stated staff recommended approval. OC a E c O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2015 Mr. Reyes asked how vehicles would access the garage. Mr. Davis stated there was existing access from the rear alleyway in the easement. He stated if the alleyway was ever eliminated, he could access the shed from the side of the house. Ms. Bosworth explained that the unplatted, rough, gravel alleyway was used by the FPL trucks and property owners alike, gates and fences were never installed to block anyone, and although the city does not issue formal driveway permits for these accesses, the City is OK with the use of the alleyway at this time. Mr. Reyes asked if electric was being installed. Mr. Davis stated yes, at a later date. Mr. Reyes stated he would like to see the same side yard setback used as the house so that the shed was not seen from the street [13 feet (house) vs. 10 feet (proposed shed setback)] and felt there was not enough room between the house and property line for future access, if needed. Mr. Davis stated currently you could not see the backyard from the street, and Ms. Bosworth explained that concrete could be permitted up to the property line and 13 feet was wide enough for a driveway. Mr. Roth asked if the repairs/work to be done in the shed was for profit. Mr. Davis responded no. The height of the house was discussed, which Mr. Davis had the house at 17.5 feet. Mr. Carter asked if additional landscaping was required. Ms. Bosworth stated no, only if the structure was over 750 SF in size. Ms. Kautenburg asked about what trees were going to be removed, and noted that the encroachment into the easement could be a title problem down the road. MOTION by Roth/Carter "to approve the structure planned for 201 Delaware Avenue, Lot 35, as submitted with the staff requirements." Mr. Reyes asked to have the motion amended to add that the side setbacks of the house and shed be the same. Mr. Davis stated he disagreed with the proposed condition, that he was meeting the required setback, and the additional feet may then require more trees having to be removed. Mr. Reyes rescinded his request. ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Ms. Roth yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. McManus yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Carter yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried B. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — SITE PLAN & WAIVER — O'REILLY AUTO PARTS — 6,972 SF RETAIL BUILDING — 220 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD — COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) ZONING DISTRICT — REQUESTED WAIVER FROM LDC SECTION 54-4-21.A.7: RIVERFRONT OVERLAY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chairman Dodd asked the Commissioners if they had any ex -parte communication to disclose. There was none. The applicant/representative and staff were sworn in by the City Attorney, Mr. Ryan Givens, a land planner representing the applicant (no company name was given), reviewed details of the proposed site plan also stating that the building was one of the smaller prototype that the company had, and they were providing more parking than the minimum required. He stated that, as noted in the staff report, the additional 27 hedge plants needed to meet minimum requirements would be provided, and they were in agreement with the other two conditions in the report. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2015 Ms. Bosworth further detailed that the commercial subdivision had an existing master stormwater system that the site would be hooking into and the modification permit from St. John's had already been received. She noted that the environmental study that had been submitted with the application was outdated by a year and a more current study had been requested or submittal of a statement letter from the environmental consultant that the information was still valid. The applicant was working on getting that to staff. Ms. Bosworth explained the history of the subdividing of the original property and the request from Indian River County for the Maintenance and Drainage Easement along CR 512 at that time. Since a portion of the applicant's landscape buffer, drainage, and irrigation was located in the easement, she stated staff had required an approval from the county. To satisfy their initial concerns, the applicant proposed a gravity wall and the county forwarded their approval with conditions, which were noted in the staff report. The wall would be stucco'd and painted to match the building. Ms. Bosworth then reviewed the applicant's request for the landscape waiver, and discussed the comparison charts included in the Commissioner's packets. She explained that the landscape plan was 27 hedge plants short of the minimum required from the general code, and the applicant previously stated they would amend the plan. She stated the waiver was specifically for 21 canopy trees, 41 understory trees, and 482 foundation shrubs. Staff compared the adjacent Sherwin Williams site and stated they had not requested any landscape waivers and was able to plant all the required materials on a comparable sized lot and building. Ms. Bosworth stated staff was suggesting a portion of the understory trees be planted as infill between the canopy trees along the street right -of ways. Staff recommended approval of the plan with the three conditions as discussed. Mr. Dodd asked if the remaining portion of the subdivision had been platted, how many lots existed, and who maintained the stormwater system. Staff stated there were 4 platted lots, and the Property Owners Association was responsible for the pond. Mr. Dodd also questioned if the wall would need to be extended to the adjacent lot to the east when it was developed, and how would it match that building. Ms. Bosworth stated the new site may not need a wall if there weren't any encroachments, but staff would require the wall to be consistent. Mr. Dodd stated he felt all the sites should have similar landscaping and was glad staff had researched the Sherwin Williams plan. Mr. Carter questioned why the waiver was being requested. Mr. Givens stated there was not enough room on the site to accommodate all of the required trees for that size of a lot, and they would have to shrink the building to fit. Mr. Dodd asked staff how the requirements would differ if the C512 Overlay was used instead of the Riverfront's. Ms. Bosworth stated the 512 Overlay required additional landscaping along the street fronts and does not require the foundation plantings. Mr. Qizilbash asked if they granted a waiver from only the Riverfront requirements would the site meet the C512 requirements. Ms. Bosworth stated they would need to add understory trees along the streets and 3 additional canopy trees to be incompliance. Mr. McManus stated was glad to see the business come into town, and felt the property was far enough away from the Riverfront District to have to meet those requirements, and would rather see them meet the C512 requirements. Mr. Roth had questions regarding the [gravity] wall's location and height. Staff stated it was shown on Sheet C-7, read Note #18, and gave details regarding the finished grade elevations. Mr. Roth stated he thought it was an attractive site and would be an asset to the city. [7:32 p.m. - At this time, severe weather knocked out power for approx. 1 minute] Mr. Reyes stated he felt the subdivision layout/design was accounting for some of the problems with the landscaping because of the access easement and had landscaping concerns for the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2015 remaining two lots. Staff stated driveways and access points are subtracted from lineal footages used for calculations, and adjacent lots can share buffers when developed. Ms. Kautenburg stated she looked forward to the site being developed, but also didn't understand the hardship for the waiver request, and hated to see that many trees not being planted. Mr. McManus had additional questions regarding the wall and its height. Mr. Watanabe clarified that the wall was not above grade and but was a retaining wall. Chmn. Dodd asked if there was anyone in the public that was opposed or in favor of the application. There was none. Ms. Bosworth summarized that staff recommended approval of the site plan with the three conditions listed in the staff report, including the Commissioner's consideration of the waiver request. During the deliberation Mr. Alvarez asked how many employees there would be. Mr. Givens stated potentially nine. Mr. McManus reiterated he did not want to see the site held to the Riverfront requirements and asked staff how many trees were needed to comply with the C512 requirements. Ms. Bosworth stated 10 understory trees on the west and 12 understory trees on the south, with the trees needing to be 5 to 6 feet in height at planting. Mr. Dodd agreed with having them meet the C512 regulations. Mr. Roth stated he was glad that the site had designed the delivery area away from street visibility. Mr. Givens clarified how many trees were needed, and Mr. Dodd responded that the Commissioners were confident with staff to allow them to work with the applicant on how many trees should go on the revised plan. There was further discussion on what types of trees could be planted. Mr. Ginsburg discussed the language that chould be used in the motion. MOTION by Dodd/Qizilbash "to approve the site plan for O'Reilly's Auto Parts located at 220 Sebastian Boulevard with condition #1 & #2 as proposed in the staff report, and condition #3 would read that we grant a landscape waiver so that the site plan substantially is in accordance with the C512 Overlay Code." ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. McManus yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Qizilbash yes The vote was 7.0. Motion carried CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Dodd thanked the city and staff for the workshop that City Council held on meeting procedures and the presentation by [Marilyn Crotty]. From the workshop, with regards to keeping others informed with the upcoming landscaping revisions, Mr. Dodd asked Mr. Watanabe to ask Mr. Griffin if they could do a presentation to City Council summarizing why the landscaping code was being revised, where they were with the process, and if the Council had any input or comments. Chmn. Dodd stated this could also eliminate wasted time if the Council did not agree with the direction the Commissioners were taking with the revisions. Mr. Watanabe agreed with the idea and stated he would approach the City Manager with the request. Mr. Roth suggested letting the City Council know that the Chamber's suggestions and information had been previously reviewed and considered during their earlier discussion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2015 MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Alavarez mentioned that the sidewalk in front of Cumberland Farms had still not been repaired yet and he did not want it to become a city liability. Mr. Watanabe stated the sidewalk was under Indian River County's jurisdiction and in the CR 512 right -of way. He stated he would call the county engineer and relay the information. Mr. Roth asked about the status of the sidewalk along Barber Street across the railroad tracks which he presumed was tied in with All Aboard Florida. Mr. Watanabe stated the city's preliminary plans for sidewalks across Barber, Schumann, and Main were already submitted, and he expected in the near future to receive the 90% plans from AAF regarding their plans for the crossings to verify the inclusions of the sidewalks at those crossings since St. Lucie County had recently received their plans [from AAF]. There was also a discussion on proposed Quiet Zones, being on the grant list for the upgrade, and the long amount of time to get any construction started. Mr. Reyes verified who was maintaining the rear ditches on the residential lots, and if it was still city workers. Mr. Watanabe updated the Commissioners with recent history and the current system in place. Mr. Reyes noted that when fences were permitted to be placed on the rear property line the homeowners were maintaining the ditch, but in other places the homeowners were not and that was where the problems seemed to be. He asked if there was a master stormwater plan in place, and felt the city was using unnecessary funds to clean the ditches when the homeowner should be maintaining it themselves. Mr. Watanabe stated some homeowners were very proactive keeping the ditches clean, but because of those who weren't, the city needed to keep the ditches functioning. Mr. Reyes stated when fences aren't permitted to be on the rear property line, but only on the easement line, it restricted the homeowner from accessing their entire property and the rear ditch got ignored. In response to a question, Mr. Watanabe stated the stormwater master plan was updated four years ago, and was current. Ms. Kautenburg asked if there was a cost-sharing program between the city and residents to pipe the larger ditches so that in the end it was easier for the residents to maintain and the city could save funds. A discussion ensued on how the costs of piping and materials have increased. Mr. McManus noted piping would eliminate perculation, which was the purpose of the ditches. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. (db) 5 MOF SEAT,- N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Preliminary Development Plan/Plat Planned Unit Development Staff Report 1. Project Name: Sandcrest PUD 2. Requested Action: Preliminary Development Plan/Plat Approval. 3. Project Location a. Address: Southwest of the intersection of Main Street and Powerline Road b. Legal: See survey for full legal description C. Indian River County Parcel Number: 30-38-30-00003-0000-00000.4 31-38-01-00000-7000-00001.0 31-38-01-00000-7000-00003.0 4. Project Owner: Sandcrest, L.L.C. 5070 N. HighwayA1A, Suite C-1 Vero Beach, FL 32963 5. Project Agent: Chuck Mechling Sandcrest, L.L.C. 5070 N. Highway At A, Suite C-1 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 999-3494 6. Project Engineer: Jodah Bittle, P.E. Schulke, Bittle and Stoddard, L.L.C. 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772)770-9622 7. Project Surveyor: Meridian Land Surveyors 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 794-1213 1 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: Sandcrest, LLC has now rezoned their property to PUD -R and received approval of their Conceptual Development Plan. The next step is approval of a Preliminary Development Plan/Plat for the subject 13.01 acres with the full subdivision design. The project will include 64 single-family lots together with a 1.77 acre stormwater lake, a .30 acre recreational tract and a number of open space tracts. One small tract will be dedicated to the City of Sebastian for additional road right-of-way on Bob Circle. b. Current Zoning: PUD -R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) C. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: (8) Parks: (9) Police/Fire: 13.01 acres Vacant Immokalee fine sand Native pines, scrub Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities North County Conservation - adjacent Sebastian Police -'/ mile IRC Fire -2'/2 miles 9. Preliminary Development Plan criteria a. Compliance with subdivision regulations: yes b. Compliance with zoning regulations: yes C. Compliance with comprehensive plan: yes d. Compliance with conceptual development plan: yes 2 10. Contents of Preliminary Development Plan: a. Written material: (1) Development schedule: begin June 2015 complete March 2017 (2) Quantitative data (a) Total number of dwelling units by type: 64 SFD (b) Total parcel size: 13.01 acres (c) Proposed lot or building site coverage by buildings and structures: Maximum 50% building coverage — perimeter lot Maximum 60% building coverage — interior lot (d) Proposed lot or building coverage by impervious surfaces: Maximum 60% impervious — perimeter lot Maximum 70% impervious — interior lot (e) Residential Density: 4.92 units per acre (f) Proposed amount of open space: 6.50 acres (g) Proposed amount of public lands including all dedicated rights-of-way, easements and other lands dedicated for public facilities and services: Tract 1 -.03 acres for R -O -W (3) Updated environmental impact statement: Received, as well as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit. (4) Public facilities impact statement: (a) Quantity of wastewater generated: 250 GPD per unit (b) Description of proposed recreational facilities: Tract C is proposed to be an open air pavilion with restrooms and covered seating, a swimming pool and associated green area. A separate site plan must be submitted for this facility. (c) Quantity of potable water required: 250 GPD per unit (d) Estimated number of school age children expected within the development: 12 elementary students 6 middle school students 8 high school students t (e) Estimated property tax and/or sales tax revenue generated by the project: Estimated property tax at build out would be $300,000+/- per year (without homestead exemptions). Estimated sales tax revenue generated would be $1,344,400 at build out. b. Graphic element of preliminary development plan. (1) Plat: (a) Proposed name of the PUD, title of map, name of city, and description of section, township and range: provided (b) Name and address of record owners, applicant, and person preparing preliminary development plan: provided (c) The locations and names of abutting subdivisions and the names of owners of record of adjacent acreage: provided (d) Date, north arrow and graphic scale acceptable to the City Engineer: provided (e) Legal description and survey of the proposed PUD boundaries made and certified by a Florida registered land surveyor: provided (f) Proposed lot or building site lines with dimensions, setbacks, and landscaped yards. Location and floor area size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other improvements. Designation of all dwelling unit types and number of units. Net residential density calculations. Plans for nonresidential uses shall include the square footage to each respective use: provided (g) Location, name and dimensions of all existing and proposed dedicated public lands and the conditions of such dedication: provided (h) The width and location of any street or other public way shown upon the comprehensive plan within the PUD and the proposed width, location and grade of all streets or other public ways proposed by the application: provided (i) Location of closest available public water supply system and proposed preliminary design for water service improvements, and schematic drawings as required by the City Engineer. The final construction drawing shall not be required prior to preliminary plan approval, but shall be required prior to commencement of the installation of such improvements: provided. Full construction plans have also been submitted for City Engineer review and approval. Q) Area in square feet of each lot or building site, to be indicated in a rectangle within each lot or building site: provided (k) Typical cross sections of proposed streets, sidewalks, canals and ditches and other proposed improvements: provided (I) Location of proposed wastewater collection system and proposed preliminary design of wastewater collection improvements, including proposed location of improvements, level of service proposed, and schematic drawings as required by the City Engineer. Final construction drawings shall not be required prior to preliminary development plan approval, but shall be required prior to commencing the installation of such facilities: provided (m) Location of proposed improvements for collecting and discharging surface drainage and the preliminary design of such facilities, including the proposed level of service, and schematic drawings as required by the City Engineer. Final construction drawings shall not be required prior to preliminary development plan approval, but shall be submitted prior to commending the installation of such facilities: provided (n) Location and preliminary design of proposed bridges or culverts which may be required, including the type of facility and general level of service as well as schematic drawings as required by the City Engineer. Final construction drawings shall not be required prior to preliminary development plan approval, but shall be required prior to commencing the installation of such improvements: provided (o) Proposed locations and preliminary designs for sidewalks, curbs, storm drainage facilities, water mains, sanitary sewers, fire hydrants, and flow facilities: provided (p) Location and width of proposed permanent utility easements. The easements shall provide satisfactory access to existing rights-of-way or other open space shown upon the tentative PUD plat. Permanent drainage easement shall also be shown: provided 5 (q) When the tentative PUD plat covers only a part of contiguous land owned by the applicant, a master phasing plan shall also be required unless the application certifies that the remaining real property shall be developed independently of the proposed PUD plat: N/A (r) The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the PUD plat, including material and techniques used, such as landscape, fences and walls for screening and buffering: provided (s) Location of wetlands and/or environmentally sensitive areas located within the site. Discuss any endangered wildlife habitats or vegetative communities, wellfield, aquifer recharge areas, wetlands that will be impacted by construction of stormwater runoff: provided. An environmental study has been provided along with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit. (2) General appearance. (a) Floor plans and square footage of all multifamily and nonresidential buildings and structures: N/A (b) Elevations, sections and/or perspectives as necessary to indicate the basic architectural intent, the height of buildings and structures, and the general window and door arrangements: provided (3) Dedication or reservations of land for public use: provided (4) Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation and parking: provided (5) Open space and landscape plan: provided (6) Information concerning adjacent lands. (a) Existing land use: provided (b) Zoning classification: provided (c) Circulation system: provided (d) Density: provided (e) Public facilities: provided (f) Unique natural features: provided 6 11. Analysis: Planned Unit Developments allow for unique design flexibility. The Sandcrest Subdivision Conceptual Development Plan, as reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by City Council, has established the following development parameters: Minimum lot size interior 4,750 SF Minimum lot size(perimeter) 5,500 SF Minimum lot depth interior lots 95 feet Minimum lot depth(perimeter lots 110 feet Minimum lot width 50 feet Minimum front setback to building 10 feet Minimum front setback to garage 10 feet Minimum side setback to building 5 feet Minimum side setback to garage 2 feet Minimum separation of structures 7 feet Minimum rear setback interior lots 10 feet Minimum rear setback(perimeter lots 25 feet Maximum building height 25 feet Minimum living area 900 SF Maximum lot building coverage interior 60% Maximum lot building coverage(perimeter) 50% Maximum lot impervious area interior 70% Maximum lot impervious area(perimeter) 60% Minimum open sace per lot interior 30% Minimum open sace per lot(perimeter) 40% Pool & Screen Enclosure side setback 5 feet Pool & Screen Enclosure rear setback 10 feet R -O -W 40 feet Separation between entrances 385 feet The Sandcrest Preliminary Development Plan/Plat is in conformance with the approved Sandcrest Conceptual Development Plan. 7 12. Staff comments: As noted during the conceptual plan review, any use of the City right- of-way by this subdivision, including gates, entrance features, signs, etc., will require special agreements and/or a license to encroach, as approved by City Council. The applicant shall prepare the agreement documents for review by the City Attorney and approval by City Council, prior to final plat. Back in 2004, City Council directed staff to ensure diversity within new subdivisions regarding elevation colors and design. With that directive, staff is requiring a non - monotonous color and elevation plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval. This is noted on the title page of the Sandcrest Preliminary Development Plan/Plat. 13. City Engineer's review: The City Engineer has reviewed the Sandcrest Preliminary Development Plan, as well as a Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Brian Good, P.E. of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. and has determined the need for auxiliary right -turn lane ingress along Powerline Road due to limited storage at the entrance gate. This has been added as a condition of approval for the Preliminary Development Plan/Plat. 14. Conclusion: The proposed Sandcrest Preliminary Development Plan/Plat is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and the Land Development Code. 15. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Sandcrest Preliminary Development Plan/Plat subject to the following conditions: R PARE B a. Developer must execute a special agreement (license to encroach) with the City for subdivision entrance features located in the City road right-of-way prior to final plat. b. Developer must provide auxiliary right -turn lane ingress along Powerline Road, subject to design approval by the City Engineer. Lane to be constructed prior to final plat. C. A plan to avoid monotonous color schemes and elevations for structures shall be submitted for staff approval prior to final plat. 0 S-zg- 16' DATE Permit Application No. .. ZoN City of Sebastian MEOF�E ASalvo Development Order Application Applicant If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: SandCrest, LLC Address: 5070 N. Highway AIA, Suite C-1, Vero Beach, FL 32963 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 999 - 3494 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 -9916 E -Mail: admin@sandcrestfl.com Owner If different from applicant) Name: Same as Applicant Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: PUD Preliminary Plat PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): SandCrest B. Site Information Address: Southwest corner of Powerline Road and Main Street Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: Indian River County Parcel #: 31380100003000000000.4/31380100000700000001.0/31380100000700000003.0 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: Medium Density Residential (max.8 du/ac) PUD -R Low Density 5 units/acre Existing Use: Proposed Use: Vacant Single Family Residential C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): 64 Single Family Residences, Recreation Facility (Clubhouse with Pool) DATE RECEIVED. ✓I / I'J/ 117 FEE PAID: $ /800,00 RECEIVED BY: p � GAJ+ o 0 zo +S Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Jodah B. Bittle, P.E., Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 770 9622 FAX Number: ( 772) 770- 9496 E -Mail: jbffitt1e&sbsengineers.com Surveyor: Name: Meridian, Land Surveyors Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 794 - 1213 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 - 1096 E -Mail: Ib6905 bellsouth. net Robert VotaW (Manager) BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER X I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE ANDTRUET �11ESTF MYKNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SIG TURE II ` fDATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS ' '.� DAY OF Oovem EW, 20_a. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE all^ Mk,f/1r1� PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY .1 we✓n A l -a /YY1 e COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION 01,61116 SEAL: } • ....,wk, KARE=MECHLING G 'MY C21'`EXPI18(4ol)aso-otes Ro Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. [ME, _ THE OWNER(S) / X THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. SIGNATURE yDAT (� Sworn to and subscribed before me by-o.LeA V c4(ti ) who is personally known to mg or produced as identification, this la day of I 0 ICBM11aer 20 Notary's Signature 0j" mk Printed Name of Notary ¢nAnn M1QC 11 Commission No./Expiration Seal: i r... KAREN ANN MECHLING MY COMMISSION #FF100821 k�ro; EXPIRES March 12, 2018 (4M 39&0153 FI0ritlallotarySeMm.0om Permit Application No, Supplemental Information Planned Unit Development Preliminary Development Plan (Plat) (ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY.) X 1. Is the proposed preliminary development plan consistent with the subdivision regulations? If not, which one(s)? YES X 2. Is the proposed preliminary development plan in conformance with the zoning regulations? If not, which one(s)? YES X 3. Attach the following: IJIA a. A list of the nam and a ems of all owners of parcels of real property within thre ed 300) feet of the parcel to be considered. X b. A vicinity map. X c. A map(s) of existing conditions including existing easements, streets, buildings, land uses, historical sites, tree groupings, wetlands, water courses, contours, the names of the property owners and existing land uses and zoning for all contiguous property, and the location and width of all existing or platted streets, easements, drainage ways and utilities contiguous to the property. X d. A development plan including: 1. plat, 2. general appearance of proposed structures excluding single family detached dwellings, ? 3. dedication or reservation of lands for public use, 4. vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation and parking, 5. open space and landscape plan, and 6. information concerning adjacent lands including existing land use, zoning, circulation system, density, public facilities, and unique natural features. PUD Permit Application No. X e. Quantitative data including: 1. total number of dwelling units by type, 2. total parcel size, 3. proposed lot or building site coverage by building and structure, 4. proposed lot or building coverage by impervious surfaces, other than building and structures, 5. gross and net residential density, 6, proposed amount of open space, 7. proposed amount of public lands including all dedicated rights-of- way, easements, and other lands dedicated to for public facilities. X f. A development schedule. X g. An updated environmental impact statement X h. An updated public facility impact statement. X 4. The following information is required on all preliminary plats: X a. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the boundary lines and distance of the land proposed for the subdivision in reference to other areas of the city. X b. A north arrow, graphic scale, and date if preparation. X c. The name of adjacent subdivisions, if any, and the plat book and page reference, together with the names of the owners of records having interest in adjacent acreage. % d. The names, alignment, and width of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, fights -of -way or easements adjacent to or within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed subdivision including name, right-of-way width, street or pavement width, and established center line elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to tract boundary. X e. All existing and proposed property lines, easements and rights-of-way, their purpose, their effect on the property to be subdivided, and the proposed layout of lots and blocks. X f. Access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance to access requirements. X g. All existing drainage facilities. X h. Existing and proposed utilities such as telephone, electricity, water, sewer, pas, etc. on or adiacent to the tract. The nreliminary nlwt shall Form CD -2015 I Paoe 2 of 3 1 PUD CDP Plat —� Permit Application No, contain a statement that all utilities are available and have been coordinated with the required utilities. X i. Site for proposed parks, recreational areas and schools. X j. The location of any temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use. X k. If the proposed plat borders upon any public water bodies, delineate the mean high water line. X I. Permanent reference makers shall be shown. X 5. Attached the following: X a. Six copies of the preliminary plat. (Two sets must be sealed,) X b. The name, address and telephone number of the mortgage holder or any other person having a legal equitable or beneficial interest in the land together with a statement from such that they will join in the dedication of the proposed subdivision.. X c. A surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida. X d. A land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. X e. A traffic impact analysis, if required. X f. An erosion/sedimentation control plan. X g. A contour map showing ground elevations at intervals of not more than one foot of the area to be subdivided and of a perimeter strip at least fifty (50) feet and up to one hundred and fifty (150) feet in width around the area. X h. A statement concerning required potable water improvements, wastewater improvements or on-site wastewater disposal data. X I. A schedule for multiple phases, if appropriate.. Form CD -2015 I Page 3 of 3 PUD CDP Plat Approved., 8/27/97 1 Revision: File Name: Si ud d PRELIMINARY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SANDCREST SUBDIVISION LOCATION MAP I i �sW O Lu Lu 9y r F ® $ U $ w t Cot $ O i'$ a F a INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA DRAWING INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION I COVER SHEET 2 CONCEPTUAL PUD PLAN/PRELIMINARY PLAT 3 PAVING, DRAINAGE AND DRAINAGE PLAN 4 UTILITIES PLAN 5 LANDSCAPE PLAN 8 CROSS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 7 MISCELLANEUOS DETAILS 8 AERIAl 9 SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL('. ALL OF BLOCKS ONE AND TWO ANDYMCA COURT OF SEBASTIAN GARDENS SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PUT BOON 5, PAGE%, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIANRNER COUNTY FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MAIN STREET W FEETWDE RIGHT OF WAY AS IT NOWEKISTS.AND PARCEL2: COMMENCM6 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEASTONE-0UARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-0UARTER OF SECTION L TOWNSNIP31 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST, RUN NORTH 69.5133" WESTALOHG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ABANDONED BEBASTAN GARDENS" SUBOI ASION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK S. PAGE 58, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ABANDONED PER ORDINANCE 0.651 3, A DISTANCE OF 100 DO FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF A 100 FEET WOE PARCEL FOR PUBLIC ROAD FIGHT-0FWAY AND UTILITY PURPOSES (OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 754, PAGE 1611, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLOKIDA AND 'HE POINT OF BEGINNING. FROM SPIO POINT OF BEGINNING RUN SOUTH OOroe22" Vr£ST ALONG SAID WEST UNE A DISTANCE OF 664.43 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE AT THAT CERTAIN PARCEL DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK Edi. PAGE 1003, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDASERAP: THENCE RUN DUE MST DISTANCE OF 468,92 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SERAPH HIM GHLANDS" $UBDSIONAS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 14, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA; THENCE RUN NORTH ORlYDF EAST ALONG SA1p FAST LINEA DISTANCE OF 263.16 FEETTOAFOUND PARKER KALON NAILAND CARTER DSK: WEDGE CONTINUE NORTH W 10tl1' EAST,A DISTANCE OF 10008 FEET TO A FOUND i? IRON RDD AND CARTER CAP: THENCE RUN EAST, A DISTANCE OF TM FEETTO A FOUND 40KF CONCRETE MONUMENT AND CARTER CAP: THENCE RUN NORTH OVID 01- EAST A DISTANCE OF DSO44 FEET TO THEAFOREMEWIONEDSOUTH UNEOFABANOONED"SEBASTIAN GARDENS" SUBODISION: THENCE RUN SOUTH 8P51'3TEASTALONG SAID SND SOUTH LINEA )STANCE OF 480.52 FEET TO THEPOINTOFBEGINMM SAID LAND LYING AND BEING IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA SAID PROPERTY CONTAINING 13 01 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 1717 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD, SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 PHONE (772) 770-9622- FAX (772) 770-9496 L.L.C. RECEIVED MAY 282015 City of Sebastian Community Development Dept. 8O i m L ,AICD m VAT °.. sm:M"rE6°B P, R. wiseCA Iw6ARo, ono, 1. NG R, n666 SANDCREST PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT SECTION 1. TOWNSHIP 31 S_ RANGE 3R F — C_ITY Pi nRino I SFBAITIAN 0 HIGHLANDS /D V PWT BOLI �, iagcJ ]p�y m P li w . ¢g�W%Ol Y BLOCK avr I �1A R 9. � �5ag0.*gY I�moo'Isw 0 \ AVE 20NNC RS -10 `^i $ BOB CIRCLE 1 VJu USE t0X Dv61H \ .� \ O ;5 Zmr I N \ 17.6' - / NL 0] 2eE Wl 362.93' X/.( - 7 NN 1262885.7920 zazaes.;9m i.aeY 1 0' 1z s LUQ J_ ✓ & w I SID \ PLOT BOOKII4, PG. 50' RAN pLC//%f0 3 CCCpPIEO 'lY zox+c Rs -10 \ \ A ww 6s: uw anL9N A -3D'S9'17' Wp ISE LLY1 LEIH[t \ �56gg19/ / cXo as 50' P¢V" wi 5 - - NOPOf36^E- SE[N�-26Bd0� Na9'46'S�_W n® E TRACT l Uop SPACE - E 9zf ssn. use w r___r r_r r___i r___, r___1 r__-, r___� r___1 �.__-, r___� r___� r___� r___� � r___� r___ 1j, r� m n l I I I I I I I 1 F I I °Nq I I I I 24 25 n4 O_ J7s 8 9 10 7i� 12 1i 13 li 14 15 Ii Ii 17 Ii 18 Ii 19 1i 201i 21 Ii 22 X123 11 5.55 si 45o ss 1 45EO v ;s5 s< l s.5o s I s.sao si 495 sE s s5 s 45Ca u 4500 s6 455 s no �� r tir tir 1 l a'K RC2 70 6 MVEN9pS000M LFASEMENi KE — . 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Ep55Yy[NIM p�/� rOR WOUr 'BY1-6 QJOTL TOALD 7yp�O FOH O' 8Y7-8� ��ETO FOR L07�6 7 B BCALDDOIDT pL FLpOARLL�OT�p.4�g7p�6 TO SCALD FOR LO78 Zo-25 OMA TO BCN.O pI� pL PoRp�LOA�78p q 25 fOfl L078 26-32 �WTTu eCALDEMDTTO�UIOTlO6CALE1ETo ggLaLO.�ppysq/� FOLRp�6TLs 2�8RA.3p2� FON L0T8Y33-84 eFNODTIO 7y]pOlOmq.EL¢NL➢�Wsv FO�Op�LpAi�3ppgp8�4 BCAID I SFBAITIAN 0 HIGHLANDS /D V PWT BOLI �, iagcJ ]p�y m P li w . ¢g�W%Ol Y BLOCK avr I �1A R 9. � �5ag0.*gY I�moo'Isw 0 \ AVE 20NNC RS -10 `^i $ BOB CIRCLE 1 VJu USE t0X Dv61H \ .� \ O ;5 Zmr I N \ 17.6' - / NL 0] 2eE Wl 362.93' X/.( - 7 NN 1262885.7920 zazaes.;9m i.aeY 1 0' 1z s LUQ J_ ✓ & w I SID \ PLOT BOOKII4, PG. 50' RAN pLC//%f0 3 CCCpPIEO 'lY zox+c Rs -10 \ \ A ww 6s: uw anL9N A -3D'S9'17' Wp ISE LLY1 LEIH[t \ �56gg19/ / cXo as 50' P¢V" wi 5 - - NOPOf36^E- SE[N�-26Bd0� Na9'46'S�_W n® E TRACT l Uop SPACE - E 9zf ssn. use w r___r r_r r___i r___, r___1 r__-, r___� r___1 �.__-, r___� r___� r___� r___� � r___� r___ 1j, r� m n l I I I I I I I 1 F I I °Nq I I I I 24 25 n4 O_ J7s 8 9 10 7i� 12 1i 13 li 14 15 Ii Ii 17 Ii 18 Ii 19 1i 201i 21 Ii 22 X123 11 5.55 si 45o ss 1 45EO v ;s5 s< l s.5o s I s.sao si 495 sE s s5 s 45Ca u 4500 s6 455 s lu i L I Isoo EE I SSDD s 45D si 1 s,s5 s x55 v 1 s,55 v 4oz5 si mf tir tir tir rPgEII r -Ir r u:� e�l¢Pw 11 I1'Y"�B7Yw- F II sraw�:� II II II 5r 5r tir, � II II85' L___ JL___JL___J L___.J L___JL��fA5O1pJ IA6-� 51 .1 no �� r tir tir 1 l a'K RC2 X`w6o'Is_v�� ISI II F_ II 6.SzS L___J L____IIIL___. _- 1' RO a PXq s' wJJ 1 TRACT D /s 16' si SPACEI m E I � I (d'xzsss 25R p 1 43 Br 50 O i ---5— — ITT ooA 5' 1 5.55 EE aY 45M 9E i r� o'a rill L__ _ t_JI 3 3 S.sW S ' 17 J l O i1 lu i L I Isoo EE I SSDD s 45D si 1 s,s5 s x55 v 1 s,55 v 4oz5 si mf tir tir tir rPgEII r -Ir r u:� e�l¢Pw 11 I1'Y"�B7Yw- F II sraw�:� II II II 5r 5r tir, � II II85' L___ JL___JL___J L___.J L___JL��fA5O1pJ IA6-� 51 .1 no I'� gggg a.T59oY § 1 l a'K 45o2or �� � 8 I I I I 1gGH F_ 6.SzS _- 1' RO a PXq s' wJJ 1 TRACT D /s 16' si SPACEI m E I � I (d'xzsss lu i L I Isoo EE I SSDD s 45D si 1 s,s5 s x55 v 1 s,55 v 4oz5 si mf tir tir tir rPgEII r -Ir r u:� e�l¢Pw 11 I1'Y"�B7Yw- F II sraw�:� II II II 5r 5r tir, � II II85' L___ JL___JL___J L___.J L___JL��fA5O1pJ IA6-� 51 .1 2 a.T59oY ../SVS 1 l a'K I I I Ind F_ 48 11 47 11 4.I50 SF a.]50 9E 4.]50 SE 1.]$p 5E d I �r--�r�„-rr---ter---� r---� \ --� r--- r--- II II "'” III II I I II � 55 i 56 5 57 58 59 I Y g3 64 a,JS s 1 a.]5 EE a,Jw s a,]5o s a.JS s a,m�R a>s�P s I a,s? q,]5 s 1 1 e]P3 s I I 1 1 III 1 I I T tp,Bl 1�" IPNISEI 11 J L�_J L JjL J l __J L__ TRACT A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MII13 3 (VXgSE 1) I L'rcp�CS{ 1 I I I I I 1 I L''g,1 11 1 1 - 1 1 1 I I III 1 1 1 1 144 43 11 42 L1 41 140 L1 39 11 38 ll 37 I ..TSD s I a,/So sP I ..]5D s k i a,]5D s I a.]so u I a.JSo s' I a,]5 s a,]5 s I ?PX,l�4 II ' PXI v y�x' �' 1 SECI.CN 1. ' � i i VLIo �50E1LLM1 - II 0 GRAPHIC SCALE cal r9aY ) LEGEND o=1•D3iQos^ U2zI.9I• ® PRM CHD=220.)3' \ C.B. ss4•so'I4•w 75 LOT NUMBER 6 2 y \ 62 v� `atev 4165 s J \ v\lat 36 1 1 3$ a ^ \ J a,J50 s I +.75 TRAC t — — — / oPEN.SPEHCE I INDIAN RI �R COUNTY CON5£R✓A'/ON AREA oxo [oMa6, . kawlx� _--- - -- _ - -- -- POWEROREROAD 1 "ITT. Me Day 1POYIEUl E ROAD SOP0439^ 736.85' 900K T4 IAW U C. 2YYa@Jgt W11xLL ZN68:: Vi \ P.G. 1611 VIID L6G Na"IIIUIIW51 a wYae1_ win 5 a rZ EL: a za s In W X U z Z a N ETrt \ �T NW'03'1�'1 262.60' 1 P R iA182' T, o- - - , 1^'I li sIT'{oS 13i Im+' 3HE' f t \I E T I sEBASTIAN MIGHLAAIBS @/G OO l p PLAT BOOK 5 l a PG. 14 f^ BLOCK 7 1 Pte' xW00 r5'W I1 - I ; ipWl 16-,C Y o a v2W Eac Iw BBanr \ .mss°S ufH-A N�2E 8213 56 A 513 13350W -t nm Qi g B I cOn mot N6vov,s'w oai lays2' zU� _ 2 L"��� ry a {(D IF NWW151Al 8$' fi I d I ANN N08'3)'O yY ;4 i4re'A,mx� I n T r: I 4g E III, I o� O I T° it r B� II 1 g�8 III �p bP I a � o e ° � 0. SEBAPZAT B4T NBLO/OOKGKM5, P LAN S I4S/0 m a•P.c.r�/ �/ W J I 9e ,ems C FLAT 600K 114,4, PG. 560 AA, a i��En WAY r1o" .tl 4 I P Y \ ^k �' a f 9� cy1�, occwlcv i «rwlEv '8 n�, ma¢ B IB 5eB'S0;64A'E BOB C�p/qLE' C 'ITIIAL_C f [ y Y • o-3U98'iJ• LND IbL W BOHIY ,n �x g •/ a Cx0-BS.Stl ro55 a.• w _ _ X00'04'16"E� 289.18� _ �r LL�WY46'SB"Wr® 7 8 9 s 10 t3 14 t5 D -7 2i22 23 24op.-T.IT-24Xif_21A• iF"2AB' Lfur fT-3A8• �� I5D •5 v5m"2�mle eW' eMAA •CWC r Q I.ww� CWp J�/pq Q/� • wmn� FCCO:�t�A m \\ EF_2a2• EF_XN fI_RAC Ff-$AB• f{-}44 F _Ri..• AB• xaW Ff 25.0 {F W V I 62 V V {Jy \ � 2yp' FF_21, 8' Fh3A8• FF_2AT --------- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — \ TRAM c u . _l---------------1 B NORIOL WATER EL -20.5'_________ -__ LEGEND u xw v sum ."A. woo., SKNME D ITIKET Awl wx _ wx _ FRCPO3D SWT. 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E-MAIL: LB6905NIRELLSOUTH.NE F scA ew St 7`10FL NO. DAM DMOARL2ON Br CNA'fF ,' (IA' RrCIIARD ' PSM#5755 cm Cf SEeASTWN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission DATE: May 28, 2015 RE: City Council Joint Workshop with Boards & Committees held on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 A joint workshop with City Council and the city's Boards and Committees was held on Wednesday, April 15th. For your information, attached are the minutes from that workshop along with an executed copy of Resolution R-15-09, approved the following week on April 22"d, which established a new meeting time of 6:00 p.m., a standardized agenda format, public input guidelines, and other procedures for the Boards and Committees to follow. With regards to the new agenda format, the Resolution states "the board or committee may change the order of agenda headings by majority vote." The new format is being used for this week's meeting agenda. Please consider the order of the headings with regards to past meetings. Staff has a few comments and suggestions for changes that they would like to discuss during Staff Matters and would also like to hear your ideas. Respectfully, Dorri Bosworth, Planner RESOLUTION NO. R-15-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR MEETING START TIME AND END TIMES FOR ALL CITY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES; PROVIDING FOR A STANDARD AGENDA FORMAT; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS; PROVIDING FOR USE OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AS A GENERAL GUIDELINE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, believes it to be in the best interest of the citizens of Sebastian to provide clear direction to its appointed Boards and Committees by approving a standard meeting time, meeting and public input guidelines, and agenda format to be used to provide for successful Board and Committee meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, as follows: SECTION 1. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING TIME. City Board and Committee meetings shall begin no later than 6:00 p.m. and shall adjourn at 9:30 p.m. unless extended for not more than 30 additional minutes by a majority vote of members present. All unfinished business at adjournment shall be carried to the next meeting. SECTION 2. ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER ADOPTED. City Boards and Committees will follow the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as a general guideline in the conduct of all meetings and workshops. Failure to follow said rules shall not affect the validity of any action taken. SECTION 3. THE CHAIR. The Chair may make a motion, second a motion or participate in discussion without relinquishing the chair. Members of the Board or Committee have the exclusive right to raise questions of procedure or points of order to the Chair and have the Chair rule on the procedure or point of order. Any member of the Board or Committee may appeal the decision of the Chair, and the result shall be determined by majority vote. SECTION 4. AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES FOR MEETINGS. The general format and guidelines for City meeting agendas shall be generally in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". However, the board or committee may change the order of agenda headings by majority vote. SECTION 5. ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (OTHER THAN QUASI-JUDICIAL) Order for public hearings (other than quasi-judicial procedures which are established by City Council Resolution No. R-99-12) before City boards and committees: A. Order of Business 1. Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing. 2. Where applicable, City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read. 3. Chair, if appropriate, shall announce the rules that apply to the hearing. 4. Applicant presentation, if appropriate. 5. City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, If any. 6. Public input. 7. City staff final comments and recommendation, if any. 8. Chair closes hearing. 9. Council Deliberation and Action B. Continuance of Public Hearing. The Board or Committee may continue a public hearing unless a continuance would violate applicable law. A public hearing may be continued to a time certain stated in the record, or a continuance may be indefinite, in which case it shall be re - noticed. The Board or Committee may defer action on a matter and continue the public hearing for receipt of written comments on the matter. SECTION 6. PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT. A. Procedures for All Public Input. 1. Time Limit. Individuals who wish to address the Board or Committee on any agenda items for which official action is to be taken (typically items listed under public hearings, new business and unfinished business) are allowed five minutes to speak on that item, however, the Board or Committee may extend or terminate an individual's time by majority vote of members present. 2. Input Directed to Chair. Speakers shall address the Board or Committee immediately prior to deliberation of the agenda item and all input shall be directed to the Chair, unless answering a question of a member of the Board or Committee or City staff. Individuals shall not address the Board or Committee after commencement of deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, provided, however, the Chair and any member of the Board or Committee may call upon an individual to provide additional input if desired. 3. Certain Remarks Prohibited. Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning and applauding are not permitted and may result in sanctions imposed by the Chair including expulsion from the meeting. Decisions by the Chair may be appealed in accordance with Section 2 above. C. Public Input. The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring new information or requests to the Board or Committee not otherwise on the prepared agenda. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for the Board or Committee one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. The Board or Committee will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus place a requested item on a future agenda. SECTION 7. RULES AS GUIDELINES. It is intended that the rules set forth in this Resolution provide a guideline for the effective operation of the business meetings of City Boards and Committees, and no rights are bestowed upon any parties by the adoption of these rules or by Board or Committee failure to act in accordance with them. A. Suspension of Rules. Any provisions of this Resolution, in whole or part, may be suspended by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members present. B. Failure to Follow Rules. If a Board or Committee fails to abide by any provision of this Resolution, such failure shall not invalidate action taken by the Board or Committee. SECTION 8. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was passed for adoption by Council Member C O was seconded by Council Member i ylC I�QYi I an , and upon being put to a vote, th v� ote was as follows: Mayor Richard Gillmor Vice Mayor Jerome Adams �Y e Councilmember Andrea Coy 0.V e- Councilmember Jim Hill &V e- Councilmember Bob McPartlan 0.VT— The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this ZZ h` Iay of Yi 1 2015. ' II ATTE c ' Sally A. Maio, MC City Clerk Approved as to Form and Content for Reliance by the City of Sebastian Only: Robert A. Ginsburg, CitAttorney EXHIBIT "A" SEBASTIAN BOARD AND COMMITTEE AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES * 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS (does not apply to all boards) Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing Where applicable, City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read Chair, if appropriate, shall announce the rules that apply to the hearing Applicant presentation, if appropriate City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, if any Public input City staff final comments and recommendation, if any Chair closes hearing. Council Deliberation and Action 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURN *Any provisions of this Resolution may be suspended by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of members present. cnyor SE�TLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEMINARMOINT WORKSHOP W/ BOARDS & COMMITTEES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Gillmor called the SeminarMorkshop to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. In Lieu of Roll Call a sign-up sheet was provided and is attached. 3. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 4. Mayor Gillmor recognized Marilyn Crotty, Director -Florida Institute of Government at UCF and welcomed all in attendance including City board and committee members and guests from Vero Beach and Indian River Shores boards and committees. He thanked staff for organizing the seminar. 5. Marilyn Crotty conducted a seminar on the Sunshine Law — meetings and records, Parliamentary Procedure and Successful Committees (see PP presentation attached), and responded to questions from the audience. 6. Mayor Gillmor thanked Ms. Crotty for her outstanding presentation, asked City board and committee members to stay for the remainder of the meeting and called recess at 8:10 p.m. Mayor Gillmor reconvened the meeting at 8:23 p.m. All City Council members were present, and most of the City Board and Committee members remained. The City Manager reviewed the proposed resolution establishing a standardized start time of 6 pm and end time of 9:30 pm with one extension for all board meetings, guidelines for a standard agenda format and for public input time limit of five minutes and input procedures and direction of input to the Chair (see draft R-15-09 attached), which Council will address on April 22, 2015. He noted staff has ordered 250 booklets regarding Roberts Rules which will be distributed to all committee members, then responded to questions. Mr. Roth noted that the paragraph 6 was missing from the draft and the City Manager said it was probably a typo and would be corrected. Mr. Reyes said the start time of 6 pm would be difficult for some members. The City Manager said the change to a consistent start time no later than 6 pm was an effort to save staff after hours work time and related expense, noting it was difficult for staff that had to attend multiple night meetings per week. Mr. Zomok said that to use Roberts Rules of Order in detail would drag things out, and suggested using modified Roberts Rules otherwise you would need to be a certified parliamentarian. City Council/Committees Workshop April 15, 2105 Page Two The City Attorney explained that it is clear that Roberts Rules Order is a guideline and there does not have to be a specific following. He said it is important to get a handle on where we are in the meetings and to be able to resolve an issue and move to the next one. He said he has been at meetings where people think they are experts and no one else is an expert, everyone else is doing it wrong and they do it right and they decide they are going to use these rules to disrupt the meeting, stop the flow of conversation and the point here is to only put some kind of structure where the public will be invited to speak, there will be a motion made, and action taken. He said Mr. Zomok is right when he says "modified" and that is what City Council says — it is a guideline. The City Manager read from the section of the resolution on Roberts Rules of Order "City Boards and Committees will follow the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as a general guideline in the conduct of all meetings and workshops. " He said the pamphlet is a very simplified version. Mr. Zomok said he did not want them to be painted into a corner because it is in an ordinance. The City Manager said it is in a resolution. Ms. Coy said this has been used by Council as a guideline and if you read Roberts Rules of Order, it can be applied in different ways by different levels. The City Manager then noted that the remainder of the resolution section states, "Failure to follow said rules shall not affect the validity of any action taken" which underscores this is a guideline. Mayor Gillmor said when someone is appointed or takes over as Chair, this is a good guide because there should be a motion and second before you start talking about an issue, because what happens is, you start talking about one subject and then someone else brings up another completely different subject and you go down that rabbit trail, and then everyone wonders what happened to the first subject. He said it is important to make a motion, talk about it and then get to a point where we resolve it. He said this is not meant to eliminate cordiality in a meeting but direct it so you are not there for two or three hours and end up saying "what did we accomplish". Ms. Coy suggested that we add "Items for Next Agenda" at the end of agendas item to the suggested standard agenda format, so anyone on the board can add an item. 8. Review and Discuss Mission of City Boards and Committees (List of Code and Resolution Provisions for City Boards and Committees) The City Manager said we had the first meeting of the Disabilities Advisory Committee and the Clerk advised that we start out with reviewing the mission of the committee, so we did and agreed with what Ms. Crotty said tonight about periodically reviewing the mission of boards. Ms. Coy said she was looking at the document that shows all of our boards and their charges, and it is all there but not consistently for all, and maybe we need to be more consistent and standardize the way we write up our boards, it's description, it's purpose, and maybe we should ask the boards to discuss it or Council should discuss it and come up with a suggested format. Mayor Gillmor said he also liked the idea of having boards come before Council once per year. City Council/Committees Workshop April 15, 2105 Page Two The Administrative Services Director suggested we use Ms. Crotty's recommendation that there be an assurance that meetings are properly advertised might be something Council wants on meeting agendas. John Tenerowicz said he had been on Parks and Recreation for five years and had never read or seen the document that created that board, and did not know whose fault that was. George Millar suggested there is difference between mission, and purpose and charge so they must be sure to define the terms in what they want them to do with these so it can be consistent. Mr. Roth asked, in regard to the meeting closing time, if there is a hearing ongoing what they would do at that point. The City Attorney responded that he thought he was referring to quasi-judicial hearings, in which the board has overriding responsibilities to provide constitutional due process, and our own rules cannot be interpreted in such a way that they deprive an applicant of appropriate due process, that if we come to the prescribed end of a meeting and have not quite finished the work on the item, we are going to complete the work on the item because we owe it to the applicant. He said all of these rules of procedure are excellent guidelines to move things along in some type of organized manner and all designed to create order out of chaos and make sure meetings accomplish something and have some sort of structure. Ms. Coy cited a time in 2004 there were four or more PUDS in a row, and the meeting went past midnight. Mr. Hill said we don't extend meetings for Council Matters or City Manager Matters but rather for official business. Ms. Coy said if we saw meetings running long we have rearranged agenda items, and have ended meetings without finishing some business. George Millar asked if public input time of five minutes is per individual or per topic. Mayor Gillmor responded per person and is what Council does, and it can be extended upon request. Mr. Millar said he had been to meetings that go to wee hours of the morning so they may want to abbreviate it to two or three minutes, limit the number of people that can speak on a topic, or have citizens pre -register to speak prior to the meeting. Mayor Gillmor said we have a rule that someone can speak once on a topic, and did not think Council would not want someone have to pre -register so that anyone can speak on an issue. Ms. Coy said she had seen Council go from sign-up sheets to no time limits to the process used now. Mr. Hill said what they have in place suits us and will suit our committees, and if there is an issue that is coming before your boards that there may be 100 people coming for, there can be adjustments made to how the time is allowed, and if items are similar the input can be combined into one time to give input on all of them at once. Mayor Gillmor asked if he could bring something up he forgot to bring up at the last meeting and the City Attorney said no since workshops are limited to the item on the agenda. 10. Being no further business, Mayor Gillmor adjourned the Seminar/Workshop at 8:55 p.m. '(editor's note: City Board Handbook sections fora particular board including their creation document are provided to each new board or committee member by the Deputy City Clerk). April 15 _2015 Sebastian Citv Council/Committees Seminar and Workshou Roster Present: City Council: Mayor Richard Gillmor Vice Mayor Jerome Adams Council Member Andrea Coy Council Member Jim Hill Council Member Bob McPartlan Speaker: Marilyn Crotty, Director Florida Institute of Government at UCF City Board and Committee Members: Budget Advisory Board: Ed Herlihy, Chair Bruce Hoffman Dionna Farmer Construction Board Latisha Hays Shawn Hosey Jean Carbano Disabilities Advisory Committee: Michael Goodfellow Millie Virant — Guest Joseph Virant Natural Resources Board: Alan Northcott, Chair Jim Clifton Rose Glaser Gil Gordian George Millar Andrea Ring (also Disabilities Advisory Committee) Parks & Recreation Committee: John Tenerowicz, Chair Rosemary Flescher JoAnne White Jo -Ann Webster Matt Sims Planning & Zoning Commission: Ed Dodd, Chair Al Alvarez Rick Carter Louise Kautenburg David Reyes Joel Roth Police Pension Board of Trustees: Bob Zomok Veterans Advisory Board: Michael Heashe Bernie Giordano Char Kinlen Jerry Peeler Other Guests: Dick Cantner— Indian River County Airport Commission Bob Anwaerter — Indian River Shores Finance Committee Linda Bolton — Indian River Shores PZV Bob Snyder — Vero Beach Marine Marilyn Black Dussault — Vero Beach Tree & Beautification Commission George Barczynski — Vero Beach Utilities Commission Laura Moss — Vero Beach Utilities Commission Glen Brovont — Vero Beach Finance Commission Honey Minuse — Vero Beach Planning & Zoning Dave Minuse — Vero Beach Ken Daige — Vero Beach VISC Deborah Daige — Vero Beach HPC Scott Holt — Vero Beach Architectural Review Board City Staff: City Manager, Joe Griffin City Attorney, Robert Ginsburg City Clerk, Sally Maio Administrative Services Director, Ken Kilgore Building Director, Wayne Eseltine Police Chief, Michelle Morris Deputy City Clerk, Jeanette Williams — Natural Resources Board, Budget Review Advisory Board, Veterans Advisory Board, Disabilities Advisory Committee E -Records & Information Manager, Barbara Brooke -Reese Linda Lohsl; Business Tax Specialist - Construction Board Michelle Boswell, Permitting Tech — Construction Board CDD Planner, Jan King — Planning & Zoning Commission CDD Zoning Tech, Dorri Bosworth — Planning & Zoning Commission