HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150302BAC MinutesSEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY— MARCH 2, 2015 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Roll Call Present: Ed Herlihy—Chair Bruce Hoffman —Vice Chair Gary O'Hara Tim Slaven Michael Frank Terry Taylor Absent: Dionna Farmer (excused) Also Present: Joe Griffin, City Manager Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. Approval of Minutes: A. Meeting of February 2, 2015 MOTION by Mr. O'Hara and SECOND by Mr. Hoffman to approve the February 2, 2015 minutes were approved as amended by a voice vote of 6-0. 5. Review of First Quarter Financial Report— FY2015 The Administrative Services Director said the report reflects the budget changes for the quarter; he added a graph to compare the funds at the end of the quarter to the end of the prior two fiscal years; the departments overall are at 23%; the City is in compliance with all of the obligations; the Golf Course showed a $41K profit; Airport showed a $34K profit; Building Department showed a $33K profit. He added a report of the unassigned reserve balances to include the equipment and facilities repair and replacement balances. The remainder of the report included the departments' reports. In response to questions raised by board members, the Administrative Services Director said the $100K for the Skate Park was to rebuild the ramps; the exhibit A adjustment between the general fund divisions for personnel changes was not a savings but amounts applied to promotions/restructuring and may not be spent; the 30% increase to the non -departmental expenses was due to items such as the property liability insurance premium/the City's portion to the CRA fund; the DST projection will be slightly less than the budget; and the transportation capital improvement projects represents the Board's previously recommended $150K for street paving as well as the $100K is for the Lagoon improvements. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board March 2, 2015 Page Two Chairman Herlihy pointed out the earmarked pending seawall engineer assessment in the general fund cash reserve on the quarterly investment page, and noted the Board may want to make recommendations to the City. In regard to the City's responsibility for the sea walls, the City Manager explained that all of the legal documents he has seen and read indicates the seawalls are not referenced, only waterways; the surveys of the current seawalls at risk show they are on private property. He said a professional engineering assessment will be obtained to include a solution with financial options. MOTION by Chairman Herlihy and SECOND by Mr. Slaven to approve sending Resolution R-15-05 to City Council passed with a voice vote of 6-0. 6. Report on Projects by the City Manager a. Estimated Costs of 2015 Road Paving Projects The Presidential Street project is virtually complete; Fleming Street which has been found to be in worse condition than previously thought -repairs will take away from some of the other projects; Barber Street north of CR512 and Main Street may also need to be moved up in the repair queue; Tulip Street will be pushed forward to the next fiscal year. b. Expenditures and Status of All Aboard Florida 6:24 p.m. The City Manager reported the City has not heard back from the submitted report to All Aboard Florida; no earmarked monies have been spent thus far; the City expects to be included in the County's legal petition/injunction as county residents. c. Expenditures and Status of Indian River Lagoon $2K has been budgeted for the Oyster Mat Restoration Project; if the City is represented on the Indian River Lagoon Council, the expense could be as high as $50K or as low as $12,500. d. Status of Grants for Baffle Boxes On next week's Council agenda, the City Manager reported that he plans to propose a water reclamation/water clarity/environmental grant writing agreement with a Melbourne Beach company to help acquire baffle boxes. e. Plan for Addressing Seawall Repairs The City Manager said it has been reported in the newspaper that the City will pay for the sea wall repairs; however, Council discussion has been that we have to investigate, explore, find out who is legally responsible and what we should do. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board March 2, 2015 Page Three He said his personal opinion is that these water ways benefit all of the City so the City should take care of the stormwater conveyance. It will be an expensive project; the engineering assessment bid is scheduled to go out tomorrow. f. Discussion of Golf Course Operations and Irrigation System Improvements The City Manager said he would like to increase the memberships during the next fiscal year; improve the 25 year old irrigation system; and rebuild the rest rooms on Hole #16 and Hole #6. g. Progress on Airport Hangar C Construction and Prospective Tenant The City Manager said Eagle Air Transport of Chicago might move their aircraft further south to Hangar C which is under construction; and National Aperture would like to expand their business at one of the wings at the Administration Building. h. Lease Status for Hangar B (Previously Leased by Rud Aviation) Two companies are looking to rent Hangar B which has been recently vacated. i. East Airport Drive and Golf Maintenance Building Construction There was a contract with C & S Companies of Orlando for the design/build of the Golf Course Maintenance Building on Airport property; it was going to duplicate the current building which would be demolished after the new building was built; however, there were some problems and the contract was terminated. The City Engineer and Engineering Tech will complete the unfinished design and permitting and a new contract should go out to bid within a month. The Airport Drive East Project is on-going with re -piping to convey water to the twin ditches and then the area will be used for economic development purposes. 7. General Discussion by Members 6:46p.m. Chairman Herlihy noted the problems with Fleming Street and the roads with not make next year any easier; he asked the Board to consider where they want to go next year. The City Manager noted that as staff got into budget year, it became evident that drainage affects roads and if something wasn't done, a lot more roads would be at risk, so staff asked Council to stop the quarter round project and redirect the money to ditches. In addition, a bid to clean north of CR512 is currently out; City crews are working on the south of CR512. All of this will help the roads and as time goes on, priorities will be redefined. Chairman Herlihy complimented the current canal work and the idea of hiring a grant writer. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board March 2, 2015 Page Four 6:54 pm Chairman Herlihy asked the Board if they had any ideas collectively going forward for instance, he asked the City Manager if the East Airport Drive clearing would provide infrastructure. The City Manager said it would be marketed as economic out parcels, so maybe a long and narrow building could fit, but it would be another year before the Golf Maintenance Building is demolished and the area looks pristine. Mr. Hoffman asked about the timing estimate of the Golf Course irrigation and greens improvements. The City Manager said he would like to improve the 9`h hole this summer followed by the second hole, with a loan from the DST monies. He said he would report back to the Board with updates. Chairman Herlihy asked if the Board should be thinking about the whole facility instead of piece- mealing it. The City Manager said he wanted to protect revenues and try to increase membership at this time. Mr. Taylor asked if there are leasehold taxes paid on the Airport hangars. The City Manager said there are unless the company is a fixed base operation. Also in response to Mr. Taylor, the City Manager said about 50% of the quarter round project was completed; the $290K remaining will go towards the bid to clean the smaller ditches north of CR512. Mr. Hoffman asked if electrical improvements were made at the Golf Course to charge the carts. The City Manager said there was some FPL electrical work completed last summer. Mr. Hoffman asked if the gas storage/refueling station was still a possibility at the Airport. The City Manager reported if Waste Management is successful with the County contract, they will establish a natural gas refueling station in Sebastian. The City will benefit from utility tax revenue, a possible property lease, and be able to fuel City vehicles. 8. Announcement of Next Meeting Date (June 8, 2015) Chairman Herlihy announced the next meeting date of June 8 at 6 p.m. 9. Public Input—None. 10. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting at 7:11 p.m. By Q".� i/ �1" old Eairman Ed Herlihy Date