HomeMy WebLinkAbout07072015NRB Agenda❑A Lf SES. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — June 2, 2015 Meeting 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ovster Restoration i. Permit status of Army Corp of Engineer's and SJWRMD Comments (Letter Attached) ii. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Comments on Permit (Letter Attached) iii. Mr. Gordian's Supply Purchase from Austin Map Project B. Champion Tree Program i. Update on the City's Past Tree Program C. Earth Dav i. "Let's Chalk About It" Contest Winners (Winning Photos) ii. Select 2016 Earth Day Date - April 16 or April 23 iii. Procure DJ for Event Music/Master of Ceremonies iv. Contact Vendors for 2016 Earth Day (List) PUBLIC INPUT NEW BUSINESS A. Natural Resources Board Specific E -Mail Address 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 FS). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. CITVOF W SEBASTIAN a HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. Chairman Northcott called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: Alan Northcott — Chairman Rose Glaser Bob Progulske Andrea Ring James Clifton —Alternate Jack Lampiasi —Alternate Members Not Present: Gil Gordian — Vice Chairman George Millar (excused) Staff Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Specialist Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary (excused) 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS - None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —May 5, 2015 Meeting The May 5, 2015 minutes were accepted as presented. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Mat Project Update i. Permits Submitted to Army Corp & SJRWMD (Permits) The Environmental Specialist reported that SJRWMD has received their permit but not reviewed it. The Army Corp of Engineers permit has also been submitted. Chairman Northcott noted at the last meeting they were advised to review the permits together as a Board before submittal and asked why they were sent off. The City Engineer responded that he submitted the permits on-line to expedite the process. Mr. Progulske added that locations D and E were included in the permits so they have some flexibility with placement. The Environmental Specialist distributed a placement drawing requested by the SJRWMD. (see attached) The City Engineer explained it depicted the layout of 250 - 16" by 16" mats. He also said SJRWMD will do a field review with the Specialist. Natural Resources Board Meeting June 2, 2015 Page Two Chairman Northcott cited the notation on the layout, "wire mesh panels 2'x 4' with concrete rubble to be placed on top of base," noting that is not a 16" by 16" mat using cement donuts as anchors. The City Engineer said the layout was rushed and the Specialist was trying to show the square footage of the rectangular area using only four donuts total. Board members pointed out that each mat uses four donuts. The City Engineer agreed stating more donuts would be needed and that more were not included in the initial funding that Council approved. He added that at this point the permits are going to be concerned with how they would be bringing the mats out to the water and the impact to the shoreline and water quality. Chairman Northcott cited the Army Corp's permit on page nine that the donuts would be placed at the intersections. Mr. Progulske said that he did copy the Power Squadron's permit explanation and they would probably have flexibility when SJRWMD does the site visit with the Specialist. The City Engineer apologized for not catching the amount of donuts to be used and noted for the record, the submitted permits will need to be modified at this point. Mr. Progulske said he appreciated the Specialist's drawing to give SJRWMD an idea of the layout noting SJRWMD is very supportive of the project. Chairman Northcott also noted the layout shows 750 ft.2 of coverage which did not match the proposed 250 16" x 16" mats. The City Engineer said he would revise the layout noting he was trying to expedite the permits. ii. Can the Board Spend Remainder of $2,500 Budget Allocation for Supplies The City Engineer noted some of the money was disbursed for the Earth Day event and he thought the City Manager would support the purchase of supplies as long as the Board members agreed together on the disbursements. Status of Proposed Eagle Scout Project The City Engineer said he had sent an e-mail to the Eagle Scout Candidate's father to have them come to the meeting but he did not hear from them. At this point, there was no determination as to whether the Eagle Scout Board has approved the Candidate's project. The City Engineer confirmed that the Eagle Scout allocation would cover one phase and the Board's $2,500 would cover more mats or to go forward without the Candidate. Ms. Ring asked if the Board had any other needs for their $2,500 allocation. Chairman Northcott advised he would not like to spend the allocation at this point and noted they do have some time for the permits to get approved. Mr. Progulske thanked the City Engineer and Environmental Specialist for their help with the permits. Chairman Northcott thanked Mr. Progulske for spearheading the permit applications. Natural Resources Board Meeting June 2, 2015 Page Three The City Engineer conveyed a message from Mr. Gordian that the spat traps have proved to be successful. 7. PUBLIC INPUT -None. B. NEW BUSINESS A. Champion Tree Program (Resolution, List of Champions, Copy of Proclamation) Mr. Clifton noted the program is listed on their website. He said on the state's website trees are listed with locations (if they are not on private property) along with some photographs; there are six champion trees in McKee Botanical Gardens and if the Board wanted to be responsible for the program, some of the trees should be re- measured or determined if they still exist or at the very least take the program off their website. Discussion followed on the complexity of measuring a tree. Ms. Ring said that she thought there was a City employee that measures trees. The City Engineer confirmed the City does conduct tree inspections as required by Code and if the Board wanted to restart the program he would look into training for the Board members. Mr. Progulske suggested the Board determine what standards they want to use to declare a champion tree, should they separate species, and if they should include non-native trees. The City Engineer offered to provide a summary of the program's history and see if the Board wants to continue at the next meeting. B. Upcoming Local Events i. Marine Industries Association 7'" Annual Waterway Cleanup — July 26 2015 (Registration Form. Liability Release) Ms. Glaser said she would participate as an individual. ii. Keep Indian River Beautiful Events (Information) It was determined the Board did not have any materials to display at a table at the Indian River Mall. The Board agreed to watch for events they might want to participate in. C. Earth Day 2016 i. Reserve Riverview Park and Bandshell for April 16 or April 23 The Environmental Specialist offered to see if the Park was available for those two dates and report back to the Board. Natural Resources Board Meeting June 2, 2015 Page Four 9. STAFF MATTERS The City Engineer said in his e-mail from Gil Gordian that he would be absent, he believes there was a request to purchase supplies from the Autumn Plant. (Editor's Note: Mr. Gordian's e-mail references Austin Map Project.) The City Engineer said this should be placed on the next agenda to give Mr. Gordian a chance to explain his request and have the Board vote as a whole on the request. In response to Mr. Lampiasi, the City Engineer confirmed Board members could send one-way e-mails to each other and have an open dialog with staff if needed. 10. MEMBER MATTERS Ms. Glaser asked if thank you letters were sent out to Earth Day vendors and prize donors. It was determined that Mr. Gordian still had the vendor list. Ms. Ring volunteered to compile a vendor list. The City Engineer offered to obtain the list from Mr. Gordian, duplicate it and provide the list to all Board members. Mr. Lampiasi noted his term will expire on his birthday and asked what the reappointment process would be. The Recording Secretary explained the process. Mr. Progulske announced there will be a town hall meeting on June 16 at 6 pm at the Vero Beach Humane Society's office to discuss Target Zero's Plan to have zero euthanasia of all shelter animals by year 2025. He explained Palm Beach County has entered into an agreement with Target Zero who is receiving $50 for each cat and $100 for each dog to cover neuter/spay procedures, micro -chipping and rabies vaccinations for trapped animals that are then released--Trap/Neuter/Release (TNR). Mr. Progulske said if Indian River County enters into an agreement, his concern is the cats that would be released and the City of Sebastian is a bird sanctuary, also the County has scrub jay habitat conservation plans whereby TNR would be unacceptable and the trapped cats should be euthanized. Chairman Northcott differed in that cats should be neutered to prevent litters and over the long term, the population will decrease. Mr. Progulske said the free -reigning cats kill over one billion birds a year in addition to other wildlife. Ms. Ring asked if the Board could have a veterinarian or someone talk to them because she understood there will always be feral cats. Mr. Progulske said re-releasing cats is antithetical to what the City is trying to do. Chairman Northcott thanked him for bringing the planned meeting to their attention. Chairman Northcott reported the Board has been invited to participate in the March 6, 2016 EcoFest. We will be featuring our oyster mats, and the Brevard Zoo, which had shown oyster mats this year, will instead be showing "oyster gardens". He also reported that the City's Parks and Recreation Committee is considering disc golf course at the Stormwater Park which might involve land clearing which concerns him. The City Engineer has stated it should not be placed on the agenda for discussion until it had finished being considered by the Parks and Recreation Committee. He explained the golf course was proposed for the Stormwater Park but SJRWMD opposed the activity at the passive park. Natural Resources Board Meeting June 2, 2015 Page Five The City's Parks and Recreation Committee then chose to recommend Schumann Island but at a recent City Council meeting there was considerable citizen opposition so City Council asked the Parks Committee to approach SJRWMD again. The last information he was aware of was that SJRWMD is requesting the City to change their park use agreement for the Stormwater Park if the course is placed there. Mr. Progulske also expressed land clearing concerns. 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Chairman Northcott said he would like to do more educational activities. He asked the Board to consider other ways they might educate the public before the next meeting. Mr. Progulske said he would like to have someone from the Florida Forestry Service speak to them about the prescribed burning of scrub lands. The City Engineer cautioned the Board that City Council would not support a prescribed burn and they might not want to pursue such a recommendation in the City. Mr. Progulske said it would be an attempt to educate everyone on the importance and benefit of a prescribed fire to the scrub ecosystems. 12. Being no further business, Chairman Northcott adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:08 p.m. -33 Chairman Alan Northcott Date DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY //- JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS 400 HIGH POINT DRIVE, SUITE 600 COCOA, FL 32926 REPLY June 15 ATTENTION OF , 2015 North Permits Branch Cocoa Permits Section SAJ-2015-01763 (NW -TSD) City of Sebastian C/o Mr. Frank Watanabe 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 E-mail address: fwatanabe aOcitvofsebastian.ora Dear Mr. Watanabe: This letter is in reference to the Department of the Army (DA) permit application you submitted for the Sebastian Oyster Mat Restoration project. The project is located in the Indian River, in Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. The application has been assigned number SAJ-2015-01763 (NW -TSD). Please reference this number on all correspondence concerning your application. Based upon the information provided your project may qualify for a Nationwide Permit. While this application originated through the Joint Application Process with the State of Florida, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) received insufficient information to evaluate the proposal. The Corps considers your application incomplete, as it does not provide information needed to review the project and coordinate with the commenting agencies. 1. Please provide the signed signature page to the application or complete the attached application form for the proposed project. 2. Please provide a basic and overall project purpose for the project. 3. No exhibits were provided with your application and the application did not include any description of the proposed work. Please describe in detail the proposed project. Include monitoring activities that will take place, frequency of the monitoring, and remediation if the project is not successful. 4. Please provide a plan view drawing so that it reflects all dimensions to the project. Include the following in your legible plan view drawing: a. Property boundaries b. North arrow c. Road names d. Name of water body e. Approximate mean high water line f. Wetland and surface water locations g. Types of materials to be used (include anchors, etc...) h. Dimensions to all proposed features (length, width, and height) i. Location of the proposed project (referenced from fixed points) j. Emergent and submerged vegetation k. Existing water depths referenced to mean low water I. Turbidity control measures(if applicable) m. Cross Section location(s) n. Installation method o. Identify and state if the area will have markers installed and the type that will be used. It appears that if sites D or E are proposed that the project may pose a navigational hazard to the area. Please locate the project so that it does not pose a navigational hazard in the Indian River. 5. Please provide typical cross sections for the project. Please include the following: a. Identify section b. Existing conditions C. Proposed conditions with description d. Dimensions to all features within the section 6. Please explain in detail how the project will take place. Include all materials that will be used to install the project and the following information: a. how you will access the site, b. staging of equipment and materials, c. full description of all types of equipment and materials that will be used to install the project, (how you will carefully hand place the materials, etc...) d. anticipated duration it will take to perform the proposed project, e. anchoring mechanisms i.e. if PVC piling or anchoring mechanisms will be used include size, the number of piles that will be installed, complete details regarding how the piles will be installed into the substrate, IF applicable (if you are using the doughnuts then the PVC piles are not applicable) f. noise factors (if any) during installation, g. time of day that the project will be performed, h. full description of all in water vessels associated with the project, i. turbidity control devices j. describe the substrate and approximate water depths the project is located in k. describe measures that will be taken to avoid impacts to manatees, swimming sea turtles and Smalltooth sawfish I. location of any navigable channel m. Anticipated in -water work duration (hours or days etc.) to perform the project. Please be sure to describe the substrate that the project will be placed on and the location of emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), with the distance away that any emergent and SAV is found. In order for a Corps of Engineers permit to be issued for the proposed project, we must received water quality certification or wavier from the State of Florida. Please forward a copy of either the water quality certification or the wavier to the Corps of Engineers upon receipt. Any revisions or modification you may propose during the evaluation process must be coordinated with both the State of Florida and the Corps of Engineers. As the application is considered incomplete, no action will be taken on it until the above -requested information and drawing shave been received. We request that you provide this information within 30 days. If no response is received, we will assume you have no further interest in obtaining a Department of the Army permit and the application will be deactivated. Such action will constitute final action by the Department of the Army. You are cautioned that work performed below the mean high waterline or ordinary high waterline in waters of the United States, or the discharge of dredged or fill material into adjacent wetlands, without a Department of Army permit could subject you to enforcement action. Receipt of a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or St Johns River Water Management District does not obviate the requirement for obtaining a Department of Army permit for the work described above prior to commencing work. All responses should be directed to Tamy Dabu at 400 High Point Drive, Suite 600, Cocoa, Florida, 32926 or by telephone at 321-504-3771 extension 11, (fax # 321- 504-3803) or by e-mail: tamv.s.dabuCrDusace.army.mil Sincerely, Tamy Dabu Project Manager Enclosure. Jeanette Williams From: Frank Watanabe Sent: Monday, lune 15, 2015 3:48 PM To: Michelle Stromberg Cc: Jeanette Williams Subject: FW: Sebastian Oyster Mat, Item 1282763 Attachments: 142124-1.pdf Michelle, Please call the Boy Scout Father and inform him that per Fish and Wildlife, they are recommending oyster bags and not the mats. That will change all in the material cost. They will need to get a new cost estimate for the bags. You can email them this letter with the recommendations. We will need to place this on the next NRB agenda. Frank From: Melisa Diolosa rmailto:MDiolosa4sjrwmd.com)� Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:58 AM To: Michelle Stromberg Cc: Frank Watanabe Subject: Sebastian Oyster Mat, Item 1282763 Michelle, Please see the attached letter from FWC. Make sure the proposed project incorporates the recommendations that FWC has provided. Thank you. Melisa Melisa Diolosa Regulatory Scientist 11 SIRW\1D 525 Community College Parkway SE Palm Bav, FL 32909 mdiolosa®sjrwmd.com phone: 321-676-6622 mobile: 521-659-701 o fix: 321-722-5357 11 oridasroa ter.com Tell us how we're doing. Take our survey.. httns://www.surveymonkev.com/r/EREGCSR ... Notices. • Emails to and from the St. Johns River Water Management District are archived and, unless exempt or confidential by law, are subject to being made available to the public upon request. Users should not have an expectation of confidentiality or privacy. • Individuals lobbying the District must be registered as lobbyists (§112.3261, Florida Statutes). Details, applicability and the registration form are available at http://floridaswater.com/lobbyist. June 11, 2015 5J RW M D ar JUN 15 2015 L. -Op Margaret Daniels MAIC_ CENTER St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid St. PO Box 1429 Florida Fish Palatka, FL 32178-1429 /4Z !27` and Wildlife CL Conservation Commission Re: City of Sebastian Oyster Mat permit application IND -061-142124-1 Commissioners Richard A. Corbett Dear Ms. Daniels: Chairman Tampa The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has reviewed the above Brian Yablonskd Vice Chairman referenced application, and provides the following comments and recommendations for Tallahassee your consideration. We are providing the following input upon the request of the St. Ronald M. Bergeron Lauderdale Fort La K Management District SJRWMD to potential adverse effects Johns River Waterana g ( ) o a Richard Hanes to fish and wildlife. Oviedo Aliese P.'Llesa' Paddy Project Description Immokalee Bo Rivard Panama City The submitted application proposes to install 444.44 square feet of oyster mat at two sites Charles W. Roberts III in western Indian River Lagoon. Tallahassee Comments and Recommendations Executive Staff Hick Wiley Based on the information submitted, FWC has the followingcomments and Executive Director Eric Sutton recommendations regarding this project: Assistant Executive Director Jennifer Fitzwater 1. We recommend that the applicant confer with the St. Johns River Water Management Chief of Staff District seagrass monitoring program to determine if the sites have historically contained seagrasses. If so, we recommend that sites which do not have a history of seagrass Presence be considered for the project. Division of Habitat and Species Conservation Thomas Eason, Ph.D. 2. We recommend that oyster shell in bags is the preferred technique for this application. Director The site likely receives significant wave action given the fetch in this region. Oyster mats (850) 488-3831 were designed for low energyareas andspecifically, for restoringdead margins of (850) 921-7793 FAX existing oyster reefs in the cro-tidal Mosquito Lagoon) whereas bagged oyster shell can withstand greater wave energy regimes. Managing fish and wildlife resources for their lon¢term 3. We recommend that larval collecting devices be placed at the sites (various locations wellbeing and the benefit of people. and depths) before the project is conducted to determine if the natural recruitment of P ) P J oysters is sufficient for project success. 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 4. We recommend placing gaps in the proposed oyster reefs to help create beneficial 32399.1600 Voice: (850) 488-4676 hydrodynamic flow and fish and aquatic wildlife passage corridors between them. The Width of the oyster reef gaps should be a minimum of five feet spaced at 100 foot Hearing/speechimpairea: (800) 9568771(T) intervals for structures that do not curve toward the shoreline at each end to allow for fish (800) 9566770 (V) and aquatic wildlife passage to prevent entrapment behind the breakwater and stranding MyFWC.com at low tide. For structures that curve at either end and restrict any corridor that may have Ms. Margaret Daniels Page 2 June 11, 2015 been available at the ends of the structure for fish and aquatic wildlife passage, gaps in the oyster reef should be a minimum of 5 feet in width and placed at every 75 feet along the structure. Thank you for the opportunity to review the above referenced application. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Jane Chabre either by phone at (850) 410-5367 or at FWCConservationPlannineServices(a2MvFWC.com. If you have specific technical questions regarding the content of this letter, please contact Jeff Beal at Jeff.Beal@amyfwe.com. Sincere Stephen V. Leader Aquatic Habitat Conservation and Restoration Division of Habitat and Species Conservation Sebastian Oyster Mat Restoration Project 21204_0611 IS cc: Jane Chabre, FWC, Jane.ChabrelamyfWc.com 2015 EARTH ' CMEBRATT0P1 • • ••• • PRESENTS A 18th •I�R-IL VI —LI'M __ • Ami J� MCI 0 FUN DAY POR ALL: 0M WILL BE PROVIDED, ENCOURAGED TO BRING YOUR OWN ............................................................................ : a., RIVP:RVIEW PARK 7C�. SEBASTIAN, FL- 'r,;,;ez` WWWARCSTORMWATER.COIH O® ........................................... I ......................... Chalk Contest Winners! Alexis Thomas Indian River County Stormwater Educator & Fertilizer Enforcement Officer Public Works Dept/Stormwater Division Work: 772-226-1565 Cell: 772-538-5254 athomas@ircgov.com "A Healthy Lagoon: Let's Chalk About It" had its first year with great success We had more than 25 contestants and each age group represented. The rain held off until the entire event was over and it was absolutely beautiful outside; a day filled with ice cream, kayak rides, and chalk galore! I would personally like to thank the Environmental Learning Center and the Florida Institute of Technology at the Vero Beach Marine Lab for co -hosting the contest this year with our Stormwater Team, to the volunteers that came out, and to the City of Sebastian for the amazing Earth Day Celebration Event at Riverview Park. Without further ado, here are our 2015 chalk contest winners! In the 5-7 age group, we have Chance Trionfo: In the 8-10 age group, Roberto Mojica: LEARN RMG DRAW 14MDS *AND* PROTECT FAMILY J� MCI 0 FUN DAY POR ALL: 0M WILL BE PROVIDED, ENCOURAGED TO BRING YOUR OWN ............................................................................ : a., RIVP:RVIEW PARK 7C�. SEBASTIAN, FL- 'r,;,;ez` WWWARCSTORMWATER.COIH O® ........................................... I ......................... Chalk Contest Winners! Alexis Thomas Indian River County Stormwater Educator & Fertilizer Enforcement Officer Public Works Dept/Stormwater Division Work: 772-226-1565 Cell: 772-538-5254 athomas@ircgov.com "A Healthy Lagoon: Let's Chalk About It" had its first year with great success We had more than 25 contestants and each age group represented. The rain held off until the entire event was over and it was absolutely beautiful outside; a day filled with ice cream, kayak rides, and chalk galore! I would personally like to thank the Environmental Learning Center and the Florida Institute of Technology at the Vero Beach Marine Lab for co -hosting the contest this year with our Stormwater Team, to the volunteers that came out, and to the City of Sebastian for the amazing Earth Day Celebration Event at Riverview Park. Without further ado, here are our 2015 chalk contest winners! In the 5-7 age group, we have Chance Trionfo: In the 8-10 age group, Roberto Mojica: 11-13 age group, Ambrea Trionfo & Alyssa Miller: And the Adult category, Jess Lessner and Family: The 14-18 age group, Alexi Dong: Jess has the right idea: Keep the Lagoon Always Close to Your Heart. Even though this entire event was to celebrate Earth Day, it is important to always be aware of the Lagoon and the ways it is impacted by our lives. We have one of the most diverse estuaries in the world right in our back yardl We need to take care of it every day] We are already looking forward to next year's "A Healthy Lagoon: Let's Chalk About It" Annual Chalk Art Contest[ If you have any questions or comments about this event, please email athomas@ircgov.com. earth day 4/18/2015 vendors attended _ 1 Nancy Buckingham / honey 2 merry Savoy/ fancy leaf caladiums form_ no yes_ arm lucier list(13) need help 1-buckingham (2) _ http://firstrefuge.org/#stha_sh.V7Mge guess _ 3 russ bell / friends of pelican island pips no / a tree forme no handwritten on gill's list 772-202-7002 5 deb 5 deb Sutherland finder keeper recycle beach finds no 6 tay smith / sisp (terry o'toole) yes 2-o'toole,terry (7) 7 victoria galler / colordancers studios yes 8 jeff ? / about kayak's Di no on arm's philipson,steve guess - 10 kristin proth / from kristins kitchen yes 11 terri cosner / waters edgecreations yes 3-cosner, terri(4) - 12 tum glover / friends of St. seb river no glover,tim(on ann'_s list) guess 13 blank 14 fwc -(chase plam) no email 15 evelyn bacskay / painted feather tack barn 16 m_aggi ha (sp) / indian river bee company yes yes _ L 17 robert fjohnson / blacksmith old 18 marice middleton / the sweet karma bar -- - 19 Jana ringgold / save the chimp old yes i - 20 dave wortmarn / memorial walkway yes 21 daisy packer /-keep indian river beautiful no 4-packer,daisy (8) email 22 richard genna / genesis food sucs yes 5-services,genesis(11) 23 timinsky / kroegel produce old 24 halo_ old 25 indian river lagoon national estuary_ program yes _ mcmillen,beth (ann's list) _ guess 26 mrc marine resources council no 27 dep / indian river lagoon aquatic preserves no 6-snarp,brian(12) guess 28 a floridan outdoor center krista beck no 7 -beck, mike (1) - - - 29 (added 21) alexis thomas / chalk walk contest old 30 (added 22) ruth hills/ coconut palms baskets yes 31(added 23) nick romano / new york nick's _ jold 8-romano,nick(10) 4- on ann's list & indicated they were at earth day _ shop, yamis ice cream old#9,.yar��is ice cream (3) hill, kathy St. john's river waste management no 10-hill,kathy(5) '11-krug,samantha(6) guess krug, samantha / elephant center old price, april MIATC marine industries association of the treasure coino 12-price,april(9) guess the city of Sebastian forms (not on sign in) & at earth day-_ lyes 13-stromberg,michelle(13) yes seniors helping gill - - I florida dept of health - 5210 program yes _ girl scout troop 50043 old _ srhs green club old day 2015? forms & not on sign in _ _ - _ _ -Lhansenjisa stems & stones yes on arm's list plantjewelry Yes _ firehouse home cooking _ yes environmental learning center yes health reflections yes e-mail shrimp is it earth day related yes yes yes yes yes