HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150706BAC MinutesCITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 PM MONDAY —JULY 6, 2015 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call Present: Ed Herlihy—Chairman Terry Taylor Sergio Mota Bruce Hoffman Michael Frank Tim Slaven Not Present: Dionna Farmer—Vice Chairman (Excused) Also Present: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS — None S. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—June 8, 2015 & June 29, 2015 MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. Frank to approve the June 8, 2015 and June 29, 2015 minutes passed with a voice vote of 6-0. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS- None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation/discussion of any updates to proposed 2015-16 city budget by Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director. Board discussion/questions. The Administrative Services Director distributed a memo outlining the minor changes that have occurred. (See attached) He pointed out the certified taxable values have added $21,915 to the City's project income but allocating the gain should wait until decisions are made on the group health insurance and wage negotiations. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting July 6, 2015 Page Two He cited the changes outlined in his memo and highlighted on the budget pages for the local option gas tax fund, stormwater utility fund, Riverfront CRA fund and Golf Course fund. There were no questions from Board Members. c. Discuss/approve PowerPoint presentation to City Council of Budget Review Advisory Board recommendations. Chairman Herlihy presented a PowerPoint presentation (see attached) and said it was a draft he planned to give City Council on July 22 when they set the maximum millage rate that will be printed on the (Truth in Millage) TRIM notice. There were no questions from Board Members. b. Board discussion of city budget items and decisions regarding recommendations to City Council: 1) Recommend millage rate of 3.8556 to support proposed budget Chairman Herlihy stated the recommendation would be a maximum millage rate of 3.8556 with the budget as presented with changes. Mr. Mota asked if Council has something in writing that the Board discussed the rolled back rate figures. Chairman Herlihy said that would be part of the Administrative Services Director's presentation. The Administrative Services Director said the rolled back rate would put the budget approximately $140,000-$150,000 out of balance. Chairman Herlihy explained Council can discuss going down from the 3.8556 rate at their August meetings. The Administrative Services Director added if Council went lower, he would hope they would express their desires on what would be given up. It is not impossible to go with a higher rate but the City would have to notify all residents by first class mail, and place advertisements. Chairman Herlihy said Council has historically stayed with the rate set in July. 2) Recommend expenditures in city budget for roads. lagoon. AAF Mr. Taylor asked Chairman Herlihy if he could summarize the budget allocations on a slide as he did for FY14/15. The Administrative Services Director said he could furnish a chart showing an item comparison of this year vs. next year's allocations. 3) Other budget topics members may introduce None. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting July 6, 2015 Page Three 8. PUBLIC INPUT- None 9. STAFF MATTERS The Administrative Services Director stated Council will meet on the proposed millage on July 22; the Board will meet August 3 to make any updates to the PowerPoint recommendation; Council workshop will be August 10 to decide what is funded and what is not. 10. BOARD MATTERS a. Comments/discussion by individual board members. Mr. Mota invited anyone watching the meeting to come to see how issues of vital importance are funded by the City. Chairman Herlihy added the public can now view the meetings at any time on YouTube. b. Discussion of topics for next meeting. Chairman Herlihy said the next meeting will be August 3rd 11. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting at 6:32 p.m. By: I�Lly' ,' D LJ hairman 'd Herli h I Date CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2015-2016 ANNUAL BUDGET Changes to Recommended Budget and Capital Improvement Program As of July 6, 2015 General Fund - Certified Taxable Values added $21,915 (net of CRA) to Revenue. Decisions are waiting on Group Insurance RFP and wage negotiations. Local Option Gas Tax Fund - 1. Minor correction to FDOT Lighting Agreement Revenue previously shown for FY 15-16. 2. Correction to amounts shown as annual transfers from General Fund and annual amounts shown as allocated to All Aboard Florida. Stormwater Utility Fund - Deletion of Stormwater Pond Project in FY 18-19 and deferral of anticipated need for a rate increase. Riverfront CRA Fund - Correction of Tax Increment from City based on certified taxable values and millage of 3.8556. Golf Course Fund - Adjustment to reflect intention to upgrade the two Golf Course Bathrooms during FY 14-15 using balances currently available in the Golf Course Capital Fund. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2015-2020 FY 13.14 FY 14-15 FY 1646 FY 16-17 FY 17.18 IFY 1849 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 /\ Local Option Gas Taxes It 555,934 It 590,000 It 590,000 $ 590,000 $ 590,000 S 590,000 It 590,000 $ 590,000 FDOT Lighting Agreement 9,758 9,758 10,050 10,352 10,352 10,352 10,352 10,352 Reimbursement for R/R Overbilling 2,862 - - - - - - Transfer from General Fund (AAF+Stmets) - 207,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Investment Income 57 72 84 89 61 72 74 76 Total Revenues $ 568,611 $ 606,830 $ 800,134 $ 800,441 $ 800,413 $ 800,424 $ 800,426 $ 800,428 Debt Payment - Final FY22-23 $ 242,741 $ 242,783 $ 242,748 $ 242,635 $ 242,445 $ 243,177 $ 243,802 $ 243,340 Operating Costs (Street Lights) 161,205 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 R/R Crossing Maintenance 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,103 5,103 All Aboard Florida - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Sidewalk Repairs 11,466 30,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Road Striping 9,929 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Indian River Drive Light Poles - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Sign Replacement 18,169 30,000 30,000 30,000 Street Repaving 229 TOTAL $ 448,842 Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Street Repaving 157,000 TOTAL $ 754,888 Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Repaving Vooslle Street 150,000 TOTAL $ 767,851 Repaving Indian River Drive 200,000 Repaving Barber Street 200,000 TOTAL $ 967,730 Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Repaving Bay Drive and Bevin 150,000 TOTAL $ 737,548 Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Street Repaving 200,000 TOTAL $ 788,280 ,/►, Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Street Repaving 200,000 TOTAL It 788,905 Sidewalk Construction 50,000 Street Repaving 200,000 TOTAL $ 788,443 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 38,899 S 156,668 It 208,613 $ 240,896 $ 73,599 $ 136,465 S 148,608 $ 160,129 BUDGET RESERVE - 15% OF EXPENSES 30,915 76,815 78,765 108,765 74,265 81,765 81,765 $1,765 UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE It 5,984 $ 79,853 $ 129,847 $ 132,130 It (666) $ 54,699 $ 66,843 It 78,364 TOTALREVENUES 568,611 806,830 800,134 800,441 800,413 800,424 800,426 800,428 TOTAL EXPENDITURES+TRANSFERS 448,842 754,886 767,851 967,738 737,548 788,280 788,905 788,443 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 125,753 $ 131,797 $ 162,130 $ (35,166) $ 62,199 $ 66,843 $ 78,364 $ 90,349 i I'13 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND (DST) PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2016-2021 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 1516 FY 16-17 FY 17.18 FY 18.19 FY 19-20 FY 20.21 DST Revenue S 2,738,405 S 2,860,000 S 2,931,500 $ 3,004,788 $ 3,079,907 S 789,226 $ - $ - /\ Principal from $285,000 Airport Advance 09/29/08 600 624 649 675 702 6,730 6,999 7,279 Interest from $285,000 Airport Advance 11,400 11,376 11,351 11,325 11,298 11,270 11,001 10,721 Principal from $267,511 Airport Advance 01105/11 0 0 0 1,800 1,872 1,946 2,024 2,105 Interest from $267,511 Airport Advance 8,025 8,025 8,025 10,700 10,828 10,564 10,476 10,395 Investment Income 3,411 3,100 3,328 2,287 1,760 1,710 2,180 1,804 DST PROJECT REVENUE S 2,761,841 S 2,883,125 $ 2,954,853 $ 3,031,574 It 3,106,168 S 821,436 S 32,650 $ 32,304 Presidential Streets 413,159 City Hal Debt (Retires 2018) 935,293 1,025,863 867,112 352,927 Slormwaler Debt (Retires 5101122) 201,061 401,141 402,963 403,792 402,914 401,355 400,961 Computer Replacement and Annual Upgrades 225,070 74,930 50,000 50,000 50,000 215,000 50,000 50,000 Police Vehicles and Equipment 221,705 388,000 232,000 380,000 264,000 270,000 430,000 250,000 Diesel Fuel Tank and Software 3,698 42,000 114 Round Swale Improvement 446,019 211,510 Sidewalk Construction 19,275 Stormwater Equipment 29,152 Berber Street Bridge Repairs 63,259 Fish House Improvements 1,501 328,415 Construct Hangars 21,051 283,949 Airport Drive East 41,178 362,252 Tulip Drive Reconstruction and Parking - - 150,000 Pipe Sliplining 39,391 Pedestrian Bridge (Hardee) 13,400 Goff Course Fuel Tank 15,000 TOTAL FY 14 S 2,473,149 Roof Repairs (City Hall and PD) 52,000 67,000 Painting City Hall 50,000 Police - Public Parking 50,000 City Hall Parking Lot 50,000 Baseball Field Ughting 300,000 Boat Lift 7,576 Barber Street Bridge Replacement - 500,000 Pedestrian Bridges (Barber/Pedwrinkie) 32,139 Fleming 327,023 Main Street Widening 83,878 Tulp Drive Road Crossing 50,000 Vito Truck SW -618 361,500 Coolidge Drive 480,671 /a*,TOTAL FY 15 S 4,307,767 Police Evidence Garage 300,000 Public Works Compound Equipment Shelters 60,000 Working Waterfront Drainage 67,000 Working Waterfront Phase 2A Enhancements 75,000 Excavator (Grant matching) 28,000 Cemetery Columbariums 150,000 Golf Course Improvements 600,000 Replace Schumann Sidewalk 200,000 200,000 TOTAL FY 16 $ 3,695,253 114 Round Swale Improvement 500,000 Bevan Ditch Piping 750,000 TOTAL FY 17 -i--3,135,890 114 Round Swale Improvement 500,000 Construct Access Road West 160,000 TOTAL FY 18 S 1,377,792 1/4 Round Swale Improvement TOTAL FY 19 $ 887,914 114 Round Swale Improvement TOTAL FY 20 $ 681,355 114 Round Swale Improvement $ TOTAL FY 21 S 700,961 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 2,707,722 $ 2,996,414 $ 1,571,772 $ 831,372 $ 727,057 $ 2,455,433 S 2,388,956 It 1,540,250 BUDGET RESERVE -10%OF EXPENSES 247,315 430,777 369,525 313,589 137,779 - - - RESERVE FOR ADVANCES 529,422 528,798 526,148 525,874 523,100 514,424 505,401 496,017 UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE $ 1,930,985 $ 2,036,839 S 874,098 $ (7,891) $ 56,178 $ 1,941,009 S 1,883,555 $ 1,044,233 TOTALREVENUES 2,761,541 2,883,125 2,954,853 3,031,574 3,106,168 821,436 32,650 32,304 TOTAL EXPENDITURES+DEBT+TRANSFERS 2,473,149 4,307 ,7673,895,253 3,135,890 1,377,792 887,914 881,355 700,961 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 2,219,677 $ 612,197 $ (68,302) $ (112,206) $ 1,794,554 $ 1,874,532 $ 1,034,849 $ 375,576 Cash on Hand $ 2,466,992 $ 1,042,974 It 303,223 $ 201,383 $ 1,932,333 $ 1,874,532 $ 1,034,849 S 375,576 Advances to Other Funds - Balance After FY 2041 Principal from $285,000 Airport Advance 09/29/08 Due FY37-38 $ 260,742 Principal from $267,511 Airport Advance 01/05/11 Due FY38-39 3--a€urr 235,275 ,I► 14jr STORMWATER UTILITY FUND PROJECTED BALANCES .00\ FISCAL YEARS 2016-2021 Rates from $5.00 to $6.00)monlh FY 13.14 FY 14.15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17.18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20.21 Stormwater Fees S 994,667 S 985,500 $ 985,500 $ 985,500 $ 985,500 S 985,500 $ 1.182,600 $ 1,182,600 Transfer from General Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Investment Income 1.566 1.650 1,851 2,322 2.205 2,647 2,358 2,104 SW PROJECTED REVENUE S 985,233 S 1,087,150 S 1,087,351 $ 1.087.822 $ 1,087,705 $ 1,088,147 $ 1,284,958 $ 1,294,704 Professional Services 2,306 Debt Service 408,360 Stommater Park Maintenance(Elecbie) 44,367 Crew Cab Truck 33,305 Backhoe Loader (Cost Shared by DST) 37,2D5 Trailer 7,817 Generator 2,378 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 600,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY14 $ 1,035,738 Debt Service 201,068 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mats, 1/3rd Intedoca8 50,000 Ditch Maintenance 182,044 200,000 Slamrvreter Park Maintenance 40,000 SW -619 Pickup 25,000 SW -616 Pickup 25,000 SW -606 1 Ton Crew Cab Pickup 48,000 Cutoff Saws/Pumps 4,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 500,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY75 S 1,075,112 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mats, 1/3rd Inledocel) 50,000 Stommatet Park Maintenance 40,000 Road Crosaings/Sideyard Pipes 50,000 SW6164X4 Pickup 28,000 4X4 Herb/Utility Vehicle 14,000 Cutoff Saws/Pumps/Genamtor 7,000 SW -628 Tandum Dump Truck - 150,000 Pipe Sliplining - 100,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 550.000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY16 S 939,000 Lagoon Impmvements (25K Oyster Mats, 1/3rd Intedocel) 50,000 Stcnnwater Park Maintenance 40,000 /^ Road Crossings/Sldeyard Pipes 50,000 SW -61 6 2001 Dump Truck 160,000 SW6144X4 Pickup 30,000 CutDe Saws/Concrete Mixer 5,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 550,000 , TOTAL STORMWATER FY17 It 1,135,000 NPDES 5 Year Permit 7,988 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mats, 1/3rd Interlocal) 50,000 Stormwater Park Maintenance 40,000 Slormwater Pond Road Crossings/Sideyard Pipes 50,000 SW -606 1 Ton Crew Cab Pickup 48,000 TrectorSW-688 165,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 550,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY10 S 910,988 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mals, 1/3rd Interlocal) 50,000 Stommater Park Maintenance 40,000 Water Tank and Trailer 14.000 Road Crossings/Sldayard Pipes 50,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvements 500,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 550,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY19 S 1,204.000 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mets, 113rd Intedocel) 50,000 Stornwater Park Maintenance 40,000 Excavator buckets/Mowing Heads 45,000 SW -607 8yd Dump Truck 125,000 SW -609 2000 Transport Truck and Trailer 125,000 Road Crossings/Sldayere Pipes 50,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvements 5001000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 550,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY20 $ 1,485,000 Lagoon Improvements (25K Oyster Mals, 113rd Intedoca8 50,000 Stomwater Park Maintenance 40,000 Road Crossings/Sidayem Pipes 50,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvements 500,000 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 560,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY21 $ 1,190,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 94,420 $ 44,915 $ 58,953 $ 205,305 $ 158,127 $ 334,844 $ 218,991 $ 18,948 rs"a'%, BUDGET RESERVE -15% OF EXPENSES 155,361 161,267 140,850 170.250 136,648 180,600 222,750 178,500 UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE $ (60,941) $ (116,352) $ (83,897) It 35,055 $ 21,479 $ 154,244 $ (3,759) $ (159,552) ANNUAL REVENUES 986,233 1,087,150 1,087,351 1,087,822 1,087,705 1,osa,147 1.284,958 1,284,704 ANNUAL EXPENDITURES 1.035,738 1,075,112 939,000 1,135,000 910,988 1,204,000 1,485.000 1,190,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ (110,445) 111 (104,314) $ 64,455 $ (12,123) $ 198,196 $ 38,391 $ (203,802) $ (64,848) RIVERFRONT CRA FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2015-2020 ,I� FY 13.14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 19-17 FY 1748 FY 1849 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Tax Increment from City S 144,891 $ 158,885 S 183.438 $ 188,941 S 194.809 $ 200,448 $ 206,461 S 206,461 Tax Increment from County 127,169 137,535 141,661 145,911 150,288 154,797 159,441 159,441 Rents 25,500 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Investment Income 1,882 1,764 440 124 91 347 644 985 PROJECTED REVENUE S 299,242 S 334.164 $ 361,539 S 370,976 $ 380,969 $ 391,592 S 402,546 E 402,887 Presidential Streets/Coolidge 254,633 Gateway Enhancements 2,500 Operating Expenditures 37,818 Waterfront Renovatlons/Expenses 33,435 Special Events 37,890 Riverfrunt Stormwater Plan 38,000 Main Street Boal Ramp Striping 1,850 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance . 60,000 TOTAL RIVERFRONTCRA FY14 5 474,126 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront Renovations/Expenses 18,734 Settlement with Fisherman's Landing 16,000 Ice MachineWalkln Cooler for Crab E. Bills 26,286 FagadelSl9n Improvement Program 46,140 Sewer Connection Program 100,000 Special Events 42,468 Riverview Park Sidewalk Replacement - 50,000 50,000 Trees, Schrubs and Mulch for US#1 Medians 3,019 Picnic Tables and Benches for Riverview Perk 8,471 Shoreline Stabilization 22,000 CwCorp Enhancements 200,000 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 60,000 TOTAL RIVERFRONT CRA FY15 S 588,553 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront RenovatiunsFxpenses 35,000 Fagade/Slgn Improvement Program 40,000 Sewer Connection Program 100,000 Special Events 42,468 Landscaping on US#1 (Grant Match) 50,000 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 85,000 •�� TOTAL RIVERFRONTCRA FY16 S 425,923 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront RenovatlonslExpenses 35,000 FagadwSign Improvement Program 40,000 Sewer Connection Program 100,000 Special Events 42,468 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 66,950 TOTAL RIVERFRONT CRA FY17 S 377,873 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront Renovations/Expenses 35,000 Fagade/Slgn Improvement Program 40,000 Sewer Connection Program 100,00 Special Events 42,468 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 66,959 TOTAL RIVERFRONTCRA FY18 S 329,882 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront RenovationslEpenses 35,000 FagadelSign Improvement Program 40,00 Sewer Connection Program 10,00 Special Events 42,468 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 71,027 TOTAL RIVERFRONTCRA FY19 $ 331,950 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront Renovations/Expenses 35,000 Fagads/Slgn Improvement Program 40,00 Sewer Connection Program 100,00 Special Events 42,468 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 73,156 TOTAL RIVERFRONT CRA FY20 $ 334,081 Operating Expenditures 43,455 Waterfront RenovallunslExpenses 35,00 Fagade/Sign Improvement Program 40,00 Sewer Connection Program 10,000 Special Events 42,488 Transfer to General Fund for Quality Maintenance 75,353 TOTAL RIVERFRONTCRA FY21 $ 338,276 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 554,938 S 380,054 S 125,685 $ 61,301 S 54,404 $ 105,512 $ 165,153 S 233,618 ANNUALREVENUES 299,242 334,184 361,539 370,976 380,989 391,592 402,546 402,887 ANNUAL EXPENDITURES 474,126 588,553 425,923 377,873 329,882 331,950 334,081 336,278 ENDING FUND BALANCE S 380,064 $ 125,685 S 61,301 $ 54,404 $ 105,512 $ 165,153 S 233,618 S 30,229 �� Charges for Services Proshop Sales Rents Other Revenue Contributions Sale of Carts or Equipment Bank Note Proceeds Funding by New Cart Vendor Transfer from DST Fund 130 Investment Income PROJECTED REVENUE Operating Costs Proshop Cost of Sales Transfer to Capital Fund Bank Note Payments - Equipment Bank Note Payments - Golf Carts Equipment TOTAL FY 13 Golf Cart Purchase Payoff of Golf Cart Lease Other Capital Items TOTAL FY 14 Fuel Tank TOTAL FY 16 TOTAL FY 16 TOTAL FY 17 Golf Cart Purchase TOTAL FY 18 TOTAL FY 19 TOTAL FY 20 TOTAL FY 21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES OPERATING FUND BALANCE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE Transfer from Operating Fund Loan from Building Fund Loan Payment to Building Fund Investment Income Netting Course Bathrooms Irrigation System Rebuild Greens Other Capital Items CAPITAL FUND BALANCE Total Fund 410 and 415 Balances Equipment Bank Loan Balance Golf Cart Bank Loan Balances Building fund Loan Balance CAFR Unrestricted Balance domft. GOLF COURSE FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2015-2020 FY 13-14 FY 14.15 FY 16.16 FY 16-17 FY 17.18 FY 18.19 FY 19-20 FY 20.21 $ 1,223,027 8 1,235,494 $ 1,306,033 $1,306,033 $ 1,306,033 $ 1,306,033 1111,306,033 $ 1,306,033 50,755 55,000 57,750 57,750 57,750 57,750 57,750 57,750 29,046 30,000 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 11,657 5,060 5,110 51110 5,110 5,110 5,110 5,110 7,746 6,304 6,600 6,600 6,000 6,600 6,600 6,600 135,975 224 - 135,975 - - - 299,050 - - - 299,050 - - - 103,200 - - - - - - - - 15,000 114 $ 1,860,570 $ 1,347,082 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,841,418 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,380,561 $ 1,327,889 $ 1,249,222 $ 1,258,591 $ 1,268,031 $ 1,277,541 $ 1,287,122 $ 1,296,776 44,457 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 59,097 62,218 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 20,011 57,676 57,406 57,406 57,406 57,406 57,406 57,406 57,406 334,059 103,200 1,519 $ 2,000,580 15,000 $ 1,492,513 $ 1,406,993 $ 1,416,362 334,059 $ 1,759,861 $ 1,435,312 $ 1,444,893 $ 1,454,547 $ 92,246 $ (47,764) $ (193,195) $ (193,195) $ (202,564) $ (121,007) $ (149,326) $ (187,226) 1,860,570 1,347,082 1,406,993 1,406,993 1,841,418 1,408,993 1,406,993 1,406,993 2,000,580 1,492,513 1,406,993 1,416,362 1,759,861 1,435,312 1,444,893_ 1,454,547 $ (47,764) $ (193,195) $ (193,195) $ (202,564) $ (121,007) $ (149,326) $ (187,226) $ (234,780) $ 86,605 $ 95,465 $ 77,903 $ 143,518 $ 169,548 $ 30,655 $ 56,346 $ 82,114 59,097 62,218 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 65,365 700,000 (111) 220 50,126 80,000 39,766 250 431 700,000 39,766 39,766 39,766 39,766 509 92 169 246 165,000 $ 95,465 $ 77,903 $ 143,518 $ 169,548 $ 30,655 $ 56,346 $ 82,114 $ 107,960 $ 47,701 $ (115,292) $ (49,677) $ (33,017) $ (90,352) $ (92,979) $ (105,112) $ (126,820) (24,359) - - - - - - - (260,651) (212,623) (162,777) (110,910) (260,651) (212,623) (162,777) (110,910) �� 7 14 I� V) z z O 2014-2015 BUDS COM RECOMMENDATION • RAISE ADDITIONAL FUNDS $a65,000 • APPROVED MILLAGE RATE 3.8556 • I.R LAGOON • ALL ABOARD FLORIDA • C.O.P.S GRANT • ROADS $1001000 $50,000 $15,000 $1001000 W m LL lD Ln O N FA N M N O m O Un N Lr) M N V� rM iA- i 0 9 0 LL W Ln rml N cn LLI LLI O z ',Q� r v � v .O U u cn3 v r o � v � v c v b � ft � v a O PREVIOUS ITEMS INCLUDED IN 201546 BUDGET • LAGOON FUNDING • ROAD REPAVING/REPAIR • ALL ABOARD FLORIDA • SEWER CONNECTIVITY 100,000 100,000 (Plus 100,000) 50,000 100,000 NOTE: Funding in2015-i6 budget year for first 3 items comes from General Fund revenue. Sewer Grants is from Riverfront CRA Funds. ring W u W N LL cn Z orw' O 1r /w1 V _ J 0 Q 00 W U O x Z �D O Z O w o° L1J a � �54 � W Z U w � c) x 0 V �� z° W Z�D ww ~QO O zw p O V O>Q �Uw 0 U Ow �U m Ur4 x�O 0 • H = U