HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-04 PZ Minutes[Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present] ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Vice Chmn. Roth stated that Mr. Dodd and Mr. Alvarez were excused from the meeting and Ms. Kautenburg would be voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by McManus/Carter to accept the minutes of the April 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Roth noted that the meeting was going to be run under a new standardized agenda approved by City Council, and stated that later under Staff Matters the Commissioners may wish to discuss any revisions or modifications they would like to consider to adjust for the public's interest. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SANDCREST SUBDIVISION - PUD -R ZONING - SW CORNER OF MAIN STREET/POWERLINE ROAD - 64 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS Vice Chairman Roth announced the opening of the hearing, and Mr. Ginsburg read the hearing title from the agenda. Mr. Chuck Mechling, with the Sandcrest Development, stated that since the last hearing for the Conceptual Plan little had changed except that they had addressed the Commissioners concerns from that meeting. Since then, the Environmental Report had been submitted, and they had received their permit from Fish & Wildlife and relocated 26 tortoises to state lands. He stated that within the week they would be installing protective barriers around the property to keep them from R 2 CL Cd c v� O CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CN MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Di JUNE 4, 2015 C .0 N Vice Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. C .N ICU E The pledge of allegiance was said by all. a C0 C ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. McManus (a U 7 \s AAr-Bede} Mr. Qizilbash Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Carter i -r a �\ - AIuarea (a) ntrz_ L -P, Mr. Reyes C cc> ME 22 EXCUSED: Mr. Dodd, Mr. Alvarez(1)N0 CON a <0 - ALSO ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary [Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present] ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Vice Chmn. Roth stated that Mr. Dodd and Mr. Alvarez were excused from the meeting and Ms. Kautenburg would be voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by McManus/Carter to accept the minutes of the April 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Roth noted that the meeting was going to be run under a new standardized agenda approved by City Council, and stated that later under Staff Matters the Commissioners may wish to discuss any revisions or modifications they would like to consider to adjust for the public's interest. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SANDCREST SUBDIVISION - PUD -R ZONING - SW CORNER OF MAIN STREET/POWERLINE ROAD - 64 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS Vice Chairman Roth announced the opening of the hearing, and Mr. Ginsburg read the hearing title from the agenda. Mr. Chuck Mechling, with the Sandcrest Development, stated that since the last hearing for the Conceptual Plan little had changed except that they had addressed the Commissioners concerns from that meeting. Since then, the Environmental Report had been submitted, and they had received their permit from Fish & Wildlife and relocated 26 tortoises to state lands. He stated that within the week they would be installing protective barriers around the property to keep them from R 2 CL Cd c v� O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2015 returning. Mr. Mechling also explained that they had worked with staff on a design for a turn lane going southbound on Powerline Rd. turning right into the subdivision, and for safety purposes a double -entry point by the gate. [The draft turn lane plan was shown on the overhead projector.] He added that the project engineer, Mr. Jodah Biddle, was present, along with Mr. Brian Good, traffic engineer with Kimley-Horn. Mr. Mechling noted that the traffic study and analysis was now complete. Mr. Roth asked what the proposed length of the turn lane was, how wide, and what side of the double entry was for visitors. Mr. Mechling stated 150 feet long, 12 feet wide, and right for visitors. Mr. Watanabe gave staffs presentation and reviewed the Staff Report, going over the zoning, size of the parcel, size of the stormwater lake, size of the recreational tract, location of the property, density, and open space. He stated he had reviewed the traffic study and was satisfied with its findings, and then read into the record the three recommended conditions: 1) Execution of a special agreement with the city for the subdivision entrance features in the Powerline ROW; 2) Provide a turn lane, which condition is being met, and 3) Avoidance of monotonous color schemes and elevations for the residential structures. Mr. Roth asked who was going to maintain the entrance features in the ROW. Mr. Watanabe stated that would be spelled out in the agreement, which would most likely be the HOA for their structures while the city continued to maintain its drainage system. Vice Chmn. Roth asked if there was anyone in the public that was opposed or in favor of the application. There was none. Mr. Carter asked where the data for the number of school -aged children came from, what is the proposed size of the houses, and estimated selling price. Mr. Mechling stated the data was from the IRC School Board, the houses would be approx. 1600 to 1900 square feet in size, and sell for high $100,000 to mid $200,000. He noted Passage Island Construction would be the builder. Mr. Qizilbash stated he liked the design and layout but had concerns with the stormwater tract. He noted from the information on the plan that the tract/lake would always have an approximate depth of 13 feet of water and felt that was deep with regards to the small -sized lots adjacent to it for safety matters. He questioned why the bottom elevation had to be at 7 feet. Mr. Biddle stated the top elevation was at 19 feet, but acknowledged the plans were unclear in that the range was from 19 to 23.5 feet, and stated the St. Johns standard was a 12 feet depth. Mr. Qizilbash stated the plans indicated two cross-section details for the tract but he could not locate them. Mr. Biddle stated they were on the Construction Plan set. Mr. Reyes asked what the slope to the lake would be and Mr. Biddle responded the standard 4:1. Mr. Roth asked if there were any outlets for the stormwater tract. Mr. Biddle stated there were two — one on the north end on to Main Street, and on the south end into the existing drainage ditch. Mr. McManus asked if the previous stated house sizes were the figures for under air. Mr. Mechling responded yes, and discussed the house product and details that would be offered. Mr. Reyes asked if there were any scrub jays on site. Mr. Mechling stated no, and they were checked for twice. Mr. Reyes had additional questions on Tract D/Powerline ROW owned by the City, existence of a utility easement in the ROW, widening plans for Powerline Road, and maintenance of the overgrown 8 -foot ditch by the south property line. With regards to the ditch, Mr. Mechling stated "Although I don't have rights to it, I have no problem maintaining that." Mr. Biddle discussed the ditch clarifying that it was actually 20 feet wide, and reiterated that his client would gladly maintain it. Mr. Reyes verified that top -of -bank would be reworked during 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2015 construction and grades to the ditch would be at a 4:1 slope. Mr. Watanabe stated yes. There was also a discussion regarding the Bob Circle dedication. Ms. Kautenburg referred to Page Seven of the Staff Report, Item #11, noting the minimum living area required for the development was 900 SF and stated she would like to see that size built since there was a need for those smaller homes in our area. Mr. Roth had questions regarding a proposed entrance sign, Building Code compliance with the setbacks approved by the Conceptual Plan, and street lighting, which were answered by Mr. Mechling. He stated he had a concern along Main Street in that, as confirmed by Mr. Mechling earlier, the perimeter landscape buffer would not be installed all at one time, but as each lot was developed. Mr. Mechling explained it would be a two-step process for Main Street and Powerline Road with step one being the installation of a white, three -rail fence along the perimeter, in addition to landscaping associated with the subdivision, most likely an Arbicola hedge along the fence. Step two will be the landscaping provided by the homes as they are built. Mr. Roth verified the fence would be installed at the onset of the subdivision development. Mr. Roth also noted that there was a crosswalk across Powerline Road at the Main Street intersection to the Post Office but that there was not any crosswalk south of the entryway for pedestrians and children walking towards the school or CR 512 and felt one should be added, possibly where the new subdivision sidewalk along Powerline road ends. Mr. Watanabe stated he was against "mid -block" crosswalks because pedestrians assume they have the right-of-way and that they are safe, and he felt the [mid -block] crosswalks were actually dangerous, and he highly discourages them. Mr. Reyes asked if there would be a pool on the recreation tract. Mr. Mechling stated yes, at the north end of the lake area there would be a pavilion, restrooms, covered porch area, and pool. Mr. Reyes asked if the individual lots could have pools, also. Mr. Mechling stated yes. Also, after being questioned, Mr. Biddle stated Lots 7 & 8 would not have to share a driveway, there was room for two. MOTION by Reyes/Qizilbash "to approve the preliminary plat for Sandcrest Subdivision, PUD -R zoning, SW corner of Main Street and Powerline Road, 64 single-family lots." Mr. Ginsburg asked him to clarify if he was including the three recommended conditions noted in the staff report. Mr. Reyes stated yes. Ms. Bosworth noted the motion should be to "make a recommendation to City Council to approve." Mr. Reyes agreed. Mr. Qizilbash acquiesced to both also. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr yes Mr. McManus yes Mr. Qizilbash yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None PUBLIC INPUT: Mr. Ginsburg clarified for the Commissioners this would be input from the public for items that were not on the agenda. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2015 NEW BUSINESS: None STAFF MATTERS: Ms. Bosworth noted that their packets had included a copy of the recently approved Resolution that created uniform procedures for all the Boards and Committees. She explained that the resolution allowed for changes or modifications to the agenda format if approved by a majority vote of the members. Staff had considered the new agenda format and noted that New Business, where accessory structures are usually placed, was near the end of the agenda, and would require those applicants to sit through public hearings placed before them. Staff felt that maybe a modification was in order, but after further consideration, noted that moving the accessory structure applicants, or any other shorter agenda items, could be done under "Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications." After a brief discussion, it was agreed to proceed through a few more meetings with the new agenda before determining if modifying the agenda was necessary. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS: None ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: None ADJOURN: Vice Chairman Roth adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. (db) 12