HomeMy WebLinkAbout06222015 PR MinutesRECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2015 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by Chairman. Members present were John Tenerowicz, Joanne White, Tammy Nelson, Mathew Sims, Mr. Paschall, Mrs. Webster was absent along with Mrs. Flescher. Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary and Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent, Ken Kilgore Finance Director and Frank Watanabee, Public Works Director/City Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES APRIL 27, 2015 A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Sims, Second Mrs. White, passed unanimously UNFINISHED BUSINESS: DISC GOLF SITE Chris said that the Stormwater Park is a no go per St Johns. Mrs. White asks about Filbert Park Chris says it is a possibility- Mr. Tenerowicz says people don't want this in their backyards. Mrs. White wants to continue to pursue. Mrs. Nelson also would like to continue. Mr. Sims says this is a good thing and we should just put it in. Mr. Paschall says this goes back to our dialog of trying to find more space we need more property per Mrs. White. Mr. Tenerowicz says what about the Day Drive acreage and Chris says there is 33 acres there. PUBLIC INPUT; Ben Hocker says looked on the internet to see what it is all about and it needs a minimum of 5 acres for 9 holes and would need parking and restrooms that is why he suggested the airport property. Jim Sunnycalb — Easy Street park has geese visiting it — Easy Street park is on facebook. The Dog Park would be nice to have a fire hydrant for the pets can we get a used one somewhere. Riverview restroom need a marquee inside the park not at US #1 put it on the building above the water fountain. PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES June 22, 2015 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS; CAPITAL PROJECTS Chris and Ken handed out the most recent report. The biggest item was the sidewalk on Brushfoot Drive, community Center paving and the BSSC Storage building. Mrs. White says Recreational Impact Fees are for new so how is the community center parking being taken out of it. Ken says the work is new and not maintenance so it qualifies. Also she is not happy the bleacher shields were taken out of the budget. The lighting for the fields will come from DST money and will be in next years budget. 3 other committee members feel the shields should be put back in. Mr. Paschall asks if it is cost prohibitive. Its been in the budget for years and now it is out — This is the City Manager's recommendation at this time. Ken says your request will be passed forward but the City manager felt bike path was more important. Chris says will bring up their concerns to the City Manager — Mrs. White says in agreement that it should be put back in. Mr. Paschall says what what we have at the splash pad and the creative playground would be good. WE need shade for other areas as well. Also the skate Park needs shade as well the welfare of our children is at stake — the members are adamant about this. Mrs. White asks about Exercise stations at Hardee Park — They will be a complete replacement — what funding source is being used. Riverview Playground will be new all recycled plastic. Mrs. White asks will there be resurfacing included — Chris states yes the sand will be gone. STAFF MATTERS; The Skate Park grand opening was was Saturday. 4`h of July is coming up, The Parade is at 8:30 AM and the fireworks at 9PM. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chairman says the parks are looking good. Riverview park still has vehicles inside the park for Craft and Art Shows. Chris says the City is lenient with them because of their ages but 40' of July will have no vehicles. PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES June 22, 2015 Page 3 Chris says XMAS in July is on July 18th at Riverview Park and the sidewalk west of 95 has been started. Mrs. Nelson says Hardee is good Mrs. White says Garden Club Park looks good says putting the disc golf in to educate people as for the Airport location it cannot be used so try nine holes to start. Mr. Sims — Need at least Nine Holes — Schumann Park looks good and so does the skate park. Mr. Paschall — Disc Golf is recreational use aspect not a design aspect most people objecting are familiar with course. This will be a league generated course. Tennis Wall is up on the Courts at Schumann per Chris Next Meeting is July 27, 2015 Items for the next agenda — None yet With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM Appr>v August 24th, 2015 Regular Meeting. J077enerowicz, Chairman Pafks and Recreation Committee RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2016-2021 FY 13-14 FY 14.15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Recreation Impact Fees $ 168,350 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Pelican Isles Escrow Release - 146,250 - - - - - - Investment Income 1,805 4,759 5,312 4,579 5,311 6,048 6,790 7,536 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 170,155 $ 251,009 S 105,312 $ 104,579 $ 105,311 $ 106,048 $ 106,790 $ 107,538 Riverview Park Irrigation and Fountains 9,423 4,372 Bark Park Amenities 56,406 Blueway/Signage Improvements 5,940 Bleacher Shields (2,804) Community Center Playground 3,163 Handicap Pier - Yacht Club Mooring Fields Creative Playground Improvements Riverview Park Volleyball Lights Schumann Playground Equipment 18,397 Barber Street MulB-use Field Lights Art and Senior Center Signs TOTALFY13 Community Center Needs Analysis - 8,200 Batting Cage/Dugouts 13,845 Disc Golf Course - 18,000 Tennis WaIORaquet Ball Court 19,020 12,980 TOTAL FY 14 $ 123,410 Bikepath on Brushfoot Ddve 60,000 Equipment Building 100,000 Community Center (Paving/Drainage/Ughting) $ 100 50,000 Rebuild Skate Park Ramps 94,225 TOTAL FY 15 $ 137,877 TOTAL FY 16 $ 210,000 - TOTAL FY 17 $ - - TOTAL FY 18 $ - - TOTAL FY 19 $ - - TOTAL FY 20 $ ' TOTAL FY 21 $ - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 548,927 $ 595,672 $ 708,804 $ 604,116 $ 708,694 $ 814,005 $ 920,053 $ 1,026,844 TOTAL REVENUES 170,155 251,009 105,312 104,579 105,311 106,048 106,790 107,538 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 123,410 137,877 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE • FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16.17 FY 17-18 FY 18.19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Zone $ 149,157 $ 197,266 $ 282,321 $ 283,076 $ 331,360 $ 379,983 $ 428,945 $ 478,250 Zone B 100,136 107,831 104,633 55,484 73,473 91,591 109,839 128,217 Zone C 24,335 20,936 29,206 9,647 17,442 25,295 33,205 41,172 Zone D 275,297 269,636 292,643 255,907 286,418 317,136 348,064 379,204 All Zones $ 548,926 $ 595,671 $ 708,803 $ 604,115 $ 708,693 $ 814,004 $ 920,052 $ 1,026,843 Recreation Impact Fees Zone A $ 77,675 $ 113,617 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 Zone B $ 29,575 $ 43,260 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 It 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 Zone C $ 13,000 $ 19,015 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 Zone D $ 48,100 $ 70,357 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 All Zones $ 168,350 $ 246,250 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 111 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Investment Income Zone A $ 490 $ 1,576 $ 2,116 $ 2,146 $ 2,483 $ 2,823 $ 3,166 $ 3,511 Zone B 329 861 784 421 551 681 811 941 Zone C 80 167 219 73 131 188 245 302 Zone D 905 2,154 2,193 1,940 2,146 2,356 2,569 2,784 All Zones $ 1,805 $ 4,759 $ 5,312 $ 4,579 $ 5,311 $ 6,048 $ 6,790 $ 7,538 Transfers: Zone A $ 30,057 $ 30,138 $ 47,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Zone B 22,209 47,320 67,500 - - - - - Zone C 16,479 10,913 27,500 - - - - - Zone D 54,665 49,506 67,500 - - AII Zones $ 123,410 $ 137,877 $ 210,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Ending Balances: Zone A $ 197,266 $ 282,321 $ 283,076 $ 331,360 $ 379,983 $ 428,945 $ 478,250 $ 527,899 Zone B 107,831 104,633 55,484 73,473 91,591 109,839 128,217 146,726 Zone 20,936 29,206 9,647 17,442 25,295 33,205 41,172 49,196 Zone D 269,638 292,643 255,907 286,418 317,136 348,064 379,204 410,559 All Zones $ 595,671 $ 708,803 $ 604,115 $ 708,693 $ 814,004 $ 920,052 $ 1,026,843 4 1,134,381 Recreation Impact Fees Pelican Isles Escrow Release Investment Income PROJECTED REVENUE Riverview Park Irrigation and Fountains Bark Park Amenities Blueway/Signage Improvements Bleacher Shields Community Center Playground Handicap Pier - Yacht Club Mooring Fields Creative Playground Improvements Riverview Park Volleyball Lights Schumann Playground Equipment Barber Street Multi -use Field Lights Art and Senior Center Signs TOTAL FY 13 Community Center Needs Analysis Batting Cage/Dugouts Disc Golf Course Tennis Wall/Raquel Ball Court TOTAL FY 14 Bikepath on Brushfoot Drive Equipment Building Community Center (Paving/Drainage/Ughdng Rebuild Skate Park Ramps TOTAL FY 15 TOTAL FY 16 TOTAL FY 17 TOTAL FY 18 TOTAL FY 19 TOTAL FY 20 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2016-2021 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 $ 168,350 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 - 146,250 - - - - 104,579 - 1,805 4,759 5,312 4,579 5,311 6,048 6,790 7,538 170,155 $ 251,009 $ 105,312 $ 104,579 $ 105,311 $ 108,048 $ 106,790 $ 1077538 9,423 4,372 $ 28.571 $ 28,571 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 56,406 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18.19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 - - 5,940 10,913 27,500 - - - - - (2,804) 3,183 18,397 8,200 13,845 18,000 19,020 12,980 $ 123,410 60,000 100,000 $ 100 50,000 94,225 $ 137,877 $ 210,000 TOTAL FY 21 $ 113,617 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ $ - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 548,927 $ 595,672 $ 708,804 $ 604,116 $ 708,694 $ 814,005 $ 920,053 $ 1,026,844 TOTAL REVENUES 170,155 251,009 105,312 104,579 105,311 106,048 106,790 107,538 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 123,410 137,877 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 7,722 $ 7,722 48.100 $ 70.357 $ 28.571 $ 28,571 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18.19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Recreation Impact Fees Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Al Zones Investment Income Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Transfers: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Al Zones Ending Balances: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Al Zones $ 149,157 $ 197,266 $ 282,321 $ 283,076 $ 331,360 $ 379,983 $ 428,945 $ 478,250 100,136 107,831 104,633 55,484 73,473 91,591 109,839 128,217 24,335 20,936 29,206 9,647 17,442 25,295 33,205 41,172 275,297 269,638 292,643 255,907 286,418 317,136 348,064 379,204 $ 548,926 $ 595,671 $ 708,803 604,115 $ 708,693 814,004 $ 920,052 $ 1,026,843 77,675 $ 113,617 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 $ 46,139 29,575 $ 43,260 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 $ 17,568 13,000 $ 19,015 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 $ 7,722 48.100 $ 70.357 $ 28.571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 28,571 $ 490 $ 1,576 $ 2,116 $ 2,146 $ 2,483 $ 2,823 $ 3,166 $ 3,511 329 861 784 421 551 681 811 941 80 167 219 73 131 188 245 302 905 2,154 2,193 1,940 2,146 2,356 2,569 2,784 $ 1,805 $ 4,759 $ 5,312 $ 4,579 $ 5,311 $ 6,048 $ 6,790 $ 7,538 $ 30,057 $ 30,138 $ 47,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 22,209 47,320 67,500 - - - - - 16,479 10,913 27,500 - - - - - 5 197,266 $ 282,321 $ 283,076 $ 331,360 $ 379,983 $ 428,945 $ 478,250 $ 527,899 107,831 104,633 55,484 73,473 91,591 109,839 128,217 146,726 20,936 29,206 9,647 17,442 25,295 33,205 41,172 49,196 269,638 292,643 255,907 286,418 317,136 348,064 379,204 410,559 $ 595,671 $ 708,803 $ 604,115 $ 708,693 $ 814,004 $ 920,052 $ 1,026,843 $ 7,134,381