HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-03 PZ Agendacc Ma SSE - y HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589.5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of August 6, 2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing Where applicable, City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read Chair, if appropriate, shall announce the rules that apply to the hearing Applicant presentation, if appropriate City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, if any Public input City staff final comments and recommendation, if any Chair closes hearing. Commission Deliberation and Action A. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Modification to the Conceptual Development Plan for Sandcrest Subdivision - Reduction of the Rear Setback - PUD -R Zoning - SW Corner of Main Street/Powerline Road 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present NEW BUSINESS 10. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 11. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 12. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 13. STAFF MATTERS 14. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. All Planning and Zoning Meetings are aired live on Comcast Channel 25, ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed on City of Sebastian Website www.cityofsebastian.org. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.266.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Chmn. Dodd stated that Mr. Durr had an excused absence, and Mr. Alvarez would be voting in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Roth/Carter to accept the minutes of the July 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None PUBLIC INPUT: None NEW BUSINESS: A. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEWS — LDC SECTION 54-2-7.5: 1. 881 Patterson Avenue - 25'X 40'(1000 SF) Detached Garage— Eiwor McDonald 2. 104 Maltz Avenue -18'X 36'(648 SF) Carport— Gerald Davis 1. 881 PATTERSON AVENUE: Mr. Paul Otto, of Florida Shores Construction in Orlando, introduced himself and stated they had worked with staff to be in compliance with the proposed project. Ms. Bosworth explained that the applicant's landscape plan showing the required shrubs had not been received before the agenda packets had been disbursed, and a copy of that plan had been placed by each of the Commissioner's chairs for their review. She continued that 37 shrubs were required but because the structure was surrounded by concrete parking areas and new sidewalks the shrubs would be placed along the edge of applicable concrete areas instead of 1-1 '"M CL E c 06 CITY OF SEBASTIAN O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION -C 0 ID + MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Cain a AUGUST 6, 2015 C Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. a E The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.0 CIO C) ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth 'f j C Mr. McManus �9 , Mr. Dodd Mr. Clizilbash L7 C 0 2 Ms. Kautenburg(a) Mr. Carter 4? Q CL 11 Mr. Alvarez (a) Mr. Reyes (6:02 pm) CO N qC. Q a G EXCUSED: Mr. Durr ALSO PRESENT: Frank Watanabe, PE, Community Development Director Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was also present ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Chmn. Dodd stated that Mr. Durr had an excused absence, and Mr. Alvarez would be voting in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Roth/Carter to accept the minutes of the July 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None PUBLIC INPUT: None NEW BUSINESS: A. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEWS — LDC SECTION 54-2-7.5: 1. 881 Patterson Avenue - 25'X 40'(1000 SF) Detached Garage— Eiwor McDonald 2. 104 Maltz Avenue -18'X 36'(648 SF) Carport— Gerald Davis 1. 881 PATTERSON AVENUE: Mr. Paul Otto, of Florida Shores Construction in Orlando, introduced himself and stated they had worked with staff to be in compliance with the proposed project. Ms. Bosworth explained that the applicant's landscape plan showing the required shrubs had not been received before the agenda packets had been disbursed, and a copy of that plan had been placed by each of the Commissioner's chairs for their review. She continued that 37 shrubs were required but because the structure was surrounded by concrete parking areas and new sidewalks the shrubs would be placed along the edge of applicable concrete areas instead of 1-1 '"M CL E c PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 2015 the building's foundation. Mr. Otto stated the owners had also already planted 3 or 4 new palm trees on the property to add to the existing landscaping. Mr. Roth stated the plan they were given didn't show the existing shed on the west side of the house. Ms. Bosworth stated staff was not aware of an existing shed, and after it was verified by Mr. Otto, Ms. Bosworth requested that the Commission make its removal a condition of approval since the size of the new proposed garage was the maximum allowed. Mr. Reyes asked if the concrete parking areas around the new garage were existing or proposed. Mr. Otto stated proposed. He also asked for clarification if the concrete was allowed to be in the easement area. Ms. Bosworth stated yes, after the homeowner signs an affidavit that they are aware that the utility agencies still have the right to use the easement. She also stated the surveyor, through the building permit application review, was requested to supply impervious coverage information. And in response to Mr. Reyes' question, she stated that the house had been built squarely over the lot lines, the easement had been abandoned, and a Unity of Title had not been required since the lots could not be re -divided. Mr. Qizilbash had questions regarding the number of trees needed for a double lot parcel. Ms. Bosworth explained that the house was built in 1989 before the current code was implemented, and the property was grandfathered in. She noted 3 to 4 palms were existing as she could determine from an aerial of the property, and suggested, because of the size of the new structure, a few more trees could be planted to bring the property closer to compliance. Mr. Carter asked if the new plan placed by their seats indicated the additional trees. Ms. Bosworth stated no. A discussion ensued regarding the notes on the plan and determining if the plan indicated existing trees, or newly planted trees. Ms. Bosworth stated they were the existing, but Mr. Otto stated they were the new. Staff and the Commission agreed that there should be 5 to 6 trees on site and that the number would be verified when the final landscaping inspection was done. MOTION by Roth/Qizilbash "that the site plan for 881 Patterson Avenue, Lots 13 & 14, be approved as submitted with the staff verifying the existence of trees as identified on the site plan we received, and also removal of the shed on the western part of the property, west of the house, to bring the square footage into compliance with the code." After clarification by Chmn. Dodd, Mr. Roth corrected the motion to be an approval for the proposed "Accessory structure". The height was questioned, and Ms. Bosworth verified that the walls were 8 feet, but height to the ridgeline was approx. 15.5 feet. ROLL CALL: Mr. McManus yes Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Alvarez (a) yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried 2. 104 MALTZ AVENUE: Mr. Gerald Davis, homeowner, stated the proposed carport was to protect a motorhome, which was currently parked on the vacant lot under pine trees. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the application, stating this was a corner lot which was combined with a formal Unity of Title, the carport would match the roof and trim colors of the house, and both lots had numerous existing trees, more than code required. Staff recommended approval. Mr. Dodd asked if the existing culvert shown on the plan was the access point to the carport. Mr. Davis stated yes, the culvert was existing when he bought the lot. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 2015 Mr. Qizilbash asked if pine trees received tree credit. Staff responded yes. Mr. Davis clarified that he had three very large oak trees that counted as multiple tree credits. Mr. McManus questioned if there would be a formal impervious driveway to the structure. Mr. Davis stated no. MOTION by Reyes/Carter "to approve the accessory structure for 104 Maltz Avenue as submitted." ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Alvarez (a) yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. McManus yes Mr. Qizilbash yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried B. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS GREATER THAN $50,000 - 6 YEAR SCHEDULE FY 2015/2016 THROUGH 2020/2021 The Finance Director, Mr. Ken Killgore, gave a Power Point presentation to the Commission (attached) which highlighted the information given in their agenda packet and detailed the funding sources. He explained the CIP process and what other Boards have reviewed the CIP, what the CIP included, a breakdown of the projects, items for the upcoming fiscal year, and items for FY 2016 to 2021. Ms. Kautenburg noted that there was not any projected funding for seawall repairs or replacement that had been discussed by City Council. Mr. Killgore stated monies had been approved for an engineering assessment that was currently underway, and the findings would be reported to CC at their 8/26 meeting. Final action on the matter had not yet been decided. Mr. Dodd asked where would the money come from if it was concluded that the City was responsible for the repairs. Mr. Killgore stated it would most likely have to be financed but without the assessment findings it would hard to know what the City would want to commit to at this point. Mr. Watanabe gave the Commission an update on the assessment and seawall activities. Mr. Dodd concurred that some assessment of the costs should be included in the CIP for future planning. Mr. Roth asked if the Golf Course irrigation project was to be completed all in one year. Mr. Killgore stated yes, and Mr. Watanabe provided some details saying they hoped to have all 18 holes completed by January. Mr. Roth also questioned if there was funds for railroad crossing improvements in the budget. Mr. Killgore stated yes, that they were not listed in the CIP but in the General Funds, and detailed that there was $50K from last year, and an additional $50K in this year's budget. Mr. Watanabe provided additional details on the recently approved AAF funding, Quiet Zones and the City's design plans for quad gates and other safety improvements at the crossings, and which locations were the City's. Mr. Watanabe also stated the design plans included pedestrian sidewalk at all the crossings. Ms. Simchick thanked the City for moving up the baseball fields lighting at the Barber Street Sports Complex within the CIP and noted how many area children were involved in the local baseball programs. She asked about the Brushfoot bike path, and Mr. Watanabe clarified that the portion of Airport Drive East that accessed the Golf Course and entered into Collier Club was re -named to Brushfoot Drive, and then gave details on the proposed bike path. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 2015 Mr. McManus commented on the proposed US Highway #1 beautification project using local monies on a Federal highway, questioned if SJRWMD would get involved financially for environmental issues if the seawalls were to collapse, suggested adding additional funding for the deteriorating condition of many streets, and thanked the city employees for doing a good job which allowed costs to stay under control. Mr. Watanabe responded by updating the Commission on the grants that staff was currently applying for and those that the City had received awards, DEP's involvement with the seawalls and asbestos issues, and the city's direction to get the drainage system working better to keep water off the streets and then repairing them. Mr. Dodd asked Mr. Killgore if CRA funds could be used for some of the road projects. He responded by explaining some of the programs that the CRA funds were already committed to, specifically the sewer grant program. Mr. Dodd also suggested other projects listed in the CIP that could use alternate funding sources so that the DST monies were freed up for needed road resurfacing projects. Mr. Reyes asked if golf carts were allowed to share bike trails and pedestrian paths. Mr. Watanabe discussed greenways, multi -modal transportation systems, and stated golf cart policies were a gray area - usually established accordingly by each community. MOTION by Reyes/Qizilbash "to recommend to the City Council this Capital Improvement Budget as submitted." ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth yes Mr. McManus yes Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Alvarez (a) yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried STAFF MATTERS: None COMMISSIONERS MATTERS Mr. Carter asked if there was a maintenance schedule for the landscaping in front of City Hall as some of the trees were overgrown. Mr. Alvarez thanked Mr. Watanabe for getting the sidewalk in front of Cumberland Farms finally repaired by the County. Mr. Dodd asked for an update on the old Fire Station site plan [for Muscle Car sales] since the building was recently torn down. Ms. Bosworth stated the property was recently bought by Strunk Funeral Home and they were working on a site plan to add additional parking for their business. Mr. Dodd also inquired about the condition of the landscaping islands along CR 512 noting they were in bad shape and felt they should possibly be removed if they weren't going to be maintained. Mr. Watanabe agreed improvements should be made to the corridor and he would look into it, including looking at possible grants. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: None ADJOURN: Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. (db) CITY OF S E�T�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastion.org MEMORANDUM DATE: August 17, 2015 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: 9f K' Jan King SUBJECT: (� Modification to Sandcrest Subdivision PUD Conceptual Development Plan ACTION: Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Robert Votaw, representative for Sandcrest, LLC, has requested a modification to the PUD Conceptual Development Plan for Sandcrest Subdivison, as approved by City Council Ordinance 0-15-05 on April 8, 2015. The proposed modification will change the minimum rear building setback from 25 feet to 20 feet, specifically for the perimeter lots. Interior lots currently have a minimum rear setback of 10 feet. This change will have no effect on the open space requirements for the individual lots and for the overall subdivision. As such, staff recommends approval of this modification. City Council will make the final determination regarding modification to the Conceptual Development Plan for Sandcrest Subdivision. The Planning and Zoning Commission must hold a public hearing and provide their recommendation on this matter to City Council. August 17, 2015 Community Development Attn: Jan King, Manager 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 RE: SandCrest Ms. King We are writing to request a modification to our Conceptual Development Plan for SandCrest Subdivision approved by Sebastian City Council on April 8, 2015, Ordinance 0-15-05. After considerable time and effort with our builder to finalize a good variety of plans and elevations that meet the criteria of the Development Plan, we are asking for a modification of the rear setback on the perimeter lots from Twenty -Five (25) feet to Twenty (20) feet. We feel the request keeps with the overall conceptual plan and we understand that a Twenty Foot rear setback is consistent with other projects within the City of Sebastian. The Setback change is only needed for two for the floorplans that will be built in the subdivision. This minimal change will not affect any of the approved calculations for the Development Plan. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Robert J Votaw Manager SandCrest, LLC 5070 N Highway A-1, STE C-1, Vero Beach, FL 32963 Phone: 772.234-1500 Permit Application No. SN City of Sebastian HGNE Oi PE[ICAfi IAM'D Development Order ADDlication Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: SandCrest, LLC Address: 5070 N. HighwayA1A, Suite C-1, Vero Beach, FL 32963 Phone Nurfiber: ( 772) 999 - 3494 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 -9916 E -Mail: admin@sandcrestfl.com Owner If different from applicant) Name: Same as Applicant Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): SandCrest B. Site Information Address: Southwest corner of Powerline Road and Main Street Lot: CCBlock: Unit: Subdivision: Indian 31��3801M0a3r680000000.4 / 31380100000700000001.0 / 31380100000700000003.0 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: Medium Density Residential (max.8 du/ac) RM -8 / RS -10 Low Densi 5 units/acre Existing Use: Proposed Use: Vacant Single Family Residential C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): ,tzP§ingle Family Residences, Recreation Facility (Clubhouse with Pool) c0 `f' DATE RECEIVED:? l �Il FEE PAID: t Patz. a d, + CC- a d' Q.vZ V�ewc + ICJNCrS FU✓ RECEIVED BY: RECEIVED AUG 14 2015 City of Sebastian Community Development Dept. Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail- Attorney: -Mail:Attorne : Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Jodah B. Sittle, P.E., Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 770- 9496 E -Mail: jbittle@sbsengineers.com Surveyor: Name: Meridian, Land Surveyors Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 794 - 1213 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 - 1096 E -Mail: Ib6905 bellsouth.net 1, , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE CCURATE AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. M SIGNATURE DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY�•t 5� !L �j U fT1-pw WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS �_ DAY OF U , 20 NOTARY'S SIGNATURE i.l.Q.'V'� / 1 ►t PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY n h n COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: :� •,.. KAREN ANN MECHLING My COMMISSION #FF100821 °•',?aa EXPIRES March 12, 2018 (407)32a-0153 FIOfIOeNota Servim.com Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, X THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE City of Sebastian BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE IME MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGEN SIGNATURE T, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. URE DAT Sworn to and subscribed before who is personally known to me c as identification, this _1�_ day Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: KAREN ANN MECHLING MY COMMISSION #FF100821 .........., l gt EXPIRES March 12, 2018 /07 39"163 Floritlallota Servicexom Permit Application No. CRY SEAT`x���� Supplemental Information —V Planned Unit Development, Conceptual Development Plan HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND (ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY.) 1. Describe how the proposed conceptual development plan is consistent with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Previously approved PUD 2. Describe how the proposed conceptual development plan will be in conformance with applicable requirements of the City of Sebastian Land Development Code. Previously approved PUD 3. Would the conceptual development plan result in any incompatible land uses, considering the type and location of the uses involved? NO 4. Describe how the proposed public facilities are adequate to serve the proposed conceptual development plan. Previously approved PUD Permit Application No. 5. Describe how the proposed conceptual development plan would not result in a significant adverse impact on the natural environment. Previously Approved PUD _ 6. Describe how the proposed conceptual development plan would not adversely affect the property values of the area, the general health, safety and welfare of the surrounding public, and not negatively impact the financial resources of the city. PrQviously Approved Plip 7. Does the proposed conceptual development plan result in an orderly I development pattern?. 8. Explain how the proposed conceptual development plan is not in conflict with the public interest._ Previongly Approved PUD M Permit Application No. 9. Attach the following: a. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. _ b. A vicinity map. c. A map(s) of existing conditions including existing easements, streets, buildings, land uses, historical sites, tree groupings, wetlands, water courses, contours, the names of the property owners and existing land uses and zoning for all contiguous property, and the location and width of all existing or platted streets, easements, drainage ways and utilities contiguous to the property. d. A development plan including land use, circulation, conceptual drainage plan, densities, and non-residential square footage. e. A statement of planning objectives. f. A proposed development schedule. g. An environmental impact statement In. A public facility impact statement. _ i. A traffic impact statement and/or study. CONCEPTUAL RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SANDCREST SUBDIVISION LOCATION MAP E5 l uN� LW yy }A U)T I" - U W Of a ta, l d EeMh IzFAA CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCELI: ALLOF BLOCKSONEAND 1WJAND YUCCA COURT OF SEBASTNN GARDENS SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PIATSOOK S, PAGE 50. PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA LYING SOOTH OF THE RIGHT OF WAY LINEOF MAIN STREET.. FEET WIDE RIGHT OF WAY AS R NOW DUSTS. AND PARCEL2: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-0UAATER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 1. TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH RANGE 38 EAST, RUN NORTH 89'51'33"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ABANDONED'SEBASTAN GARDENS" SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PIAT BOOK 5, PAGE 58. PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIO, ABANDONED PER ORDINANCE BERR , A DISTANCE OF 100,00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OFA TER FEET WINE PARCEL FOR PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT -0F -WAY AND UTLRY PURPOSES (OFFICAL RECORD BOOK 754. PAGE 1811, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIOA)MID THE POINT OF BEGINNING, FROM MID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN SOUTH DOUSTI WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF.93 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE AT THAT CERTAIN PARCEL DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 393, PAGE IM INDIAN RrvFR t•.nuury RECORDS FLORIDA CARTER SOUMIINEA SITE DATA OmtFA4 ".."AGE IT. PER bio x FXN AY AIA A CA055 aRf A: (AC) 01 1000 I -I (-I NCH-RIGATIE IAL USE AREAS. (AC) AEW FL ENMxEER MN -1 RmiF µEI SIOWAA.. LLC C. RES. AREA: (AC) IS01 1pVER BCu..D. MPTE E1, X110 INA. TOTAL 0. NAT. R .1. dE. fL 13960 (]11) ]]D-5532 RENON L AREPAN NRKVOR: uEPoOKV LAND LAND LIC OFH9iv: ACRES UNIis III wDNX W P30pREVMD. WIFE SI LARO BEApI. R D 1 EIP OEx911 RESIpEN AL 8 JNIYS/ACRE 12]] LOW DENSITY E9ENSTAL- 5 UXIR/ACRE X 030 (P3) ]SA ,No E, TOTAL HD. LF DwR11NG UXIR ALLONN: t01] 1013 PRdECr LOCanpx: YuilxyE9i [WN[R CE ANN. STREET µEI PoWEIUHE fDM iOEM OMELLIND UNI15 INAVE0: 4 OEXENY PRCPOSEp:- 6A pl 4rAlFupi M UY: 'RE§OFxnµ PLAN.umr DEvttM¢Ni µD REZpWG' (GLCUUIpNs BLSEI ON NAC. ALI MLE OFNSM PFR CDMPREXG5M PIX ) MEET, 1.11 SADVANGEN (64 LOfi) fxREOUIREp~PfL AnM FAOUTY (CLUDNWY AND FEIN) A TAX LO. EAS]o-yxR4y0Dw]-EEN AGNI 011. AREA LITH IA DI- -.t_WEEE%ryOE SITE ANE". F.E.L MCE ENI ERs AGDNYION IF ARE ESE DEpCAIM O' IUPROgI[xR: ono/ PoGl-ff_wnv. F.A.L. u1u1E4 D' o. I' csx Axp I. sPACG 0.ge AT MA[3gECG�wOUMxWSE AEONS N Wul£vAMEG G, ENNU IIP�FEE 9uP1E W%WET SPA[') 11. AT Mm LEFT .D. ST PFA MCC[ IW�iW Ix TAT INI IFAR SPADE: SD.DF 16.50 AC) PLA14.1-UIis 36u1ARu1w- (w.R) [ �DNL1 / glSnxE ux 'O Ory' 17FIfiL[PE)RE) AN IN "A"'GnEswWz O AM Irol ndW1 (5 X L[`AND iNi5 SU[w - ANE (PLAIX ED IMn DE1ELaPI 2AI .. RERANEL. NOwEiwlVC "N 9re E DA OYUEu HxEILDEPECIDA E/I5 4n �yXR gplEI nM'4I ENDO fw IMLGW SOME, 9TE MG / LAND xr i WP39FOOARIE]/0�2 I.E. AREA 1]A /�L Li 4C5 FLATSMAN- III AREA IJ EI AC - TIXDGI. AARES 1PT N 210 (NPL , AREL.Y. Ux1R. d. UXNS MC/IRMIC ORCNAIHM: A'112 P"U" OT ARG ()1 OLS. LOR IR -PI. REI ]]E AT ALL RERWI OHEwxE ,W. PRO A PINSE 6 Wr AREA (33 lLr �: LOIS 1-13. 2-57 EFFADEALLptt PApnNE �w EX xEgnREXIENi. T'RACT'A' SrORNWAiER W WEEYEN! MSS: (NOUS' I) 1.�3 M 'BI' VU WMINLTft AEE CµuETICWxi ipWA1,p1L1M 4UPAMwtNC AREAS •µy R ACCESS ROWWgY 1PACi (P 'Cx' i:oi NALLEAVGNAVER' l IF 1-1-",I]DE PAN CM Oi SEDAsnnx CgN ;RACY ALCFSs RnaOWA 110GI: ( X!$C li) PML POLI RECRE\11EH MMi: (PPASE I) DLI AC T Op[ IRAGT'0' OPEN SPACE: �E ) M - IR ALAN NEEPAU. wA IT MEDE .11VF NAFALI PINGPKT'E' OPFH PACE (((((( I) III.E0. AC i'f'.PEN sPA4E: l AC LMS- 0 ANNYMAr ALLMI Nr91ALL DtaE CEu I IMLUND LAIR NAVE NN. M R TR LT 'H' OPEN SPI{''. FNABEp 0.09 PC SOP TACE MSLID.EH I-Ef-WAY' � TRIAL(`FPNAFE G Ax E: PEWIbISE D.le AC T EX sGAce 1 F OfwrwlED TO cm DE sFRASILw OAA AD _ Sltlix 3* YN MUJT TRACT A OPOSND g�N SNN ALL RUGUNE0 SNRIANTIS RJx-OFP. EENLDI.ufxT PARpYE191S RN- B fly-ip %lO-R P(AIYEIEI TERN( _ �pcG� FA I 'RYANCE 4AMI NE I .. Tp AC[1MWAR MEL OF GA - N Lir AZETM I... IF 1,500 4 ].'2E5PL. •(A) A.I. Nr- A 05F - W' IFLY 95.0' (I) ux ANT wmX I) t) m' JAY m0' Ez sD.D' • z M[E31E 2 ES1W AlPd TO ZIFFAIE Ba> Api, BPSEO M Ax A59JUFD _ TIRx ( ) Irz x PER MMNN NAER .11 LER. 953 VN A FG A STTAAxEFiAp`LxUE FAMILY - gaxrAu�RwtiAAwEn ss' 2s' Is 10' s D' .`5)1 - I: E5' 25' 10' 15' DEVE1fVYExi. 'S' E4 IP 0 5 SIMEYEMA¢ '20'(NI I. )UF�NEa UuIT FOR US PR0.E E IA ANNE YAW STREET ASIA: (({1))$)$ o - IO' i " IS' o' 6 25' 20' ••l]I xETyO 1) AglNutl RM91TO'LL, 8- PEND iF 31 ZaTRC50MLL - H u 4PARA1xW OISIAx[Ei 1)STREELENIS µ. IM OVIWxD BE PRINCE,. E. x/a 20' )' •(.) ]''(9) PERU is AANNNfFlVAI Hi - EICMR 35' 3ESE' 35' 25' 25• p o-pF ia[NO NAD CWCmnAL Ig GENT - APPIONI , EEKIWUExI Mx PNO Pg4lwxMv PUI _ Wuuu I.1 MSA A. SF 1.2 Y gW 5E 90p Y 9M SF CIS ou0-R NI .1 W TOS SOF AOF Sp60 (9) 6 (9) 4 EAL LAEM SH NA XeE WUC E µ S C00 RES...Ex [ ENwr - 005 803 S ETES Y10J S IIW]-LT-wav - SP.wC E. .1OS iEF S Cg1NRMNCY E'A' ROW PR FFELnM I.... PERMIT 90 L0.G URITv SADS - A SOS `53 50F PFAWS - PMS AM 4LREFN ENGLEVA S N%A . IDEPp lx wYp. iPvwArtR PEbY i2 f.LLEP. SryI[IP - FEAR, N%A x/A 10' Id cMNECMN PERNIis IWIE E"A'S 91UW XECEREIXIA: IA W ME NI AMERICAN AGAI w1. M,00 FT. ANSI AWN OIjHp L9 ME ME _A SANS 410W1 ". -A RR 01v G au N .n _ DR A. FLEVA.DX PLAN 1) IVC ARE mCPIIDNC b IT FIATREI'sAM M4TEM CT dE R. WE ARE PRwOYRG 1E R iRIXf! SERA[N N BWIOWG WERAI Ci 15 P). ML 6E RJ&prIFD iM Otv IFVR�AI P2GR TO iWPI MTRu4 ME xWFOvmFAS Cs' UA nH hSCn U. MNEW CPWIRE aOAO"' AEMW5LLNATW Aj Mµ ^RE PPCPE91C Ip R iRdi 5[IBXCX M GFAEF IXSIFW M 35 A. 5i AK PRGNEVAN S I SCE ;R AU 101 PENTANE ARG MSTEM R 10 FI T E HpI-NMDTMWS LIXM µE ELLVATIXI CdMq . A W ^IEE sEATEN1Xi ISSUE➢ BY TxE CWYIirtE SNAu BE PREVMO WM qIY ro�T E%SE41M rt, 5) VE ARE PRCPULxG 1 IT RES SETDA[X !W M[ WAACE WSRAO CE 10 fT x02 RMCE SEE S'RALx [P 2IM 6 qaY FCR LOTS1Mi ,p NpI XAK A F SCF ML 1» IqR NS2INGAII FT. ARE MMEAI 10 R RFM Y1B.RE iOP ME TAME NIPM, XOR: FAVASAI 2 LO» WLL ,MAP{ RCE .1BAIX3 F 1 FEET Wi EE IR) K TNF PRw031tE > Er s[PMAnex eElxvx cwAfc µEI Aouc[xT RESC[x¢Rm AN N FAF Dv�NT ANG, E UFAL RENEW ... A.. .1 IN, I+iufI11m1Mws xbt A III SEATEIIDN, ISIED Ov RIE CW WTRE ENALL BE MMWN W M GEN IaEj xE .1PE MOP03xC 2p3 (WRRpII AMP SE3 AERMERR) LET [OKPAEE IXSIG IX BLROIu6 PEIWi. OP03XG ]Ei W MP INSEAE 6 EOS NDIE HD LCEM•5 DISE E. OUST Ek.)Xtl3' SqE SETO.00c 1F LE15 X.LS BI.CR-iO-BA[R 1 YDiYINUY 9 D» M ME PPCP05wG 30 rt REAR sFRAG PER 11 gRPoOT LOR iI IT 15 rt. CE SER NOR: CENW50&E CWSIRUCPW pEWIRES RyPO4tav !WE HUES AXO RR[ MMPµi MIW Ip CDNA5nDlES ON yh ISM R' " U HE A?EE WMRIXE S`A0 ST PEPME2R�EANN 4150 G (W IEAIM) IFF .. INT R Y {15-10 uFwW IT LET STALL �OFPLY W M ME EC� REOUgE1RHl4 IF SEBASRµ iM N }14-g AT ME E Cf DWWXC ACID KNEANGL, AEE 10 IL IF E 0.15 - ],135 4F) AP,S YLL EF MAOI L 1 EGRAEIXI REACT) FEW S SEPARAR SR PLAN MPWMAL. PER. NUE a31 L {C) K AS PPOPOLxEG A ]EFRYPMAwnW METNEEN MAIN ExmA PLE uA ENEAEExcv'FINANCE BUTEN Y41' XE 6LE ET PNM111W Mf . NA PAGE x -S ID SEE RNIFTET nhDER M. CF I.pW fl. E PptCnptS MEED RI AEGn 1 ME ux0EPS0E 6Emwc5 1 .' WALL XILI WT dE ALLONID AND AXY P[xfTME Mt5 XDIXD Mm IO BE YROTELIFD MENN, IN A¢MDox. WM YC EN R.YJI. A. NEw Am D[ IN SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD, L.L.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 1717 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD, SUITE 201 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 PHONE (772) 770-9622- FAX (772) 770-9496 RECEIVED AUG 18 2015 City of Sebastian Comm inity Dovelopment Dept EA2 O.G . w. CxuXE P KE - wo NI'FL AI uDADsmDdAeo; Pn.D., eE. u. uo sings SANDCREST — CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT SFCTI(')N 1 T(-)\NNCI-:IP `•21 C RAKIr_'C 20 C hlTv r1c L -=M A c+--1 A KI r/ A N 4/ 60bK o PS iC 589'5.gp'E (Y) / i4NNs R3-lO 108 Clfh L z5oo J / zaRD. Is -IS 1.31 597g�9 OIS).bb •- erre NOW04'36'E- 269.10 ,yIv- N0.44658'WF[®M R]ACt f OPEN SPACEIF NOP12'21'E daft i81c°.'O e.P553 302.16' I (PHASE a n) ---� r T L_ r--- i l I Iqs[ 1 I I I 11 I I I i I I I Ig�� I I I I I •, 12 ki 14� r15 l 16 l i T7 t8 19 201 21 22� r23 l i 24 i 25 s.54o u 1 xsao u 3bO u s.bo u sEb u SSro u I ESaS 3 s.soo 4 1 s,bo u 10.5b 3 ESco u Es40 u rII S.SLw 3 EozS u l II q5 nu¢ I PHASE I -JL� jj_"+`_""_'J_-JL__ JL___J L___J L___J LL�Sfn°°°_" It yaP E ? I n 6 �- fill s' I I 45oa u_ I w I AGI Wm •SMMR II \\ MMCEM $DE VM MEMANACENIM E SOVM G��� NExi`w5E4EN500 IO INEWEST IOROPEM�TIE W'ES! iFACf 1FIC] 'r TO INE�EEr10 ME MRM'Aqq�� -- �rG II �'4" R NOPU] 2a E 362m,. °.cc �30 555u,suewi+Wtaso.o I -� 6Ew 514 zo r 1 r _ m cw�E 'AP," sEla.cx, r oaa -1 L� pnsctaYKJ oEwux cawi 55_ " lad "sl I� ova L_s€RJxJ LfgWLSL+�cILJ s�ne.IF Rr Or [5+ RwEF 9$$;t w3ywdl $21 0 I 1 uwcE 1 sERucrc r_.�__T LSR9.Nv3E16YY.J _ — — N7kNiNT s,oE (j m Ih z' sroE sn .cx 1 zE0A9°`raLEx om ILLxSg gn�.G6Jl FOR _ _iR1xILSGYLCJ — — aa'$$� �g al L' ':'a"' 3- 3�m zocAR.cE zEma. __ _ LiRtGSEiRYSJ - — _ _ I' 91 Hg F3 z' s�mE (♦ h E 0` 1 m' I ieR:iS Rr I `�" L2&4n 6J = ox+ 5�5'Or WiL �9PNC S0&LLJ — — W's aI '}- a a -o L� R -3:i 1'M ME I ss,ucx k2mI Lm4Y(-iEl@fC.J _ = v4E L ioP MCx Ss' e.x[O. II0 -1 x' ew4 mPx. Lr0'-J 1 L D-somcx_ J r mE sA=.PE ss x .0 z0 w.wE I r iPw°a -'I iRan zER L� _-&[ J a5E h ,' sroE cxw aw w. snR.cx Li"9msEs.R�JRw:a rl uweE tTd L r&ASES061Cx J ss' Or wr ss' a [ o.o 000 soo o. I sO.o I i 4.]55 3 so.o' cx 0 " o' _ y ]5 V LI,Y ROR9 MI IAmEMENT C 7y2p0'I�pOLE flLOpFOyWAY FIXi LOTS H L1D�BCMB } CVP LLMI FASENf1NiY [W.�O'e GYu.Tp'r -3° mpf ROIMp Y N PoR LOT�3 7 rPIO�ATO BCALE1� 3LSi[FUE irc 7-yp10 .� LE xwpO A' FLOfl L07p8EY�7-p9E WO BCAEFI F.ASFNM -30' Mt°[ xO.OXAV YCW WOR LOTS 22R?— rOlOF BCILp w vn _ �yppl'�mpCE��gLupgvAV ��p ggpELqL.pgpv FO�RppLpO�TSp2e0�g7pS� NFOR LOTS 28- �OYIT TD eCALE) �MDTV.D=� ° -� �� ' qL OWTv FIXLpALpOT�S�pP�Bq-A3p2E OUrFOR �U10ER)6CALE) _.. i__J +. I , RRAY ®I 7y-pl�Pq�LWllLip-FyA+TH.'p �8Po1��HApL0�T9�1"ye MJT T�BCALEII� __ M' MAE xO.Ox.V CUr LTYMO 9Y33-84 I.o OE CUP9 __ Ty3pal�rnppEL4rvT FO�R�pLpAi�SpA3Y UOT T09CAI.FJ LS40S _ _J L+I N 4/ 60bK o PS iC 589'5.gp'E (Y) / i4NNs R3-lO 108 Clfh L z5oo J / zaRD. Is -IS 1.31 597g�9 OIS).bb •- erre NOW04'36'E- 269.10 ,yIv- N0.44658'WF[®M R]ACt f OPEN SPACEIF NOP12'21'E daft i81c°.'O e.P553 302.16' I (PHASE a n) ---� r T L_ r--- i l I Iqs[ 1 I I I 11 I I I i I I I Ig�� I I I I I •, 12 ki 14� r15 l 16 l i T7 t8 19 201 21 22� r23 l i 24 i 25 s.54o u 1 xsao u 3bO u s.bo u sEb u SSro u I ESaS 3 s.soo 4 1 s,bo u 10.5b 3 ESco u Es40 u rII S.SLw 3 EozS u l II q5 nu¢ I PHASE I -JL� jj_"+`_""_'J_-JL__ JL___J L___J L___J LL�Sfn°°°_" It yaP E ? I n 6 �- fill s' I I 45oa u_ I w I AGI Wm •SMMR II \\ / .�-m'hw II II rc °Q" -II- --- II (D II -- �rG II �'4" R NOPU] 2a E 362m,. mR °.cc g um'ai I -� \ 514 , r I r 1 r 56 s7 a I I I 7 I I I I I =. ],SOS 3 5955 3 i 5.5W 3 SSOO 3 1 mz oN 65° I {' �� can Sx I ISI II I II I {.]s5 3 1 I i 4.]55 3 cx yg R " O 9. L- �J I L J_ LI"Ya` J L I I N 4/ 60bK o PS iC 589'5.gp'E (Y) / i4NNs R3-lO 108 Clfh L z5oo J / zaRD. Is -IS 1.31 597g�9 OIS).bb •- erre NOW04'36'E- 269.10 ,yIv- N0.44658'WF[®M R]ACt f OPEN SPACEIF NOP12'21'E daft i81c°.'O e.P553 302.16' I (PHASE a n) ---� r T L_ r--- i l I Iqs[ 1 I I I 11 I I I i I I I Ig�� I I I I I •, 12 ki 14� r15 l 16 l i T7 t8 19 201 21 22� r23 l i 24 i 25 s.54o u 1 xsao u 3bO u s.bo u sEb u SSro u I ESaS 3 s.soo 4 1 s,bo u 10.5b 3 ESco u Es40 u rII S.SLw 3 EozS u l II q5 nu¢ I PHASE I -JL� jj_"+`_""_'J_-JL__ JL___J L___J L___J LL�Sfn°°°_" It yaP TRACT A SMRMWATER M.ArGEMEW 912 (P AW N If 21 ew. a ZDV - GRAPHIC SCALE E 9 1 IeeN . So n ts\& 4 R=69'33'06' L=22_1.81' CB=SSWSU'14'W E ? I n 6 �- fill s' I I 45oa u_ I w '25W �f oy_I• II Wm •SMMR II \\ II II .�-m'hw II II rc °Q" -II- --- II r---�r---� II II -- �rG II �'4" ii mR g ] O�I I IL_ ti \ 514 I 52 i i 153 55 56 s7 I se ss so s1 s2 1 O I I 65° I {' 4150 3 I.]b u l I A]b u ♦>b 3 {.]s5 3 1 I i 4.]55 3 yg R I 5 I� bo III I L _J �J I L J_ LI"Ya` J L I I I I I I° i__J +. I I , r I RRAY ®I LS40S _ _J L+I J L___J l_ L_ J LTJ L_J L SJVi TRACT A SMRMWATER M.ArGEMEW 912 (P AW N If 21 ew. a ZDV - GRAPHIC SCALE E 9 1 IeeN . So n ts\& 4 R=69'33'06' L=22_1.81' CB=SSWSU'14'W E / 26 % S.SW 3 \\ R_! E_2 i 47 < Pm s. 21 Ir ----'r-11 a� 5 3 ] O�I 5.545 3— \ TRACT A SMRMWATER M.ArGEMEW 912 (P AW N If 21 ew. a ZDV - GRAPHIC SCALE E 9 1 IeeN . So n ts\& 4 R=69'33'06' L=22_1.81' CB=SSWSU'14'W rzSGq Ir.6 — 2S, IDI J Lu IFrB"[w"1 fid SSW 3 A4So7 4 r {.4]so6 3 1u4555 3 44 .43 ('1 .42 � e41 40 1 {.n39 u I I,]38 u 37 I e]36 u 35 u 1 s. I A>G�{]s4 4 { b 3 Io, Pr \:~0 a Z •m Li z9s JL___J A °et _ i; RCAOWAYY 103 91 � 1 moo• -rNc �vCIrW N b6Rwrt ulv xN' i1V eu sR 1[ mea" `Gsircgttom w+aL Z�BE°1mr,'�° i 1 -n Nuvw as -c en.o � N� a" ser 3crw] r. � I wD � IRvnAI 6Dbr I low JI S. AEE J�E " na 29 l /\ \ a323 / OP N PS E •t99 ( ASE I) LEGEND ■ PRM 75 LOT NUMBER / 26 % \\ R_! E_2 i 47 < Pm s. 28 {165 \ rzSGq Ir.6 — 2S, IDI J Lu IFrB"[w"1 fid SSW 3 A4So7 4 r {.4]so6 3 1u4555 3 44 .43 ('1 .42 � e41 40 1 {.n39 u I I,]38 u 37 I e]36 u 35 u 1 s. I A>G�{]s4 4 { b 3 Io, Pr \:~0 a Z •m Li z9s JL___J A °et _ i; RCAOWAYY 103 91 � 1 moo• -rNc �vCIrW N b6Rwrt ulv xN' i1V eu sR 1[ mea" `Gsircgttom w+aL Z�BE°1mr,'�° i 1 -n Nuvw as -c en.o � N� a" ser 3crw] r. � I wD � IRvnAI 6Dbr I low JI S. AEE J�E " na 29 l /\ \ a323 / OP N PS E •t99 ( ASE I) LEGEND ■ PRM 75 LOT NUMBER rmux-- POWEI�YrE IcO -1 \ \ c wD � xsminow4 =e r\�o• -\'` '\O/AN UfA Cc :.O`.SER.TJK _ R=2M.00' A=2'10'42' L=]).55' CHD=D.35' C.B.=N80'11'S• i\ \\ R_! E_2 \ rmux-- POWEI�YrE IcO -1 \ \ c wD � xsminow4 =e r\�o• -\'` '\O/AN UfA Cc :.O`.SER.TJK _ R=2M.00' A=2'10'42' L=]).55' CHD=D.35' C.B.=N80'11'S• i\