HomeMy WebLinkAbout08142015NRB MinutesLIT) Cx SES HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2015 - 3:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairman Millar called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: George Millar - Chairman Gil Gordian - Vice Chairman Andrea Ring Rose Glaser Jack Lampiasi Bob Progulske Jim Clifton -Alternate Members Not Present: Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Technician 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Mat Project — Phase I Update of Status Permit status of Agency Permits L Per Chair George Millar — Todays special meeting concerning the Oyster Mat project. Asked that everything be addressed through the Chair. Called for update on the Oyster Mat Phase 1, like to get a status of the agency permits. Per the last meeting I asked Mr. Progulske, if he would be kind enough to walk the board through Attachment A to go through the permit to see what was lacking. I did see an email with attachment A and was unable to open it. ii. Per Bob Progulske - Providing an update on Attachment A — "The standard form The Army Core of Engineers use is online is Engineering form 4345, Mr. Watanabe submitted this form along with the maps. The sign signature page is already there". Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 1 iii. Per Bob Progulske — "#3, no exhibits were provided with your application and the application did not include any description of the proposed work please describe in detail the proposed project and include monitoring activity that will take place, frequency of monitoring and remediation of the project if not successful, as far as the exhibit, Michelle did provide 2 exhibits, one was proposed site D and proposed site E was included in the package we sent. We have not discussed, monitoring activities, I don't know what the Core requirements are, and want to get peoples input on that. We did not describe any monitoring activities, what I addressed initially in the first application were all Tames requests for information did not include a request for monitoring, her subsequent letter dated June 15, 2015 identified more things we did not include in our initial application, honestly they were not asked for, we just need to address those". iv. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "If it's required that someone on the board monitors or can Indian River Lagoon preserve monitors? Site letter D was in question; there are a couple of other locations that can be considered"? V. Per Chairman Millar — "Is Site D by Mulligans'? vi. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "It's by Captain Butchers, that was in question because we thought it was out of City the limits" vii. Per the City Engineer - "Important to identify all the locations you want to have for your permit must all be in this response". viii. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "Per a former meeting I was told Site D was outside the City limits". ix. Per the City Engineer — "When you're in the lagoon area there are no boundary lines, my question was, you don't have access from the public access point, which is what the permitting agencies are asking for. They are recommending, we come off of shore not off the navigable water ways, the moment you come off the navigable water ways it sets off another set of questions. The issue with the Captain Butchers is that it's in the County, County said we don't see a problem but need someone to approach us and then would go through the County board, process needs to happen still". X. Per Chairman Millar — Recommends no changes to the locations leave as is. A. Per Bob Progulske — "if you go to #4-0 in Tamy's letter, the second sentence says it appears if site D or E or proposed it may pose a navigational hazard to the area. I don't know enough about those sites. I put we are at least a quarter mile away from any navigational channel at the sites. I didn't think Site D and Site E proposed a navigational hazard. xii. Per Chairman Millar — "Seeing how the piers jet out into the lagoon, both of the locations are within the pier line. They would not be in the navigational waterways. Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 2 xiii. Per Bob Progulske — "If no objection we will stay with sites D and E as part of our application, I also worded that we would obtain proper approval to access the sites". xiv. Per Chairman Millar — "We have described our project within the application". xv. Per Bob Progulske — "If we go to Oyster bags we will have to describe the project differently". xvi. Per the City Engineer — "Re -write the permit; answer each question in each section". xvii. Per Chairman Millar — "Copy and paste what you put in 6C, duplicate as part as this answer and Bullitt it, also include in the answer the monitoring activities that will take place, I believe they are looking for whom and how often who will be going out there to look at the mats". xviii. Per Chairman Millar — "Point taken, we can just put we will monitor the project monthly to determine the success of the spat accumulation, need to get to a place whether the scouts or be it a member of the committee who may be doing this responsibility, need to delegate that, who are all the players. What would be the remediation process if project is not successful'? xix. Per Vice Chair Gordian —'The items are biodegradable" XX. Per the City Engineer — "I believe they are looking for what action and tools is there is we have to take care of potential issues or hazards. If the City needs to, if it is a hazard or Public safety, Public works can go out there and take care of it. These questions are pretty standard". xxi. Per Bob Progulske —'This is a very generic set of questions and to cover all kinds of activities and we have to tailor our answers for what we are doing. May need to check with the Power Squadron to determine how long we have to monitor these. xxii. Per Paul Giordano — Working with the Power Squadron as well with the zoo they are monitored basically on a 30 day cycle and give two spawning cycles to see how they took and grew. xxiii. Per Chairman Millar — "For the record if you would please state your name and you are consulting with the Eagle Scout project. xxiv. Per Paul Giordano — "Paul Giordano, troop 500 and my son is doing an Eagle Scout project, the Oyster Mats for the project. xxv. Per Bob Progulske —'Thank you Mr. Chair I have enough notes to move on Number 4 are pretty mundane items, Michelle provided site of maps for site D and E in the original and will provide again with the latitude longitude, not sure what they are asking in regards to the property Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 3 boundaries, not sure what they are asking, what is the rectangle going to impacted". xxvi. Per the City Engineer — "I believe these questions are typical of a land project. There is a submerged land lease. I think what they want to see, in this area maybe like a picture of size of area and how far off shore. xxvii. Per Bob Progulske — "Going down the list, North arrow is there, road names is there, 1732 IRD and 1660 IRD address of both locations, name of waterbody, will reiterate the approximate mean water line. xxviii. Per the City Engineer — "I think the answer is more related to access on the water way system, if your high water table prohibits you to get off shore". xxix. Per Bob Progulske — "Number F — not applicable are project is all mostly under water anyway. G is important whether to go with mats or bags, can't answer until we decide what we are doing. Dimensions and features are to explain area of the polygon on the map of how large of an area we are going to impact. I don't think I gave the core in my original write a description of the area we are impacting". xxx. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "Our prosed area estimated was about 240 square feet" We estimated. xxxi. Per Chairman Millar —"It's 20 'by 37.5'. xxxii. Per Bob Progulske — "Location of the proposed project, reference from fixed points I figure latitude, longitude would be adequate for that. We will repeat that again". xxxiii. Per Bob Progulske — "The locations were GPS per Gil, For J I don't believe there is any submerged vegetation at either site". xxxiv. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "Chair as far as I recall for both sites there is sediment growing no sea grass". xxxv. Per the City Engineer— "Chairjust to let you know, this is the Army Core's RAI, SJRWMD has asked for a sea grass map, show where the sea grass is relative in the area, they want to know the historical sea grass, sand today, but will the sea grass grow back in that area". xxxvi. Per Bob Progulske — Someone has plotted the historic sea grass, but I will check on their website. The sub straight of both perspective sites is primarily bare sand and mixed aggregate material with minimal organic matter, we have chosen the sites to ensure that there are no sea grass beds nearby, location D has a water depth of 2' — 3' feet at normal low tide, location E has a water depth of 2 — 1/2' feet at normal low tide. Which answers K does not answer J. L is turbidity control measures also addressed in 6i, my answer was we don't anticipate causing any turbidity except wading to the site and placing the section based on map". Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 4 xxxvii. Per the City Engineer — They want a cross section, nice gradual from land, gradual 2 feet to where it is. Accessible by foot no drop off doesn't get deep can be accessible by land. xxxviii. Per Chairman Millar — "I have a copy of the Marsh Harbor Cross Sections, with the sea grass locations, Brevard County Oyster pilot project, it shows Site A and Site B, its double sided". xxxix. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "If we show it at Indian River Drive in another sketch" A. Per Chairman Millar — I'm using this as an example, the cross section, but what it shows is a reference point, shore line where ever it is, is a reference point with a latitude longitude, GPS coordinate then is shows a depth chart, contour of the river floor shaped with the dimension going out x number of feet, basically taking the water way and slicing and showing something of this nature, where we can have specific reference points from the shore line out to where the oyster mats will be with the high low water points, I think that is what they are looking for with the high and low water points. xli. Per Bob Progulske — "I don't how precise they want to be, someone can out at high tide low tide with a stick and measure the water depth". xlii. Per the City Engineer — "I don't think that detailed, you can take the same cross section, look at Indian River drive call it zero, shoreline , high water tide, whatever it is, continue to work out, lowest point is where you want to do it, 3' below some fixed point out which is out so many distance out. All a gradual slope. They want to see something simple, what does it look like". xliii. Per Chairman Millar —'We have basically an example of a cross section map we can utilize, installation method — already described". xliv. Per Bob Progulske — If we are switching to bags we will change the narrative description, O is identify state of the area, will have markers installed, type will be used. I don't think there will be any markers". Av. Per Vice Chair Gordian — I am thinking there should be markers xlvi. Bob Progulske continued with the question and responses for the permit application which included; using the netting material for 16" by 16" area, the duration less than a day, four donuts placed at the four corners, no need for any water vessels, the sites are near eastern shoreline. xlvii. Eagle candidate come forward, John Giordano with troop 500 and provided update on how the project going. xiviii. George Millar- I apologize this process going on , I know how important especially because you're an eagle scout, we will have some definitive answers, hopefully by October we will have our army core permit, bags or versus mats, how difficult would it be? Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 5 ii Discussion of Oyster Bags or Mats Discussion of Oyster Mats versus bags, came up and maybe the discussion will be brief, basically where it was discussed the pilot project and go with the oyster bags and incorporate the oyster mats and go with the oyster bags ii. What we need to do, stay focused on the 2 agencies giving us permit, if they see eye to eye with FFWC and SJRWMD that would give us a lesson; I don't want to muddy the waters, discussing the FC. I want to go with one item. For our September first meeting put lagoon preservation society on hold right now only invite this time for permitting process to get things done solely go with September 1 meeting, I would like to ask for comments from the other members, need more information before we proceed. iii. Update on the Eagle Scout Oyster Restoration Project Eagle candidate come forward, John Giordano with troop 500 and provided update on how the project going. George Millar- I apologize this process going on , I know how important especially because you're an eagle scout, We will have some definitive answers, hopefully by October we will have our army core permit„ bags or versus matts. 5. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA • Andrea — DJ for the Earth Day • Rose — update on the vendor list and get copy of the list from Gil? • George — Continue on Oyster Restoration permits • Gil — Quest Speakers • Bob — No items • Jim — Update on the Champion Tree 6. ADJOURNMENT: 7. Being no further business Chairman Millar adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 5:01 p.m. C ' man -t -D;t/A Natural Resources Board Meeting August 14, 2015 Page 6