HomeMy WebLinkAboutUndated - Maps & Surveysthe folluwintl: large :;tale: dibcount etoras; health mpas; superrnarketal dupartrrrent stores; lull dui -vice hardwares storax; wholasale and ware- housing activitlual quaere! Appliance shops! pr1ntlnV Shope; Salem, survlcc, or repels of ah,tc,j veslrlcle,ar, machine equipawnt or acceasorw parts, includiny the and battary ahopar Vas and automotive Service c.untur::; curruut:r'cial auur,wnvntrs; tabs tuod eatabllsh vents primarily sarvinV In dlsposabla containers and/or providing dr�Ive-ln tacIlItles, and other xJmllar services to be expressly detlned Ir the soning Ordinance. e:e_ue,a1 t'c:,,runulc rel Ix-vul,lNuvnt. The general commercAl areas are dets- iynate:d ors clic Land tlsw Map cur purposes of aeeomtrrudstiny general retail sal e-:; and cervi c.•us; 1r, ylhw.r y ..r i vnt ed sal us and survi cess r coaurwrcial .unusuawnt; ur,J trade alid wararousrny t.sellitium. These araax are pr.ln- c1pally located in highly ucccbsrible atasts„pf the urban service district withiri draas compatibly with thu unique location and market requ.irawo"ts Lit tht• r v:-,pwc: Ci v&e a .vs . Thu si tva art: Vernarmllw lolooted,wn ,aYl,ior'. Qji,. rnunor .srtvrsals. TI,.: W.on,r,y l,t,lic'y allc•uatvd to ureas witlriu the won- eral cu,runurc•iaJ ::ur-vicu district stipulates” the land allocation for the sprcitic usrs detinvd dbovu. This area is not intended to Acoornnodato busi„us�us, trades, or services which generate any significant amount* Lit nuisance irnlscts, irrc.JuJing glare, smoke or other air pollutants, noise vlbr a tion, nia jor fi ru hazards, lived for exterwi ve gut,014e storage* and display, or other iu,pacts yenr_rally associated with more intensives'` .industrial uses. The aruas dusignated for general caru„ur-oial developurunt are speciflcallw not .rdaptiva to permanent raaidential housing and such uses eha.11 lcx;atad 1st othar areas dusrVisa Cad ter rrardwnt.lal JevelopruWnt. On the uthur hand, ctar,.vlwut rur.ldantlal tacllrtlem includlr,V hotwle and autels, timvsrharing or frae:tior.al fva rusidantlal eomplexos, or other transient quarters should be located in areae designated for coamhvrclal Lima. The zoning urdirianc•a c:orrurh:rclal duslynatlons shall be rawrittun to pro- vide an effectivet mech.enimni for consistently lruplunwntlny the p0110108 Of thus bubsec.•t iorr. Thu dish icts and related provisions mhall stipu- late d uhjry Jcxyrc•a1 num of eonrpatAble land uses, thereby avoiding this prubltans occurring when u::us with involypatible Chdracteritotics locate in close proximity. Marino watAL. ltr..nt ct.uunt rt•r.rI The Hind Uma Plan Nays designattis u►arina wdtur trU„t cu,unurc.•ial .r. ua:r which shdll aCc:arru"CAd tC marina and marine related bervices along t1w more highly accossible waterfront sites with tlse potential to satlsty tilt, unique Joeation, market, drrd rwcourca needs Lit narine rulatud .A,:tivAtle:s. SpoccifJe zoning dit;trlct rayulationr shall be dratted and acloptvJ to ruyulate the nature of urdrlr,e wattsr- trunt conruercial opurativns, acrd to assist in maintaining the stability Of dd j"Cer,t .and nearby ru�i dent iol areas through use restrictiorrm, landsc•apir,y and screening, and nuisarre:e abatement standards. The Zursiny amendment shall provldv for One or more marine watertront C00- ruvrc:ial a-istricts which accorwuodatt: limited and general waterfront ccururrrrcial act.tvitius. C. Polic•ivs tOr The Land Use Nap allocates Jdrrd resources for u><istiny and anticipated tuturte Industrial development rends. The allocation prucesa provides a high prlorit.J to industry's traquent need for strateyieally located lands accas:-iible to rail facilities, major atterlilac or lrrterclariges, labor .rkarkets, and uquisity urban services. a ti industrially Jvbi/yr,.lted alvas art not yenera.11y adaptive to residential use and 1;uch uaub steal J not be locatud in Area& detriynated for res/dent#al development. This prevision mha11 not prohlblt residencum for night watchwel or custodians wi,osee prtyt:ncv on i ndufl t ri al sl tug Jai necasmarry for see>curl ty purposes. such a ube way be Pr1,Wttud As a cur,dltiun.tl use through appropriate, seating procedures. H1 hasod on the extensive ln,ldt:ts which 111dustrlal development 1re{luently generates, Industrial devmlopment reyutring lututer plan arutndn,tnt ur TbZoning shall be oil- s" L•uut'ayVd to duvelop under provisions of a planned unit development patition in ordur to allow maximum fluxibAJ.►ty An design to the applicant and to avoid any a,ajor adverse iu,pactu which may not be anticipated during a ltsm in-dopth plan tevtew. Tt►t+ zoning ordinance shall be, amended to include performance standards for reyu- Iati„y the nuisu,,, c jwjAActs souwtl►ncs assoc•Jated with intense ce:,mtaereial and Oindustrial duveJulu,wuc. :a/vaya galds shall bu considered as an industrial use Odues to Tho lutt.-ntiai intvr,�ity au/l ,,.,tuts, of the use, acreages requirements, auit-l,utlt;• 4111p"_•t, and the ht_•avy ttu..•k tlaltic associatud with the use. h. POlic-4t,S to I- AI1u_L.,ti_n1 1r,stitutiones1 Uc_veIopwent: The Land Use Nap allo- cates an .inbtitutic,nal dnd uPrn space dasiguation to lands accommodating public Of- prJvatU in:;titutiunal facilities such Its schools, government buildings, civic ctntets, ut-meturits, tires a►,d emorgency operation center facilities, public and Pl.►V.Jte: Patkr: and recre,,tic,n areas, utilities, and extensive open areas comprising lira jur couw,i t t rJ Pul,l is arld s,ewi -Public open ::Pacts. Sc c t sun 4-3. Im , I t•n,ent i n. Pic) rau,s for !land Use Har,ac eyment . The following ro- V"Alis :,ha.1J bu tit" babib fur calryiny "ut the j)oaltr and abjectlyea of the land c,brr e,ltn,e:nt. A. Cnntir,uir,1 land- Vve Pri. ram_;: Thu City of Sebastian shall carry out the tol Jowiny lathe Ut t. JUl ated J.rograuuv: I. land_ Use Information Systein. Maintain and periodically update the hand use: irlfoinwtior, syatca:i. q' �h 2. l.alid esu Tte nds. Muni for and evaluate population and land use trends. . 3. Review Plans ,n,1 Pul,,vit_s. Review and amend as necessary etcisting glans and Pa,! i t. i.r:; . 4. 1•J sl_.J1 MJLJILt'l,lea„t Annually ulxidte tiscal managuaw"t policies including capital iwproveu,cnt pruyraw dud budyct. 5. Ad,u;,,istoz I-iml tU:;c CihijrrciIs. Adinir,iste:riny adopted land use control urdinancus tutctenced In Sue;. 1-12 of this plan and other related 61-ainanc•es which May lherexinatter be adopted. 6. PublicAss.istanc•e. Provide cuntinuiny land use information and atrsist- anee: to the Public. 7. JitIVt-I,)Vc„u,/t:1.t.11 Cot,ldination. Assist in coordinating land development issuts where applicable with other public ayencitts at all levels of yov- errununt pursuant to the Intergovernmental Bltment of this plan. ti. M: ln” to Current 1►evejo lin3nt4Impacts. Review potential impacts of pro- posed development pursuant to exlstinq ordinances, Including, but not limited to public facility impacts, impacts on the natural envlrorunent, and i,nhac•t on stable residential neighborhoods. IV -1U