HomeMy WebLinkAbout10062015NRB AgendaCm Cf SEBAST" 3 Sp HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY - OCTOBER 06, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 01, 2015 Meeting 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Restoration Project i. Status of permits with Army Corp of Engineer's and SJWRMD ii. Boy's Scout Project B. Champion Tree Program: L Update by James Clifton ii. Website by Michelle Stromberg/Barbara Brooke -Reese C. NRB Banner i. Flags ii. Riders on Banner D. Earth Day update i. Website E. Clambake event 7. PUBLIC INPUT 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OFACTION. (286.0105 F.S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. SEB�A-STN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 01, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairman Millar called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Members Present: George Millar - Chairman Gil Gordian - Vice Chairman Andrea Ring Rose Glaser Jack Lampiasi Bob Progulske Jim Clifton Keerthi Weragoda - Alternate Members Not Present Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Technician Per George Millar - Jim Clifton is now a full time member Welcomed Alternate Keerthi Weragoda as a new alternate member Per Chair George Millar — any changes to minutes Motion to approve Per Bob Progulske - Move to approve both meeting minutes 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Mat Project — Phase I Update of Status Permit status of Agency Permits Per Bob Progulske — "Due to my schedule I have not been able to complete the permit or meet with City Staff Michelle. Michelle has contacted me and will get together with her for the cross sections'. Natural Resources Board Meeting October 06, 2015 Page 1 ii. Bob Progulske talked about the status of the permit and handed out a revised draft which was not complete. He apologized for not being able to finish the permit application. Items to complete are No.3 details on the monitoring and how to determine success, No.4 distance from the navigable waterway and No.5 the typical cross section. Bob will contact Tami Dabu, ACOE to get assistance. iii. Not sure what protocol to this type of Oyster Matt. iv. Per Vice Chair Gordian — Mathew Anderson from the Indian River Lagoon — set matts out last Monday on Island number 1 and can be a contact from the NRB with him when we lay the Matts. V. Chairman George Miller noted that the monitoring can be general, naming NRB members to do the monitoring and does not need to address any level of success. vi. Per City Engineer Frank Watanabe — "Show some of the profile, from a typical cross section, just a picture diagram of what is going on would be sufficient, address who is going to be monitoring. Overall lagoon improves with these oysters". vii. Per Bob Progulske — "Incorporated per Franks input, copious notes, inquired about distance from site". viii. Per Chairman Millar— Concerned with Cross section drawing ix. Per Bob Progulske — Will work with Michelle to get the cross section complete for the application. This is a beneficial project X. Frank Watanabe suggested that the permitting agencies will not want to be at a meeting with other organizations to define their permitting where they will be challenged or questioned by others. A. Gil Gordon requested to have a speaker from the Indian River Lagoon Preserve attend the next meet to explain their project of matts and bags. xii. Per Chairman Millar — "I'm in agreement with Mr. Watanabe, I like to see Mr. Beal or his designee to come and speak with us"? xiii. Per Chairman Millar — Asked Mr. John Giordano from troop 500 to come and speak of his project update. xiv. Per John Giordano from troop 500 — "Either Oyster Mats or Oyster Bags is ok to go with." Boy Scout John Jr. from Troop 500 spoke briefly on status and noted he is on hold waiting for the permit to proceed. B. Champion Tree Program Update i. Per James Clifton — "Hopefully before the next meeting, I will be able to get together with the City to work on the webpage". Natural Resources Board Meeting October 06, 2015 Page 2 ii. Per Bob Progulske — "Residents will submit form on the web"? iii. Per James Clifton — "They will drop it off or mail it". iv. Jim Clifton provided an update on the program and mentioned talking with the City Attorney on the hold harmless, working with staff on the web page and will have more by the next meeting on the survey for the trees. Rose Glaser asked about whether these trees need to be native trees and Jim noted that the program follows the Florida guideline. C. NRB Banner Update Jack Lampiasi provided an update on the status of the NRB banner and passed out an email with the cost for the banners from Juno Email He mentioned that the City Christmas parade is on December 5, 2015 and the banners are typically 3 ft. x 9 ft. ii. Michelle Stromberg noted that the City's IT Barbara can assist us in the creation of these banners since she has a program. Jack can work with Barbara and Michelle on these banners since the cost of the banners is much less using the vendor that Barbara has for City banners. Per Chairman Millar — What group of individuals would be present, banner would be for the parade, signs will be for the tent iv. Per Vice Chair Gordian — Use the pickup truck, decorate it, every half block distribute a flyer of what the Natural Resource Board is about V. Per Chairman Millar — "We can discuss this more at Octobers meeting, Thank you". D. Earth Event Update by Ms. Rose Glaser Rose provided an update on the Earth Day vendor list and she passed out a new list of current vendors on a spreadsheet. Andrea assisted and she has the old list from Gil from last year sign ups. She mentioned that the event will be April 23, 2016 with set-up from 7 -8:30 am and she has the email site ready. She is working with staff on stage and PA, coordination with Waste Management for the recycling, layout of the park for vendors, table and chairs. She would also like to have a wide tire event which will require a street to be closed ii. Frank Watanabe noted that if the event requires Harrison Street to be closed, it can be done since the City does it for other events. Also City will purchase a tent for the NRB similar to the one City has for these events. iii. There was discussion on wildlife booths and attendee and all agreed that it would be ok to have them present at the event. Also talk about native Indians and this item could be discussed at the next NRB meeting. Natural Resources Board Meeting October 06, 2015 Page 3 i. Per Rose Glaser - I have an update; Andrea started a spreadsheet and is ready to send out our first blurp on "save the Date". I made up an email at NRBearthdav(a)gmail.com. In addition, there is possible wide bike competition which will require closure of Harrison Street. L Per Chairman Millar — "I would like to know if we will be able to close the street off'? ii. Per the City Engineer Frank Watanabe — "We will be happy to close the street". iii. Per Rose Glaser - Kayaking, wide tire bike competition, Poetry, Waste management. iv. Per Chairman Millar — "Great being informative to the children and public works'. V. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "Important to have animal exhibits. Keeps the people in the park and helps the NRB". vi. Per Chairman Millar — "Maybe we can have a section, small animals do attract children and I would like to see more native animals". vii. Per Vice Chair Gordian — "Native Indians"? viii. Per Chairman Millar — "At the next meeting if you have any suggestions bring up at next meeting or email Michelle". 5. PUBLIC INPUT 6. NEW BUSINESS Per Vice Chair Gordian — "People do not notice the signage, propose to put 2 signs up maybe make the signs black and yellow and the people getting on their boat will notice". ii. Per Chairman Millar — "I took notice of the signs when I did Island Cleanup, basically one path way to get on boats. If they are not noticing the sign now, another sign will probably not help attract the public to these signs. Asked the board if they have noticed the signs that are posted, do you think additional signs would be merited"? iii. Per James Clifton — "Don't read, don't comprehend, or don't care'. iv. Per Chairman Millar — "Any other discussion? I don't think any other signs are going to prevent individuals from littering, maybe we can have some clean up days on the islands or along the East coastline, where we can get individuals or companies involved. I have seen some individuals on Power line road". Natural Resources Board Meeting October 06, 2015 Page 4 V. Per Chairman Millar — "Any individuals in the City or the board are encouraged to participate and represent environmental sensitivity. We are figuratively keeping Indian River beautiful". 7. STAFF MATTERS — None 8. MEMBER MATTERS i. Per Rose Glaser — Clam Bake. i. Per Chairman Millar — "November 6`h 7"' and 8`h — open for discussion, any input, reserve Place on next agenda; see your availability, part of the day or the whole time". ii. Per Keerthi Weragoda — Inquired about the champion Tree Program. iii. Per James Clifton — "Should the board be involved in the seawalls items per the City Council Meeting"? iv. Per City Engineer Frank — "The City's Seawall are mostly in pretty good shape. If a wall currently impacted feel into the canal, because I have been informed by DEP it is a public safety issue. It is still a canal, waterway system; maybe the NRB may have a role. There was huge push to put earth berms, the cost to do an earth berm. DEP said if the wall collapse the City would bury it due to the airborne asbestos. We have many ways to take care of the canal system people have no idea of. This City is well prepared". v. Per Chairman Millar — "I notice emails going out, the only thing I request to the Board if there are discussions about a member or something that comes up, do that in the meeting. If something comes up, bring it to my attention. I want this board to be reflective in a positive notoriety. 9. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA i. Review response to ACOE permit application. ii. Request a representative from F&W to speak regarding oyster bags. iii. Update on Boy Scout project. iv. Earth day and clambake event. V. Champion Tree update. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Chairman Millar adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:21 p.m. 0 Chairman Date Natural Resources Board Meeting October 06, 2015 Page 5 Sebastian Oyster Mat Project: Permit Application SAJ-2015-01763 (NW -TSD) Response to Request for Additional Information (Letter dated June 15, 2015) 1. Please provide the signed signature page to the application or complete the attached application form for the proposed project. Application is provided ENG FORM 4345 2. Please provide a basic and overall project purpose for the project. The purpose of the project is to help restore live oyster beds to the Indian River Lagoon near Sebastian, Florida. This will benefit many other species in addition to oysters, such as juvenile fish and other invertebrates. It will also improve water quality, since one oyster will typically filter 20-50 gallons of water per day. Furthermore, it will serve as a Pilot Project that can be used to inform and educate local residents and other members who use the Indian River Lagoon for recreation, about the importance of oyster beds in the ecological health of the Lagoon. 3. No exhibits were provided with your application and the application did not include any description of the proposed work. Please describe in detail the proposed project. Include monitoring activities that will take place, frequency of monitoring, and remediation if the project is not successful. Exhibits are attached (map of Proposed Location D and Proposed Location E). Spats surveys completed in 2015 using standard methodologies have been conducted. Spat were detected at the proposed sites. Monitoring by NRB or volunteers will be completed on a monthly basis following accepted monitoring guidelines to determine the presence of oysters. The overall monitoring period to determine if the project is successful will include two spawning cycles. If the project is unsuccessful, the mats will be relocated with a better site pending review and approval by permitting agencies on the new site. The City of Sebastian, Public Works Department, will remove the mats if there are any safety issues due to severe weather conditions which could cause the mats to be dislodged. 4. Please provide a plan view drawing so that it reflects all dimensions to the project include the following in you legible plan drawing: a. Property boundaries See attached maps. b. North arrow See attached maps. c. Road names See attached maps. d. Name of water body Indian River Lagoon e. Approximate mean high water line See attached maps f. Wetlands and surface water locations Not applicable. g. Types of materials to be used (include anchors, etc.) Each section of the overall oyster bags and two rows of mats will be constructed per F&W requirements. The mat will be 16 inch x 16 inch plastic netting material, as used in other oyster mat projects throughout the Indian River Lagoon. Thirty-six cleaned mature oyster "half shells" will be individually attached vertically to the intersections of the cells on each section by plastic wire ties after drilling a hold in the base of the shell. The 16 inch by 16 inch plastic netting material sections will be set by hand on the bottom substrate. Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. PVC poles will be placed to delineate the corners and boundaries of the oyster mat project site. h. Dimensions to all proposed features (length, width, and height) The mats will be 16' x 200' ft. long in two rows. The bag will cover the same length of approximately 200' ft. long and 1 80'ft. in width. i. Location of the proposed project (referenced from fixed points) The location of 'D' is 1732 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27'49.42, W80' 28.37). The location of 'E' is 1660 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27'49.66 W80'28.29). j. Emergent and submerged vegetation No emergent or submerged vegetation is located on the site. k. Existing water depths referenced to mean low water Location D has a water depth of 2 -3 feet at normal low tide. Location E has a water depth of approximately 2'/z feet at normal low tide. I. Turbidity control measures (if applicable) We don't anticipate causing any turbidity except for wading to the site and placing the sections on the substrate, which will not result in any more turbidity than normal ambient conditions caused by tide changes and wave actions. m. Cross section location(s) See attached maps typical cross section n. Installation method Oyster mat will have thirty-six cleaned mature oyster "half shells" will be individually attached vertically to the intersections of the cells on each section by plastic wire ties after drilling a hold in the base of the shell. The 16 inch by 16 inch plastic netting material sections will be set by hand on the bottom substrate. Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. The bags will meet F&W requirements. o. Identify and state if the area will have markers installed and the type that will be used. It appears that if sites D and E are proposed that the project may pose a navigational hazard to the area. Please locate the project so that it does not pose a navigational hazard in the Indian River. PVC poles will be placed to delineate the comers and boundaries of the oyster mat project site. Informational signs will also be installed around the site to alert users to the M presence of the mats. The proposed sites are more than '% mile away from any navigational channels. 5. Please provide typical cross sections for the project. Please include the following: a. Identify section — See attached maps b. Existing conditions — See attached maps c. Proposed conditions with description — See attached maps d. Dimensions to all features within the section — See attached maps 6. Please explain in detail how the project will take place. Include all materials that will be used to install the project and the following information: Site Locations: Two locations (sites) are being considered for restoration using oyster mats. They are labeled Locations 'D' and 'E' on the attached aerial photos. The location of 'D' is 1732 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27'49.42, W80' 28.37). The location of 'E' is 1660 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida, 32958 (N27' 49.66 W80'28.29). a. How will you access the site: Both sites will be accessed from a main road, Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida that runs near the western shoreline of the Indian River Lagoon. Since access to both sites is across public property; one site is owned by the City of Sebastian and one is owned by Indian River County. Due to the shallow depth of the water, access from land and wading to the site is preferable. b. Staging of equipment and materials: Any equipment and/or materials will be staged near the site within a day of planned installation. The oyster mat sections will consists of 16 inch x 16 inch plastic netting material with attached oyster shells. They will be cut and assembled at another location before transporting them to the installation site. The bag will be place from the shore line using individual person and floating devices to transport the bags into position. c. Description of all types of equipment and materials that will be used to install the project (how you will carefully hand place the materials, etc.); The bags will meet F&W requirement for type of material and placement. The mats will be in sections constructed of 16 inch x 16 inch plastic netting material, as used in other oyster mat projects throughout the Indian River Lagoon. Thirty-six cleaned mature oyster "half shells" will be individually attached vertically to the intersections of the cells on each section by plastic wire ties after drilling a hold in the base of the shell. The 16 inch by 16 inch plastic netting material sections will be set by hand on the bottom substrate. Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. Since both sites are very close to the shoreline, and the sections will be "hand -carried" into the water, there will be no need for other equipment except for containers to transport the sections. d. Anticipated duration it will take to perform the proposed project: We anticipate the initial placement of the oyster mat sections will take less than a day. e. Anchoring mechanisms: Concrete irrigation "donuts" will be placed at the intersection of four sections to anchor them to the substrate. f. Noise factors (if any) during installation: No noise above normal ambient conditions is anticipated. g. Time of day that the project will be performed: The installation of the oyster mat sections will be initially be started in the morning and will continue until all the sections have been installed, which is anticipated to take less than a day, so activities will occur during daylight hours. h. Full description of all in water vessels associated with the project: We don't anticipate needing any water vessels since access will be from the shore. i. Turbidity control devices: We don't anticipate causing any turbidity except for wading to the site and placing the sections on the substrate, which will not result in any more turbidity than normal ambient conditions caused by tide changes and wave actions. j. Substrate and approximate water depths the project is located: The substrate of both prospective sites is primarily bare sand and mixed aggregate material with minimal organic matter. We have chosen the sites to ensure that there are no sea grass beds nearby. Location D has a water depth of 2 -3 feet at normal low tide. Location E has a water depth of approximately 2'/2 feet at normal low tide. k. Measures that will be taken to avoid impacts to manatees, swimming turtles and Smalltooth sawfish: Since both sites are in very shallow water near developed shoreline, it is not anticipated that our installation crews will encounter these species. The sites are both near the western shoreline of the Indian River Lagoon, which has no suitable substrate for turtle nesting. It is possible that these species could incidentally swim in to the mat installation area, but except for the sawfish, it is likely that they would be observed. The people installing the mats will be provided with an orientation and educational material by a knowledgeable prior to beginning the installation to avoid these species. Once the oyster mat sections are installed, it is not anticipated that there will be impacts to these species, since the mats will mimic natural conditions. I. Location of any navigable channel: The nearest navigable channel is more than'/ mile from the sites. m. Anticipated in -water work duration (hours or days etc..) to perform the project. The in -water work duration will be approximately 4-5 hours. 4 PROPOSED LOCATION'D' 1732 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 N - 27'49. 42. W - 80'28. 37. E !F7 CAPTAIN BUTCHERS A d op 0- T APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF OYSTER BAGS AND OYSTER MATS 2� likoo— Loll, SUBMERGED LAND LEASE MEAN HIGH WATER TABLE � I c UM13 SEBAST p N' OYSTER BAG I MAT PROJECT - LOCATION D L• _ " y �1 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN PiLAND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY 2 §g} a/ \00 -r \ oZ }/ _ 00 =z \j �� / \ / LU ±0< \ / / / z /E\ w LU / Dow / < / o ± < E4@ 7 ® < >Lu O a CO& { § CO z ® z< 33/ \(\ @m \\ §� ± 2 e Z O_ < LLJ \\ < < \ U)U) \ LL \ \ 0 _ * § 2 z{ /® _/\ \ < p= LUeej\ / �/®- @ a- Z) eo�22 m» §e }\7�§_. / \\ u / e6 %X29\3 ±/ \ c /E / {J\)}- %/) c < ///\±E 51= ±)&3§[ Ez5%aa z O z / e«®yLU= � E g z%= �w < / Lu ��\ / E / =cmoz = ± Z F --- z \/EE±� 7§ 2 < [ \@7\)\ ~ $/ ® i » /ez= m % u m)®0K/ =0o±= ) 0 ea4oce v CL v v 4z Michelle Stromberg From: James Clifton <jameshowardclifton@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:54 PM To: Michelle Stromberg Cc: Barbara Brooke -Reese Subject: Champion Trees Attachments: Champion Tree Web Page Draft.docx; Nomination Form -revised 8-25-15.docx; Nomination Form -revised 8-25-15.pdf; Tree Inventory.xlsx; Tree Inventory.pdf Barbara and Michelle: Thanks for meeting with me this afternoon and taking up the task of providing a valuable Champion Tree web page. Attached are files: Champion Tree Webpage Draft - MS Word Nomination Form - PDF and MS Word Tree Inventory - PDF and Excel One question I forgot - can there be a link provided in the Tree Inventory to photographs of the trees? Probably not if it's a PDF, but what if it stays in the Excel format or is converted to HTML or whatever? Also, feel free to mess with fonts, backgrounds, etc. to glitz up the appearance or not, as you see fit. Let me know if I forgot anything. Thanks again. him City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program The Sebastian City Council passed Resolution No. R-11-18 [add link to Public Records - Resolutions] on September 14, 2011 to establish the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program. The program is fashioned after the Champion Tree Program created by the American Forests [provide link - http://www.americanforests.org/our-programs/bigtree/] organization in 1940. Their goal is to recognize the largest known tree of each species in the United States. Every two years American Forests publishes their National Register of Big Trees [provide link - http://www.americanforests.orgibigtrees/bigtrees-search/]. The Florida Forest Service website maintains a list of Florida Champion Trees [provide link — http://www. freshfromflorida.com/Di v i sions-Offices/Florida-Forest-Service/Our-Forests/Florida- Champion-Trees]. Many of the Florida Champion Trees are also national champions. Only native and non-invasive naturalized tree species are eligible for consideration. • Do you have a Champion Tree in your yard? [link to following discussion] • Measuring Trees [link to following discussion] • Sebastian's Historical Hardee Oak [link to following discussion] • City of Sebastian Champion Tree Inventory [link to following discussion] Do you have a Champion Tree in your yard? • First, check the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Inventory [add link to PDF] to see if your tree species is listed and check the current champion's statistics. Keep in mind that only native and non-invasive naturalized tree species are eligible. • If your tree is not listed or seems like it might be competitive with those listed, submit a nomination form [link to nomination form]. • Nominations can be mailed to or dropped off at the Sebastian City Hall. • The nominations are reviewed and assigned for measurement at regular Natural Resources Board meetings on the 1 st Tuesday of each month. • You will be contacted by a Natural Resources Board member to arrange a convenient time to obtain the measurements of your candidate tree. There are a number of native trees that do not yet have State Champions. They can be found at Native Tree Species in Florida without Champions [provide link - http:', t1hfor0I 3.doacs.state.fl. u5'championtrees.public/home.tm,ciListSpecieswithoutChampions] Measuring Trees Tree measurements and point scores follow the procedure for Nomination of a Tree to the Florida Champion Tree Record [provide link — PDF format]. Measurements include: • Trunk circumference, in inches, at 4'/z feet above average ground level. • Height in feet. • Crown spread diameter in feet. Points are given as follows: • Circumference —1 point per inch. • Height —1 point per foot. • Average crown spread — 1 point per 4 feet. City of Sebastian's Historical Hardee Oak Insert Sally Maio's [with her permission of course] picture of the Hardee Oak and write up from the Summer 2015 Pelican News. City of Sebastian Champion Tree Inventory Thought is an Excel spreadsheet sorted by either common name or scientific name and exported as a PDF. It's likely that the number of trees, i.e. length of the list, will not be huge so developing a more involved list shouldn't be necessary. City of Sebastian NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SEBASTIAN CHAMPION TREE NOMINATION FORM8-25-15 Common Name: Scientific Name: Identification Reference (Book, Authority, or source): Tree Location I, (printed name), as a voluntary participant in the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program, do hereby give the City of Sebastian (the "City") permission to display on the City's internet website the following information regarding the champion tree(s) on my property: species name, common name, size measurements, and point score. The City is hereby authorized to advise persons who wish to visit my Champion tree(s) to request permission from me. I do _ do not _ (check one) grant the City permission to display photographs of my tree(s) on the City's website. I do _ do not (check one) give the City permission to provide the location of my tree(s) on the City's website. I acknowledge that all information provided to the City, including, but not limited to, the location of the champion tree and any contact information, is a public record subject to disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. I agree to hold the City, its employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action or damages whatsoever, including all costs and attorney's fees, arising from the display of the information agreed to herein by the City. Property Owner's Signature: Please return this completed form in person or by mail to: City of Sebastian Sebastian Champion Tree Program 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Date: This nomination form will be presented at a regular meeting of the City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board (NRB). The NRB member assigned to your tree(s) will contact you to complete the application. Name: P4 Address: pAddress: City: Zip: 0 Telephone: City: Zip: E-mail: Tree Location I, (printed name), as a voluntary participant in the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program, do hereby give the City of Sebastian (the "City") permission to display on the City's internet website the following information regarding the champion tree(s) on my property: species name, common name, size measurements, and point score. The City is hereby authorized to advise persons who wish to visit my Champion tree(s) to request permission from me. I do _ do not _ (check one) grant the City permission to display photographs of my tree(s) on the City's website. I do _ do not (check one) give the City permission to provide the location of my tree(s) on the City's website. I acknowledge that all information provided to the City, including, but not limited to, the location of the champion tree and any contact information, is a public record subject to disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. I agree to hold the City, its employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action or damages whatsoever, including all costs and attorney's fees, arising from the display of the information agreed to herein by the City. Property Owner's Signature: Please return this completed form in person or by mail to: City of Sebastian Sebastian Champion Tree Program 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Date: This nomination form will be presented at a regular meeting of the City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board (NRB). The NRB member assigned to your tree(s) will contact you to complete the application. Name: pAddress: o City: Zip: c 0 Z v Telephone: E-mail: Tree Location I, (printed name), as a voluntary participant in the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Program, do hereby give the City of Sebastian (the "City") permission to display on the City's internet website the following information regarding the champion tree(s) on my property: species name, common name, size measurements, and point score. The City is hereby authorized to advise persons who wish to visit my Champion tree(s) to request permission from me. I do _ do not _ (check one) grant the City permission to display photographs of my tree(s) on the City's website. I do _ do not (check one) give the City permission to provide the location of my tree(s) on the City's website. I acknowledge that all information provided to the City, including, but not limited to, the location of the champion tree and any contact information, is a public record subject to disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. I agree to hold the City, its employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action or damages whatsoever, including all costs and attorney's fees, arising from the display of the information agreed to herein by the City. Property Owner's Signature: Please return this completed form in person or by mail to: City of Sebastian Sebastian Champion Tree Program 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Date: This nomination form will be presented at a regular meeting of the City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board (NRB). The NRB member assigned to your tree(s) will contact you to complete the application. `w C 3 � a O O L_ d 3 g O N C L � N 6 — 6 T L n 4 FO a o � V a Q N v E E z a c o w co Em v E E a a a Y 0 Michelle Stromberg From: Rose Glaser <nrbearthday@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 5:17 PM Subject: Save The Date for Sebastian NRB Earth Day Festival 2016 Attachments: Earthday Registration 2016.pdf Save The Date Please consider attending Sebastian's Natural Resources Board Earth Day/ Arbor Day Festival Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, with set up starting at 7:00 am. Assignment of booth space is made on a first received application basis. Booth space is free! Return applications to Rose Glaser nrbearthday_@grnail.com Thank you, Rose Glaser CRYO= !Aid HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND H TUR L RE -SOURCES BOAR® "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the beneficial relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Earth Day/Arbon Daae Festival Riverview Park in Sebastian Saturday April 23, 2016 8:30am to 3:OOpm, set up starts at 7:OOam. Assignment of booth space is made on a first received application basis. Your space assignment will be e-mailed to you the week before the festival. To ensure your company's name is listed in our brochure, please return this form before Jan 5, 2016. The booth space is free. Your participation is what makes this event the success is has become. Thank you! Company Surae: Contact Person: Address: Phone: Email: Describe your merchandise or service: What are you setting up? Table Tent Need electric? Do you have your o�j^sn are extinguisher (ffor tents and food vendors)— U11001 you have a docs pr0ae to Sive @rmy a u2=- E�Wjrzs tr, A@Esa away? Please return applications to Rose Glaser asap nrbearthdayso?,_„gmail.com