HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150812 YAC MinutesMa HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2015 - 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Rafuls announced that a quorum is present and called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL YAC Members Present: Ryan Rafuls, Chairman (SRHS) Eddie Simchick (SRHS) Marlee Houck (SCJHS) Taylor Eason (SCJHS) Anthony Scaramuzzi, Vice Chairman (SRMS) YAC Members Absent: Katie Toperzer (SRHS) (excused) Skylar Carstairs (SRMS) City Council and Staff Present: Council Member Jim Hill (audience) City Manager, Joe Griffin City Clerk, Sally Maio City Attorney, Robert Ginsburg 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS (Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members) Chairman Rafuls said he had an item relating to a City logo at Riverview Park East which was faded and needed repair. MOTION by Anthony Scaramuzzi and SECOND by Eddie Simchick to add an item for Ryan Rafuls passed on a voice vote of 5-0. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS (onlvifaoolicable) — None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS— None PUBLIC INPUT (Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present) Chairman Rafuls called for public input. Youth Advisory Council Meeting August 12, 2015 Page Two Cindy Alves introduced Bo Barrington, and said they represent the Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County, their coalition called SAFIR which stands for Substance Abuse Free Indian River County, is a coalition of business members, community members and parents in the community, who have come together to make Indian River County a safer and healthier place to live for our students. She said they are gearing up in Vero Beach right now, connecting with middle schools and high schools, to promote an event called "Friday Night Done Right" an intervention for a safer way to tailgate instead of with drugs and underage drinking. She invited the Sebastian Youth Council to take an interest and get involved with participation. Bo Barrington, said the Coalition wants to go around and facilitate and hear from and lift up the dreams of young people in our high schools and middle schools, to help facilitate those dreams and ideas of what youth wants to see in our community over the coming years. He said they want to begin conversations in Sebastian, Vero Beach and Fellsmere to lock arms with a Youth group movement to get an epidemic to spring forth throughout Indian River County. Ms. Alves said she has been in Sebastian 22 years, raised four children here, who are now active adults in their communities, would love to help youth be active happy, and healthy and said if the Coalition can help the Youth Council they would love to hear from them. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Approve May 13, 2015 YAC Minutes The May 13, 2015 minutes were approved on a voice vote of 5-0. B. Florida Leaque of Cities Youth Advisory Council Video Contest Winner (Town of Malabar Video) A short video created by the Malabar Youth Council which won a Florida League of Cities competition was presented to the Council. C. Request from Vice Chairman Anthony Scaramuzzi Jr. — Road Safety Concerns and Recommendations — Request to Forward to City Council (Power Point City Boundary Map) Anthony Scaramuzzi left the dais and gave a PP presentation from the podium citing some road safety issues he noticed in various areas of the north county as he prepares to learn to drive: 1) 512 leaving Sandy's turning right near Louisiana showing faded stop sign; 2) Barber Street near the ballparks and fields, should be Caution Children at Play sign; 3) US 1 heading north and turning into Publix, there is a big tree that blocks view of oncoming traffic; 4) 70`" Avenue at Wabasso Road and if turning from stop sign you cannot see cars coming; 5) at Roseland making right on to 512 if someone was riding a bike you would not be able to see them. (see presentation attached to minutes for slides for each issue). Anthony thanked the Youth Council for letting him address his issues and said if anyone had any other concerns they could take them to the City Manager. Youth Advisory Council Meeting August 12, 2015 Page Three Marlee Houck suggested maybe with the tree we could get someone to cut it down or get it relocated, and said it might not cost much to get a flashing light to put on a Children at Play sign on Barber. Chairman Rafuls asked if we could get a motion to bring this to the Council. MOTION and SECOND to bring to Council carried on a Roll Call vote of 5-0. D. Vice Mayor Adams Suggestions: i. Discuss Developing Newsletter for Schools Outlining Simple Steps to Prevent Further Harm to Indian River Lagoon Chairman Rafuls asked for discussion on the item listed. Marlee Houck suggested we could put this in school newspapers, and when they are distributed people will know. Anthony Scaramuzzi said we could put a picture of an animal with a soda wrapper around neck or something like that it would draw attention. Taylor Eason said she was the Editor for her school newspaper (SCJHS) and they have already had articles about the lagoon. Chairman Rafuls said since the issue is already taken care of at the Charter School would we like to make a suggestion to the other schools. Marlee Houck said we could put it out to a few of the other schools like the Charter High School in Vero. MOTION by Chairman Rafuls and SECOND by Anthony Scaramuzzi that we make suggestions or send a nice letter to some of the schools and suggest that we put this in newspapers, noting SRHS does not have a newspaper but sends out a periodical letter in the mail. No objections. ii. Research Activities at Community Center Such as Movie Night, Half -Court Basketball or Table Tennis Tournaments — Perhaps for Community Service Chairman Rafuls read the title and asked if anyone had any ideas. Anthony Scaramuzzi said we should host a big get-together of all the teams in the area and have a giant tournament. Marlee Houck suggested a fair like the ones they do in Riverview Park for teens and bring arts and for sports people have volleyball tournament, and let people do different kinds of things they like to do with one big festival. Anthony Scaramuzzi said we should definitely have something to get the community together. The City Manager said to have a function in Riverview Park they can make a request to Parks Superintendent, Chris McCarthy for use, and then we can get back to you with an application form, where they would describe what they want to do. He said he would get the form to them for them to fill out and get back to the City and go from there. Youth Advisory Council Meeting August 12, 2015 Page Four STAFF MATTERS (No public input under this heading) A. Announcements: The City Clerk announced that City of Sebastian TV (COS -TV) is now running on ATT U - Verse Channel 99, in addition to Comcast Channel 25, 24 hours a day. Courses — Flyers Available to Provide to Schools The City Clerk noted that it was suggested by Vice Mayor Adams to make flyers available for Youth Council members to take back to their schools for student volunteers needed for a 2015 USGA Golf Tournament from October 3-8. 10. BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS (No public input underthis heading) None. 11. SET NEXT MEETING DATE AND AGENDA ITEMS (Suggestion Nov 18'" at 3 pm) It was the consensus of the Youth Council to set the next meeting for November 18th Chairman Rafuls left the dais to make a presentation at the podium showing a City logo at Riverview Park East which he stated was quite faded and needs to be redone if the City is interested in doing that. Marlee Houck asked if it was a City matter or could we get some people to go down and do that. Chairman Rafuls said it should go through City and Marlee said we should forward to the City. The City Manager he had given instructions in the last week for it to be removed because it is in such disrepair and would be hard to repair. He said they are going to remove it and sandblast it and perhaps start over. He said we will decide if we will reinstall hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Anthony Scaramuzzi said if it disappears something should go back in its place. The City Manager said the issue it is not inexpensive to put it down there, it is worn out and it needs to be taken off, and to try to repair it would not bring it back to an acceptable standard so we will start out with a clean slate and see what we have and then go from there and get some estimates. 12. Being no further business Chairman Rafuls adjourned the meeting at 3:28 pm on MOTION by Chairman Rafuls and SECOND by Marlee Houck. Approved: f C airman Nom, Ry Rafuls Date Ell 3 T 0 N O O O r f - ct p T,, 0 N I O CD O O O O � O cn 4) C O T,, 0 N I O CD O ll� Y CIO J V/ 4-j L/] O 4) J � L cn ll� Y r R cv b c 0 c COO � � o In r CU r R if o � a o a o a a LI) o n, a Qj o � s Ln v Q, � o if ^d v rl BO G '� C 0 ;� O a J � J x C F4 R, r