HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-2016 BAC AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — JANUARY 11, 2016 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Welcome and Introduction of Members 5. Selection of Chairperson 6. Selection of Vice -Chairperson 7. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of August 17, 2015 8. Review Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2015 9. General Discussion by Members - Thoughts and Ideas for Upcoming Budget Year 10. Review Draft Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, February 29, 2016) 11. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Memo from Ed Herlihy Minutes for Meeting of August 17, 2015 Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2015 Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS 1N ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Memorandum To: Sebastian Budget Review Committee Copy: Ken Killgore From: Edward H. Herlihy Date: 12/11/2015 Re: Upcoming budget season Let's all welcome Harry Hall to our group. Mr. Hall has many years financial experience with government agencies. He will be a valuable asset to our deliberations. Speaking of deliberations, you may have heard that the City Council, on recommendation of City staff, reallocated over $700,000 for emergency road reconstruction. This will probably be a "hot" topic for our Committee in the coming year. The Council will also consider the results of an early retirement plan proposed by the City Manager. The results of that will be heard at the December 16 Council meeting. Should the plan be adopted, it will have some effect on the upcoming City budget plans. Other items that may be part of Committee review and discussion could include: 1. Canal repair financing 2. Golf Course improvements 3. Labor contract costs 4. Police Department manning Ken Killgore is putting together the final yearend financial documents for our review. Ken will advise all of the next meeting in early January for Committee formation and final budget review. Happy Holidays to everyone. 1 CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY —AUGUST 17, 2015 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Ed Herlihy—Chairman Bruce Hoffman Terry Taylor Sergio Mota Not Present: Michael Frank (Excused) Tim Slaven (Excused) Dionna Farmer —Vice Chairman 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS —None S. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —JULY 6, 2015 MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. Taylor to approve the July 6, 2015 minutes passed with a voice vote of 4-0. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS— NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. GENERAL UPDATE AND DISCUSSION OF FY 2015-16 BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM The Administrative Services Director said it was worthy to comment that the County asked City Council to adopt a resolution in support of extending the discretionary sales tax (DST). He said he believed Council was satisfied with the millage recommendation and budget in total. Chairman Herlihy added that All Aboard Florida was the biggest topic of discussion noting Sebastian was the only applicant for a FDOT quiet zone grant. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. REVIEW THIRD QUARTER REPORT— FY 2015 1. PRESENTATION BY KEN KILLGORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR The Administrative Services Director presented the report with larger graphics, pointing out City Council did approve the transfer of discretionary sales tax (DST) funds to stormwater to pay for the ditch cleaning; and, monies for the golf course irrigation project were encumbered to begin the bidding process. He said the executive summary show the general revenue funds are at 74.4% which is acceptable for this time of year; the Golf Course and Airport revenues show an accumulation and might show a surplus at the close of the fiscal year. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting 2 August 17, 2015 There was no change on the investment accounts; the equipment repair and replacement has a $360,000 balance; and the balance of the report displayed the department's accomplishments. 2. DISCUSSION/QUESTIONS BY BOARD TO FOLLOW Mr. Hoffman asked if he thought the DST and local option gas tax will exceed budget this year. The Administrative Services Director said he was confident they would come in over budget. Mr. Hoffman asked why the Golf Course operating expenses have reduced themselves from the trend. The Administrative Services Director explained in 2014 the City sold the golf carts for $137,000 which is still in the revenue number, along with the acquisition of the new carts so that could account for the increase. Mr. Hoffman noted the decrease this quarter for Golf Course maintenance which might be attributed to the planned irrigation replacement and said he wanted to go on record that he finds a 4% increase in playing time extremely optimistic as the City changes out the system. He is not opposed to changing out the system, but does not see it paying for itself. Chairman Herlihy said he hoped it wouldn't do it during the high season and there will be an increase in tourists. The Administrative Services Director added that by doing the financing in-house, slack could be given for non-payment penalties and the rent could be adjusted, but he hoped they wouldn't have to go there. Mr. Taylor complimented the Chairman on his presentation to City Council based on the Board's collaborative effort. Mr. Mota said he too, hoped the irrigation replacement wouldn't happen during peak golf season. Chairman Herlihy complimented the departments for coming in at 71% for the quarter and made a MOTION with a SECOND by Mr. Taylor to recommend to City Council the approval of the P quarter report passed with a voice vote of 4-0. 9. PUBLIC INPUT -None 10. STAFF MATTERS - None 11. BOARD MATTERS A. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION BY INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Herlihy explained there were two public hearings coming up in September where Council could choose to lower the millage rate. The Administrative Services Director said he would make a small presentation to Council and Chairman Herlihy said he would display one slide restating the Board's recommendation. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting August 17, 2015 Mr. Hoffman pointed out that if the discretionary sales tax doesn't renew, there will need to be a re -work of the budget process. As a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Hoffman noted the County is planning a major expansion of Route 66 to Barber Street. Chairman Herlihy noted the difference needed if the DST funds are lost could be made up through property taxes and impact fees as opposed to being spread out a little through visitors and tourists. B. DISCUSSION OF TOPICS FOR NEXT MEETING Chairman Herlihy said the next meeting would be after the end of the 4t" quarter which may fall during the first week of December. 12. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory meeting at 6:30 p.m. By: Chairman Ed Herlihy Date Cnra SEBASTIAN HOME OFPEUCMISLAMD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 13, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting Quarterly Financial Report and Adopting Necessary Amendments to the FY 2014-2015 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-15-42. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report, report on General Fund Reserves and accomplishments are also included. Several adjustments were already approved by the City Council during the quarter. Formal approval by the City Council is requested to also use the Equipment and Facilities Renewal and Replacement Reserve for some other qualified items expenditures that were made during the quarter. These are required to be submitted to the City Council with the next Quarterly Financial Report by the Resolution that established this Reserve. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. All the above adjustments are summarized in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. IF AGENDA ITEM REQUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: Asper Exhibit "A" of Resolution Amount Budgeted in Current FY: N/A Amount of Appropriation Required: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Administrative Services Department Review: l ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. R-15-42 and Exhibit "A" Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2015 City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-1542 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-14-23 on September 24, 2014 approving the City's 2014-15 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-15-05 on March 11, 2015 amending the City's 2014-2015 budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-15-15 on June 24, 2015 amending the City's 2014-15 budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-15-22 on August 26, 2015 amending the City's 2014-15 budget; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on September 30, 2015 indicated that additional adjustments need approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015 be amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember was as follows: Mayor Richard Gillmor Vice -Mayor Jerome Adams Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Jim Hill Councilmember Bob McPartlan and, upon being put to a vote, the vote The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 13`h day of January 2016. ATTEST: Sally A. Maio, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 0 Mayor Richard Gillmor Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R-15-42 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 309 2015 Center air conditioner units. Amounts Changes Authorized by City Manager: Adjustment between Airport Fund accounts to cover budget overages. $ 5,058 Adjustment between Police Department accounts to cover budget overages. $ 3,770 Adjustment for finished projects on Tennis Wall, Veteran's Memorial and Gateway Enhancements. $ 16,916 Adjustment between City Manager accounts to cover contribution to the Executive Roundtable. $ 500 Adjustment between Public Works accounts to cover repairs to City signs. $ 1,000 Adjustment between Public Works accounts to replace some chain saws. $ 1,500 Adjustment between Public Works accounts to add a tool box to the Building Maintenance Truck. $ 1,650 Transfer from Police Department accounts to the Police Officer Tuition Reimbursement account to $ 20,000 cover the large increase in reimbursements. Adjustment to use Golf Capital Funds for repairs to Starter Shack and Cart Barn.. $ 22,150 Adjustment to record receipt of State's Police Pension Fund contribution. $ 145,700 Adjustment between Public Works accounts to cover expenses for pipe and paint materials. $ 3,800 Adjustments between Police Department accounts to cover budget overages. $ 8,753 Adjustments between Golf Course accounts for emergency repairs to irrigation intake suction line. $ 2,069 Adjustments for finished project to do City Hall Roof Repairs. $ 22,213 Adjustment for finished project to purchase the Vac Truck. $ 87 Adjustment for cancelled project to provide Disc Golf facilities. $ 18,000 Adjustment for finished projects on Skate Park Rebuild and Fleming Street Paving. $ 35,353 Chan es Approved by City Council: Amounts, Approved adjustment to outfit a Police communications console June 17, 2015. $ 29,983 Approved adjustment to provide for widening of Main Street June 24, 2015. $ 72,977 Approved adjustment to increase amount budgeted for the Golf Course Restrooms August 26, 2015. $ 4,215 Approved adjustment to accept grant and provide matching funds to purchase an excavator 9123115. $ 156,000 Approved adjustments for Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund items approved during the fiscal year. $ 16,881 Additional Chanaes Submitted for City Council Approval: Amounts Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to make repairs to Tennis Court fencing. $ 850 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve for maintenance on the Police generator. $ 1,000 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve for emergency replacement of Parks mower. $ 10,525 Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve for emergency repairs to City Hall and Community $ 13,281 Center air conditioner units. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW THE FOURTH QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND APPEARS GOOD, WITH 99.0% OF BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AND DEPARTMENTS SPENDING 98.3% OF AMOUNTS ALLOCATED. TOTAL RESERVES WERE REDUCED DUE TO USING $241,231 ON UNBUDGETED REPAIRMPLACEMENTS. ALTHOUGH GOLF COURSE REVENUES WERE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR, EXPENSES SLIGHTLY EXCEEDED REVENUES FOR THE YEAR. REVENUES AT THE AIRPORT INCLUDED GRANT RECEIPTS WERE GREATER THAN TOTAL EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR AND INCREASED THE AMOUNT OF AIRPORT RESERVES. BUILDING FUND REVENUES ARE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR, WHILE EXPENSES WERE UP DUE TO CAPITAL PURCHASES. GENERALFUND The graph below compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Cash Reserves at the end of this past year to the end of the prior fiscal year. Calculated Reserves balances decreased, as a result of expenditures slightly exceeding revenues. The graph below and right compares the 4h quarter of this year to the 4" quarter of the prior 2 years. Revenues and amounts Expended are higher than prior years. Expenditures were higher this year due to using $241,231 of the Equipment & Facilities Reserve for unbudgeted repairs. 000,000 10,000,000 A00000 U00000 4,000,000 P,000,000 a Revaues & Rgaves . 99012014 10,556191 10173,156 5733,332 WM I 11,19$671 I 11,225157 1 5,705,M 12,000.000 10. 0,000 6,000.000 6.aW,000 4.800,000 MOW 12=0001 47.004 282.915 The graph below and left shows collections through the 4" quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 69% of budgeted revenue. About $154,319 more was received from those three sources for the 4th quarter of this year, as compared to the 4th quarter of last year. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by department at the end of the quarter. In total, departments expended 98.3% of amounts budgeted. 4.500.000 4.000.000 3.500.000 3,000.000 2.500A1b 2 000100 I.SOO.OM 1.000.000 500.000 0 NQ62014 3rdQ62015 2015Budget 2015Prgedcn Pagel of 3 1020% 100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 900% 88.0% 86.0% 84.0% 820% 6114 rxdi okie 0 � 011.0 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Special Revenue Funds provide most of the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections the current year compared to last year and shows the current annual budget and collections for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. The graph below and right shows totals budgeted for capital projects, as compared to amounts spent through the 4" quarter of this year. It reflects large unexpended amounts for the Tulip Drive, CavCor Parking, Golf Course Irrigation, plus the Airport's Main Street Access Road and Hanger projects. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONG-TERM DEBT 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 3.000,600 2,000.000 1,000.000 A C4SaKiad`3 , 0 R rf' Cfl The City's long-term debt includes the Discretionary Sales Tax Bank Note ($1,214,000 outstanding, maturing 4/01/17) and the Stormwater Revenue Bank Note ($2,630,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City refunded the previously issued bonds with Bank Notes on December 18, 2013. The City also has a Bank Note for Street Repaving (S 1,689,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22) and a Bank Loan for Golf Carts ($224,778 outstanding, maturing 10/31/17). The City is in compliance with repayment requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of the 4' quarter this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the end of the 4th quarter this year to the end of the 0 quarter the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. Cart loan amounts have been excluded. 1,70D= — 15m,000 I.y10,000 1.100,000 MOW 7m0m SCOW — Wowo — — — IM000 , Rtvate WNW Rmes 9902014 1)45,921 1,542,745 (231.3091 9902015 1,299,009 1,326,616 (29946) Page 2 of 3 AIRPORT The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of the 4'h quarter this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the 4'h quarter this year to the 4t6 quarter of the prior two years, plus the positive or negative imvact to Reserves. 1,400000 1,200000 , 1,000.000 X0.000 C00,000 400,000 214000 0 �J (2K�) 'E.: aid REsm 3014114 715,617 560.254 (41,513) 9'30315 1,247,130 1,195,083 4539 1404OW 1,2ROOD 1.000.000 - --- 100,000 1410.000 -- - — 400,000 , 200 000 0 (200,000) -- -- — - --- — Revenes E etded �FRtsavas 19201 794,498 808004 (79,388) .9301e014 115,611 59084 (10246) ag30R018 1,241,136 1,195,083 5202 BUILDING The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of the 4" quarter this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the 3rd quarter of the current year to the 3" quarter of the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. Page 3 of 3 80(7000 700,000 804000 500,000 400,000 304000 201,000 101,000 0 �.9 Q�14( 7030 534111 111459 �81377m15 111,210 65186 x,001 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2015 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND TAXES -6,320,546.78 -6,608,301.56 -6,747,713.28 -7,178,016.00 -7,169,750.00 100% LICENSES & PERMITS -22,430.50 -45,499.50 -138,562.87 -147,218.23 -143,800.00 102% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -2,078,685.56 -2,215,443.45 -2,363,935.70 -2,515,809.77 -2,389,809.00 105% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -290,950.76 -370,905.70 -375,125.28 -320,953.80 -330,955.00 97% FINES AND FORFEITS -52,307.38 -60,189.17 -52,239.15 -60,685.29 -67,100.00 90% MISC. REVENUE -227,378.04 -352,499.75 -247,747.05 -257,681.61 -263,104.00 98% TRANSFERS IN -692,716.00 -565,399.00 -630,748.00 -718,306.00 -718,306.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -341,446.00 0% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -9,685,015.02 -10,218,238.13 -10,556,071.33 -11,198,670.70 -11,424,270.00 98% CITY COUNCIL 49,224.38 49,608.05 49,939.28 50,522.35 53,222.00 95% CITY MANAGER 223,778.95 228,375.27 264,715.45 257,181.01 258,726.00 99% CITY CLERK 301,394.48 269,992.27 282,115.78 343,529.92 362,668.00 95% LEGAL 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 102,202.00 102% FINANCE/ACCOUNTING 478,043.38 485,361.87 555,310.57 558,458.95 553,751.00 101% M.I.S. DIVISION 161,526.33 161,616.17 143,139.13 184,978.63 207,999.00 89% POLICE DEPARTMENT 4,515,7S0.62 4,435,260.97 4,614,694.85 4,700,070.98 4,750,646.00 99% PUBLIC WORKS 3,112,210.93 3,038,250.18 3,312,372.86 3,711,008.83 3,826,449.00 97% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 237,574.77 235,652.38 248,945.54 213,731.43 234,133.00 91% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 595,073.31 746,341.72 698,964.43 1,102,805.02 1,074,474.00 103% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 9,769,295.49 9,746,233.74 10,273,156.34 11,226,156.77 11,424,270.00 98% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -550,702.22 -551,238.83 -555,934.25 -633,095.83 -553,152.00 114% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -9,353.00 -9,474.00 -9,758.00 -10,050.00 -10,050.00 100% MISC. REVENUE -2,301,061.35 -46.75 -2,918.31 -239.45 -106.00 226% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 -14,500.00 0.00 -207,000.00 -207,000.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% LOGT FUND REVENUE -2,861,116.57 -575,259.58 -568,610.56 -850,385.28 -770,308.00 110% OPERATING EXPENSES 224,404.81 219,338.94 205,872.69 220,332.92 320,103.00 69% DEBT SERVICE 2,330,741.99 243,199.81 242,740.90 242,783.29 242,783.00 100% GRANTS AND AIDS 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TRANSFERS OUT 124,257.59 266,095.50 228.80 136,742.10 157,000.00 87% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,422.00 0% LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 2,729,404.39 728,634.25 448,842.39 599,858.31 770,308.00 78% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -2,464,240.07 -2,587,903.75 -2,738,405.05 -2,916,092.42 -2,766,832.00 105% MISC. REVENUE -27,165.54 -26,111.19 -22,836.70 -29,239.63 -26,095.00 112% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,274,995.00 0% DST FUND REVENUE -2,491,405.61 -2,614,014.94 -2,761,241.75 -2,945,332.05 -4,067,922.00 72% TRANSFERS OUT 2,099,275.43 1,921,864.28 2,472,550.18 3,534,495.65 4,067,922.00 87% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 2,099,275.43 1,921,864.28 2,472,550.18 3,534,495.65 4,067,922.00 87% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -13,440.27 -7,511.61 -27,182.22 -37,891.69 -36,718.00 103% TRANSFERS IN -255,068.85 -266,323.21 -272,060.44 -296,420.10 -287,844.00 103% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -317,847.00 0% RRD REVENUE -268,509.12 -273,834.82 -299,242.66 -334,311.79 -642,409.00 52% OPERATING EXPENSES 108,065.02 104,472.40 146,992.57 134,396.84 131,229.00 102% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 6,562.18 0.00 26,095.86 26,266.00 99% GRANTS AND AIDS 32,902.81 20,583.00 0.00 29,717.60 146,140.00 20% TRANSFERS OUT 104,457.84 66,175.09 327,132.56 74,352.00 338,774.00 22% RRD EXPENDITURES 245,425.67 197,792.67 474,125.13 264,562.30 642,409.00 41% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/201S LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 FINES AND FORFEITS 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT MISC. REVENUE ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16,881.00 0% MISC. REVENUE -13,833.40 -13,972.08 -18,219.12 -20,013.88 -13,905.00 144% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -13,833.40 -13,972.08 -18,219.12 -20,013.88 -13,905.00 144% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 29,321.50 2,800.00 0.00 0% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,905.00 0% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 29,321.50 2,800.00 13,905.00 20% RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 12,238.98 1,719.00 23,286.31 17,268.73 18,031.00 96% MISC. REVENUE -62,888.89 -169,869.04 -170,154.19 -137,176.65 -250,273.00 55% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,786.00 0% REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE -62,888.89 -169,869.04 -170,154.19 -137,176.65 -198,487.00 69% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 2,430.00 0.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 100% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 5,522.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TRANSFERS OUT 217,854.15 306,210.69 123,409.79 101,759.35 115,014.00 88% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,273.00 0% REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES 217,854.15 314,163.60 123,409.79 109,959.35 198,487.00 55% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -813,004.25 -1,007,220.94 -986,955.63 -988,635.86 -1,002,705.00 99% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100,000.00 0% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 -223,971.00 0% STORMWATER REVENUE -813,004.25 -1,007,220.94 -986,955.63 -988,635.86 -1,326,676.00 75% OPERATING EXPENSES 8,348.18 72,980.87 47,395.69 143,214.45 222,540.00 64% TRANSFERS OUT 1,087,257.29 1,007,374.83 989,065.06 799,607.85 1,104,136.00 72% STORMWATER EXPENDITURES 1,095,605.47 1,080,355.70 1,036,460.75 942,822.30 1,326,676.00 71% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS -5,268.37 0.00 -1,900.00 -2,350.00 -11000.00 235% MISC. REVENUE -9,290.94 -492.82 -7,403.88 -246.39 -150.00 164% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16,881.00 0% FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE -14,559.31 -492.82 -9,303.88 -2,596.39 -18,031.00 14% OPERATING EXPENSES 12,238.98 1,219.00 12,286.31 14,268.73 13,881.00 103% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 500.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,150.00 0% FORFEITURES FUND EXPENDITURES 12,238.98 1,719.00 23,286.31 17,268.73 18,031.00 96% DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -4,994.51 -4,817.66 -40,444.03 -822.47 -2,086.00 39% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,334.00 100% TRANSFERS IN -1,016,206.15 -1,012,795.20 -935,293.04 -1,027,125.00 -1,025,887.00 100% DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -1,021,200.66 -1,017,612.86 -975,737.07 -1,027,947.47 -1,029,307.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 300.00 675.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% DEBT SERVICE 1,022,066.76 1,017,481.76 2,013,840.20 1,029,306.50 1,029,307.00 100% DST DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 1,022,366.76 1,018,156.76 2,013,840.20 1,029,306.50 1,029,307.00 100% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -174.45 -617.68 -39,285.34 -558.09 -165.00 338% TRANSFERS IN -439,673.91 -439,829.63 -408,360.00 -401,736.98 -402,136.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,287.00 0% STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE -439,848.36 -440,447.31 -447,645.34 -402,295.07 -403,588.00 100% DEBT SERVICE 440,289.50 439,089.50 463,413.09 403,588.60 403,588.00 100% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 440,289.50 439,089.50 463,413.09 403,588.60 403,588.00 100% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCE BUILDING REVENUES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES BUILDING EXPENSE -407,721.98 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 -12,831.83 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT -10,977.00 ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND -2,500.00 266% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CHARGES FOR SERVICE -1,310,963.72 -1,224,340.82 -1,184,747.88 -1,257,158.78 -1,277,200.00 98% MISC. REVENUE -43,078.21 -40,354.99 -186,163.28 -40,760.34 -40,720.00 100% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15,000.00 0% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -1,354,041.93 -1,264,695.81 -1,370,911.16 -1,297,919.12 -1,332,920.00 97% ADMINISTRATION 123,303.00 847,256.00 15% 0.00 0.00 0.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 210,704.14 218,035.06 225,169.79 249,570.89 240,189.00 104% OPERATING EXPENSES 425,761.59 417,862.12 524,410.53 432,128.96 304,090.00 142% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 -104,189.99 132,440.00 0.00 4,968.00 0% TRANSFERS OUT 39,002.07 60,661.24 59,097.21 60,093.54 43,989.00 137% ADMINISTRATION 675,467.80 592,368.43 941,117.53 741,793.39 593,236.00 125% MAINTENANCE OPERATING EXPENSES 568,243.04 566,091.25 569,189.35 570,897.67 572,026.00 100% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 -46,076.00 0.00 10,431.00 0% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 2,173.88 1,269.06 -123.97 20,011.00 -1% MAINTENANCE 568,243.04 568,265.13 524,382.41 570,773.70 602,468.00 95% GOLF COURSE CARTS PERSONAL SERVICES 73,423.81 70,043.25 78,300.17 95,327.18 75,440.00 126% OPERATING EXPENSES 63,661.95 64,921.66 5,376.39 2,024.66 4,700.00 43% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 103,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 9,817.06 9,297.92 57,076.00 16% GOLF COURSE CARTS 137,085.76 238,164.91 93,493.62 106,649.76 137,216.00 78% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE 1,380,796.60 1,398,798.47 1,558,993.56 1,419,216.85 1,332,920.00 106% AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -17,205.46 -9,643.33 -13,327.20 -8,913.87 -15,000.00 59% MISC. REVENUE -422,505.93 -427,980.26 -421,348.61 -406,324.65 -425,185.00 96% AIRPORT REVENUE -439,711.39 -437,623.59 -434,675.81 -415,238.52 -440,185.00 94% PERSONAL SERVICES 207,793.24 170,203.00 81,490.23 117,126.56 125,709.00 93% OPERATING EXPENSES 884,199.66 613,371.84 600,131.57 562,589.28 167,421.00 336% DEBT SERVICE 16,575.00 16,575.00 19,425.00 19,401.00 20,025.00 97% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 100% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,030.00 0% ADMINISTRATION 1,108,567.90 800,149.84 701,046.80 749,116.84 420,185.00 178% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 19,928.72 19,527.00 10,035.48 20,000.00 50% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0.00 19,928.72 19,527.00 10,035.48 20,000.00 50% AIRPORT EXPENSE 1,108,567.90 820,078.56 720,573.80 759,152.32 440,185.00 172% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCE BUILDING REVENUES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES BUILDING EXPENSE -407,721.98 -688,656.16 -674,729.20 -691,083.32 -603,400.00 115% -5,124.83 -12,831.83 -13,169.40 -13,063.71 -12,750.00 102% -5,738.00 -4,037.36 -10,977.00 -6,474.86 -12,000.00 54% -7,633.19 -5,434.43 -3,320.60 -6,647.81 -2,500.00 266% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -753,112.00 0% -426,218.00 -710,959.78 -702,196.20 -717,269.70 -1,383,762.00 52% 311,877.46 334,686.08 377,563.66 428,474.55 412,966.00 104% 87,977.29 88,413.72 88,152.49 102,633.27 105,040.00 98% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,500.00 0% 0.00 0.00 65,109.96 123,303.00 847,256.00 15% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 399,854.7S 423,099.80 530,826.11 654,410.82 1,383,762.00 47% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4th QTR ANNUAL. PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUAL BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,745.64 22,723.76 22,722.72 22,747.13 22,767.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 26,478.74 26,884.29 27,216.56 27,775.22 30,455.00 91% TOTALS 49,224.38 49,608.05 49,939.28 50,522.35 53,222.00 95% CITY MANAGER 700,008.34 649,977.92 731,151.52 728,334.01 722,301.00 101% PERSONAL SERVICES 220,243.59 224,306.41 258,428.74 250,296.36 252,108.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,535.36 4,068.86 4,208.76 6,884.65 6,618.00 104% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 2,077.95 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 223,778.95 228,375.27 264,715.45 257,181.01 258,726.00 99% CITY CLERK 473,150.07 472,720.02 516,264.95 541,846.36 578,574.00 94% PERSONAL SERVICES 247,926.74 229,172.94 226,343.81 287,661.84 300,445.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 53,467.74 36,816.29 52,802.01 41,270.37 47,625.00 87% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 4,003.04 2,969.96 14,597.71 14,598.00 100% TOTALS 301,394.48 269,992.27 282,115.78 343,529.92 362,668.00 95% LEGAL OPERATING EXPENSES 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 102,202.00 102% TOTALS 94,718.34 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 102,202.00 102% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 399,962.37 400,429.11 464,034.68 480,509.59 454,152.00 106% OPERATING EXPENSES 78,081.01 84,932.76 89,756.02 77,949.36 99,599.00 78% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 1,519.87 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 478,043.38 485,361.87 555,310.57 558,458.95 553,751.00 101% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 117,621.31 114,081.27 115,440.50 121,978.70 140,334.00 87% OPERATING EXPENSES 38,642.02 47,534.90 27,698.63 32,471.30 32,665.00 99% CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,263.00 0.00 0.00 30,528.63 35,000.00 87% TOTALS 161,526.33 161,616.17 143,139.13 184,978.63 207,999.00 89% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 669,549.43 635,683.87 682,404.30 770,837.41 782,414.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,981.09 89,335.18 92,290.13 114,750.31 131,059.00 88% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 7,500.00 12,500.00 3,700.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 770,530.52 732,519.05 787,194.43 889,287.72 913,473.00 97% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,185,020.98 2,183,233.99 2,162,610.75 2,135,684.38 2,132,059.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 220,863.50 229,517.47 236,267.30 219,761.15 208,942.00 105% CAPITAL OUTLAY 812.00 4,483.00 10,464.70 17,306.75 17,306.00 100% TOTALS 2,406,696.48 2,417,234.46 2,409,342.75 2,372,752.28 2,358,307.00 101% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 142,209.76 139,892.30 148,218.95 153,223.82 154,406.00 99% OPERATING EXPENSES 23,155.45 22,917.22 22,522.25 14,626.79 23,585.00 62% TOTALS 165,365.21 162,809.52 170,741.20 167,850.61 177,991.00 94% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 598,853.96 549,229.56 628,633.25 622,918.41 613,540.00 102% OPERATING EXPENSES 99,773.43 100,748.36 102,518.27 10S,415.60 108,761.00 97% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,380.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 700,008.34 649,977.92 731,151.52 728,334.01 722,301.00 101% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 464,406.20 464,848.47 503,610.17 503,013.64 536,329.00 94% OPERATING EXPENSES 6,748.23 7,871.55 12,654.78 8,849.94 12,262.00 72% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,995.64 0.00 0.00 29,982.78 29,983.00 0% TOTALS 473,150.07 472,720.02 516,264.95 541,846.36 578,574.00 94% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2014 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2014/2015 2014/2015 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4th QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUAL BUDGET OF BUDGET ROADS AND DRAINAGE 237,574.77 235,652.38 248,945.54 213,731.43 234,133.00 91% PERSONAL SERVICES 623,761.21 617,722.51 564,601.96 590,308.87 612,011.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 113,357.38 111,451.84 196,989.97 121,191.92 133,415.00 91% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 38,579.25 105,695.13 134,086.03 134,840.00 99% TOTALS 737,118.59 767,753.60 867,287.06 845,586.82 880,266.00 96% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 595,073.31 746,341.72 698,964.43 1,102,805.02 1,074,474.00 103% PERSONAL SERVICES 456,842.44 469,592.91 416,003.99 565,754.22 563,066.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 465,276.39 331,059.18 479,488.38 609,807.30 661,268.00 92% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,185.00 3,782.82 4,820.11 45,955.90 29,956.00 153% TOTALS 923,303.83 804,434.91 900,312.48 1,221,517.42 1,254,290.00 97% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 174,211.05 181,492.67 156,028.16 186,513.81 190,299.00 98% OPERATING EXPENSES 19,555.20 17,640.89 25,045.06 22,666.08 23,365.00 97% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,005.75 3,929.00 1,565.00 2,786.00 3,000.00 93% TOTALS 194,772.00 203,062.56 182,638.22 211,965.89 216,664.00 98% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 140,720.38 129,976.23 139,339.89 143,605.92 148,975.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 105,539.51 105,835.02 93,796.94 147,260.86 147,021.00 100% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,414.00 18,161.80 10,639.22 15,397.97 14,423.00 107% TOTALS 248,673.89 253,973.05 243,776.05 306,264.75 310,419.00 99% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 650,016.92 617,928.86 651,473.23 660,978.30 703,930.00 94% OPERATING EXPENSES 226,488.21 227,422.97 237,323.18 224,214.65 215,012.00 104% CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,128.88 19,190.32 35,199.55 51,824.29 52,966.00 98% TOTALS 888,634.01 864,542.15 923,995.96 937,017.24 971,908.00 96% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 87,376.57 107,068.99 146,637.57 155,229.57 155,168.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 23,532.05 37,414.92 37,607.18 33,427.14 37,734.00 89% CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,799.99 0.00 10,118.34 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 119,708.61 144,483.91 194,363.09 188,656.71 192,902.00 98% GROWTH MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 223,308.25 200,069.38 217,865.20 188,832.07 206,118.00 92% OPERATING EXPENSES 14,266.52 35,583.00 31,080.34 24,899.36 28,015.00 89% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% TOTALS 237,574.77 235,652.38 248,945.54 213,731.43 234,133.00 91% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 105,610.10 134,451.31 141,821.12 131,047.75 123,890.00 106% OPERATING EXPENSES 489,463.21 548,329.41 557,143.31 625,417.44 591,643.00 106% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 63,561.00 0.00 346,339.83 358,941.00 96% TOTALS 595,073.31 746,341.72 698,964.43 1,102,805.02 1,074,474.00 103% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9,769,295.49 9,746,233.74 10,273,156.34 11,226,156.77 11,424,270.00 98% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 FUND 310 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Descri t}tiion Budget To DateExpgnded Expended Encumbrances Rema!ini g A1411 Computer Overhaul 300,000.00 260,019.50 86.67% - 39,980.50 A1412 Diesel Fuel Tank (CLOSED) 32,812.62 32,812.62 100.00% - 0.00 A1513 Police Vehicle Replacement 368,000.00 311,876.14 84.75% 2,734.00 53,389.86 A1514 Roof Repairs (CLOSED) 52,786.66 52,786.66 100.00% - - A 1515 Diesel Fuel Tank Software 25,006.00 - 0.00% - 25,000.00 A1516 Stormwater Equipment 102,000.00 55,850.87 54.76% 47,724.00 (1,574.87) A 1517 Vac Truck -(CLOSED) 361,586.55 361,586.55 100.00% - - A1518 Clear Village Software 61,762.00 38,029.00 61.57% 22,983.00 750.00_ A1525 Boat Lift (CLOSED) 1,303,947.83 1,112,961.34 85.35% 73,441.00 117,545.49 FUND 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remainin C1125 Riverview Park Irrigation Fountains (Closed) 23,707.18 23,707.18 100.00% - - A1320 Fish House Improvements 512,766.00 413,675.78 80.68% 128,390.47 (29,300.25) A1422 Tennis Wall (CLOSED) 22,032.98 22,032.98 100.00% - A1424 Disc Golf C3a Stormwater Park (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - A1521 Community Center Parking 52,000.00 840.00 1.62% 51,160.00 A1522 Fishermart's Landing Shoreline 22,000.00 1,250.00 5.68% - 20,750.00 A1523 Skate Park Rebuild (CLOSED) 94,274.20 94,274.20 100.00% - A1524 Yacht Club Pier Decking (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - - A1525 Boat Lift (CLOSED) 7,975.82 7,975.82 100.00% - - A1526 Veteran's Memorial (CLOSED) 10,277.00 10,277.00 100.000/0 - - A1620 Working Waterfront Drainage - 21.60 0.00% - - 745,033.18 574,032.96 77.05% 128,390.47 42,609.75 FUND 330 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Descri tP ion Budget To Date F ed Encumbrances Remaining CI 132 Gateway Enhancement (Closed) 18,773.49 18,773.49 100.00% - - A1231 Presidential Streets 971,021.40 932,915.33 96.08% - 38,106.07 A1433 Street Repaving (closed) 104,116.80 104,116.80 100.00% - - A 1434 Tulip Drive 423,977.00 20,000.00 4.72% - 403,977.00 A1531 Police Station Parking 52,000.00 - 0.00% - 52,000.00 A1532 Cav Corp Parking 202,000.00 4,950.45 2.45% - 197,049.55 A1533 Pedestrian Bridges (Closed) 32,139.83 32,139.83 100.00% - A1534 Fleming Street Paving (Closed) 322,396.30 322,396.30 100.00% - - A1535 Coolidge Street Paving (Closed) 480,670.60 480,670.60 100.00% - - A1536 Street Paving 229,977.00 52,821.90 22.97% 171,844.40 5,310.70 A1537 Riverview Park Sidewalks 35,000.00 - 0.00% - 35,000.00 A1538 Highway Beautification 100,000.00 13,975.00 13.98% - 86,025.00 2,972,072.42 1982,759.70 66.71% 171,844.40 817,468.32 FUND 363 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budge To Date Expended Encumbrances Remainin A1461 Quarter Round (Closed) 495,003.01 495,003.01 100.00% - A1561 Quarter Round (Closed) 211,509.80 211,509.80 100.00% A1562 Indian River Lagoon 100,000.00 - 0.00% - 100,000.00 A1660 Excavator Purchase 130,000.00 0.00% 127,966.00 2,034.00 936 512.81 706,512.81 75.44% 127,966.00 102,034.00 FUND 415 GOLF COURSE PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date ExpSndcd Encumbrances Remaining A1540 Golf Course Irrigation 1,300,000.00 141.70 0.01% - 1,299,858.30 A1541 Golf Course Restrooms 84,215.00 139.10 0.22% - 84,075.90 1,364,215.00 280.80 0.02% 4363 934.20 FUN12 455 AIRPORT PROJECTS Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining A1351 Main Street Access Road 1,641,163.00 923,800.92 56.29% 10,894.31 706,467.77 A1451 AP Hangar 1,525,000.00 170,530.99 11.18% 77,385.90 1,277,083.11 3,166,163.00 1094 331.91 34.56% 88,280.21 1,983 550.88 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 As of September 30, 2015, the total of the City's cash and investments were $11,077,996.45. Of this, $7,461,431.05 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank and $3,616,565.40 was invested with the State Board of Administration. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not currently hold any investments in government securities. At this time, the obtainable yields on qualified maturities less than three years are still less than the yield received on our checking account, which is .30% over the rate for 13 week Treasury Bills, now about .23%. The State Board rate has been in a range of about .27%. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK Per Audited Financial Statements STATE BOARD OF ADMLYISTRATION (SBA) Initial Assignment of FY2012-13 Surplus Changes to Assigned Reserves CURRENT 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 CURRENT 09/30/14 CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANC PERCENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund S 3,79.3,003.12 104.83% General Fund S 1.570.903.30 43.44% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 281,852.98 7.79% Local Option Gas Tax Fund - 0.00% Discretionary Sales Tai Fund 775,458.78 21.449/a Discretionary87 Sales Tax Fund 841,445.3.27% 2 Rig erfront Redevctoptttent Fund 361,482.49 10.00% Riverfsont Redevelopment Fund 96,686.62 2.67% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fmid - 0.000/0Parking In-Licu-Of Fund 46.539.19 1.2904 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 606,034.46 16.760/4 Reemation Impact Fee Fund 16.64550 0.46% Stormwater Utility Fund 146,963.08 4.06% Stormwater Utility Fund - 0.00% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 5,79737 0.16% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 33,83116 0.94% Discretionary Sales Tax, Debt Service Fund S 14,013.48 1411% Discretionary Sales Tax, Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 105,799.64 2.93% Stormwater Scries 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund - 0.00% Capital Improtiemenh Fund 82,107.77 2.27% Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund (94,525.00) -2.61% Transportation Fund - 0.003'. Stormwater Projects Fund 0.00 0.005: Stormwater Projects Fund 0.00% Golf Coursc Fund (134,521.01) -3.72% Golf Coursc Fund - 0.00% Golf Course Projects Fund 139,173.92 3.85% GolfCourse Projects Fund 6,64718 0.18'1• Airport Fund 90,935.06 2.51% Airport Fuad - 0.00% Airport Projects Fund (487,453.64) -13.48% Airport Projects Fund 0.00% Building Dopa =Kw Fund 38S,952.55 10.67% Buildia& Department Fund 709,881.77 19.63% Cemetery Trust Fund 857,515.00 23.71% Cemetery Trust Fund 73,984.61 2.05% Performance Deposits Fund 32.941.00 0.91% Performance Deposits Fund 220,000.00 6.08% Total Bank Balance S 7,461,131.05 206.31% Total SBA Balance S 3.616.465.30 100.000/0 REPORT ON GENERAL FUND CASH RESERVES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 General Fund Cash Reserves are maintained to minimize the impact of unforeseen or emergency events, such as natural disasters, significant revenue shortfalls or unanticipated expenditures on the City's operations. City policies require reserves greater than or equal to thirty percent of the annual General Fund total expenditures budget, less debt service, interfund transfers and capital expenditures. However, should there be an event that caused City-wide damages of 30%, it is preferable to maintain a reserve balance of about $5 million dollars. A portion of this balance has been set aside from surpluses added since FY2012-13 for funding unanticipated repairs and replacements. Unassiened Reserves 09/30/13 Per Audited Financial Statements 55,065,242 Initial Assignment of FY2012-13 Surplus Changes to Assigned Reserves 19,789 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 263,874 09/30/14 Per Audited Financial Statements 55,348,905 -28,056 Less Equipment and Facilities 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System Repair and Replacement Reserve 360,615 09/30/14 Balance $4,9881290 01//14/15 Audit Fee for new GASB -2,000 0128/15 Building Department Software -19,800 05/13/15 Seawall Engineering Assessment -50,000 11/07/14 Ditch Work — Barber, Caravan & Crowberry $4,916,490 Equipment and Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Balances 09/30/13 Initial Assignment of FY2012-13 Surplus 5467,286 5467,286 06/30/14 Replace 3 Mowers & Dump Truck -96,915 370,371 09/10/14 Replace Excavator -28,056 342,315 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System -4,343 337,972 09/30/14 Assignment of FY2013-14 Surplus +263,874 601,846 10/06/14 Repairs for Sinkhole at Rolling Hill Ditch -18,554 583,292 10/10/14 Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge -30,215 553,077 11/07/14 Ditch Work — Barber, Caravan & Crowberry -9,598 543,479 12/10/14 Replace Bucket Truck -94,641 448,838 06/24/15 Repairs to City Garage Roof -8,651 440,187 06/24/15 Pipe Repair — Coolidgeftdian River Drive -14,980 425,207 06/24/15 Sidewalk Repairs at Barber Street Bridge -1.926 423,281 08/26/15 Community Center/Yacht Club Pumps/Wells -5,140 418,141 08/26/15 Cemetery Irrigation due to lighting strike -387 417,754 08/26/15 Repairs to Main Street Dock -1,500 416,254 07/15/15 Communications Dispatch Console -29,983 386,271 07/24/15 Repairs to Tennis Court Fencing -850 385,421 07/24/15 Repairs to Police Department generator -1,000 384,421 07/30/15 Replace Parks mower -10,525 373,896 08/06/15 City Hat VCommunity Center air conditioners -13,281 360,615 DATE DAY 01/11/16 Monday 01/13/16 Wednesday 02/12/16 Friday 02/29/16 Monday 03/04/16 Friday 03/23/16 Wednesday 04/18/16 Monday 05/09/16 Monday 05/16/16 Monday 06/01/16 Wednesday 06/06/16 Monday 06/10/16 Friday 06/15/16 Monday 06/17/16 Friday 06/22/16 Wednesday 06/27/16 Monday 07/11/16 Monday 07/13/16 Wednesday 07/14/16 Thursday 07/20/16 Friday 08/01/16 Monday 08/04/16 Thursday 08/08/16 Monday 08/10/16 Wednesday 09/05/16 Monday 09/07/16 Wednesday 09/14/16 Wednesday 09/19/16 Monday 09/24/16 Saturday 09/28/16 Wednesday 09/29/16 Thursday CITY OF SEBASTIAN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 BUDGET CALENDAR DRAFT EVENT Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Kick-off Meeting and Review of 4'h Quarter FY2015 Budget Report City Council @6:00pm — Budget Calendar Approval Departments Receive Instructions for Capital Improvement Program Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 1 S` Quarter Budget Report Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Finance Director City Council @6:00pm — Approve I" Quarter Budget Report Departments Receive Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Finance Director Parks & Recreation Board @6:00pm - Review of Capital Improvement Program Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 2nd Quarter Budget Report Finish City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget DR420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser City Council and Budget Review Advisory Board Receive Recommended Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget City Council @6:00pm — Approve 2dQuarter Budget Report Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Presentation on Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Approve Recommendations on Proposed Millage City Council @6:00pm — Receive Budget Review Advisory Board Recommendations and Approve Proposed Millage Planning and Zoning Board Receives Capital Improvement Program Deadline to send DR -420 Proposed Millage Form to Property Appraiser Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Approve Recommendations on Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget Planning and Zoning Board @7:00pm — Approval of Capital Improvement Program Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 3`d Quarter Budget Report City Council @6:00pm — Presentation and Workshop on Budget Recommendations and Approve 3rd Quarter Budget Report Final Adoption of School Board Budget First Public Hearing on County Budget Final Adoption of County Budget City Council @6:00pm — Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on Millage and Budget/Approval of Capital Improvement Program/Financial Policies Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budget CRA/City Council Meeting @6:00pm — Approve Community Redevelopment Agency Budget/Final Public Hearing on Millage and Budget Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Joe Griffin, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: December 10, 2015 Re: 01 Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2015 Enclosed please find the 4`h Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2015. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters • City Clerk prepared, scanned agenda packets, attended and recorded minutes for six Regular City Council meetings and one Special Council Meeting. • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — letters, emails, scanning to LF, indexing, certifying. • 14 resolutions adopted by Council. • No ordinances adopted by Council. • Six proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor. • Placed one legal ad in Press Journal. • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press. • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations. • Managed Council emails for retention and scanned and forwarded incoming mail to Council. • Prepared travel reimbursements for five Council Members for FLC Annual Conference. • Submitted, proofed, distributed one code supplement. • Recorded documents at Indian River County Clerk of Court recording office. Records Management Program • Responded to 29 public records requests. • 11 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned, 15 bags of duplicate and OSA records & one box of media were destroyed by Shred -It Recycling. • For future scanning reports we will utilize a count directly from Laserfiche not available for this report — we are utilizing Laserfiche for scanning multitudes of permanent and long term records on a daily basis. Election Matters • PAC monthly campaign reports submitted M6, M7 and M8 reports and provided to press as requested. • Four candidates qualified for City Council and submitted M7 and M8 reports and provided to press as requested. • Two election legal ads placed - July and August. • Mailed election assessment checks to State Election Commission Trust. • Provided ballot to SOE following close of qualifying. City Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared nine board appointment transmittals for Council, notified and provided info to appointee, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages and posted on O:drive. • Prepared one certificate of appreciation for outgoing member. • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended and recorded one Youth Advisory Committee meeting. • City Clerk attended and recorded two CRA meetings. • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended and recorded one IRL Coalition meeting in September. • Two legal ads placed for CRA meetings. • Deputy Clerk attended and recorded three Budget Review Advisory Board meetings. • Deputy Clerk prepared agenda, attended and recorded one Natural Resources Board meeting. • Published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and Council. Audio -Visual Website and Other E Records Matters • 249 Work orders closed for AV and website updates/additions : Electronic Records - 3; Hardware - l; Other - 2; Publications — 1; Publications ->Print - 1; Publications ->Video - 28; Software - 8; Telecom - 1;Website/COS-TV/PP Total — 202; • ERIM supervised or attended with AV Spec/Techs for live broadcast or recording 22 City meetings. • ERIM redesigned the website for the Community Center(http:;/commctr.cityofsebastian. ore). • ERIM resolved address issues with Golf Advisor for the Golf Course. • Added COSty 24hr Broadcast to ATT U -Verse. Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 25 locations for a total of $37,200. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention (see Records Management). • Entered into Pontem database all burials and lots/niches sold. Personnel/Educational Matters • Deputy Clerk attended FLC Seminar in Orlando July 20. • Deputy Clerk became certified with the Florida Records Management Association. • ERIM attended IT Conference in Texas — self pay and during vacation time. • ERIM received MCCi scholarship for registration costs ($1,000) to attend January National Laserfiche Conference in CA. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared P Quarter 2015 Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Presented the Capital Improvement Program to the Planning Board. • Presented 2016 Operating Budget and Capital Program and made presentation to City Council. • Presented final recommendations on the millage and budget at the required Public Hearings. • Issued agenda and coordinated meetings of the Police Pension Board. • Attended regular meetings to review status of capital projects. • Participated in arbitration of EEOC claims and reached settlement agreements. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Worked on review and revision of City personnel policies. • Recruited, interviewed and hired replacements for vacant positions. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Arrest Reports (Juveniles)....................................................................... 6 • Arrests Reports (Adults)......................................................................... 83 • Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into CAPERS...... 89 • Traffic Citations processed and entered into CAPERS ...................................... 128 • Traffic Enforcements............................................................................. 206 • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into CAPERS ..................... 25 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into CAPERS .................. 549 • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed .................................................. 299 • Public Records Request.......................................................................... 185 • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Conducted interviews for two Police Officer positions. • Administration attended 6 Council meetings. • Attended over 100 Law Enforcement related meetings and 52 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Attended over 100 hours of training. • Conducted 3 leadership training/mentoring sessions with sergeants, corporals and civilian supervisors. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,454.5 hours during this quarter. • 55 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall saving time for the employees by not having to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 1,117 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 60 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. • 137 business checks were made. These business checks are done and help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. • 79 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 69 Airport checks were made. Again the visibility helps to deter crime. • 73 special details were assigned. • 2 miscellaneous assist for law enforcement personnel. • 98 paper runs i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and what ever other items are needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 3 traffic crash scenes. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking issued. • 49 citizen contacts. • 439 Miscellaneous jobs. • 40 hours of Funeral Escorts were completed. School Resource Officer • On maternity leave June 18" to August 19`x, 2015. • Road patrol duties on a shift. • Began review of the Shop with a Cop applications. • Managed RUOK Program. • Assisted with Crossing Guard management. • Scheduled Code Red Drills for three schools in this jurisdiction. • Does area checks of the schools, as well as taking reports there while on duty. Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 2,626 calls for service, and self -initiated 2,914 events. • 83 adult and 6 juvenile arrests were made. • Officers issued 126 citations, 25 parking citations, and 549 written warnings. • Officers completed 797 offense reports and 89 crash reports. Citations Warnings Incidents Arrests • Traffic (462) 38 85 67 1 • K-9 Ofc's (41/38/46/37) 22 74 68 b • TOTALS 60 159 135 7 • K-9 Arrest (Misdemeanors) 2 • K-9 Arrest (Felonies) 4 • K-9 Training hours 200 • K-9 Demonstrations 4 • K-9 Narcotic Searches 15 • K-9 Activity Reports 7 • K-9 Schools Attended - K-9 Conference, TACOPS East $ High Liability Conference (Officer Cole). • K-9 Additional Training 40 (SRT, In-house, etc.) • Agency Assisted: Brevard County, Fellsmere PD and Indian River County. Investigations July Augus September Active Cases 56 61 30 Cases Assigned 11 25 8 Cases Closed 7 17 14 Cases Inactive 6 6 27 Arrest 1 1 0 # of Warrants Obtained 5 10 10 Supplements 16 25 41 Communications Division • 10,786 calls entered into C.A.D. of that: • 4,389 were dispatched calls for service. • 1,910 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls. • 2,904 were Officer Initiated calls. • 1,473 were Volunteer Initiated calls. • 110 were duplicated and/or miscellaneous information calls. • Total 911 calls received 2,348 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: • Wireless 911 calls — 1,707 (cell phones). • Land -line 911 calls — 468 (residential and/or business land lines). • VOIP 911 calls —168. • 995 of the calls were transferred to other agencies. • 164 were 911 hang-ups. • Total Admin Lines calls: • Incoming 6,181 • Outgoing 2,528 • Transferred 3,787 • Abandoned 94 • Training attended: • 9 Dispatchers completed Police Legal Science monthly training. • 9 Dispatchers completed APCO monthly training articles. • 1 FDLE C7IS Training Symposium. • 2 CIT Training. • 1 Online State Telecommunicator Certification Class. • 1 Challenged and Passed the State Telecommunicator Exam. • 2 completed all phases of the in-house training program. • Radio and playback equipment was repaired. • Solacom phone equipment repaired. • Repaired Higher Ground recording equipment report section. • New Radio Maestro Radio Console Installed. • Workstation 2 hit by lightning and caused damage to a few things. During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign offs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. Communications receives and dispatches all non -emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. While on calls for services, Communications will assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. Communications helps officers to search for information, phone numbers, etc. Communications also assist other agencies with information and/or request they may have. Code Enforcement Division Of the 2,084 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 541 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 106 property inspections for title companies and 87 sign violations. • 591 Code Services. • 740 re -inspections, 72 violations were not complied with, 161 were posted for abatement, 45 abated by vendors. • 464 violations complied. • 13 Liens filed, 49 liens released. • 192 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violations during the first quarter. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department completed the following 4th quarter accomplishments. Airport • Gate 21 — road re -graded • Swoop pond installation • Airport Gates maintenance • Hangar B leased • Mowing done and ditches cleaned out • Piped ditch for pedestrian cross over • Airport Road paved and project closed out Stormwater Drainage • Catch Basin installed -2 • Road Crossings — 1 • Pipe Installed 370 feet • Side Yard Pipe — replacement — Kildare Street • Main Ditches — excavating — units 2-1 by contractor • Armadillo swale work — various areas of City • Stormwater Park Mowing • '/ round cleaning • Citizen complaints — response • Vac Truck • Driveway Pipes Cleaned - 26 • Catch basins — cleaned — 55 • Road Crossings cleaned — 133 • Side yard pipes cleaned — 9 • Cubic yards of debris collected — 116 Roads • Pot holes • Tree cutting to clear for trucks, (trash — vac- dump) • Cutback Right of way for safety hazards • Cut vegetation around Concha Dam • Remove trees blocking sidewalk (512 -Roseland Road) • Citizen Complaints Sign Shop • Replace signs in Indian River Drive • Re -painting stop bars (throughout the City) • Placing traffic counters • Install slow down placards • Re -paint parking lot at Golf Course • Replacing faded stop signs • Clean out sign shop Parks • Prepared Indian River Drive & Riverview Park for 4'h of July Celebration. • Assisted with S.P.D. Christmas in July at Riverview Park • Delivered stage and sound system for Early Learning Coalition's event at Riverview Park • Assisted with Patriot Day Ceremony • Added clay and groomed baseball infields at Barber St. Sports Complex • Repaired lighting on football fields at Barber St. Sports Complex • Distributed flyers to Schools and put signs up for Fall Gymnastic & Dance Classes • Repaired playground at Easy Street Park • Installed air flow vents for control cabinet at Splash Pad • Repaired recirculating pump and rebuilt feature pump at Splash Pad • Repaired & added new fence at Skate Park • Repaired fence around clay tennis courts at Friendship Park • Repaired irrigation throughout City • Continued regular maintenance Proiects • Fleming Street re -paved • Main Street - started Recreation - Continued City run programs Cemetery - Routine mowing, weed eating and edging. Worked with the Corrections crew, fixed irrigation, trimmed trees, sprayed round up. Followed contractor repair maintenance building. Facilities Maintenance • Continued Daily Maintenance, cleaning and repairs of all Public Works • Continued monthly maintenance schedule on lift stations, A/C filters, gates, etc. • Continued monitoring of contracts with pest. control, AIC. elevators, fire sprinklers and fire alarms • Replaced A/C unit at Community Center • Installed 70 bricks for veterans memorial • Raise and Lowered flags • Set up for the health fair • Removed broken street lights on Indian River Drive • Fixed Marque at Old School House • Blind and tint for Mis office • Replaced cemetery AIC unit • Repaired City Hall Fountain • Strip and Wax garage office floor Central Garage • The Fleet Management Staff completed 346 repair work orders, 62 preventive maintenance services, 28 service calls and 15 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 32 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: o (4) Police Patrol Units • Worked on prep (lights, rack, graphics, etc.) on the following units: o (4) Police Patrol Units • Fuel Cost as of the 10/22/2015 is as follows: o $1.82 per gallon of gasoline decrease 23% over the past 90 days o $1.97 per gallon of diesel fuel decrease of 15% over the past 90 days GOLF COURSE Revenue 14-15 13-14 Difference Total Revenue $155,529 $160,698 -$5,169 YTD Tot. Rev. $1,325,597 $1,262,971 +$62,626 Total Rounds $8,154 $8,632 -$478 YTD Tot. Rds. $49,411 $46,984 +$2,427 Green Fee $40,726 $40,833 -$107 Cart Fee $89,966 $96,189 -$6,223 Ann. Mem. YTD $64,282 $59,603 +$4,679 USGA Hdcp. $20 $0 +$20 Disct. Card $0 $0 $0 YTD Dis. Cd. $30,539 $29,891 +$648 Driving Range $5,560 $5,656 -$96 YTD Dr. Rge. $39,512 $39,616 -$104 Club Rental $504 $284 +$220 Club Storage $78 $45 +$33 Golf Shop Retail $11,949 $10,284 +$1,665 YDT Shop Retail $60,705 $50,755 +9,950 PGA Pro Lesson $185 $646 -$461 YTD Lesson $3,218 $3,532 -$314 Restaurant Rent $6,635 $6,758 -$123 YTD Restaurant Rent $29,139 $29,047 +$92 6 Comments — 4`h quarter total revenue/rounds down slightly mainly due to September weather, yet Year To Date total revenue/rounds were up. Golf shop retail showed modest increase for 4"' quarter and also showed increase for Year To Date. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 40' quarter (14-15) include 2"`1 Annual Indian River Airboat Association Golf Tournament (144 players), Indian River Golf Foundation Junior Golf Tournament (28 players), Sebastian River High School Boys & Girls Golf Team Benefit (120 players) and Sebastian River High School Classic with golf teams from Sebastian River, Vero Beach HS, Melbourne HS and Viera HS competing. • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for I' quarter (15-16) include Central Baptist Church, Sebastian Italian -American Club, Sebastian Tiki Bar, Eagles Nest 25'h Anniversary/St. Baldrick's Golf Benefit, Sebastian Orioles Golf Tournament, 2015 Sebastian Amateur and Florida Comets High School Basketball Benefit. • Received City of Sebastian Council approval for Design/Build Golf Course Irrigation Project, which was awarded to Nutt Construction. • Received City of Sebastian Council approval for On -Course Restrooms Renovation Project, which was awarded to Kerns Construction. • Began repair and renovations of golf course cart barn and starter's station. • Advertising and accepting bids for new golf course maintenance storage facility. • Requested for replacement of IGM Golf Course Superintendent in late September, immediately received new superintendent, Chris Eckart. • New Assistant Golf Professional, Matt Hill, began employment at SMGC. • 300 feet of concrete repair to golf course cart paths accomplished. AIRPORT • Working on Construction of Maintenance Building Improvements Project. • On-going Stormwater maintenance. Economic Development • Partnered w/Sebastian Chamber on print advertising campaign. • Constructed pond for skydivers. • Budgeted for $14,035 in FY2016 to be spent on economic development. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 35 new single-family homes were issued building permits. This number is in line with what was reported in the third quarter of this fiscal year. The month of July was little slow with only five new homes but picked up significantly in August and September. Other permits of significance include 0 new manufactured homes, 1 new commercial building, 1 commercial addition, 11 commercial alterations, 3 commercial build outs, 2 residential additions and 10 residential alterations. In all, 967 building permits were issued in the fourth quarter. This is slightly greater than the third quarter totals. • Total number of inspections for the third quarter was 2659 for an average of 42 inspections per working day. The number of inspections has essentially remained the same as the third quarter of this fiscal year. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 29 new single family residences, 0 new manufactured homes, 1 commercial certificates of occupancy and 0 commercial certificates of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the third quarter: New Businesses -16, Renewals -571, Transfers -3, Duplicates -4, Home Based Businesses -197, Commercial Businesses -321, Insurance Companies -30, and Solicitor Permits -7. In addition, there have been 68 requests from lien/tide companies for permit records on properties within the city. • Building Department successfully abated an unsafe structure at 198 Columbus St. This property was left abandoned and dilapidated after the owner past away. After researching the property with the help of Code Enforcement and the Police Dept. the brother was located in Indiana. The brother and mother of the deceased did not want anything to do with the property and were willing to sign the property over to the City. The Building Department consulted our City Attorney and ultimately hired a local outside attorney who was able to secure a Quit Claim Deed from the mother of the deceased. The Building Department was then able to have the home demolished to remove the violation. All past due taxes were paid on the property and the Building Department will now follow procedures to sell the land to recoup monies spent on abatement of the unsafe structure.