HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-2016 YAC MinutesCBOF SE,,,NN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 6, 2016, 4:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL Chairman Rafuls called the Youth Advisory Council meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present - Ryan Rafuls, Chairman (SRHS) Katie Toperzer (SRHS) Marlee Houck (SCJHS) Taylor Eason (SCJHS) Absent: Eddie Simchick (SRHS) (excused) Anthony Scaramuzzi, Vice Chairman (SRMS) Skylar Carstairs (SRMS) Also Present: Ashley Penn, Police Officer Barbara Brooke -Reese, E -Records & Information Manager Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary George Millar, Chairman of Natural Resources Board Andrea Ring, Member Natural Resources Board Special Announcement George Millar announced the Natural Resources Board 2016 Earth Day Event, Saturday April 23, 2016, from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Riverview Park and invited the Youth Advisory Council to spread the word throughout their schools, student councils and leadership to encourage participation. 4. PARTICIPATION IN 2016 FINE ARTS & MUSIC FESTIVAL Katie Toperzer reported that she contacted Lisanne Monier -Robinson who will let the Council use the Park's pavilion from noon to 6 p.m. Chairman Rafuls said he was concerned there was not enough time to prepare and asked the Council if they would like to participate with the April 23 Earth Day. Taylor Eason reported the Council was prepared for the Fine Art Festival and asked if there was something specific things that needed extra preparation. Youth Advisory Council Meeting 2 January 6, 2016 Officer Penn pointed out the contest materials have not been chosen and purchased; noting there hasn't been any advertising to ensure participation. She suggested they probably should have met more to discuss the details. Discussion followed on receiving donations or funds from City Council for colored pencils and paper. Natural Resources Board Member Andrea Ring said her Board was thinking the Youth Council could bring the Earth Day projects they might have accomplished in their schools to be displayed in the park on April 23. Officer Penn suggested the schools could have art contests or there could be a contest at Earth Day. Ms. Ring added the City's stage would be available if they wanted to sing or act (a play). MOTION by Chairman Rafuls with a SECOND by Marlee Houck to move to art contest to the Earth Day festival passed with a vote of 4-0. ii. Confirm Contest Topic Marlee Houck suggested the art contest be Earth Day themed. Katie Toperzer asked if there could be a photo or art contest at the schools and present the winners at the festival. Officer Penn suggested the Council members discuss this through their art teachers which will help advertise the contest. Katie Toperzer offered to speak to some art teachers. Taylor Eason asked if the Council will have any other activities at Earth Day. The Recording Secretary said they would have a table that they could sit at and seek suggestions for projects and display the contest winners. Discussion followed regarding a Facebook page. The E -Records & Information Manager reported the City has a Facebook page that the Youth Advisory Council can post and advertise on using #COSYouthCouncil. The Manager requested copy to make their post to COSTV cityofsebastian.org; city(a�cityofsebastian.org or apenn(a).cityofsebastian.org. i. Review Flyer Chairman Rafuls read the flyer he created for the benefit of the public. (see attached) Marlee Houck suggested intensifying the color. The flyer would be distributed amongst the schools, Earth Day event, Chamber of Commerce and the Library. 5. PUBLIC INPUT — None 6. NEW BUSINESS - None 7. STAFF MATTERS The Recording Secretary asked the Council if a 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. start time would accommodate the members. It was the consensus of the members to have future meetings at 6:00 p.m. IPA Youth Advisory Council Meeting 3 January 6, 2016 The Recording Secretary announced the next meeting is scheduled for February 10th but Officer Penn has a Wednesday evening college class and she requested that the meeting be changed to February 91h at 6:00 p.m. It was the consensus of the members to have the next meeting February 9th at 6:00 p.m. 8. COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS - None 9. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Chairman Rafuls said they would discuss the input they would receive from their respective art teachers that would lead the Council into discussing details for the art contest at Earth Day. He also stated he would revise the flyer and bring it back for discussion. 10. Being no further business, Chairman Rafuls adjourned the Youth Advisory Council meeting at 4:33 p.m. By: =-Z/0 9��5 Ch rman Ryan Rafuls Date