HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150817BAC MinutesCITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY—AUGUST 17, 2015 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Ed Herlihy —Chairman Bruce Hoffman Terry Taylor Sergio Mota Not Present: Michael Frank (Excused) Tim Slaven (Excused) Dionna Farmer—Vice Chairman 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS —None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —JULY 6, 2015 MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. Taylor to approve the July 6, 2015 minutes passed with a voice vote of 4-0. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS —NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. GENERAL UPDATE AND DISCUSSION OF FY 2015-16 BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM The Administrative Services Director said it was worthy to comment that the County asked City Council to adopt a resolution in support of extending the discretionary sales tax (DST). He said he believed Council was satisfied with the millage recommendation and budget in total. Chairman Herlihy added that All Aboard Florida was the biggest topic of discussion noting Sebastian was the only applicant for a FDOT quiet zone grant. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. REVIEW THIRD QUARTER REPORT— FY 2015 1. PRESENTATION BY KEN KILLGORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR The Administrative Services Director presented the report with larger graphics, pointing out City Council did approve the transfer of discretionary sales tax (DST) funds to stormwater to pay for the ditch cleaning; and, monies for the golf course irrigation project were encumbered to begin the bidding process. He said the executive summary show the general revenue funds are at 74.4% which is acceptable for this time of year; the Golf Course and Airport revenues show an accumulation and might show a surplus at the close of the fiscal year. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting 2 August 17, 2015 There was no change on the investment accounts; the equipment repair and replacement has a $360,000 balance; and the balance of the report displayed the department's accomplishments. 2. DISCUSSION/QUESTIONS BY BOARD TO FOLLOW Mr. Hoffman asked if he thought the DST and local option gas tax will exceed budget this year. The Administrative Services Director said he was confident they would come in over budget. Mr. Hoffman asked why the Golf Course operating expenses have reduced themselves from the trend. The Administrative Services Director explained in 2014 the City sold the golf carts for $137,000 which is still in the revenue number, along with the acquisition of the new carts so that could account for the increase. Mr. Hoffman noted the decrease this quarter for Golf Course maintenance which might be attributed to the planned irrigation replacement and said he wanted to go on record that he finds a 4% increase in playing time extremely optimistic as the City changes out the system. He is not opposed to changing out the system, but does not see it paying for itself. Chairman Herlihy said he hoped it wouldn't do it during the high season and there will be an increase in tourists. The Administrative Services Director added that by doing the financing in-house, slack could be given for non-payment penalties and the rent could be adjusted, but he hoped they wouldn't have to go there. Mr. Taylor complimented the Chairman on his presentation to City Council based on the Board's collaborative effort. Mr. Mota said he too, hoped the irrigation replacement wouldn't happen during peak golf season. Chairman Herlihy complimented the departments for coming in at 71% for the quarter and made a MOTION with a SECOND by Mr. Taylor to recommend to City Council the approval of the 3rd quarter report passed with a voice vote of 4-0. 9. PUBLIC INPUT -None 10. STAFF MATTERS - None 11. BOARD MATTERS A. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION BY INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Herlihy explained there were two public hearings coming up in September where Council could choose to lower the millage rate. The Administrative Services Director said he would make a small presentation to Council and Chairman Herlihy said he would display one slide restating the Board's recommendation. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting August 17, 2015 Mr. Hoffman pointed out that if the discretionary sales tax doesn't renew, there will need to be a re -work of the budget process. As a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Hoffman noted the County is planning a major expansion of Route 66 to Barber Street. Chairman Herlihy noted the difference needed if the DST funds are lost could be made up through property taxes and impact fees as opposed to being spread out a little through visitors and tourists. B. DISCUSSION OF TOPICS FOR NEXT MEETING Chairman Herlihy said the next meeting would be after the end of the 4th quarter which may fall during the first week of December. 12. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory meeting at 6:30 p.m. l By: Ed Cha rman Herlihy Datel