HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-2016 NRB Minutes�m �x S � STL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, January 05, 2016 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. Chairman Millar called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: George Millar — Chairman Gil Gordian - Vice Chairman Bob Progulske Jim Clifton Rose Glaser Andrea Ring Vicki Tunker - Alternate Keerthi Weragoda — Alternate Members Not Present: Jack Lampiasi Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Environmental Technician 4. MEETING MINUTES — Approval/Discussion Chairman Millar — any changes to the December 01, 2015 meeting minutes? Per Andrea Ring — Yes - incomplete, they were a couple of spaces, where the motion was made, the motion was not in the minutes and where it says, the Vice President is going to contact somebody, it was blank. Chairman Millar—Which page? Per Andrea Ring — Page 3. It says that Barbara Reese is going to make a change but it doesn't say to what. Like some clarification. Per Chairman Millar — Are we talking about in the area "Per Vice Chair in favor to take a vote then Andrea Ring made a motion concern, I talked a concern perception of the Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 1 Public if wording is changed from festival to celebration, then Rose second to change and approve by all" is that where we are talking about? Per Andrea Ring — Yes because the motion is not listed in the minutes at all. Per Chairman Millar — I think where it says, where it's taken as a motion is where it says, "Per Andrea Ring, can we change the word from festival to celebration"? I think that was taken as the motion being made? Is that correct Michelle? Per Andre Ring — Yes but it was to the web page that's why Barbara had to be involved with it. Per Chairman Millar — Ok so we want that included on the web page, is that correct? Per Andre Ring — I like the wording of the motion that was made in the minutes. Per Chairman Millar — Do you recall them? Per Andre Ring — I don't recall No. Per City Engineer Watanabe — I think what we can do is go back to the tapes and pull these items, we will bring the minutes back to the next meeting. The minutes generally highlight the commission meetings. We try not to take every word, every note but generalize, paraphrase the overall sense and sometimes we do not even put down the motions, we just say it was passed. The consensus on most of these commission meetings is to summarize it. Per Chairman Millar — I think what Andrea is wanting is the motion to be stated, if we can do that, I understand the summary, I all in favor of summarizing because then our minutes would be extremely long and laborious. So we will get that changed. Any other notes? Per Andre Ring — Just down below "We will try to contact..." and it's blank, I don't know who they were trying to contact. Per City Engineer Watanabe —Michelle will go through the entire tape and try to fil in the blanks. My recommendation again is we are trying to do the best we can when we have dialogue's and discussions and to try to get every word, it's not going to be feasible. We try to summarize and in the future these notes and meeting minutes will be more of a summary as all the other commissions do. Per Chairman Millar — I think what she was talking about was we will try to contact and it just stopped and I think it was referring to when Andrea says about contacting the schools and Gill reconfirmed that, I believe. If memory serves me correctly because I think I was there during that portion of the meeting, I came in at that point. Any other notations, being none do I have second for approval with the revision for this coming up? Per City Engineer Watanabe — My recommendation is to just bring the minutes back the next meeting. Per Chairman Millar — So be it. We will table this item for the next meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A: Christmas Parade Review: Per Chairman Millar — I was there participating, Jack Lampiasi was there, our alternate and Rose was there. Very nice turn out. Nice the public to see the NRB active and in other activities. The NRB received exposure. Very positive. Per Rose Glaser — Ask people in the floats to put there candy in baskets. Plastic bags were just flying off the floats as they got empty. When I was going back to my ride the Streets were littered after the Parade with trash, paper candy wrappers. Maybe we could go after a parade and pick up? Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 2 Per Chairman Millar- Does PW follows up after the parade? Per City Engineer Watanabe — After most events we have a crew that cleans up but it would nice to have support. Per Chairman Millar — We can look at that, Next parade — July 4. Item B: Oyster Restoration Project Update: Per Chairman Millar — Status of Project Update of Status Permit status of A-gency Permits Per the City Engineer Watanabe — The City had a meeting with SJRWMD at the project site on December 22. This new site we are looking at is pretty much across from Harrison Street on the City shoreline, there is a beach area that we identified to be within City property and that the area that appears has past Oyster habitat The rep likes the new site. In addition to that we provided documents that is within your packet.. I believe Gil did a seagrass assessment. We created a cross section per their request where the bags are going to go with the set back of 22' away 3' spacing in between the bags. Reviewed attachments. Prepared and reviewed response letter to ACOE per the RAI for the permit we need to obtain. Handed to you the SJRWMD draft application. May have a dual meeting with both agencies Per Chairman Millar - Placement of bags at the proposed distance is ok? Per the City Engineer Watanabe — We are in a more shallow area versus before and going in the direction SJRWMD recommends Per Rose Glaser — Is this in the middle of the Kayak launch? Per Vice- Chair Gordian — no slightly to the left Per the City Engineer Watanabe — When we implement we can better sign the area. Per Jim Clifton — Motion for Frank to submit letter Per Vice Chair Gordian — Second the motion c� -} rr'1 Per the,-� 8hairman:�n:z 9illar — Invited Boy scout John Giordano up to speak about his project. Per Boy Scout John Giordano — (Passed out information) On Wednesday December 30 went to project location 100' from the shoreline with a stick and camera and canvased area and took underwater photographs, there was nothing but sand. Snorkeled as well. He shared his poster board that documents what he has performed. Per Vice Chair Gordian — would you be able to show the Public the pictures that are on the poster board? Per Boy Scout John Giordano — showed his video he took of the project site. Depth of water approximately 1'— V-1/2" Per the Chairman Millar — Confirmed wth Boy Scout John Giordano that there was no sea grass per his exploration of area. Per Andrea Ring — Asked the Boy scouts project update statement — the shells will not need an additional 3 months? Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 3 Per Boy Scout John Giordano — The shells were already cleaned, they just need to be re -cleaned and won't need to go through the bleaching process again. Per Vice Chair Gordian — Will go out to re -clean the shells with the boy scouts Per the City Engineer Watanabe — The project is not close to any obstructions. The agencies will do their own review. Thank you to John Giordano for all his efforts and hard work Item C: Champion Tree Update; Per Chairman Millar — update. Per James Clifton — Last month gave draft, will take verbally if the board has anything to ad. Next month will get together with staff to put together the brochure and have a final draft for approval for next NRB meeting. Item D: Earth Day Event 2016 Update Per Chairman Millar — Update. Per Rose Glaser — Barbara has put the information on website, go to NRB website — go to left to click on the page to pull the registration application, up 19 vendors, 4 are food vendors. Inquired about budget. Allow $50 per person like last year? It would be $300 for the 3 bands and have an opening slot in the morning that can be filled. Breakdown is $100 for the band and $200 for the big band at the end? Per Michelle Stromberg — Will check on budget Per Chairman Millar - DJ alternatives — maybe the NRB could MC — an hour at a time — Master of Ceremonies , take turns. Per Rose Glaser — Half hour between music acts. Per Vice Chair Gordian — 30 minutes is to long in-between Per Andrea Ring - Going to the Youth Board to ask schools? Like to see every school invited given a slot in the park Per Chairman Millar — Andrea and Chairman Millar will be at the Youth Board meeting tomorrow at 3:00 to see if they like to participate in Earth Day. Per Rose Glaser — Time on bands Per Vice Chair Gordian - Don't be time specific Per Andrea Ring - Go to high school to see if they like to DJ Per Rose Glaser — Is Sponsorship allowed? Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Will look into clarification on sponsorship from City Attorney. K-9 unit will be at the Earth Day Event. 6. PUBLIC INPUT Per Ben Hocker — The Oyster Mat location is a great project concept, questions into Canoe launch and why the rocks were removed along the shoreline. How can oysters be placed there to shore up the shoreline? When did it become a kayak launch location, which is was originally to be at Main street, how it occurred, no information making it the kayaking launch area. We have 2 main piers that go out, boats cannot tie up to them would it be adverse to place piles of oyster shells under the docks? It would make a larger Oyster bed. Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 4 Per Chairman Millar - Maybe in the future, get first set out there make sure it is productive and research future development. Concern of exposure , enough space. Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Good suggestion by Ben Hocker, The City will look into the signage regarding the Oyster Project, kayak and canoe launching area. There is sufficient room to have both. Also will take a look into the twin piers. Per Vice Chair Gordian — There is an Oyster bed East of the dock.. Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Maybe an expansion project can be entertained. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Information on Applied Aquatics Maintenance of canals with herbicides Per Chairman Millar - Inquired into the Cities recommendations and City's care of the canals. Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Reviewed Applied Aquatics information. Within the agenda packet there is the work scope for Applied Aquatics. They are a certified DEP firm that helps to mitigate in terms of vegetation, keeping it under control. They have been servicing the canal systems for 10 years. In the scope as well are the types of Herbicides they use that are approved and certified through DEP. Home base is out of Bartow. When they come out they bring 5 or 6 airboats. Information provided in packet. Per Jim Clifton — Who is the commission's site manager and maybe come out and discuss? Per City Engineer Watanabe - I can inquire and see if they could show up. Per Chairman Millar - The issue on the frequency and wildlife disappears when there is spraying and lengthen in span of spraying. Per the City Engineer Watanabe — These are manmade water conveyance systems and need to be clear. The agencies help us keep it maintained. These are manmade waterways designed to move the waterway. If the waterways are not sprayed they can turn into a wetland with invasive species. We do not have drainage pipe systems. The waterway systems keep water off the roadways as well. Per Vicky Tucker- Mr. Stevens concerns was about the chemicals that he was provided that was not on the list on the Scope of services. Per the City Engineer Frank Watanabe — They are contracted out. Will check on chemicals. They have to be certified to spray. We are held to the contract. Per Bob Progulske — Commented on areas treated by AA, could be a naming convention. Per the City Engineer Watanabe — AA is certified, licensed, no complaints. Per Vicky Tucker- Verify what they are using maybe. Per Vice Chair Gordian — Other alternatives, mortality rate don't see - human animal conflict. Per Rose Glaser- Can put sign — Not to spray here, just have to be diligent to clean your own area. Per Resident Mr. Stevens — Have signs up. Per Resident Hocker — Spoke of concern and of products being used. Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 5 B. Possible Recycling at future NRB events Per Chairman Millar- Recycling program better — blue container with plastic bags, contact waste management to get these containers? Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Start with Earth Day, issue is who is going to pick up all the bens. Waste Management will not pick up. City is limited on resources. Up to the City council. Will commit to Earth Day for pick up but the City does not have the man power otherwise. Per Chairman Millar- When contracts are negotiated — other contracts possibility or to negotiate recycling disposable. Per Andrea Ring - Can we get a commercial recycling ben that waste management could pick up, could help keep the spoil islands clean. Per Rose Glaser — The Pelican Wildlife Festival recycles and will look into whom carries their recycling away and if Curb can provide bins for the NRB events. C. City Attorney opinion on NRB members communication with one another Per Chairman Millar- Only place we can discuss is at the meeting. Are we able to discuss beyond meetings. What does City attorney say? Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Asked the Attorneys about 2 or more members can discuss — not recommended. Gray area. In the Future no longer have 2 commissioners at events. The Attorneys says to avoid it. Best to stay separated out, City Attorneys suggestion. Per Bob Progulske — Rhetorical question — organizing email to arrange times and scheduling appointments, not a decision making email. Per Chairman Millar- Area I was worried about what Christmas Parade, who does what or picks up items - ok to inquire on these types of these things? Per the City Engineer Watanabe — Best to stay separated out and at events only have 1 member at the booth Per Andrea Ring - Rules of order — my impression is it was ok because we were talking with the citizen it was ok. Made no comments no decisions just talking to the citizens, is not a violation 8. STAFF MATTERS • Additional Items distributed, please see attached 9. MEMBER MATTERS 10. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 1. NRB members communication with one another — clarification 2. Earth day 3. NRB budget update — provided by Michelle Stromberg 4. Oyster Mat 5. Sewer Hookups Frank to look into grants Per Chairman Millar Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 6 • Per City Engineer — At the next Council meeting — City Manager giving presentation - Step program — gravity — per Grant program 5k towards — force main under pressure. Cost is so high. NRB be aware of. • Andrea to go to Council meeting an convey a report on what the discussion was 10. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Per Chairman Millar adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:33 p.m. By: Chair an Date Natural Resources Board Meeting January 05, 2016 Page 7 CID 0, ON— HOME HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 DETAILED STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY City of Sebastian Proiect Name: LPOH — Low Profile Oyster Habitat Project Site: The Project site is located, adjacent to the shoreline of Indian River Boulevard at the cross street of Harrison Street. There is not a specific address but the project site is located across from the Veterans Memorial Site in the City of Sebastian's right-of-way in zip code 32958. The approximate distance from the edge of pavement is 140'. Proiect Coordinates: N-270 48'32.7168" — E-80 027'48.996". Proiect Description: The site for the proposed Low Profile Oyster Habitat (LPOH) is within the City of Sebastian's right-of- way, located in Indian River County. The LPOH material will be comprised of biodegradable bags which will break down over a period of 5 years, clean oyster shells and zip ties. Each bag of shells will weigh approximately 301bs each and will be placed perpendicular and 22' east of the shoreline. There will be 80 bags with 200 shells in each equaling to a total of 16,000 shells. The bags will be placed two high not to exceed 18", 12" in width and will be spaced 3' apart. Proiect Installation: Cultch (Oyster shells) and biodegradable bags shall be placed within the 100' perimeter area deemed sufficient by the agencies to place the oyster bags no higher than 18" — grouped 20' ft. with a 3' ft. spacing in between to allow for aquatic life movement through the project area. Proiect Purpose: The purpose of creating this LPOH is to help protect the City's shorelines and to help with preventing erosion of the shoreline. The Low Profile Oyster Habitat is a way to broaden ecological functions and societal benefits. Oyster habitats are vital to the health of an estuary, filtering nutrients, fine sediments and toxins from the water. LPOH — Phase I - Project Statement arra' SEBASBLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (LPOH) LOW PROFILE OYSTER HABITAT PROJECT LOCATION FIELD REVIEW WITH SJRWMD —12/22/15 Proiect Summary: The Low Profile Oyster Habitat is a way to broaden ecological functions and societal benefits. Oyster habitats are vital to the health of an estuary, filtering nutrients, fine sediments and toxins from the water. Oyster reefs provide important habitat and food for numerous estuarine species, including mollusks, crustaceans, fish and birds. More than 300 species of animals have been documented to live in or have a relationship with oyster beds. Project Requirements: In summary, the SJRWMD general permit for Low Profile Oyster Habitat (LPOH) will require: 1. General permit requirements: a. LPOH is less than one quarter acre in size - 10,890 sf >40ft x 7ft = 280 sf b. Work conducted by expertise person - Yes c. LPOH is consistent with management plan - Yes d. LPOH is not part of any mitigation plan - Not associated with developments e. LPOH will not serve any aquaculture function - Will not f. LPOH will not adversely affect natural resources activities- No impacts 2. Notice will require: a. An explanation of the project - Prepare narrative b. Documentation from authorize owner - City of Sebastian c. Survey waterway 100' ft. perimeter - Aerial survey 3. All work under general hermit shall be conducted using the following: a. Use clean free culture materials (cultch) or oysters i. Cultch firmly fixed using bags or mesh material - Bags to be fixed ii Cultch to be place in areas of no oysters or restoration of existing oyster reef - No existing oysters iii Cultch shall not be placed on top of substrate with greater than five live oysters per sq. meter and elevation not to exceed 18" from bottom - Not to exceed 18" depth b. Recycled shells, fossil shell or lime rock - Recycled oysters 4. A mini of 60 days vrior to submittal of a notice required at least a pre -notice meeting: City will send notice. 5. Within 45 day and no less than 30 daY-S prior to the submittal of the notice the person shall: a. Publish notice in local newspaper City will do b. Provide written notice to the Inland Navigation District City will contact c. Provide written notice to Florida F&W City will do d. Post visible notice at nearby public boat ramps City will do 6. Implementation will not began until SJRWMD has Confirmed compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit: SRJWMD ok LPOH — Field Review December 22, 2015 Q W F' U m Z Q=Om Q U) LLI < F- U J U U)0Ow HF- LLwUW 0=j-W,� ~CCWw Uaaa O J 'OA -18 83AIN NVIONI IGNI r pA�92l3ARlNV.�:.. r z w 0. y m, t "•6`W.r x CD :. F m VA. Cn FF-- Z Q W F' U m Z Q=Om Q U) LLI < F- U J U U)0Ow HF- LLwUW 0=j-W,� ~CCWw Uaaa O J 'OA -18 83AIN NVIONI IGNI r pA�92l3ARlNV.�:.. r z w 0. y m, t "•6`W.r x CD :. F m VA. m z DD U) z Z C m rX O� X D^^m W l�J N = D 0c) ;u X z —I m m —I 0°mD0 =�0 z Z 000 ocn-' O m 0 DZm z t:Z D < m Koh z m z D 0 m 0 m v n D r� �m 0 171 �oo D zp->amqm (n m Z 0 0 C7 7' m,�zo �0 0`nTmo z 2 Z -n Z r M 00 m�zD� vA0z G P > ;a -Io1.z o mm,-�F �Dacom m -aim 00 DK v;o-< czizm220 i mesoncn (ncf) m �4(n;U= O O A CO O Co D,Dm� _n ?mr m �m 0�O =DMZ mmv(nm 0 m X W mC_ mxcn0 r- � co ;o Z -DiDD— mm�r(n Cr O r m 0 m x m U) O O z X 0 m n O -n cn m 0o D cn z Z O cn D Z cn --i m < mco — m M X m -n �� D� O 0 mm m r cn D z D; 70 = 0 Cno Z o 0 cnm m m 2 X m r Z m N N 11 O K U) 2 O X m r Z m KXO c n m m X 0 0 r O 0m0 <��� �00 zFCn OZmm co O ;u O DmmD Z m�D D L or SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org December 28, 2015 Ta my Dabu Project Manager Department of the Army 400 High Point Drive, Suite 600 Cocoa, FL 32926 Subject: SAJ-2015-01763 (NW -TSD) Responses to RAI dated 10-20-15 Dear Tamy, This letter is written in response to your letter dated 10/20/15 regarding additional comments on the Sebastian Oyster Restoration Project. Per your comment letter, we have been working closely with SJRWMD staff on an individual permit application and responses to all comments. At this time, we would like to have a joint meeting to ensure all comments have been addressed. Please let me know when you are available soon. The following are responses to your comments: Please provide the signed signature page to the application or complete attached application form for the proposed project. This was not supplied with the response received on October 8, 2015. Response: Attached is the signed application page. No detailed exhibits were provided with the application and the application did not include any description of the proposed work. Please describe in detail the proposed project. Include monitoring activities that will take place, frequency of the monitoring, including dates for monitoring and remediation if the project is not successful. The remediation if the project moves or is not successful will need to be removal of the project in its entirety from Indian River, not relocation. Please revise accordingly. Response: Attached are detail exhibits and cross sections. The Corps has the following concerns regarding the oyster reef project sites D & E: a) It appears that the proposed oyster reef project Sites D & E will be located in waters too deep to support oysters. Please revise. Response: City agrees and a new location has been identified within City shoreline right-of-way to address ACOE concerns. See new location map of sit. b) The proposed oyster reef projects will pose a hazard to safe navigation in the water depths and locations proposed. Please revise. Response: City agrees and a new location has been identified within City shoreline right-of-way to address ACOE concerns. See new location map of sit. Sebastian Oyster Restoration Page 1 c) Please not that informational signs may not authorized in navigable waters as signage creates a navigational hazard. Any signs and poles may also require approval from U.S. Coast Guard. PleasE remove. Response: Acknowledged and any signs will be removed. d) Numerous entities such as the University of Central Florida, University of Florida, St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protextion have been authorized and have conducted studies of the oyster mat/bag restoration projects in the Indian River Lagoon. I encourage you to contact Dr. Linda Walters, Professor at the University of Central Florida for additional guidance regarding your proposed project. Dr. Walters may be reached by phoning 407-823-2148 or Iiwalter(@mail.ucf.edu Response: Acknowledged. e) The response letter states that the oyster projects are 180 feet by 200 feet size which appears extremely large in size especially for a pilot project. Response: City agrees and a new location has been identified within City shoreline right-of-way to address ACOE concerns. See new aerial location map. f) No specific details were provided for the monitoring of the oyster reefs, please provide. Response: City has created and attached new exhibits and details for new site location. g) Please provide a plan view drawing so that it reflects all dimensions to the project. Include the following in your legible plan view drawing: a. Property boundaries b. North arrow C. Road names d. Name of water body e. Approximate mean high water line f. Wetland and surface water locations g. Types of materials to be used (include anchors, etc...) h. Dimensions to all proposed features (length, width, and height) i. Location of the proposed project (referenced from fixed points) j. Emergent and submerged vegetation k. Existing water depths referenced to mean low water I. Turbidity control measures (if applicable) M. Cross Section location (s) n. Installation method o. Identify and state if the area will have markers installed and the type that will be used. It appears that if sites D or E are proposed that the project may pose a navigational hazard to the area. Please locate the project so that it does not pose a navigational hazard in the Indian River. Response: City has created a new plan view with item a -o shown. h) Please provide typical cross sections for the project. Please include the following: a. Identify section b, Existing conditions C. Proposed conditions with description d. Dimensions to all features within the section. Response: Attached is the revise cross section with the above items Sebastian Oyster Restoration Page 2 i) Please explain in detail how the project will take place. Include all materials that will be used to install the project and the following information: a. how you will access the site. b. staging of equipment and materials. c. full description of all types of equipment and materials that will be used to install the project, (how you will carefully hand place the materials, etc...) d. anticipated duration it will take to perform the proposed project. e. anchoring mechanisms i.e. if PVC piling or anchoring mechanisms willbe used include size, the number of piles that will be installed, complete details regarding how the piles will be installed into the substrate. IF applicable (if you are using the doughnuts then the PVC piles are not applicable) f. describe the substrate and approximate water depths the project is located in. Response: Attached is the summary statement to SJRWMD which covers the above items Please be sure to describe the substrate that the project will be placed on and the location of emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), with the distance away that any emergent and SAV is found. Response: Acknowledged. Please call or email me on any questions to these responses. Sincerely, Frank Watanabe, PE Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Sebastian Cc: Joe Griffin, City Manager Sebastian Oyster Restoration Page 3 � n' `� gin• �_ J i � Cn c � �' ,=' oc '' � � � — �• � �, z Lr X cr CD CD M ID fD ^.M (D (D v ^y' — 'J. ^' 4:• ^' `��, fD CK " C N n f'�D (A C : c .0 p '^ w O C oc G crWI N ri CD_ ..., X 0'C G. .. 0'C fD n 9• ^yi ?• r; -�� CIWJ COO) y C1C N > p mft D m WF n C'`o RMIDLA d n LA Z Orm - ♦w _ . .. - p Vf Z v �' cr et m C,Ln LA ^. m li MANAGEMENT me Pot(Of(ice Box 1469 E091etoke. FL 33839-1469 IV (800) 408.8882 'F c• (863) 533.8882 f .. (863) 534 3322 Areas Treated by Applied Aquatic Management, Inc Canals: Eikum Waterway Canal Joy Haven Canal Upper Schuman Lower Schuman Collier Creek S. of 512 Collier Creek N. of 512 Hardee Lake Airport Canal Ditches: Baiboz Ditch 512 Ditches Boy Scout Ditch Mitigation Areas: Hardee Lake Mitigation Boat Ramp Mitigation Stone Crop Basin Mitigation Ponds: County Lane Pond Periwinkle Pond Schuman Memorial Pond Garden Park Pond Dog Park Pond Herbicides Used: Roundup Custom Sonar 2,4Q Amine Copper (chelated) Reward ".-,.appliedIgk At rrrI9mt tom Attachment A SCOPE OF SERVICES The work to he performed consists of the selected Contractor (Contractor) furnishing all labor, equipment, and herbicides as described herein for the control of aquatic plants, specifically within the armis outlined and generally as needed in eligible public waters within tale boundaries of the St. Johns River Water Management District. The location of work sites and the priority of herbicide applications to control aquatic plants will he specified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission). The work will he performed under the supervision of a Situ Manager designated by the Commission who may be on the work site at tiny time during any given working period, The Commission Site Manager will also be responsible for Inspecting and approving all work. The Commission has twenty (20) working days to inspect and approve the services for payment upon receipt of completed Report of Operations form, attached hereto as Exhibit A, documenting the work performed by the Contractor, and a correct invoice. All herbicides shall be used in accordance with the EPA Label. The Contractor shall he liable far any penalty, fines or damages resulting from the misuse of herbicides, After full execution of a Task Assignment, the Commission's Site Manager shall notify the Primary Contractor, by facsimile or email, when it is determined that aquatic plant management services are needed. This written notification shall include the work locations and plant species to be controlled in a general scope of work, and the approximate amount of time anticipated far this work to be accomplished, called the work period. The Primary Contractor must reply in writing (either by email or facsimile) to clic Commission's Site Manager within one working day (24 (tours) to verify that the Primary Contractor will be able to commence operations within rive (5) working days of the notice. if the Primary Contractor does not respond within one working day, or if the Primary Contractor is unable to commence operations within rive (5) days after receipt of the written notification by the Commission's Site Manager, the Commission will contact the Secondary Contractor. The Contractor may not begin work until authorized by the Commission's Site Manager in writing (including email or facsimile). The estimated crew operating time is 1,000 hours per year, but may range as high as 1,300 hours it' unforeseen problems develop. The Commission reserves the right to increase the crew operating time its needed to maintain desired levels of vegetation. The Contractor is guaranteed a minimum of 16 crew operating hours for tach work period assigned under an executed Task Assignment Notification Form. All work shall he conducted Monday through Friday, unless approved in advance by the Commissium-s Site Manager. No work shall be conducted on, or within seven (7) days prior to federal or state -observed holidays unless approved In advance by the Commission's Site Manger. The Contractor's work week shall not exceed 40 hours and a work day shall not exceed ten (10) hours without prior approval from the Commission's Site Manager, The Contractor shall he prepared to commence management operations (i.e. leave the boat ramp headed for the control site) at or before 8:00 A.M. in order to muximizc crrective work time before wind and rain can interrupt operations. Oblieatians of the COMMISSION The Commission agrees to he responsible for the following: A. Instruct the Contractor on the areas and plants to he controlled and provide the Contractor with directions, mars, coordinates, or other information to locate work sites. B. UK-Olc launch sites for the Contractor's equipment as close as possible to the various work sites. C. Coordinate work assignments with the Contractor utilizing the Commission's Site Manager. 1. The Site Manuber shall notify the Contractor via e-mail or facsimile regarding impending work periods. Notificath s shall include: q it. Water bodies or work site within the water body, plant types and approximate nanountr, that are in need of control, and, h. Approximate length of work period. D. Determine the types of herbicide(s) and adjuvants to he used at each control arca and (lie rate of application. E. The Commission reserves ilia right to modify work plans as needed. Oblitaations of the Contractor A. The Contractor shall at all times provide an herbicide applicator certified with a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Restricted Use Pesticides Uccnse in tlxt Aquatic Pest Control category as part of each on-site work force. Any non-cortified applicators must be under the direct visual Supervision of an applicator, provided by the Contractor, who has the certification us specified above. D. The Contractor shall respond to the Commission's Site Manager's notification of a pending work period, via e-mail or facsimile, within one (1) work day Our receiving the notification. 1. The Contractor shall either confirm the ability to commence operations, or explain why the Contractor cannot commence aquatic plant management operations within five (5) days of the Site Manager's notification. 2. If confirmed, the Contractor shall commence aquatic plant manugernent operations within five (5) days of the Commission's Site Manager's notification. 3. The Contractor shall contact the Commission's Site Manager by phone, facsimile, or e-mail at the beginning and end of each work day and relate to the Site Manager ilia: approximate work accomplished that day as well as approximate, if any, work remaining. 4. The Contractor shall commence work (i.e. leave the bout ramp headed toward ilia: control Site) at or before 8:00 A.M. each work day as approved by the Commission's Site Manager, C. The Contractor shall perform work in a manner that maximizes cost-effective control of target plants while protecting to the greatest degree practicable, non -target flora and fauna, the environment, and the public from work operations. D. The Contractor shall have all vessels prominently marked with the Contractor company name and telephone contact number. E The Contractor shall naive at the beginning of each work period with factory sealed herbicide ,and spray additive containers required to make the necessary herbicide applications. F. The Contractor shall supply and post signs indicating applicable water use restrictions at access points in the treatment area and at appropriate shoreline locations. Thc: Contractor shall also be responsible for the removal of the signs once the use restriction period is over. G. The Contractor shall properly dispose of all herbicide and adjuvant containers. H. The Contractor shall have, at eacil work site, a properly functioning wind meter and a properly functioning oxygen meter. 1. Thu Contractor shall record wind readings prior to starting and hourly during all liquid phenoxy or phenoxy-like herbicide applications pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services rules in Chapter SE -2, F.A.C. 2. The Contractor shall take oxygen readings each day before commencing management operations and contact the Commission's Site Manager before commencing management operations if tlx: dissolved oxygen level is below five (5) parts per million. 1. The Contractor shall provide the Commission's Site Manager, at the end of each work week, with a written record completed on Report of Operations form that contains the following information: 1. total gallons/pounds of each herbicide and adjuvant applied; 2 total number of aerm for each type: of aquatic plant treated; 3, total hours of operating time; 4. total hours of lay time; 5. total hours of adverse weather lost time; 6. water quality (dissolved oxygen) measurements when required; 7. wind data measurements as applicable under Florida Pesticide Law and Rules; 8. number of water use restriction signs/stakes posted; and 9. any other information required by the Commission. 1. The Contractor shall submit an invoice to the Commission's Tallahassee business address no later than the 20`I' of the month following a month in which aquatic plant control was performed. Only work for which the Commission's Site Manager received a Report of Operations documenting work performed will he considered for payment. K. The Contractor shall furnish the following equipment: I. A rpinimum of two f21 afrboats with six (6) or eight (8) cylinders, in good working condition, capable of safely hauling at least 400 pounds of herbicides on a plane from the shorn to the control site. The airboats shall be able to operate for sustained periods at slow speeds required for herbicide application. The airboats shall be in fully operational condition including herbicide delivery systems, spare parts, fuel, lubricants, and other supplies normally required for operation, along with safety equipment. A direct metering apparatus for apiplying liquid formulution herbicides is acceptable in marry cases; however, water quality at some sites mcry he such that clean water must la; hauled to the .control site. Therefore, at least two (2)airboats shall he equipped with a 50-100 gallon spray tarda with built in mechanicdl agitation, and is pump capable of delivering at least fen (10) gallons per minute. The liquid formulation spray assembly must be equipped with a handgun with a spray swath of 20-30 fuel for controlling floating; or emergent plants. A boom with weighted trailing hoses (at least five (5) feet) must be provided to apply herbicides to extensive stands of submersed vegetation. At least two (2) of the aforementioned airboats must also be equipped with spreaders to evenly apply pgranulnr or pelletized herbicide formulations at a rale of approximately 40 pounds in 5-8 minutes. The spreader can he a blower or mechanical broadcaster provided operation of the devise does not cause breakage of the herbicide pellets or excessive chest. 2. Transport truck(s) shall be provided with boat traller(s) to be of sufficient size to carry required herbicides and supplies for the work period, and safely haul lite crew .and airboal(s). The truck(s) and Irailer(s) shall be furnished and fully operational including; spare parts, fuel, lubricants, and other supplies normally required for operation. L» The herbicide and spray additives to be pfovidt:d and applied by the Contractor are listed below: 1. 2,4-D Amine: - dimcthylamine salt 2,4-Dichlorophcnoxy2cctic acid containing at least 3.75 pounds of the active acid equivalent per gallon, isomer specific by the ADAC method. 2. Aquathol K 3. Aquatho l Super K 4. Copp ur chelate 5. Diqual 11 6. Glyplausate -- containing 5.4 pounds per US gallon of the isopropyl amine salt ul'glyphati;itc or 4.0 pounds per US gallon of the acid, glyphosate 7. Hydrolhol 8. 1mazamox 9, lmazupyr 10. Kinetic 11. Triclopyr NOTES: a) Spray adjuvants and the type of herbicide to he used for a particular plant type and rate of application shall be determined and approved by the Commission's Site Manager prior to use. b) FluridGnC, imazamox, permmulam, or other herbicides may be used and Supplied by the Commission. C) All herbicides must be EPA registered or have the appropriate Florida Special Lcxal Needs (Section 24(c) FiFRA) registration to be applied in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, bayous, ditches, canals, rivers, and streams. These herbicides arc to he provided as needed depending on the type of vegetation to he controlled. d) The Commission reserves the right, at its option, to furnish any or an of the herbicides and spray additives; in lieu of reimbursing the Contractor for purchatiing herbicides. Time Eligible and Ineligible for Reimbursement: A. Fligibic crew operating lime: The time [tic spray crew spends during the workday performing an aquatic plant control operation in accordance with ibis solicitation. Eligible crew operating time includes airboat use from launch site to and including herbicide spray operations, approved survey time and travel time from spray site to spray site and return to launch site. Eligible crew operating time Also includes: reasonable travel time between the Commission's Site Manager's office facilities and the designated work site (only if the Contractor is requested to report to site Site Manages s office regarding control operations), actual spray operations on the water body, approved survey Lime and travel between spray sites. Eligible crew operating times docs not include: travel time from the Contractor's office to the Commission � Site Manager's office, travel time from the Contactor's office or place of lodging to the designated work site, crew time for lunch and break periods, down time for equipment repair or for other crew time delays that may occur that halt spray operations. B. Elil iblc_advcrse wcalher lost time: During the contract period it is expected that adverse wcathw (rain and/or wind) will affect the Contractor's crew and equipment operating time. Therefore, in order to minimize the government's expense and Contractor's labor and equipment cost, the Commission will allow the Contractor to charge three (3) hours maximum per workday to the contract for adverse weather lost time with the Commission's Site Managers approval. The intent of the adverse weather lost time cost is to allow the Contractor to recover some costs if and when contract operations must be hah-ad due to weather conditions. C. Eligible snaggLg and pushing: Removal of physical obstructions such as wind -fallen timber sir pushing floating islands or masses of vegetation to gain access to target plants that are significant to the overall control effort, to provide alternate channels that will require less vegetation management, or that can be shown to otherwise benefit the aquadc plant control operations, may be required. All snagging and pushing work must be approved in advance by the CommissioWs Site Managcr.