6:00 P.M. MONDAY-1ANUARY 11, 2016
1. Ed Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee to order at 6:00 pm.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited
3. Roll Call
Ed Herlihy —Chair
Dionna Farmer
Michael Frank
Sergio Mota
Tim Slaven
Terry Taylor
Harry Hall
Also Present:
Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director
Nancy Veidt, Recording Secretary
4. Introduction of Members
5. The Administrative Services Director called for nominations for Chairperson. Mr. Frank
nominated Ed Herlihy and Mr. Taylor SECONDED the nomination. There were no other
nominations. Mr. Herlihy was appointed to serve as Chairperson for the upcoming year.
6. Mr. Herlihy called for nominations for Vice -Chairperson. Mr. Taylor nominated Mr. Frank and
Ms. Farmer SECONDED. There were no other nominations. Mr. Frank was appointed to serve as
Vice -Chairperson for the upcoming year.
7. Mr. Mota MOTIONED to approved minutes of August 17, 2015 meeting. Mr. Mota seconded.
All approved.
8. Mr. Killgore briefly explained 4"' quarter budget process. An overview of the budget report was
presented by Mr. Kilgore. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Herlihy questioned the status of various Capital
Improvement Projects. Mr. Hall questioned the golf course running in arrears and the early
retirement impact on the general fund fund balance. Mr. Herlihy clarified that that Golf Course
was an enterprise fund and does not affect General Fund balances. Mr. Killgore reviewed the
General fund reserves. A MOTION was made by Mr. Herlihy to report to Council that the
Budget committee recommends approval of 41h quarter amendment. Mr. Slaven SECONDED. All
9. Upcoming budget year discussion: Mr. Killgore advised the status of paving money, Police
pension increased contribution of approximately $150,000 new funding and the labor
agreements that are due for renewal. Mr. Taylor questioned early retirement funding,
Drainage/ditch clearing and proceeding with quarter round program.
10. Mr. Killgore reviewed the Draft Budget Calendar, there were no comments made.
11. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory
Board Meeting at 6:41 p rn 1
By —',
airman Ed Herlihy Dat