HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-2016 PR MinutesGOOF $E_8AS��I HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2016 — 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by Chairman Tenerowicz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Members present Chairman Tenerowicz Mr. Paschall Mrs. Flescher Mrs. Webster Mrs. White Members not present Vice Chair Sims Mrs. Nelson Staff members present City Manager Joe Griffin Recording Secretary Karen Kroeger Michelle Stromberg AGENDA MODIFICATIONS No APPROVAL OF MINUTES Per Chairman Tenerowicz - Motion on Page 3. Per Mrs. Webster, she did not motion Minutes approved UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Item A: STONECROP PARK • Mr. Griffin checked with NRB liaison and they are opposed. Position is trees not be cleared and remain as is. Question -One laying in water can't be moved and pepper trees? No. Would require significant amount of equipment that would do damage to the area. Question -Impact kayak launch? There is a kayak launch there now. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 1 Monday —February 22, 2016 Question -Area for pull over parking? There are places to park on street dawn till dusk. Creating a lot of parking would not sit well with neighbors. • Also proposal for kayak launch? Item B: PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN • Reference Scope of Services per the 31d page. Money involved in this per Mr. Griffin $80k - $100k range more toward the high just to send out to bid. • Mr. Griffin will be taking recommendations from the board via email • Mrs. White felt the money would be better spent here. • Per board keep in house instead of using outside source and use Mr. Griffin & Mr. Watanabe • Board is going to review • Per Mr. Griffin - The Philosophy of a Master Plan, - costs money, yes, but what it does is validates any project that you want to bring forward, what you want to do, gives a road map and vision to the whole plans and to take a look forward 20 - 30 years, A great way to bring the projects forth to City Council and gives validation to the boards. Recommends taking RFQ home for closer look and discuss at next meeting. Board agreed • Vincent Sciola - 1506 Clearbrook St. Registered Professional Engineer, tennis player for 40 years. For the Master Plan - no one can do a better job than the residents. Need upgrade to Tennis Courts. Backboards at Schumann are not being used, money not well spent. Bring together a committee that uses courts. Pick all the elements you need and have sub committees working together to spend money wisely. • Per Mr. Griffin - Someone may have foresight 20 years down the road. Item C: UPDATE ON THE PICKLE -BALL • Mr. Griffin provided a visual demonstration of the alternatives. • Per Friendship Park o Have a 3'- 4' foot walking path o Have 8 pickle ball courts which is equivalent to two (2) tennis courts o Handball Courts 4 o Junior soccer field and put baseball field in Filbert park o Filbert Park good fit for baseball field o Alternative - Hardee Park -only pickle ball courts o $60k - $70k 0 Our typical restroom cost is around $85k • Better alternative, Mr. Griffin felt Hardee Park o Adequate parking o Flat walkway o Up to 8 Pickle ball Courts o A Restroom already constructed o Cost would be $40-$50 (2 tennis courts, fencing netting) • To (2) Alternatives o Hardee Park - 8 dedicate pickle ball courts o Daylight only -light will add another $100k Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 Monday — February 22, 2016 o Would have perimeter lights o Can add the lights later • Board would like to hear from the Public before sharing comments • Question -Handball court in Hardee Park? There is room for one court -3 wall monolith • This would be farmed out to one of the Cities Consulting Engineers and go out to bid to one of the Consultants and the City Engineer would be the Project Manager. • Mr. Griffin has received numerous emails and it seems the interest is there. • Discussion on lights or lack thereof in Filbert Park • Per Mr. Griffin - Friendship Park is open for use, fairly well maintained, there are folks that use for pick up soccer. Has been some neglect and vandalism that are being attended to. Maintenance issues and repairs -we are starting to get a handle on. • Per Mrs. White - should have lights where ever there is Pickle Ball Courts to get more use out of the Park. Concern for Hardee and doesn't want to cram more stuff in it. Will walk it. • Per Mr. Griffin - can make lights directional to accommodate the residents. • The board thanked Mr. Griffin for finding alternative source. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Mary Colacino - 9612 Riverside Dr #102 Sebastian - Is the Coordinator for Vero Beach Pickle Ball 1. Volunteer Group, Part of the Community 2. Only one place to play in Sebastian so they are playing at Pocahontas Park in Vero Beach 3. Went from 60 to 230 members in less than 6 months 4. Please take in consideration: i. 6 courts to small ii. Very active sport iii. Please be aware of parking, need a lot of parking. iv. Seating Capacity - Benches are recommended. Wind tends to blow chairs away v. Lighting would be ideal due to people coming to play after work. vi. Funds, marketing - Think about Pickle Ball tournaments - Big Business 5. Chairman Tenerowicz - Charge to Play? Per Ms Colacino - Yes. City (Vero Beach) gets half of what is paid in dues to the City put the Pickle ball Courts in. Drop -ins Charge is $2 per person -city gets half. If the Courts are booked the city gets the monies on a monthly basis. 6. Ms. White - Someone present all the time Ms. Colacino - There is. Grew so big had to schedule volunteers. Suggested to think of future. Pickle ball is forward thinking, Schools and Youth are participating not just generation but cross generational. 7. Mr. Paschall - - Member days? Regulations? Ms. Colacino - Outside of membership, on Sunday all courts are busy. Members play Monday thru Saturday - Stack paddles and next one in line is up. Rotating players - reference Pickle ball etiquette Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 Monday — February 22, 2016 8. Ms. Flescher - Game length Ms. Colacino - Beginners 30-40 minutes. More experienced 20-35 minutes. Score to 11 points. Would be happy to assist with this endeavor. 9. Ms. White - Presentation? Ms. Colacino - Representing Vero Beach Pickle University Parking is very congested in Pocahontas Park She is representing Karen Pallon who was going to do presentation Question - Any chance of looking at multi-purpose field at Barber for Pickle ball? 10.Mr. Bill Masuchi - Ambassador for US Pickle Ball Assoc in Vero Beach - Naples has 1,000 players coming at the end of April and beginning of May. And are adding 16 courts. Contact chamber of commerce for more info 11.Santos Gomez - Represent Filbert Park. One road going in and will generate more traffic. 25 neighbors signed papers for no baseball or pickle ball in Filbert. 12.Ms. White - Outgrowing vacant lot areas and Parks - Filbert Park - one of the areas we still have land, what would be your idea? Growing out what we can use. 13. Mr. Gomez - Kids practice soccer on Saturdays. Lots of birthday parties. A lot of people walk around that area. Traffic Pattern, going to generate a lot of traffic. 14.Kathy Cragh, 80 Joyhaven Drive - A lot of people play over and over, how often do you rotate? 15. Ms. Colacino - Players go on, play, get off and stay for about an hour and hour and a half. 24 people on the court at all times. During the summer months - people usually get off around 11am - noon. If lights are put in people will come and play at night. 16. Nancy Nolen - Lives close to Filbert Street Park. Small street. A lot of children and people walking dogs. One way in - One way Out - Concern is for traffic. Recommended Barber Street. Have a lot of tortoises and nests of birds (could be endangered birds). There is no place for kids to walk and play. Pickle Balls courts would change the dynamic of the neighborhood. 17. Ken Bourder - Desperate need of Parks. Recommending Friendship Park due to what is currently there. Do need lights 18.Sherri Saint Peter - Plays Pickle Ball - Play all the time at Schumann Park. Lights are important. Family is able to play due to lights. Likes Friendship Park. Hardee Park - lot of water and lack of light and likes idea but concerned for the neighbors. 19. Mark ? - Tennis Player, Is for Friendship Park. 20. Lt Colonel Tim Furizo- Phys Ed teacher - take a strong look at lights and parking. Step back and look at facilities that would facilitate the Community. Recommends Friendship Park. 21.Trisha Meekos - Filbert Street Park - People walk there, everyone uses the park and people walk their dogs there. Don't want to see the character of the park to go away. Try and use the facilities we already have. 22. Frank Murphy - Against idea of complex. Against Filbert. Put in where you can expand in the future. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 4 Monday - February 22, 2016 23. David Meyers - Utilize Friendship Park 24. Ben Hocker - Filbert is one of the major reasons I bought my home. Per Budget number $566,000 for the whole package. Missing is a fence around Filbert to stop people intruding on properties. On Facebook there is an article about Pickle Ball in Sebastian. Advertising on USAPA.org - Schumann Drive Park listed in Sebastian with numbers for people to call. Look at it as a business. Overstepping in area we do not have room for. Consider Golf or Airport land. County consider donating land? On Filbert - tortoises can be relocated. See people advertising Pickle Ball courts. 25.Mr. Paschall- agreed Schumann Park to make it a multi -use park. Happened with the knowledge of Park and Rec 26. Ms. Colacino - No charge in Sebastian to play. It's for fun not business NEW BUSINESS NONE STAFF MATTERS BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS Item A: Chairman Tenerowicz - Dog Park - need sign dusk to dawn in regards to hours and sign out in regards to skateboarders jumping fence and using bathroom. Parks being mowed on a regular schedule? Schumann - the shrubs are gone due to safety. Item B: Mr. Paschell - Volume, turnaround and number of people coming in Filbert is too small. Hardee Park - Would like more information on impact getting in and out of Park. Volume of people waiting to use court. If you build it they will come. Recommending Friendship Park due to the accommodations. Looking at total impact to the community. More people will use as pickle ball than baseball. Ms. Flescher - Friendship Park leaning toward for Pickle Ball. Parking is big concern and Friendship is beautiful facility and under-utilized. Ms. White - A lot of things for all people, have a lot to offer. Interest in Pickle Ball as another thing to add for our community. Look at expansion when we pick a park. Keep in mind the City needs to maintain what is put in the park. Going back to look at Hardee Park for expansion. Ms. Webster - Filbert not suited for the Pickle Ball Court or baseball. Where I come from it's all about the kids. Like the idea of Friendship Park better suited for pickle ball but not in favor of taking the baseball field away. Anybody look at the multi-purpose field? Per the City - City will look at the multi-purpose field that's lit. Chairman Tenerowicz - take another look at Hardee park? In agreement with Friendship Park Mr. Paschell - Back board at Schumann broken. Skate Park - Skate competition - move forth consider? Consider private citizens putting in their own money. 4 age groups, prizes. Use money from our budget- how much? How much time to put toward panning - around 30 days. Promotion through social media and word of mouth. Pick a date that doesn't conflict and how much money to put toward that. Spoke with staff at skate park - issues - Pond forms on north side of first ramp, drainage is really bad, marks in middle of skate park that were identified that needed to be fixed, is it on the books. Per Mr. Griffin - there was a punch Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 5 Monday — February 22, 2016 list per various marks. There was a coating put out a few months ago, construction company is finished. Per Mr. Paschell-footprints and cracks in concrete Per Mr. Griffin - Rain is problem, get a squeegee Per Mr. Paschell- not a year old and there are issues. Per Mr. Griffin - will go and look Per Mr. Paschell - Filbert has one damage swing chain missing, Per Mr. Paschell - Finish with skate competition Ms. Fleshcer -Organize grand re -opening? In conduction with competition. Per Mr. Griffin - Re -think opening due to maintenance and damage. Take care of laundry list. Leg work will go a little bit slower because of personnel changes right now. Predicted this. Council aware of it. Per Ms. Fleshcer - parks look nice and thank you to pickle ball people showing up Per Ms White - Easy Street, slow traffic down - quite a few cars speeding- have the police department put out portable speed signs. Kids crossing street there and dogs. Per Mr. Griffin - selection on the sign determined by volunteers? Mr. Tenerowicz - yes Mr. Griffin - Recently got speed trailer - solar powered. Ms. Flescher - move forward with Stone Crop Mr. Tenerowicz - Going with NRB. They know more about the trees than we do Ms. Flescher - move some of the pepper trees Mr. Tenerowicz - Thank you ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE ITEM A: • Next Meeting, Monday -March 28, 2016 MEETING ADJOURNED With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, the meeting adjourned at 7:54 PM Approved MTdh 28, 2016 Regular Meeting. By John T erowicz, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 6 Monday -February 22, 2016