HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-2016 NRB Agenda 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY – APRIL 05, 2016 - 6:00 P.M. “To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources” 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 01, 2016 - Meeting Minutes 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Restoration Project Updates – (LPOH) B. Champion Tree updates – Brochure and Cost C. Earth Day Event 2016 Updates 7. PUBLIC INPUT 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Sebastian Waterway – Pilot Project B. Indian River Symposium 9. STAFF MATTERS A. Introduction of New City Staff Ms. Marissa Moore, (Community Development Director / CRA Manager) B. Riverside Park – Discussion on Parking for upcoming events C. Introduce Ms. Ann Lucier – Alternate 10. MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 1 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 01, 2016 - 6:00 P.M. “To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources” 1.Vice Chair Gordian called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3.ROLL CALL Members Present: Gil Gordian – Vice Chair Jim Clifton Rose Glaser Bob Progulske Andrea Ring Vicki Tunker Members Not Present: George Millar – Chairman Keerthi Weragoda – Alternate City Staff Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Recording Secretary 4.AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: None 5.MEETING MINUTES – Approval/Discussion February 02, 2016 meeting minutes •Vicki Tunker – Made 1st Motion •Jim Clifton – Made 2nd Motion •Board unanimously approved 6.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Oyster Restoration Project Update (LPOH): •The City Engineer – Frank Watanabe discussed the pre-application meeting the City had with Saint Johns River Water Management District and the Army Core of Engineers •Eagle Scout John Giordano updated that he, his dad and Gil Gordian cleaned the remaining shells at the City compound. He provided to City Staff Merbert Herbert a list of supplies, that Mr. Herbert will order for the project. Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 2 Item B. Champion Tree Update: • City Staff are gearing up to have the brochures printed. • The coast for the brochures will be paid for by the NRB budget. Item C. Earth Day Event 2016 Update: Please see attachments • Per Ms. Glaser – Up to 30 vendors – 6 are food vendors • Advertising – Michelle will touch base with Barbara on the advertising • Monarch butterfly – for $25 they will send 100 seed packets (Milk Weed) to give away as gifts. Board suggested to spend $50 dollars. The organization highly regarded. o Bob Progulske Made 1st Motion o Vicki Tunker Made 2nd Motion o Board unanimously approved • Board discussed looking into giving a Fat Tire Bike as a gift o Bob Progulske Made 1st Motion o Vicki Tunker Made 2nd Motion o Board unanimously approved • Spoke with Indian River Bee Company will bring a box and do a demonstration • ‘Let’s Chalk About It’ is scheduled for the stage – will be given awards away • 8:30 – 10:30 is still an available time slot • Other items to consider for give always • Can put vendors in the brochure that are attending 7. PUBLIC INPUT i. Graham Cox 1213 George Street – Spoke in regards to the spraying of the herbicides in the canals. Attended the February meeting in regards to the lagoon. The Chairman of the Council asked what we could do. Spoke of his neighbor Bob Steven what he witnessed after the spraying. What is sprayed in the canal will eventually find its way into the lagoon. ii. Round Up Custom has been used around the world since 1970 and has been considered safe and eventually dissipates. Spoke with Applied Aquatics manager what is used and possible alternatives. Provided the staff at the Indian River Lagoon, City manager. Other sprays and liquids can be used. Would be encouraging if Sebastian would be willing to take the lead and look at the alternative non-toxic means. Asked to please keep this on the Agenda. Would like us to take positive steps to find solutions. iii. Frank Watanabe and Andrea Coy met with Applied Aquatics yesterday and they will substitute Aqua master replacing Round up which is a water downed version. He reviewed a newspaper article on the spraying and what is being used and the affects. There are no serious regulations and testing is expensive. Be happy to help to look at constructive positive solutions. iv. Vice Chair Gordian concurred v. Bob Progulske spoke of Applied Aquatics. The efface? Applied Aquatics use different means in different areas. Define problem around town. Re-look at situation and would like to sit down with applied aquatics and how they define the problem. Worker did not know what a MSDS sheet is and not wearing safety gear. Would like to say Sebastian is leading the way. vi. Mr. Bob Stevens - 150 Concha – I have been aware of this waterway since I moved here about 4 or months ago. By the way we have little bitty fish this Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 3 morning, first of that in seven weeks, if Applied Aquatics comes by today tomorrow they will be dead along with the half inch of grass that is up there now. There is no restriction of water way in front of my house and I can see a large area and you all are invited to my house anytime and if my garage door is open, come on in, come on down front and I’ll make you a cup of coffee and sit there see what wildlife is there before Applied Aquatics shows up, then come back 24 and 36 hours afterwards and you will see what it smells like, what it looks like and what is not there and if you have any respiratory problems, come on by when they are spraying and you will experience that to. I am going to say I was really excited the other day this the other, working on this with a lot of people, the Chairman of the Indian River Lagoon Council, is so adamant about doing this, and he said there is money right now, there’s short term and long term money available right now and he is adamant about us doing something now, NOW. We can’t touch the septic system today, we can’t go after big sugar but we can do one thing, that is stop putting poisons in our water. What an ideal time to shine, if Sebastian could offer clean fresh water for the birds and the animals in our lagoon, because they are not getting out there, are they? That’s a problem out there, we can’t touch that maybe right at the moment, but we can do a pilot program on the two big canals that meet in front of my house possibly. And I am willing to put in a lot of effort and get other volunteers, I’ve talked with a lot of people and if we can get the ball rolling I think we could do it. I’m asking you as a board to ask the City to STOP SPRAYING, stop spending money on poisons in the two waterways in front of my house Elkcam, what is it, the two waterways there that go right down into the Saint Sebastian River. Give us a couple of months, we can document what’s there now and what it’s like 30 days from now, what it’s like 60 days from now. Look at the birds, let’s give the birds a place to eat for a while, there all sick, there all losing it because of these chemicals and the other big businesses. So let’s have Sebastian be a safe haven for our Winter visitors, ya know and then from there I have all sorts of good ideas and I think we can get the kids involved, teenagers, and we can get something, maybe a young entrepreneur, have an airboat with an electric motor and some aluminum barges, start mechanically cutting the big things down that your worried about blocking. I want to get something straight, a lot of our notes have said, that the Waterway Commission says they have to spray, they don’t say that. It says we have to keep the waterways open to water flow. If you look out from my house there is nothing growing in the water. IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE SPRAYED. There’s nothing in the waterway. Down here a little bit there’s a couple of red pepper trees, those need to be cut out, but the spraying that’s an ????, Let’s go after that stuff, cut that stuff out, mechanically and get a crew of guys that are doing that. But there’s money to do that right now, we need to take advantage of the timing, we can get Frank and the Indian River Lagoon Council boys over here to write it up, get it started and let’s be a pilot program for the State, let’s do those two waterways. Give it a couple of months, see what happens. I think we owe it to the animals, because they can’t get up there and complain and you know what, I’m not going to stop either, I’m not going to stop doing this because its old. You know its wrong were doing it, were smart enough to put man on the moon we should be able figure our waterways. If we got to send Mr. Watanabe to haul over one of those places dealing with water for decades, that’s what we got to do. Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 4 I don’t think this is rocket science and if you remember after War War I and War War II we brought our economy up by putting people to work. So aren’t there some young men out there that would like to maintain our waterways without poisons. We could have fish again. Ok enough said, thank you very much. vii. Ms. Ring - What is the pilot program about? viii. Mr. Stevens – Stop the chemicals. ix. Ms. Ring – Stop the Chemicals and then do what? x. Mr. Stevens – Manually cutting the big stuff. The zoo in Melbourne is using a combination of, at that symposium there was a lot of young kids who have done projects on how to deal with this situation and the zoo in Melbourne is using, I believe they said Epsom salt and vinegars and experimenting with different things. Yes get the big pieces out and start experimenting. But get these colleges involved, once we get the ball rolling I think your gonna see its unlimited what we are gonna out. There are some kids out there, the Brevard zoo is number one, there are doing fantastic things and there a lot of other people that will do it. We need is a get go to get it started and then we can go from there. I’m willing to put the time in it and I think there a lot of people that would. But we got to get over that hump where your City Manager isn’t hell bent to spray, we got to say no. Let’s give it 60 days. And this board may be able to kick it off get it started. And if we can I think we owe that to the wildlife. Don’t we, they can’t argue with you guys. So this being a pilot program, doing something small, these two water ways, document it, see what happens. I’ll bet you in 60 days the growth wouldn’t be that great anyways. But we do need to get a crew of people to keep it maintained. Then get with Mr. Watanabe, look at the big picture and see what it would take to maintain all our waterways, then approach the Indian River Lagoon Council for some money because he said the money is unlimited right now. The chairman of that board is saying that this is a catastrophic event and the whole country is looking at this. This isn’t just Sebastian; this is a big waterway here. How many loads of people come here to fish and swim. Now you’re not supposed to swim in this lagoon. If you’re alcoholic, or diabetic or if you have any other weakened immune system, because you will get sick and may not get better. No it’s not in the paper but you will get sick. You all should have been at that symposium. That was a 5 year culmination of studies from scientists who have been studying this lagoon for a long time, and it was a little bit depressing to see what was going on and it was a lot of information for me to absorb. That’s where I met my friend here. There’s a lot of people who want to clean this up. To pipe Big Sugar, I don’t think I could ever think about doing that or the Okeechobee run off but I think we could do our little town. I think there is a lot of us out there if we tell them were going to do it, I think we are going to get more volunteers, I think well get some money to. But right now the Indian River Lagoon Council says there money. Please Ms. Stop using these poisons. xi. Vice Chair Gordian asked if Mr. Stevens presented this to Council already. xii. Mr. Stevens – Yes they wouldn’t answer me, no answer, that’s why I am coming to you, pleading to you. xiii. Vice Chair Gordian spoke of possible substitute soil may prevent overgrowth. xiv. Mr. Stevens - In the initial, it will be expensive, but now’s timing is everything. This Council has been awarded this money to get things going and the Chairman Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 5 says we need to do something we can do it today, we can start this week next week. We need to get the City to stop and then we can go from there. Then regroup small, not once a month but every week and get things rolling. Put upon a board and start think tanking how to do this. My background is an Automotive Technologies teacher. Automotive mechanic all my life. I sat on the lemon law board for nine years with the state of New Hampshire. When we had problems we sat in think tanks, we put big white boards all around the room. We got all the best minds in the automotive business together and we just started sharing information’s. We didn’t e re-invent the wheel, we just brought other pieces of information together and I think that’s what we need to do. And the beauty of this area here is we have a lot of colleges, have a lot of young people and they been into this. This isn’t something new, this is a hot hot subject right now, we need to move. And if there is money let’s take it. So I am willing to help if we can do that, maybe we can meet another time. Ya know I try this as a group, I know there is an odd sunshine law, I don’t understand that but maybe you got to spin off somebody’s that is interested in it to do it, let’s start a think tank, let’s start throwing some ideas out, get the ideas together, then we will bring it back to the group to vote on it, I think that’s what these two guys over here are supposed to be doing and they probably help us to, the leg man for the Indian River Lagoon Council, Frank and Duane over here in the old building, you guys don’t know about them? xv. NRB Board – No xvi. Mr. Stevens – The problem here there is so many things going on and very people understand what’s going on, it’s very strange, it’s like there’s a lot of closet stuff going on here. Maybe it’s the Sunshine law, I don’t know. xvii. Ms. Ring - Question for Frank, the canal by Mr. Stevens is too big to start with, is there a small place where we could start and stop spraying, out of way place stop spraying to see what would happen? xviii. Mr. Watanabe shared information about the meeting with Applied Aquatics and the City Manager. The email Mr. Cox spoke about was a summary of the meeting, summary notes that Mr. Watanabe sent back to the City Manager and the attendees. Applied Aquatics provided information that Mr. Watanabe was not aware of, they explained Applied Aquatics provides the spraying with the five chemicals for all the regulatory agencies. The City of Sebastian piggy backs their contract several years back through the Fish and W ildlife with a budget of 50k annually, spraying once a month. All Applied Aquatics technicians are certified and licensed. They do not spray if not needed. If an area doesn’t need spraying they will not. Round up is usually a terrestrial land use herbicide. The new version is called Roundup Custom is used for aqua and waterways. The older name was called Rodeo. Roundup Custom and Roundup have the same blasphosites; the new version has innerd which makes it stick to the plants and has been approved by the USDA. Per the previous conversations and sensitivities Wade from applied aquatics said they will switch from Round Custom to Aqua Master which is a lesser diluted version, which has a slight more of a cost but the city is going to go this route now. The City is looking into the different options per USDA approved product. Mr. Wade did submit to residents with MSDS sheets. Internationally the sheets are now called SDS sheets, lost the M. The new sheets are easier to read. xix. Ms. Ring asked at the next meeting of a list of places where we could start not spraying. Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 6 xx. Mr. Watanabe said it is a Council issue. The NRB could possible promote and suggest. City staff is directed by the City Manager through the City Council. Currently the process via Applied Aquatics is the direction. The process does what it does and also it is cost effective way of doing it. Mr. Stevens is correct the mechanical approach is doable but it would be a tremendous cost and labor intensive because there is no way to get heavy equipment back there in the canal ways, no way, all manual labor. xxi. Ms. Ring asked Mr. Watanabe if he could go ask Council. xxii. Mr. Watanabe – Not sure what he could ask Council. xxiii. Ms. Ring – A spot we could start not spraying. xxiv. Mr. Watanabe – Can help identify locations but would not be able to chair up a project. xxv. Ms. Ring – Just share it and as a board we could go. Instead of the Spoil Islands we could do this. xxvi. Mr. Watanabe - Suggested that the NRB could look on a map and identify, the Canal system is pretty straight forward. xxvii. Ms. Tunker asked if there was a natural map. Not familiar with all the natural waterways. - xxviii. Mr. Watanabe -offered a CAD map and suggested for them to look at Google. xxix. Ms. Tunker -spoke of the USDA and their stamp of approval does not make her feel good anyway, they approved a lot of things like that. xxx. Ms. Ring – I know xxxi. Ms. Tunker – The United States is the only country to continue to use round up products. I believe Monsanto products have been banned from every other country but the United States. That should tell us something. xxxii. Mr. Clifton -would like to see when the spraying started and if there is a feasibility study of some form that was conducted to come up with the recommendation that the single solution that was selected was spraying , if we can see that documentation if it exists, like to see that. xxxiii. Mr. Watanabe – I’m not aware of any study, the city has been spraying the last twenty years. xxxiv. Vice Chair Gordian - Suggested a pilot project. xxxv. Ms. Glaser – Nesting birds will be in season. xxxvi. Mr. Progulske – (Poised a procedural question to Mr. Watanabe) – Legally there is a ROW (Right-of-way) Property owners that butt the canal, there is a ROW the City has access to along the canal for the spraying? xxxvii. Mr. Watanabe – The ROW is actually the canal channel within the City’s ROW. The majority of the seawalls are our own private property. In order for the City to Access onto unless there is an easement between the sides of the properties we would have to encroach onto private property. There are areas the City can launch off of. The way we maintain the canals is within the waterway itself. Cannot speak for the NRB board to Council. xxxviii. Mr. Progulske – Need residential approval if the City is to use mechanical means to access their property. xxxix. Mr. Watanabe - If something were to happen we take on a liability is we are on the residential property, safety issue. Understand the sensitivity of the spraying issues and would like to work with the NRB board but the Board needs to take a lead on and bring to council and cannot speak on behalf of the board. xl. Mr. Cox - shared an area of access by his house. Overgrowth is caused by the vacant lots. xli. Mr. Stevens – I like to rebut some of the things that were said, those boys spray everything. Need to move on this. If we stall on this, we wait months and months we are going to lose out on it, we need to stop. I don’t know why we’re Natural Resources Board Meeting March 01, 2016 Page 7 dragging in our feet on this I have no idea what the motivation is to poison all this stuff. If you please come to my house and sit out there you will better understand what’s going on in the canals. I think we can deal with just those two canals. And you said were only going to do one section, does anyone got water, does anyone raise fish, put a couple drops of this round up in your fish tank tomorrow morning and see what happens tomorrow. That’s all. xlii. Ms. Ring – Is there anything we can do? xliii. NRB - suggested to put out signs to not spray. xliv. Mr. Watanabe - explained that there may be grants and monies available but it is a process and may not be readily available. If you stop spraying, it is mandated. xlv. Ms. Ring – how much overgrowth would happen if spraying would halt for two months. Cannot bypass City Council and there is a process. If the NRB feels strongly about this then they need to bring forth to Council. Agendize this and get direction from Council to see about doing a pilot project. Ms. Glaser - said a problem in the City, is the vacant lots and that they are not kept up especially with the Pepper plants. 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. MEMBER MATTERS Per Mr. Progulske - Spoke with Mr. Miller – invited to come to give a presentation. Give update on the refuges in the area. 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Item A. Oyster Restoration Project Update (LPOH) Item B. Champion Tree Update – Brochure Costs Item C. Earth Day Event 2016 Update Item D. Sebastian Waterway – Pilot Project 12. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Per Vice-Chair Gordian adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:10 p.m. By: ____________________________ ______________ Chairman Date Other City of Sebastian NRB Projects and Priorities Additional detail and credits for the following topics is provided on the Sebastian NRB website. Lawn Care and Fertilizer Florida Friendly Lawns 1. Right Plant, Right Place 2. Water Efficiently 3. Fertilize Appropriately 4. Mulch 5. Attract Wildlife 6. Manage Yard Pests Responsibly 7. Recycle Yard Waste 8. Reduce Stormwater Runoff 9. Protect the Waterfront Florida Friendly Fertilizing Tips and Guidelines Fertilizer Ordinance – Amends the Florida Friendly Fertilizing Tips and Guidelines. It is a must read for all property owners. Fertilizer is not to be applied:  Without soil testing to verify need.  Between June 1 and September 30. Stormwater What is Stormwater? Pollution Solutions After the Storm Illicit Discharges Composting What is Compost? Benefits of Composting. Dos and Don’ts Compost at Home Additional Information Videos Videos of presentations by speakers at NRB meetings. News & Events Provides links to NRB news and event participation. Links Links to organizations and information that provides further information on how to preserve and protect our natural resources. ©2016 City of Sebastian, Natural Resources Board Champion Tree Program The Sebastian City Council established the Sebastian Champion Tree Program in 20ll. The goal of the Sebastian Champion Tree Program is to recognize the largest tree of each species growing within its city limits. Details about the Program and links to resources referenced in the following discussion are provided on the City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board (NRB) web page (Sebastiannrb.com). Sebastian’s program is fashioned after the Champion Tree Program created in 1940 by American Forests, the oldest national nonprofit conservation organization in the United States. The goal of the national program is to recognize the largest known tree of each species in the United States. Every two years American Forests publishes their National Register of Big Trees. The Florida Forest Service website maintains a list of Florida Champion Trees. Many of the Florida Champion Trees are also national champions. Only native and non-invasive naturalized tree species are eligible for consideration. The current listing of City of Sebastian Champion trees is maintained at the City’s NRB web page. Do you have a Champion Tree in your yard? Is there a Champion Tree in your favorite park? EVERYONE impacts the lagoon water quality. The rain water flowing in the ¼-round pipe and swales along our streets eventually flows into the Indian River Lagoon - along with the excess fertilizer and other pollutants that it carries.  Candidate trees must be located within the City of Sebastian city limits. They may be located on public or private property.  First, check the City of Sebastian Champion Tree Inventory on the NRB web page to see if your tree species is listed and check the current champion’s statistics. Keep in mind that only native and non-invasive naturalized tree species are eligible.  If your tree is not listed and seems like it might be competitive with those listed, submit a nomination form available on the Sebastian NRB web page.  Nominations can be mailed to or dropped off at the Sebastian City Hall.  Nominations are reviewed and assigned for measurement at regular Natural Resources Board meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month.  You will be contacted by a NRB member to arrange a convenient time to obtain the measurements of your candidate tree. There are a number of native trees that do not yet have State Champions. They can be found at Native Tree Species in Florida without Champions. Check the Florida Forest Service database for that list. Keep in mind that, depending on the tree species, a champion may be relatively small. Measuring Trees Tree measurements and point scores follow the procedure for Nomination of a Tree to the Florida Champion Tree Record. Measurements include:  Trunk circumference, in inches, at 4 ½ feet above average ground level.  Height in feet.  Crown spread diameter in feet. Points are given as follows:  Circumference – 1 point per inch.  Height – 1 point per foot.  Average crown spread – 1 point per 4 feet. Historic Hardee Oak The Hardee Oak was planted in 1891 by Robert Hardee when he was 19 years old. In 1925, when Main Street was paved and sidewalks installed, his mother Emma Hardee saved the tree from being cut down. The Hardee family lived just to the north of the Hardee Oak in a ten room house large enough to be called a mansion, owned the Hardee Gas station on the corner of what is now Indian River Drive and Main Street, and the Eagle Fish Company at bottom of Main Street. In 2008 when the City realigned Main Street for the boat parking area, a group of concerned citizens rallied once again to save the Hardee Oak. It stands today as a testament to Sebastian’s short, but dynamic history. City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board Mission Statement To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources. From:Barbara Brooke-Reese To:Michelle Stromberg Subject:FW: COS Aviation Fuel Prices and NRB Items Date:Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:01:16 PM     From: Barbara Brooke-Reese Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 2:36 PM To: Michelle Stromberg Cc: Frank Watanabe Subject: RE: COS Aviation Fuel Prices and NRB Items   Printplace is the cheapest for brochures. The cost would be 218.49 (204.50 + 13.99 shipping). this  includes   500 8.5x11 brochures, printed on 70lb uncoated paper (matte finish) Full color on both sides Z folded and Packaged in sets of 20. 5 Day turnaround FedEx Ground Shipping   About 10-14 days from date of order being placed to the date we would receive them   -- Sincerely; Barbara Brooke-Reese, CCNA Electronic Records & Information Manager City of Sebastian City Clerks Department 772-388-8246 Direct breese@cityofsebastian.org breese@costv.cityofsebastian.com     From: Michelle Stromberg Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 10:18 AM To: Barbara Brooke-Reese Cc: Frank Watanabe Subject: COS Aviation Fuel Prices and NRB Items   Hi Barbara, I know you are super busy, when you get a moment would you let me know about the below. I really appreciate it. Thank you, for all the help. · If you would please update our fuel prices on our website to reflect the following: $3.45 $3.35 with the Shell Card. · In regards to the Champion Tree Brochures would you please tell me the cost to do this. I believe they wanted to print off 500. I will share this with the NRB at the next meeting so they can approve the cost. · Rose Inquired about the Earth Day Commercial and the platform they could utilize. Sincerely, Michelle For The City of Sebastian Have a Great Day! Michelle Stromberg Airport Administrator Engineering Technician/ Environmental Specialist Mstromberg@cityofsebastian.org (772) 388-8223 – Direct Line (772) 633-2826 – Cell   For More Information Please Visit: www.sebastianNRB.com April 23 8:30am - 3:00pm Riverview Park Sebastian, FL Featuring Local Bands Sebastian K-9 Unit Demonstration City of Sebastian Youth Council Presenting Art Contest Awards Fat Tire Bike Drawing For One Individual That Completes All Three Challenges “A Healthy Lagoon: Chalk Art Contest” Fat Tire Bike Challenge Scavenger Hunt Residential Paper Shredding and Electronic Disposal Free Milkweed Seed Packets to The First 200 Families That Stop By The Natural Resources Board Booth Over 300 Trees and Plants For Sale Food Trucks And Lots of “Earthy” Vendors 1 Michelle Stromberg From:James Clifton <jameshowardclifton@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:41 PM To:Susan Gordian Cc:Frank Watanabe; Michelle Stromberg; George Millar; Rose Glaser; Bob Progulske Subject:Re: Fw: Indian River Lagoon Symposium - Are we making progress? Attachments:Herbicide application brainstorming.docx Frank/Michelle: I have registered for the Indian River Symposium. Assuming others have also, a notice needs to be issued stating that the NRC members will be in attendance. Everyone: I don't have all of the NRC e-mails and am not certain of how the herbicide application topic is to be presented at the next meeting. If desired and/or appropriate, send it to those NRC members that have been left out. I had a few brainstorming thoughts that I present in the attachment. I lost the document that Frank gave us earlier about how the program is supposed to be managed. There were a few more questions in there. But, this is enough brainstorming for me in a vacuum. These are just thoughts with no purpose other than to possibly provide a basis from which to develop the questions/comments the group is willing to support. Brainstorming sessions can generate interesting results, but chaotic if not well managed. Obviously, there must not be a response to this e-mail. Jim Clifton On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Susan Gordian <chooboo1727@att.net> wrote: Please pass this on, for those interested. And who ,I may have Missed! Thank you ,Have a sunny week! Gil G. On Friday, March 4, 2016 1:08 PM, "tzorc@ircgov.com" <tzorc@ircgov.com> wrote: You are invited We'd like to invite you to Indian River Lagoon Symposium: Are we making progress? When Where Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street Vero Beach