HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-2016 PR Agenda 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 23, 2015 6:00 PM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS a. Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Regular Meeting March 28, 2016 6. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER, CORRINE GILROY 7. NEW CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR NOMINATIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 9. PUBLIC INPUT 10. NEW BUSINESS: a. Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan-RFQ 16-07. Submit evaluations and discussion 11. STAFF MATTERS 12. BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 13. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE a. Next meeting June 27, 2016 14. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY’S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 1 Monday – March 28, 2016 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 28, 2016 – 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by Chairman Tenerowicz at 6:04pm. It was noted that the microphones are not working. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Members present Chairman Tenerowicz Vice Chair Sims Mr. Paschall Mrs. White Mrs. Nelson Members not present Mrs. Flescher Mrs. Webster Staff members present City Manager Joe Griffin Recording Secretary Karen Kroeger AGENDA MODIFICATIONS No APPROVAL OF MINUTES Per Chairman Tenerowicz – February 22, 2016 minutes were accepted as presented UNFINISHED BUSINESS– Item A: PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN • Mr. Griffin thought master plan was put to bed at last meeting. Presented at last meeting $80-100K. Correct on tabling for a while. Chairman Tenerowicz-yes • Mr. Paschall-What is typical advertising process? • Mr. Griffin-Uses boilerplate pages for where money is coming from. Standard date of open bid, etc. Scope of services not standard, they would be specific. Scope of services by Frank. Review of existing parks listed, assessment of demands and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 Monday – March 28, 2016 needs, etc, Concern from commission-we are all smart people on board and know what public may want. Thought the determination was to shelve it. • Mr. Paschall -is advertising part of cost for bids? • Mr. Griffin-advertise in paper and bidding service. • Mr. Paschall - that is a good way to do the master plan. Was there previous master plan or has everything that has been done through board and council? • Mrs. White-doesn’t remember ever having master plan. Been on committee longer than anyone here. Important to have a plan to work towards. • Mr. Paschall - maybe easier in the past w/o but now that city has grown, be good to know where to go. • Mr. Griffin-with grants involved, you can’t do anything without a plan. Here you can recommend but not do anything without council. • Mrs. White-think about how much money is spent on future project. How long is bidding process? • Mr. Griffin-4 months with public workshop appearances • Mrs. White -do we want public input during quiet summer months or does it matter? • Mr. Paschall-is it a recommendation for council? • Mr. Griffin-not in this year’s budget. We can go through interview process then it would go to council. • Mrs. White -can money be pulled from different budgets? • Mr. Griffin-has concern about money in recreation to build new facilities but can’t use that money for maintenance which is a huge complaint. Example-Friendship park clay tennis courts. Everyone wants to play on them. Lots of money was spent to put them in but maintenance comes out of general fund • Mr. Griffin - What if we had park & recreation tax for residential properties like storm water maintenance? Perhaps we need separate taxing unit to fund parks & recreation projects because maintenance falls short on funds. • Mr. Paschall-those are the type of things that are getting out of our scope. In favor of going through interview process with committee having final approval • Mr. Griffin-this is RFQ instead of RFP. Once firm is picked then negotiation begins for money • Chairman Tenerowicz -go with Mr. Paschall and put out to bid and bring it back to how much it will cost. • Agreed by board Item B: UPDATE ON THE PICKLE-BALL AND BASEBALL FIELD • Mr. Watanabe has cost estimates for 4 courts- at Friendship Park-$222,480. Contingency is $245,000K at Hardee Park $48,872, contingency is $55,000 Admits Mr. Watanabe has erred on high side but proportionally there is a big difference in cost. What wasn’t talked about last meeting is parking area in a driveway that is extension of Cross Street. City does not own driveway that runs N/S where Cross Street is dirt road. Would have acquire it and redo parking. Area in back of PD is going to be redone as new evidence building and expanded parking area so there is major restriction. Also site plan drainage issues in Friendship Park. No drainage issues in Hardee Park. Would do concrete pad and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 Monday – March 28, 2016 acrylic surface coating over top which is better than asphalt, chain link fence. Already restroom and parking which is extension of millings parking and disabled access better in Hardee. Friendship Park court would be elevation up to restroom and disable parking would have to have 12 degree slope and 4 courts would not have lighting and not budgeted for this year. Went through capital improvement plan for this year and can find the money for Hardee Park this year. Recommends Hardee Park and has bid prepared for Hardee Park that can go out in morning, can close in a month and another month for construction. • Mr. Paschall-4 playable courts • Mr. Griffin-yes • Mrs. White - Hardee Park with lights? Mr. Griffin-no but daylight savings people can play later • Mrs. White -parking in Friendship Park we don’t own dirt road • Mrs. White parking on dirt road Mr. Griffin parking area has metal posts where gate use to be. Mrs. White looks like somewhere along the tracks there is a house with road access Mr. Griffin Louisiana Ave Mrs. White No access to baseball except for walking. Thinks that is a good access and has light. Went to Hardee Park and parking lot would have to be extended. We need parks without a lot of stuff going on. Likes more of a quiet place that people need to walk without parking issues. • Mrs. Nelson not in favor of Hardee Park and agrees with Mrs. White that Hardee should stay a quieter park • Mrs. White would like to use Friendship Park • Mr. Paschall can we make a path • Chairman Tenerowicz at end of paved driveway can we cut another road. Mr. Griffin huge retention area and engineering would be massive Mrs. White ask church for access Mr. Griffin owned by residents to east not church. Mr. Paschall refresh memory on where parking was (Mr. Griffin shows Mr. Paschall drawing) Mr. Paschall what are we talking about creating vs parking available in Friendship. Mrs. White-was at Hardee and it is a small parking lot. Mr. Griffin we will do it the right way Mr. Sims-how far? Mr. Griffin 128’x64’? Mrs. White no drainage issue with Hardee area. Mr. Griffin-no. • Chairman Tenerowicz What kind of lighting? • Mr. Griffin like Schumann tennis court. Estimate on lighting from Daytona Beach mayor had lighting materials at $7,500, which seems light but can get good estimate and budget for it, Chairman Tenerowicz - likes ides of Friendship but not idea of parking. Mr. Sims-is there room to grow in Hardee Park? Chairman Tenerowicz where do you want to go? Mr. Sims -lot of money but possibility of pickle ball growing with more and more players. In favor of Friendship Park. Mr. Griffin -one problem in last year and a half, disc golf was great idea but no one wanted it anywhere in the parks. Filbert Park is a huge park but ,because of the neighbors, no one gets to use it. Mr. Paschall-wants to hear public input. PUBLIC INPUT • Mary Colacino, 9612 Riverside Dr #102 Sebastian -she and husband looked at Friendship Park and concluded it would be perfect. They are not builders but Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 4 Monday – March 28, 2016 participants. We walk to facilities and play. Not sure about parking. When you play tennis you park and walk to tennis court. Baseball field hasn’t been used in long time so utilize it. Mrs. White –do you think parking at tennis court and walking a trail would be an issue? Mary-no plenty of parking and people are here to exercise. Close to town. Convenient to downtown. • Karen Palin, Sebastian-has been playing at Schumann teaching pickle ball and not at Friendship so as not to bother tennis players. People who are playing are working and play in evening so lights are important. Noise may be a concern for neighbors at other parks. Agrees with Mrs. White about quiet parks. Pickle ball is sport for all ages and good exercise. Mr. Paschall-Going with the theme of doing it right, bigger facilities and would have to be budgeted. OK to wait for year or two? Being done this year at Hardee or 1-2 years at Friendship. Karen P.-would prefer to have it done faster but wants better facilities. Mrs. White-we are pretty much sold on pickle ball. If parking wasn’t put in in Friendship? Mr. Griffin-$135,000 would be cost. Mrs. White -Friendship Park is a place where it can grow. Mr. Griffin -when they do parking calculation they figure in all the other facilities around parking area. Mrs. White-if we had a walking path in Friendship Park restrooms etc. she is in favor of Friendship. Mr. Sims- doesn’t think pickle ball will have that much of an impact or heavy use sport. Wait time in basketball isn’t that great. Doesn’t think parking is a major issue. Likes the idea of waiting for something to be done right. Karen P.-8 courts with lights would be great for growing sport. Mr. Sims - What about emergency vehicle access to go pass restrooms? Mr. Griffin-There is a post past the EMS would have to go past. That may be what Mr. Watanabe was thinking about in estimate. Mr. Sims -emergency vehicles need more space. • Tim Furno, 610 Monarch Way-take a look at Friendship Park facility. Plenty of parking and already has lights. Point them at court. Doesn’t understand why other facilities are viable. • Dale Dolan. 246 S Winbrow. Heard disc golf was done deal and never happened. Doesn’t know what pickle ball is and concerned spending 250K on courts when people are living in huts across from Publix in Roseland. Chairman Tenerowicz - across from Publix is county property. Dale D.-How does this whole process start? Chairman Tenerowicz- Organizations come to board and presents their proposals. Mrs. White-same with Dog Park years ago. If enough people are interested then it is perused. Never heard from disc golf after discussion. Impact fee money is used for Parks & Recreation for different areas in the city. Dale D-there’s park and then there are activities. Can’t use golf course without paying user fee. Mrs. White- There are user fees in state parks. Looks at who will use it and where it’s going to be. Dale-is this the extent of interest. Dale D-lives by Dog Park used it once. Mrs. White-We have to support neighborhood area parks. We have a lot of support for pickle ball. If we’re going to put it up where would be best the use. Mr. Paschall- What is it you are proposing? Dale D.-Can get on go line to Jungle Club and play. Wants to re-establish our priorities in the city. Mr. Paschall - Parks & Recreation is advisory non-binding sub-committee. Best way to propose priorities are at city council meetings. Mr. Sims-pickle ball courts will not encompass all that money. Pickle ball group has been going on for a long time. The price you mentioned is not true cost. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 5 Monday – March 28, 2016 • James Demitrion, 218 Del Monte Road-solution to EMS access. Posts across road with locks. • Chairman Tenerowicz -Would path have to be handicap accessible? Mr. Griffin- Yes, anything we do is ADA. Mrs. White would we use Park & Recreation money for that task? Mr. Griffin-yes. Mr. Paschall-More pros in Friendship Park. Mr. Sims- Worth waiting to do it right. Chairman Tenerowicz -What to do with baseball field? Mr. Paschall-One thing at a time. Chairman Tenerowicz -in favor of Friendship if we can get a path going to the back. Mrs. White and Mrs. Nelson agree. Summary-Board in favor of Friendship Park as site for future pickle ball courts. Mr. Griffin will refine proposal and incorporate it into next year’s budget. NEW BUSINESS NONE STAFF MATTERS NONE BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS • Chairman Tenerowicz –Bark Park signs were put up thank you. Resigning as of 3.29.16. Thank you to Mr. Griffin for putting up with him. • Mrs. Nelson-Has been to Bark Park and there is a hole in the fence that dogs are getting out of. Bare spots. Water doesn’t drain at drinking fountain. Hardee Park looks great. • Mrs. White-Thank you for cleaning Easy Street Park. Mr. Griffin-Public Works did the cleanup. Asked them to put it on the rotation. Mrs. White -Where to relocate handicap kids park? Mr. Griffin -Maybe in roundabout area by Boys & Girls club. Have a site plan workup for new police building. Take a look to see if roundabout can be a retrofit for handicap kids park. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE • Next Meeting, Monday - April 25, 2016 MEETING ADJOURNED With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, the meeting adjourned at 7:24PM Approved April 25, 2016 Regular Meeting. By _______________________ John Tenerowicz, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee