HomeMy WebLinkAbout02071985 PZ/010) PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING FEBRUARY 71 1985 A Public Hearing was held by the Planning and Zoning Board on February 7, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers for the City of Sebastian to consider an application, as submitted by the property owners, for a change of zoning from County A to M-1 (Industrial) and a Land Use Plan/Map amendment from CG(Commercial General) and MD (Medium Density) to IND (Industrial) for a piece of property with the following description: The East 375.00 feet of the North 950.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, in Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, lying South of Fellsmere Road, Indian River County, Florida. Containing 7.18 acres, more or less. Attending the Public Hearing were Vice -Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, Members Bob Fullerton, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, Marjorie Poole, and Edra Young. Jewell Thompson was absent, he had just returned from the hospital and was excused. Also present was Building Official Daniel L. Blair. The hearing was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice -Chairman Harold Eisenbarth. Chairman Gene Harris had submitted his resignation. Earl Masteller, an engineer representing the owners, introduced the request. He pointed out how the property was now divided with an arbitrary line through it dividing the Commercial General from the Medium Density Residential. He showed that the surrounding property was -to a large extent industrial useage now, also that CR#512 would soon be split off from this property so that industial useage would be a more practical use than the commercial use now designated. The proposed use for the property if the request for the changes was granted would be warehouses and hardware store type retail. In the discussion were questions of egress, the re-routing of CR#512, the need for industrial property, a concern was addressed for an adjoining property owner (Jo Flatt) who was in the beginning process of requesting annexation. Bill Mahoney made the motion the Public Hearing be closed when there were no -more questions by the board or the public, and Stan Krulikowski seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Public Hearing adjourned at 8:00 P.M. APPROVED: '�! V DATE: Z� 'L l L Har ld Eisenbarth, Vice -Chairman HE/sbf PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES /0*6� FEBRUARY 71 1985 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called to order at 8:00 P.M. following the Public Hearing. Vice -Chairman Harold Eisenbarth presided since Chairman Gene Harris has submitted his resignation. Members attending were Bob Fullerton, Stan Krulikowski, Bill Mahoney, Marjorie Poole, and Edra Young. Jewell Thompson was ex- cused. Also attending was Building Official Daniel L. Blair. Minutes of the January 17, 1985 meeting were read and corrected. Bob Fullerton made the motion they be approved as corrected, Edra Young seconded the motion, passed unanimously. The Vice -Chairman signed and sealed the resubmitted paving plan for Dr. Henty Fischer's office. This action needed no motion since the plan had been approved by Staff Engineer Randy Mosby and Building Official Daniel L. Blair, as per the motion of the January 17, 1985 meeting. The board agreed to hold the rest of the unfinished business until the end of the meeting. The board addressed the rezoning, land use plan/map amendment applica- tion for the Magazine property for which the earlier Public Hearing was held. Vice -Chairman Eisenbarth stated he was glad CR#512 would have a /� second chance to be an attractive "gateway" to the city. Had the road not been rerouted he would not be in favor of more industrial. As it is, he agreed with Mr. Earl Masteller that having the road changed would make industrial designation a better choice that commercial general. Stan, Krulikowski agreed, and made the motion that the board recommend to the Mayor and Ci`Ey Council approval of the request for zoning change and land use plan/map amendment from County A to Industrial zoning, and from Commercial General/Medium Density Residential for the following described property: The East 375.00 feet of the North 950.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, in Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, lying South of Fellsmere Road, Indian River County, Florida. Containing 7.18 acres, more or less. Marjorie Poole seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The annexation of Skillman property located at: Begin at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, run South 209 feet to a point, thence run East 291 feet to a point, thence run North 209 feet to a point, thence run West 291 feet to the point of beginning. All of this land is in Indian River County. Contianing 1.39 acres more or leas. This annexation request complies with a letter from the County which suggests the property should be annexed since it forms an enclave. Since the property is surroun<?ed by Mr. Skillman's other property, and since it is an enclave within his property, Edra Young made the motion that the board recommend annexation, Bob Fullerton seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. (00111\, Planning and Zoning Minutes - Feb. 7, 1985 page.2 Rene VanDeVoorde, lawyer representing Mr. Ira Lee Eshlemann and Claud Brewster Brown, applicants for a rezoning and land use plan/map amendment for Churchman's Condominum PUD, introduced the plan and the applicants. The 160 acre parcel is now called Sebastian Green. Mr. VanDeVoorde described the proposed use, which would include a medical center, church, condo's (4.9 UPA). Doctor Eshlemann described Bibletown in Boca Raton, which would be the sister project to this proposed one. Stan Krulikowski complimented Bibletown; Stan used to live in Boca Raton, and was familiar with the project there. Rene VanDeVoorde read a commenda- tion Dr. Eshlemann received from the mayor of Boca Raton for Ira Eshlemann Day. Earl Masteller, engineer for the project, described the condominium section as being similar to Vista Royale in Vero Beach, and stated the applicant was ready to put the concept to work, this was not a speculation project. Several of the concerns included: egress/access to the project, revenues and impacts for the city, traffic to commercial from Englar, open space calculations, traffic that would be generated by 1500 to 2000 people attending the large church complex, distances necessary for the well/septic or sewer system, police/fire protection, traffic impact study, etc. Stan Krulikowski made the motion to recommend that a hearing date be set for the zoning change and land use plan/map amendment, motion seconded by Bill Mahoney, motion carried unanimously. Jo Flatt, owner of eight acres just outside the south limits of city (south of CR#512) asked about annexation procedures, board recommended she go to city offices and obtain volunteer annexation request. Chuck Snyder, owner of Lots 54 and 55, Block 490, Unit 12, Sebastian Highlands wants to put office, sub shop and retail on this piece of property. It was a concept plan, would have 12' lanes, one way only, for traffic pattern, would have 45% open space, would have less than 40% used for the sub shop. Harold Eisenbarth said it sounds like a subordinate use to the complex aLd the board recommended applicant proceed with application. � 4A.a The oard dressed the letter of resignation from Chairman Gene Harris. Mayor Jim Gallagher requested the letter be read into the record, which the secretary did. The Mayor commented about the letter, requesting that the board send a counter letter stating that the sentiments stated in the letter from Gene Harris (in his opinion) were not the same as the. -board's -opinion concerning Building Official Daniel L. Blair. Vice - Chairman Harold Eisenbarth said he felt he was being pulled into political manuvering and he did not appreciate.A. Mr. Tim Smith said he did not feel the letter was fair to Mr. Blair. Bill Mahoney said he did not feel the letter was meant to vilify Mr. Blair, i6 just that the city needsa full- time city engineer. / Wv- -L-- - - - -... -------- --- -- _ E. _ri Planning and Zoning Minutes - Feb. 7, 1985 k4ge 3 AW After much discussion, with comments from Inlet Commissioner Tim Smith, City Council Woman Linda Keenan, Sebastian Sun's Joan Pepper, and Mayor Gallagher, Marjorie Poole and Edra Young excused themselves due to the intensity of the discussion. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that the board request that Mr. Harris restructure his letter, Bob Fullerton noted that the letter was addressed to Mayor and Council, Stan withdrew the motion. Stan Krulikowski noted that we do not have to accept the letter, it was provided to us as a courtesy. Ms. Keenan insisted the board had to let the council know if there was a problem because the council had to act on this matter at their next meeting, and they needed guidance. The mayor insisted that it was his responsi- bility to know if there was a problem with Building Official Dan Blair, and it was the responsibility of the board to say if there was a problem. The re- maining members of the board insisted that they did not want to be involved in politics, they had no way of evaluating Mr. Blair, but they had no problems with him, they had the duty of reviewing plans as volunteers on a city board, and that was what they wanted to do, Chairman Harris had a right to his opinion. Stan Krulikowski made the motion that Chairman Harris be asked to restructure his letter, addressing it to the board if the board was to take action on a letter. No Second, motion died. Stan Krulikowski made the motion to extend the meeting an additional twenty minutes, Bill Mahoney made the second, the; vote was three to one, with Bob Fullerton casting the negative vote. The mayor again addressed the board, Stan Krulikowski made the motion the meeting be adjourned, Bill Mahoney seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 10:38 P.M. with no action taken. APPROVE : c Hal Eisenbarth, Vice -Chairman HE/sbf �1 DATED: 3/7 6