HomeMy WebLinkAbout01261988 PRL. Gene Harris Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 O SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978-0127 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Kathryn M. O'Halloran City Clerk 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve November 24, 1987 minutes Approve December 14, 1987 Special Meeting minutes 5. BUSINESS: Little League Site Plan — Nate McCollum —6-. PUBLIC 7. CHAIRMANS MATTERS 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS 9. RM BUSINESS: 10. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARRS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER (001� CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF ' THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. CITY QF_ SEBASTIAN PARKS PSD_ RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY JANUARY 26. 1988 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA MINUTES Chairwomen Linda Kinchen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Present Cliff Hoose George Schum Nate McCollum Irene Traf icante Linda Kinchen (Oft) Absent : Lonnie Powell (Excused) Eugene Doty (Excused) also present: Liasion - Councilman Robert McCarthy APPROVE MINUTES QF NOVEMBER 2Aj- 1988 MM DECEMBER 12-L. 1987 MOTION made by McCollum/Schum I move we accept the Minutes of November 24, 1987 with the following amendment: "as requested by Mr. Votapka from the boy scouts", should read "as requested by Mr. Votapka from the cub scouts." Voice Vote Unanimous Motion carried. MOTION made by Hoose/McCollum I move we accept the Minutes of December 12, 1987 as presented. Voice Vote Unanimous Motion carried 1 t OLD BUSINESS - Little League Site Plan - Nate McCollum Nate McCollum stated that during the December 9, 1987 meeting of the City Council, it was stated that the Little League site plan had never been approved and yet work had already begun. Chairwoman Kinchen explained that the Council had not approved any final plan but had approved the concept. Nate McCollum stated that both he and Little League had assumed that the plans had been approved after the workshop meeting. He was concerned that the Little League may unknowingly violate City Ordinances and felt the situation should be cleared up. Chairwomen Kinchen recommended that the secretary notify Mr. Randy Snyder immediately that there had been no final approval of plans and any work should be stopped. Councilman McCarthy stated that a gentleman had in fact presented the Council with a very rough draft and had been given approval to submit a final plan, but there had been nothing submitted since that time. Discussion followed concerning the possibility of reserving the Panthers field for a future Recreation Center if and when the Panthers relocate. Councilman McCarthy explained that the Council had not been aware of the Panthers plan to relocate, which made the request to reserve the field for a future Recreation Center unclear. Dicussion followed concerning the Little League Lease that had never been approved. Cliff Hoose asked that that be mentioned in a letter to the Little League. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES REPORT There was no meeting. NORTH COUNTX REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT CHAIRMANS MATTERS Chairwomen Kinchen stated that she had given each Committee member copies of properties that were under consideration for purchase by the City Council for their recommendation. The three properties being: (1) CAVCORP PROPERTY (2 ) MARKER 68 MARINA 2 (3) BOONE PROPERTY Discussion concerning the property followed. Councilman McCarthy drew a diagram of the proposed properties in relation to the Sebastian Yacht Club where the parking problems exist on the black board. He explained that although he was in favor of purchasing as much property along the river as possible, he felt that the Boone property was too far away to provide a solution to the parking problem. Nate McCollum stated that the Marker 68 property which is adjacent to the C i ty ramp seemed to be the most feasible. He also felt that it could increase revenue in the future as a City Marina and in fact pay for itself. Motion Schum/McCollum I move we recommend that the City Council purchase the Marker 68 property along with the purchase or lease of the CAVCORP property. Should the funds be available, we also recommend the City Council consider the purchase of the Boone property. ROLL CALL: Cliff Hoose Yes eow, George Schum Yes Nate McCollum Yes Irene Traficante Yes Linda Kinchen Yes Motion carried. Chairwomen Kinchen also gave each member for their records, a copy of the North County's proposed horseshoe pits information as given to the City Council. She also confirmed that the Council had approved the horseshoe pits but not the archery court. Secretary, Debbie West stated that Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio had explained to both herself and Chairwoman Kinchen that the Council had not turned down the archery court, but had requested that the Committee obtain more specific information to be presented to the Council. Councilman McCarthy explained that the Council had questions such as where the horseshoes would be kept, how they would be distributed, would they be picked at City Hall and who would be in charge? Chairwoman Kinchen instructed North County Representative, Cliff tifth) Hoose, to pin down the specifics with the County. Cliff Hoose explained that everything would depend on where the pits would be located. he went on to say that the County would 3 /00*� provide the equipment with the City being responsible for distribution. George Schum passed each member an advertisment calendar from Skatetown USA in Vero Beach. He explained that a request had been made from area parents to look into the feasibility of providing a skating rink for the area children. He continued with specific information gathered from Skatetown in Vero Beach such as price, diminsions of the skating area, skating fees, skate rentals, amount of employee's, maintenace etc. He suggested that the County Recreation Department or School Board be contacted to possibly supply transportation to and from Skatetown on a once a week basis as an interim solution until something could be decided. He further suggested the City Council might attract an outside operator by offering a tax break or a plot of land in which to build the rink. Cliff Hoose stated that a bus from the County School Board does transport area kids to and from Skatetown USA on Friday nights. The bus is driven by Mr. Sam Baugh. Mr. Schum questioned whether this was advertised. Irene Traficante stated that she had never heard about it. Nate McCollum stated that he felt that a skating rink was a great 1 idea. He went on to say that a skating rink or movie theater are two places that could keep every age group active. Councilman McCarthy questioned if it were possible to find out just how many children were in the Sebastian area. As it had been mentioned in the past that they're weren't enough children to warrent a theater. Chairwoman Kinchen explained that the question of numbers of children was brought up when money had to be returned during Little League sign ups due to lack of participants to make up enough teams. She stated further that there were plenty of kids, but that the Schools were offering other programs which conflicted with the Little Leagues schedules, not allowing the children to be in both. Mr. Norm Lengard, a concerned citizen, questioned where the money would come from to buy the property and put in a skating rink. But continued by saying he was in agreement with the Committee to purchase the property. Mr. Jerry Thomas, Acting Public Works Director, stated that he had been in Schumann Park at 5:00 P.M. with the electrician and witnessed as many as 35 young adults with nothing to do but mischief. He witnessed one of the youths on top of the concession stand ripping the shingles off the roof. Another group tried to the best of their ability to smash the fence in the tennis court, and also a couple of fist fights. He continued by saying somewhere down the line the Parks & Recreation Committee had missed the boat by not offering these young adults an 4 ti r alternative. He felt all the plans to buy land was great, but he felt that more important was entertaining the Sebastians youth. The problem right at this time was after school in Schumann Park. He ask that the Committee make some type of recommendation to occupy these young people. By doing so, the City would save thousands of dollars in repairs alone. He also stated he felt the City should have a Parks & Recreation Department. A lengthy discussion followed concerning this matter. Nate McCollum stated that he felt the problem seemed to be within the ages of 12 and 15, due to the long distances of the schools, which make after school activities very difficult if not impossible to attend. Councilman McCarthy discussed a previous attempt to have a City Pool which could have been used by eveyone. Irene Traficante stated that General Development Corporation had said that there would be a Community Building and pool in the Highlands. Chairwomen Kinchen instructed Committee member Irene Traficante to look through her notes to find the names of two women who had at one time offered to start a teen club. COMMITTEE MATTERS Nate McCollum asked about the scoreboard at the Barber Street field. Chairwomen Kinchen explained that Eugene Doty had been instructed to get materials to put it up. MOTION Schum/Traf icante I move to adjourn this meeting. Voice vote unanimous Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. 5