HomeMy WebLinkAbout06271989 PRP W City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 E0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHO 4074589-J570 330 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Schum. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: %L ---1 Cliff Hoose Eugene Doty Irene Traficante Cliff -Hoene George Schum Lonnie Powell Howard Carswell Excused: City Manager Robb McClary Also Present: George Ricker, Sebastian Sun Councilman Robert McCollum Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES _ MAY 2_r 1989 MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of May 23, 1989, as presented. All in favor; motion carries. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Creation of a Full-time Recreation Department Director/Coordinator Chairman Traficante stated that the Committee has been trying for the past three (3) years to get a full-time Recreational Director /Coordinator in the city budget but the Council has not approved this. 1 MOTION by GD/GS SUGGEST TO CITY COUNCIL THAT WE HIRE A FULL-TIME RECREATION DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR, WITH A STARTING SALARY OF $20,000. Gene Doty stated advantages as follows: 1) Coordinator would be in charge of complete recreational program for pee woes, minors, and senior citizens; 2) More profitable, even with the $20,000 salary; 3) Coordinator would have time for senior citizens' card games, etc., and children's summer programs. 4) City growing rapidly - this type of program needed. Irene Traficante stated that Gene Doty is presently the part-time Recreational Director of Sebastian, with a yearly salary of $2600 per year; and further noted that this would be one way to resolve conflicts between the different groups. Mr. Schum suggested sending away for requirements and modifying them according to Sebastian's needs. Chairman Traficante requested the motion be amended to include "answerable to Advisory Board at Parks and Recreation Committee." MOTION by GD/GS to amend the original motion: SUGGEST TO CITY COUNCIL THAT WE HIRE A FULL TIME RECREATION DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR AT A STARTING SALARY OF $20,000; TO WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE. Chairman Traficante directed the secretary send a memo to the City Manager and Council, also informing them that this is the fourth year we have requested this. b) pay telephone, Barber Street _ Responsible Party Chairman Traficante said that Finance Department does not know who was responsible for the installation of the pay telephone at Barber Street. At the request of Gene Doty, Mrs. Traficante directed this be tabled until City Manager Robb McClary is here. Item is to be under Old Business on next agenda. c) Age and Weight Limit for Creative Playground Use Mrs. Traficante stated for the public and press' benefit that there is a slight problem with older children climbing on things and using the equipment. A child of 14 may weigh 100 lbs. or 180 lbs. and gymnastic equipment is "up to so much weight". After discussing this problem, Chairman Traficante directed the secretary to send a memo to the City Manager requesting that he 2 t - obtain the details as to the manufacturer's specifications on weight, height and age. She further explained that Mr. McClary had stated that he would be placing placques signifying the above. This item is to be placed under Old Business on next month's agenda. d) Creative Playground Items Referred to Mayor Votapka Irene Traficante informed the committee that she had sent Mayor Votapka a four-page list of persons and organizations involved with the Creative Playground. Thank -you letters were sent to the Sebastian Exchange Club, the Air Force, and St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church on June 7, 1989, from the Parks & Recreation Committee, signed by Irene Traficante as Chairman and listing each member's name. Mayor Votapka has not gotten back to the Committee as of yet. This item was tabled for next month's meeting under Old Business. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: No report - George Schum did was excused from not -attend the meeting; however, delegates from Sebastian did &could noettend that meeting. Mr. Schum stated he had intended to ask Mr. McClary to give us a report on that. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: No report - Cliff Hoose absent from tonight's meeting. Chairman Traficante tabled both (a) and (b) reports for next month. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT: Gene Doty reported that the Women's League is starting in another week, and Men's League already started. Good attendance for both. Mr. Doty also reported that a resolution was scheduled for the City Council meeting tomorrow night, requesting approval of fees. The children will have an 8 -week season and we have only had to spend $200 so far. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) Racquetball Court, Schuman Drive - Backstops Chairman Traficante explained that nets previously had been received as backstops for the tennis and racquetball courts but that Public Works decided that would be a garbage catch-all. MOTION by GD/GS REQUEST CHAIN LINK FENCE BACK STOP, SIMILIAR TO SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL FENCE, BE INSTALLED AT SCHUMANN DRIVE RACQUETBALL AND TENNIS COURTS. All in favor; motion carries. Mr. McClary to City Council. 3 This is to be requested through 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS I"� a) Irene Traficante explained to the committee that at the March, 1989, City Council meeting, Resolution R-89-13 was passed pertaining to advisory boards and committees, providing for a length of term of three (3) years to be staggered so that no more than three (3) members shall be appointed in any given calendar year. Since all members of the Parks & Recreation Committee had not been renewed for more than than length of time, all members were renewed, three (3) for three (3) years and three (3) for two (2) years. Letters were sent to all Parks and Recreation Committee members. a litter of rest#noamion b) Chairman Traficante informed the committee that a copy of former Chairman Nate McCollum had been received, for her file. 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS a) Gene Doty explained the difference to the committee that we have league age if we play sanctioned ball whereas with city ball, we can let the child play if a little over the limit and we can adjust with league rules. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS a) Hardee Park Petition Presentation: Port -o -let Chairman Traficante informed the committee that Mrs. Young was to present a petition to purchase a Port -o -let for Hardee Park and has 69 signatures. She further informed the committee that nda� and Indian River Memorial Hospital sponsors a Wellness Walk every Nurs ay morning for senior citizens, which is used mostly by Sebastian residents. Being that there is no charge, she would appreciate getting the port -o -let to also do something for the senior citizens. George Schum requested it be a handicap port -o -let. 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Portable expandable ballfield fence (currently in storage) Mr. McClary not in attendance - item to be placed on agenda for next month. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Hardee Park Port -o -let MOTION by GS/GD BASED ON PETITION FOR ONE (1) PORT -O -LET FOR HARDEE PARK SIGNED BY OVER 70 SEBASTIAN RESIDENTS, ONE (1) HANDICAP PORT -O -LET PROPERLY SECURED TO BE INSTALLED. 4 a ROLL CALL: George Schum Aye Gene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye All in favor; motion carries. Chairman Traficante directed a memo for City Manager and City Council stating unanimous decision of Parks & Recreation Committee, along with the petition; and request this be done as soon as possible. Also to be stated in memo the fact that this petition will be presented to City Hall Monday, July 3, 1989, and that people, if necessary, will come to the appropriate City Council meeting and submit a photograph.of IRMH Wellness -Walk Program participants. b) George Schum brought up the badge suggestion for the Creative Playground security. Mrs. Traficante informed the committee that Mr. McClary is working on this and will advise us. c) Mr. Schum made mention of wheeled vehicles he observed in the jogging trail, which is not allowed. Chairman Traficante directed that the following be placed on next month's agenda under Old Business: City -Based Recreational Map (Designated Property Land Available for Recreation.) This map will identify city -owned property designated for parks. It is requested that Mr. McClary bring this map to the next meeting. Also to be placed on next month's agenda under Public Input: a) What is Appraised Value of Property - CAV Corporation. b) Public Hearing - Barber Street Complex Costs Mrs. Traficante reported that she had heard many objections to the cost of the complex when we need sewer, lights, water, etc. Next month's agenda item under New Business: Request for Breakdown on Barber Street Complex Costs, per Chairman Traficante. Sebastian Sun Reporter George Ricker reported to the Committee that a Public Hearing was held at a Planning and Zoning meeting when the site plan was approved and that Dave Fisher should have a construction budget breakdown. Mr. Ricker further stated that the complex is being done through joint funding with the County; the City's share would be approximately $290,000. 12. ADJOURN GS/GD motioned to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 5