HomeMy WebLinkAbout08291989 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cliff Hoose. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Cliff Hoose George Schum Eugene Doty Irene Traficante Absent: Lonnie Powell Howard Carswell Excused: City Manager Robb McClary Also Present: George Ricker, Sebastian Sun Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES _ JULY 25, 1989: (Libbie Reid, Acting Secretary) Corrections: 1) Page 3, (2), (a) - George Schum stated that he did not make the statement regarding the $40,000 rollover from the County and instructed the secretary to cross that out. He further stated that Irene Traficante had read this information from the Parks and Recreation of Indian River County Memo of July 6th re Minutes of June 8, 1989, advising that the County has rolled over $40,000 in next year's budget. 1 (b) - Golden Sands Beach - also "that an expressway from the parking lot to the beach in a straight path for easy access for the handicapped and others to travel on is being considered. This almost level pathway will be in addition to the zigzag fluke now in place. We also did a review of the open space element of Indian River County and considered a new pathway at Golden Sands Beach as level as we can make it." 2) Page 3, (c), 2nd paragraph - Gene Doty stated it should read "baseball" rather than "softball". 3) Page 2, Item D - Irene Traficante: it should read "were" instead of "should be" recognized and 4) Page 3, Item 7 - could "help them" coordinate our activities and 5) Page 3, Item 9, 2nd line of paragraph - "CAV Corporation" property, not "this" property and 6) Page 3, Item 9, 3rd line of paragraph - "the Committee" agreed, not "she felt" and 7) Page 1, Roll Call: add "Alternate" after Howard Carswell's name. 8) Page 1, Roll Call: Eugene Doty stated that Cliff Hoose was excused. MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of July 25, 1989, as corrected. All in favor; motion carries. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Recreation Director/Coordinator = Budget Eugene Doty recommended this matter be put before the City Council again. MOTION by Gene Doty/Cliff Hoose RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGAIN THAT A REQUEST BE PUT IN THE BUDGET FOR A FULL TIME RECREATIONAL COORDINATOR/DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN ACTIVITIES. All in favor; the vote was unanimous. Motion carries. Chairwoman Traficante directed this item to be put on next month's agenda under Old Business as "Recreation /40N Director/Coordinator Budget (August 12th) Results?" o6 b) Pay Telephone, Barber Street - Responsible Party At the request of Chairwoman Traficante, Secretary Eunice Mercier reported that the Sebastian's Finance Department at City Hall's explained that the telephone company owns the public telephone and therefore receives the money earned. The city contributes no money toward the service. (Telephone Number: 589-9984) c) City -based Recreational Map Chairwoman directed this be placed on next month's agenda under 5b, as we need this map to locate parks. d) Port -o -let: Hardee Park Chairwoman Traficante stated that Mr. McClary informed her that this was to be placed on the agenda at the August 12, 1989, budget meeting. Mrs. Traficante further explained that though Parks and Recreation did not have a budget last year, the Committee does have one this year; and $1,140 per year should be allowed for a port -a -let. Mrs. Traficante directed the secretary to request in the form of a memo to the City Manager that a request for a handicap port -a -let be placed on next week's City Council agenda for the handicapped people to use immediately. Chairwoman Traficante directed this item be left on next month's agenda under Old Business as "Port -o -let: Hardee Park Status". e) Request for Breakdown on Barber Street Complex Costs - to be placed on next month's agenda. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: George Schum had no report, as the meeting was cancelled. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: Cliff Hoose reported that he tried to reach Karen Ekonomou to find out what is current but hasn't been able to reach her. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT: Eugene Doty reported: 1) a good response with Little League; Women's and Men's leagues will be starting first week of September. ,� 2) the input from youth and parents wanting to help - should be a better response by next meeting. 3 3) The schddule for Women's League is Tuesdays and Thursdays; the Men's League, Mondays and Wednesday. 4) The players don't want to play in the County; want to play here. Mr. Doty reported that he had about 20 different teams call stating that they like the way we are organized here. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) Chairman Traficante reviewed the calendar for the year and the committee agreed on changes as indicated in the following motion: MOTION by George Schum/Gene Doty PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING DATES WILL BE CHANGED FROM OCTOBER 311 1989, TO OCTOBER 24, 1989, AND THE DECEMBER MEETING WILL BE CANCELLED UNLESS EMERGENCY MEETING IS WARRANTED. Roll Call Vote: Cliff Hoose ................Aye George Schum................Aye Eugene Doty.................Aye Irene Traficante ............ Aye All in favor; the motion carries. b) Irene Traficante thanked Eunice Mercier, Secretary, for getting the list of the plaques and certificates which were presented at the Council Meeting on July 12, 1989, with regard to recognition of their efforts in connection with the Creative Playground. c) Chairwoman directed the renewal of Eugene Doty's Recreation/Coordinator contract be placed on next month's agenda under New Business for renewal November 24, 1989-1990. d) Mrs. Traficante questioned whether we need "deletions" added to the agenda; Cliff Hoose replied to the negative. e) Chairwofpan Traficante directed the Barber Street Complex Construction Status be placed under Old Business for next month. 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS None 4 9. PUBLIC MATTERS Items a, b, and c to be put under City Manager's Matters on next month's agenda. Cliff Hoose questioned why Item c was placed on the agenda. Chairwoman Traficante explained that because technically there was no public hearing and it is our duty to place the public's questions on the agenda for answers. Item c to be rephrased as "Why No Public Hearing - Barber Street Complex Costs?" 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS City Manager was excused from this meeting - no report. Secretary directed to table "a" until next month's meeting: "Portable Fence (in storage). 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Winter Wonderland Offer by Sebastian Jr. Women's Club: Chairman Traficante stated that the old committee has approached this committee stating that Jo Kelley would like to have this for a couple of days instead of just one (1) nits. George Schum said he would like it at Riverview Park and having it over a period of several days; and that Santa Claus could be on the hut. MOTION by Schum/Doty THAT �EBASTIAN JR. WOMEN'S CLUB TAKE CARE OF THE COMPLETE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM OF WINTER WONDERLAND FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INCLUDING THE PARADE. Roll Call: Cliff Hoose..............Aye George Schum.............Aye Eugene Doty..............Aye Irene Traficante ......... Aye All in favor; motion carries. 1) Memo to the City Manager for approval from City Council, directed by Chairwoman Traficante. 2) Also would like the Jr. Women's Club to keep the Parks and Recreation Committee informed through a Status Report from Jo Kelley, designated Chairman. E b) TAB (Teens Against Boredom) and NCHS (North County High School) Committee Invitation Sent Last Month: Chairwoman Traficante informed the committee that Mr. Ricker was kind enough to let us know that Mr. Lindsey was unable to make the meeting tonight because of his job and gave her his card in order to contact him. Request was made by George Schum to not abbreviate names of committees, at least the first time it is used in each report. 12. ADJOURN CH/GS motioned to adjourn the meeting; meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD.