HomeMy WebLinkAbout09261989 PRd City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 O SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 A G E N D A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of August 29, 1989 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Recreation Director/Coordinator - Budget: Results? b) City -Based Recreational Map c) Port -o -let: Hardee Park Status d) Request for Breakdown on Barber Street Complex Costs e) Barber Street Complex Construction Status f) Winter Wonderland - Christmas g) TAB (Teens Against Boredom) and NCHS (North County High School) Committees 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 1 c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS 9. PUBLIC MATTERS 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) What is Appraised Value of Property (CAV Corporation)? b) How much taxes does City of Sebastian receive from CAV Corporation: c) Why no Public Hearing - Barber Street Complex Costs? d) Portable Fence (in storage) 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Renewal of Eugene Doty's Recreation/Coordinator Contract (for renewal November 24, 1989-1990) b) Approved Appearance before City Council Meeting of September 27, 1989 12. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 2 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cliff Hoose. 3. ROLL CALL: George Schum Eugene Doty Irene Traficante Lonnie Powell Howard Carswell, Alternate City Manager Robb McClary Excused: Cliff Hoose Also Present: Brandon Timm, Sebastian Sun Mrs. Brandon Timm Tom Mead, County Recreation Director Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 29, 1989: Corrections: by George Schum - a) Page 2, line 5, should read "route" not fluke b) Page 5, lla, to read "she" not he would like it c) and "in" the hut, not "on" By Irene Traficante - a) Page 5, lla - Add after old committee " Sebastian Jr. Women's Club" b) Page 4, 7a - add to motion - "DUE TO HOLIDAYS". 1 c) Page 4, 7d - after "deletions", add "additions or changes" d) Page 1 - add Alternate after Howard Carswell MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of August 29, 1989, as corrected. All in favor; motion carries. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Recreation Director/Coordinator = Budget: Results? Chairwoman Traficante reported that the committee had been denied by City Council again this year. b) City -based Recreational Map_ Mrs. Traficante exhibited the map received by the City Manager. After reviewing the map, the committee agreed that this map is outdated, as many changes have taken place since that map was produced. Chairwoman Traficante directed the secretary to send a memo to the City Manager requesting a more up-to-date map of the community for each committee member. This item to be placed on next month's agenda, as this map is needed to locate parks. c) Port -o -let: Hardee Park Status The port -o -let was approved, reported Chairwoman Traficante; but George Schum added that it is not in the park yet. d) Request for Breakdown on Barber Street Complex Costs - Chairwoman Traficante directed this item be placed on next month's agenda under 5b, as we do not have the report yet. e) Barber Street Complex Construction Status - This item is to be placed on next month's agenda under City Manager's Matters as we have not received that report yet. f) Winter Wonderland - Christmas - Irene Traficante reported that last year the Sebastian Jr. Women's Club did a good job with the Christmas program and has requested to be in charge of it again this year. This request is on the agenda for tomorrow's City Council meeting for approval. Jo Kelley has given Mrs. Traficante a report on scheduled events for the newly -titled "Winter Wonderland of Sebastian", to be sponsored by Sebastian Jr. Women's Club. The club is requesting the program be held from December 1, 1989, through January 1, 1990. Reason: To create a positive and festive atmosphere. An 18 -yard dumpster by Harris and 15 trash containers will be used as the clevis will not be in service. Coffee, soda, etc. will be offered and a safe shelter for Santa Claus. 2 g) TAB (Teens Against Boredom) and NCHS (North County High School) Committees Irene Traficante reported that Mr. Paul Lindsey told her that he would let the Parks and Recreation Committee know if they need our help and thanked her for our offer. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: George Schum reported that the County had reopened a track for radio control racing cars -at Hobart Park by the fairgrounds. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: Cliff Hoose was excused this meeting. Both reports to be on next month's agenda. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT: Eugene Doty reported that Women's and Men's Leagues were looking pretty good, playing two (2) nites a week; and that our cash receipts were pretty reasonable. At the end of the season, we will have a double tournament on Saturday nite in November; and in December, an open tournament for Men and Women on two (2) separate weekends. For the children, he reported that we are still trying to work something out; Little League wants softball. Hopes to have more data for the next meeting. Mr. Doty answered Tom Mead's inquiry stating that it is "slow" pitch softball wanted and added that though we never have had slowpitch before, we want to try it. Mr. Doty also replied to Mr Mead's inquiry that there would be one (1) field. Tom Mead stated that he will be glad to help in any way. Chairwoman Traficante directed the record show that Tom Mead is the Recreation Coordinator with Indian River County Recreation. After a short discussion regarding Little League fees, Gene Doty stated that the teams will have to abide with Little League rules of $5.00 a child and explained that if we were to play in Vero Beach, we would have to pay a higher fee. Mrs. Traficante said that sports overlap in Sebastian and need to be coordinated. Mr. Doty stated that a full-time coordinator is needed to coordinate. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS None A 3 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS eo*N Discussion with Tom Mead re the Arthritis swimming pool that senior citizens can use and 1 or 2 school buses which will be needed from Vero Beach. Tom Mead stated that he is contacting hotels regarding the swimming pool. He added that he would try to work something out (1) with the County on liability insurance and (2) Skatetown on the cost mainly, concentrating on the fee. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS Tom Mead inquired if Parks and Recreation Committee has a budget. Irene Traficante replied that we did have one up to a year ago; however, as of September 30th, we do not have our own budget. Mrs. Traficante added that the City Manager decided to include Parks and Recreation in another budget with Public Works, etc. Softball monies appear on the budget report; $3,000 set aside has not been used; $800 designates the Christmas parade. Mrs. Traficante emphasized that Parks and Recreation Committee has no budget. 1988 - 1989. 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS No report - City Manager not present at this meeting. Items "a - d" tabled until next month. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Renewal of Eugene Doty's Recreation/Coordinator Contract (for renewal November 24, 1989-1990) Chairwoman Traficante reported that the previous contract was carried over to "keep things going". Mr. Doty expressed that things have been held down for 6 or 7 years now; however, when there are paid programs, people want to be paid. Chairwoman Traficante directed Mr. Doty to bring in changes for review. This item to be under Old Business on next month's agenda. b) Approved appearance before City Council Meeting of September 27, 1989 Mrs. Traficante explained that on September 13, 1989, the City Council had two (2) P & R Committee items on their agenda for approval: (1) Recreation Director (full time) and (2) Port -o - let for Hardee Park. She then proceeded to play the tape for anyone present and stated that the P & R Committee has been invited to the Council Meeting tomorrow night to defend themselves. re back-up material. After hearing the tape, George Schum stated that he specifically mentioned the port -o -let to be vandal -proof and questioned "no backup". Mrs. Traficante expressed that for years the committee has been ridiculed by City Council; and when submitted backup 4 again, requesting nine (9) copies be made and distributed to the Council members, she was denied the request because it was an expense to the city. Chairwoman Traficante also stated she delivered a letter to the City Manager dated September 15, 1989, stating that P&R would appear at the City Council meeting tomorrow nits. She stated that (1) public records of June, July and August are on file for anyone who wants to see them; (2) backup had been given to City Hall in July; (3) Mrs. Traficante had a meeting with the City Manager at which time backup material was submitted.again. Chairman Traficante stated that the Committee has agreed to refute the statements. She added that a councilman was present at the July meeting and facts were stated in the minutes to back up the port -o -let and recreation/director issues; a petition was also presented for the port -o -let. MOTION GS/GD to have Irene Traficante represent the committee at the City Council meeting tomorrow nite (9/27/89) was passed unanimously. Motion carries. Mr. Schum also requested any P&R committee members attend that meeting if possible to back Mrs. Traficante up if needed. At 8:50 p.m., Brandon Timm of Sebastian Sun and his wife excused themselves from the meeting. The committee thanked Tom Mead for coming to tonight's meeting and told him they are willing to cooperate with him. 12. ADJOURN GD/GS motioned to adjourn the meeting; meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. E"