HomeMy WebLinkAbout11151989 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 O SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gene Doty. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Also Present: Irene Traficante Cliff Hoose George Schum Gene Doty Martin O'Neil, Primary Specialist David Fisher, City Engineer Peter Jones, City Planner Brandon Timm, Sebastian Sun Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 26, 1989: Clarifications by Irene Traficante: 1) Page 3, Item 6A - add "Hobart Park by the fairgrounds" to the end of the sentence. 2) Page 4, Item 9 - add "1988 - 1989" to the end of the paragraph. 3) Page 4, Item llb, lst paragraph - add "re back-up material" to the end of the paragraph. 4) Page 5, 1st paragraph - add "again" to the end of the paragraph. 1 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Two MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of September 26, 1989, as clarified. All in favor; motion carries. Chairman Irene Traficante requested item 11F be moved to Old Business. MOTION by Hoose/Schum as requested; all in favor, motion carries unanimously. 11 (f) Request !2y Martin O'Neill, Primary Specialist, Pelican Island Elementary School _ School Ballfield & Teen Center Concept Mr. O'Neill spoke to the committee regarding two (2) subjects: (1) a directly -related school matter which he represented both Pelican Island Elementary School and their PTA; and (2) he is addressed as a North County resident/parent. 1) Pelican Island Playground Project - Mr. O'Neill, Primary Specialist and PTA President at Pelican Island Elementary School, stated that the PTA would like to develop approximately an 1-1/4 acre site on their school ground with two (2) existing backstops and make this into usable athletic facility. Now since the construction of their school, the backstops were installed but grass has never taken in that part of the site. It was seeded one time but it did not take and have determined that they have to make a more -convertive effort to make it come to be. This would be a joint venture as it will benefit both the Pelican Island school children and also to North County children in general. The site is seen by them as very usuable for T ball, Little League practice area, etc., and the other part would be very usable as a soccer practice facility or football practice facility, etc. Are meeting with Sebastian P & R Committee and also will be meeting with the North County Recreation Board on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Mr. McClary suggested that Mr. O'Neill start here and am seeking P & R's support and endorsement when he approaches city council for their support. The project will call for essentially a site preparation, getting the field ready for its top grade and would like to install an underground irrigation system, two (2) clay baseball infields and sod. Their PTA has committed approximately $6,000 to this project and where they don't have quotes yet for prices, they are close to that stage. The PTA feels confident that their manpower and funds will allow them to do the sod; and think they will only need assistance in the clay infields, irrigation system, and drinking fountain, along with the grass. Will approach both North County Recreation and the City of Sebastian for support in those areas and would like the two agencies to get together and decide how best to divide that, whether it be dollars and manpower. Further on Mr. O'Neill stated they discussed having a parking lot being built on the back end of their property access to that new development behind Pelican Island that would allow people to park 2 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Three there and walk through what will be a developed nature trail as well. 2) Teen Center - Mr. O'Neill stated the possibility of the acquisition of Jason Creative Playground from GDC as the site to be renovated into a teen center; also that architects would have to ask teens what they would like at the center. His suggestion was for a teen nite club with a band stand, video arcade, refreshment stand, and skate floor. Mr. O'Neill also suggested that the front portion would make a good site for office space for not only P & R for the City of Sebastian but probably North County Rec Board as well. The back area would be renovated into not only a video arcade but also a teen dance nightclub, something along the line of Skatetown which has a dance floor for kids with tables and chairs and lighting and probably a soda fountain refreshment stand. However, they would really need to ask the teens what they are looking for. A Teen Board would be formed to govern use of the facility and enforce regulations, as this should be their ownership aspect to protect the center. Some adults would also be on the Board, perhaps some from the Recreation Board, someone from the City and someone from Sebastian Police. A membership card would be required to get in and a contractual agreement between the member and the team board signed by the member's parents outlining their rights and things not permittable, such as fighting, drug and alcohol use, etc., and face the team board if rules are violated, making this the teens ownership. Perhaps a small slope could be available for skateboards also, to get together and hand out. Dave Fisher, on behalf of City Manager Robb McClary, stated that the Teen Center is on a list of a number of items for negotiation, and the city has been reviewing the building for suitability. He further stated that Public Works would endorse the center and felt it is ideal for what we could use it for. Mr. Fisher stated the building to be approximately 11,000 square feet and that there is a fenced-in area. Mr. O'Neil stated that Mr. McClary had told him to come before the P&R Committee first before going before City Council. The Committee expressed concern regarding liability coverage and stated the necessity to satisfy our city attorney. 1) MOTION by Schum/Doty TO BACK MR. O'NEILL, THE PTA, AND THE SCHOOL FOR THE FIELD AND POSSIBLE HELP WITH THE CLAY INFIELD AND IRRIGATION FINANCING. 3 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Four ROLL CALL: Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty ,Aye Irene Traficante Aye All in favor; motion carries. 2) MOTION by Doty/Schum TO SUPPORT MR. O'NEILL AND WHATEVER GROUPS HE HAS ON A TEEN CENTER CONCEPT, WITH THE POSSIBLE OBTAINING OF THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SITE. ROLL CALL: George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Afire Cliff Hoose Aye All in favor; motion carries. 5. OLD BUSINESS a) Park Facility Improvements City Engineer David Fisher told the P & R Committee that the City Council had approved the Clivis Multrum Replacement for $22,500 at their October 25, 1989 meeting, there not being a P & R meeting prior due to a lack of quorum; and asked them to come to P & R for their recommendation. The council will act on the rest of the improvements list at their November 22, 1989, City Council meeting. Mr. Fisher stated that Public Works would do in-house all items except the ones in which a contractor would be needed, such as electrical, resurfacing the tennis courts, etc. Mr. Fisher explained to the committee that items starred (*) on the estimate would be priority items and would be completed first, the others following in accordance with funds. Mr. Fisher stated his purpose at this meeting is to get the committee's recommendation on these items which would total $45,000 ($37,250 priority items plus $7,750 contingency) minus the clivus portion of $22,500 previously approved by the council, leaving a balance of $22,500 to be approved. YACHT CLUB ITEMS: Total = $3,050. Mr. Fisher explained that the benches would be replaced with wooden benches as the concrete is unsafe. 4 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Five MOTION by Schum/Doty APPROVAL ON YACHT CLUB ITEMS BEING DONE AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Roll Call: Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye All in favor; motion carries. MAIN STREET DOCK: Total = $200.00 MOTION by Hoose/Schum APPROVAL ON MAIN STREET DOCK ITEMS BEING DONE AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. ROLL CALL: Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye %wl� Irene Traficante Aye All in favor; motion carries. EASY STREET LAKE: Total = $2,600.00 MOTION by Schum/Doty APPROVAL ON EASY STREET LAKE WHOLE PACKAGE, COMPLETING THE STARRED (PRIORITY) ITEMS FIRST. ROLL CALL: Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye All in favor; motion carries. HARDEE PARK: Total = $6,600 MOTION by Schum/Hoose APPROVAL OF HARDEE PARK WHOLE PACKAGE. 5 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Six ROLL CALL: George Schum .Aye Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye Cliff Hoose Aye All in favor; motion carries SCHUMANN PARK: Total = $8,300.00 Irene Traficante stated that the committee had previously approved Schumann football field for a teen center, for discussion with with the City Council. (referred to Public Works memo dated 7/88 re racketball nets). Mr. Fisher said that he believes we own only four (4) bleachers, and that the others donated are ours to use but not to keep. MOTION by Hoose/Doty SO MOVE TO APPROVE SCHUMANN PARK PROJECT. ROLL CALL: Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye All in favor; motion carries. BALANCE _ RIVERVIEW PARK (Clivus complete): Total $7600 balance MOTION by Doty/Hoose APPROVE RIVERVIEW PARK IMPROVEMENTS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye All in favor; motion carries. (NOTE: Total balance (7600) - irrigation system ($2,500) = $5100 approved by Parks and Recreation Committee. b) City -based Recreational Map City Planner Peter Jones explained to the committee that he has 2 P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Seven been in charge of putting together some of that information regarding designated tracts of land which are mistakenly taken for park land for the City of Sebastian. Mr. Jones said that he took a survey and there are 49 parcels that show up on our city land use map, two (2) of those parcels are dedicated as actual parks or platted dedicated parks. GDC shows 38 parcels on their master plan; of those 49 parcels that show up on our current zoning maps, nine (9) the city has deeds for, due to unavailability of staff over the years nor the opportunity to really go through and do a thorough analysis in inventory of land. The city now has an inventory on GDC and a list of the parks and is in the process of negotiating with GDC to look at what they feel will be appropriate for park plans. Mr. Jones apologized for not coming before the P & R committee before and said he would like very much to work closely with the P & R Committee on this project. Irene Traficante said that the map is outdated. She further stated that the committe will be delighted to work together with Mr. Jones on this project. c) Request for Breakdown on Barber Street Complex Costs: City Planner David Fisher stated that the cost for Phases 1, 2, and 3 will be $580,000 on the Barber Street Complex for Phases 1, 2 and 3; and the County insists the full breakdown will cost $1,000,000. Fields 1 and 2 will hopefully be complete by February 1, 1990, which will include 8 sets of bleachers, 2 score booths, and a concession stand. Field 3 will include sports lighting and a concession stand. After reviewing the breakdown on the complex, Mr. Fisher said he will keep the committee advised of progress. Mrs. Traficante explained that the public had inquired as to whether there had been public hearings; therefore, she felt it necessary to put this matter on the agenda in order to respond to the public. Mr. Fisher stated that there were two (2) public hearings: (1) the meeting with the P & R Committee and the Little League, Panthers and the all the groups combined, on the site plan; (2) was held before P & Z to zone Barber Street for these things. But the public asks: why couldn't we say what it was going to cost? Mr. Fisher stated that it was his understanding that the county has made attempt not only for this year but at for the next two years, based on numbers, to which Mrs. Traficante agreed. At this point, Chairwoman Traficante brought forward Item 10 (e): 10 (e) Barber Street Complex Construciton Status - Irene Traficante stated the committee was told there was no hearing. David Fisher said there were two (2) public hearings eA /a'\ P& R. Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Eight but doesn't know if they dealt with costs. However, this subject was discussed at the meeting with the City and County to which Mr. Jones added that this was discussed in the context of the meeting. Mr. Fisher explained that the City and County will share costs half and half and that the County has made a commitment for two (2) years. Mr. Fisher answered Mr. Doty's inquiry regarding universal fields as "not so far as we see". City Planner informed the committee that this is a very appropriate complex and would not like to lessen it because of universal fields. Mr. Doty said that bid teams can't play on little league fields and state tournaments could draw in 40 to 50 teams. However, Mr. Jones stated that there will be more for little league play and other opportunities for universal fields in other areas. Mr. O'Neill expressed his opinion that Vero has made some mistakes in overusing their fields. George Schum requested the committee move up to Item 11 (g) before David Fisher leaves the meeting. MOTION by Schum/Hoose to move Item 11 (g) ahead. All in favor; motion carries. 11 (g) Collier Creek Locking Device low Mr. Schum stated that there i at at 1 at Colli r kp g and that this is dangerous) S u e� a ids iew 1jy2r?T sin Engineer if the city could put some kind of a locking device above those boards so that they may be locked in and not be removed by anyone whatsoever except the city personnel, to avoid tampering with it. David Fisher said he would certainly look into this and report back to the P & R Committee. At 8:55 p.m. David Fisher and Peter Jones asked to be excused from the meeting. OLD BUSINESS (cont.): 5) d. Renewal of Eugene Doty's Recreation/Coordinator Contract (for renewal November 24, 1989-1990) Mrs. Traficante and Eugene Doty agreed that Mr. Doty's last contract was automatically renewed, same status as before. MOTION by Hoose/Schum REQUESTS $50.00/MONTH INCREASE IN RECREATION COORDINATOR'S CONTRACT; TERM STAY STATUS QUO. =:m P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Nine After much discussion, Cliff Hoose and George Schum withdrew his motion and the following motion was made, to request an increase in Eugene Doty's contract: MOTION by Hoose/Schum INCREASE THE RECREATION COORDINATOR'S CONTRACT TO $275/MONTH, TOTALING $3300/YEAR; RULES AND REGULATION WILL REMAIN THE SAME. ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye Gene Doty Aye Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye All in favor; motion carries. Mrs. Traficante directed the secretary to include in the manager's memo that Mr. Doty has not had a raise since original contract. e) Winter Wonderland Status At the request of the Winter Wonderland Committee, P & R Committee agreed to request the $800 in City of Sebastian "Christmas Parade Budget" be used for Winter Wonderland. MOTION by Schum/Hoose REQUEST THE P & R RECOMMEND THE CHRISTMAS PARADE FUND OF $800 MAY BE USED BY THE JR. WOMEN'S CLUB FOR THE WINTER WONDERLAND. ROLL CALL: George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye Cliff Hoose Aye All in favor; motion carried. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 1) George Schum reported that Pat Callahan and Tom Mead are trying to get a swimming pool with an arthritic group in the North County so that they can exercise in the pool in the North County instead of having to go to Vero, perhaps in one of the motels fol"N or hotels around here. However, liability insurance is holding this up. E P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Ten 2) Treasure Coast Beach is another new beach that the County is in the process of creating approximately 4000 foot of beach waterfront. It will be a beautiful park and probably the biggest waterfront park in the State of Florida. Mr. Schum will report more about it at later date. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Irene Traficante reported that she has a letter from Cliff Hoose from last month reporting that he had resigned from the North County Recreation Committee, as he is unable to attend meetings due to work. Chairperson Traficante directed this be put on the agenda for the next meeting to get a North County representative. C) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT 1) Our men and women season ended; we had good responses. 2) In the making is off -flag football season. 3) Also in the paper this week will be for men's softball again a mini tournament this Saturday with women and the week after Thanksgiving we have another mini tournament with men, a pitch tournament. 4) Also in the making is an all-star game, which has never been done before. One between women and one between men. Mr. Doty stated he would like to have Council and Recreation Department come to see what we are doing, like a City Night, and see that we need another field; and will notify everyone regarding the game. MOTION by Doty/Hoose RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL BE INVITED TO COME OUT TO SEE THE ALL-STAR GAMES AND HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED IN THIS. ROLL CALL: Cliff Hoose Aye George Schum Aye Gene Doty Aye Irene Traficante Aye All in favor; motion carries. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) Report on Appearance, 9/27 Council Meeting 10 101"1\, P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Eleven Irene Traficante stated that she refuted the statements made at the 9/27 council meeting and not one councilman refuted her comments. b) Hardee Park Citizens Thank You Letter Mrs. Traficante received a thank you letter from Hardee Park group of walkers, Wellness Walk program, thanking the committee for getting them a much-needed port -o -let; and benches at Schumann. It was also reported that the port -o -let has been anchored down. 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS George Schum said he would like to see tennis courts at Hardee Park so that the North Sebastian people would have a tennis court. To be placed on next agenda: Tennis Courts at Hardee Park. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS Cliff Hoose requested that records show that he is at the public microphone stating that he is now working for Walmart and is very much into fund-raising activities now for United Way in Indian River County. He would like a softball tournament the 2nd or 3rd week in January; since this is a funraiser, all profits would go to United Way. Would like this committee to request to the City Council that normal fees for the field and lights be waived. Though he is speaking verbally, he will be requesting this in a letter to the Mayor. MOTION by Doty/Schum FOR THE CHARITY EVENT OF SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT SPONSORED BY WALMART CORPORATION, INDIAN RIVER BASED BY SEBASTIAN, REQUEST THAT FEES BE WAIVED ON BOTH FIELD AND LIGHTS. All in favor; motion carries. 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) What is Appraised Value of Property (CAV Corporation)? b) How much taxes does City of Sebastian receive from CAV Corporation? ITEMS 10 (a) and (b) - Chairwoman Traficante directed memos sent to City Manager requesting answer to Parks and Recreation Committee. d) Portable Fence (in storage) - Chairwoman Traficante directed memo to City Manager asking if he did find the fence. 11 F e* P & R Meeting - 11/15/89 Page Twelve 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Possible Report from Tom Mead on Future Recreation Programs - Chairperson Traficante directed this be placed on next month's agenda under Old Business. b) 1989-1990: Does P & R have any budget? Chairwoman Traficante directed a memo be sent to City Manager requesting a reply to P & R. c) Letter of Resignation - Lonnie Powell Mrs. Traficante reported a letter received from Mr. Powell confirming his resignation from the P&R Committee. MOTION by Schum/Doty WE ACCEPT THE LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM LONNIE POWELL WITH REGRET) WITH THE USUAL PLAQUE All in favor; motion carries. d) Full-time or Alternate Inquiry - Howard Carswell Chairperson Traficante reported Mr. Carswell to remain as alternate until letter of resignation is received by the committee. e) Applications for P & R Committee Membership Mrs. Traficante stated that she was informed by City Hall that all new -board applications have to first go through the Police Department for background check. To be placed on next month's agenda: Why have we changed procedure? Mrs. Traficante requested for the next meeting copy of the Ordinance explaining the new procedure. Mr. Schum requested the committee be upgraded to same amount of members as every other committee. Mrs. Traficante directed this be put on next month's agenda and to find out home many on each committee. Memo to Mr. McClary requesting to inform P&R committee as to how many applicants we have. 12. ADJOURN MOTION by Schum/Doty to adjourn the meeting; meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 12