HomeMy WebLinkAbout02271990 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 D SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Schum. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Irene Traficante George Schum Eugene Doty Excused: Cliff Hoose Also Present: Robb McClary, City Manager Joanne Townsend, Asst. City Manager Glenn McLaren, Sebastian Sun Reporter Eunice Mercier, Secretary Bill Rogers, Committee Applicant 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 30, 1990 Corrections: by Gene Doty - Page 5, Item 6c (3), last sentence: Add "softball" after playing (playing softball). MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of January 30, 1990, as clarified. 1 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - February 27, 1990 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Appoint Committee Member as North County Representative from P & R Tabled until City Council approves Bill Rogers as P & R Committee member, as new P & R member needed in order to fill representative position. b) Anchor Port -o -let Ramp at Hardee Park _ Status City Manager Robb McClary said he will make sure it is done. c) Wal-Mart Fundraiser, Softball Tournament - Status Gene Doty reported on behalf of Cliff Hoose that the fundraiser is still on and will be held the end of March or beginning of April. Mrs. Traficante will check out if council will waive fee, as Wal-Mart will be donating to the United Way. d) Eugene Doty Contract Status Joanne Townsend said the attorney is not comfortable with the contract form; therefore, there will now be a letter of understanding between the City Manager and Gene Doty (in a form of a contract). Mr. McClary said that he should be able to take care of that within the next week or two and confirmed that Mr. Doty will get the increase as requested. e) Request for P & R Committee Member Increase Mrs. Traficante reiterated last month's explanation. Mr. McClary said that this is on (the council's) tomorrow nite's agenda and that if a representative of P & R committee attends that meeting, the council could entertain any comments they may have. f) Teen Center Status (Mr. O'Neal) Mrs. Traficante spoke with Mr. O'Neal who stated that he had a meeting at the school. Should have more information by next month's meeting. g) Pelican Island School Playground Status More information expected by next month as in Item 5f. h) Collier Creek Locking Device Status - Follow-up Mr. Schum said he is waiting for David Fisher to tell us about the locking device so that the boards can not be taken out of 2 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - 2/27/90 Collier Creek, as previously done, thereby lowering Collier Creek. That was two months ago we requested that. Mr. McClary said he will have locks installed and report to us. If the key (long standard water 1pfgr valve key) cannot be found, it would need to be replaced. i) Tennis Courts for Hardee Park - Follow-up Chairman Traficante said that the 1987 bids and the price was outrageous. Mr. Schum suggested a clay court; however, Mr. McClary said it should be a full asphalt court. Mrs. Traficante tabled this item until the April agenda. Items "j" and "k" put off until later in meeting. 1) Committee Membership - Bill Rogers: Approved City Council? Mrs. Traficante said that we are hopeful that Bill Rogers is approved tomorrow night and then next month he can join us. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum (001� Mr. Schum said that he attended the February 9, 1990, meeting. a) They OK'd the remote control airplane and race cars to be operated on the county property at Hobart Park. b) Put soap in the dispensers in the restrooms. c) Tried to get a swimming pool for the Arthritics but still can't get it because of insurance. Mr. Sid Mercier, observing the meeting, stated that for 15 years he had been on the Park Committee in Massachusetts. They took out a package insurance for all the children and townspeople for approximately $15,000 a year. He further stated that the package incorporated everything (an umbrella) and would require good management; and they never had any problems. He totally agreed with Mr. McClary to install an asphalt court in the beginning instead of nickel and diming, where you could have had a new one in the beginning. Mrs. Traficante stated she had received quite a few letters from residents of the community for requests. She read one suggesting teenagers having a corner for skateboarding isolated from traffic and seniors should have a pool for swimming and exercises, etc. Mr. Gilcher requested signs for joggers only - which we took care of through Public Works - due to kids bicycling there. 3 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - 2/27/90 Mr. Schum said that Indian River County tried to get a skating board ramp but the attorneys turned it down, due to the insurance. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT None - no representative. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT _ Gene Doty (1) Football - still packaging about $450/team to get in the league. Managers are trying to work it out to play on Sundays so we don't have to use the lights. Will present that as soon as everything is put together. (2) Softball - 8 teams going. Already have three calls for next season, as they were turned away for this season - no place to play them. (3) Women's League - Will be starting next Monday night; have 5 teams signed up and 2 more possible. They don't want to play in Gifford; want to play in Sebastian. He stated that men's softball ends in April with approximately 3 /OkIN weeks in between advertising, starting in May for the summer league. Mr. Doty said that a lot of individuals want to play and he is thinking of making a team of them, charging them the fee to play but waiving the sponsor fee; needs more discussion. Mrs. Traficante said she will refer them to Mr. Doty. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS Follow-up - Various Matters & Memos Mrs. Traficante said these were already covered and would give Mrs. Mercier copies for the files. 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS Mr. Schum stated he would like to see tennis courts at Hardee Park. Mr. McClary stated that City Council approved the budget for P & R already and that this needs to go through the same process as previous items requested. Mr. McClary said that the City will probably expend about $150,000-160,000; and that we should be implementing a plan for Hardee Park and take whatever piece we can afford to match the budget we have in any given year. Mr. McClary also added that tennis courts should be put in a location where you can light them for night-time use. 4 r Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - 2/27/90 Mr. Schum requested the city planner draw up we can do one piece at a time - to which Mr. Mrs. Traficante directed this matter tabled requesting that Peter Jones report an update park", etc. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS None 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Follow-up Memos/Answers a blueprint whereby McClary agreed. until next month, on the "elderly 1) What is the appraised value of property (CAV Corporation)? Mr. McClary stated that there is not an appraisal on CAV Corporation property; and that he is trying to arrange a meeting with all the nine partners in that corporation. Property appraisal by the tax appraisers is $850,000. Mr. McCrary said he doesn't know the asking price for the property; two appraisals are needed and a meeting of the minds. (2) How much in taxes does the City of Sebastian receive from CAV Corporation? Mr. Schum asked how much in taxes does the city receive from this property and how much in taxes would we be losing if the city purchased the CAV Corporation property. Mr. McClary agreed to get P & R that figure for next month's meeting. (3) Portable Fence (in storage) - did you find the fence? Mrs. Traficante and Mr. Doty both explained that this is a movable, portable chain-link fence, like an accordion, which was used once or twice for different sports, according to its proper position. We are trying to locate the fence, for possible use at the Barber Street Complex. However, Mr. McClary said that there are a lot of things in the way of policy that have to be developed for that facility before it is put into use. Mrs. Traficante said she would still like to find the fence. (4) 1989-1990: Does P & R have any budget? Mr. McClary stated that as an advisory committee, the P & R would not have any authority to have to expend any dollars. However, Mr. McClary confirmed Mrs. Traficante's statement that P & R Committee does have the authority to recommend it. Mr. McClary added that very significantly this committee made recommendations for all the capital projects that are going to be done this year. 5 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - 2/27/90 (5) Number of applicants to P & R Committee? Please inform Committee. (On City Council agenda for tomorrow night.) Mr. McClary stated that it is a good likelihood that we would be seeing more of Joanne (Townsend) at these meetings than he. Chairman Traficante, on behalf of the committee, welcomed Ms. Townsend to our meetings and told her it is a pleasure to meet her. At this point, (8:00 p.m.) Glenn Reporter for the Sebastian Sun, told the secretary he had to leave the meeting. Mrs. Traficante stated that in regard to Hardee Park, Schumann Park, Candy Cane, etc. - she came across a memo of 11/8/88 from Mayor Votapka on (1) The National Fitness Campaign has grants that can be used in Hardee Park; the County will help with any of the playgrounds like Schumann Drive, Candy Cane Park, etc. Back to Item 5k: Follow-up - City -based Maps/Property Mrs. Traficante said that Peter Jones advised us that he is working on an up-to-date map. We have update on locations but still would like a map. Mr. Schum said that we could place the locations on the map. Mrs. Traficante hoped that perhaps some day the General Development documents could be found. Back to Item 5j: City Riverfront Property Fees/Permits Mrs. Traficante said that 7/29/86 P & R Minutes there indicated much discussion regarding this subject, stating that the Yacht Club, the ramp per se and everything, is within county jurisdiction which is why we cannot charge fees for that part of it. Mr. Schum said that if we were to charge, it would have to be an equal fee for the entire county. (continued later) 8:10 p.m. - Mr. Schum pointed out the arrival of Mr. Bill Rogers - hopeful new committee member. Mrs. Traficante asked Mr. McClary why it took so long since November of 1989 to have a member approved. Mr. McClary pointed out that after the police investigation and City Council's requirement to post in the newspaper, there was only one meeting missed since there are only two council meetings per month. (continuation of Item 5j, Riverfront Property): Mrs. Traficante said that people at the Yacht Club are complaining about the way some are parking - taking two spaces and parking diagonally, leaving not enough spaces for residents. 110` People are coming from out of town/county; furthermore, fees would A Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting - 2/27/90 generate funds and regulate the parking situation. Mr. Mead added that the money could be used for additional facilities at the Yacht Club. Mr. McClary said that plans in progress will take care of many of these problems and that the project is moving along quite swiftly. If the city is planning to purchase Cav Corp, permits will help to purchase the property. Mr. McClary added that the new library and also police station will also alleviate some of these parking problems. Also, there are other plans which will greatly increase the number of parking spaces. At Mr. Schum's suggestion, Mrs. Traficante agreed to hold off on the permit business until we see how the negotiations go for the CAV Corporation. Mr. McClary made the decision to review the matter of ticketing with Chief Reynolds and leave this matter at that for this evening. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Purchase of Bleachers for Parks? Decision to hold off on bleachers, pending Barber Street project. Mr. Doty confirmed that we paid $200/piece for two (2) new benches at Candy Cane Park a couple of years ago. Bleachers are $1,000/apiece for 4 beachers. b) Application for Committee Membership Mrs. Traficante has an application for an alternate which we will send to City Hall. c) Additional Senior Citizens' Areas/Improvements Committee has discussed this matter with Peter Jones and he says he is going to get back to us on that. d) Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park (Gary McCarthy) Gary McCarthy requested two months to be on the agenda but has not made the meetings. Mrs. Traficante directed this item be tabled for next month's agenda for the third and last time. 12. ADJOURN MOTION by Schum/Doty to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. elm City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 A G E N D A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of January 30, 1990 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Appoint Committee Member as North County Representative from P & R b) Anchor Port -o -let Ramp at Hardee Park - Status c) Wal-Mart Fundraiser, Softball Tournament - Status d) Eugene Doty Contract Status e) Request for P & R Committee Member Increase f) Teen Center Status (Mr. O'Neal) g) Pelican Island School Playground Status h) Collier Creek Locking Device Status - Follow-up i) Tennis Courts for Hardee Park - Follow-up j) City Riverfront Property Fees/Permits k) Follow-up - City -based Maps/Property 1 rpol) 6. /"1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1) Committee Membership - Bill Rogers: Approved by City Council? SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Gene Doty CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS Follow-up - Various Matters & Memos COMMITTEE MATTERS PUBLIC MATTERS CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Follow-up Memos/Answers NEW BUSINESS a) Purchase of Bleachers for Parks? b) Application for Committee Membership c) Additional Senior Citizens' Areas/Improvements d) Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park (Gary McCarthy) 12. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 2