HomeMy WebLinkAbout03271990 PR/dn4,N /^1 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eugene Doty. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Irene Traficante George Schum Eugene Doty William Rogers Excused: Robb McClary, City Manager Cliff Hoose Also Present: Glenn McLaren, Sebastian Sun Reporter Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 27, 1990 Corrections: a) by George Schum - Page 3, lst paragraph, 4th line: replace "meter" with "gate" (valve key) MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of February 27, 1990, as corrected for clarification. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Results of Council Decisions on Recommendations Mrs. Traficante said that the P & R Committee list stated em� permanent reduction to 5 members, 1 alternate, as of 3/28/89, and 1 %0"I\ MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 should be corrected to 8/12/87 will consult with Deputy Clerk, changing this.) &a (resolution date). (Secretary who inserted this date before Chairman Traficante stated that the City Council approved William Rogers as a regular member of the P & R Committee and welcomed him to the committee. She said that he is official tonight and may vote, etc. b) Appoint Committee Member as North County Representative from P & R After a brief discussion regarding the explanation of duties, Mr. Rogers agreed to accept the position as North County Representative from Sebastian P & R Committee. MOTION by Schum/Doty NOMINATE WILLIAM ROGERS AS NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE. ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye All in favor; motion carries. Mrs. Traficante directed the secretary to send a memo to North County Committee notifying them of Mr. Roger's appointment and requesting them to notify him of the meetings. c) Teen Center Status (Mr. O'Neal) Irene Traficante said that she understands from City Hall that negotiations are going on and placed it on next month's agenda without Mr.0kea1's name. d) Update on Senior Citizens Areas in Parks (from Peter Jones) Mr. Jones not present; placed on next month's agenda. e) City -based Maps/Property Mrs. Traficante said she read in the newspapers that trees have been put up, etc. Placed on next month's agenda as "Senior Citizens Par Area: Status". f) Wal-Mart Fundraiser Tournament Status Mr. Doty reported the following information given to him by Cliff Hoose: 1) Dates: April 27, 28 and 29, 1990 at the Barber Street Ballfield. 2 /"'\ MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 2) All profits from this tournament will go to the Children's Miracle Network. 3) Mr. Hoose hand -delivered a letter to City Hall today asking that the City Council waive the fg-L�.---park rental fees. Mr. Doty said that a letter had been needed in order to be placed on the City Council meeting. Placed on next month's agenda. 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum Mr. Schum attended the February 9th meeting and there was nothing local to report except that we're still looking for an exercise pool for the Arthritic Association but they haven't been able to come up with anything. Mr. Schum said he had tried at Sebastian Lakes Condominiums but it was outvoted there, too. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT No report. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Gene Doty 1) Men's season ending in two (2) weeks. Two week layover and then starting with another men's season. end 2) Women's season will -begi-n when the men's start. There will be two (2) weeks in between that and will start with the women's again. 3) Mr. Doty said he will try to put together a different type of tournament, I.S.A. Everyone seems to be favoring it so we'll see what the outcome is there. 4) Monday mornings men over 55 want to start an "Over 55" softball team, and Mr. Doty said he is allowing them to use the field on Monday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There are approximately 15 men interested; and there is no charge to play. They are trying to put together a team to play other cities. Mr. Doty also said he told Gerry Thomas to line the fields after 11:00 a.m. 5) Seven or eight seniors want to play softball in the men's league as there are only 10 - 12 senior league baseball teams, including Vero Beach and others. Mr. Doty expressed the possibility of a separate team for them in which the sponsor's eW1 fee ($130) may be waived. 3 A MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 7. b) P & R "Agenda" Placed on next month's agenda for rearranging of the agenda. c) Liason Committee requested the secretary write a memo to Mr. McClary requesting if he is remaining as liason or has he designated Joanne Townsend as the new limon. d) Miscellaneous Placed on next month's agenda. 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS None. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS None. 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Anchor Port -o -let Ramp at Hardee Park _ Status Placed on next month's agenda. b) Eugene Doty Letter of Understanding Mr. Doty said that all has been taken care of and back pay will be forwarded from last October. c) Installation of Locks at Collier Creek Mr. Schum said that neighbors came to tell him that there is a hole in the dam and that the water is running out of Collier Creek; and in the past two (2) days, we lost 4-1/2 inches, which was an exact measurement that was taken. Mr. Schum thought this is quite a bit of water that could be used for irrigation instead of taking water from the wells and that the walls are always subject to caving in if the water level gets too low. Mr. Schum notified Public Works who came up immediately, temporarily blocked the hole, and said they would put new boards in and stop it entirely. Upon checking the dam this afternoon, Mr. Schum said that he found the leaking had slowed down but not completely. Public Works told Mr. Schum that they thought the boards were deteriorated. Mr. Schum asked Public Works to look at that first thing in the morning and try to stop the leak entirely; because with the dweu<j-1-t- we are having today, we must try to save as much drought 5 MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 water as we can, which would be used for irrigation and also boating and fishing. MOTION by Schum SEND LETTER TO CITY MANAGER REQUESTING A "NO TRESPASSING" SIGN ON THE WESTERN SIDE OF COLLIER CREEK DAM, THEREBY ALLOWING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO TAKE ACTION IF NECESSARY SO THAT THERE WILL BE A NO TRESPASSING SIGN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DAM. AMENDMENT by Schum/Doty SEND LETTER TO CITY MANAGER REQUESTING A "NO TRESPASSING" SIGN ON THE WESTERN SIDE OF COLLIER CREEK DAM, THEREBY AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO TAKE ACTION IF NECESSARY SO THAT THERE WILL BE A NO TRESPASSING SIGN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DAM. ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye William Rogers Aye All in favor; motion carries. d) How Much in Taxes Does the City of Sebastian Receive from CAV Corporation? Placed on next month's agenda. e) Riverfront Property _ Ticketing Information This item was placed by the chairman after Item 11. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park _ G r McCarthy (3rd time agenda item) Mrs. Traficante said she called Mr. McCarthy tonight to remind him of the agenda item for tonight but did not receive a call back. The first time he had to work on a case; the second time he had pneumonia; this time, I do not know. Though Mr. Schum reminded Mrs. Traficante that she had stated she would put this on the third and last time, she decided to excuse him the second time due to sickness. To be placed on next month's agenda. N. - 11 � MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 After a brief discussion, the following motion was made: MOTION by Doty/Rogers PRESENT TO CITY COUNCIL REQUEST TO WAIVE THE SPONSOR/ FEE FOR YOUTH TEAMS (14-17) THAT WANT TO PLAY IN THE MEN'S DIVISION, SOFTBALL, AND ALSO HOLD THROUGH FOR MEMBER PLAYER FEES OF $5. PLAYING IN THE MEN'S DIVISION WOULD ALSO REQUIRE PARENTAL PERMISSION. (AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION R-89-33) ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye William Rogers Aye All in favor; motion carries unanimously. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) 1990 Meeting Dates The following schedule was agreed upon in this motion: MOTION by Schum/Doty MOVE THE APRIL MEETING UP FROM THE 24TH TO THE 17TH; AND ELIMINATE THE DECEMBER 25TH MEETING; THE REST OF THE MEETINGS WILL REMAIN ON THE LAST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Schedule: April 17, 1990 September 25, 1990 May 29, 1990 October 30, 1990 June 26, 1990 November 27, 1990 July 24, 1990 December 25th - none August 28, 1990 ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye William Rogers Aye All in favor; motion carries. Secretary to type a master list and distribute to all P & R members, Mr. McClary, Joanne Townsend, and Bulletin Board. 4 !OMI*N MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 b) Applications for Committee Membership Alternates Mrs. Traficante said that we received the application from Harry Di Salvio; he has already had Police Department clearance because he is on the Handicap Committee. MOTION by Schum/Doty APPROVE HARRY DI SALVIO AS PARKS AND RECREATION ALTERNATE. AMENDMENT by Schum/Doty APPROVE HARRY DI SALVIO AS PARKS AND RECREATION ALTERNATE SO THAT IT WILL GO TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 11, 1990, FOR FINAL APPROVAL. ROLL CALL: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye Eugene Doty Aye William Rogers Aye All in favor; motion carries. Mrs. Traficante stated that we will also be getting an application from Martin O'Neal as a second alternate. The City Council does recommend we get*two (2) alternates and said they will approve the application, probably the applicant, and then we would have our second one. Placed on next month's agenda. 10. e) Riverfront Property - Ticketing Information March Chairman Traficante said she read in the Sebastian Sun =Apri-r 18 that the County and the State of Florida want licensed v i ,boaters which is something we may think about regarding the Riverfront Property. Mr. Doty was about to be excused but requested to say that the Little Leaguers want a 20 -year lease on Barber Street ballfield. As a citizen, Mr. Doty said he pays taxes and they cannot lease out his property as it is paid with city and county tax money. Mr. Doty expressed that he is against that. Chairman Traficante suggested the P & R Committee send a memo to Mr. McClary that Atty. Van de Voorde be apprised of the fact that County funds are going into the Barber Street Complex and refer this to the City Attorney. Also, refer to the "Barber Street Sports Complex General Policy Guidelines" which Mr. McClary gave 7 /4a"I's MINUTES P & R Meeting - 3/27/90 us on March 28, 1989, on the possible guidelines; or Atty. Van de Voorde be invited to the P & R meeting to discuss this with us. Riverfront Property (cont.) MOTION by Schum/Doty REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO INQUIRE OF CITY ATTORNEY NASH WHETHER OR NOT THERE WOULD BE ANY RAMIFICATIONS/ GUIDELINES IN INSTITUTING A PERMIT FOR BOAT/TRAILER PARKING ON ANY CITY WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. All in favor; motion carries. Chairman Traficante stated that on August 4, 1986, Linda Kinchen received an answer to our request from then City Atty. Thomas Palmer stating what is a "legal resident". Atty. Palmer gave evidence as follows: voter registration card (best evidence), driver's license showing address, utility bill showing address, or lease/rental agreement showing address. After a short discussion regarding reading outcomes in paper on Barber Street Complex and P & R not having been informed, the following motion was made: MOTION by Rogers/Schum Awl"N REQUEST MEMO TO CITY MANAGER TO INFORM P & R COMMITTEE REGARDING ANY DEVELOPMENTS OR CORRESPONDENCE OF ANY PROGRESS/RESULTS ON BARBER STREET COMPLEX. QQ All in favor; motion carries. 12. ADJOURN Motion by Schum/Rogers to adjourn meeting; meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 8 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 A G E N D A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of February 27, 1990 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Results of Council Decisions on Recommendations b) Appoint Committee Member as North County Representative from P & R c) Teen Center Status (Mr. O'Neal) d) Update on Senior Citizens Areas in Parks (from Peter Jones) e) City -based Maps/Property f) Wal-Mart Fundraiser Tournament Status 6. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Gene Doty 1 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) 1990 Meeting Dates b) P & R "Agenda" c) Liason d) Miscellaneous 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS None 9. PUBLIC MATTERS None 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Anchor Port -o -let Ramp at Hardee Park - Status b) Eugene Doty Letter of Understanding c) Installation of Locks at Collier Creek d) How Much in Taxes Does the City of Sebastian Receive from CAV Corporation? e) Riverfront Property - Ticketing Information 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park - Gary McCarthy (3rd time agenda item) b) Applications for Committee Membership Alternates 12. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. K