HomeMy WebLinkAbout09251990 PRAr City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 M I N U T E S PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Schum. 1 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Irene Traficante George Schum William Rogers Excused: Eugene Doty Clifford Hoose Harry Di Salvio (Alternate) Also Present: Eunice Mercier, Secretary Also Excused: Robb McClary, City Manager Jo Anne Townsend, Asst. City Manager 4. Approval of Minutes - August 28, 1990: Irene Traficante: Page 5, last paragraph, add "Proposed" before Parks Improvement List. MOTION by Schum/Rogers to approve the Minutes of August 28, 1990, as clarified. All in favor. 5. AGENDA SPEAKERS: None N Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes - 9/25/90 6. OLD BUSINESS: a) Status of Little League Lease At Mr. McClary's request, the secretary informed the committee that Mr. McClary would be meeting with Atty. Rene VanDeVoorde tomorrow, Wednesday. b) Layout of Three (3) City River Parking Areas The maps received from Asst. City Manager Jo Anne Townsend were reviewed and discussed. Mr. Rogers said that this will assure the residents of Sebastian a better chance of obtaining a parking space at the Boone property and Yacht Club. A memo to Mr. McClary regarding boat/trailer parking permits for Boone Property and Yacht club was approved by motion (please see below, under Committee Matters. The memo incorporates several items). Discussion: Mr. Rogers recommended that the committee first have a finalized /03IN plan to present to the Council. He said the public should be invited to attend P & R meetings to discuss their opinions (request also included in memo). 7. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum Mr. Schum said he was excused from the meeting due to illness - no report. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - William Rogers Mr. Rogers stated that the committee still has not met and he has not heard from the committee - no report. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Eugene Doty Mr. Doty is absent this evening - two reports due next month. 8. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS - none 9. COMMITTEE MATTERS A) After much discussion regarding miscellaneous matters, a motion for a memo regarding various requests to Robb McClary was made and approved. �q JO Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes - 9/25/90 9. COMMITTEE MATTERS (cont.) Memo to Robb McClary with cc to Council: 1) How much in taxes was City gaining from property on Boone Street parking lot prior to its purchase? Legal description? Reason: P & R Committee is working on a plan for boat/trailer ONLY parking permits for Boone property and the Yacht Club. 2) Trailer Tags - Request regulations from Police Chief on motor vehicles trailer tags being properly displayed on trailers at all times. If not properly displayed, request police action be taken. Reason: Trailers are not properly displaying license plates. 3) Trailer Parking Space - Request trailer not take 1-1/2 parking spaces and police enforce this. Also request SIGNS be made to this effect: "Boat Trailer Parking Only on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays". 4) Signs at Hardee Park - Request City install warning signs informing the people that there are alligators in the Collier Creek/Lake Hardee waterways at Hardee Park and they should not feed alligators - Florida Statutes making it illegal to do so. Signs may read as such: "Danger: Alligators Feeding Illegal under F.S. 372.667." The P & R Committee respectfully requests notification of the installation. 5) Press Advertising - Request for advertising to invite the public to attend the P & R Meetings of October 30 and November 27, 1990, for the purpose of discussing their opinions on boat/trailer parking permits. 6) Hardee Park - Request regular maintenance problem be corrected as requested to City Manager 8/29/90, as follows: a) Grass has overtaken the path; needs to be cleared as soon as possible (needs trimming). b) Remove rocks from walk way - (Mr. Schum displayed large rocks taken from Hardee Park walk way). c) Puddles from rain - fill up holes. d) Grading needed. KI P & R Meeting Minutes - 9/25/90 9. COMMITTEE MATTERS - Hardee Park (cont.) Mr. Schum noted that a month has gone by and nothing has been done to correct this problem; people are complaining to him. 7) Riverview Park Rest Rooms - need to be sufficiently supplied. Reason: Mr. Schum said that the Yacht Club rest rooms are closed, so the public uses Riverview Park rest rooms. He noted that the men's rest room was out of toilet paper. MOTION by Schum/Rogers MEMO TO ROBB MC CLARY, WITH CC TO COUNCIL, REQUESTING ACTION ON SEVEN (7) ITEMS AS STATED ABOVE. Roll Call: Irene Traficante Aye George Schum Aye William Rogers Aye All in favor; motion carries. B) Mr. Rogers expressed concern regarding the public feeding the alligators at Dale-Wimbrow Park and requested Mr. Schum to address this issue at the County meeting, stating that signs should be displayed to this effect: "FEEDING ALLIGATORS IS ILLEGAL". Reason: People are feeding alligators there; dangerous especially to children. 10. PUBLIC MATTERS - None. 11. CITY MANAGER'S/ASST. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS - Not present. 12. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Traficante directed the following items be placed on next month's agenda: a) Schumann Drive Playground Equipment b) Candy Cane Park Equipment Status 13. ADJOURN Motion by Schum/Rogers to adjourn• meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Eunice L.Mercier-, Secretary 4 * Main Street Parking Lot only.