HomeMy WebLinkAbout10031997 RACCITY OF SEBASTIAN TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OCTOBER 3,1997 Mr. Pat Brennan, Public Works Director, call the meeting to order at 10:06 A.M. All City staff and Committee members introduced themselves and they included the following: Tom Frame - City Manager 1 Corey Richter - Sebastian Soccer Assoc, 2 Larry Driver - Concerned Citizen 3 Connie Stimmel - Sebastian Craft Club/ Don Scott - Friendly Tennis Group,/ Chris McCarthy -Parks Supervisor, City of Sebastian DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS: Chris McCarthy distributed prepared packets. SELECT CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN: NOMINATION by Scott/Stimmel I nominate Larry Driver (for Chairman). Walter Barnes - Mayor of Sebastian rFrank Viger - Sebastian Old Boys ✓ b Maura Raborn-Sebastian Panthers,/ 7 Randy Snyder - Seb. Area Little League I Nancy Diamond - Rep., IRC Parks &✓ Recreation Ann Brack - Recording Secretary There were no other nominees for this position, and Mr. Driver was declared Chairman. NOMINATION by Raborn/Richter I nominate Nancy Diamond as Vice Chairman. There were no other nominees for this position, and Ms. Diamond was declared Vice Chairman. PURPOSE: Mr. Frame explained that the original suggestion to form this type of Committee came from a letter from Mr. Driver advocating a Recreation Commission. The City Council discussed this issue and encouraged the endeavor. He noted that as a City, we provide a number of recreational facilities, and most programming is either provided by independent groups such as the groups represented here today, or programs put on through Indian River County. TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 Mr. Frame then noted that the City of Sebastian has a limited amount of property available for future development for various types of activities, particularly in the area of active athletic facilities. He suggested therefore, that we should rely more on a regional approach, making sure that we get appropriate representation, facility planning and cooperation from Indian River County. He also noted that recreation for the City is a broad issue, and for the athletically inclined, those facilities are available, but there is a need for balance to include arts, crafts, etc., and facilities for all ages. He noted that representation here today seems to cover a broad spectrum of interests and ages. He then suggested developing a charter or constitution for stating the purpose of this committee, for making recommendations and advisories back to the City Council on future programs in the City, recreational development, how to relate to the County, etc. Mr. Frame asked the Mayor, Mr. Walter Barnes, to make some comments, on behalf of the Council, on how the Council sees this group interfacing with the City. RESPONSIBILITIES: Mayor Barnes commented that in the past, there has been some problem with interfacing with the County, and people more or less did things on an individual basis. He noted that the City has gotten too big to rely on that type of procedure, and the best idea, referring to Mr. Drivers ideas, would be to have our own committee with people who are interested in the Sebastian area, to plan how to accomplish certain ideas, bringing those plans back to City Council for assistance. He indicated that Nancy Diamond would by our representative to the County, and hopefully a member of this Committee. He suggested getting a more focused recreational purpose in the City, and this seemed the best way to do it. Mayor Barnes noted that we are at the stage of forming this Committee to come up with a charter so everyone is aware of what we are trying to do, and he urged everyone to consider this endeavor to be flexible as it will be a learning a process for the Committee and for City Council. He emphasized that this Committee should keep City Council and the County informed, and things should be better for the City, - better chance of obtaining funds and becoming aware of grants for assistance - and it just has to be better that what we had in the past. He thanked Mr. Driver for pushing Council a bit on this project. The "ugly green building on Barber Street" was the next topic for Mayor Barnes. He explained that a grant has been submitted to obtain some funds to renovate this Barber Street building. If this is accomplished, it should provide good additional space for more programs. Space is a big problem. He urged all members present to put in an application for the permanent Committee, and noted that new rules have been established for appointment to City Boards and Committees. He then explained that the process of interviewing the applicants will be accomplished, and appointments made. He pointed out that this Temporary Committee, here today, needs to decide how many members will constitute the Committee, then the appointments can be made, and the Committee Will 2 TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 interested and attending. Mr. Frame reminded all attendees that an application form is included in the packet that was passed out earlier. Mr. Brennan went over the items in the packets, which contained the agenda, a copy of the Resolution R-97- 49 covering this Committee, and a copy of the Resolution R-97-45 covering City Committees, and the application. DETERMINE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: 1) Number of Members and Alternates Chairman Driver suggested discussing the number of members and alternates for the Committee, and suggested a representative from each of the following: Sebastian Old Boys, Panther Football, Soccer Association, Sebastian River Area Little League, the Tennis group, Sebastian Craft Club, and three or four from the public at large. Mr. Frame mentioned the Fast Pitch Softball headed by Tom Bachelor, which is a non-profit organization, and indicated their interest in obtaining land for softball facilities. Chairman Driver advised that each group have representation on the Committee plus three or four from the City -at -large. Mr. Barnes indicated no knowledge of other non -athletic organizations, and noted that representatives from Citizens -at -large could cover these organizations. Chris McCarthy spoke of the Pelican Island Art Club, but indicated that he thought it had disbanded and no longer met. Mayor Barnes suggested that Chairman Driver set parameters to say that for instance "membership shall be from (12 to 15) members and two (2) alternates". Chairman Driver noted that when he wrote the original letter, he had in mind eleven (11), but he has no problem increasing the number. Ms. Diamond indicated that she felt the larger the number, the more problems. Mayor Barnes saw the wisdom of this, but noted that all organizations need to be represented. Mr. Snyder suggested that this Committee should be representing all clubs, whether they have a member on the Committee or not. He asked about having a representative to the County, and Mayor Barnes indicated that Nancy Diamond is on the County Parks and Recreation Committee. Mr. Snyder proceeded to inform all present of an air conditioned gym and weight room valued at $3 million going in in Gifford; a Senior League Baseball Field, probably valued at a couple hundred thousand dollars built at Wabasso Park with lights, where it is closed at night so no one TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 will probably ever use the lights. He noted that they have no organized baseball in that area. He urged that Sebastian get County representation so that the County knows what we need. Mr. Frame reminded present members that it would not be prudent to ask the County to put a County staff member on the review Committee because they may not be a citizen of Sebastian, and we may find ourselves taking positions that would be counter to what the County may or may not agree with, and it would be difficult for that staff member to participate and vote. He suggested that the County be asked to have a staff member attend all our meetings to provide that direct communication link. Chairman Driver asked how the Recreation Department dollars are funded and divided. Mr. Frame responded that he has not had time to check into it, but noted that their budget indicates it is included in their General Fund, and Sebastian needs to look into it to make sure we get our fair return on the money we are sending down to the County. Mayor Barnes reminded everyone that this will be one of the functions of this Committee. He noted that one of Sebastian's problems is space and we may have to deal with some County projects in places like Hobart Park or the area west of the Middle School, which means some travel for City residents. Mr. Scott asked if anyone now contacts the County Department of Recreation for funds for the City of Sebastian. Mayor Barnes responded that no one is designated to just that, but Nancy Diamond is on the Committee and represents Sebastian. He noted that coordination with Nancy would be part of this Committee's responsibility as she would be the point person to deal with the County. Anyone else can also attend the County Committee meetings to give input. In discussing the interaction between City Council and this new Committee, Mr. Frame recommended that on policy issues directed toward the County such as a specific request, it would be useful to go through City Council, but any inquiries could be made directly. Mr. Scott then suggested that any recommendations that would not be policy would go through Nancy to be coordinated with the County. Mr. Frame indicated that Chris McCarthy and Pat Brennan will be liaison staff. Mr. Scott asked if there is any present funding for recreation in Sebastian from the County. Mr. Frame noted that, indirectly, they provide some recreational programming, gymnastics, etc. in some Sebastian facilities, but there is no direct cash contribution coming into the City for recreation. Mayor Barnes commented that the County has been very good about providing those programs, and if we have space there are a number of programs they are willing to provide. 4 TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 31 1997 Nancy Diamond noted that there is no property in Sebastian big enough for possibly a four -field complex. Mr. Frame noted that most of what the County now has in the City of a reasonable size are remnants of the old utility system. He pointed out that one is on Filbert, and another back behind Bailey where the communication tower is, and are the two largest tracts within the City and owned by the County. Mr. Scott noted that there are many members of the Tennis group that live outside the City limits, and he voiced his opinion that the County needs to share with us because we are providing facilities, etc. for them. There was discussion on funding that the County provides to the City of Vero Beach, possibly in the amount of several hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Frame gave some insight into the Vero Beach - County recreation coordination and involvement, and suggested that the County might use Sebastian in the same manner, or make sure that Department interfaces with Sebastian in an appropriate manner for the tax dollars that Sebastian provides to the County. Mayor Barnes noted that along with Vero Beach receiving money from the County, that they also have full time employees that are being paid with those funds. Mr. Snyder explained some of his past experience with the City of Sebastian and the County, and the difficulties encountered, and noted that he felt it is very important not to get negative with the County because there is a tremendous amount of money there, and they will help us. He stressed the fact that we need to let the County know what we need. Maura Raborn noted that six organizations are represented here today, and if the maximum Committee size was made at nine (9), with two (2) alternates, that would encompass those organizations and leave room for growth. She commented that once that Committee is established, it can proceed with what has been discussed so far. She also commented that she felt that the various members present were all open-minded to all organizations and would look at anything new that would come in. Mayor Barnes agreed, and referred to the cooperation on the concession stand at the Barber Street Complex. MOTION by Snyder/Scott I make a motion that we go with nine (9) members and two (2) alternates. A voice vote was taken. The vote was 8 - 0, motion carried. 2) Majority required for a quorum Mayor Barnes noted that the majority would not include the alternates. It was determined that five (5) would constitute a quorum. TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 DETERMINE FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: There was discussion on what issues still need to be accomplished. There was also discussion on where, in the City complex, would be the best place to have the meetings. Mayor Barnes and Mr. Brennan noted that because of the Sunshine Laws, it would be best to have the meetings here in the Council Chambers. There was discussion on what evenings the Council Chambers might be available. It was suggested to postpone this decision till later in the meeting. TIME OF MEETINGS: Postpone till later. GENERAL MEETING PROCEDURES - ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER: Mayor Barnes noted that Roberts Rules of Order is generally accepted throughout other Boards of the City. He also commented on the advantages of volunteer labor and indicated that if the grant does not come through for the "ugly green building" on Barber Street, with material supplied by the City, this volunteerism already expressed by people who are not present today, could accomplish this project. There was more discussion of meeting dates. NEW BUSINESS: There was discussion on development of a Charter for the Committee. Mr. Robert Massarelli, Community Development Director, was called upon to assist the Committee in developing a Charter. He suggested purpose, coordination, advisory role, special studies, membership, organization (chairman, vice chairman, and ability to set up sub -committees), and responsibilities. The present members referred to Resolution No. R-97-49, and discussed different sections of this Resolution that could be included in a Charter. Mr. Snyder suggested, under Purposes, to add "research the needs and feasibility" (of requests before going to City Council). MOTION by Snyder/Stimmel I make a motion that we add that to the purpose. (under Purpose "Research the needs and feasibility") R1 TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. Mr. Scott suggested defining policy issues that would go to City Council. MOTION by Scott/Snyder I make a motion that we change number three (3) under the Advisory Committee,- prepare and finalize policy recommendations to the City Council for action, (and) that other recommendations that do not require policy can be recommended to our City representative to the County Recreation Committee. A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. Mr. Snyder suggested adding a statement to listen to the public for their recommendations. Chairman Driver agreed and noted that public input is very important, and we need to urge the public at all times to attend the meetings and participate. MOTION by Snyder/Driver I make that a motion that we have a number 5. Listen to the public for recommendations, and act on it. A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Scott/Diamond I make the motion that we add number four (4), Other than policy, decisions be submitted through the City Recreational representative to the County. A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Richter/Raborn I make a motion that we delete item one and renumber from there. A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Raborn/Richter I make a motion that we delete item two, as it has now been satisfied. A voice vote was taken. 8 - 0 motion carried. 7 TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 Mr. Massarelli suggested the following wording: "All members shall be appointed by the City Council, and the Advisory Board shall consist, whenever possible, of members of the following organizations". Mr. Scott referred to Section 2 of the Resolution, and noted that under Organization Structure, it may not always be possible for the President of each organization to be a member of the Committee, and it was suggested to add, "or his designee" after the word President. Mr. Massarelli suggested the following wording: "All members shall be appointed by the City Council and shall consist of, whenever possible, the following: the President or designee of the Sebastian River Area Little League, and so on for each organization". He noted that this should handle any situations that might arise if additional members apply from one organization, or if problems arise within an organization resulting in a division of the membership. Mayor Barnes noted that City Council, under those circumstances, would rely on each group to tell us who their designee is. There was discussion of the membership issue and it was determined that staff will draft the Charter from the input from this meeting, and through two more meetings, present members can look at it and accept or make changes. If the second meeting is not required, it can be canceled. Staff referred to of the Resolution, Section 1, Purpose, and noted that this needs to be revised for the Charter. The consensus was to eliminate the first sentence from the Purpose. The second sentence which indicates providing recommendations needs to be defined such as inserting to City, County or staff after the word "recommendations". There was discussion again on setting dates :for two. more meetings, and it was determined to designateOo bear 13 and 27, 7 P.M. for the remaining meetings tocomplete the Charter, etc. It was no%d` tliat thus Committees work will be completed by November 3, 1997. Mayor Barnes urged members to remind other Organization members, who are not present today, to attend the next meeting, for their input. INPUT FROM PUBLIC: None MEMBER COMMENTS: None STAFF COMMENTS: Mayor Barnes commented that this group has made a lot of progress and might be able to wrap it up on the thirteenth. Ms. Stimmel announced that she will not be present at the October 13 meeting. 8 TEMPORARY RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1997 Chairman Driver adjourned the meeting at 11.26 A.M. (10/8/97 AB)