HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-2016 NRB MinutesCROF S N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 03, 2016 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. Vice Chair Gordian called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: Gil Gordian — Vice -Chair Jim Clifton Rose Glaser Andrea Ring Vicki Tunker Ann Lucier - Alternate Members Not Present: George Millar — Chairman —Will resign via letter Bob Progulske Keerthi Weragoda — Alternate City Staff Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Michelle Stromberg, Recording Secretary 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Ms. Glaser — 3rd page, half way down —'good vendor" should be "food vendor". Mr. Clifton - Page 4 — "Frag Mitus" should read "Phragmites". Page 5 — "Hardy Park" was misspelled should read "Hardee Park". MEETING MINUTES — Approval/Discussion April 05, 2016 meeting minutes • Mr. Clifton — Made 1 st Motion • Ms. Glaser — Made 2nd Motion • NRB approved with changes — (amended will be noted) 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Oyster Restoration Project Update (LPOH): • Vice -Chair Gordian — Project went well, the Boy Scouts on Earth Day, April 26, 2016 applied the bags approximately 80 Oyster bags, adjacent to the park along the river, went very well. John Giordano did a fine job. We thank the City with their cooperation with a little signage. Hope the project will continue. We will have to decide when the next phase will be and how much, our acquisition from Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 1 our oyster shells, the City's cooperation with storing the shells. We will contact John and see if we can continue with his operations and continuing his efforts into it. Anyone else have a comment? • Mr. Clifton - Caught the tail end of the sign dedication, they are clearly marked for those that have concern for infringing on the kayak launch area, their clearly marked off to the side. Four (4) PVC posts that delineate the area, I don't see any issues regarding people getting into the wrong spot and not being able to access the river. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Asked Mr. Watanabe is the possibility of expanding the project going Northbound, possibility or we find another site to continue the project? Expand the existing spot, research that? Willing to monitor, at least once a month with John Giordano and see if the oysters are grabbing onto the bags. • Mr. Watanabe — This was a pilot project. This project was not broken up in phasing project. In a phasing project, when you submit that for a permit you have all the phases and you do a portion of it and they permit all of it. Then you do phases of it, as well make sure you have a comprehensive plan and you get a permit for the whole comprehensive plan. This was a Pilot project — permitted just for this area. Any expansion would require a whole new permit or a permit modification. The City has another oyster project at the working waterfront. It's not part of this project, separate project, separate permit. Second question — yes needs to be monitored. Monitoring was geared more towards if the project were to use mats. The Oyster Bags are pretty permanent, self-contained, the process is just to make sure it is working. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Will check at the end of June, to see if the oysters are taking to that section. • Mr. Watanabe - Not sure of the time period, how long it takes a spat to grow. • Vice -Chair Gordian — They should attach themselves within the next month or two • Ms. Ring — The City has money for the oysters, but going to the working waterfront? Correct? • Mr. Watanabe — The City has a separate oyster project at the Working Waterfront which has received grant funds to do an Oyster Bags. In process of getting the permits, from DEP (the overall umbrella) and secondary permit from the Army Core. • Ms. Ring — Can we expand there, can we be the person to inquire or the Boy Scouts to go ask for? Who wants to expand this, Do not supposed to go ask and get the permits? • Mr. Watanabe — The City may be looking into volunteers. I am taking care of getting it permitted thru the agencies. How it will be implemented will be decided by the City Manager. Doesn't seem like it will need a lot of man power. In a self- contained area. We had a pre -meeting with the agencies at the project location which they support. Grant comes from the Lagoon Council but not yet to receive the agreement. • Vice -Chair Gordian — According to the Working Waterfront oyster project — what would be the NRB participation? • Mr. Watanabe - If NRB would like to be involved will inquire with the City Manager to ok. The current project was mainly a City project. Item B. Champion Tree Update: • Mr. Clifton — Michelle printed off 100 brochures for Earth Day. Not a lot left the table at the Earth Day event. How they were displayed was part of that problem. Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 2 Maybe stands would help with visibility. I spoke with Mr. Watanabe in regards to displaying them throughout the City buildings. A number of places where they can be displayed. With the additional budget remaining I understand we can utilize that to make additional brochures. • Mr. Watanabe — Currently in the budget there is $286.00 remaining that may be used for marketing. Use some of the remaining budget towards printing nicer brochures. Thank you to Walmart for donating the bike, because of that there is the additional monies remaining that didn't need to be used after all on purchasing a bicycle. With the remaining monies, they cannot be used towards next year's Earth Days budget. • Mr. Clifton — Suggesting waiting until the next meeting before we allocate funds for printing professional brochures. • Mr. Watanabe - The intent of the money was for marketing. • Mr. Clifton — Cost of the brochure? • Ms. Stromberg — Will verify the amount. • Mr. Clifton — Next meeting we can go over details of the amount. • Ms. Tunker — Any trees currently out there that are already on the website? • Mr. Clifton — We do have an existing data base and is thinking of drive by then get in contact with property owners to re -measure and fill out the data with the new forms. Is driving around looking at trees. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Appropriate to send a mailer out to residents • Ms. Glaser — In Newsletter? • Mr. Watanabe - Will speak to the City manager about going into Newsletter. Jim could maybe write something to go into the next newsletter. Item C. Earth Day Event 2016 Update: • Per Ms. Glaser — Thanks to all of the board and the City. Ended up with 54 vendors. Went through the plans and made notes for next year and added the State Food permit address and telephone number. Have to do 3 days in advance. We have are just shy of a few hundred dollars left on our budget. Noted: need a medical kit for next year. 27 door prizes donated. Gil took care of the stage. Thank you! Had 21 contestants do all three challenges for a bicycle and the winner was a 14 year old from Vero Beach. Next year start at 9 instead of 8:30. Look at what is going on in and around the community around the date. Vendors were happy to be there and signed up for next year with same locations except one. One food vendor voiced they were not happy. The wagons from the City helped. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Maybe animal participation? Big thing keep people in the park. The kids enjoy and education. • Ms. Glaser — There is a wildlife festival, maybe next year plant some trees. • Ms. Lucier — For the food vendors maybe provide different signage. As time goes on people will know no more parking in the park. Learning curve for everyone, Vendors happy doing it themselves, not pulling in. • Ms. Glaser — When the K9 show went on, the park cleared out, don't know if good drawing people out of the park. • Ms. Lucier — Scavenger hunt was good. Do something for the adults, scavenger hunt for them, something to do with Earth day. • Ms. Glaser — Couple of adults do, Chalk Art contest was a success. Impressive. • Ms. Lucier — Kids exciting doing scavenger hunt. • Ms. Ring - Close Indian River Drive? • Mr. Watanabe — If planned early possibly — Look at expanding it out as you grow. Closing Indian River Drive takes more resources to do so. Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 3 • Ms. Glaser - Handed out thank you notes to the vendors. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Thanked, Ms. Glaser, any other comments? Item D. Pilot Project: • Vice -Chair Gordian — Pilot project on the water system, or the oysters? No update at this time. Need to have consultation with other people that are familiar with this project. • Ms. Ring - Questions for the City Engineer. o Following up on spraying when they don't need to spray? As part of the pilot project — asking them not to spray. o If we could change some of the chemicals being used? • Mr. Watanabe — These are some of the same questions being asked at the Council meetings. This maintenance of the waterways by Applied Aquatics is to spray herbicides within our canal systems per contract. I was told if residents do not want spraying they can put up a sign. The contract is within the City's requirements to maintain water flow in the canal systems. We had a meeting with Applied Aquatics and reviewed the list and one name jumped out (Round Up). It's not the same one you buy at Home Depot, its water based, has same ingredients. To be conscience, Applied Aquatics manager said they would switch it out with Rodeo, costs a little more. City was fine because of the negative connotation of using Round Up Custom, Applied Aquatics switched out. Beyond that they have a contract and will keep moving forward until there is a better method is identified. Per Council Member — Andrea Coy — Until a better method is found we have to keep maintaining the waterways. Maybe the NRB board can come up with something a pilot project. To keep coming back saying we don't want to do it, unless the City Manager or Council gives me direction the crews are going to keep doing it. It's not within my realm either. The questions keep coming about "Why can't you do this or why can't you do that?" The City has looked at the options; we do not have the resources to perform the mechanical approach. It is time and labor extensive, do not have the resources, only have a handful of Public Works crews. Not feasible, most areas do not have right -a -ways. Only way to get back there is by boat. That is what Applied Aquatics does. • Ms. Ring - The people spraying are the City employees? • Mr. Watanabe — They are Applied Aquatics staff. • Ms. Ring — The City's resources wouldn't really change any if we ask the State and Saint Johns to change what they are doing. They are still doing the same amount of work, and it doesn't add anything to the City, right? • Mr. Watanabe - Clarified a permit is when there is an improvement. Regarding the water ways, they are city canals, the only requirement under SJRWMD is to maintain and convey the water, have to keep the water moving, or we will flood the City. No permit is required from SJRWMD. • Ms. Ring — Now they are not supposed to spray unless they see it's necessary, can we ask them, check on them to make sure it's not spraying when it's not necessary? Do we have the right to tell them not to spray our canals? • Mr. Watanabe — Applied Aquatics spray as needed and a council member went out and followed them in our Public Works boat and they were not over spraying, depend on how deep and weeds. Checked the invoices and they vary in cost. • Vice -Chair Gordian — What sections are being sprayed? • Mr. Watanabe - Our entire canal system and a few additional ponds are being sprayed. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Will go check out water ways to see how it works out. Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 4 Item E. Invasive Plants: • Vice -Chair Gordian — Discussion on Invasive Plants? Eradicating, personal property? • Ms. Tunker — Went to the meeting on the Invasive plants and the pollution going into the lagoon. Most of the Invasive plants are being sold at the stores. Monumental project and effort to convince garden centers not to carry the invasive plants. Big sellers. • Ms. Ring — Could you tell me which one it is? Not familiar. • Ms. Tunker - Didn't have list with me, the list is approximate 3 pages • Ms. Glaser — Went to University of Florida and went to website and pulled off information on the invasive plants and found another websites, where brochures were already made up — Florida Exotic Plant Council, they have a flyer already made up, it has all of the invasive's on it. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Up to the General Public, the homeowner, maybe put information on the website, gives some public outreach and information on native plantings. Can visit the ELC off of Wabasso, they do not plant anything that is not native. Native plants only. • Ms. Glaser - Maybe visit private entities? • Vice -Chair Gordian — Put on budget for next year? Have a few hundred of those copies and give copies to garden stores in town. • Mr. Watanabe — Educating and creating brochures and marketing is a good idea. NRB can take the lead on creating web page and create brochures. Better to start with the educational component then move forth. • Ms. Lucier — I think educating the Public first is a good idea. Start with the first worst five. Do not want to create bad feelings with the small business owner. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Recommendation, educate the public. • Ms. Lucier — Want to make sure they don't feel like we are policing them either. • Ms. Ring - Can we print off from the State website? • Ms. Glaser — yes, University of Florida. They have a ton of information. • Mr. Clifton — This follows up to the issue we spoke of the other week in regards to fertilizer. The fertilizers do not comply with the County rules and that is a County issue. Spoke on the sales of the fertilizer. Put our heads together over the next few months and find a way. • Ms. Lucier - Need to get with the corporate office of the box stores. They have to comply, depending on how much pressure corporate gets. It goes back to the educational part. If people are not buying it and that product is sitting on their shelves and it's not moving, they are not going to want to buy the same product and not make any money on it. • Ms. Glaser — Go to stores and take inventory of what is invasive, I don't see a lot of these in the stores. • Ms. Lucier - Fertilizer is a huge seller. Educating the public. • Ms. Ring — I don't know what the invasive plants look like and information on what the plants look like is very helpful, maybe on the website. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Maybe Barbara could put this on our website? • Ms. Glaser — Maybe start with a few trees and plants also? • Ms. Tunker — Fertilize or not? • Mr. Watanabe — City is under the County fertilizer ordinance. There is a person under the County that checks. More toward the landscape companies. The issue is more the individual homeowner that goes out and purchases their own fertilizer. Education is key and may help. • Ms. Tunker - When they are not allowed to fertilize the stores should not sell it. Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 5 • Mr. Watanabe - People have to make good choices. That is why the commissions are here to help educate and spread the word. • Ms. Tunker - How about the marque out in front of City Hall — Could be used for PR. "Now is not the time to fertilize", this is something that impacts the community that we need to explore. Consider the website. • Mr. Clifton — On our website there is an ordinance for fertilizer use and links to, "Take Care of Your Florida Lawn". • Ms. Tunker — 70% of Sebastian residents has not gone on our website. The marquee would be good visibility for the residents that come down Main Street at least once a week. Maybe a sign or a campaign poster, advertise the website itself. The more it gets out • Ms. Lucier — Have the City manager come to one of our meetings? • Mr. Watanabe - Some sort of educational campaign and presented to the City Manager is a good thing. Give the City manager in a package, of recommendations. • Ms. Lucier - Find out about the sign ordinances? • Mr. Watanabe —Sign ordinances is a big issue right now, going in front Council. Council said hold to our sign ordinance. • Ms. Glaser — Our ordinance says not allowed to fertilize during rainy season, during the summer months. A. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Public Speaker Ben Hocker — providing comments - Oyster restoration project — key factor is salinity — from what I am hearing, our river doesn't come close to what the salinity should be. Spoke of the man who has a lot of input on the spat of the oyster possibly monitoring the salinity or requirement of monitoring the oysters. Earth Day was great. In re: The expansion of the oyster going toward the working water front, piggy back on the working water front program. Point of interest in invasive - zero phosphates pushed the nitrogen number up a little bit. In regards the spraying, The County sprays some form of chemical, seeing the crews along US 1, they do the swales both sides and all of the sudden you will see a 10' sloth that is brown. Maybe look at the County and get their input on who they are using and what they are using. I was told it doesn't harm the fish. The vegetation was bright green and healthy containing the chemical, the vegetation drifts on down the river and lands on the bottom adjacent to healthy piece of grass, and we can't figure out why the grass isn't at the mouth of the river anymore? Gave the Council pictures and other entities and have received zero phone calls back. Do not know if Florida has an ordinance on the laundry detergents with phosphates. Their progress after putting a big plant in, they ran out of funds. The phosphates is the problem, Florida is a phosphate mine. They said there is a massive rise in Nitrogen. Whatever the railroad is spraying — look into. • Ms. Glaser - If we plant native trees we do not want phosphate/ zero phosphate. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Indian River Lagoon put over 1,000 bags, and the spats were conducive. We should see something growing within a year or two. 2. Public Speaker — Graham Cox - On April 5t' we began a discussion on alternative methods for controlling aquatic weeds in the Cities canals and waterway systems. We presented to the City Clerk, a spreadsheet 30 of the 60 alternate treatments allowed to be used in Florida and described by the University of Florida extension people and asked that this list be shared. It is a comprehensive list. On April 27h, at the City Council meeting again raised the issue and asked to see the appropriate documents. In my mail yesterday I received from the City Clerk's office the contract. Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 6 Need to speak with Frank. Need to see the permit from Applied Aquatics. Based on the rate sheet from 2009 the monthly cost was $4,215 with the provision to raise the cost 5% a year. In the contract is spells out the obligations of the contractor. There is no serious knowledge amongst homeowners what is going on out there. Management plan needs to be regularly updated. We will keep asking the City for this. If the City does not have a plan the State agencies got to have this. Can't do this without a permit. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Under impression you presented this to the City Council, what you just presented to us? • Mr. Cox — We have asked constantly for the permit and the management plan. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Not sure if some of those details are public information? • Mr. Cox — It is all public information not a secret. • Mr. Clifton — Have you submitted a "Freedom of Information" request? • Mr. Cox — Our understanding a verbal request was sufficient. • Ms. Ring — Was at the meeting and they did say the Verbal request was sufficient. • Mr. Cox — Council and Gilmore were asking all the same questions. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Elect a new Chair C. STAFF MATTERS D. MEMBER MATTERS • Vice -Chair Gordian — Can we piggy back with the working waterfront on the project? • Mr. Watanabe — Maybe at next meeting may be able to give update. Will ask the City Manager, that you are interested in working on the City project. Happy to give presentation at next meeting. E. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Item A. Elect New Chair Item B. Champion Tree Update Item C. Pilot Project Update for the Water Ways Item D. Invasive Plants F. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Per Vice -Chair Gordian adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:22 p.m. By: 7'­,t�411_�(, (-i Chairman Date Natural Resources Board Meeting May 03, 2016 Page 7