HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-2016 NRB AgendaQIYOF EN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY — MAY 039 2016 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 05, 2016 - Meeting Minutes 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Oyster Restoration Project — (Update on the Implementation by Boy Scout John Giordano) B. Champion Tree update by James Clifton C. Earth Day Event 2016 update by Rose Glaser D. Pilot Project update E. Invasive Plants 7. PUBLIC INPUT 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OFACTION. (286.0105 F.S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITYS ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. 01yof 503ASTL N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 05, 2016 - 6:00 P.M. "To Improve the quality of life In Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. Vice Chair Gordian called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: Gil Gordian — Vice -Chair Jim Clifton Rose Glaser Bob Progulske Andrea Ring Ann Lucier - Alternate Members Not Present: George Millar — Chairman Vicki Tunker Keerthi Weragoda — Alternate City Staff Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Marissa Moore, Community Development Director / CRA Manager Michelle Stromberg, Recording Secretary 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Per Mr. Clifton -1 st page, unfinished business, 1 st bullet under 6 — Army Core is misspelled 2nd page — Item B — 2nd bullet, Coast should be cost Per Ms. Lucier — Page 3, repetitive, second paragraph down on the first line, decided the other day" and "this is the other" should be omitted Page 4 — wording World War I and World War II MEETING MINUTES — Approval/Discussion March 01, 2016 meeting minutes • Mr. Clifton — Made 1" Motion • Ms. Glaser — Made 2nd Motion • NRB approved with changes 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Oyster Restoration Project Update (LPOH): • Vice -Chair Gordian - Update Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 1 • Mr. Watanabe — In the packets are the two approved permits, one from the ACOE and the other from SJRWMD. • John Giordano — Going to clean the rest of the shells at the compound — approx. two bins. Saturday going to have a field day, constructing 80 oyster bags and instructing roughly 30. Accomplish within 3 hours. • Paul Giordano — Moving bins Thursday, right up to camps, everything will be set to go by Saturdays event. • John Giordano — Thinking of changing the planting date to April 16, 2016, did not want to take away from Earth Day. Unveil the sign on Earth Day. Have a rough format of the sign in the works. • Vice Chair Gordian — Fill the bags on Saturday the 9th and on the 16th the bags will be place into the water, on location. • Mr. Watanabe — Staff does not need to be present for the implementation. Need to know the dates. Under the SJRWMD permits, the City needs to submit a "Notice of Commencement" and "Notice of Termination". They may come by to check out site. Once the project is complete a "Closure EN45" form needs to be submitted. • 80 Oyster bags total will be going out. Transportation is covered. Any members of the board that would like to participate are welcome. • Mr. Watanabe — The Boy Scout money source has $2,500 allocated. Recommended to outsource for the sign to be produced. Approval by NRB to endorse. • Mr. Giordano — The money for the sign will be coming out of the budget allotted to the boy scouts for this project. They will send sign template to the Board, and any expenditure will be approved by City manager, currently expenses has been Ok'd by Merbert and Mr. Walker. • Mr. Watanabe — Noted that City Staff will not be able to create the sign and recommended outside source to produce the sign. • Mr. Giordano — Not sure of the process. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Need a permit? • Mr. Watanabe — No. • Mr. Giordano — The beneficiary of the project is the City of Sebastian. • Discussion on the details, production and monies for the sign ensued. No permit is needed to place the sign. Sign will be placed on the City property. B. Champion Tree Update: • Mr. Clifton — discussed budget, have brochures printed in house about 50 for Earth Day, will manually fold. If we have more budget then maybe we can see about having them professionally printed. • Mr. Watanabe — That is ok, if there is budget next year. • Vice Chair Gordian — Can the same brochure be printed off from the website • Mr. Clifton — Believe so Item C. Earth Day Event 2016 Update: Please see attachments • Per Ms. Glaser — 46 vendors, 6 are food; need to check on placement of dumpster for recycling from waste management. The NRB and the City will be placed next to the stage. Bike challenge on the other end of Harrison. • Mr. Watanabe — Size of dumpster? • Ms. Glaser — Full size dumpster to know where to place it. • Mr. Watanabe — Please verify size. Currently having issues with parking in the park • Vice -Chair Gordian — Waste management bringing their vehicle in? Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 2 • Ms. Glaser - Yes their paper shredding, electronic recycling. Will turn in a permit to them for location that day. • Ms. Moore — Introduced herself. Have set up a meeting with City Staff on the 15th and sent an outlook meeting to the NRB board. Would like everyone to sit down and address what's needed for the event. Spoke of event and future events would like to meet to be on the same page. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Location of Bike challenge? • Ms. Glaser — East end of park. • Ms. Glaser — Have submitted information to different News Papers — Vero Newsflash, still tweaking the flyer. When the flyers are printed they will be distributed and emailed as well. • Mr. Watanabe — Spoke of parking changes, ordinances, per the Council meetings. Wanted to make the NRB aware. • Ms. Glaser — Went to the meeting. Only people pulling in the park would be the food vendors. Andrea has agreed to take in the raffle items and keep a list • Ms. Moore — Not sure if food trucks are allowed in park anymore. Working things out. Open to suggestions. • Mr. Progulske —Self sustained vehicles parking? • Ms. Moore — Joe and I spoke of — there is parking space on Harrison with access to electric. • Mr. Progulske — If the parking spots next to the park open so they can park there. • Ms. Moore — Moving organism — trying to work it out so it works for everybody. Not sure of the electric connections as of yet. • Ms. Glaser - Good Vendor parking would work if they are facing the park versus facing the street as well in regards to the safety of the children. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Time of meeting • Ms. Moore — Need Rose present, she is the facilitator. Go from there. • Ms. Lucier — email Meeting on April 12? • Ms. Rose — Open Friday the 8th and the 11 th. Time is open. • Ms. Rose - $923.47 have used 600 thus far. Anyone contact on posters? Have another band (Heart of Oak) for $100. Need approval from board. Need posters for sandwich boards. Staples is $20 a poster, Vista Print is same thing, but if you get five of them the cost drops to $80- need to be 24x36 — two sided. Put one in City booth and NRB booth. It would be $110 from Vista Print to do 10 posters for the day. With what has been already spent it brings the budget up to $810. • The board has attempted to speak with Mark and will continue to try and make contact. Vice Chair Gordian has given the request note to Scott • Mr. Watanabe — Spoke with Walmart? They are very responsive to helping out the community. • Per Ms. Stromberg — Spoke with the board on expenditures that needed approval. o Mr. Progulske — Made 1St Motion o Ms. Lucier — Made 2nd Motion o NRB approved with charges • Mr. Glaser — With that the budget has gone up to $816. • Mr. Watanabe — Make sure there is running account of items being spent. • Ms. Glaser — Beginning budget was $923.47. Still within this range. It's ok to put 4th band in? (Yes from the board) Went through the park in regards to the scavenger hunt. Groups to sign off on it. The vendors on the back page will be updates. Any other ideas, activities we could add? Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 3 • How are the Door Prizes going to be distributed, Questions this year instead of tickets? May have to take turns to asking the questions. The City will take care of putting up table and chairs. 6. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Mr. Graham Parks — Speaking in regards to the Herbicides used by the City. Intent to offer help to the City to explore alternative aquatic means. Encouraged the City previously to suspend spraying Round up custom until a better strategy Applied Aquatics using said they will use different product. The Glyphosate — used worldwide since 1970. One of 14 compounds used in Florida. Round Up Custom. Hard to determine the harmful effects in the water. Round up is not persistent in water but is in soils. What be concerned if it used in such a wide spread manner. Quote from Progressive radio Network. The year 2015 has not been kind to Monsanto. Efforts are on its way to ban the Round -up. Being considered as a carcinogen. The radio network reliable 280 million pounds used last year. Monsanto is being compared to the tobacco companies. Possible biological alternative - Trip load grass cup prevents weed reproduction. The downside the digestion produces methane. Will email article to everyone. In this list of alternatives the use of the Asian cup. Your ruled by the FFWL commission and. Will be useful to know. Suggestion put together a proposal to the IR lagoon council and bring in. The more we spray the more the weeds will grow back. • Mr. Watanabe - Does tie into pilot project 2. Ms. Jane Snay (Board on friends of St. Sebastian River) — The invasive plant problem is over taking our County and City. (Passed out items) State of Florida spends over 100 million dollars a year to get rid of the invasive plants in the natural areas, conservation areas. We have to stop planting invasive plants. The second list handed out is what is considered invasive plants in Florida. Need to educate people for people to stop purchasing the invasive plants. Wanted to see if the NRB would be interested to get involved. The Brazilian Peppers and weeds choke out the Native plants. Asking for help to educate people. One of the things the NRB is supposed to do is review the landscape requirements for building. Make sure something is specified about Native plants. A percentage of new homes are required to have so much grass to reduce fertilizer use. Suggested to have something on the NRB website on this. The City has property that has weed and Brazilian peppers. Like ideas? • Mr. Gordian — I think something on the website would be beneficial. • Ms. Ring — Do you have a booth for Earth day? • Mr. Progulske - The brochure is geared more toward the North East Florida. We don't have a lot of issue with Mimosa tree usually in this area. • Vice -Chair Gordian — Where is the park with the trees? • Ms. Jane Snay — Deton Trail — East of Sebastian River bridge on 512. • Mr. Progulske — Point of information, Cannot get rid of them unless you use chemicals. Once you get them under control you don't need to use the spray again. 3. Mr. Mark Body — Involved in a spraying program for about 5 years. Ducks unlimited put in about over a million dollars to control Frag Mitus which is a wetland invasive species. Spoke of the program he is involved in. Spoke of the corn he was growing in the canal bank by his house, the canal was being sprayed by the airboats for the vegetation. Whatever the committee can do to inform the public would be a good idea. • Vice -Chair Gordian suggested more add-ons to the website. Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 4 4. Mr. Graham Park spoke of going to symposium and fertilizer ordinance • Mr. Clifton — How do we get stores to stock compliant fertilizers? • Mr. Watanabe — The ordinance is posted on our website and the County website in regards to the fertilizer ordinance 7. NEW BUSINESS Item D. Sebastian Waterway — Pilot Project • Vice -Chair Gordian — Board come up sectional - how we can go about. Whether its ground cover to deter the growth. • Mr. Progulske - The issue of spraying is for aquatic vegetation not for the terrestrial vegetation. You're talking about adding plants that doesn't help. It's to keep the drain system open for drainage. • Mr. Watanabe — Spraying of our water way via public comments. Required to spray to keep the water way open. Our requirement to keep water flowing, trying to least impact the environment. Spraying is in question by the community, now that's why it's on the agenda to see if you want to do some sort of pilot project not to spray but some type of manual removal. This item needs to go higher up. Recommendation need to speak with the city manager then to Council. Good to have dialogue. • Mr. Clifton — Attachment A — referenced January 27th meeting. Do not believe attachment A is being fulfilled. It is being avoided by Applied Aquatics. Suggested to go back and look at the Applied Aquatics agreement to make sure they are fulfilled. • Mr. Progulske — Not sure if FWC has the staff to come out and look at every time there going to spray time. • Mr. Clifton — Then they shouldn't put that in the agreement. • Mr. Watanabe — the contract is a Piggy back off of the FWC agency. The City follows the larger regulatory agency scope. • Mr. Clifton — If the spraying was done to an actual need rather than once a month • Vice -Chair — Controlled maintenance? • Mr. Clifton — We all know the purpose of the Canals. When you get to Hardy Park, has a designated wetlands along the edge of it and walk it every morning and yet to see any issues with the waterway — free flowing don't see any problems. • Mr. Watanabe — The area around Hardy Park was man-made as part of the mitigation measure by SJRWMD. Maintained by Applied aquatics. • Ms. Ring — Try using something less toxic. Try something else, not carcinogenic. Ask to take out of our mixture and use something else. • Mr. Progulske - We could look at that issue, really a smaller portion of a bigger issue. As one of the gentleman that gave a public comment that he has a lawn company that spray lawn chemicals on his property which are probably as potent if not more so than the chemicals that are sprayed in the canals. Really a public education thing. We should look at the most ecologically affective way that causes the least ecological damage. Private individuals are using chemicals all over their properties from an area standpoint is much larger than the canal system. There are a lot of landscape companies that use 24-D which is much worse than glyphosate. Other aspects and more potent chemicals used in day to day operations. • Ms. Glaser — Concern with the park — Saw use of a spreader. • Mr. Watanabe — Riverview Park is now contracted out to Ameron. • Ms. Moore — charge on CRA — on radar to go and check. • Vice -Chair — any one go to the Indian River symposium, how beneficial to be there • Mr. Clifton — Heard form a lot of different people. Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 5 • Mr. Watanabe — The average person does more damage in spraying and we need to educate more. The City is going to do a marketing campaign on Storm water to educate the residents. • VC — Will we wait on results from Ms., Moore on parking • Ms. Moore — Growing Pains. This weekend testing out golf carts. Trying to figure it out if you have any ideas please email me. Flowing until we get it figured it out. • Mr. Progulske — Golf carts used to transport. • Mr. Watanabe — Touched on the different • Ms. Moore — Trying to figure out balance • Ms. Lucier — Concern on Food vendors. • Ms. Moore — This is at the direction of the Council and up to the City manager. • Ms. Lucier — Out of site and out of mind • VC — Spoke of vendor unloading • Ms. Glaser — Will state in my email. • Ms. Moore — In the meeting these things can be ironed out. Will figure it out • Ms. Glaser- Set up is 7:00 8. STAFF MATTERS Item A. Introduction of New City Staff Ms. Marissa Moore, (Community Development Director / CRA Manager) Item B. Riverside Park — Discussion on Parking for upcoming events Item C. Introduce Ms. Ann Lucier —Alternate 9. MEMBER MATTERS 10. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Item A. Oyster Restoration Project Update (LPOH) Item B. Champion Tree Update Item C. Earth Day Event 2016 Review Item D. Sebastian Waterway — Pilot Project Item F. Invasive Plants 11. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Per Vice Chair Gordian adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:40 p.m. By: Chairman Natural Resources Board Meeting April 05, 2016 Page 6 Date