HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-2016 PZ MinutesPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 MOTION: by Dodd/Qizilbash to move Item B before Item A under New Business. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 9. New Business B. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 – 837 Landsdowne Drive — 24' X 41.6' Detached Garage — Steven Steinacher & Linda Soeder Ms. Bosworth stated that the application was made by Steven Steinacher & Linda Soeder, 837 Landsdowne Drive for the construction of a 1,000 square foot concrete block detached garage on a vacant lot next to their home. Regarding Item F/Page 2 of the Staff Report, she clarified that although the drawings show a difference in height of the garage and the house that after reviewing the original house plans the two structures would be the same height. She continued that the owners have been very diligent during the process. They are aware of the need for 12 trees and 31 shrubs placed around the outside of the concrete driveway prior to Certificate of Completion. She stated that the structure will match the house in color and material. She concluded that Staff recommends approval with the landscaping and hedging condition. Mr. Dodd thanked Ms. Bosworth for her clarification of the height and called on Mr. Steinacher to address the application to the Board. Mr. Steinacher, 837 Landsdowne Drive stated that he wants to construct a detached garage. Mr. Dodd asked if the concrete pad was intended for outside storage. Mr. Steinacher responded no, the drive way is intended to allow access to all the entrances without need to move any vehicles. He advised the Board that a better grade of shingle will be used, but will match the house. Also color, soffits, roof pitch and gutters will match the house. He stated that the garage will have its own electric meter. Mr. Reyes asked if the separate meter indicated that the garage would be rented. Mr. Steinacher responded no, that the meter is to allow for more electric service and the use of equipment requiring more electric. Mr. Steinacher responded to Ms. Kautenburg's concern about auto repairs being conducted by explaining that he plans to restore cars for his own personal use. Mr. Reyes stated that the issue of height as shown on the applications has been a problem in the past. He suggested revising the application and using the term elevation rather than height. Ms. Bosworth responded that Staff has worked with various projects in the past where height differences between the house and the accessory structure has come into question and the difference was able to be addressed. She stated that Staff will be happy to look into revising the Code if so desired. Mr. Dodd agreed that looking into changing the verbiage might improve clarity. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 Mr. Qizilbash stated that he feels that applying the commercial foundation landscaping requirement is too stringent for a residence. Ms. Bosworth explained that the Code was intended for large structures so the landscaping would reduce the visual impact of such large wall surfaces. She stated that because of the size of this structure Staff felt the landscaping required would be appropriate. Mrs. Bosworth stated that Staff recommends approval of the 1,000 sq. ft. detached garage at 837 Landsdowne Drive with the condition that the requirements for the foundation landscaping and amount of trees required for a double lot is met prior to Certificate of Completion. She explained that Staff will work with the owners to determine how many additional trees are needed. {MOTION: by Reyes/Hughan "approve accessory structure at 837 Landsdowne Drive as submitted, with the condition in the approval for the landscaping of the property." ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan (a) yes Mr. Qizilbash yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Roth yes Total vote was 7-0. {Motion Carried Mr. Dodd yes M r. Reyes yes Mr. Carter yes A. Recommendation to City Council — Review of Capital Improvement Program and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000 — 6 year Schedule FY 201612017 through 202112022. Mr. Ken Kilgore, Finance Director, explained that included in the agenda packets was a Power Point presentation (attached) which provided information on the CIP for FY 2017 to 2022 along with the CIP Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017. He stated that he would provide highlights of that information including proposed projects, funding sources, etc. and would answer any questions the Commissioners have. He stated that because the Roads Projects are a large part of the CIP Mr. Frank Watanabe, Public Works Director/City Engineer would present that information and answer questions. Mr. Roth asked what the Columbariums are. Mr. Kilgore responded it is a wall which contains double niches for above ground burial. He said that sales have increased and Staff felt it appropriate to plan for making more space available. Mr. Roth also inquired about the Computer Items in the budget and expressed concern about the recent government and private companies' systems being compromised. Mr. Kilgore provided a detailed explanation of how the City's data is stored and protected. He stated that Staff has been investigating Cloud technology and it appears that because of the procedure used there is actually more protection. He explained that using Cloud technology would result in a monthly rental fee rather than a large out -lay for additional servers. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 Mr. Kilgore suggested Mr. Watanabe continue the review because a lot of the Budget items pertain to the Roads. Mr. Watanabe provided a detailed report on the road projects which have been completed and what is planned for fiscal years 2017 to 2022 and the associated costs. He noted that the majority of the Road Budget is for milling and resurfacing. He stated that he would answer any questions the Commission has regarding the Roads and other projects. Mr. Qizilbash asked why the road work is in two separate line items. Mr. Watanabe responded that Street Reconstruction is a complete replacement of the road and Street Repaving is replacing a layer of asphalt. He explained that they have two different funding sources and that is why they are two different line items. Mr. Hughan asked if the cost to be presented by lane miles. Mr. Watanabe responded that Staff calculates cost by tonnage of asphalt. He explained that asphalt is now $100/ton which is a very low price due to fuel prices being down and Staff wants to take advantage of the savings for the City. Mr. Dodd asked for the status of the Barber Street Bridge. Mr. Watanabe responded that there are two projects related to Barber Street. One is the installation of traffic signals at Concha and Joy Haven to increase safety without causing traffic slow down on Barber. This would be done using funds from Safe Routes to Schools because there is a school bus stop there and a pedestrian crossing. Regarding the bridge, since Barber Street was federalized for a prior project, he is going to request federal money to complete the bridge project. Mr. Dodd stated that the sidewalks in the City are in very poor condition and he feels the amount budgeted will not be sufficient to accomplish even a small amount of the necessary repairs. Mr. Watanabe responded that Staff is aware of the need for sidewalk repairs, but focus has been put on the roads because of the low price of asphalt and if the repairs are postponed the roads will further deteriorate resulting in more major repairs and higher prices. Mr. Dodd stated that there is no allowance in the current budget for ditch, swale or quarter round maintenance. Mr. Watanabe responded that the quarter round maintenance has been removed. However, the City does clean them 3 times a year. He explained that the other maintenance is included in the Operating Budget and not the CIP. Mr. Dodd expressed concern that the quarter rounds and the swale maintenance are not being budgeted and the results are visible after rains. Mr. Watanabe stated that maintenance of the quarter rounds is the owner's responsibility and they were not maintaining them and they ceased to function properly. He responded to the Commissioners concern about removal by saying that if it presents a hazard the homeowner can remove it if they so choose. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 Mr. Dodd asked for an explanation of what is included in the Working Waterfront Phase III. Mr. Watanabe responded the final phase may include such items as a touch pond and shoreline protection. He explained the private partner arrangement pertained to the building, not the site itself. Mr. Dodd asked if the Columbarium line item was for planning or implementation. Mr. Watanabe responded that it is actual construction of the wall and the niches. Mr. Reyes asked if the sideyard piping would fill some of the swales. Mr. Watanabe responded that the budget item is to replace the corrugated pipes that are failing at street crossings as well as the lateral lines that run to the canals. Mr. Reyes stated that even the new installations are failing and observed that it may be the quality of work rather than the material used. Mr. Reyes thanked Mr. Watanabe for his efforts to find grant money. He inquired if it would be possible to find grant money related to the Zika Virus to fill some of the swales. Mr. Watanabe responded that research has shown that the Zika mosquitos are found in small fresh water pots, containers, etc. in yards and close to houses. They will not survive in grassy areas of standing water. Ms. Moore stated that she had just attended a conference with other area municipal staff regarding the Zika virus. She concurred with what Mr. Watanabe stated about the areas they survive and multiply in. Mr. Reyes reiterated his concern about the swales and standing water. He stated that with the change in configuration of the drainage, it is impossible for the homeowners to maintain them. He requested that an effort be made to improve the design. Ms. Kautenburg expressed concern about the fading road stripping and markings and the safety hazard it poses. Mr. Watanabe explained that the quality of the paint is inferior to past products and fades faster. He stated that some alternative options could pose danger to staff because of the high heat involved, but the City is using a better paint and in some cases a tape. He explained that there is only one employee handling the stripping, but Staff is working to address the problem as quickly as possible. He agreed that the intersection of Fleming & Main Streets could pose a safety hazard and it would be addressed quickly. Ms. Kautenburg asked about the hole in the road caused by sinking drainage pipes on Dolphin between Roseland and Blossom. Mr. Watanabe responded that it would be addressed by Staff. Mr. Reyes stated that Easy Street was redone during the rainy season and is already failing. Mr. Watanabe responded that the material used was in its early stage of development but is now better and the results should be better. He explained regarding the quality of asphalt used for the road work meets the FDOT specification because that is what the companies are making and it would not be cost effective for them to stop producing the better asphalt to make a small portion of a lower grade. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 Mr. Roth expressed disappointment with the faded markings on Barber Street at US1. Mr. Watanabe responded that the difference in the life span of the markings is that US1 is County and the County uses the thermo-plastic material which lasts longer. Ms. Kautenburg asked what is planned for Friendship Park to justify the amount budgeted. Mr. Watanabe explained that included in the budget item is the construction of pickle ball courts including access to the site and parking. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she is happy that the City is making long range plans for the parks. Mr. Roth inquired about the Automated Weather Observation System. Mr. Watanabe responded that it is Aviation related and is necessary to comply with FDOT and FAA requirements. It will replace the older system and provide better weather reporting to pilots. He stated regarding the proposed road at the West Entrance that it is still in the budget but has been moved out to 2025. The budgeted funds will be used to do needed work at the airport such as taxiway construction. Mr. Dodd asked why the Parks and Recreation projects are not listed in the CIP. Mr. Kilgore responded that the information was not available at the time the CIP presentation was prepared. It would be added by amendment. Mr. Dodd stated that by including it in the CIP it would have exposure and would show that the City is addressing the need. Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Kilgore and Mr. Watanabe for their detailed presentation. He asked if Staff had any further input prior to a motion. Ms. Moore responded that the presentation included all the information Staff would need provided to the Commissioners. Mr. Roth then called for a motion. MOTION: by Kautenburg/Carter "I move that the proposed Capital Improvement Program be recommended to the City Council with no changes." ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes Mr. Dodd Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried 10. Staff Matters yes Mr. Ca rte r yes yes Mr. Hughan (a) yes yes Ms. Kautenburg yes yes Ms. Moore informed the Commissioners that as a result of a variance granted by the Board of Adjustments at the last City Council Meeting Staff is drafting some changes to the Fence Ordinance to improve its clarity. This will be brought to the Commission when the draft is complete. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2016 11. Commissioners Matters Mr. Dodd inquired about the water management pond that is on the property where Buried Treasures was going to build being filled in. Ms. Moore responded that it is part of a St. John's River Water Management project to improve the quality of the stormwater that flows into the river. Ms. Bosworth clarified the question about a site plan being connected to the Buried Treasures property by explaining the pond is not on that property. Mr. Reyes stated that there is a large hole at Lake and Oak which has been filled in numerous times but is back. He requested staff arrange to have it filled in again. Mrd. Moore responded that she will inform the appropriate Staff. Mr. Roth inquired about the medical development planned for US1 just north of the hospital. Mr. Bosworth responded that it is outside the City and will be handled by Indian River County Planning. 12. Items for Next Agenda — None 13. Adjourn Chairman Roth adjourned the meeting at 7:12 pm. Ism