HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-19 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 06 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING 0 C NOVEMBER 19, 2015 C .0 .0 1. Call to Order – Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. CC -E cu F 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Q E C O 3. Roll Call ,cc V Present: Chairman Dodd Mr. Reyes Vice Chairman Roth Mr. McManus Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Qizilbash .Q C o ` Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez (a) 0 N Q Also Present Mr. Frank Watanabe, PE, Airport Manager Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Jan King, Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was also present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Chairman Dodd announced that Ms. Kautenburg has been appointed to a permanent position on the Commission. He welcomed her and stated that there is now an opening for an Alternate. Anyone interested should contact the City Clerk to make application. Chairman Dodd stated that Mr. Qizilbash has removed himself from voting on Item #2 under Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings because he is related to one of the applicants and is the Project Engineer. 5. Approval of Minutes MOTION: by Roth/Qizilbash to accept the Minutes of September 17, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan — Sebastian Airport Hangar C — One Story 15,684 SF Structure with Offices — 214 Airport Drive East — Airport Industrial (AI) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Chairman Dodd asked if there was any ex -parte communication that needed to be reported — no one responded. Mr. Ginsburg swore in Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Bosworth and Mr. Coppage. Q OL E 9 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 Mr. Watanabe stated the applicant for this Site Plan is the City of Sebastian. He explained that it is for Hangar C which will be on the west side of the airport. He presented an aerial photo of the airport which was taken that day showing the hangar location and airport property. He explained that the hangar will be the same size as Hangars A and B but the configuration was changed to accommodate the space needs of the proposed tenant. He also stated that this Hangar is in accordance with the City's Airport Master Plan. He offered to answer questions. Chairman Dodd called for comments from Staff. Ms. Bosworth stated that the plan meets all applicable codes and Mr. Watanabe had covered the details. She noted that the Staff Recommendation to receive IRC Fire Department site plan review approval has been met. Mr. Carter asked if the configuration of Hangar C would be beneficial for tenants other than the proposed tenant. Mr. Watanabe responded that Hangar C is configured as a hangar and would be an asset in the future to serve aircraft related needs. He explained that the configuration of Hangars A & B were tenant driven and are more storage related than aircraft. Mr. Qizilbash inquired about applicable setbacks. Mr. Coppage, Project Engineer, explained that airport space does not adhere to set backs as applied elsewhere. He stated the FAA establishes sufficient spacing zones around the airport and its buildings to ensure the safety of aircraft and structures. He noted that this plan has not been approved by FAA yet, but he does not anticipate any problems with it. Mr. Roth inquired about the purpose of the chain link rolling door and the hinged gate. Mr. Coppage responded that is to provide ventilation and security in the hanger when aircraft are being serviced. He also explained that the hinged gate is on the Compressor Room and is intended to shield it from view. Mr. Roth asked for details on the function of the Oil/Sand Separator. Mr. Coppage explained that the floor water will be filtered and any oil, fuel or other liquids will be captured and removed prior to the water being discharged from the site. Mr. Roth asked about the color scheme and if it would match the existing structures. Following discussion, Ms. Bosworth stated that the colors of the new structure will match as closely as possible the existing structures. Mr. Dodd opened the meeting for public comment. No one spoke in favor of the proposed Site Plan. No one spoke in opposition of the proposed Site Plan. He asked if the Commissioners had any further questions. Mr. Reyes asked if jet aircraft could be serviced in this hangar. Mr. Watanabe responded that the due to the runway length only propeller aircraft can use the airport. Mr. Reyes expressed concern about the noise level if a tenant wanted to service jet engines in the hanger. Mr. Watanabe responded that the Twin Otters are propeller aircraft which are much noisier than jets. Since they are currently using the airport there would be no increase in noise. Mr. Dodd reminded that Item C under Staff Recommendations is no longer applicable. He called for a motion. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 MOTION: by Kautenburg/Roth "move to approve subject to Items A and B under Staff Recommendations." ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. McManus — Yes Ms. Kautenburg —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes The vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit & Waiver — Bed & Breakfast — Two-story Structure with Parking Garage Underneath — 1690 Indian River Drive — Commercial Waterfront Residential (CWR) Zoning District — Requested Waiver from LDC Section 54-4-21.A.7: Riverfront Overlay District Landscape Requirements. Mr. Dodd requested that it be noted that Mr. Qizilbash had left the dais. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Mr. Dodd asked the Commissioners, if because Mr. Qizilbash is a member of the Commission, do they feel this would obstruct their ability to fairly evaluate the presentation. All the Commissioners responded it would not. Mr. Dodd stated for the record that there would be no reason the presentation could not be fairly evaluated. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those planning to present information on the project. Mr. Qizilbash stated he is the engineer for the project. He gave a detailed description of the proposed project and stated the information is included in the package the commission received. He stated they had covered all areas of staffs concerns except parking related to vehicle movement. He asked if Ms. Bosworth would speak then he would address her concerns. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the Staff Report explaining the wetlands will be designated an environmental area with no building on it. She stated that Staff reviewed the setbacks and noted that the setback between a commercial property and a residential property is 10 feet; a variance for 3.7 feet would be required for the proposed plan. In response to Mr. Dodd's question, she explained the zoning and development of the surrounding properties. She explained that the proposed drive is 12 feet wide and the code requires a two way drive be 22 feet wide, resulting in the need for a variance. She continued that based on the parking space sizes (wide/long) the drive isle is required to be 25 feet and proposed is 17.7 feet, resulting in the need for a variance. She stated that in the case of a dead end drive isles the code requires sufficient space for turnaround of a vehicle. She explained that Staff does not feel there is sufficient space, but that is a decision for the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 Commissioners. Should they find that there is sufficient space no variance would be required, if not one would be needed. She explained that, after research, staff is concerned about the maneuverability of the parking garage. Regarding landscaping, she stated the applicant has requested a waiver from the Riverfront Overlay special landscape requirements. They are proposing to meet the CR512 Overlay District requirements. Granting this waiver would need to be included in the Motion. She stated that the proposed plan meets all the conditional use criteria. She explained that the property had been residential and prior to that a gas station. The applicant has secured the necessary approvals for demolition/removal of the underground tanks from the appropriate agencies. She noted that the City has in its files the approvals and DEP and Army Corp of Engineers have reviewed the plans and no additional approvals are required. Ms. Bosworth concluded her presentation by explaining that staff has provided a list of their recommended conditions of approval or the option for denial. She offered to answer any questions. Mr. Qizilbash reviewed the concerns and stated he had a solution to the vehicle movement concern. He provided a diagram showing the vehicle movement in the parking area and a list of car dimensions and designations. He explained that due to area limitations the 3`d space would be designated for compact cars only. He provided a copy of his presentation for City records. Mr. Roth inquired about the lot to the south of the site. Mr. Dodd responded that the property spans Indian River Drive and is part of the residential lot on the west side. If building on the lot was anticipated the zoning may need to be changed. Ms. Bosworth responded to Mr. Roth's concern about landscaping requirements, that it complies with the CR512 requirement and read the list of plantings and noted that the buffer area is the same in both codes. He noted that the landscaping is consistent with surrounding areas. Ms. Bosworth stated that the north side will not require a buffer because it has not yet been cleared. Mr. Roth asked if the irrigation well will be in compliance with IRC Utilities, Mr. Dodd responded it would. Mr. Qizilbash explained that a new well will be installed. Mr. Roth asked what the plan is for the retention pond at the rear of the property. Mr. Qizilbash responded that it would not be converted into any form of recreation facility. Ms. Kautenburg asked if any attention has been paid to traffic backing into Davis Street. Ms. Bosworth responded that after review, the site was flipped to address the traffic conflict. Mr. Watanabe explained that the configuration of Davis Street will be redesigned as the upgrades to the Presidential streets progresses and the median will be removed. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she has a concern regarding the definition of a compact car and how it can change over time. Ms. Bosworth responded that if it is re- designated to a compact space another variance will be required. Mr. McManus stated that he had no concerns about the landscaping plan or the width of the driveway, but he was concerned about cars being able to exit the parking area safely. He noted the lack of guest parking and inquired where they will park. Mr. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 Qizilbash responded that they will park in the public parking on Jackson Street which is only 300 feet from the property. Mr. Reyes expressed concern about the potential of structural damage in the parking area with cars backing up and possibly into one of the supporting beams. Mr. Reyes asked about the protection of the wetland area. Ms. Bosworth responded that every effort will be made to protect the area from debris during the construction process. Mr. Dodd inquired about the "Parking in Lieu of program in the Code. Ms. Bosworth explained that the requirement of this program is not a percentage and it could be set during the review. Mr. Dodd expressed his concern for the possible damage to the structure because no protection could be provided the columns due to the limited space. He further stated that he cannot see how the spaces could be used by anyone other than the owner who would be aware of the need for extra caution during maneuvering the parking area. He also expressed concern about the difficulty to turnaround in the garage. He stated that he thinks the project is a great mixed use example, but he has reservations regarding the parking arrangements proposed. He suggested considering having one parking space with 5 "in Lieu of spaces, rather than 3 and 3. Mr. Dodd opened the Public Hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak against the Site Plan to raise their hands. He requested the first speaker to come forward. Ms. Susie Stoutenburg stated the she is the owner 1686 Indian River Drive and the property at 607 Davis Street. She explained that the Davis House is a small hotel. She expressed concern about the parking arrangement for the Bed & Breakfast. She provided a description of situations where parking is not always one car to one room, as well as the need for parking for staff, delivery, etc. She expressed concern about her property being used or the sidewalk on Indian River Drive. She also inquired if there were any provisions made to prevent this B&B from converting into another use. She expressed concern about the issuance of variances and asked that the codes be adhered to in order to maintain the beauty of the waterfront. Mr. Robert Nilsson stated that he is the owner of the property on the north side of the site. He explained that although it is presently not cleared he is working to remove the Pepper Trees. He expressed concern that there is no provision for a buffer between his property and the proposed B&B. He echoed Ms. Stoutenburg's concerns that the proposed project is too large for the size of the lot available. Mr. John C. Fairchild asked if the structure would have any impact on the wetlands in that area. Mr. Dodd responded that the area has been evaluated and will remain as is with no impact from the building. Mr. Watanabe stated that he has discussed this with the SJRWMD engineer and confirmed that it is in compliance. He expressed that their concern is, as the Commission, the impact to the wetlands during construction. Mr. Dodd stressed the need for adequate silt fencing to be erected and maintained during construction. Mr. Dodd called for anyone else wishing to speak in opposition to the request receiving no response he called for anyone wishing to speak in support of the request. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 Ms. Kathleen Gingras stated that she is a co-owner of the proposed B&B. She explained that their intent is to be a good neighbor and provide quality accommodations. She stated that their parking arrangements were based on the City's planned road reconfiguration which would provide for parking spaces on the street. Mr. Watanabe responded that work is not in the 5 year plan and there is no definite timeframe for its completion. She stated that it is their desire to take advantage of the wetlands for limited recreation. The response from the Commissioners and Staff was that there could be no intrusion into the wetland area for any activity or walking paths. There was a detailed discussion regarding the configuration and number of rooms and the handicapped accessible requirements of the State of Florida and the necessity of a waiver for planned configuration change. Mr. Qizilbash stated that they anticipate about 20% occupancy so they don't expect to present any traffic problems with guests or deliveries. He stated that regarding the third parking space he had requested to designate it compact only. Mr. Dodd suggested realigning the lift station concrete pad slightly to eliminate the uneven sidewalk area. Mr. Watanabe responded that the pad is for access by IRC to the lift station. Regarding the barrier on the north side of the property Mr. Dodd asked Staff for input. Ms. Bosworth stated that she had spoken with Mr. Nelson concerning the barrier and would defer to City Attorney Ginsberg regarding the barrier and the variance requirements. Mr. Ginsberg stated that it is not clear cut. He explained that he does not view the property on the north side as being a residential use because of the overgrowth of vegetation whereas the property on the south side is cleared, developed and is clearly a residential use. Mr. Dodd inquired what impact providing the barrier on the north side would have on the landscape plan. Ms. Bosworth stated that it would require the opaque screening either with plantings or an opaque fence. She explained that the screening is in addition to the other required landscaping. Mr. Dodd stated that this is an issue that should be discussed further because it is a residential lot even though it is overgrown. Mr. Dodd asked if the applicant or Staff had any further comment. Mr. Qizilbash responded he did not. Ms. Bosworth stated that the Staff Recommendations would need to include the variance for the parking space and if so desired the inclusion of the barrier on the north side of the property. Mr. Roth asked Mr. Qizilbash for his opinion of changing the compact space into something else and use one more "in lieu of parking space. He responded that would be an option. Ms. Bosworth cautioned that could be setting a precedence that would allow over building and purchasing parking from the City. Mr. Reyes asked if the plan to modify the living quarters into a 4th guest room is what creates the need to for proposed parking spaces. Mr. Qizilbash responded affirmative, but until they receive the State waiver only 5 spaces would be required. Mr. Reyes stated regarding the buffer that there is a swale. Mr. Qizilbash responded that there is a swale on both sides of the property. He stated that a fence could be installed. He inquired about the seasonal rentals north of this property and stated that he did not see Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 any problem with parking. Ms. Bosworth responded that many of them are not with in the City and the seasonal rental homes are designated residential not commercial. Mr. Dodd stated that he is supportive of the mixed use concept but expressed his concern about the parking area and the fact that due to the configuration guests would be backing out into the intersection of Davis Street and Indian River Drive. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she too supports the mixed use concept but feels that the building it too large for the site. She pointed out that there is no provision for storage of maintenance equipment or other items needed to maintain such an establishment. She stated that she does not agree with the proposed occupancy estimate, she felt it would be much higher. She stated that there should be a barrier placed on the North side of the property because although the lot is overgrown at this time it is still residential and should be protected. She concluded by stating that she is in favor of the concept, but feels the proposed plan is too much for the site. Mr. Roth stated that he does not believe the concern about traffic and buffering is necessary because this is still a residential concept not a hotel with its associated turnover and intense use. Mr. Dodd called for any further comments. Hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Ms. Kautenburg/Mr. Carter "I move to deny this." ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes — No Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Roth — No Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Alvarez (a) — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. McManus —Yes The vote was 5/2. Motion Carried. 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input —None 9. New Business — None 10. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth reported concerning container housing which was brought up by the Commissioners that the issue has been taken to the City Manager and it will be presented to the City Council in December for them to give direction to the Commission and Staff how to precede. Mr. Ginsburg explained that this is being presented to them as an informational matter only. The question has been taken to the City Manager and his desire is to receive the Council's direction, based on their decision the matter may come back to the P&Z Commissioners for them to take appropriate action. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 11. Commissioners Matters Page 8 of 8 Mr. McManus stated that he is not a fan of parking mitigation, but if it is used the charge should be higher. Mr. Dodd responded that with the road work that has been performed Staff should have a basis to estimate the cost to build parking spaces. Mr. Watanabe responded that the 7 stand-alone parking spaces that were recently put in cost approximately $5,000 each. Mr. Dodd stated that making any change would be at the Council's discretion but may be something to address in the future. Mr. Reyes asked about the drainage in his neighborhood. He explained that swales are being cut in the easements of backyards and there is now standing water. He stated that when the areas are mowed the grass is damaged. He asked if there is any plan on how to maintain these areas and ensure proper water flow. Mr. Watanabe responded that the ditch cleaning is contracted out and there have been some problems and complaints, but staff will check the areas of concern and correct the situation. Mr. Reyes stated that he has witnessed this problem in the past and will be keeping an eye on the progress. Ms. Kautenburg asked about Main Street and the huge triangle and why the traffic flow was changed. Mr. Watanabe responded that the work on Main Street was due to its being in worse condition than originally thought coupled with the wet weather that caused further deterioration. He explained that the reconfiguration of Main Street allows west bound traffic only and to proceed east it was necessary to turn onto Fleming then back onto Main Street. He stated that it increased safety and should have been implemented sooner. Ms. Kautenburg stated that it does not seem safer when you try to drive it. Mr. Qizilbash asked for an update on the Sandcrest Subdivision. He stated that there is a lot of construction being done with no Site Plan approval. Ms. Bosworth explained that the Preliminary Plat was reviewed by P&Z and forwarded to City Council who approved it. She explained that the next step is the Construction Drawings which go before the City Engineer and not any of the boards; when they are finished with construction and ready to sell lots the final plat will go before City Council. She stated that the Preliminary Plat would be equivalent to a Site Plan. Mr. Watanabe explained that all the drainage and utilities was included on the plat. 12. Items for Next Agenda — None 13. Adiourn — There being no further business Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 7:37pm. /sm