HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-2016 CRC Minutes - Draft2. 9 5. SEBASTIAN HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 24, 2016, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL Chairman Jones called the Charter Review Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Present: Fred Jones, Chair Beth Mitchell, Vice Chair Mike Baran Dick Krull Louise Kautenburg Sergio Mote Nancy Munoz Frank Terranova Robert Zomok APPROVAL OF MINUTES —May 9, 2016 Meeting Absent: Dan Dragonetti (excused) Albert lovino (excused) Carolyn Sartain -Anderson (excused) Bruce Hoffman (excused) Also Present: Bob Ginsburg, City Attorney Jeanette Williams, City Clerk MOTION by Ms. Mitchell and SECOND by Mr. Zomok to approve the May 9, 2016 minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote of 9-0. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARTER SECTION 5.03 (List of Priorities, Charter) Chairman Jones opened the public hearing at 6:01 p.m. Ed Dodd, Sebastian, said he would like to address their proposed change for the election of a mayor from a different prospective: he asked if there was really a crisis of the Charter over the period of time in which the Council was side tracked (during reorganization). He pointed out there are ample provisions talking about mayoral duties; what happens if the mayor does not fulfill his term; and he didn't think what occurred was a crisis of Charter but that three members of Council expressed dissatisfaction with the way the Mayor was performing his duties. The actions that followed didn't really fall within the guise of the Charter and no change will correct that or make what happened more palatable. He said modifying that section places the City back to the position when the Vice Mayor ascended which might potentially reopen discussions at the Council level that wouldn't be positive. He asked the Committee not to forward the proposed change to Council. 401?4� r Charter Review Committee Meeting May 24, 2016 Ms. Kautenburg agreed with Mr. Dodd, stating the Charter is adequate as it is; and, if there is a change to be made, the term for the vice mayor should be eliminated and let the seated Council determine who their mayor is. Mr. Zomok said he researched Roberts Rules of Order to see how the re -vote should have occurred on this proposal. He noted the main motion made by Ms. Kautenburg then seconded, voted upon, and defeated. A motion for reconsideration should have been made by someone who voted against the main motion. The City Attorney said a motion to reconsider has to be made by someone on the winning side; but in practice, if a motion is made and accepted by the chair—if somebody objects they can challenge the decision of the chair to accept the motion and proceed with the second and vote. In absence of a challenge, the Committee could proceed as they did. Mr. Terranova pointed out that the Committee has discussed a term for the mayor numerous times and the result was before them. Chairman Jones said in light of their discussion, they heard from a member of the public and he asked if anyone in the majority wanted to make a motion to reconsider. No one made a motion and there was no further input from the public. Chairman Jones closed the public hearing at 6:09 p.m. 6. FORMULATE FINAL RECOMMENDATION TO PRESENT TO CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 8, 2016 The 2016 Charter Review Committee's Priorities are as follows: Section 2.03 Election. Change language from two -years to four-year terms. Section 2.05 Compensation. Increase the compensation amounts. Section 2.06 Mayor, • vice Mayor. Include language defining mayor's term of service. Mr. Krull asked who will write the language. The City Attorney said Chairman Jones will make a presentation to City Council on June 8h and it will be up to City Council to decide whether to go forward with the three priorities or any they may choose to put before the voters. He said he would come up with ballot and Charter language that will be considered in the form of an ordinance. Ms. Mitchell said there has been a general consensus for two of the three issues and asked how the Chairman will present that there wasn't unanimous or overwhelming support for the one contentious item. Chairman Jones said he would let Council know what the vote was and go forward from there. Ms. Mitchell said she appreciated the difference of opinion and hoped Council would take into consideration the full discussion the Committee has had. Chairman Jones said he will present in a way that nothing would be brought up from the past, just what the Committee decided to do and they will move forward from there. Charter Review Committee Meeting 7 91 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION I. Mr. Zomok's Comments for 2021 3 •� May 24, 2016 Mr. Zomok said he wrote up some comments to improve the efficacy of the next Charter review and invited the other members submit their comments for the 2021 Charter review. Ms. Mitchell said this was her first Charter review. She found it to be interesting, stimulating; she learned a great deal and enjoyed the process. Mr. Mota agreed with Ms. Mitchell and said he appreciated the comments from the member of the public and his fellow committee members. Ms. Munoz thanked Mr. Jones for chairing the committee. Ms. Kautenburg said it was always a pleasure to hear opinions of the different people who have served with her during this and previous charter reviews; each time she appreciates that each committee starts out without a history and sees the Charter with newborn eyes. She said she would hope future committees would approach the review with the prospective that if there were no rules and history, what would they do to encourage an unbiased view of the Charter. She enjoyed each review even though she didn't agree with everyone, every time. Chairman Jones said this was his first time to serve on a committee; he learned a great deal and found it to be a pleasure serving with the other members. He said the City deserves members who are willing to get involved and make this one of the greatest cities in Florida. He thanked everyone. Being no further business, Chairman Jones adjourned the Charter Review Committee meeting at 6:19 p.m. B1 Chairman Fred Jones Date