HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-10-2016 PZ AgendaSE�TaN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 — 6:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of September 15, 2016 Regular meeting of March 3, 2016 Regular meeting of January 7, 2016 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — New Model Home— 1686 Addie Street — Ando Building Corporation B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan & Conditional Use Permit— StoreRight Self Storage — 68,910 SF Mini -Storage Facility — 9220 Sebastian Boulevard — Commercial General (CG) Zoning District UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 14. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. All Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings are Aired Live on Comcast Channel 25. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 1. Call to Order – Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. �C I 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. .0 m 3. Roll Call •C C N C •y 0 Present: Chairman Roth Ms. Kautenburg a F� Vice Chairman Reyes Mr. McManus Ei Mr. Carter Mr. Qizilbash C O c Mr. Dodd Mr. Hughan (a) coo Excused: Mr. Alvarez (a) •C Also Present C Q O `O j a a Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer CON Q Mr. Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of minutes MOTION: by Dodd/Kautenburg to approve the November 19, 2015 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Reyes requested a correction on page 7, of the August 18, 2016, from Mr. Moore to Ms. Moore. MOTION: by Reyes/Carter to approve the August 18, 2016 minutes as corrected. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — City of Sebastian Police Department — 3,000 SF Police Evidence Building — 1201 Main Street — Public Service (PS) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported — no one PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 responded. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those planning to testify before the Commission this evening. Mr. Watanabe, City Engineer, provided a Power Point Presentation (Attached) on the site location and conditions. He stated that the Parks and Recreation Board is in agreement to disassemble and relocate the ADA playground equipment that is on the site at this time. He explained that there is one power pole that was a concern, but it will be left as is. He reviewed the planned structure and stated that the Police Department needs more secure storage space than they currently have in the facility at the airport. He stated that 25 additional parking spaces are planned to accommodate police vehicles. He explained this is a secure building with no public access. He showed renderings of the proposed building and explained that the exterior will be finished to tie into the existing design and landscaping will be consistent with existing as well. He concluded by stating that they have received the drainage modification permit and the project is in this year's CIP budget. Mr. Roth called for comments from staff. Ms. Bosworth responded that Mr. Watanabe represents staff and the project had been coordinated with the Community Development Department. Mr. Watanabe reviewed photos of the proposed site. He stated that he is aware of concern about Gopher Tortoises, but the closest burrow is more than 20 feet from the proposed site and is on the other side of the street. Ms. Kautenburg inquired about the ADA playground equipment. Mr. Watanabe responded that following the discussion about moving the equipment he did research and determined it would not be cost effective to reuse the equipment because of the expense of disassembling it, moving it and having it recertified. He explained that would apply to trying to use any of its components elsewhere, the law requires the playgrounds be certified. Mr. Reyes asked if the City plans to continue to use the existing site. Mr.Watanabe responded that the existing site belongs to the airport and it will be used to house City maintenance equipment. Mr. Reyes asked about the age of the playground equipment. Mr. Watanabe responded that the City has had it quite a while and he is aware that it was very expensive, but moving it would cost even more than replacing it. Mr. Roth opened the meeting for public comment and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the project to come forward. Ms. Linda Kinchen, 190 Delmar Street expressed her support of the project because the City needs to have their evidence storage closer. She stated that her only concern is that there may be gopher tortoises on the site as well as across the street. She urged the City to make sure there are none or to take appropriate action if there are any. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15.2016 Mr. Roth called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the project to come forward. Ms. Andrea Ring stated that she is on the Natural Resources Board and recently attended a conference on gopher tortoises which was held on the proposed site. She explained that there were at least 6 tortoises there and suggested having Fish and Wildlife survey the site to determine the cost of relocation. Mr. Roth closed the Public Hearing and called on staff to address any of the issues mentioned. Mr. Watanabe stated that it is important for the Police Department to have the facility closer. Regarding the gopher tortoises, the City's consultant will inspect the site prior to start of construction and if there are any gopher tortoises on the site they will be relocated in accordance with approved methods. He explained that there are a number of burrows on the property across the street, but as of today there is no sign of the ground being disturbed as would be if there were burrows present. Mr. Reyes asked that a condition of approval be included that a report will be provided and reviewed by staff regarding the gopher tortoises on the site. Mr. Roth asked if there were any further questions or comments from the Commissioners, hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Reyes/Dodd "I would like to make a motion to approve the Site Plan for City of Sebastian Police Department for a building at 1201 Main Street with the condition that an Environmental Assessment Report be provided to show the site is clear of any tortoises or any other environmental issues out there." Mr. Qizilbash stated that the report should be approved by Fish and Wildlife. Ms. Bosworth responded that the report can be from an Environmental Specialist and only needs to be submitted to Fish and Wildlife if a tortoise is found and a permit is required for relocation. Mr. Ryan MacLean, MBV Engineering, Inc. came forward and provided a detailed explanation of how the site is assessed for environmental issues. He concurred with staff that if no endangered species are found there is no need to contact Fish and Wildlife. He stated that the environmental assessment will be conducted as close to start of construction as feasible to prevent the possibility of conditions on the site changing. Mr. Roth called for any further questions or comments, hearing none he called for a vote. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 ROLL CALL: Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan — AutoZone — 7,762 SF Auto Parts Retail Store — 9150 Sebastian Boulevard — Commercial General (CG) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported — no one responded. Mr. Jason D. Kinney, P.E., Kinney Engineering, LLC, St. Petersburg, FL, came forward and stated that he is the Project Agent. He stated that the AutoZone Store will be for sales only, there will be no vehicle services provided at the site. He reviewed the renderings of the structure and stated that complying with the CR512 Overlay District was the dictating factor with the building and landscaping plan. He stated that the stormwater system had been approved by SJRWMD in 2007 and they have received the modification which includes the proposed AutoZone. He explained that an environmental study has been done and a gopher tortoise was found on the site. They have received the necessary permit for relocation from FWC, but the tortoise will not be moved until closer to construction due to their transient nature. He provided details on the procedure of gopher tortoise relocation and the requirements that have to be met. Mr. Kinney stated, in regard to staff recommendations, that the mechanical equipment on the roof will be screened; an irrigation pump will be used and is shown on the plans, the applicant will place a hedge around the pump and well for screening from public view; the landscape plan will be modified to include the required variety of trees; the stormwater condition will be presented by staff; the traffic impact study is still in review with staff due to some differences between the two models being used for comparison, when more details are received the differences will be identified and addressed. He explained that the deficiency is the intersection of CR512 and CR510 and AutoZone will not make a significant impact on traffic in that area. He asked if the requirement for the traffic study could be moved to coincide with Certificate of Occupancy to provide time for the details to be resolved and to allow AutoZone to begin the building process. He stated that he would ask staff to present their report and he would remain in order to answer any questions. Ms. Bosworth explained that the site is split into two portions with AutoZone developing the eastern portion, and the western portion will remain in its natural state until future development. That is the reason that the landscape plan shows only the portion being developed by AutoZone. She explained that AutoZone will meet the applicable requirements should they split the lots in the future. She reviewed the Site Plan in detail PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 regarding parking, stormwater management, etc. She stated that AutoZone will also install a sidewalk along their 1.6 acres on Dryden Avenue. They are also going to curb and gutter the entire access road out to Sebastian Crossings Blvd. She concluded that staff recommends approval with five conditions, not six, which she read for the record. She stated that the revised Stormwater Management Analysis has been received and that condition is met. Mr. Watanabe began his presentation by stating that he is a Licensed Traffic Engineer with 25 years experience and provided details of that experience. He provided a detailed explanation of the software programs that are used to evaluate traffic level of service. He explained the issues that exist at the CR510/CR512 intersection and the causes. Mr. Roth asked Mr. Watanabe his opinion of making the traffic study requirement due at Certificate of Occupancy and not issuance of the building permit. Mr. Watanabe responded that his concern is if it is determined that installation of a turn lane is required, and not just signal synchronization, there is the issue of right of way, cost sharing, and other items that need to be resolved. He stated that if there is a delay it could result in the delay of AutoZone opening the store. He explained that his concern is the County's plan to widen CR510 through Wabasso to US Highway One, in doing that the traffic through this intersection will increase making the problem even greater. He concurred with Mr. Roth that the traffic issue should be resolved before issuance of the building permit. Mr. Roth commended staff for having the foresight to require landscaping only on the developed site and not the entire parcel. He called for questions from the Commissioners of either staff or the applicant. Ms. Kautenburg commented that she had no idea that the sale of auto parts was so profitable, but the number of auto parts stores in Sebastian indicate it is. Mr. Roth responded that he agrees, but the City is willing to work with AutoZone in the development of this property. Mr. Dodd expressed concern about the portion of the lot that would remain in its natural state, by stating he would feel more comfortable if a condition of the approval be included to prevent any future clearing or change to the lot that could not be controlled by the City. He also expressed concern about the traffic study and stated that the City should have known this problem existed prior to AutoZone because the area includes 4 commercial lots. He stated that he does not agree with requiring the last applicant to pay the cost of improvements that were needed prior to his project and did not feel that approval should hinge on the results of the traffic study. Mr. Watanabe agreed that the problem probably did exist, but at this time it has been brought to light and has to be addressed. Mr. Ginsburg explained that what is being requesting is that the traffic issue be resolved to the satisfaction of City staff and the County. The City is not assigning the cost to anyone at this time, although that may be the final resolution and those impacted would have to make the determination if they wanted to proceed. He explained that the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 reason for the resolution of the traffic issue is tied to the building permit and not the CO is to prevent the construction of a building that could not be used because there were unresolved deficiencies. Following extensive discussion regarding the traffic issue at this site and similar issues in the past Mr. Ginsburg advised the Commission that the issue here is to approve or not to approve the site plan and not make an attempt to protect all those involved. Mr. Qizilbash stated that the traffic flow is a serious problem at that intersection especially at peak times. He asked if the report has been submitted to the County. Mr. Kinney responded it had been submitted. He explained that it the proposed turn lane was included, but County staff did not comment one way or the other and did not indicate any conditions of approval. Mr. Watanabe stated that although the corridor is in the County the intersection is in the City. His concern was that there are three schools in the area and there is a lot of traffic in the morning hours with school busses passing through the intersection and children being present. Mr. Reyes asked about the cross access easement. Ms. Bosworth responded that there is one in place that was established by the current owner, covers all 4 lots and transfers to any future owners. She stated that the City has that document in its files, that is why it is not a condition for this approval. Mr. Kinney explained that they will share the crosswalk with Burger King and tie into their ADA access to CR512. Mr. Reyes concluded by stating that he is aware of the County's improvement to CR510 as a thoroughfare to Wabasso and stressed that they should share in the cost to rectify the problems with the intersection. Mr. McManus stated that should the lot being left vacant at this time be developed in the future a new landscape plan should be provided. He also expressed concern that the Slash Pines are being included in the tree count because they do not have a good survival rate when there is construction near them. Mr. Kinney responded that there is no plan to develop the property at this time and if in the future that changes the procedure of approval will be followed. He explained that the existing trees on the site to be developed will be protected and the vacant parcel will be blocked off to prevent any access by construction equipment. Mr. McManus stated that when the City finishes the sidewalk the bus stop shelters should be included. He also stated that because there is so much property in area that is owned by EPA, which will never be developed, he does not feel the traffic impact will be near as great as projected. Mr. Roth inquired about the signage. Ms. Bosworth responded that it will be handled under a separate permit. He confirmed that the conditions of approval cover the handling of the stormwater and the maintenance agreement. He stated that there is a need for lighting on the site and felt the plan addressed the need. He expressed concern about pedestrian traffic, especially by school children during football games or other activities. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 Mr. Roth opened the meeting for public comment and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the project to come forward, seeing none, he called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the project to come forward. Mr. Dick Krull, 360 Sebastian Crossings Boulevard, came forward and was sworn in by Mr. Ginsburg. He stated that he is more concerned about the intersection issue than the site plan. He explained how congested the area is with the number of busses that use the area as a hub and the overall faulty design of the traffic flow pattern. Mr. Roth called for anyone else wishing to speak in opposition to the project, seeing none; he closed the meeting to the public and asked if the applicant would like to respond. Mr. Kinney responded that he did see the buses on Dryden Avenue but that is not in the control of AutoZone and hoped it would not factor into the approval of the project. He stated that he feels that there are some things that can be done to improve traffic flow in the area and the traffic engineer will work with Mr. Watanabe to work out the discrepancies. He thanked the Commission for their time and consideration. Ms. Bosworth stated that the application meets all the requirements and staff recommends approval with the conditions in the staff report. She noted that it is the Commissioners' decision whether approve or to table until the traffic study can be finalized. Mr. Watanabe stated that the proposed turn overlap is already present and including it has no impact on the decision. Mr. Qizilbash asked if the County has approved the traffic report. Ms. Bosworth responded she received an email stating that they County had reviewed the report and had no comment. He stated that the City should not pursue the matter any further since the County had approved the report. Following an in-depth discussion about the City's responsibility it was concluded that Mr. Watanabe was protecting the City's interests by bring this to light. Mr. Watanabe stated that it is his responsibility as City Engineer to address deficiencies such as this intersection and make adjustments to the various elements to correct the problems. Mr. Roth called for any further questions or comments, hearing none, he called for a motion. He noted that item 2 on the conditions has been removed. MOTION: by Kautenburg/Dodd "I move we approve this site plan subject to the five stipulations recommended by staff, which excludes number two on the list." Mr. Roth called for any further comments, hearing none he called for a vote. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Qizilbash — Yes The vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. 7. Unfinished Business — none 8. Public Input —None 9. New Business A. Request for Expanded Outside Display Area in the Riverfront Overlay District — Section — Harry B's Golf Carts — 1400 Highway #1. Mr. Roth read the request and noted that it had come before the Commission previously. He asked Mr. Blauvelt to present the request. Mr. Harry Blauvelt, Harry B's Golf Carts, stated that he would like increase his outside display of Golf Carts. He explained that he is required by code to have 8 parking spaces which he does not need and would like to use one of them to accomplish what he needs to do. He showed pictures of four carts displayed at the front of the building and six carts displayed at the back of the parking area and stated that is what he is requesting approval to do. Ms. Bosworth explained that this is the original site plan for interior retail space of 2000 SF, which requires 8 parking spaces. She offered to work with the applicant to re- identify the interior space usesand possibly reduce the number of spaces. Mr. Blauvelt stated that he has been at the location for 9 months and is happy there, but needs this change to allow him to continue to grow. Ms. Bosworth explained that she had included a copy of the code and the minutes from the prior meeting but staff did not make any recommendations because it had been previously reviewed. She stated that this request is to expand the display area and the Commissioners could determine what the best way to accomplish the expansion would be. Mr. Roth stated that he feels the request is reasonable from the numerous times he has driven by the site and observed the carts that are currently on display. Mr. Carter stated that he was not opposed to the 4 in the front, which had been discussed previously, but he did not agree with the 6 in the back. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 Mr. Qizilbash stated that he feels 10 carts on display are too many. Mr. Reyes agreed that 10 would too many on display. He asked why, since the number of customers is so low, was it necessary to have so many outside. Mr. Blauvelt responded that there were two reasons. One is that he needs room in his garage to work without having to move the carts in and out. Number two is displaying more carts would make him look more successful. He explained that he reconditions the golf carts in the garage building on the site. Mr. Reyes stated that there should be more detail about what is being proposed and in looking at what is presented he was not in favor of approving the request. Mr. Dodd asked about the driveway at the rear of the property. Ms. Bosworth responded that it is on the site for exclusive use of Mr. Blauvelt's business. Mr. Blauvelt explained that there is a wall along the drive which prevents use by the restaurant. Ms. Bosworth explained that use of the driveway for display would block use of the eighth parking space. Mr. Reyes asked if the carts displayed will be finished carts or ones awaiting repair. Mr. Blauvelt responded that the carts on display will be finished and ready for sale. Mr. Kautenburg stressed the fact that the use per code is retail and the Commission granted a waiver for the display of two carts. She stated that she is opposed to allowing the site to become a used vehicle lot. Mr. Reyes asked if this is not a site plan modification. Ms. Bosworth responded that because the business is not state licensed for vehicle sales staff views it as a retail use. She continued that retail does allow for outside display with the Planning and Zoning Commission approval and as a result the Commission approved the display of two carts; this is now a request to increase the number. She asked that if the motion is to approve the increase it be specific to the business and not the site. Ms. Kautenburg asked for clarification from staff on how the retail code applies to the use of the site for refurbishing. Ms. Bosworth responded that it is a grey area and that information had only become evident with the current request. She explained that staff could look at this business as skilled and trade services rather than vehicle service based on a prior approval for the kitchen cabinet shop that could have been considered manufacturing. Mr. Blauvelt responded that he has a shop on Micco Blvd where repairs are done, all that is done at this location is a final clean up and preparation for sale. Mr. Roth called for any further questions from the Commissioners, hearing none he opened the discussion to the public for comments. He called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the request to come forward seeing none, he called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the request, seeing none he closed the discussion. He called for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 MOTION: by Dodd/McManus "I move that we approve the outside display area sufficient to display six (6) carts, four at the front of the store and two located in parking space number one, conditionally that approval is specific to Harry B's Golf Carts business and Harry B's Golf Carts only and not succeed to future businesses at this location without approval of Planning and Zoning." Ms. Bosworth advised the Commission that per code parking spaces cannot be used for display and that parking space #1 is the handicapped space. Mr. Dodd stated that after staff's input he withdrew his motion. Mr. McManus withdrew his second. MOTION: by Dodd/McManus "I move that we approve the outside display area sufficient for six golf carts for Harry B's Golf Carts, that the approval is specific to Harry B's Golf Carts only and will not succeed to a future business at this location without Planning and Zoning approval and that Harry B's and City staff reevaluate parking requirements and City staff approve location for this display." Mr. Ginsburg expressed concern that Mr. Blauvelt understood what is expected. Mr. Dodd stated that it was necessary for staff and Mr. Blauvelt meet to determine the location of the six golf carts prior to any additional display carts. Ms. Bosworth stated that she will need a detailed plan of the building with the interior space use identified in order to reevaluate the parking requirements. Mr. Blauvelt asked how long the process would take. Ms. Bosworth responded that as soon as he will provide staff with the information necessary a decision can be made. Mr. Ginsburg suggested that the approval be stated for up to 6 golf carts. MOTION AMENDMENT: Dodd/McManus "I amend the motion to read up to six." Ms. Kautenburg asked if she understood that the outside display will never exceed 6 golf carts, because when she passes the business every morning there is a line of them outside. Mr. Dodd responded to the affirmative. Ms. Bosworth stated that after re- evaluating the parking requirements a definite display area will be established which is where the two additional carts are authorized to be parked. Mr. Dodd stated that there is a possibility that during the day there could be more than six carts in view, but those would be ones coming and going and not on display. Mr. Roth called for further comments, hearing none, he called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Qizilbash—Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. McManus — Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 From a question asked by Mr. Blauvelt, Ms. Bosworth asked if the motion required the display be in a parking space or if he could utilize the grass area along the parking lot. Mr. Dodd responded that determination is up to staff. 10. Commissioners Matters Ms. Kautenburg stated that the street markings on Main Street were repainted and have washed away again. Mr. Reyes stated that the hole at Lake and Oak has been repaired with asphalt shavings and it seems to be holding up well. 11. City Attorney Matters — None 10. Staff Matters — None 13. Items for Next Agenda — None 13. Adjourn Chairman Roth called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 8:29 pm. /sm CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2016 1. Call to Order – Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairman Roth Mr. McManus Vice Chairman Reyes Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez (a) Mr. Dodd Mr. Hughan (a) Ms. Kautenburg Also Present Mr. Kelley Armitage, City Attorney Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications co 0)C C O m ca E 9 a. E_ Cd U a cc .c > > -0C o0 as U) N -44<2- Mr. 44a Mr. Roth noted that a full commission was present including alternates. He welcomed Mr. Kelley Armitage and explained that he is legal counsel substituting for Mr. Ginsburg who is ill. Mr. Roth stated that staff had requested moving New Business — Item A, to before Public Hearings. He made a motion to reorder the agenda. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. Approval of minutes — None Mr. Qizilbash asked about the status of the minutes. Ms. Bosworth apologized for the delay. She stated that she is behind on minutes, but the video is available for the last two meetings or she could arrange for an audio recording if needed. 9. New Business (Agenda Reorganization) A. Request for Outside Display area in the Riverfront Overlay District — Section 54-4-21.3(b)(1) — Harry B's Golf Carts — 1400 Highway #1. Mr. Roth read the request by title and requested anyone wishing to present information to the Commission come forward. cr CL A cc C O Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 Mr. Harry Blauvelt came forward and stated that he has been working with staff as related to his opening a golf cart sales business at 1400 US Highway 1, in Sebastian. He explained that he would like to display two golf carts in front of his business to make the public aware of what his product is. He stated that he has worked with staff and is aware of the rules and regulations regarding outside display. He thanked the Commission for their consideration. Mr. Joe Griffin, City Manager, came forward and stated that he is in favor of the request and feels that Harry B's will be a good addition to the City. He explained that the particular location has had difficulty retaining tenants and Harry B's presents a pleasant and colorful image both inside and out. Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Griffin for his comments and called for staff recommendations on the request. Ms. Bosworth stated that Mr. Blauvelt has been working with staff on opening the golf cart sales business over the last few months. She explained that as part of opening the business Mr. Blauvelt has requested being permitted to display golf carts outside. She stated that as required by code in the Riverfront Overlay District such approval must come from the Planning and Zoning Commission. She explained that the area he is requesting for display is 6 ft. x 20 ft. in front of the building, rather than a specific number of carts to be displayed. She concluded by stating that staff recommends approval of the request as presented in Mr. Blauvelt's letter dated February 16, 2016 which is attached to the request. Mr. Roth inquired about staffs position on limiting the number of carts on display. Ms. Bosworth responded that the code does not establish a specific number, but the Commissioners could do that. Mr. Carter stated that he has seen carts parked outside in various locations on the site and asked if that will continue once the display area is established. Mr. Blauvelt stated that carts come and go and there may be times when carts are parked in various locations awaiting pick up or in the process of being stored inside the building. Mr. Carter thanked Mr. Blauvelt and wished him the best of luck. Mr. McManus stated he supported the request, but felt the number of carts on display should be limited to two. Mr. Reyes asked for details on what is planned for the display area. Mr. Blauvelt responded that his plan is to have 2 to 3 carts and a new sign out front so people passing by will know what he offers. He stated that he has a showroom inside which is where customers would look at carts and transact business. Mr. Reyes asked if any of the previous tenants had asked for outside displays. Ms. Bosworth responded they had not. She explained, that in the case of a business such as a thrift shop, which would set out various small items for display, staff did not see it as a problem. However, the carts Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 are larger and staff felt it was a different situation. Mr. Reyes asked about the location of the carts in the proposed display area and expressed concern about their being on the sidewalk. Ms. Bosworth responded that the display carts will be on the grass, not encroaching the sidewalk. Mr. Blauvelt showed the Commission a picture of his proposed sign to be placed in front of the building. Ms. Bosworth advised that the sign structure is already there and what Mr. Blauvelt proposes is just new content. She stated that the sign will not come to Planning and Zoning, it will be handled by the Building Department. Mr. Dodd stated that he had driven by and there were two carts in the proposed display area and they were not obtrusive at all, did not encroach the sidewalk and did identify what the business did. He stated he supported approval and felt the City should do whatever they could to help a business succeed in that location. Ms. Bosworth advised the Commission that staff recommends approval with the condition that it is business specific. If in the future another business were to locate there and wanted to display items in that space they would have to follow the approval process. Ms. Kautenburg asked where customers would take the carts for a test drive. Mr. Blauvelt responded that test drives are done in the parking area, but if the customer wants a larger area, he has the space at his other location for that. Ms. Kautenburg expressed concern about past tenants and their displays becoming a problem. She asked if there could be a limit of no more than 2 carts displayed at one time to prevent the possibility of creating an eyesore. Ms. Bosworth deferred the question to Mr. Armitage. Mr. Armitage responded that there is not anything in the code that limits the number of carts, but that is at the discretion of the Commission. Mr. Blauvelt stated that he represents 4 companies and at no time would there be any more than 4 carts on display. Ms. Kautenburg reiterated her concern to limit the number to two display carts. Ms. Simchick stated that she thought Harry B's would be a great addition to the City and was happy that the City Manager supported it. She wished Mr. Blauvelt the best of luck. Mr. Roth asked if there would be price signs on the carts. Mr. Blauvelt responded that he would handle signage on the carts to comply with the City's preferences. Mr. Roth called for any further comments or questions from the Commissioners, hearing none he called for staff recommendations. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the outside display with the condition that the approval be business specific. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 Mr. Roth asked if there was any further discussion, hearing none, he called for a motion. MOTION: by Dodd/Kautenburg "Mr. Chairman I move that we approve the outside display area sufficient for displaying 2 carts for Harry B's Golf Carts, conditionally that the approval is specific for Harry B's Golf Carts only and will not succeed to future businesses without additional approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission." Mr. Carter suggested amending the motion to allow 4 golf carts to be displayed. Following a detailed discussion and input from several Commissioners the consensus was for the motion remain as originally stated. Mr. Roth called for any further discussion, hearing none, he called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion Carried. Mr. Roth advised Mr. Blauvelt to meet with staff when he had his signage ready and wished him well with his business. 6. Public Hearings (Agenda Reorganization) A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — Commercial Amusement, Enclosed, Commercial General (CG) Zoning District — Strike Zone Entertainment Center 730 S. Fleming Street — Bowling Lanes with Accessory Arcade, Bar & Restaurant, and Indoor Laser Tag Arena. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported. Hearing none he called for anyone wishing to present factual information to be sworn in. Mr. Armitage swore in those planning to speak before the commission. Mr. Roth stated that that the application before the commission is for a change in the approved use of a tenant space. He called for the representative of the application to come forward and make his presentation. Mr. Art Krieger, 7005 43`d Avenue, #2, Vero Beach, FL 32960, Project Agent explained that it would be a family fun and entertainment center. He stated that there would be no gambling and the arcade prizes would be in the form of toys, etc. He provided details of the entertainment that would be provided and the facilities the center would have. He stated that the intent is to revitalize the shopping center and that he is currently working with an architect on the design as well as infrastructure specialists on electrical, plumbing, etc. to ensure the proper services are in place prior to opening. He explained Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 that one plan for the center is to do benefits for various groups where the proceeds would be shared with the group and the center. He stated that there would be a sports bar which would serve beer and finger food, but stressed the plan is to provide family fun and entertainment. Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Krieger for his presentation and called on staff to present their recommendations. Ms. Bosworth explained the zoning codes and stated that the application is for a conditional use permit for the entertainment center. She reviewed the four (4) specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use as described in the code and the details on how this use complies with those criteria. She stressed that the Commissioners' action this evening is to approve or deny the use and not the floor plan. She concluded by stating that staff recommends approval and that they are happy to see an empty space be filled. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she is glad to see a family recreation center come to the City. She expressed concern about the arcade games providing any type redemption to the children. Ms. Bosworth explained that they have written confirmation that the proposed arcade machines are for children and not the type found in adult arcades. Ms. Kautenburg responded that providing the children redemption from an arcade game could result in their frequenting an adult arcade when they grew up. Mr. Dodd stated that the center is just what the area needs to provide growth. He asked for details about the party patio and ramp in the no work area. Mr. Krieger responded that it is intended for smokers to prevent them from gathering at the entry door. He explained that the developers of the center are very professional and aware of the importance of providing a safe environment for its patrons. He stated that the redemption issue is of concern, but stressed that the majority of the patrons would be using the Laser Tag room. Mr. Reyes stated that he feels this is a great location and use of the building and that the kids of the City need a facility of this type. Mr. Krieger explained that the owners are avid bowlers and have arranged to offer scholarships to teenage bowlers who want to become PBA members. Mr. Alvarez inquired if 14 lanes would be sufficient to meet the demand and if the center would have bowling leagues. Mr. Krieger responded that a study had been done by a private company and Brunswick and the recommendation based on demographics was 12 to 14 lanes that is why they opted for 14. He stated that he is already getting calls from people interested in joining leagues. Mr. Alvarez stated that he supports the project completely. Mr. Carter stated that he is excited about the project and wished them luck. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 Mr. Qizilbash stated that he is excited for the kids of Sebastian but expressed concern about the septic system. Mr. Krieger responded that they have been in contact with a professional plumbing contractor who is reviewing the requirements of the site and are making recommendations on how to proceed correctly. Mr. McManus stated that he thinks it is a great addition to the City for both the children and adults. Mr. Krieger explained that extensive time and effort has been put into making sure the center meets all the ADA requirements. He provided details on how the ramp at the entryway is structured to allow direct access to the bowling alley which can be used by bowlers for transporting their bowling balls in rolling bags. Mr. Hughan asked what the hours are planned to be. Mr. Krieger responded that, to his knowledge, it is proposed to be opening 10am to Ilam on weekdays and weekends; closing on weekdays at midnight to 1 a and weekends at lam to tam. He stated that it may vary from that, dictated by use and management after it opens. Ms. Simchick expressed excitement about the center coming to Sebastian. She stated that it will provide entertainment and activities in addition to what is provided by the schools and will provide the children a place to go for recreation. Mr. Roth noted that the restaurant is to serve snacks and ask if in the future a full service restaurant could be opened. Ms. Bosworth responded that the restaurant meets the applicable requirements and they could offer full food service should they decide to do so in the future. Mr. Roth expressed concern about the possibility of the party area becoming a noise issue should there be a band or entertainment. Mr. Krieger responded that at this time there is no intent to provide any form of entertainment in that area, it is a deck with no entry/exit available. He provided details on the ingress/egress doors by stating they would either have alarms on them or would be accessible by staff only. He also explained the fire sprinkler system that will serve the center and the lease space. Mr. Roth asked about the existing propane tanks and natural gas equipment that is in that area which could be a hazard. Ms. Bosworth responded that would be addressed by the fire inspectors through the Building Department. Mr. Krieger stated that they are converting to natural gas resulting in all the propane tanks being removed. The gas lines will be underground with only meters at the various tenants. He also stressed that the area will be monitored and security will be the first concern. Mr. Roth asked staff if sign placement would be in the existing location. Ms. Bosworth responded that it would be. He expressed concern about the stop signs and asked that they be replaced as needed. Ms. Bosworth responded that those issues will be addressed prior to CO and the question at this time is change in use. Mr. Krieger stated that, with City approval of the color, the outside of the building will be completely Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 repainted and the entire parking lot will be resealed, restriped and all necessary markings will be repainted. Mr. Roth called for any further questions, hearing none he opened the meeting for public comment. He called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the application, hearing none, he called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Hearing none, he closed the meeting to the public. He requested staff summarize their recommendations. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Strike Zone Entertainment Center. Mr. Dodd asked if the approval is business specific or site specific. Ms. Bosworth responded that it is site specific. Mr. Roth called for any additional questions or comments, hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Carter/McManus "I make a motion to change the use of tenant space from retail to entertainment requiring a conditional use permit within the Commercial General Zoning District at 730 South Fleming Street. Mr. Roth asked Mr. Armitage if the motion was correct. Ms. Bosworth read the motion back and Mr. Armitage stated that it was correct. Mr. Roth called for any further questions, hearing none he called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion Carried. Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Krieger for his presentation and stated that everyone is excited to see this type entertainment center come to the City. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — Strunk Funeral Home — Additional Parking Area – 1623 N. Central Avenue — Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported. Hearing none he stated that those providing information had been sworn in earlier. He called on the applicant to come forward identify himself and make his presentation. Mr. John H. Blum, P.E., Carter Associates, Inc., 1708 21St Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960, Project Engineer introduced himself and stated that also present is Tyler Spencer, Project Engineer. He explained that the project is to add 33 new parking spaces and drive isles for Strunk Funeral Home. These spaces would be on the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 8 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 adjacent parcels to the south of the funeral home. He explained that the Strunks had purchased the parcels which was the former site of IRC Fire Station. This expansion of parking and addition of drive isles would provide better access during large funerals. He provided details on the proposed project including landscaping and stormwater management. He stated that no building modifications are proposed. Ms. Bosworth explained that the application before the Commission is for the 33 parking spaces and drive isles being added on the newly acquired parcels, the existing parking has been grandfathered in and is not being changed. She stated that the applicant is doing a self -certification related to the St John's permit. Regarding the FDOT permit there will be some slight changes to the entry on US1 and a copy of the permit is in the City files. The fire department has requested some minor changes to the drive isle radius which is not reflected on the plans presented this evening, however, the fire department and Mr. Blum have been working on it and he will present the resolution. She stated that staff is happy to see additional parking being provided and the removal of the unattractive building from the US1 corridor. She stated that staff recommends approval of the site plan modification with the two conditions, Unity of Title and approval from IRC Fire Department before the project begins. Mr. Blum showed the plan and noted that the change is highlighted in yellow. He explained that there is no change to the parking, the change is to the drive isle to provide the necessary access for the fire department to reach the building. He noted that there is no change to the existing or new pavement except at the northwest corner of the site which will be rock stabilized and grassed over so it will appear no different than it is at this time. He stated that he has received verbal approval of this change from the fire department. Ms. Bosworth explained that this is correcting a deficiency in the original site plan. Mr. Qizilbash referred to the southwest corner of the plan that is highlighted in yellow and asked if the fire department is requesting widening in the new parking area. Mr. Blum responded that the highlighted area is to show that an emergency vehicle can enter through the new entrance. Mr. Qizilbash stated he is aware that they have the self -certification but asked if there was a soil sample done. Mr. Blum stated that he had soil samples and watertable testing completed for the site. Mr. Reyes asked about the well that had been on the site. Ms. Bosworth responded that all the existing infrastructure was removed during demolition of the site. Mr. Roth called for any further questions, hearing none and noting there was no public present, he called for a motion. MOTION: by Reyes/Dodd "I move we approve the proposed site plan modification for Strunk Funeral Home additional parkway area at 1263 North Central Avenue, Commercial Riverfront Zoning District with staff recommendations." Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 Page 9 of 10 Mr. Roth called for questions or comments, hearing none he called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. McManus — Yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion Carried. 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input —None 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Dodd stated that he is aware that Mr. Ginsburg is ill and he expressed his concern and good wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. Qizilbash asked that when a project is complete does Community Development staff make a site inspection to verify compliance. He referred to the O'Reilly's site and stated that the plantings do not meet the requirements. Ms. Bosworth responded that she and another staff member did a site inspection and when they inspected the site and measured the plantings they did meet code. She explained that when a site is being maintained by a landscaping company sometimes the plantings are cut back below the required heights. Mr. Alvarez asked if there is any city regulation regarding selling cars from a resident's yard. He expressed concern about the negative effect such activities can have on a neighborhood. Mr. Watanabe stated that is a code enforcement issue and asked he provide the address in question. Ms. Bosworth clarified that the code does not limit the number of cars that can be sold, but it does require any car sold must be licensed to the property owner. Mr. Reyes asked for an update on the swale and drainage project. Mr. Watanabe responded that the project in the north part of the City is complete. Presently staff is doing the ongoing maintenance work and with the heavy rains in some areas it is impossible to address the issues because of the ground saturation. Mr. Reyes asked specifically about the ditches that were not cleaned properly and the City had received numerous complaints. Mr. Watanabe stated that City staff has addressed the areas that had been reported. Mr. Reyes express concern about the water standing in the swales and urged that staff give priority to correcting the problem. Mr.Watanabe responded that with the large amount of rain it has been impossible to get the equipment in the areas that need further attention. Mr. Reyes asked if there was a plan for addressing the drainage issue. Mr. Watanabe responded that there was initially a plan, but in light of the fact that every ditch poses its own unique problem it has been difficult to follow a plan. He explained that the City has hired a new staff member who is licensed in Planning and Zoning Commission Page 10 of 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 spraying of chemicals that will reduce the over growth in the ditches which should allow for better control. Mr. Roth stated that he had been told that the City's Sign Ordinance was not enforceable and asked for an update on the status of the Sign Ordinance revision. Ms. Bosworth responded that Mr. Ginsburg was working on making minor adjustments to it when he became ill and to her knowledge it is on hold at the present time. She stated that there is an enforceable Sign Ordinance in the Code. 11. City Attorney Matters — None 12. Staff Matters — None 13. Items for Next Agenda — None Ms. Bosworth stated that there probably won't be a meeting on the 17th, but there are some new projects in the works, as well as some subdivisions that are becoming active again. She projected that the summer would be busy. 14. Ad'ourn — Mr. Reyes moved to adjourn. Chairman Roth adjourned the meeting at 7:32 p.m. /sm CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 2016 1. Call to Order – Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm..6 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. CY) C 3. Roll Call C -CO C — _® Present: Mr. Dodd Mr. McManus E 12 Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes E Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez (a) 0 1 Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan (a) coo Mr. Qizilbash W Mr. Also PresentO 3 3 Frank Watanabe, City Engineer a a Jan King, Senior Planner CO N 4' Q Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Mr. Dodd welcomed Mr. Hughan to the Commission. At the request of staff, Mr. Dodd made a motion to reorder A (Tiki Bar & Grill) and B (St. Sebastian Catholic Church) under Item 6, it passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Dodd advised the Commissioners that the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman would be conducted under Commissioners Matters. Mr. Dodd called for any further Agenda Modifications, hearing none he continued with the Agenda as modified. 5. Approval of minutes — None 6. Public Hearings B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — St. Sebastian Catholic Church — 5,859 SF Addition to Fellowship Hall — 13075 U.S. Highway #1 — Public Service (PS) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Chairman Dodd asked if there was any ex -parte communication that needed to be reported — Mr. E1, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 McManus responded that he is a member of St. Sebastian Church but has no financial interest in the project. Mr. Ginsburg asked if Mr. McManus had a leadership role in the Church. Mr. McManus responded he did not. Mr. Roth stated that he is a member of the Church but has no leadership role. Mr. Alvarez stated that he is also a member of the Church but has no leadership role. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those planning to present factual information on the project. Mr. Joseph Schulke, Schulke, Bittle and Stoddard introduced himself and stated that he represents St. Sebastian Church. He explained that application is for an addition to the Fellowship Hall. He stated that no additional parking or drainage is required and they have received all other necessary approvals. He stated that there are minor landscaping requirements, but staff has requested that the existing landscape plan be reviewed for consistency and to address some missing landscaping. He explained that the updated plan is in this package for approval. He stated that the addition will have fire sprinklers, as well as there being a newly installed fire hydrant to protect the entire Church property. He offered to answer any questions. Ms. King stated that Mr. Schulke had covered most of the items. She explained that there is no additional parking required because it is based on Church capacity, not the other buildings. She commended Mr. Schulke for doing a good job in reviewing the prior landscaping plan and identifying the necessary upgrades and additions. She stated that Staff recommends approval of the landscaping plan. She explained that part of the Site Plan Modification is the addition of a connecting sidewalk to the assisted living facility to the north on which the engineers for both projects have worked to create. She concluded by stating that Staff recommends approval of the Site Plan Modification. Mr. Dodd asked if there were any questions from the public or the Commissioners. Mr. Roth asked Ms. King if items 1 — 4 on the Landscape Plan will be required. Ms. King responded that those items were part of the previously approved plan; what is being approved now is the plan which has been reviewed and updated to address replacement plantings and additional landscaping. Mr. Qizilbash pointed out that in counting the parking spaces shown, they add up to only 326 and not the 392 spaces shown on the Site Plan. He stated that the plan needs to be corrected to reflect the correct number. Ms. King answered Mr. Qizilbash's question regarding the addition of buildings by explaining that it has always been the City's position to use the Church capacity to calculate the number of parking spaces, not the number of buildings. Mr. Schulke reviewed the Site Plans and explained that there are grass parking spaces which are on the original plan and were not identified on the revised plan. He stated that he will get a correct plan to staff. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 Mr. Reyes asked if the ingress/egress from the site via the asphalt driveway onto 134th Street is permissible. He expressed concern about the amount of traffic during their monthly garage sales and how it impacts the people living in the area. Mr. Watanabe responded that because it is a public road and the site abuts it the use is permissible. Mr. McManus related that a number of years prior there were complaints from surrounding residents about the traffic exiting the Church via the road which was then in very poor condition. The resolution to the problem was that the Church paved it. Ms. King explained that the road was approved on the original Site Plan. Mr. Dodd advised the Commission that this is not a major modification and as a result the entire site plan is not open for review at this time. Mr. Dodd called for any further questions, hearing none he opened the meeting to the public. He called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the project — no one came forward. He called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the project to come forward. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those wishing to speak. Donna Woodall, 7895 134th Street, stated that there have been traffic problems in the past and she is concerned that with the new building there will be even more. She explained that people speed and have hit a dog and gopher tortoise. Dr. Michael Ferrentino, resident on 134th Street, expressed concern about the traffic and use of the road by the Church. He explained that the Church has a right of way of 35 feet and he has 35 feet which was deeded to him. He stressed that the entire right of way does not belong to the Church. He asked if this could be addressed during the review process. Pat Lorec, owner of the property that directly abuts the Church property on 134th Street, she stated her concern about the large amount of traffic, people parking on her property and the speed cars travel. She stated that the residents have appealed to the Church with no success in reducing the problem. She showed the Commissioners photos from her phone showing debris, old vehicles, tires, etc. being stored on the Church property. Patricia Whitford, resident of 134th Street one block from the Gate. She stated that the information about the Church paving the street is incorrect. She explained that the Church paved part of it and every resident on 134th was assessed $1,500 each. She stated that she has copies of results of meetings and the agreement that the Church would only open their gate and use the street on Saturdays, Sundays and Holy Days that she could provide to the City. Helen Kurz, 8131 135th Street expressed her concern about the amount of traffic from the Church that transits her neighborhood and asked that something be done to provide relief to the residents. Mr. Dodd called for anyone else from the public wishing to speak, seeing none he stated that the Applicant can now address the concerns expressed. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 Mr. Schulke stated that the matter before the Commission is a Site Plan Modification for a building addition which meets all the requirements set forth. He expressed concern for the residents issues, but he did not have any in-depth information on the traffic matters. Mr. Watanabe explained that 134th Street is a county roadway and he will make the County Engineer aware of the problems identified. Based on the Traffic Study Assessment, he concurred with the Project Engineer that the proposed addition will not create any significant increase in traffic. Ms. King showed the Commission a diagram and explained how the site and the county roadway connect. She stated that staff will address the debris, determine who the responsible party is and make every effort to have it removed. Mr. Dodd provided a brief overview by stating that the project is for an addition which does not impact parking nor traffic flow. He urged the residents that spoke to meet with City Staff to see if they could provide more information. He stated that Staff will be in contact with the County regarding the traffic flow. He called for any further questions or comments from the Commissioners. Mr. McManus explained that the addition will be used for social events and the existing area will be converted into offices as a result there will be no increase in traffic. He stated that he had seen the debris. He reiterated that the gate is only open during religious events and could possibly be closed during the flea markets, but that is not the issue being addressed at this time. Mr. Qizilbash expressed concern about the parking ratio by stating that the current ratio meant that 4 people arrived in one car which should be reviewed. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she is aware that the traffic and parking is not a part of this review but negative impact is being felt by the surrounding residences and businesses and will probably come up again in the future. Mr. Dodd called for any further discussion, hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Roth/Carter "that the Site Plan, as submitted, be approved with Staffs recommendations for the landscaping." ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash — No Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes with reservations Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes The vote was 6/1. Motion Carried. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 Mr. Schulke stated that although the requirement is not in the motion, he will get a revised plan to Staff showing the additional parking. Helen Kurz asked if access during the social functions planned for the new building be allowed to be via 134th Street. Mr. Dodd responded that issue is not part of this application and should be addressed with City or County Staff. A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — TIM Bar & Grill West Side Parking -52 Additional Parking Spaces —1109 Indian River Drive —Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Chairman Dodd asked if there was any ex-parte communication that needed to be reported — no one responded. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those planning to present factual information on the project. Mr. Chris Weier of Knight, McGuire & Associates, Inc. introduced himself and stated that he represents the owner and is present to answer any questions. Ms. Bosworth explained that the Site Plan Modification being presented is for 52 parking spaces on the West side of Indian River Drive and is to address all uses of the current operation, the proposed bar expansion and provide the required parking to bring the site into compliance. She explained that the proposed parking area has 12 specimen oak trees on it and the design of the lot will preserve 12 trees. To encourage protecting the natural beauty of the area, the City grants credit of 3 parking spaces for each tree saved. She stated that because of the credits being allowed that if any of the trees have to be removed for whatever reason, additional spaces would have to be provided or purchased through the parking -in -lieu program should be part of the approval. Mr. Dodd expressed concern about the interpretation of Code regarding parking spaces for trees saved. He stated that allowing 3 spaces per tree could set a precedent and suggested granting the applicant a waiver. Mr. Ginsberg agreed that in this situation a waiver would be advisable and at a future date Council may review and clarify the meaning of the Code. Mr. Dodd asked if a City provided cross walk should be installed since the parking is on the opposite side of the street from the establishment. Mr. Watanabe responded that it would not be necessary due to the lower density of traffic. He stated that creating a mid -block cross walk created a false sense of security in pedestrians, especially children, making them think they had the right of way over the vehicle traffic. Mr. Roth stated that he supported the City putting in a cross walk anytime the parking is across the street from the business. Mr. Watanabe reiterated his concern about mid - block cross walks. He stated that he does not support installing any form of speed reduction in that area either because of the lack of congestion. In response to the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 question about where the traffic study was done, he stated that it was done in the area of Captain Hiram's because that is more congested and not in the area of this property. Mr. Reyes stated that he is concerned about people crossing the street too and the fact that patrons would walk straight out of the parking lot and could be hit by patrons entering or exiting the parking area. The applicant and Mr. Watanabe responded to Mr. Reyes' question about exiting on to US Highway 1 by explaining that there are plantings and a sidewalk which do not allow access and the area shown is to allow space for vehicles to turnaround. Mr. Reyes asked if there would be plantings in the swales. Mr. Chris Pinson introduced himself as co-owner of the project and stated that existing landscaping will be used and some of the plants on the plan are designated for the swales. He explained that the site does not hold water so there should be a good survival rate for the plants. Mr. Reyes asked if the proposed bar area would open onto the roadway. Mr. Pinson explained that the entrance would be from inside the complex and the only door on the road side is for deliveries. Mr. Alvarez expressed concern that there are no sidewalks, that patrons can walk in the middle of the parking lot. Mr. Pinson responded that many of the large stores do not have sidewalks in their parking lots. The installation of sidewalks would prevent the drainage and parking requirements needed for the site to be in compliance. Mr. Hughan expressed concern about the height of the drain inlet on the northeast side of the site and the possibility of its causing ponding on the road side. Mr. Weier responded that the difference is very slight, but he could make changes if necessary. Mr. McManus commended the applicant for doing such a good job saving the trees. He stated that is a plus for the area and waterfront. Mr. Qizilbash expressed concern that the existing elevations report was not made part of the package, so it can be determined if what is existing and what is proposed is compatible. Mr. Weier responded that one was not submitted but they do have it on file. Ms. Bosworth responded that she will check the City's files to locate it. She provided details on the parking size requirements and explained that details on the existing parking on the east side was not included in the package because there was no change to it. Mr. Qizilbash stated that he supports the installation of a cross walk for the new parking area. He stated that, in his opinion, the plans are not complete and lack necessary detail for review. Mr. Carter asked how many palms will be removed. Ms. Bosworth responded that they are circled on page one of the plans. He also stated that figs don't have the canopy oaks do. Ms. Bosworth stated that in calculating the credits trunk size was used not canopy. Mr. Dodd called for any further questions from the Commissioners. Hearing none, he opened the Public Hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the proposed Site Plan Modification to come forward. Seeing none he called for anyone Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 wishing to speak in opposition to the Plan, seeing no one he closed the Public Hearing and asked staff's input. Mr. Watanabe stated that from an engineer's stand point that the details on the plans submitted is adequate to evaluate the project elements. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval with the condition that if any of the saved trees must be removed three additional parking spaces must be provided and the Self Certification be provided prior to start of construction. She asked that included in the motion be the waiver from the Riverfront Overlay District special landscape requirements. Mr. Dodd reiterated his concern that some sort of crossing or traffic calming device is needed to protect the people crossing the street. He stated that he would not be in favor of tasking the owner with such action and the Commissioners could not commit the City for such work. Mr. Watanabe responded he would monitor the activity to determine what steps could be taken. Mr. Dodd called for any further comment, hearing none he called for a motion. Following in-depth discussion regarding conditions of approval and input from Mr. Ginsburg the following motion was made. MOTION: by Dodd/Roth "I move that we approve the Site Plan for the Tiki Bar West side parking to include the expansion of the bar area on the East side with four conditions. #1. The specimen tree waiver from Section 54-3-15-4-(d) be increased from 11 parking spaces to 36 parking spaces. #2. Any specimen tree removal from the property will require the addition of 3 new parking spaces either through construction or the parking -in -lieu -of fund. #3. The self -certification form be submitted to the City staff. #4. The landscape waiver, requested by the applicant, from the Riverfront Overlay, per the Landscape Plan, be approved. Mr. Dodd called for any further discussion, hearing none he called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes The vote was 7/0. Motion Carried. 7. Unfinished Business — None Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 8. Public Input Page 8 of 8 Mr. McManus stated that he saw in the paper that there is a zoning request for a piece of property on 79th Street and US#1. He stated that he is aware that it is not in the City, but asked if the County communicates such changes to the City. Ms. Bosworth responded that the County is very good about keeping the City updated, but she will look into it. 9. New Business — None 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Dodd expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Chairman, but stated that it is time for another Commissioner to be elected. He called for nominations for Chairman. MOTION: by Carter/Reyes to elect Mr. Roth Chairman. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Dodd stated that Mr. Roth was now Chairman of the meeting. Mr. Roth called for nominations for Vice Chairman. MOTION: by Carter/Alvarez to elect Mr. Reyes Vice Chairperson. Mr. Roth stated that with no other nominations Mr. Reyes was elected by acclamation to the position of Vice Chairperson. 11. City Attorney Matters — None 12. Staff Matters — None 13. Items for Next Agenda — None 14. Adjourn — Mr. Reyes moved to adjourn. Chairman Roth adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m. /sm �,n�� SEB'N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Conditional Use Permit Application - Staff Report 1. Project Name: 2. Requested Action: 3. Project Location: a. Address: b. Legal: 4. Project Owner: a. Name: b. Address: C. Agent: 5. Project Description: Model Home Ando Model Home Approval of a conditional use permit for a new model home. 1686 Addie Street Lot 1, Block 397, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 Ando Building Corporation 1627 US Highway #1, Suite 216 Sebastian, Florida 32958 Andre Dorawa, Debbie Cross a. Narrative of proposed action: Ando Building Corp. is requesting a model home permit for the single-family residence under construction at 1686 Addie Street. Required parking will be located in the driveway and in the street right-of-way immediately in front of the model home, as allowed by code. b. Current Zoning: RS -10 C. Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North: RS -10 residence LDR East: RS -10 residence LDR South: RS -10 residence LDR West: RS -10 residence LDR d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: .41 acres (2) Current Land Use: Residence under construction 6. Required Findings: Conditional Use Criteria: Does Does Not a. Not to be used as contractors main office. Comply Comply a. Be so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that J the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. J b. Not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in J the impacted area in which it is located. The scale, intensity J and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable J noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or J hazards to contiguous residential properties. C. Conform to all applicable provisions of the district in which J the use is to be located. d. Satisfy specific criteria stipulated for the respective J conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4(29). Conditional Use Criteria: 8. Additional Considerations: Credit for two parking spaces is given for the driveway. The builder is proposing three additional spaces by the street. One of the parking spaces in the driveway will be designated as the handicap parking space, and shall be striped according to ADA requirements. The model sign will require a separate building permit, will not be illuminated, as stated on the application, and cannot have more than 6 square feet of copy area. A small directional parking sign may also be used, but doesn't require a permit. An American pole flag is allowable, but other flags, such as "Open", including feather flags, are prohibited. Does Comply Does Not Comply a. Not to be used as contractors main office. J b. Meets district regulations for lot and yard dimensions. J C. No construction materials orequipment stored at model. J d. Business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Limit of two staff. J e. All signs conform to city code; illuminated signs prohibited. J L No glare or traffic impediment from house illumination. J g. Provide 5 parking spaces, 10' from side property line, 30' from corner. J 8. Additional Considerations: Credit for two parking spaces is given for the driveway. The builder is proposing three additional spaces by the street. One of the parking spaces in the driveway will be designated as the handicap parking space, and shall be striped according to ADA requirements. The model sign will require a separate building permit, will not be illuminated, as stated on the application, and cannot have more than 6 square feet of copy area. A small directional parking sign may also be used, but doesn't require a permit. An American pole flag is allowable, but other flags, such as "Open", including feather flags, are prohibited. The model home permit expires one year from the date of approval, and may be renewed. At the time the residence is no longer used as a model, the contractor will be responsible for removal of the parking area, striping, and all signage. 9. Conclusion: The proposed use is consistent with Section 54-2-6.4(29) of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian. 10. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this model home permit for a one-year period conditional on the following: 1. No construction materials or equipment will be stored at the model. 2. Obtain a building permit for the model sign. 3. Stripe and/or post handicap parking space. 4. Contractor to remove parking area, striping, and model signage when the model permit expires. Prepared by Date CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA § 54-2-6.4 3. Automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles may be stored in designated areas as shown on the approved site plan. All other proposed outside storage shall be reviewed and approved by the planning and zoning commission. 4. One management office may be included provided it does not exceed 400 square feet. 5. No occupational licenses other than for the main use (storage) shall be permitted. 6. No sales, garage sales, manufacturing or repair is permitted. However, this does not preclude the use as a depot for such purposes as franchised distribution or temporary storage for contractor supplies. 7. There shall not be any storage of flammable, toxic, highly combustible or other hazardous materials or substances. (29) Model homes: a. Applicable zoning districts. Model homes shall be permitted as a conditional use within the following zoning districts: RE -40, RS -20, RS -10, RM -8, RMH, CWR, and approved residential uses in a PUD. b. Conditional use criteria. Model homes will be allowed providing the following conditions are met: 1. Model homes shall be regulated through the issuance of a model home permit. The permit shall be issued for a period not to exceed one year. The planning and zoning commission may renew said permit upon application, provided that the model home has been constructed and operated in accordance with this code. 2. A permit holder may not use the model home as his or her principal place of business. The model home shall be used for display purposes only, and not as a contractor's office, real estate office, or annex thereof. However, price quotations may be given and binders may be executed on the premises. 3. The model home shall meet all district requirements for lot and yard dimensions. 4. No construction materials or construction equipment may be stored in the model, on the site, or on adjoining sites. 5. Business activity may be conducted at the model home only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., seven days per week; and not more than two permanent employees (in addition to the owner thereof) shall be authorized to remain in the model during the business day. 6. Model homes with a valid conditional use permit may have one sign not to exceed six square feet and shall not be higher than six feet. Such signs may be illuminated and shall conform with the city sign ordinance. 7. Model homes may be illuminated, but only for security purposes and shall not cause a glare or infringe on neighboring properties or impede traffic. LDC6:15 § 54-2-6.4 Sebastian Land Development Code 8. At least five parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the model, or on a contiguous lot, owned by the contractor or developer, or in the street right-of-way immediately in front of said model, and shall be maintained so long as the model home is used as such, as follows: (a) A plan for all parking facilities shall be submitted to the city engineer and approved by the city engineer prior to the issuance of a permit. (b) Any parking area which is located on a corner lot shall be designed so as not to obstruct the view of approaching traffic. (c) Ingress and egress to the parking area shall be a minimum of 30 feet distant from any corner and also a minimum distance of ten feet from an interior property line. 9. Where a violation of these restrictions on the use of model homes is determined to exist by the code enforcement board pursuant to the proce- dures set forth in division 2 or article VI of chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances, the certificate authorizing such model home use shall be revoked and no such certificate shall be reissued for a period of one year following the date of the entry of the order of the code enforcement board finding the existence of such violation. 10. With respect to model homes in either the RMH or PUD (MH) zoning districts, conditions stated in subparagraphs (4) and (9), above, may be waived only for mobile home models (removable) when more than two such models are to be placed in a cluster as part of a sales center. (30) Nursing homes (including rest homes or convalescent homes): a. Applicable zoning districts. Nursing homes shall be permitted a5ldconditional us 'thin the following zoning districts: RM -8, C-512, C�ovided C R, and CWR. b. Condi tio use criteria. Nursing homes will be allowed the following conditions are et: 1. No building or ucture shall be located clo than 30 feet to any lot line which abuts a resi tial district. 2. No off-street parking sha located ser than 15 feet to any lot line which abuts a residential district. 3. Adequate provisions shall be ade service vehicles with access to the building at a side or rear trance. 4. Screening: All side an rear yards shall be scree d in accordance with the standaZrs d in section 54-3-14.16 of this c ter. 6. Buildinl incorporate provisions for safety whi andate rear and fromergency evacuation and require a safe an venient designsystems for the transport of patients within ese favi ' fes. Sprinkler systems approved by the building official shall be LDC6:16 E 25.01'M.) I+�" T 25.00' P. }.. ® TELEPHONE o dA'V I WA71R CABLESERVICE o ✓' o ;� �' �- A�ETER �— — PROPOSED pROPoSFDAK 6'PUMP Q BOX 35.0' SEPTIC TANK PAD, ELEVATION=53.7 Q 5.0' O IS 89°59'14' E 210.30' M.) N 90000'00" E 210.34'p. -o6'P.U.&D.E. — _ — _ — — _ _ I- _ PROPOSED IRRIGATION WELL 2 i SEPTIC raNK d W J�8 N o 93 ¢ o Ln V m a sg � O z W a z$ S Z — Q m W PROPOSED Q I E 25.01'M.) I+�" T 25.00' P. }.. ® TELEPHONE o dA'V I WA71R CABLESERVICE o ✓' o ;� �' �- A�ETER �— — PROPOSED pROPoSFDAK 6'PUMP Q BOX 35.0' SEPTIC TANK PAD, ELEVATION=53.7 Q 5.0' O IS 89°59'14' E 210.30' M.) N 90000'00" E 210.34'p. -o6'P.U.&D.E. — _ — _ — — _ _ I- _ PROPOSED IRRIGATION WELL LOT 2 SEPTIC raNK BLOCK 397 1. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ADDIE STREET (RESIDENCE) FINISHED FLOOR N ELEVATION=54.4 E 25.01'M.) I+�" T 25.00' P. }.. ® TELEPHONE o dA'V I WA71R CABLESERVICE o ✓' o ;� �' �- A�ETER �— — PROPOSED pROPoSFDAK 6'PUMP Q BOX 35.0' SEPTIC TANK PAD, ELEVATION=53.7 Q 5.0' O IS 89°59'14' E 210.30' M.) N 90000'00" E 210.34'p. -o6'P.U.&D.E. — _ — _ — — _ _ I- _ PROPOSED IRRIGATION WELL -D=90°00'00" P. r CuIVERA=39.27' R=25.00' 0� FO \ CB=N 45°00'00• W 35.36' P. PShJSS \ (N45°31'31'W35.32'M.) O+— — — N 90°00'00' E 50.00' P. IN 69°55'32• E 49.97' M.), _ bq5 $ ` ASPHALTPAVEMENT p 1 i BOUNDARY SURVEY CERTIFIED TO: ANDO BUILDING CORPORATION LEGEND: O- FOUND 5/8' IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED °PLS 4896" •- FOUND 5/8' IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP, NOT LEGIBLE O- FOUND i/2' IRON REBAR WITH NO CAP OR IDENTIFICATION �- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/2' STEEL DISK, NO IDENTIFICATION O- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4' STEEL DISK, NO IDENTIFICATION 0- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4• STEEL DISK STAMPED 'LB 3444' x 50.00 -EXISTING ELEVATION 111 + / ygOS�O N 0 PROPOSED SIGN UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE 25 Lor 1 m BLOCK 397 n (VACANT) \ 50' 1 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: PREPARED BY: LOT 1, BLOCK 397, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 11, 1. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ADDIE STREET 62.3' N PROPOSED FLORIDA LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS #6637 PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 56 THRU 56L OF THE PUBLIC 10749 HIGHWAY U.S. 1, SUITE A, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. IO'x 201 PARKING PROPOSED AND/OR OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS +yS� SPACE CERTIFIED CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IN ABBREVIATIONS: CONFORMITY WITH THE FLORIDA STANDARDS OF PRATICE SET FORTH P -PLAT M -MEASURED RAV -RIGHT OF WAY 3. THIS SURVEY IS NOT INTENDED TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND DRAIN FIELD R -RADIUS A -ARC LENGTH D -DELTA ( CENTRAL ANGLE) FOUNDATIONS, ENCROACHMENTS OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. PROPOSED ONE �-CENTERLINE COV. -COVERED A/C -AIR CONDITION o PROPOSED GSPACE IO'x20'LT NLINGS) 648' AREA 4. THE RESIDENCE SHOWN HEREON IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE 'X' PER NAMED HEREON, THE SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES STORY RESIDENCE ga & � (ASPHALTMILLINGS) MILLINGS) PLS -PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. PROPOSED FINISHED 5. DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY ISURVEY IS TYPICAL 24.3' 10-17-2016 FLOOR ELEVATION=54.0 Hill35.0' PROPOSED THOMAS RANDALL CECRLE, P.L.S.-4896 S.O, EET i OF 1 I PROJECT NUMBER 16-18 10'x 201PARKING MNG 0� = V o n Tn S o - 16 y 4.0' 9. eR 16' CONCRETE ,�? PROPOSED A y DRIVEWAY + I iTx 20'HANDICAP 7� O PARKING SPACE . n�. /0X20 -D=90°00'00" P. r CuIVERA=39.27' R=25.00' 0� FO \ CB=N 45°00'00• W 35.36' P. PShJSS \ (N45°31'31'W35.32'M.) O+— — — N 90°00'00' E 50.00' P. IN 69°55'32• E 49.97' M.), _ bq5 $ ` ASPHALTPAVEMENT p 1 i BOUNDARY SURVEY CERTIFIED TO: ANDO BUILDING CORPORATION LEGEND: O- FOUND 5/8' IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED °PLS 4896" •- FOUND 5/8' IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP, NOT LEGIBLE O- FOUND i/2' IRON REBAR WITH NO CAP OR IDENTIFICATION �- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/2' STEEL DISK, NO IDENTIFICATION O- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4' STEEL DISK, NO IDENTIFICATION 0- FOUND NAIL & 1-1/4• STEEL DISK STAMPED 'LB 3444' x 50.00 -EXISTING ELEVATION 111 + / ygOS�O N 0 PROPOSED SIGN UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE 25 Lor 1 m BLOCK 397 n (VACANT) \ 50' 1 M Y -WWUNE S 90000'00" W 185.721P. / C Sl4ALE IN89°56'51-W 185.55'M.) — - l S - — - -L WALE 6 CULVERT \ 1. Lore a BLOCK 446 }y (RESIDENCE) SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17 PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 46-46 P EDGE OF PAVEMENT $ O ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 +y BARBER STREET (80' RIGHTOF WAY) I LOT I BLOCK 446 (RESIDENCE) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR'S NOTES: PREPARED BY: LOT 1, BLOCK 397, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 11, 1. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ADDIE STREET CECRLE LAND SURVEYING, INC. N AS NORTH (N 00°00'00' E) AS PER RECORD PLAT. FLORIDA LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS #6637 M Y -WWUNE S 90000'00" W 185.721P. / C Sl4ALE IN89°56'51-W 185.55'M.) — - l S - — - -L WALE 6 CULVERT \ 1. Lore a BLOCK 446 }y (RESIDENCE) SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17 PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 46-46 P EDGE OF PAVEMENT $ O ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 +y BARBER STREET (80' RIGHTOF WAY) I LOT I BLOCK 446 (RESIDENCE) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR'S NOTES: PREPARED BY: LOT 1, BLOCK 397, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 11, 1. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ADDIE STREET CECRLE LAND SURVEYING, INC. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN AS NORTH (N 00°00'00' E) AS PER RECORD PLAT. FLORIDA LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS #6637 PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 56 THRU 56L OF THE PUBLIC 10749 HIGHWAY U.S. 1, SUITE A, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2. NO INSTRUMENT OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY PHONE 772-388-0520 FAX 772-388-2012 AND/OR OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS SHOWN. NO TITLE OPINION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. CERTIFIED CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IN ABBREVIATIONS: CONFORMITY WITH THE FLORIDA STANDARDS OF PRATICE SET FORTH P -PLAT M -MEASURED RAV -RIGHT OF WAY 3. THIS SURVEY IS NOT INTENDED TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER R -RADIUS A -ARC LENGTH D -DELTA ( CENTRAL ANGLE) FOUNDATIONS, ENCROACHMENTS OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 5J-17.050 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, THIS SURVEY 15 PREPARED �-CENTERLINE COV. -COVERED A/C -AIR CONDITION AND CERTIFIED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE CLIENT OR CLIENTS O.U.L.-OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES CONC.-CONCRETE 4. THE RESIDENCE SHOWN HEREON IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE 'X' PER NAMED HEREON, THE SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES PU&DE-PUBLIC UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 12061COI 13H, DATED DECEMBER 4, 2012. THEREOF ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL PLS -PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. CB -CHORD BEARING & DISTANCE 5. DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY ISURVEY IS SUBURBAN, 1 FOOT IN 7,500 FEET, UNITED STATES STANDARD FEET. 10-17-2016 THOMAS RANDALL CECRLE, P.L.S.-4896 EET i OF 1 I PROJECT NUMBER 16-18 BOUNDARY SURVEY 1-204015 ADDED PROPOSED PARKING 8 23-2016 REVISED PROPOSED PARKING 420-2016 REVISED PROPOSED PARKING 1414-2016 M FRONT ELEVATION sc 1/v -ro' ELEVATION KEY NOTM ®1XEFgL�I{[llYR6P6EeN[f txE ageoisas snvx w Hale. 1. uaarH-luuiamwF z uartrFxrraw.a:mFusreanruw a arxrvaohammuwse+wixceurrrwsregrtx l F WCE W'TYX81llYU FPF3E W SlOT11 LFABiFPVS1FflfIH a w'maEcrnsumwwrornxmnwrnati,FxFix w.¢cemrtaswvxaAu awo a azx:vx� •Fra�moacalnrrv>:STucw cerci v. cema4mhsnrttea REAR ELEVATION scAix ,/ •. r o' LEFT ELEVATION SO E1/4'=1. O' RIGHT ELEVATION Designed 4 Drawn By; SQ E1/4'•1. O' Bryan R. Loseke 5D Design 5olutlone 112.655.5519 ©�»vrii rr mie ao o..t� mxlw. ux c U r TYPICAL WALL 5ECTION 9L NTS. TABULATION LIVING 1862 GARAGE 552 ENTRY 124 PORCH 190 TOTAL 2728 Designed 4 Drawn By; Bryan R. Loseke 5D Design Solutlon5 MLf HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dear Property Owner(s): The City of Sebastian has received an application requesting approval for a model home permit (Ando Building Corp.} for a single-family home located at 1686 Addie Street, Sebastian, Florida, on Lot 1, Block 397, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11. Since you are a property owner within a 300' radius of this property, you are hereby notified that the Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing regarding this matter on Thursday, November 10th, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida. If you have any objections please so advise either by mail, facsimile, internet, or at the hearing. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed application. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Dorri Bosworth, Planner dbowworth&—citvofsebastian. or NOTE: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Permit Application No. Thi � City of Sebastian HOME OF VEHCAN ISIAND Development Order Application Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: ��QJf `� f Address: / /le;:?'7' Phone Number: (91�A) 6 �g - � y� FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: / as C7D0 d Owner If different from rpicant Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: nn I / (OG�.C1% PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): }+Jbo it>bcE STy2czi-_r MoocZ B. Site Information Address: / Be, `� f Lot: Block: &9 7 Unit: Subdivision:� Indian River County Parcel #: / as C7D0 d Zoning Classification: 1Future Land Use: L D P Existing Use: Proposed Use: C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): DATE RECEIVED: _/-/J& FEE PAID: $ Q6'0.6D RECEIVED B '. Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: \Agent: e: Addres Phone Numb : ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) F umber: ( ) E -Mail: Surveyor: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: 1, 0222 V Q , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: ✓IAMXMAO WNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJEER OF THIS APPLICATION�ND THAT ALL THE INFO ATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATkNA TRUE T�-IE BEST OF Y KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SWORN TO AND WHO ISP ON AS IDENTIFICATI, DATE BEFORE ME BY r0 ME OR PR DUCED PtI DAY OF , 20 A NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: i t+: Nota\. Public 7FFi15732 bet My Comm. Ex CommissionBonaen 7Mm)rlN. Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. IME, V THE OWNER(S) / _THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE 17L/}AIML(e-n.,PZOAIINI.-- BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WK ONS i IS BEING &ED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISQn MPLOYE AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. 6 ay /& SIGNATU E DATE Sworn to and who i ersor as idents ica u before tomec n day Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: Permit Application No. Supplemental Information HOME R PELICAN ISMD Conditional Use Permit, Model Home 1. Type of permit: Z initial application renewal 2. Describe t e hours of business: J/.'d2)13m - 4/•'/l 7G�Gt c Q 3. Describe any on -premise signs (size and location). &2 lQ-U J((locotc � q/V P, 4. Is the proposed model home to be illuminated? If so, describe illumination 5. Attach the following: a. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. b. A survey of the lot where the model home is located showing the location of the required five parking spaces, any signs, and any illumination. 6. Describe how the proposed use is designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. If not, why not: Permit Application No. 7. Describe how the propose use will not adversely effect other properties. If not, why not: MOF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan & Conditional Use Review Staff Report 1. Project Name: StoreRight Sebastian 2. Requested Action: a. Approval of a site plan for a mini -storage facility consisting of 7 storage buildings including a main entry office, all totaling 68,910 SF, in addition to an outside storage area consisting of 47 recreational vehicle parking spaces, along with required parking, stormwater, and landscaping. b. Approval of a conditional use permit for a mini -storage facility. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 9220 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lot 1, Sebastian Crossings Commercial Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page(s) 73 through 76, inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida C. Indian River County Parcel Number: 31-38-22-00003-0000-00001.0 4. Project Applicant: StoreRight (Sebastian XIII), LLC Mr. Shaun Puri 100 S. Kentucky Avenue, Suite 290 Lakeland, Florida 33801 (863) 683-3425 5. Project Owner: CRF -Panther II, LLC 500 S. Florida Avenue, Suite 700 Lakeland, Florida 33801 6. Project Engineer: Mr. Jason Alligood, P.E. Chastian Skillman P.O. Box 5710 1 Lakeland, Florida 33807 (863)646-1402 Project Surveyor: William Mott, PLS William Mott Land Surveying, Inc. 3800 W. Eau Gallie Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32934 (321)751-4444 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: Application has been made for site plan approval of a "self -storage" (mini -storage) facility to be located at 9220 Sebastian Boulevard, within the [4 lot] Sebastian Crossings Commercial Subdivision. The proposed plan includes 68,910 SF of storage buildings including a 369 SF office, and an outside storage area for 47 recreational vehicles, along with associated parking, drives, sidewalks, connection to the master stormwater system, and landscaping. Access to the site will be via Sebastian Boulevard/CR 512, with an additional driveway through the adjacent Dollar General site accessing to Sebastian Crossings Boulevard. Water and sewer service will be provided by Indian River County Utilities. Application has also been made for a conditional use permit for mini -storage. b. Current Zoning and Land Use: Land Use: CG (Commercial General ) Zoning: CG (Commercial General) c. Adjacent Properties d. Site Characteristics (1) Project Area: 5.29 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): vacant (3) Soil: Riviera (4) Vegetation: grasses, no trees 2 Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North PUD -R Sebastian Crossing residential subdivision LDR East CG Retail — Dollar General CG South CL Agriculture (county) C/I West CG Retail — Advanced Auto CG d. Site Characteristics (1) Project Area: 5.29 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): vacant (3) Soil: Riviera (4) Vegetation: grasses, no trees 2 (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: (8) Parks: (9) Police: (10) Fire: 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Zone X & Zone A Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities North County Regional Park -'/ mile Sebastian - 3 miles Barber Street Fire Station - 1.5 miles a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 10. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: Provided b. finished ground floor elevation: 20.15' C. contours and designated number of dwelling units: 0 d. square footage of project area: 230,373 SF e. building coverage: 68,910 SF = 29.9% (30% maximum) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: impervious 182,166 SF = 79.0% (80% maximum) open 48,207 SF = 21.0% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: 9 h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the buildings or structures: Provided. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: Provided. Building exterior construction materials and color: Provided. k. building height: I. m n. 0 14'-2.5" shortest 17'-8.5" tallest (maximum 35') location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: Provided. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: Provided. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: Provided. Parking Required: Mini -Storage = 1 space + 1 space per 3000 SF Office = 1 space per 200 SF 68,910 SF _ 3000 SF = 22.97 (23) + 1 space = 24 spaces 400 SF + 200 SF = 2 spaces Total spaces required = 26 spaces Parking Provided: 56 spaces: 9 spaces in front of entry gates 47 internally striped spaces details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): Provided all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: Provided q. surface materials: Provided r. number of employees: Estimated - 3 M Required by Zoning District Required by Conditional Use Proposed Front(South)-0' 20' 66' Front East 6' 20' 20' Side West 5' 20' 20' Rear North 10' 20' 1 ' scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the buildings or structures: Provided. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: Provided. Building exterior construction materials and color: Provided. k. building height: I. m n. 0 14'-2.5" shortest 17'-8.5" tallest (maximum 35') location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: Provided. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: Provided. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: Provided. Parking Required: Mini -Storage = 1 space + 1 space per 3000 SF Office = 1 space per 200 SF 68,910 SF _ 3000 SF = 22.97 (23) + 1 space = 24 spaces 400 SF + 200 SF = 2 spaces Total spaces required = 26 spaces Parking Provided: 56 spaces: 9 spaces in front of entry gates 47 internally striped spaces details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): Provided all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: Provided q. surface materials: Provided r. number of employees: Estimated - 3 M S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: None t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: Provided. V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Provided. W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: Provided. X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: Provided. Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided. Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Provided — St. Johns River Management Water District has previously approved the master stormwater system for the subdivision. The applicant has already updated the permit to include this project. aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided — on survey and civil drawings. bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided. CC. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided. 11. Site location and character of use: Provided. 12. Appearance site and structures: a. harmonious overall design: Yes b. location and screening of mechanical equipment, utility hardware and waste storage areas: Provided. C. commercial and industrial activities conducted in enclosed buildings: Yes 5 13. 15. C. exterior lighting: Provided — wall lighting only. No pole lights are proposed. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided. An access easement between the four lots of the subdivision has been previously dedicated and recorded, and is reflected on the subdivision plat. A separate Vehicle Turn Exhibit has also been provided. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided—"No Parking" areas will be striped where internal hallway doors exit. 14. Traffic impacts: Traffic Analysis Report provided by Brian Good, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 445 24'h Street, Suite 200, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): Name, address and phone number of the owner and designer: Provided North arrow, scale and date, minimum scale of one inch equals fifty (50) feet: Provided. Property lines, easements, and right-of-way with internal and property line dimensions: Provided. Location of existing or proposed utility service: Provided. Location and size of any existing or proposed structures: Provided. Location and size of any existing or proposed site features, such as earthen mounds, swales, walls and water areas: Provided. Location and size of any existing or proposed vehicular use area: Provided. Location and size of any existing or proposed sidewalks, curbs, and wheel stops: Provided. Location of sprinkler heads, hose bibs, or quick cupplers and other information on irrigation: A detailed irrigation plan has been provided. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non- A vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Provided. k. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided. I. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided. M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided. n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: Provided. o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Provided P. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided. q. Additional landscape considerations: The additional buffer for the side and rear yards required for the conditional use permit is shown on the plan. The Type "A" buffer proposed will be 6 -foot high PVC fencing. 16. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: Adjacent properties to the east and west are commercial uses along with the master stormwater pond, and do not require screening. The immediate property to the north is a trailway tract owned by Indian River County that, although is not a part of the commercial subdivision, is zoned Commercial General. However, the conditional use criteria requires that all side and rear yards are screened in accordance with Section 54-3-14.16, which the applicant has provided with proposed solid fencing. 17. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: The flood zone delineation line is shown on the survey and site plan. No buildings are proposed to be constructed within the special flood hazard area, which is located, generally, across the NW corner of the site. The subdivision plat designated areas to be mitigated for conservation along the northern property line. There are no proposed buildings, storage, or landscaping in these preservation easements. 18: Surface water management: Provided. 19: Available potable water: Indian River County Utilities 20: Wastewater service: Indian River County Utilities 21: Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided. 7 22. Additional considerations: The property is located within the CR512 Overlay District, and therefore is required to comply with additional regulations regarding architectural standards, landscaping and signage. The developer, working with staff, has upgraded and revised the building elevations three times. The original, flat -roofed metal structures have been revised to now meet overlay standards with pitched roofs, horizontal hardi-plank siding on walls visible to roadways, cupolas, shutters, and faux windows. The proposed paint of the buildings and doors are within the approved color standards, and should be complementary with the existing buildings in the area. The increased landscaping along the CR512 property line meets the overlay regulation, additional buffering has been added for the conditional use permit, and future signage will be reviewed for compliance with the overlay standards when the permit is submitted. The following agencies/staff have reviewed the site plan. Unless otherwise noted, all comments have been addressed. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Indian River County Utilities Department Indian River County Fire Department Environmental Health St. Johns River Water Management District Indian River County Traffic Engineering Wayne Eseltine, Building Director There is no proposed phasing of this development. All site amenities and buildings are projected to be completed within 10 months. On August 10, 2016, the Board of Adjustment denied a variance request from the applicant to reduce setbacks from the minimum 20 feet required for the conditional use permit for two of the storage buildings. Because of the denial, all buildings reflected on the current plans do meet the minimum required 20 -foot setback. The Environmental Study noted that one active Gopher Tortoise burrow was located within the eastern portion of the property. A copy of a FFWS Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit and verification that the tortoise has been removed from the property will be required before the landclearing permit can be issued. 23. Conditional Use — Mini -Storage located within the CG Zoning District Required Findings (Section 54-2-6.2(d): a. Is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. The proposed project provides all necessary elements of a site plan including drainage, access drives, parking and landscaping, all designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the future tenants of the storage facility as well as the surrounding area. b. Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. There appears to be no adverse effect on the surrounding area that other commercial uses as allowed in the zoning district could create. C. The scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. The intensity and operation of the use is comparatively minimal as to other permitted and conditional uses allowed in the Commercial General Zoning District. d. Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. The proposed use, a mini -storage facility, conforms to the provisions of the Commercial General zoning district. e. Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4(28): 1) All setbacks of the respective zoning district shall be used except in no case shall the setback be less than 20 [feet]. All proposed buildings meet the minimum setback of 20 feet. 2) Screening: All side and rear yards shall be screened in accordance with the standards established in Section 54- 3-14.16 of this chapter. A proposed 6 -foot high PVC vinyl fence is proposed along the western and northern property lines, and the two side yards abutting the Dollar General site. 3) Automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles may be stored in designated areas as shown on the approved site plan. All other proposed outside storage shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A proposed area for recreational vehicle storage/parking is designated on the site plan. No additional outside storage is proposed. 4) One management office may be included provided it does not exceed 400 square feet. A 369 SF leasing office is provided in the main entryway building. M 5) No occupational licenses other than for the main use (storage) shall be permitted. Acknowledged by the applicant. 6) No sales, garage sales, manufacturing or repair is permitted. However, this does not preclude the use as a depot for such purposes as franchised distribution or temporary storage for contractor supplies. Acknowledged by the applicant. 7) There shall not be any storage of flammable, toxic, highly combustible or other hazardous materials or substances. Acknowledged by the applicant. 24. Staff Conclusion: a. The proposed mini -storage conditional use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. b. The proposed site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and CR512 Overlay District. 25. Recommendation: Hold public hearing regarding the StoreRight Sebastian site plan and conditional use permit for a mini -storage facility. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit for a mini -storage facility at 9220 Sebastian Boulevard. Staff recommends approval of the StoreRight Sebastian site plan located at 9220 Sebastian Boulevard, with the following condition: 1. A copy of the FFWS Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit and verification that the tortoise has been removed from the property be required before the landclearing permit can be issued. 10 DATE ' onor Permit Application No, City of Sebastian HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Development order Application A licant 11. not owner wrruen authorization notarized from owner is uired Name: StoreRight (Sebastian XIII), LLC 100 South Kentucky Avenue Suite 290 Lakeland, FL 33801 863-683-3425 FAX spuri@storeright.com Owner If different from a licant Name: CRF -Panther II, LLC Address: 500 South Florida Avenue Suite 700 Lakeland, FL 33801 Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: Site Plan Review PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMrr OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2' BY 11' COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Storeright Storage Sebastian El. Site Information Address: 9220 Sebastian Blvd, Sebastian, FL 32958 Lot: 1 Block Unit: Subdivision: PBI 22-73 Indian River County Parcel #: Zoning Classification: CG 31382200003000000001.0 Future Land Use: COMMERCIAL GENERAL Existing Use: VACANT Proposed Use: STORAGE FACILITY C. Detailed description Of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets H necessarv): PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT INCLUDES (8) - 1 -STORY STORAGE FACILITY BUILDINGS WITH SMALL OFFICE AND ASSOCIATED PAVED PARKING. OUTDOOR, COVERED STORAGE FOR BOATS AND RV'S - IS ALSO PLANNED DATE RECEIVED: 131 /I(o C Ci:y os;:ebcstian c- _- ,C'a.acp,-int CeFt FEE PAID: $ l�csa___gp RECEIVED BY: cvtr— n� a,,�7y,� y �lSo.zu ""e" Lk E t Geo. � ufh21 Aye e= Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: A ent: Name: Shaun Puri Address 100 S. Kentucky Ave., Suite 290, Lakeland, FL 33801 Phone Number. ( ) FAX Number, ( ) 863-683-3425 E -Mail: spurl@storeright.com Attome : Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number. ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: CHASTAIN SKILLMAN, INC. - JASON A. ALLIGOOD, PE Address PO BOX 5710 LAKELAND, FL 33807 Phone Number. ( ) 863-646-1402 FAX Number. ( ) E -Mail: jalligood@chastainskillman.com Surveyor: Name: WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING, INC - WILLIAM MOTT, PLS Address 3800W. EAU GALLIE BLVD, SUITE 101 MELBOURNE, FL 32934-3285 Phone Number. ( ) 321-751-0444 FAX Number. ( ) E -Melt: tylyn@wmisi.com I, ✓ "b�"w , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _IAM THE OWNER ✓�AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT All THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCO -AND TRUE TO 714E-8 ST 0 Y KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, STGNATURP DATE SWORNT T -0 -ME ✓l ME BY J u sn,n Q ln.C''s _ WHO IS ERSONALLY KNOWN TO OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS 'aA DAY OF MGv 20,j�. NOTARY's SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: MATTHEW R. CLARK Notary Public, State of Florlda My comm. expires Jan. 23, 2018 Commission Number FF85548 Permit APPIIceUon No. The following In required for all comprehensive plan amendmenta, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permlts, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _ THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH I THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE Al(r I v 70Nj&l&— O OF BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPER IN ADZ° CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. IIWE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY� YEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. `—SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to and I ed-bef'ac me by �✓jna,n,v% Pv c`r N012TY Public, Slate of Florida who is p onal y known to me� produced M comm. expires Jan. 77. 2018 Y P Commission Number FF855/8 as identification, Isy of Mg i T�' 20�. Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary v �� BIS58dI JegwnN oolstlwwoO Commission No./Expiration Seal: sarioxa wwoo AW epuotd 10 a1eIS •3Ilgnd Are1oN &e_'^%1: iES t p_ N2iVlC 'a M3H11VW fed AMS` �• ',;, APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL, ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BATE MATTHEW R. CLARK N012TY Public, Slate of Florida M comm. expires Jan. 77. 2018 Y P Commission Number FF855/8 APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL, ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BATE Permit Application No. Supplemental Information iaNN ,+u,ritt�.. � Conditional Use Permit 1. Describe the use forwhich this conditional use permit is being requested: The proposed use includes mini storage units with covered recreational vehicle (RV) _ 2. Describe how the proposed use is designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. If not, why not: _ The proposed mini -storage is designed as a fortress -type layout that provides security and screening of internal site features. _ 3. Describe how the proposed use will not adversely effect other properties. If not, why not: _There are commercial uses to the southeast and southwest corners. The residential development to the north is buffered by a wooded area. _ 4. Each conditional use has speck criteria which must be satisfied for approval. The criteria for the various uses is described in subsection 54-2-6.4 of the Land Development Code. Attach a statement addressing the applicable criteria. Ask staff for a copy of the criteria applicable to your request 5. Attach a list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. Ci".y of Cp:!: stun Commua::� Dept. Applicable zoning districts. Mini -storage shall be permitted as a conditional use in the following zoning districts: CG and IN. Conditional use criteria. Mini -storage will be allowed provided the following conditions are met: 1. All setbacks of the respective zoning district shall be used except in no case shall the setback be less than 20 [feet.] Seeking variance for north (rear) setback and internal (side) setback from 20 ft to 10 ft. Dmmes g 2. Screening: All side and rear yards shall be screened in accordance with the standards established in section 54-3-14.16 of this chapter. Landscape buffer to be provided as well as architectural features per Overlay District 3. Automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles may be stored in designated areas as shown on the approved site plan. All other proposed outside storage shall be reviewed and approved by the planning and zoning commission. Acknowledged. 4. One management office may be included provided it does not exceed 400 square feet. Seeking verianee fer71.� 5. WkT-dbAAwW C;Xy 7. No occupational licenses other than for the main use (storage) shall be permitted. Acknowledged. No sales, garage sales, manufacturing or repair is permitted. However, this does not preclude the use as a depot for such purposes as franchised distribution or temporary storage for contractor supplies. Acknowledged. There shall not be any storage of flammable, toxic, highly combustible or other hazardous materials or substances. Acknowledged. On OF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SEBASTIAN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, HAS SCHEDULED A QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN AT A REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2016, AT 6:00 P.M., TO CONSIDER APPROVING A NEW SITE PLAN APPLICATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MINI -STORAGE FACILITY CONSISTING OF 74,700 SF OF BUILDING AREA AND 47 COVERED VEHICLE SPACES, ALONG WITH REQUIRED PARKING, LANDSCAPING, AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE. THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS 9220 SEBASTIAN BOULDVARD, LOT 1, SEBASTIAN CROSSING COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION, ADJACENT TO THE DOLLAR GENERAL AND ADVANCED AUTO. I.R.C. TAX PARCEL ID NO. IS 31-38-22-00003-0000-00001.0. CURRENT ZONING IS CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) AND LAND USE IS CG (GENERAL COMMERCIAL). ALL INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AT THE HEARING AND BE HEARD WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN. JOEL ROTH, CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ANYONE WHO MAY WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION THAT MAY BE MADE AT THIS HEARING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PUBLISHED: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Construction Plans for: StoreRight Management, LLC StoreRight Sebastian County Road 512, Sebastian, Florida Section 22, Township 31 South, Range 38 East I N D E X 01-04 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY C -OS SITE PLAN C-02 GRADING a DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT LOCATION COUNTY ROAD 512 C-03 UTILITY PLAN SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA C-04 LANDSCAPE PLAN C-05 GENERAL DETAILS &NOTES •�•^ v J C-05.1 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS = C-06,07 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY UTILITY DETAILS el 9 ti0.�5 F 8 C-08 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IRl IRRIGATION PLAN , '- � , � ••....oft t� !4 i Y � ��• r(,r wr� r 11 l o VICINITY MAP CHASTAIN S711illoilsunshine state A:, E CALL S K I L L M A N 1 f� � a� -DIAL 811 ��i �Caf6� �7is SS10HA`' LocalNo. 1-800-432-4770 q"lINIHIU1111\` a Notification Itdi you 9. a Call 48 hours before Y ore C l016 ENGINEER: insown. w.tcoon.re. Ifi�>y nrbiM..o�.xrn�m..ate �+ P~~��m .ea�w®.mmuxrr�..xm CHASTAIN SKiLLMAN, INC. C.A. NO 262 REG. NO. 71103 'i`I�/ L�'F $'�."25ii3?7 "axa..mNIDxrm 4705 OLD HWY 37, P.O. BOX 5710, LAKELAND, FL 33803-5710 'C6R117R n%' Deve,;GPM, .�'T('-?(it SIRWNm: PEPMfL p98440-0 N863N 646-1462 C.S.I. JOB NO. 987601 ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY SURVEY SCHEDULE BII FirstAmerican Title commitment for Title Insurance Customer Reference Number: 15-0681 First American File Num be r: 2037-35184113 Effective Cele: February 24, 2016 @ BDO A.M. Standard Items )through 8: Nota matter of Survey 9. Ordinance No. 0-04-11 for Annexation into the City of Sebastian recorded December 3, 2004 in Book 1808, Page 687. Not a Matter oFso vey. 10. Declaration of Covenant and Restriction on fond recorded January 27, 2005 in Book 1827, Page 1834, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handiap,familial statusor national origin to the extentsuch covenants, conditions orrestrictions violate 42 USC 360a 1. 11. Drainage Easement Agreement by and between CRF Panther II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and Sebastian River aassings, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (Beneficial) recorded April 25, 2005 in Book 1864, Page 383. Shown hereon; eascracr is outside oflands surveyed. 12. Easement and Maintenance Agreement by and between CRF Panther II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Sebastian River Crossings, LLC, a Florida limited liability and Sebastian Crossings Haneowners Association, Inc., a Florida non-pmfh corporation (Beneficial) recorded September 15, 2005 in Book On, Page 387. Shown hereon; easement is babide oflands surveyed. 13. Nan -Exclusive Easement reserved in Warranty Deed and Reservation of Easement )Beneficial) recorded May 10, 2006 in Book 2030, Page 2361 Easement's Blanket in Nature and notplottable. 14. Easement and Maintenance Agreement by and betmen CRF Panther II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Crossroads Plaza of Sebastian, LLC., a Florida limited liability company and Sebastian River Crossings, LLC, a Florida limited IWNlity company recorded lune 20, 2006 in Book 2047, Page 555. Shown hereon; easement 8 outside oflands surveyed. 15. Agreement and Easement for Signage by and between CRF -Panther II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Sebastian River Crossings, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and Sebastian Crossings Homeowners Association, Inc., recorded November 30, 2006 in Book 2105, Page 1619. Shown hereon; easementisoubde of loods surveyed. 16. Conservation Easement granted to ST. Johns River Water Management, District recorded January 29, 2007 in Book 2128, Page 1296. Shown hereon. 17. Restrictions, dedications, condtions, reservations, easements and other matters shown on the plat of SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL, as recorded March 16, 2007 in Plat Book 22, Pages) 73 through 76, inclusive, but deleting any covenant, cond'tbn or restdcoon indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, local familial status or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(c). Shown hereon. 18. Dec Conation of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, which contains provisions for a private charge or assessments due and payable to Sebastian Crossings Commercial owners' Association, a Florida not-for-profit corporation, recorded lune 20, W07 in Book 2177, Page 330, but deleting any covenant candRion orrestdction indlatirg a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, cola, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin to tet extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(c). Easements are Bbaker In Nature and rat plottable. 19. Easement and Bill of Sale of Utility Facilities to Indian River County, Florida recorded November 30, 2007 in Book 2223, Page 2423. Shown hereon. WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. 3800 W. EAU GALLIE BOULEVARD, SUITE 101 MELBOURNE, FLORIDA 32934-3285 PHONE (321)-751-4444 FAX (321)-751-4445 9220 Sebastian Boulevard SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA SURVEYORS NOTES: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (per First American Title Commitment for Title Insurance Customer Reference Number: 15-0681) Lot 1 of SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 22, Pages) 73 through 76, inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. Containing 5.29 Acres of land more or less. VICINITY MAP PRIMARY BENCHMARK: The elevation datum shown hereon is based on Indian River County Benchmark, PID AA5800, Stamped "GPS 23"; concrete monument located in meter box on Westside of south bound Pavement CR510. Elevidort 1715 Feet N.AV.D.(1988). To mnvertfrpm NA.V.D. (1988) to N.G.V.D. (1929) add 1.457 Feet STATE PLANE COORDINATE NOTES: The coordinates shown hereon are based on the State Plane Coordinate System for Florida's East Zane North Amedtan Datum of 1983 and readjusted in 1990 (NAD 83/90). A G.P.S. Control Survey utilizing three (3) Trimble 4400 G.P.S. receivers was performed on May 5, 2004. The network vector data was adjusted by least Squares Method utilizing Trimble Geomatits Office Ver. 1.50. The stations listed below were held fixed in the network adjustment. Station Name RD Northing E4243AAO titude Longitude Combined Convergence Scale Factor INDIAN RIVER AA5800 1248271.56 8°46'00.81558"N 08O30'40.24554"W 0.99996982 00°33'39.8" COUNTY GPS 23 INDIAN RIVER AA58a1 1245318.58 ST4531Sn36"N 080'30'39.93065"W 0.99996983 00"13'39.8" COUNTY GPS 2A me coorolnaR values Shown on the boundary and the surrounding section comas were computed utilizing AutoCAD Land Development Deslatop. A project sale factor of 0.9999698203378 was used to convert ground distance to grid distance. The distances shown on the map are ground distance. The project scale factor can be applied to convert the ground distance to grid distance. All of the values shown are expressed In U.S. Survey Feet. ,cos surwo cos eun va iwim FOR ova excwsuc use or TaE I., F. OR c o iro�x II.e.. mow .coo ns cEamu� n npu- sx�wn.aE um DREG m6 son uu Of A rr"Lcu ry I ERSiD almcoR a"'cxo .as caxoYm nor .canna. 1D. See Surveyors Certification above right 1. The location of each easement, Right -of -Way, servitude and other matters affecting the Subject Property and listed in the Title Insurance Commitment with an effective date of February 24, 2016 @ 8:00 A.M. issued by First American Title Insurance Company with respect to the Subject Property has been shown on the survey, together with appropriate recording references, to the extent such matters can be located. The property shown on the survey is that property described in that title commitment The surveyor has made no search of the Public Records forsuch. 2. Site contains 230,372.72 square feet. 5.29 acres more or less. 3. Zoning: Site is zone CG 4. A portion of the South Boundary of the Subject Property is contiguous with the North Right -of -Way line of County Road 512, and the East Boundary of the Subject Property is contiguous with the Wert Right -of -Way line of Sebastian Crossings Boulevard. 5. The Subject Property has direct physical access to County Road 512 and Sebastian Crossings Boulevard. 6. Except as shown on the survey, the Subject Property does not serve any adjoining property for drainage, utilities, or ingress -egress. 7. The record description of the Subject Property fors mathematically dosed figure. 8. Only open and notorious evidence of easements and Right -of -Way are located and shown hereon. The surveyor has not located any underground utilities or foundations which may encroach. 9. Bearings hereon are referred to an assumed value of North 89°42'12" West forthe North Right -of -Way line of County Road 512; said bearing is identical with the Plat of record. 30. Type of survey: ALTA ASCM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY 11. The said described property is located within an area having a Zone Designation of A and X, on Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 1206100078F, with a date of identification of December 4, 2012, for Community No. 120119, Unincorporated Indian River County, State of Florida, which is the current Flood Insurance Rate Map for the community in which said property issituated. 12. Use only property corners for construction offencesand other improvements. 13. The underground utilities (Le water mains, forte mains, gravity lines and cables/wires) as shown hereon are based on the best available information obtainable by the surveyor. This information includes the Map of Asbuilt Survey dated 09/16/08 and prepared for Sebastian Crossings Commercial by Indian River Land Surveying, Inc. under jab number 248, utilities flagged by the utility owners, and above ground evidence located by the surveyor. The client is advised that additional underground utilities mayexist within the limits of this survey that have not been located or shown hereon. The client and their agents are further advised that the below ground utility locations should only be relied upon as approximate and therefore used at their discretion. The surveyor has not physically verified, by subsurface underground engineering (SUE), any of the below ground information show hereon, other than pipe inverts assessable at the time of the survey. To: StoreBight(SebastianXIII), LLQ Clark,Campbell,Lancaster& Munson, PA and RrstAmenan Title Insurance Company This is to certify that this maporplatand the su rveyon which it is based were made in acro Mance wththe 2011 Minimum Standarl retail Requirementsfor ALTA/ACSM UM Thee Surveyjoludyatablished and adopted by ALTA and NSPS and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4,8, 9, 30, 11a,16,18 and 21 of TableA thereof. The field work was completed on 03/22/16 Date of Plat or Map 04/01/16 ak4 YVV Jonathan Mott, P.L.S. Registmtio /License No.:5060 Date: May 10, 2016 18 i i5 17 16 TRACT 0 GGRMGM cxOmxlB RAT G. IB.PA. ]3-3] Ome,: 4 W' IS, ga Xm'a DIM, Ine. '-. 10: ]13B220.tlO2O090o0L9.] SEE OR.. LBO]. PACE ROSS, OR 0", 9TE CONEERVAIpN EAREI �gg�d`a i ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY SURVEY 9220 Sebastian Boulevard SECTION 22, TOWN51111" 3 1 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA Y -x• ail �yWE toSRxYAE4 y -& - IT 001ELSTaANG=4. C..... S 22. PAGES Q � I ♦ " I _CGERvSMN FAyNp1T' . BK R13B1f11RE OaRDOOR1298 i' 00 :I iRAa A nl PRRYATE sTORMWATERMNwRT,xl .......U,PIAT BRUS 22 PAGES ]9-]B om W: 8 SU. CeoasEll, 0.mme[[Id H—em A-livo n. lnc. Pvcd 0. 113922MC0]PoLPo0.U.2 1/2' "4W' mN cRlRUG XSZW R i zi ' ( 10.01 WOE PflNATE SOrmlS- e c•nupR ' go i—GERUZlDA ..'.. • ]cFomntS EEST GOG Gomx63 LbMYERCIM MST Boal zz, PAGES ]a-]6 1 SEBAsn.1x]cNO9xLs sFBA0" . ,. <CMMEROAL 200 AT BGGKA2 EATS 22. B^O. K 21, OI GSE �gg�d`a i ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY SURVEY 9220 Sebastian Boulevard SECTION 22, TOWN51111" 3 1 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA Y -x• ail �yWE toSRxYAE4 y -& - IT 001ELSTaANG=4. C..... S 22. PAGES Q � I ♦ " I _CGERvSMN FAyNp1T' . BK R13B1f11RE OaRDOOR1298 i' 00 :I iRAa A nl PRRYATE sTORMWATERMNwRT,xl .......U,PIAT BRUS 22 PAGES ]9-]B om W: 8 SU. CeoasEll, 0.mme[[Id H—em A-livo n. lnc. Pvcd 0. 113922MC0]PoLPo0.U.2 TRACT o NGNkwM CROSSINGS PIAT BOG( 19.X£9 ]}-39 Qmn: AN—O"PON' lly03 0I't . Mc NOT PLATED 2000WOE TRU, fl25ERS. PER DR. Boal .0, PACES 2M1-wS6 3� rt• �� r �7--��,. _.. ......_xo m. 00 5UBIECT PROPERTY 5.29*-- acres VACANT LAND LOT 1 SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL PLAT BOOK 22, PAGES 74-76 THIS AREA OF ME PROPERTY IS =ATED ZONE I CETERYI CO TO. OBBE DOME THEB O.ZS MMUµ ... FLOOD PWx sEBAsnSo TCFam"GS CGMNERGIM PUT BMY a2 AGEf- PS ]]8 Pe,U-- il}882zwa3owowof.0 I Wo" . T I PACS E85-5]2 3 I I o — ENIWR c- 1-y vrvoel ID: 313ezzWVV]WOWVV2.O WITS RE TRACT A ..ST. PROmxOs ATN PRIVATE ROAD R/W ORION AVENUE WAY ,D0' PUBLIC RIGHT_OF 25df' 9'809201• W ZI I I Q ROMMLSUBOIN9aR .1-9 BMK 10, PACE }ILLC S g k 9 ' I PE-. 0. }1X22000SH2CCOolOWOW321 I^i ry nY WL ¢' W 1]8.59" N 89'3926 W 'Ixoux RTVER Bo9xrc le few• ' N 89'42'12"" W REFERENCE BEARING 483.15" 3gs5 xo Lo. 1 Ixaass EGiSS LGo x1.121 .f88 ( ) 7; FA¢YFNT P5 aso E:Bln21"ocsel �18 Flo p 0 zR' 9CN2A ENT PER R. L -y ON.BCq( 1933, $ W lN9VH RI[TR f' 2 1=2 a " BOON 2195,PACE9 1619-Hw0 ( _ m1 <83.13' LC20N.12f8f18.992 _J I _ _ _ N E:BI318]691 m S81. w. 9 GRIT]{ W - _ _ -N 89']9'26• If _ DOW 1/z• Roo BASELINE OF SURVEY FOR COUNTY ROAD 512 — GRID "°2.8{1].°°17.Sw LNN LB, 3909.1 a, COUNTY ROAD 512 RIGHT-OF-WAY VARIES (aka Sebastian Boulevard) \�Vj WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. ` 3800 W. EAU GALUE BOULEVARD, SURE 101 MELBOURNE, FLORIDA 32934-3285 PHONE (321)-751-4444 FAX (321)-751-4445 LICENSED BUSINESS '3608" CCPYPoDXT ® 2018 W1. Mo. UND Wm'EYING WC.. ALL RIGHTS RETERIED _ J SEE SUEETLL;Hi,U—FOR .PIER SURVEYOR'S CERT4PTMTION. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 1 SEE SHEET 1 FOR CLIENT'S CERTIFICATION. GRAPHIC SCALE Ix I1-hh - DO W R SCALE AOIVS]EO is 34'%M SHEET SIZE 1/2' "4W' mN cRlRUG XSZW R i zi _��ttv,na'vvT uawl ( 10.01 WOE PflNATE SOrmlS- e c•nupR ' i—GERUZlDA ]cFomntS EEST GOG Gomx63 LbMYERCIM MST Boal zz, PAGES ]a-]6 1 SEBAsn.1x]cNO9xLs sFBA0" <CMMEROAL ivI lo' POB11O U AT BGGKA2 EATS 22. B^O. K 21, OI GSE 7 ACES ]f-]6 Omer SeEvtian OeMapmeni Palnen 2 LLC 'Ai PA66 ]0.]B Omx. 92[0 SHOAian BIM LLC O BEBABTAH CRO89NOR CONYB 1 pLAT B" U. PACES ] PUM Io: 313B220.CU3LCW Zo M-1 I0: 313azzP'CUJUWUWOSo I eR°T I BIG x RNI L" GROSS Ac lauRGE OWN -=GRI EAPENI (xA1CNE0) lowII...G FHi I ERCSB ACDF C CoxYERb flO551Ho9 RAi BOON ]E r SEBASTAN CROSSNGS PUi EflgAL a EASE EHT( ]C TUIY E SF4ENi I SEBA E9 �LflOG 222]. PACE 2A23 AGES ]f-]6 PAGEB ]1 ]82 BPo i2. aadl - unwi - R°HAi, i xv as a3 �IaeM� — ,.YUNE I TRACT o NGNkwM CROSSINGS PIAT BOG( 19.X£9 ]}-39 Qmn: AN—O"PON' lly03 0I't . Mc NOT PLATED 2000WOE TRU, fl25ERS. PER DR. Boal .0, PACES 2M1-wS6 3� rt• �� r �7--��,. _.. ......_xo m. 00 5UBIECT PROPERTY 5.29*-- acres VACANT LAND LOT 1 SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL PLAT BOOK 22, PAGES 74-76 THIS AREA OF ME PROPERTY IS =ATED ZONE I CETERYI CO TO. OBBE DOME THEB O.ZS MMUµ ... FLOOD PWx sEBAsnSo TCFam"GS CGMNERGIM PUT BMY a2 AGEf- PS ]]8 Pe,U-- il}882zwa3owowof.0 I Wo" . T I PACS E85-5]2 3 I I o — ENIWR c- 1-y vrvoel ID: 313ezzWVV]WOWVV2.O WITS RE TRACT A ..ST. PROmxOs ATN PRIVATE ROAD R/W ORION AVENUE WAY ,D0' PUBLIC RIGHT_OF 25df' 9'809201• W ZI I I Q ROMMLSUBOIN9aR .1-9 BMK 10, PACE }ILLC S g k 9 ' I PE-. 0. }1X22000SH2CCOolOWOW321 I^i ry nY WL ¢' W 1]8.59" N 89'3926 W 'Ixoux RTVER Bo9xrc le few• ' N 89'42'12"" W REFERENCE BEARING 483.15" 3gs5 xo Lo. 1 Ixaass EGiSS LGo x1.121 .f88 ( ) 7; FA¢YFNT P5 aso E:Bln21"ocsel �18 Flo p 0 zR' 9CN2A ENT PER R. L -y ON.BCq( 1933, $ W lN9VH RI[TR f' 2 1=2 a " BOON 2195,PACE9 1619-Hw0 ( _ m1 <83.13' LC20N.12f8f18.992 _J I _ _ _ N E:BI318]691 m S81. w. 9 GRIT]{ W - _ _ -N 89']9'26• If _ DOW 1/z• Roo BASELINE OF SURVEY FOR COUNTY ROAD 512 — GRID "°2.8{1].°°17.Sw LNN LB, 3909.1 a, COUNTY ROAD 512 RIGHT-OF-WAY VARIES (aka Sebastian Boulevard) \�Vj WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. ` 3800 W. EAU GALUE BOULEVARD, SURE 101 MELBOURNE, FLORIDA 32934-3285 PHONE (321)-751-4444 FAX (321)-751-4445 LICENSED BUSINESS '3608" CCPYPoDXT ® 2018 W1. Mo. UND Wm'EYING WC.. ALL RIGHTS RETERIED _ J SEE SUEETLL;Hi,U—FOR .PIER SURVEYOR'S CERT4PTMTION. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 1 SEE SHEET 1 FOR CLIENT'S CERTIFICATION. GRAPHIC SCALE Ix I1-hh - DO W R SCALE AOIVS]EO is 34'%M SHEET SIZE ---- SEE SHEETS 3 & 4 FOR BOUNDARY DETAIL & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SCPLE:1 INCH = 50 FEET P0.PlECi NUMBER: 2160039 WORK ORDER NU MB Eft: 908962 CUEM NAME: STORERICHT MANAGEMENT LTL DRAWING NAME: 16-39.TON, DRAWN OY: IYLYN BIPNCHARD COMPUTED BY: TYLYN BIANCHARD CHECKED BY: JONATHAN M. MOTT SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 31 SOUT RANGE 36 FAST SHEET 2 OPMBER: D -I (` _ OOII "4W' mN XSZW _��ttv,na'vvT uawl 0 u - �L3enx's SOrmlS- e D DOW = e _ IT . le1.x wu ON NO Ia. eR°T BIG x RNI lauRGE OWN -=GRI O -xieouv gWN- u,IwRe®uru � RHw Wem� ® -.wRMr uvan[ Lbw : I.m.."`oY aadl - unwi R°HAi, i xv as a3 �IaeM� — ,.YUNE I IR6ren2 ea[amea rmill _ ®DO W. �mmL: r 0`0_.xwxK ��_ Nu rcs 8� RSTXRov - meure vra o0 1—:SRWEZUQR�UW USE -Nww�W mla .m Inx Iwrs rt3i = ® GO -1:NWHWHUNT ❑T xm ---- SEE SHEETS 3 & 4 FOR BOUNDARY DETAIL & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SCPLE:1 INCH = 50 FEET P0.PlECi NUMBER: 2160039 WORK ORDER NU MB Eft: 908962 CUEM NAME: STORERICHT MANAGEMENT LTL DRAWING NAME: 16-39.TON, DRAWN OY: IYLYN BIPNCHARD COMPUTED BY: TYLYN BIANCHARD CHECKED BY: JONATHAN M. MOTT SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 31 SOUT RANGE 36 FAST SHEET 2 OPMBER: D -I (` _ OOII INVERT d / / TWOr A$MpVC EL=1821' I \ TW TOP .4K 9{TNCAR UO]�EL=10.24' IMSL-17 L-- SJ' �SW n11HNTyT EL=9.]Y ®�I I Aid � I� r' I '111 1 1.- WUF PRNATEILKALP 1 LOT 3 I I I asASTART womxG4 CCAMIXquu R AT. 1 5 PACESS 7 1 9NdE ST. CW .ERI WILLING , 'PDVAN� AUTO PAR15' XI�1LI M. -m.]2' 411 9240 SEBASRIN BONEVARN 1 ISI 7Z%=Tf?=_Z ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY SURVEY 9220 Sebastian Boulevard MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 \ I I \'I RYX XORIX M4 1. 7° ( SUBJECT PROPERTY"' PUBIJC UTILITY E 5.29* acres PLAT BOW 2Y PAGE VACANTLAND I I I LOT 1 / SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL s �q PLAT BOOK 22, PAGES 74-76 J TCP OF EL GRATIC E-GEL=19 IT SY iCV pE PTST Up =ISR' \ \ TCP GPAIE.iL-19.N �NWM IX14YT EL=ILLP ."T U.-IL60' TW OF Ci PPE-pk%.LSL Up EL=19.00 EAST ` \ EWTH INYW! 11.81' ' ( N4iIXfEAT=IR 54' 0> I rll 11..a I \ SEWFR Mvx SERIES � \ amlP-W TCP a STNUCNRE ELnhsfi NORTHwNERr EL=tY2s LI ---- -- ,. — a+- B -�? -- - - ---- -- -- - SSYH NCFIX PoY EL=19.23' M1VFR! FL=11.13' y n —3JY4L3 I e L _ `� wl—va o.Nry In w.. A r-T,-,b.r .fr.Tow COUNTY ROAD 512 aka Sebastian Boulevard \�1A� WILLMM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. 3800 W. EAU GALLIE BOULEVARD, SUITE 101 MELBOURNE, FLORIDA 32934-3285 PHONE (321)-751-4444 FAX (321)-751-4445 RNX .. qY EL=I0.7 �IMF�EL=10.E .d LOT f EESA�I0S4 AN CNOS YMEPaAL PLAT SOW 22. AW ]f-]S qXp£ STORY CgIYERgpL SUIRDIK. OCLLOR CERERN.' NaW E--2D.Gt 9200 EFBASnON SWIFVARD EAST--- WRT EI r,°%� awYEL+309Y I I T..NYw lm SEE SLAEETu�*" F.'OR .PIER SURVEYOR'S CERTM4TATION. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 1 D,0y --- D PPG w—R------ r—t—'--'--'— SEWER D1RIg4l _ e � AwnT.ugpw, 100WDE PUBLIC Unum EA411wT _ J SEEND4X giOS3R. CW MEACIAL IAT SCC( 22. PACER ]4-]6 RMM NORM PoY EL -144Y. GRAPHIC SCALE - T SCALE ADJUSTED iEDT02T%36 SHEET SIZE ! rZ1 ACESSUR CUSEWERT PLAT M 22, PAM 7�76 SEE SHEET 1 FOR CLIENT'S CERTIFICATION. 25' SIRRACE/ LANDSCAPE r G3EYENT PFA O.R 7 SWR 2103.PMZ31419-16.N1 1 I I I A DRYDE� 1001 PUBLIC RIGHT-OF"WAY \ESMX TOON .IM EL-17AO' I MGRESS EGRESS ENESPENT PER UI 19A. , PAGES ]G]-404 L__________—_� I I I SC 1 INCH - 20 FEET PROJECT NUMBER: 2160039 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 908962 CLIENT NAME: $TORERIGHT MPNACEMENT LLC DRAWING NAME: I6 -39.OWG DRAWN W.'MYN BLWCHARD COMPUTED BY: MYN BLWCwO CHECKED BY: JONATHAN M. MOTT SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH. RANGE 38 SHEET: 3 Of 4 N ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE BOUNDARY SURVEY w E 9220 Sebastian Boulevard BENCHMARK N1 2 Ei IN NOMNSICE ' CF WGW FpVEN PoIE ElXiafY L+ ttlY GRAPHIC SCALE ox.x.= I9. PAGES 1 ., I MIA R ' 3815Tµ G 4 / e,�yP ti PIwT eoox 9Es ]]-]7 '� .NNS mm (NN.) 1 1 PeL - 20 RE •+N S. �� s / xdip IN., EIIIISTEO 9 °yD SCALE AL70 SAClG SHEET SIZE TOP GT CIXiSSFT,♦ ` \ �HtWN1 EL=Ifia' . / — — — — — T' -•✓ z ow6f I J xim' MO 1RNL ALL4R2 PEa C i / / � O.0' MSf� M,MR, um .s visas 2 6 R— '�T — f i \ \ oR In 1 d'I T / CREW ry ,—cwl5mvSm. AA. ar j-� _ / ° WN ¢.�iis' �. /'o.R aN, v1¢ 1296 — — — � / NVFtR! \ i AN. Ix TEL-f0.9T M \ \ / M M EL{14.1]' W �u O'Iw9E P91NATE \ J 3 / 1f'A EA4NQIT +' J CIXI3AVPTW EASEYFHiSPHRSTAN CRORNS. CONNI O.R Btd( 8124 PM£ 1296 / 1 / / T BWK 2; PACES 11. • S / C SUBJECT PROPERTY "'.Lw RENTA --- - -- 1-- / / 1 5.29' acres / / '' k, ^' VACANT LAND TCP CN 6T INSONE EL-IG66' } N' •24 NNONE INVTT EL -I6.1 R' 1 . N' HOPE INWAi FL=t ART /.� f 4• CRIPICE wwlr a-IA9o• H I I LOT 1 M,o PER I SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL Au6]s-,7; PLAT BOOK 22, PAGES 74-76 AS I r' R 1 3I I 1 ' HEIS SE PEASSMENT EA OR. 1w 2097.R NNI I 1 Mo •d1.6' wasr TRAIT Ass R.n ' INARIAR IX05N OWER 1 �' MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 �. _. 1 [qt 2L OR ]1-76. , I _ ' p .. 7 % IM, AM WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. � 3800 W. EAU GALLIE BOULEVARD, SUrrE 101 MELBOURNE, FLORIDA 32934-3285 PHONE (321)-751-4444 FAX (321)-751-4445 SEE SUFEfTWt"fEOR .PIER SURVEYOR'S CERTf@MTION. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 1 SEE SHEET t FOR CLIENT'S CERTIFICATION. INCH = 30 FEET NUMBER: 2160039 DER NUMBER: 900962 WE: STORERIGHT MANAGEMENT LLC CHECKED V. JONATHNd M. MOTT \SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH. RANGE 38 EAST) 4 OF larsl. b' PK' Mxa YM {IHV -2 W 4MMP 9d /(R WW 1 I I C(N51. EHAPHp xy9r Wwsrt LH,awIK (YF 9Yt1 C-5 roa VIHT _ 1tr rw��mLWslevK rtHL I Tru VPOAour. -+ vAaKR sW MR wIm wr-r I I I" CYNSI. SIFOH DN'M ba' I 1 ,I r a RfR� 'i / n MJ2:i.FRPIY55tBFCI NLFS rS OKMAI MIPoLI MpPM4(N2 "II tM IMGS 110 vA _ _ ©} SW(CsttN L9lOtQ RKS pS SW@F�S MY VMC BY0.QNG AWd $ M4RAMwA[ 1F/MC SIPtAK IDA[CS rx[4 KNRSIb AS! x{ dt r KreLI(5 MAI y--��tr SYAff .4 F(PI ply2lCA rCA,EO S^AV. M fliLPoaYO AR pARACRPr,M} M[ • _ r • _EE—=7"101'7 9l0l'7)4 I I I� FFE 2015 _ rdrmAt 1HR DVfNrtOFS MrIJzOS{RW!rI 1 I� i (HNYN5N[[N FASfar5A0AXNJ( 0)) Wx ]OX 1_. I \ !. it aA.I,ue'A 1141.1 (2.i V nos --• •••,• IMK NttFNWS AFLA ".'i'Otg,.;,..) (R� AX-Lq fwLM YArr- n N -Los _ _ d �R (MJ i � rorH Hro<Lr aMS rw,nY (szn AarsJ Imm Y r ". .. 1 � 9AQS fl �Yw WI � KrwL MCV (MRrF(MT LNARG NLOPIR PCMLAYFOOARO . "-- �� �. z. a �i/.'arsl raroavAPrec wLauAmx e.MO rear xAKHa vAnnr. I m ! son wHrz YRmL ro M PRDuaD er WursrzFslaA rzO MWa euFawss r e 114.8 vc1 AwA I1.YSl Y r 9n I' V XCLYX fl Y9ALNS M C &AMILYRAPS AK NORO BIfOR � !FE P0.15 I' 1 yT �" S - .. I\ M: 6'lFpI5G2 FDAO 51zfffi2 _ _ _ _ I rD mna, PFarP,. rw rW tHYYW) fYV sIPiAK ID MVTF,YIw AS SWWr LW RAMS ®9 PANWO j IXMSI B'PK RXLC Ens SRRALE r YAa . r YAll RA. f9910 AVYM SRMAV • II1 YAVS h m EVALac (900 Yk mrsl fl'uK MMs 1 ( alrrs LL MF S(bY AW 4V pT.CT 9AC(-IYAVS L-- I - e' MrH: rYAM PLR Isov I � 5%YV MIH SPAC(• I S�ASa = IOIAL uHNMG SPALLS MWMO. D YACs n PAflrMC PINYMP. M SIMW(D SALES IR44YLVL i Q > I A. .11A.1 �r ewix RI I ams u m IIr.oa n-m.o. r sro seanw wac.uo bS 1pYSL MN MSlE GM �,^ � b. J 1 8 Q CAlC4tArAMS P(F rR MP rSMFAMW (bM rYHRAMN MA I) IOt .W Ir � 'Y N.IRLML4y BIYY av r.[, RcxrAa[ ASA (v[R I aw Yl IWI N[f Jy � (� AM]rNIq.WT -. .. _ m O KIIEASA%L AM4 SRIX6 Y n' ' _ _ _ _ _... I AK OH* saerKASAwar AKA res aaaxc onus nulwArsJ N '- a MH. sfler , av - rD roes eu2awc, A fit! 1� -� ill K rr. Mawrs MaeKo: .S\\\\\\1{1111♦A11111 1.910 Y R 900 SF Ir @ 4v05S (n nA ri9r a HaYC LMRR m9ms MrxA,(6%PL . Fl Q £F£ 1015 IS ,vALL. I O ons[a sKrFu4namA UILIS``- a ., u,°......Si I I � I. ry 9.aw YKP awm run mWLc IO _ _ 7 8 0 11 PM.LCI RIASWO !O M llY4(rz0 w 1 %IL% J l� Rr0 Y CWSL ML b'(1/6 Q � Id ttNSMUCnW YW1[(IeHI ftAx YSN01M1[ +� ' Y[H(rU IFYI VL(IHfl MIb y Ab (IT/ w 9 e R L Hf PAKY(Nr Y/RfWENMftIllD YM Mn(CML PIWI __9R tlYPAS/FVCDM. !(BNMY YMI - T f- _ IAF 0 _ MMLRH NOBS L"1 Q BA [VSMA' IE&PUMY MPVAI AF3 IDI! Mm RY I N@5�1 b Rl U'LES OMFINY ND2p (_t] I .9w. -Y rlWa/W AOOISI'�Il m y 965'IAYAN �W(LMN Arq/5r MI! LWPILMn/L0 AMusr naaHr sgRr Z S ' Q 0Rt� D 59'74 A) cot N I'Y ROnD $ 12 nka Sznxsel.m BOIJI—ii 9 L_'-___--� 61RWM0 Permit 998'70411111.11 �y Indian River County Ppp.8A29 U PJ 111/01/2016 1 m 1 NH(MJ /� ii srz x0rzs -- — 1 M( ]MYYl.40IXKl P-iFPI 9A4L H CCMMCC RO W ALCWJ.IAC( MM rH n ba. rY M 9 MavartHxrs rr m oIr a sPAsnH Axv aaecr M nR rmrz oKMAr psMel ttamurvrs .yb/Ap z urcimw MOMRRwi (MTSMN Auc AHO I(f[H2M' (M'J)316-&W III _ Iam SrTt lV[ � to i u- I I I^ � A PRDMPn faA MW wLWAnm� IWRISi 93AYBASIIW BLU(YLOJ wmw mrcP rowrr Prcrcalr ro{ sixSmW»JIVWVID Ycrxw zz Ioaxvw n sWM FArx x usr7777 __ - �� i - )) " I], 1965E ry -I r $'�. .q [Lu ttAxPMW (iAVBR rs-rwerl [Orrl p+YSAtwI leeOsswLs [OwIEAnN. AL[anwc m nF ftb, MCMV AS MCPIlYO N ftAr B[CS' IL PA¢(S) 11 rKKpXN l4 M4VAK. CF rnF F<NaC aICV'OSV MVA4 MKP NM/I. M1VW0. ramm IAlV4 TALL ArC'I.rp Y/6V3A� PNMWD TNt � Yr2 tIN.) @ LYWIALW/L Sr9 AVFSVfAW IRFTpIESS CV.W(NIVY: YACAI/I ba' I 1 ,I r a RfR� 'i / n MJ2:i.FRPIY55tBFCI NLFS rS OKMAI MIPoLI MpPM4(N2 "II tM IMGS 110 vA _ _ ©} SW(CsttN L9lOtQ RKS pS SW@F�S MY VMC BY0.QNG AWd $ M4RAMwA[ 1F/MC SIPtAK IDA[CS rx[4 KNRSIb AS! x{ dt r KreLI(5 MAI y--��tr SYAff .4 F(PI ply2lCA rCA,EO S^AV. M fliLPoaYO AR pARACRPr,M} M[ • _ r • _EE—=7"101'7 9l0l'7)4 I I I� FFE 2015 _ rdrmAt 1HR DVfNrtOFS MrIJzOS{RW!rI 1 I� i (HNYN5N[[N FASfar5A0AXNJ( 0)) Wx ]OX 1_. I \ !. it aA.I,ue'A 1141.1 (2.i V nos --• •••,• IMK NttFNWS AFLA ".'i'Otg,.;,..) (R� AX-Lq fwLM YArr- n N -Los _ _ d �R (MJ i � rorH Hro<Lr aMS rw,nY (szn AarsJ Imm Y r ". .. 1 � 9AQS fl �Yw WI � KrwL MCV (MRrF(MT LNARG NLOPIR PCMLAYFOOARO . "-- �� �. z. a �i/.'arsl raroavAPrec wLauAmx e.MO rear xAKHa vAnnr. I m ! son wHrz YRmL ro M PRDuaD er WursrzFslaA rzO MWa euFawss r e 114.8 vc1 AwA I1.YSl Y r 9n I' V XCLYX fl Y9ALNS M C &AMILYRAPS AK NORO BIfOR � !FE P0.15 I' 1 yT �" S - .. I\ M: 6'lFpI5G2 FDAO 51zfffi2 _ _ _ _ I rD mna, PFarP,. rw rW tHYYW) fYV sIPiAK ID MVTF,YIw AS SWWr LW RAMS ®9 PANWO j IXMSI B'PK RXLC Ens SRRALE r YAa . r YAll RA. f9910 AVYM SRMAV • II1 YAVS h m EVALac (900 Yk mrsl fl'uK MMs 1 ( alrrs LL MF S(bY AW 4V pT.CT 9AC(-IYAVS L-- I - e' MrH: rYAM PLR Isov I � 5%YV MIH SPAC(• I S�ASa = IOIAL uHNMG SPALLS MWMO. D YACs n PAflrMC PINYMP. M SIMW(D SALES IR44YLVL i Q > I A. .11A.1 �r ewix RI I ams u m IIr.oa n-m.o. r sro seanw wac.uo bS 1pYSL MN MSlE GM �,^ � b. J 1 8 Q CAlC4tArAMS P(F rR MP rSMFAMW (bM rYHRAMN MA I) IOt .W Ir � 'Y N.IRLML4y BIYY av r.[, RcxrAa[ ASA (v[R I aw Yl IWI N[f Jy � (� AM]rNIq.WT -. .. _ m O KIIEASA%L AM4 SRIX6 Y n' ' _ _ _ _ _... I AK OH* saerKASAwar AKA res aaaxc onus nulwArsJ N '- a MH. sfler , av - rD roes eu2awc, A fit! 1� -� ill K rr. Mawrs MaeKo: .S\\\\\\1{1111♦A11111 1.910 Y R 900 SF Ir @ 4v05S (n nA ri9r a HaYC LMRR m9ms MrxA,(6%PL . Fl Q £F£ 1015 IS ,vALL. I O ons[a sKrFu4namA UILIS``- a ., u,°......Si I I � I. ry 9.aw YKP awm run mWLc IO _ _ 7 8 0 11 PM.LCI RIASWO !O M llY4(rz0 w 1 %IL% J l� Rr0 Y CWSL ML b'(1/6 Q � Id ttNSMUCnW YW1[(IeHI ftAx YSN01M1[ +� ' Y[H(rU IFYI VL(IHfl MIb y Ab (IT/ w 9 e R L Hf PAKY(Nr Y/RfWENMftIllD YM Mn(CML PIWI __9R tlYPAS/FVCDM. !(BNMY YMI - T f- _ IAF 0 _ MMLRH NOBS L"1 Q BA [VSMA' IE&PUMY MPVAI AF3 IDI! Mm RY I N@5�1 b Rl U'LES OMFINY ND2p (_t] I .9w. -Y rlWa/W AOOISI'�Il m y 965'IAYAN �W(LMN Arq/5r MI! LWPILMn/L0 AMusr naaHr sgRr Z S ' Q 0Rt� D 59'74 A) cot N I'Y ROnD $ 12 nka Sznxsel.m BOIJI—ii 9 L_'-___--� 61RWM0 Permit 998'70411111.11 �y Indian River County Ppp.8A29 U PJ 111/01/2016 1 m 1 \ HUTYI- t 4 i SMbrIM aEelMx / (� 4"A lE EM N1EA 5 R) f � Id.2W SF FFE. 2015 I i sr -or FF - raoz R ..I. rem An s. now V-11 b/SIXm ILyet.UI YTYEr IA03 Y WVW.1412 I (fEF/Wr vow, NV sr -u /r.Im rce (W EWuI .WVWr-lug sr_os Mf YMEI re9z ENYW.I$d) 51-ISrAW �m RP (m [Wu) PEa rtmrnVer zv) x 4WW1.132) i' PK WV EL. 1Am •+'' I4ss EASRVc SIL9I vA RF PGV EF] M] � �. mTEST . zZ, w M! a ;SE, IN -i IS Hu, s.1W1. rzm vMAII noTon IW W. dr! v2I4Y MAw) EwV&.ISOr /I III I� IIII�II I� N MY eI• ISo] Wr. liar MEYMEI SWVW. I'm SI -So (RF (pJr ptYY 2Si/ — — To - IE MYWr. IA IB sr -or MEYM[i lA'dr g �e TZ' WW NOIOI \ "'Nu Men'.. `fMM'D LV ma.. las EWMAame ro c91NLE,R P"aM'S RI .IDS EFAW FASW fIT r 91[/ HUTYI- t 4 i SMbrIM aEelMx / (� 4"A lE EM N1EA 5 R) /1 £ Y rAEr Id.2W SF FFE. 2015 I /ASD sr -or FF - raoz R ..I. rem An s. now V-11 b/SIXm ILyet.UI YTYEr IA03 Y WVW.1412 I (fEF/Wr vow, NV EWMAame ro c91NLE,R P"aM'S RI .IDS EFAW FASW fIT r 91[/ SrbPM STRUCTURE FABLE i SMbrIM aEelMx / (� 4"A lE EM N1EA 5 R) /1 £ Y rAEr Id.2W SF FFE. 2015 I /ASD sr -or FF - raoz R ..I. rem An s. now V-11 b/SIXm ILyet.UI YTYEr IA03 Y WVW.1412 I (fEF/Wr vow, NV sr -u /r.Im rce (W EWuI .WVWr-lug sr_os EWMAame ro c91NLE,R P"aM'S RI .IDS EFAW FASW fIT r 91[/ SrbPM STRUCTURE FABLE MI YN SMbrIM aEelMx / (� 4"A lE EM N1EA 5 R) /1 £ Y rAEr MS b'MI[ixxvx. $i-11 iYE"Non, BIXl 2v) /ASD sr -or (FER.1 W12S1/ raoz R ..I. rem An s. now V-11 b/SIXm ILyet.UI YTYEr IA03 Y WVW.1412 (fEF/Wr vow, NV sr -u /r.Im rce (W EWuI .WVWr-lug sr_os Mf YMEI re9z ENYW.I$d) 51-ISrAW �m RP (m [Wu) PEa rtmrnVer zv) x 4WW1.132) sn WVWr. IT. sr_w 11R x'MEr I4ss 4E wv w-r1m N W1VW1. ISMS mTEST . zZ, ram s.1W1. rzm vMAII noTon ,N,loN, EwV&.ISOr T'.I4.Ll (vER frorN(fx 1A) N MY eI• ISo] Wr. liar MEYMEI SWVW. I'm SI -So (RF (pJr ptYY 2Si/ In. fWVM..11 IE MYWr. IA IB sr -or MEYM[i lA'dr E. wvw. rad. MMI —W wv Wr•rLA _ Srm ITR YMEr ::5 no, rmr W4 TZu xSpVW.r351 WVWr. l35J M1{E L'mf! ENVM.12m Sim (RP/WI WYr 2q/ IAds SNVw.l1m NNVWI. 1293 sr -TEA mf r<ifr lam x wv Wr. len rvFE C xT(r CwvW. 4m Sr-/ o PER RgIYdfY 2m1 IASL SWVW.I}m ! wv Wr- vro EWMAame ro c91NLE,R P"aM'S RI .IDS EFAW FASW fIT r 91[/ $� II Pm mzr uarx IA55 N V.I. ISm l2 MS b'MI[ixxvx. $i-11 iYE"Non, BIXl 2v) /ASD WW- lla, IE HVWi . illz An s. now V-11 b/SIXm ILyet.UI III./I IW Wi. reA msmxm9 sr -u /r.Im rce (W EWuI rAW ! ux MI. Isn ADS See, mp" 51-ISrAW �m RP (m [Wu) x 4WW1.132) $i -la ,o evue. W (m W4) N W1VW1. ISMS S",1s'ADs Mon sASYI ram exv Wr. rA,zz vMAII noTon SCFLE FDWdrED TO LTUT SHEET SIZE LEGEND --iu--- — —ix— E%SMG cSMUTS Im YM1CMEED EprRMi O^ Ev.nE mr£Fn. Vnlm —SIu SM E%5Dx4 SUSS SEWEF —Sax sav— E:Rrm6 S ITAM NSFN —w SeSIN6 JIEVNIEU. TELEIRIGN fACPoYO SiC I SZxiF ----------- -7-0— a-4-0— Se' SEI awFrtF OAObs[u aSRVt/ vAKWvr AIL LEEN. LUII tl1V5'IPA. ST HS LH' PLL E%511X6 WF.L 4LUSTYRD R MI5 L.M.f1TFMHD 1NE W� (LEYA. DASEO M.IOW" Mool691 "K NE AA S. Zw TJ; LIXYAEIE NMWp/ (WARD WYERRWFW xESr IIE H SWMa:uw v..ourn5la EI•Iln mw (Ism} m WNwer mW xdw m ro wvo .."S"CE, ©2 N'KpmM1SrLCA1EV wMM AY AWOHSVSPS pE WS .A A. ev"n"S. E'llQYY4 R 2012 O11 � AarA511AV rm [ AWW ND Imlzi Soun FII£F., RMOA Alb K'WA"A 1E0 AMAS J. SrpTI PoY YI RM42"iWr$•(WXADLMS FWO aBPo%(ttN51RIA'1Xl" mr... WNMACRN ID GFOuEE WSr EvOrSTlm.Wf /LW4@'¢ PPE AS u Rmd. S AU cflN" 6f.7NI.. 1A.1 AF EA SUN SE IFN SC 1. 8LNY4 a ..1 Er AD U." N. p6WINR 0.1111 N0 S1.1 p5pAME on, ME O'S SILKY vARF SKR4. BE F(1. 6'21' E. acre ] O -6. lLp p' LVF6 LL YPRICS 1 ECBW A -A SPEGAL CURB SECTION N1.S 1 � PRO'+fu, 6dMOMY `L SECBCW a -e TYPICAL GRADINC ARWND OUTSIDE DF BUILDINGS NLS ```tS�t}11111111f 1/I 0 11 A. AQj ,P54.� HSE 5 Ar/ '�� •• kT OF i � •• 0� '-. "'( OR /�SStQNA"t ///1111111111X\ SJRWMD Permit89841aO4 Indian River County App. 87725] IREPBATS -4 113 01/2016 I S ES y C N b li y N N s e m ` H D t! N ED b C O io C a l7 b: WGE ]1103 NO 98]6.01 7— C-02 �= I P-3 1 10/25/2016 ENS �O VKLtIIV O ]IGND.PE. 7111111111\ Oreo No. 9676.01 SIRYMDPerCo.=..# Indian Pirer #25T st¢ef x0. C-03 — — — wNnaR,, araC ¢ rrcmrasr Fa CNuan Au FCa.vra `F waK .NO KArfJMW E[N M .'a,arz. ro NLLUEf Wr or ILB r0 �. v. . ftaMWgWSBr3 P�LLa��ea ' 1 LLNM.CILW a.11L CprftY WM NL AgYCAgf LCKs .rM ONNAH(E$ ... /%' ® e 00 0 FraAavrc uxuuA=xc rFW'W MW LbIIRALrM' ALLMIXVL In M£ ftpL..nd ASQV . N rAY 163 l'a". w YI. Ina. e4MG MN 551EY M5� Ird M %A4E OF CCawA. q.vMG AM.s . An. In xEa WIFNA¢, -\ ` "' \ ' ''\ - 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ • 1 zwc IWO awvM AM ara xa-vovax sLwfAas AflM Mw srs. ` .+m/ �•A+ ®® ® Q ' W Nan WAVEPIY2 �YF�IrzA', rJa . I.. BCaO eMM.1c"alC'µft. / I 1115 MF(S0.YE9.11 p' rM ..I.ro Pl.. A WALMv S. IF w /. Ldl;•L e' PK IEPYL w.4 al Au $rf..F I ME .1 m.1 uvw aTs Ave wvor Ai RCaaLr, na, cdmAcmr Ir�XRO woudMrl�c IILEB mLa L.rrosc.vE vCar umI[N rns uww A, mrfMA roxMncA xrll ro9 sou 'FBntt NAIVFY rasa M.r rs uFMr, rM.&EAwMW1 r /, WrvNA[ 4. SVAM RMALi AM CBr,WKB J MAMB. Y.FA4L . �.'�/ �.[., rY vrz. r sxAu Nar Lar. alazLNwYs wWW q nAwuu ro awr ��' p flLPLE POJVSiEV TO RI'%%'SNEEi 812E & A ftAam an R arA Mare. II' (p Y(1iE pVG. '"'A eM -'a"'-'a"'Lq plKn �y ® ro2WWr Ymrr IwMAMT A711. IXWArras rp+SaL 9ruE Y Laruv All.1 1-.. vA M61 xF 1. NAK A Fr e.N6L a 55 ro]BaAsA A&r m MEFrvnA ® Q I �• / / AnFaa LWAJnM a ' Amus A s�inrsm uiw a wArulxc ANo Mr vAw¢xwa a ev, ea— rhe rre(w ftdac a ML wA4 ANB aWves a lelA oArL(�rlL).r s5igr�mLNvr u yr Wrsva, ro 'A'An AL ,:.el : •, LxlslMc rrrar uovc e ¢ xwMLL rACAF(ASA55 MO. r5 m aEAa wMr v¢ a Au LaSrFucMw avers Aro Q • I R1dr-a-MAY (I1P,) ANE .. xo'ov _ A ALL uHB4.ANG IFELa nvavlS (rC .MRI wIEME.S WM ME .1 TAF .. AN N II ES FIM] 10 2Y11 AleL FI I ALL war � mva.wua drlAa Fro. m aw`rcAnov�"arF.Mui Q jf Iy I ''. "' gu � 12 sRE[ @.NW A'All H F/pME(O BLMELN ftAVM1W' HDS.rOOwl AFLAS P• IS aEM.F[A5 wMW MNRM4 &DC A'ALL I wlOE0. nr In—un na—Y µ1N—En M1. -6n r.. I. I � diy QKRIM Ie MANaaSbM1 a4BI5 rr �SdM1FE ANU aWA covsmrcJFw aau u AMww er n RWAmw amax ro MAxaa OgKF wmwry xwuF alAR IpIHFENaIIU. rz Au ftAxTt erns aruL u 7LLLr Yuaro ro . L'EPM a r wM A eAFx a „ III sxn¢vEO amux u.rzmu waw MVSr. 6'K rEMQ : 1 - I6 5 A%AS . Be IWS RA -J iEp MM W ..a 9%N+[ER "A, v. rmi °saa rzO Al ftwav aos rarANwc r'as ANo/av vWxws duL .. -- I - — -- re Au L.Noscuwlc uAMwus auL eF naroA xa.I d eE1rza. A19 Ma£ (N91/FM'rY KV'K d SIT 9NLL H A —1a .-r/. Ar aANMIL xV r_ e Y vela rd N N( ME I -J1 Alvay. NEM A"a" .1. P. UsaFG &w..19Y a RT' 1 AM 4x ave, S'rz wvo UaLA.a uLwru vuu rLr rowruv rdlp:r a ! raI na aFMre " J MAI MLL WA' N1 rEN BFMFEN E Alq gbpl5 94.LL eE Ca51nULrEn wMw M 0I AY MWT A AflaI%n roW A wMWN a IT' NAvXar WMAvrM'YW6'} ATaMeaiI.M TT ATIrASr Se( a All RHPoSU W,.. e[ NAnK. aAVpr r/L(FAxr. m.veru r 1a, ars auu Aerowr ron oar M.v sax a ar roru raes 7 1z IaNRcn'EF ,w w.Fex.,aa a al —T wlrr euu mrLs A. usrro ro ruuaL x wMnr WW Icw9rwxr, A - - ausrzW a J euv ra4 wu a EavuLF1 rO r cavror 'FF la. "I .r a' Are J Rfl2.rgV PoNi a n vrrclav _I it I II zl1 I - I 1 r I I tpL9i LCG 11a pA CMJ$ [ItlJ � - - I .K I rl I � [Hour vrewLror uwsua � su((x n(xW1I 5EBPSTIAN BOULEVARD POSTED SPEED LIMIT- d5 MPH SITE DISTANCE -B10 R L- LNY aY2 (ENBS A' LVAB ear) IK a 91E MN JWI an LAI A,a far a Kwn( a.wEB warwAY li ZZ g — as 'xg �p J a P V co LLJP I RWP4 I 11/0112016 1 J J � PV rMNSLagMc xF N AVN.'1N IW 4 'I LYtWM1uA naAl=SI YPY SW/MC NAY( Liytlra NAY[ OM1 .PAGVa Nr (YIf 4IL (Y/) I i e JxarllAxna.w tlIn'w sMm I LAxdr MRS'rF rm « t C h C Tr9 [rY. rFE4/IW ✓ I i rQq cvrxas wrawurA IIK OAA Is As aKxx rin I.s'aN aLCFSIPiKs FCQM(B II LWKRSIWIE[ PFUNCFn aF[x e.LY SY.0.YrS .HWINIariANA (O.U52N a!) 69 NIY AC.GUM' 12 11 t5'PoN 6mFL5 RCLvvR(n 91FC64PoIWYa f,AS IIIIIiii IGWdrMRMFTSLF I IFEEs IKWIXe Ir N[ES PRONIXa All. RA . SCVanal YAda 11 AtlWI V[r IV Dar, I J RrySI 6'PK JFM£ ` Qq JRVAArI WNA saMflM FEO an J9 ASSNOWr 1111 W. L ® p YMRC 15 U4Eg1Ptitl1 MpL1 4f 9/UXN a Fr Lr.LxBrL �; ."��SI, 1 (LNiwAsra) F = �� -I-- 5 Ud 14 1 v aFN N.a % I anr/1Y [rRN IAa zI MLS xaMCO Lw IMtts'Fomxa i �J'�'••• NU UAVSLAFWL ///'!/Jr/(�() A\1 PE. IarF ll4RUB/6 ,a® 9AF Iaa BAY(M SaW,Vled4 ]N .16.11A. 6J1YAN 21 9876.01 • E16EI N0. Indian River County App.%7725] C-04 N6UMxry .A/MMSUv SVAMwMA IIIAVNLy Nl N'PC Yar J -WL I5L[ Na25 4 Iveco) L- LNY aY2 (ENBS A' LVAB ear) IK a 91E MN JWI an LAI A,a far a Kwn( a.wEB warwAY li ZZ g — as 'xg �p J a P V co LLJP I RWP4 I 11/0112016 1 J J Y •� y E LA'e w a Aq d q VI G WreSUPoVL C4W4 Mv/S q S N V � � e4 9 JxarllAxna.w tlIn'w sMm I LAxdr MRS'rF rm « t C h C Tr9 [rY. rFE4/IW ✓ � L b q s MF[S' FFaeFFo 9 m(Cs PBBVU[B sx F45 Mx I(d✓ 0 q J 719,11Y51A10( SNittS/I(O If q y aLCFSIPiKs FCQM(B II LWKRSIWIE[ PFUNCFn LO 11.N Il M(F PFF 5 eAFYMc }PALES y NI p✓MNLa 9A. x I IF(C/5 P.RNHL S Aa5 6mFL5 RCLvvR(n 91FC64PoIWYa (qJ 771(7//r/ IIIIIiii IGWdrMRMFTSLF I IFEEs IKWIXe Ir N[ES PRONIXa A. SBI IFEE/TS W1. 1a ]MLS HCaNBEO ` 1 ILFX IR(F FEF f!MM M L nC(/1sa - 11 we 19 IAFgWFEO19 IM(S PPo1:000 A RRB9W er Lr.LxBrL �; ."��SI, ��16 J. Q M IF((S F[WIR(B Ia IFFS CPBWFn ; ST F = �� i 14 1 v aFN N.a % I anr/1Y [rRN IAa zI MLS xaMCO Lw IMtts'Fomxa i �J'�'••• • �j ///'!/Jr/(�() A\1 PE. IarF ll4RUB/6 rB V. aIFUB2 FCWFNB SN SnR"BS P.vovA2 PE 103 hCf NO. 9876.01 SJRWMD Permi[p98M0-1 E16EI N0. Indian River County App.%7725] C-04 uq surd u .WR,w �e�& .w�wr ,m..r,mnn a nma.°°a'0x m I 37TH PLACE r? AS -BUILT DRAWING SB AS -BUILT DRAWING N.r Im.emr (EXAMPLE) M-14 GENERAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS wY+M.e a w M.aN A.IA. nom eeN Im, a•+k w rvw Na '�'�N n�wx'waFmix x"An rss'�-w Ytme,.a:..,,ml amM man.N,or b m mm� rarry� AIN �aMmMWwmoa m.omrwmbammw.mm+.Y..w �mMMm. PAMIwu, wgnuNwpu an nmmtlm n. nYenmawNlw9n m,mu p'M.Wn,INlm ea neMV .wxry du MYq^494Mm3wm wlm ,nsmN tautl whim rwnenmrn.amlAlWUY,.Mmna Ma Cwma4x+,rvwmllw wea.mimr um,amx,eer,vYMweiw4rvna LlW Ys A ex.snmuevuvunn ^kMvyvtr+m. mlll nie lvim �r 9n�awC� 4mu P�mmu.P6pmmICM1BImdNpq�if Amm�mWgmW n �mwOPMY smm�ae wlbn+ p� aHvwepwm.mrw NbeYY NYc"A9NNPmen'arN4lrtrelYw MF I'klmr9'ASSUM1I'amveuem.vel .. Nm.rN nL.b..,ael,mew,a c.awMwaY..wwmwew... mw., N,. umy owW n4 .m:%b :,,+m«m"mn'am no u'bew.'v�,m 1-TTw."P.awre .nNov waWMW Mn. w mMM a mm maw ... n.aa.er:..,, weanaa. w .wsanaa uAwie m•.eaurXmF�M..e,�,w.r_r ., tears 9v,W++maareerow,wme•r l.b eMuni> _ mNamNmw,mMwva,Mwxr'�MmxM,W-Su .n.,a. ,mN<IaeMW wMemeNamaW w do,r.,.. w..mrbee MaN,mmA It�mwAm w,eM IM,Wmi uYx hmu ne.ip.a m. m,awxf uM M rby movosm.YN.+o Ni caKNur[a,mM er.. MNm b,ma A,aAL>•. I.N.M wmY M..,W xn�OeERnNamMnepm,.,,Lrm...MmanN. naetl Wperauaaam,Y Y,.in,nb mpNnpNawv. wvA ,mllwabs.Aa."u PwaveeVN uw mmrilW.gwmf mhemnmennaMNn itmb m.a Ywmwrylw,mmNerw Y9MMmt u+4gva9n W ftM mM�etp ebm'W by m�rMl WruMa W,b Mea Nenxn F-+uvn b ,pf.vmlWv tlbNl uBy Yvweaap,YjdMm AS-BUILT RECNRB °a�N° P 11 TY ICF� DRAWINGS M-15 GENERAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS + eerma'a•a.wlwmuw..w.m.a.,.RM,.,.am,.reNa. 2 S+rMmrYrneMx'v9eM lM.erda W.0 W+^YfW.NYvWeM+PMMMIba ebvWen�mq� rda�+ WINve u,4 F Pme eNr.ee, Iro w.AY+M1am M++n Wuu Lv+nm Ma �" A EO0,nMan. .d: wa.tln.a�moSeee. eu-,Mae..nMF',m'®m.., w am -m v e.Sa� uaaan aawaPwm..v.ei.aNr.me. ��m b[a1FFN Mb. m.s.bbwa ewac mne rv. xcl I. Ba.Na N emnN mn PAv be.gtrxq.s wdeamAr/mreby 1 [mpuNmeuaumext.mru.me Nry law[b.�M.mm,vemnuW.ecl e �Nweb. M,.x,/.rq,NOM1m. a. 6aeq Marg pyomupaandel �ryw.®vJFr.+swmvl In a-ga emYV RPaW aneMwevrt vMwemnX.xa..eeammuan. +I mv9sd Ii.FWgw,mwYwwl. amw 1. N_ _ �ma.F.WmWw.I.mmNm.Pw,p�emmm. ��� �.� �m.N,m�rmMx,NNw�..A.NYmmmMM.n "Aa mM MnMq.m N rLru W m nvm.u. rvw N+rmnuM nmw.r.b vrtMaau xa ee>t/YaawmewveiaaraP moor wnbvu+Y m.umMw.IWe WMreMNdnaWmwaem nva.w Yo .www mnegaYwowmAw. nangwN wmeM "F,.mge..w..a M.Fevnrw.mr raax.,.O..aro. wPw+ae K,v+msemvn, AS -BUILT RECDRD DRAWINGS N -Is M( IRMSCO PAKY[N J J rC' s M B65L (PI/IO 4LLb_ 52EI MPER SNP LOIP PRE -CAST CONCRETE TYPICAL WHEEL STOP DETAIL H)S B @RM CAVC JP91 P.E.// Ar LM 1B ,, 0.K 0' PV LEMRft ENANSGV .xMYIS [KFY .10'YAY. AKM n. ENP. XMYAS µ° 51w .SXN1S SPECIAL CURB (AT REAR OF RV STORAGE) x.L9 SLOPE O CPAY/ �\O�Z Wa Srslnu No. r- I SIDEWALK DETAIL N rS M MrN MMS I. AW RU9/ Sam. PrgPEA . IO 0.F COM ME: AN. u, Owers. R .. MM W rLNRMXLW WRAW rpSW HrzMCAIAM T �' Q• Et7.Sl 2..PAI II TB WAS SNRC 10' .,S MFroIXPMSpN FOOT TYPE rrD" CURB n1 Mon na 115 HANDICAP SYI HANDICAP SIGN 2' rro( SP aS AsaNN, <pAr. sere mr cRMSNEo cruwrz0 cnw/MLA eau ae uWW[x ecpMPAcrzp ro sex AW/ro r -rax raa,. SPCC 1rx lPMMA aro S4/S r. Ae.) JW SPEC -r am", TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION Nl; ° °f ° ° 0 0 1 1 YM ° ° O o. MS °]Y 0N' °jp°1 MrzP rz0 cavy RulLarzp pilR no RV IMM W W TWE.. A . la Mr AwA.SF.oF FK MSE... MINCA IED DOME BAS( -10 &HF PA MS SIAL M W, NYWW on. OM}ES 'M NEW .TVIAMEW 'BAS SIAL EX RM 21 .(P. PEMiMPYIR.W 10 VK MIX-R-ORa IXRLAM( wAMyyLS SlAIS H NO WAC Mµ Z NOI(S iMY W MIX -H -CN NAAY AVAW .1 DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL 415. SIGN MOUNTING siaNM Sf b TYPICAL HANDICAP STALL ENLARGED DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL NIS MAAa,A IENOM Cf E eEPMEx ttrAAGUIs.1 er 'NaMom, .1 HW MMA a, CLFAIµx0 EHO YIM µ gyEL ZAFaINO/ro"L. NL F Z z '.Yw�i�U%IiX _- z f..M [(rvAl A. MNN9MS T .. IoSNr SI.WM; AM OWI NA. uL SOO- ACLLMdNL . W HSI IMONAMS1 AVMA$[ AI W MS OF GMP NN K WSE Nf MC (WR. ACIOP AWL K#r W la'ANAnl ELl.r A. d4(x9d/S LY Aff (ASTM OIIM; SIFULWM; AN of.R sWGwryal ry Omvrr Seam 11S MIAse ICA. ..MIS Mal MOt . Slama CnM H C � L � a' nror ssa P9 J "Awe caSNM V/ W.Al""LWCIlM la".X }9/}9 MWl. n ACIOt 9Iµ NW61 FK rNCMEF LY Ml Cp `S . P[MOryML Mr NAN M ME A/i ,m Q WS'AMXM MSE ; i xE [MdIIR r[/ASIAM-A'ILL4AN xL, .1 H NU)4Y0 AS IO WYF[ LffirtW U.1 NASSSS MSVSTr T a N ON,WTrzs lO oar V Y lWOR S � I U W MM MMM MO BY W IX NALI(RrAIXI/¢; iE SAML uA IL LaARE v�u lA. urdMLWNH ENLARGED DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL NIS MAAa,A IENOM Cf E eEPMEx ttrAAGUIs.1 er 'NaMom, .1 HW MMA a, CLFAIµx0 EHO YIM µ gyEL ZAFaINO/ro"L. NL F Z z '.Yw�i�U%IiX _- Nal.. [nn 1W onto PIPE BOLLARD DETAIL CLEANOUT DETAIL Ola. N.T.S. dMFNWrz "[1 tt IXAnar 1. r .1vu Z z 11xFF rNaS (111 E A .. axeCrrp..N.1.1 _- z f..M [(rvAl A. MNN9MS T .. IoSNr SI.WM; AM OWI NA. uL SOO- ACLLMdNL . W HSI IMONAMS1 AVMA$[ AI W MS OF GMP NN K WSE Nf MC (WR. ACIOP AWL K#r W la'ANAnl ELl.r A. d4(x9d/S LY Aff (ASTM OIIM; SIFULWM; AN of.R sWGwryal ry Omvrr Seam 11S MIAse ICA. ..MIS Mal MOt . Slama CnM H A OoF CWRACIW P4LLL OSE UNSM CAUNa M roASS uY MIND OWNS AAM ONME AT UASI 0 EOR AUL RK MS r4laLL I uaE SP c"puA lauaa iWI&.c`iW"rsull`A1O'N mua,.NY NAMAM wFRAWvrcI.S.�Ilr n as J "Awe caSNM V/ ( MC CYW."on STALL q[[x ftAK rM CryN 1. AMo dSWCPMd[S PRKN N CbKMMUW. W� n ACIOt 9Iµ NW61 FK rNCMEF LY Ml Cp `S . P[MOryML Mr NAN M ME A/i ,m Q 4MA i xE [MdIIR r[/ASIAM-A'ILL4AN xL, .1 H NU)4Y0 AS IO WYF[ LffirtW U.1 NASSSS MSVSTr T a MM M MPgSIA Cq/s/FL'CMN [ ANT, W az[ON RIXwO, i Y oar V Y lWOR S � I U W MM MMM MO BY W IX NALI(RrAIXI/¢; 1 NL WMFIXQNO ONW1 .1 H M RA4 AW IESRO on SN1. PMN N BAR AM .11 C(WSRIxIIW a INT. NSIAfu FM SVAu n1KaN ro ME NFOOKV.. of W APOOtAftC Surt A MLAA.1 WY Al MY M., S. Smamoul .PSR.11 MCNMK IEALM IM[LAW IMp C(S(B45nµ IP a. MrzR LR£S w.H ."am AS Mama ryArvuuW reM q+NA Lo . CCN...1 .1 NMM/Y VIAM " ..NANR AM ..I / sILM4 xM[R SYS. uPpv llnlNS XI CE LGYSIFUCMM M[ LWMACRF "Al NMnCE .. -Na °IXiWMIML M[ .1. QIAMNa AS CGSIMA'rz0. 11 MT'AL.KR. u1N/)Y IMLs ro AT N: r2 /1 S INC CASNACIWS MffUMAIrry N . IA.. WM W .1 AM pyECMN F(WN[N 1 YLCYH° BY M[ HANAN Po KCS SIA A. NY W CMSRLLR W aaaACIM 9141 ..All rrttt , .. MW Mn AAV RC 1 My(LM"S ACYMM/0 N AKNLY INSRUL. L XIXM FEMMNCO .1 .1 MM W "CLNAHWs ANO PipxMtLS LY INC YAPp/S CDKF.WENI4 A..... SAF ME MM. I; M LWRMIp 91af1 .1 9NY APAMCL M AIL au -CAS, AW NAMTA1. 1. IIF CNONr[F ttW ANNA.. 1.I 10 (WIT' AMNOW( &fOX INSALUI H .1 .1 M M4°YY AM WIAMRSVI AT IAT TIAS1 FM( (J) xpMpO SAYS N [CWSIxfKNM. M [iWRAC/W SYALL NO MY W (NpM(F .Up .IGPR YT A/LN[£s ANO .1 WAY xM W cW NAcSWS NNS, IPA. SAN. %rpLLrzO GYM9IAVLI/W SCNEpA[ ALL MpMCo . MAYMY/A( M u.m( . AS MaR(o MY NGiY RPo'MYIE° RMA MoNa MaYmMOM H M M%ARY(NI I W N CMRALICRY TSNO L. I Nf MmANN ARAS.1 µL(CL(° x M IANOP,,Y N..11 SE SOb[0. NWtlWY sQA'Nf. MCI/MYLxn WuAX A 10ASRMRR San AFWM ALL SWNMMS AT SW ANN AlL PASO AVEAi M SAME; AM .a MF MR"MN AKA . EWES ANY HWS N [M'A'xWarz,TM MVM MKMrs- W-FYW a OIY a'YSIS. M9,AM. Ser. aYAVi) P 3 [ 11 MC AR AAL H Ap ALLY WALCO 9M/ MAI Atl CT-9rz ANN MLL H MANA11 A Wo Sr SOON, LL ... NAKM N W ..' KKNR-W-MI.1 H 4NV}C0. MC L.NSRYO OMNAR INS1 S MIhW W ..1-1.- .1 H MORCRD Ar AL . aY W US[ W S.W..1 A&M RM 1 ou., M..Nh. FK MY ..a AKA Wna W M}/,-W-x1r.1 M. NL M[AS ANL ,YDS 3 WNw Ma. fRCM (ROSd P. BY S. .9 MAN", SY aNAMW. I.WN, NAY BN(; a, [ Yg Ifl UP(N .. OF [GVs.. AIWNi M SMA4 MRF SYS. .1 H L[EAX(0 K ALL Ars NNNl mANAS,. L2 ra W Cp.l. K MSNM9ME rW iWLAMO .?WS A1.1 CNAMIAMS CRW Cp 1. W q E RSM C PENSIONOFSCIirz1'ION Cq/SIM/ .. MEN, AS 1 (AA. 9441 WuW R N. 0.. W W 0." SS. (MRF. SAM AFY u M(R S. TIER NAYA¢N[NI IT. Er ECRCA NA. EIC) M SM IY.- pCgm A .MISSWNa NAA% MNNRNANT W MK YFPCn. ALL .11A. AM N SE E 8 s CMARa MC Ma.lNA W IK MFmSEx..K SON, H M9pl9MC Ton nC NAWN AM .11 W W NANN. %SIC ANO m S 1 a' NS RMWMf. PEVOION WTE B HNN A. .1 aYICLW . MC Poo. A, rpiM Sr W. IA x ra rttWRN ^ a b aYY V( IXPMM(Ni N RAN ,ATN. PEN190NN0. C LL WMa [XG AI ErtZr°S M A.. ..W EIK (5) RLI .1 [MYCPY to W WoURO ENA SIARD M V2 NY 'REAM SAFETY ACY aunmoam am 09A SIIMAMS (CNAPRR P6N DATE a- w LSfse ZS}s) IAL Mw IM Md a KS FK RW PM W N MSOO }( W oAA auvAMw UNTY SOMOAWS A. N AMS Br MN AAO PXHNTI AL CMI M.1V P-3 I 1VO112015 DRAWN M' 0µI ma o W 4tlMLM SIAYIAWS as SET 1MR M VK NAA[N1 Ep ISN W W SNR W ROPM RL ., AAV RUM (fK41IN�Hffi5.1 R INO. W W L(9P: APRIL MYL WSIALAMYC YANI[ .. ANO .au W NI MNrA^ CW@S HKKL$ Woom MN[T; MV BAMMRE HW 1 N RM., W R.NT AW K 1[N lSW HAZU95 WVM ME.1 C ALL RUM LCNRp 4APNMS µ4V IXNRS 91ALL LdBdfl 10 W RNMYM .1 Han M W IMVµ RS a.. RXPINEO RY TIL VS HPMNCN, R IRANSNNAMW. RWRA IWNO"NAIY IOIM5RA,RMt v STd 07Hl MOGAM I SKRYWLRAMM AIA MANI. NMNAW(S U J nx sTamM rzW rawrvYUSI e[ 4µw, RAW 4 W.I.. 11 Ms J LL an a AAPS W9[MO MSKMRHC[°NSCAaM IO MPT.Y[R M5I04ANAM MS rAOUIY FKbp[YAGM AW m TSO 9M0 B[YaY[D AS MIU RY.4YIgK MCUF( q C C 'p E 4Wna1. .1r.1.11. MMSIM(MArW ttRLMOIus.%VRR(N 0 E N N � a WCC TAPY MMEMVOY .1.1.1 CRA9µo-WW ESOMaw ApYCNPl I ExIFS9K Yds .. "AS IXNaNY.. NAK .ALL 1. P.PWEMY Yl. q � -2 N on 1 ama' aM"L 4IYKRYOYVK C ul Y AU 9-4xtY �APNG M[ Mua u, W lAk now M, .W.IIY1WVMrzRNTMWV,MCMl.NaµMAS ...I. C'IX(ECRO AAV NNW. IMW W 4R INT MCV o, pS°OSV. b 2 N OD N O r C Ifl DEWATERING NOTES OA p `y �' O O C KNARFAWi M1I IWMI H M0.W(O RW XS'WIAMW f! RNMWs W M UNC(RORMNO ON'. WMRFXM 9lµ .l1 NMWC ME . u, SCM,. AM/CF NMlW MMl P3x2 MRR 9Iµ H RNFEO N M pF NI[ 4pIVNAMx falx EMOaTO WM SIM(0 SMVIVC MAgACS W a IXUMC FOw W STM"EO S[I.fIXEEH _i SM O1 M4CN WNARMML ALNNMS 9IdxO Apr GCAR A y/MACC p5[xAPS fRW M[ MOLLI AMA 9NM0 dS011flil ttNR vMY LMNARW A'AlI fMVM MAI IS YRR ESAR WATER.11 SIUAAPoS 9lµ CB[1Y''N I 1/V� nka,i aw:.v j w rma w m Sx In„I A � 1 pr q,my I, ` }., sWGwryal ry Omvrr Seam 11S MIAse m1S(X'EI c x[w x Mw N every }me. EOR AUL RK MS FILTER FABRIC WRAP ON GROUTED PIPE TO STRUCTURE JOINT l -s' TA7 0 fffitli Y�iA�1AwGam.PE. 9876.01 SIRWMDPmrnit#9S4404 SNOT NG Indian River County App. #77Z57 C-05 , ff r IN. r o SWAARI PIPE OPENING SCHEMATIC re SECTION CC An'�A�<woirwa.i rAe } eSX3+} } SECTION DD STEEL GRATE C—J eerpoNy. srmrytld Pom 3•+ 4 - TYPE TYPE F HORIMNTAL WALL REINF. SCHEDULES TYPE F INLET (TABLE l) B—j PLAN l A SECTIN CC w �DD SECTION DD STEEL W 5. 5/<vlOedary. <IpM 6ID GRATE Wln 9 5'+y SECTION AA "°" • ° "" SECTION BB NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID COVER 0 aarzwmoDWm�IImN "w—t !F—iw=F$ W �I 1PMNWInm (L.nELIIE ' � � B'MR1NL81E65 tiALEiIIE ¢yeNlr MHMIMPPE BIIPNL /� s t see mro x°. ar P)vuwaewpar,exans ER �� AVAa RECCNMEACA 6.) mPEFCICNIs: R1YAE1F6U6 W.(IbIGb PM rpi iAWYDNPiO 1 EnFF 1MIN IMHFACII.PlG (algilrE RgRSESCMY. ACIlY1CMLFEiESIABM6i Tc Ipo. sopuMx s'*vl oEsxxoiaYuclMDmaloERawNtorsisosmailws. B—j PLAN l A SECTIN CC w �DD SECTION DD STEEL W 5. 5/<vlOedary. <IpM 6ID GRATE Wln 9 5'+y SECTION AA "°" • ° "" SECTION BB NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID COVER 0 aarzwmoDWm�IImN ERN.FBGWERiO 1M1CH6L151N4O. W 1PMNWInm (L.nELIIE ' � B'MR1NL81E65 tiALEiIIE 3 MHMIMPPE BIIPNL /� CETTiHRrRWPPE OF P)vuwaewpar,exans ER �� AVAa RECCNMEACA 6.) mPEFCICNIs: R1YAE1F6U6 W.(IbIGb PM rpi iAWYDNPiO 1 EnFF 1MIN IMHFACII.PlG (algilrE RgRSESCMY. ACIlY1CMLFEiESIABM6i Tc Ipo. sopuMx s'*vl oEsxxoiaYuclMDmaloERawNtorsisosmailws. MEDfBW LYiG.e OH EACIGR6. SEEnINWPEIYJ ]W1116111 idi MMiiMFHCNsiPLUiKN 111 FIBOgE TW Iq vAaps rcaEs a rMi s anLLi AwniEas AVAaP9E. d' -]Y WRCCnRIaaiEDIME rwswrzmomoawwwuLnoseiarw J sexaEwuti x,x,e PKSEwFx IE%sW. RI PKMWkiM Y9. WC WtlC95. wRRucniEos weREowc WAiER18a1,pIM �( pHRRu:,vi[DlmtEslwp 1. ' Y' P)v�watslxwi[am t wcionANs �It�U ty'MMWWII'.,V MNW4 <'MMMB'.}a' 64EEDWMVBFACIIANGREOI 6'MMML 11EO1C8FlLLM9RRW EIWLLEECRUi�EDSiCfF gimlEA lRM4A¢IMIERW AEElWG11EPf WREA£M86gAs51, LLass Il,oRaus nwiERwucEEepoxAsiMozu, BEWMGBfl4dfilLLEtlt BLPFACEgUW'.f£IiaE1551NLLBE a.-yy MCEDBCPWPCIED WKgU1LYI11 ACLPNPrCE WimAsiMDR11 TYPE G Z Z *s NJ a = Y 3 U P-2 108/2212016 A S 9876.01 W 1 �q..:•��CENgf., O '* 3 STATI OF n 0 1IDp• �� S/0 M ,qq'yyyyuCvC� ']/LL]IIIII con 4=4, "n- 98 O f 98]6.01 5]RWMO Permit*98M0-* st¢cr NO. Indian River County App.*7725] C-5.1 6• ANCHOR CWPuxG AI K MA ANCXdi IEE FIAT MECHANICAL JOINT VALVE BOX R� MS HIIMNR 2CM' VE AS .. BT BROODS E YE NOTE I(BELOW) BE �-�II�R�—/��\ ♦5' !A] /I11 1l^21 ( 0 MEGA -LUG RESTRAINT) CR EWA. ANTES PLAN VIEW PUMPER NOZIl — EALING ROADWAY ACCESS FINISHED GRADE- -6'GATE VALVE 6' DIP PIPE � -6• (MR)ELEY IEVAAATION WATER MAIN 0 ]. THE 9 OF WE PUMPER GAMETION RIAL Be IW ... An. UC E LE TRE REWEST .. .MOONY R MIN RILE 'FRANK SXALL BE WAHF BIRANAWAY TRIPE MLPIEIE MDIR. TINE .'FRAM ASSEMBLY MAY SE UwtEL W JEU a AvvVE ME HYDRANT SHWW W E d K LOCATED MTR12' FROM OF PANMT NNERE POSSIBLEd ALL MATERIALS MS TO BE PER BOIS APPROITN MMUFAGTUREAr PALWOT Un J'RACE ARE MBE INSTAHI AS PLR MTAn M-15. (INCE WRC NOT SHOM1 W OAAWMO MIK) 6 ALL BOLTS FOR PRE NMAMT F."S MF VALVES SDLL BE ST.IE. STEEL ALL Ha. BRM BE STAB ESS STEEL 9 ...T.. "-rBIBLE R HYDRANT PMPDIpauR TO NOADWAY R OU. FACE (E%AMPIE MUST BE FFM R SWN& FEES. BWUBS. TRAR¢RMERS. L"A" PGEe.. ETC) ID X1MMTE MF PROTECRR DEM. $RRL NAME OULAR 5 LP i' -e IN MMT AM N THE SEES INDIAN RNkR COUtiTY L dNMnG 0. DI2TIES SERVICES FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS UTILITIES SERVICES W— 2 METERS SHALL BE LOCATED WICIATR INSIDE ME RICHT-Or-WAY UNLESS 0.....RELIEa BY BROODS SEE M -J PRE PLUMBED METER F BIS Ew rNCF I I I.AR ,.Me STAIME S GAI IN VALE OVAL CXEd ELE SERVICE WALEM AI MRERE (SEI HOTS B) DWBIE SWAP ELEVATION BARGE SINGLE NOTES . sRRsaME ,APs MID lxA .. MAW EMIL SE A ... CF le• W GUNNER. z. Ill SERN¢s IEWRE ]6' ABAUM roHR. ]. YYlwuA 3RN[F 9s 910ll NOT BE TRESS 1x1H 1-0. Buu SERVICES 91Au BE A MwWM 1-1/2-0..A SOI.. PE A IWMI. 2'. Ano WAEFJPL[ YRNSS .IN Wlg. BY IR6YR E'. LONG SCAM S PERAM A G' MINIMUM In GAINS MC 2.0 UAR SERNC£5 REaME ♦ Y WRITY He. CAW6 FlPE FAMR. PIPE W ALLBE SdEDMI£ AO P.V.C. ]. ML METERS a'P M .. SHALL BE ..RY MOWS. REiW He AN. MAAIFACIMIER5 P. MAT FR METERS GREATER .- I.I. /qy G. W 41 Unjeec GUMRRSTGF;AGL°RAMAn" FORNE TS: AAM ER WAfrR SEGiN¢ ttODANEOA crids AT IMC ROOM. OF ACnVAle. M WATER MANS M AT 9Jd TIME AS DIRECTED BY VOLS NRB . 91ALL BE ME GAME AA AS ME YETISS MAT ARE MSL.WID. B. WALE ARE TO BE MSTALED AS PEF MEN. u-1] S. MUCATE APER BOOS ARE M BE PLACE. Ix M A. BOXES AIreN 2A' MAN WRFAR. TO AL REASSAI . AND RC ERu 9RMCES SMALL ME 5/B• METIFS. 1. PRFPLMIBED AREA BOXES TO BE PER M2MS APPROVED WNMFACIRGSRRUCT UST. INDIAN ETTER COUVtt DRpgM' 'EPARTMLNT of 2 WATER SERVICE IrFILPFOR 9ERIICeS W— 4 REFLECTIVE I MARKER IMMEDIATELY INSIDE FIGHT �R/W (M) o THEY MAY BE LOCATED ID ME AT E THE j \ RFRECTVE MARKER w VALVES M BE LOCATED (SEE NOTE 8) OUTSIDE EDGE OF UNPAVED IFPno. PPE-PH.M. HEMA ROADS ^L ROAD £ ROAD — K MA%IMUMMAIN UNDER SEE M -J NS -PLUMBED NETER DISTANCE wNswucnaN W 1 EI 12' FN. `\ �VALVES SHALL \ TYPICAL VALVE LOCAnCN Il/ BE LOCA1Ep 1ECTIVEI FOR UNPAVED ROADS TO \ DISME TANADJAT V}—( CE FROMT OF WAY . ) RF MARKER (CYiE REWIRED FOR EACH VALVE) - NOTES 1. VALVE SMANO W WIRER MMNS 91.W. NOT EAEm BOLO'AMAW Y. Aam OF. OF w IS DREW WEO IKWE BELL OF .1.1. MO F.I.P.c MPE G WMINNIRAONR n M.9'CWSWL FOR1K Ba"AIL.nd R BLUE AG`AFME MMKFRS (RMYN PENDAMi v0'NYMD wa... AFIRE X1➢PMT ANP ARAM. BE LOGIEN N THE fpITEIWK NM LAME 0-OSEST N ME HY AFT RATERMW VA. REPAYWA. ARM BE LOGIEN d. Or LAME M I-w9CE Beer RK DEAD EW LN4 VALWtL ALIO KWRMTS SYLLL. RESnUMN. M IMES 4M BE A ... 1. .r ' MA BLMWNS. ROLF. Mxmms FR: NAER AIR K - MNh PRCE MMx VALW - OREEM A.,. MMR VALVE - %TWE WARE - AT. B WE ... RERBCLVE MINCER Is REWKED FR a. VALVE. B. AEF.BME ... SHML MOT BE RLCOD IN EA.. N Der WN DESA FIRE HYDRANT °flnn"G INDIAN I<n'LR (ouvTY DEPAI?APES] °° WATER MIN(E%BEND AND VALVES UTILITIES SERVICES R- W_1 w (LOCATION DETAIL) ELEVATION 6• ANCHOR CWPuxG AI K MA ANCXdi IEE FIAT MECHANICAL JOINT VALVE BOX R� MS HIIMNR 2CM' VE AS .. BT BROODS E YE NOTE I(BELOW) BE �-�II�R�—/��\ ♦5' !A] /I11 1l^21 ( 0 MEGA -LUG RESTRAINT) CR EWA. ANTES PLAN VIEW PUMPER NOZIl — EALING ROADWAY ACCESS FINISHED GRADE- -6'GATE VALVE 6' DIP PIPE � -6• (MR)ELEY IEVAAATION WATER MAIN 0 ]. THE 9 OF WE PUMPER GAMETION RIAL Be IW ... An. UC E LE TRE REWEST .. .MOONY R MIN RILE 'FRANK SXALL BE WAHF BIRANAWAY TRIPE MLPIEIE MDIR. TINE .'FRAM ASSEMBLY MAY SE UwtEL W JEU a AvvVE ME HYDRANT SHWW W E d K LOCATED MTR12' FROM OF PANMT NNERE POSSIBLEd ALL MATERIALS MS TO BE PER BOIS APPROITN MMUFAGTUREAr PALWOT Un J'RACE ARE MBE INSTAHI AS PLR MTAn M-15. (INCE WRC NOT SHOM1 W OAAWMO MIK) 6 ALL BOLTS FOR PRE NMAMT F."S MF VALVES SDLL BE ST.IE. STEEL ALL Ha. BRM BE STAB ESS STEEL 9 ...T.. "-rBIBLE R HYDRANT PMPDIpauR TO NOADWAY R OU. FACE (E%AMPIE MUST BE FFM R SWN& FEES. BWUBS. TRAR¢RMERS. L"A" PGEe.. ETC) ID X1MMTE MF PROTECRR DEM. $RRL NAME OULAR 5 LP i' -e IN MMT AM N THE SEES INDIAN RNkR COUtiTY L dNMnG 0. DI2TIES SERVICES FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS UTILITIES SERVICES W— 2 METERS SHALL BE LOCATED WICIATR INSIDE ME RICHT-Or-WAY UNLESS 0.....RELIEa BY BROODS SEE M -J PRE PLUMBED METER F BIS Ew rNCF I I I.AR ,.Me STAIME S GAI IN VALE OVAL CXEd ELE SERVICE WALEM AI MRERE (SEI HOTS B) DWBIE SWAP ELEVATION BARGE SINGLE NOTES . sRRsaME ,APs MID lxA .. MAW EMIL SE A ... CF le• W GUNNER. z. Ill SERN¢s IEWRE ]6' ABAUM roHR. ]. YYlwuA 3RN[F 9s 910ll NOT BE TRESS 1x1H 1-0. Buu SERVICES 91Au BE A MwWM 1-1/2-0..A SOI.. PE A IWMI. 2'. Ano WAEFJPL[ YRNSS .IN Wlg. BY IR6YR E'. LONG SCAM S PERAM A G' MINIMUM In GAINS MC 2.0 UAR SERNC£5 REaME ♦ Y WRITY He. CAW6 FlPE FAMR. PIPE W ALLBE SdEDMI£ AO P.V.C. ]. ML METERS a'P M .. SHALL BE ..RY MOWS. REiW He AN. MAAIFACIMIER5 P. MAT FR METERS GREATER .- I.I. /qy G. W 41 Unjeec GUMRRSTGF;AGL°RAMAn" FORNE TS: AAM ER WAfrR SEGiN¢ ttODANEOA crids AT IMC ROOM. OF ACnVAle. M WATER MANS M AT 9Jd TIME AS DIRECTED BY VOLS NRB . 91ALL BE ME GAME AA AS ME YETISS MAT ARE MSL.WID. B. WALE ARE TO BE MSTALED AS PEF MEN. u-1] S. MUCATE APER BOOS ARE M BE PLACE. Ix M A. BOXES AIreN 2A' MAN WRFAR. TO AL REASSAI . AND RC ERu 9RMCES SMALL ME 5/B• METIFS. 1. PRFPLMIBED AREA BOXES TO BE PER M2MS APPROVED WNMFACIRGSRRUCT UST. INDIAN ETTER COUVtt DRpgM' 'EPARTMLNT of 2 WATER SERVICE IrFILPFOR 9ERIICeS W— 4 B_D. (MIN) C CmALUE / `1' CHECK VAI DETECTOR GYVASB PLAN VIEW LINE ,DETECTOR CHECK VALVE _ (OR APPROVED lir BROODS) WAFRMNN ELEVATION WATER MAIN NOTES 1. . AN RODUS APPRVED DE. D A. TO BEEIIXSIPI.Nm ON MMSR METT NORM PRKFRr', CEICttLW .. OMKEALM NSTMIFO N ACCpAMCE WI lM.. PPE AVER. COME MO M0.VI5 SIM D. dEd VALVE NO YEIER dM ME ... MOVE ROUND. M .. CM BE .... MO APROK9 aY B.R FW Gd MgNWAL PR0.Ett. } ALL Area. ARE TO BE Fee 1. AF . YAM TUnFRY PRODUCT UST. wumN xlvLx co°rrr DOUBLE—DETECTOR A'IMFMI' °!' CHECK VALVE UTILITIES BER°TLE` ASSEMBLY �WmAa. -10 FLOW ROW WATER MAIN REDUCED PRESSUREPLAN VIEW BACKFLOW PREVENTER MTTH GATE VALVES ,WRIER MNN ROW U IOS 18/2016 I —1lw ELEVATION NOTES I. NDCRMENOAL ARE REWIRED TO WSTAL DOUBLE NEON B UIXROW IWEVENTI FEEOFIROIL W .R000EO PRESSURE ERF DETERMINED As DETINED BY UnuTY. 2. DRM MOLT-STRY. MULY-PMII BRNCES ME REWIRED TO MSTM o MAT AAMGrUEP APPAL. . AWNS ANAG FULL UL USC. MO AAAA GARIICAY. MAY `T ] BE INTALL£0 RELY AFTER SPEreve IDPROVAL BY TORUS. ♦. YA 1 BACKFLOW IF.. WNL R APPW. ME �EPVRACOPPER'YSUAI PIPEON OUT, AS APPROVED BY WCAUSUPPORT SYSTEM S, AIL BE BRASS. � ALNAI A IN A VAULT MAY HE .M. y FOR APPROVAL IF FINISHED RAPE 11[ BOTTOM OF VAULT IS AT � T{ HFAST -O' MDVL RS NIM WAITS UE S -I/2' R GREATER SOMA L BE RNH£O ICI£ WR PIE. PMIMMATDa.US APE TO BE PG HODS APPNOILO MMUPACNOEOS' PRCODCT UST, B� M EASR]IENS SHALL BE ]GA STNNIESS Shit IR AP... EQU.). BF, .. FLOW PREVENTERS dAu SE CERnISO BY AMPROMD TESTER Me APPR.. c B. QRnFIFN FORM MINIMS IF IRmU6 WIAN INVI:x LDDNTr Al", r+RTMEKT OI 1BACKFLOW PREVENTER LTIUHLL I'LMICES + W-1 SJRWMD Permit N98M0 Indian River CDun=B-#4JT257 T MNER METERS CAN NOT BE LOCATED '_ Sl IMMEDIATELY INSIDE FIGHT F THEY MAY BE LOCATED ID ME AT E THE BY PROPERTY UNE AS BIPELiF° BY IRCWS VICTAL COUPL IFPno. PPE-PH.M. HEMA SXALI M POLYMER LLNRETE k FIBERGLASS SEE M -J NS -PLUMBED NETER BOX BIW NO XqE UD 1O EI CRP P LOCKING STOP VALI RO WAY 5-D• 1-V FINISHED RADE Y -G• SICEWAix � V � WALE MRE BML :. LONG BERNCF N Der WN DESA PVC CASING SIEEVE '_� BYES WATER MIN(E%BEND UNDER ACEWAUK)S. BAS DOUBLE STRAP w SERVICE SADDLE ELEVATION 6 A- SEE NOTES INDIANRIVERCOUNTY WATER SERVICE c; W_4 DEP.IRTMENT OF uniPFDs 1: 11111 (OUTSIDE OF RIGHT OF WAY) B_D. (MIN) C CmALUE / `1' CHECK VAI DETECTOR GYVASB PLAN VIEW LINE ,DETECTOR CHECK VALVE _ (OR APPROVED lir BROODS) WAFRMNN ELEVATION WATER MAIN NOTES 1. . AN RODUS APPRVED DE. D A. TO BEEIIXSIPI.Nm ON MMSR METT NORM PRKFRr', CEICttLW .. OMKEALM NSTMIFO N ACCpAMCE WI lM.. PPE AVER. COME MO M0.VI5 SIM D. dEd VALVE NO YEIER dM ME ... MOVE ROUND. M .. CM BE .... MO APROK9 aY B.R FW Gd MgNWAL PR0.Ett. } ALL Area. ARE TO BE Fee 1. AF . YAM TUnFRY PRODUCT UST. wumN xlvLx co°rrr DOUBLE—DETECTOR A'IMFMI' °!' CHECK VALVE UTILITIES BER°TLE` ASSEMBLY �WmAa. -10 FLOW ROW WATER MAIN REDUCED PRESSUREPLAN VIEW BACKFLOW PREVENTER MTTH GATE VALVES ,WRIER MNN ROW U IOS 18/2016 I —1lw ELEVATION NOTES I. NDCRMENOAL ARE REWIRED TO WSTAL DOUBLE NEON B UIXROW IWEVENTI FEEOFIROIL W .R000EO PRESSURE ERF DETERMINED As DETINED BY UnuTY. 2. DRM MOLT-STRY. MULY-PMII BRNCES ME REWIRED TO MSTM o MAT AAMGrUEP APPAL. . AWNS ANAG FULL UL USC. MO AAAA GARIICAY. MAY `T ] BE INTALL£0 RELY AFTER SPEreve IDPROVAL BY TORUS. ♦. YA 1 BACKFLOW IF.. WNL R APPW. ME �EPVRACOPPER'YSUAI PIPEON OUT, AS APPROVED BY WCAUSUPPORT SYSTEM S, AIL BE BRASS. � ALNAI A IN A VAULT MAY HE .M. y FOR APPROVAL IF FINISHED RAPE 11[ BOTTOM OF VAULT IS AT � T{ HFAST -O' MDVL RS NIM WAITS UE S -I/2' R GREATER SOMA L BE RNH£O ICI£ WR PIE. PMIMMATDa.US APE TO BE PG HODS APPNOILO MMUPACNOEOS' PRCODCT UST, B� M EASR]IENS SHALL BE ]GA STNNIESS Shit IR AP... EQU.). BF, .. FLOW PREVENTERS dAu SE CERnISO BY AMPROMD TESTER Me APPR.. c B. QRnFIFN FORM MINIMS IF IRmU6 WIAN INVI:x LDDNTr Al", r+RTMEKT OI 1BACKFLOW PREVENTER LTIUHLL I'LMICES + W-1 SJRWMD Permit N98M0 Indian River CDun=B-#4JT257 T 11-11 '_ Sl MIN) F VICTAL COUPL Id' d 1O EI FU LOCKING STOP VALI L _. BY-PASS N 3'-O•I CUSTOMER PIPING B_D. (MIN) C CmALUE / `1' CHECK VAI DETECTOR GYVASB PLAN VIEW LINE ,DETECTOR CHECK VALVE _ (OR APPROVED lir BROODS) WAFRMNN ELEVATION WATER MAIN NOTES 1. . AN RODUS APPRVED DE. D A. TO BEEIIXSIPI.Nm ON MMSR METT NORM PRKFRr', CEICttLW .. OMKEALM NSTMIFO N ACCpAMCE WI lM.. PPE AVER. COME MO M0.VI5 SIM D. dEd VALVE NO YEIER dM ME ... MOVE ROUND. M .. CM BE .... MO APROK9 aY B.R FW Gd MgNWAL PR0.Ett. } ALL Area. ARE TO BE Fee 1. AF . YAM TUnFRY PRODUCT UST. wumN xlvLx co°rrr DOUBLE—DETECTOR A'IMFMI' °!' CHECK VALVE UTILITIES BER°TLE` ASSEMBLY �WmAa. -10 FLOW ROW WATER MAIN REDUCED PRESSUREPLAN VIEW BACKFLOW PREVENTER MTTH GATE VALVES ,WRIER MNN ROW U IOS 18/2016 I —1lw ELEVATION NOTES I. NDCRMENOAL ARE REWIRED TO WSTAL DOUBLE NEON B UIXROW IWEVENTI FEEOFIROIL W .R000EO PRESSURE ERF DETERMINED As DETINED BY UnuTY. 2. DRM MOLT-STRY. MULY-PMII BRNCES ME REWIRED TO MSTM o MAT AAMGrUEP APPAL. . AWNS ANAG FULL UL USC. MO AAAA GARIICAY. MAY `T ] BE INTALL£0 RELY AFTER SPEreve IDPROVAL BY TORUS. ♦. YA 1 BACKFLOW IF.. WNL R APPW. ME �EPVRACOPPER'YSUAI PIPEON OUT, AS APPROVED BY WCAUSUPPORT SYSTEM S, AIL BE BRASS. � ALNAI A IN A VAULT MAY HE .M. y FOR APPROVAL IF FINISHED RAPE 11[ BOTTOM OF VAULT IS AT � T{ HFAST -O' MDVL RS NIM WAITS UE S -I/2' R GREATER SOMA L BE RNH£O ICI£ WR PIE. PMIMMATDa.US APE TO BE PG HODS APPNOILO MMUPACNOEOS' PRCODCT UST, B� M EASR]IENS SHALL BE ]GA STNNIESS Shit IR AP... EQU.). BF, .. FLOW PREVENTERS dAu SE CERnISO BY AMPROMD TESTER Me APPR.. c B. QRnFIFN FORM MINIMS IF IRmU6 WIAN INVI:x LDDNTr Al", r+RTMEKT OI 1BACKFLOW PREVENTER LTIUHLL I'LMICES + W-1 SJRWMD Permit N98M0 Indian River CDun=B-#4JT257 T '_ Sl 4TE OF 98]6.01 96 T NO C -UT PROCCT NAME AND IMATON MIS STORMWATER FOLLOW PREWNTON PLAN ARE PRONDED FPD ME DELELO°MENT OF (6) SNGLC-STONY STORAGE UNITS ONE SNG'LE-STPPY P'FICE WRONG, AND (11) COWATED RECREAWWA[ WHIIXE SPACES ME SITE IS LOCATED AT 9220 SEBASDAN BW[EVARD, MBASWAN NOSDA MESS ME PROECT CAN ALSO of LOCATED WN MICRON 22 TOBNSHIP 31, RANGE M - INDIAN RIW? COUNTY OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS SIORINANT (SWASOM AM). LLC IW S KENTUCKY AVE SUITE 290 LAKELAW. R 338/0 TELEPHONE 863 116-8000 PROMfC1 DESCRIPTOR ]MS PRMCT ENTAILS IHS CONSRUCRW M A ME DEWLLWM£NT M (T) 9NIXE-SORRY STORAGE UNITS WE SNOLE-STORY PflCE BOLDING AND (47) COWRW R£CREARONAL VEHICLE SPACES ME PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Wit WAIN TO AN EMSNG PERMITTED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT RACLIN LOCATED HEST OF ME PROPERTY. THE RECEMNO SRARMWATER MANAGEMENT SISTEM WAS DESIRED M ACCCWMWAE M£ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND WAS PERMITTED BY ME SWM FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (REFERENCE ERP NO 40-61-98440-I) SENTENCE M MASER ACWMTES ME ORDER OF MA" ACRLIMS WIL BE AS PILLOWS: I. INSTALL SRT SCREEN AS SHOWN ON PLANS SLI FENCES SHALL BE USED IN UEU M TEMPORARY PERIMETER SHALES 2. ROUGH MADE WE SITE AS NEIL AS MeoV MY SHALES M FORCE DELIVERY OF RUNOFF TO THE PWD ONE POO Wit ACT AS SEDIM£NTARW BASWS). 3 SWILL E CLEARED AREAS WDYN Z DAM OF LAST DS UNIANCE IF WNW 1S NOT CAPTURED BY ME STMMWAIER PWD. 4. INSTALL STORM YBER CWVEYMCf SYSTEMS BULDINGS AND UTILIDES 5. COHPLEIE GRADING AND INSTALL PERMANENT WALKING ON OTHER WGIABLE S/ABILIZARDL 6 CONDUCT CONSRUCTIN OF THE ENHANCES AND PAW WT. I. WHEN ALL CONSHUCDON IS COMPLETE. SIMION (ED SW. SEED/MULW, EM) ANY RENAMING DISTURBED AREAS STORMWA LER POLLUTION PREWNDW ME IMRK SPEPFIEO IN MIS REGION CWSSTS M MEASURES REWIRED M CONMD EROSW AND MANVORT OF SEDIMENTS MMIN AND FROM THE PRDECT AREA, SO AS M PREVENT WE OEGRMANM M RECEIMNG WATERS OERTMENTAL EFFECTS ON WBUL OR PRMVAW PROPERTY ADAGEW M ME PROECT AND DAMAGE WMW WE PRO.ECt AREA. NESE MEASURES WLL INCLUDE ME CONSIRI/CDON AND MAINTENANCE M TEMPORARY ANO PERMANENT EROSW CONHOLS CONSTRUCTOR OPERATORS SHALL BE RESTRICTED M PLOY AREAS WERE IF IS NECESSARY TO PERFORM FILING M EXCAVATOR M ACCOMPLISH ME XMK SOW W WE MAMNGS AND M ROSE AREAS MARCH MUST Be ENTERED TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY M PERMANENT SMUCMRES AS SOON AS ME CDVO'TWS MLL PERMIT, RIVERS STEAMS IMPOUNDMENT, SMRMWATER STORAGE AND COVWYMCE SYSTEMS AND ANY WSM RECEMNG WATER BODIES SHALL BE PRWPRY CLEARED OF ALL MSMUCRWS PLACED REASON W CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTOR ORERARONS RUNOFF FROM UNSTARLIZEO AREAS SHALL BE TREATED MRWCH SIT FENCES BEFORE D5CHARDNG FROM WE PROPERTY, EMSON MACDC£S PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL F£AMRES SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO ME PRP£CT AT WE EARLIEST PRACDCAL DME. TEMPORARY CWDML FEATURES WLL BE USED TO CORRECT CMDUXWS MAT DEWICP DURING CWSTRUCRON MITCH MIRE NOT FORESEEN AT THE WE M DESW TO CONTRLX EROSON PRIOR 10 ME WE IT IS PRACTICAL M CONSWUCT PERMANENT CONTROL FEATURES TEMPORARY EROSION CWRD MAY BE USED IN CONROUNG EROSION IN AREAS WERE CWMDWS NOT ORDER ME CONTROL OR ME CWMACW,, PRECLUDE CWPLETON OF A SECDW OF A PROECF IN A CONTINUOUS MANNER, AND FOR CONTRE NG EROSION IN AREAS WHINE CONSTRUCTOR MERAD NS MUST BE PERFORMED SUBSEQUENTLY MAT MLL CAUSE DAMAGE TO PERMANENT MSM CONTROL FEATURES TEMPORARY EROSION AND WATER POLNRW CONW X FEARAES SHALL CONSIST OP, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0. GRASS TEMPORARY MULCHING, SMDBAGGIK SEDIMENT BASINS SEDIMENT CH£CK5/EARM DITCH CHECKS, BERMS FLOATNG )UNION BARRIERS MAY BALES AND SLT FENCE. TEMPORARY SIABIUZARON - SOL STOOL PILES AND DISTURBED PONWONS OF WE 9TE MITRE CWSRUCRW ACRWN TEMPORARILY CEASES FOR AT LEAST 11 DAYS MIL BE STMILLZEO WRIN T DAY$ FROM ME LAST CWSMUCWW ACRON IN NAT AREA. MESE AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WR TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH. WE SURFACE AREAS OF UNPROTECTED ERODIBLE EMM EXPOSED BY CLEARING AND GRUDGING EXCAVATOR ON HUNG GRERADONS SMALL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM AS PRACTICAL, PERMANENT STAB'UZADON - ALL DISTURBED PORDWS OF ME STE WERE CWSHUCTON ACTWTES HAVE PERMANENRY CEASED MLL BE STA&U&D BY SOD M SEED AND MULCH IN ACCORDANCE WIN WE LANDSCAPING PLANS AND/M CONSMUCRON PLANS STRUCTURAL PRACTLFA' STAKED SET SCREENS - MLL BE INSTALLED ACCMMNG M WE PLANS TO PROTECT CPFSTE AREAS FROM ANY POSMBLE ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM SEDIMENTS SEOMENr NRL BE REamwo FROM ME UPSTREAM 90E M MY SILT SCREEN ONCE WE ACWMULAIEO SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 ME HEIGHT CP WE SIT SCREEN. MY MOMENT DEPOSIS ON SOL DISWRBANGE CREATED DURING AS INSTALLADON AND REMOVAL CP SLT SCREEN SHALL BE DRESSED M CONFIRM M THE FINISHED MACE ME SIT SCREEN SHALL BE INSPECTED ALONG WIN WE REST M M£ PRO.ECT URGE TWIN MIEN DAM M WMIN 24 HOURS CP A RAINFALL PWvF EXCEEDING 0.5' MERE DEROENOES EXIST, ADORONAL SIT FENCES WALL BE INSTALLED ON REPLACED ATTACHMENT M SIT SCREEN TO CASTRO WEES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNLESS APPROWD BY WE PRQECT ENONEER. NOTE: ME FOLLOWS CONTROLS CONCERN DAY-TO-DAY ACTWRES ON RE MME WE STE RKERVUENDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THEY ARE CARRIED WT APPROPRIALELY. WASTE DISPOSAL WASTE MATERIALS - ALL WAST MATERIALS BILL BE COICCIEU AND STOPED IN METAL DUMPSTALS AND MEN HAULED TO AN APPROVED OIYOSAL SE, ME DUMPSTERS MLL MEET ALL COUNTRY AND STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RZOAAADVIR ALL MASH AND C9VSIRUCWN DEBRIS FROM ME STE DULL B£ DEPOSUI M DE MOUSIER. NO CONSTRUCTOR WASTE WILL BE BURIED ON ME 9T, ALL PERSONNEL Wit BE INSTRUCTED IN ME CORRECT PROCEDURE FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. EMPLOYEE WASTE AND OWER LOOSE MATERIALS E.G. CUPS CANS RAGS ETC. WLL BE COLLECTED 50 AS TO PREVENT ME RELEASE M ELOATABLES' DI/MNG RIUNOFF EVENTS HAZARDOUS WASTE - ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS Wit BE DISPOSED OF IN ME MANNER WOOED BY LOCAL OR STATE REGULADWS OR BY WE MANUFACTURER SANITARY WASTE - ALL SANITARY WAST MU. BE COLLECTS) FROM THE PORTABLE UNITS IN A RALLY MANNER MEETNG ALL LOCAL AND STATE REGULAWONS CE STY WA fyY£ LVY YY YYLLYYr AUNITOWNG M MFSTE RACKNG OF SEDIMENTS AT ME FNWANCE5 O ESWRVAL WHERE SILT PENCE Wit NOT BE PLACED TO ENABLE ACCESS TO WE 9M E 17 APPEARS NAT Ia NIFK,'ANT AMOUNTS 6 SEDIMENT AAE' BEING TRACKED ON ME WT, CRAWL ENTRANCES M 0M£R IEW MEASURES ARE REC(MIMfNDED W TO NEEP DISGE ME SW, SEDIMENT AND PFT BEFORE ME VFN/ll ES E5 LE LFAVE ME 5l]F. CERMCAWON OK CDAPLIANCE MM FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATORS WE WSW MACWCES SHALL COMPLY WN MIS SIORMWARN POLLURON Pri£VfNRW PLM AS Kit AS RDIECT ME REOUIR£MENIS M ME' I. ETERS AFTER GENERIC PERMIT EW COVSRUCM ACRVTRES. 62-62).XO(4)., FAC) 2. ALL STATE RENTRREMfW5 Of SIMMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS UNDER CHAPTERS 400-4, 409-40 AND 400-400 M WE FLORIDA AWIMSMATVE CONE AS ADMINISTERED BY WE SOUDD E F FLMIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT IN ADIMON M CFR ACAMSTEREO BY ME ARMY CMP OR ENGINEERS MAMI£NANCE,NSPECBW PROCEDURES ULLIRN-AND SEDIMENT CONTROL USTSILM AM MAINTENANCE MACROS THE FOLLONNG PRACRCES WIL BE UDUZED M MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS ALL CONMCL MEASURES MLL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (Z) DAYS AND WORM 14 HOURS OF ANY RAINFALL EXCEEDING 05 INLWa A MAINTENANCE MSECRW REPORT Wit BE MADE AFTER EACH INSPECWW MESE INSPECRON REPORTS MLL B£ KEPT AS A PART OF WE STWMWATER MUTTON PREWNRW PLAN FW AT LEAST MREE (3) HEARS FROM WE CAT WE STE IS FINALLY SIMaUTED. A COPY OF WE INSPECWW REPORT FRIM 4 FRONDED. ALL MEASURES NIL ITS MAINTAINED IN TWO MOCKING WOFR; lF A REPAIR IS NECESSARY, IT Wit BE IMITATED WORM 24 HOURS OR ITS REPMRNG TEMPORARY SETTING AND PERMANENT SODDING OR SEEgNG/MULCNING WLL BE INSPECTED !ON BARE SW IS WASHOUTS AND HEALTHY CROWN ANY DERCENCYES SNAIL BE CMRECI£O A WAUfIED PERSON Not BE DESWATED M PERFORM ME INSPECTORS AND FILL WT WE INSPECTON AND MAINTENANCE REPORT. ME &IF SCREW SHALL BE ffil ECR:D IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST GARY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL WERE DEBCENCES EXIST ADOWONAL SILT FENCES STALL BE INSTALLED OR REPLACED, 5EOMENT MLL BE REMOVED FROM ME UPSTREAM SOE M ANY MT SCREEN ONCE WE ACCUMULATED SEGMENT REACHES 1/3 ME HEIGHT OF THE SLI SCREEN. MY SEDIMENT G£POSM M SOL DISTURBANCE CREATED WRING ME INSTALLARON AND REMOVAL M SRI SCREEN SMALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO WE FINISHED GRADE. INVENTORY M BUILDING MAIER[ALS EXPECTED M BE PRESENT ONSW MATERIALS PRESENT INS1£ WRING CWSMUCTON Wit INCLUDE ROSE NORMALLY ASSOCIATED WN MIS TIPS M CONSTRUCON CONCRETE, SWILL REINFORCING BARS AND RELATED MAWMALS PIPE, LUMBER, PAINTS, PEHDEUM BASED PROJUCM MATEMAL MANAGEMENT G OLUTW PR£V£NDW) PRACRCES ME FOLLOWING MATERIAL MANAGEMENT MACWCES Wit BE USED M REDUCE WE RISK OF W4US OR OTHER ACPDENTAL EXPOSURE M MATERIALS AND SUBSTANCES TO SttMMWATER MWFP GENERAL MACTCFS THE NUORWG GENERAL MACROS ARL BE FOLLOWED ONSITE WRING WE CWSTRUCOON PROA:CT.. SUFFIOENI PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PRfKNT MOUTON OF WATER BODIES DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY MR MELS PLS RIMNENS CALOUM CHLORIDE, M OMEN HARMFUL MATERIALS AN EFFORT MLL BE MADE TO STORE ONLY ENOUGH PRWWTS REWIRED FOR NIS PROA-CT. ALL MAMMALS SIPPED WSTE Wit BE STMED IN A NEAT, ORDERLY MANNER IN WEIR APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS AND, lF POSSIBLS UNDER A RGCP ON OWER ENCLOSURE PROMOTE Wit BE KEPI IN WEIR ORIGINAL CONTAINERS WIN ME ORIGINAL NANUFACNRERS LABEL. SUBSTANCES NIL NOT BE MIXED WR ME MOWER UNLESS RECOMMENDED BY ME MANUFACTURER WHENEVER POSSIBLE, All M A PRODUCT WLL BE USED BEFORE IMPOMNG M ME CONTAINER MANUFACTURERS' RECWMfNOARWS FOR PROPER USE AND DISPOSAL MLL RE FOLLOWED WE STE WLL BE INSPECTED DAILY TO ENSURE PROPER USE AND DISPOSAL M MATERIALS HAZARDOUS PROPICTS ME FOLLOWS PRACTIES WLL BE UDLIZED M REDUCE ME RIPS ASSOCIATED MR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS' PRODUCTS NIL BE KEPI IN WEIR MORAL CWTNNERS UNLESS THEY ME NOT RESEALABLE. MIGNAL LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFELY DATA MLL BE RETUNED. NEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORM TW IF SURPLUS PRODUCT MUST BE DISPOSED OF, MANUFACTURERS' M LOCAL AND STAT, RECOMMENDED MEWWS FOR PROPER DISPOSAL MLL BE FOLLOWED. (PER FOO T INDEX 1 102) ME FOLLOWNG PROWCI SPEC/TIC PRACRUS ARL BE FOLLOWED CWSIE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS - ALL CNSTE VEHICLES MIL W MONITORED FOR LEAKS AND RECOW REGULAR PR£VENME MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE WE CHANCE OF LEAKAGE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MLL BE STOPED IN RGHRY SEALED CONTAINERS WAI ARE CLEARLY LABELED ANY ASPHALT SUBSTANCES USED LWSTE MIL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO WE MANUFACRJRDM REC'OMIDWAUWS PARIS - ALL CONTAINERS KL BE ANDY SEALED AND SMILER WEEN NOT USE EXCESS PAINT MLL NOT BE DISCHARGED TO A STORM YMER, POND SMTE'/A OR RECERNC WATER BUT WIL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED M ACCMONG M NANUFACNRMS' MSH(MRONS OR STATE AND LOCAL REWLADONS IN AWIDON TO ME MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PRACRCES DISCUSSED IN THE PREWWS SECRDIS OF DRS PLAN, ME FPLOWNG PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR SPILL PREWAIDON AND CLEANUP: MANUFACTURER$ RECOMMENDED MEMOS FOR SPIU. CLEANUP MLL BE CLEARLY P05W ANO SIE PERSMNU NIL BE MADE AWARE OF WE PROCEDURES AND WE LOCABOM M ME RNFCRMAWW ANO CLEANUP SUPPLIES MATERIALS ANDT NECESSARY f FWIPMEN ECE W SILL CLEANUP WU BE KEPT IN ST MATEFIAL STORAGE AREA MAI IS T& K CONTAIN AND MATERIALS MLL FOR MI BURPOS DIST P,WS CLOVES AND PLASWC AND M£IAL MARY CWIAINER$ ET4 SPfPF1CALLYfM MIS PURPOSE, ALL SPILLS BILL BE CLEANED UP LMMONA)£LY AFTER DISCOWRY WE SPILL AREA WLL BE KEPT WELL WNDLATO ANO PERSONNEL WLL WAR APPROPWLATE PWXCnW CLOTHING TO PREVENT WAIRY FROM CONTACT MM A HAZA.RW 5 SUBSTANCE. SPES OF TOXIC W HAZARDOUS MAD MAL NIL BE REPORTED TO ME APPROPRIATE STATE M LOCAL GOWSYMENF AGENCY. REGARDLESS OF ME SH ME SPILL PREWNRON PLANS MLL BE AOAUSMO TO INWLDE MEASURES TO PREVENT NIS THPE OF SPILL FROM REOCCURRING AND NOW TO CLEAN UP THIS TYPE M SPILL IF WERE 15 MOWER ONE. A LESCRIPTION M ME SPILL, ITS CAUSE, AND ME CLEANUP MEASURES MLL ALSO BE INCLUDED. ON CF SEBASRAN ORDINANCE PER DIY OF SEBASTIAN OPo LANCE 0-13-11. NO ILUGT DISCHARGE INTO ME a" SIAM WATER SYSTEM STALL BE PERMITTED. CWHACTMY CENDFRC4TKW MIS SWPP MUST CLEARLY IDENDFY, FOR EACH MEASURE MNRUEO WMIN WE SWPPP, WE CWMACRR(S) M SUBCWMACTM(S) NAT MLL IMPLEMENT EACH MEASURE ALL CWHACTOGM) MU SURCONMACTM(S) IDENMIAIED IN WE SWOP MUST SIGN WE FWOWNG CERTUCAUQY 9 CODIFY UNDER PENALTY M LAW MAT I UND£ASTAW,, AND WHAT COMPLY WR WE TERMS AND CWPDLWS P" WE STATE OF FLORIDA L£NERIC PERMIT FOR STMMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALL CWSMUCDON ACnWVES AND MIS SWIDIAT£R PIXLUWW PREWNTW PLAN PREPARED WERE UNDER.' SMAWRE/OAM: NAME' COMPANY NAME ADLAPESS T£L£PHWE NO RESPONSIBILITY. STOP. WATER PgL. WEVEMMN PW1 IXSFECIpN ANO .Y rluveuE ROPLAT FOM Bgvl®MwvtlbdmaWM.MN M d no. de noa o w:Yppvav) Her. no, rdw Wnp'Rgc Nvker: NIDI edN mb ra N ttrnn me E,riaul/ Onva fm6a Gne[&e kNn yr e xe ado. .mlNe �•cM u..aga( rceh mmummr a rMaamr mw v-vm. rnm Ymebde Nmuu[e n rglxmwr xrM N rc eew.et awua Conairun lope CWe: 11 omw�l on. �Mxlw Nwmlm. NaErimlPn ale T Ort WtlueMWavid tlM tlrs 4.rrtnrwNbQ aIN XeLmm Rb Pltin R.vNdov IM Rd (e Shed IbJ�Geek bnib rtiv BaMp Imm iwu r s,b mwm'm NLRB. a u,.a v� m aT:mrM d m.-rRNw= nem. me. 1,v,vy NePowe wav or w.Rv,eavI aRaww as. vou,N utl PJ'M Rr'adr.ew.. a.tlaaa IH.w,--. ee.A.n roar a nr wm� w o-rm=.ro N,rwr°�.' Ae Pm°°M:.,. z}iwr w.kks b nGatig I� Mwtl.a iJdN ue pmWl d he ed I,pFonmi iw Im1q wme. kon t r/r'av, e roN NSR. r rry' reMwr rosy vrslaws (N'rm m rr naN .I.m Iv usA.. rPr src"F0d11"Y � x `I ,.rw rwn ELEYATON SECTION rPR: z., rr.'r ,R a ..P rw °rrcP Mr LP.mL'r M, r«:Lr /aR smm s.r Hrxr nN SILT SCREEN DETAIL LJ IPE P-2 106/22/2016 I C p p ? a e J li PARTAL INLET COMPLETED INLET DITCH BOTTOM INLET PROTECTION ra mAROUND INLETS OR a SIMILAR STRUCTURES (PER FOO T INDEX 1 102) ME FOLLOWNG PROWCI SPEC/TIC PRACRUS ARL BE FOLLOWED CWSIE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS - ALL CNSTE VEHICLES MIL W MONITORED FOR LEAKS AND RECOW REGULAR PR£VENME MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE WE CHANCE OF LEAKAGE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MLL BE STOPED IN RGHRY SEALED CONTAINERS WAI ARE CLEARLY LABELED ANY ASPHALT SUBSTANCES USED LWSTE MIL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO WE MANUFACRJRDM REC'OMIDWAUWS PARIS - ALL CONTAINERS KL BE ANDY SEALED AND SMILER WEEN NOT USE EXCESS PAINT MLL NOT BE DISCHARGED TO A STORM YMER, POND SMTE'/A OR RECERNC WATER BUT WIL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED M ACCMONG M NANUFACNRMS' MSH(MRONS OR STATE AND LOCAL REWLADONS IN AWIDON TO ME MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PRACRCES DISCUSSED IN THE PREWWS SECRDIS OF DRS PLAN, ME FPLOWNG PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR SPILL PREWAIDON AND CLEANUP: MANUFACTURER$ RECOMMENDED MEMOS FOR SPIU. CLEANUP MLL BE CLEARLY P05W ANO SIE PERSMNU NIL BE MADE AWARE OF WE PROCEDURES AND WE LOCABOM M ME RNFCRMAWW ANO CLEANUP SUPPLIES MATERIALS ANDT NECESSARY f FWIPMEN ECE W SILL CLEANUP WU BE KEPT IN ST MATEFIAL STORAGE AREA MAI IS T& K CONTAIN AND MATERIALS MLL FOR MI BURPOS DIST P,WS CLOVES AND PLASWC AND M£IAL MARY CWIAINER$ ET4 SPfPF1CALLYfM MIS PURPOSE, ALL SPILLS BILL BE CLEANED UP LMMONA)£LY AFTER DISCOWRY WE SPILL AREA WLL BE KEPT WELL WNDLATO ANO PERSONNEL WLL WAR APPROPWLATE PWXCnW CLOTHING TO PREVENT WAIRY FROM CONTACT MM A HAZA.RW 5 SUBSTANCE. SPES OF TOXIC W HAZARDOUS MAD MAL NIL BE REPORTED TO ME APPROPRIATE STATE M LOCAL GOWSYMENF AGENCY. REGARDLESS OF ME SH ME SPILL PREWNRON PLANS MLL BE AOAUSMO TO INWLDE MEASURES TO PREVENT NIS THPE OF SPILL FROM REOCCURRING AND NOW TO CLEAN UP THIS TYPE M SPILL IF WERE 15 MOWER ONE. A LESCRIPTION M ME SPILL, ITS CAUSE, AND ME CLEANUP MEASURES MLL ALSO BE INCLUDED. ON CF SEBASRAN ORDINANCE PER DIY OF SEBASTIAN OPo LANCE 0-13-11. NO ILUGT DISCHARGE INTO ME a" SIAM WATER SYSTEM STALL BE PERMITTED. CWHACTMY CENDFRC4TKW MIS SWPP MUST CLEARLY IDENDFY, FOR EACH MEASURE MNRUEO WMIN WE SWPPP, WE CWMACRR(S) M SUBCWMACTM(S) NAT MLL IMPLEMENT EACH MEASURE ALL CWHACTOGM) MU SURCONMACTM(S) IDENMIAIED IN WE SWOP MUST SIGN WE FWOWNG CERTUCAUQY 9 CODIFY UNDER PENALTY M LAW MAT I UND£ASTAW,, AND WHAT COMPLY WR WE TERMS AND CWPDLWS P" WE STATE OF FLORIDA L£NERIC PERMIT FOR STMMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALL CWSMUCDON ACnWVES AND MIS SWIDIAT£R PIXLUWW PREWNTW PLAN PREPARED WERE UNDER.' SMAWRE/OAM: NAME' COMPANY NAME ADLAPESS T£L£PHWE NO RESPONSIBILITY. STOP. WATER PgL. WEVEMMN PW1 IXSFECIpN ANO .Y rluveuE ROPLAT FOM Bgvl®MwvtlbdmaWM.MN M d no. de noa o w:Yppvav) Her. no, rdw Wnp'Rgc Nvker: NIDI edN mb ra N ttrnn me E,riaul/ Onva fm6a Gne[&e kNn yr e xe ado. .mlNe �•cM u..aga( rceh mmummr a rMaamr mw v-vm. rnm Ymebde Nmuu[e n rglxmwr xrM N rc eew.et awua Conairun lope CWe: 11 omw�l on. �Mxlw Nwmlm. NaErimlPn ale T Ort WtlueMWavid tlM tlrs 4.rrtnrwNbQ aIN XeLmm Rb Pltin R.vNdov IM Rd (e Shed IbJ�Geek bnib rtiv BaMp Imm iwu r s,b mwm'm NLRB. a u,.a v� m aT:mrM d m.-rRNw= nem. me. 1,v,vy NePowe wav or w.Rv,eavI aRaww as. vou,N utl PJ'M Rr'adr.ew.. a.tlaaa IH.w,--. ee.A.n roar a nr wm� w o-rm=.ro N,rwr°�.' Ae Pm°°M:.,. z}iwr w.kks b nGatig I� Mwtl.a iJdN ue pmWl d he ed I,pFonmi iw Im1q wme. kon t r/r'av, e roN NSR. r rry' reMwr rosy vrslaws (N'rm m rr naN .I.m Iv usA.. rPr src"F0d11"Y � x `I ,.rw rwn ELEYATON SECTION rPR: z., rr.'r ,R a ..P rw °rrcP Mr LP.mL'r M, r«:Lr /aR smm s.r Hrxr nN SILT SCREEN DETAIL LJ IPE P-2 106/22/2016 I C p p S]RWMDP.rNW#98440-4 sF6Bf NO Indian River County App. #77Z57 C -O8 ? a e J li e V - C C N p C W Y Y E p n > r Y c moo H N cad o % #n' N y � u Ull 6 K V o N y N C p e � 3 II�E)E)ifF 5\`KI51`1`111111 / H .P• '� NSE• p c ` o •• STA OF ' UUlllll A�MSVSNl ]IMOD OOD,P.E l: PROTECT 987 987fi.01 S]RWMDP.rNW#98440-4 sF6Bf NO Indian River County App. #77Z57 C -O8 Q lhndw �\ SIF£YE PTSW➢ n PGV.LO EVpL WTHROWWA OL -fi /�}FA0.4d 6PXAYl�AU WGH GeOFLIXNPJXG pq�ISePHpV HFADWTIFAd0.IXTIAING vPGP`VM HGTOe HE WRH MPO TW vHG 0 Li @Sr.e.VPLM M'D WELLIgVOV! PMEHSI&E \IPnG9T0NTXENOHING s��iw��ii v�ii�ii�iii v.��ildddiiMONMMM. ori. �idmdmi mwwmmm s mamim■ vim.°�Mwwiwai s m�iwi■ Obi■■■�� i■■■ii sa�Mmm■ii ®.wiiiii ®rte"iii Mm■ii Q lhndw �\ SIF£YE PTSW➢ n PGV.LO EVpL WTHROWWA OL -fi /�}FA0.4d 6PXAYl�AU WGH GeOFLIXNPJXG pq�ISePHpV HFADWTIFAd0.IXTIAING vPGP`VM HGTOe HE WRH MPO TW vHG 0 Li @Sr.e.VPLM M'D WELLIgVOV! PMEHSI&E \IPnG9T0NTXENOHING Z Z a� 0 60' 120, //��� Q / =x —X—X- I x x x -mac �i C \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \7,7/7/7 \ \ \ \ ® \ SCALE: 1" = 60' r GJ / E Y 1,. r a 1Y j �-76Ei uY as � o 1 x' i�! �T N Titan 8x6 REVE�ON EiC!>BTION u' Overall Lenth 40.600ft Overall Widt#7 g665ft s Overall Bod H*ht 12.582ft Min Bod Ground9 Clearance 1.626�t RE EON DATE rt"..— Track WiYdth 9.665ft ^ a s z M Lock—to—lock time 6.08s. Max Wheel Angle 45 0' R DN ND DA P-1 11/01/16 DRA BY. NAME 8 §$ nre zo a ro n.r r � J � N J lL E E ro n X ..�_ • W LV F U L d N w p G P.1 r�.-'p'' 8 N K > HI nx]SpRVWAN3p �LIMp � y fEi@4' 1/1 y s�xzxawwmmpm.p U F4 kT .``'� A AQ `* 0. 71 i I = rr r Ib _ STA E OF � � �: JASONENGn N Ga D. Pe S% - p ^ ••.�0R1Q P'f-� REG NO. 91103 D V ` PRO= NO 59 9876.01 dX :: il:lalt 11\iYY SHEET NO. C-EXH 4 SW 6525 EH Rarified Air interior / Exterior Locator Number: 273-C4 273 COORDINATING COLORS SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All White & Pastel Paint Colors . R: 225 G: 230 B: 230 Hex Value: #ele6e6 LRV: 78 View All Timeless Color Paint Colors . R: 65 G: 109 B: 131 Hex Value: #416d83 LRV: 14 SW 6800 Something Blue Interior / Exterior Locator Number: 177-C2 177 MEL El COORDINATING COLORS SIMILARCOLORS DETAILS View All Purple Paint Colors - R: 176 G: 214 B: 230 Hex Value: #b0d6e6 LRV: 63 SW 6716 Dancing Green interior/ Exterior Locator Number: 149-02 149 M M : COORDINATING COLORS SIMILARCOLORS DETAILS View All Green Paint Colors . R: 197 G: 205 B: 143 Hex Value: #c5cd8f LRV: 58 A04 2 2 A07 eB6 AOB 2 B7 A04 A05 A06 � A02 B4I 41 A05 5 A01 A05 3 A02 EOF:FIC A01 A02 A01 1 A06 B5 A03 2 A03 j41 A03 4 4 A06 A 1■ ,i S Q� q Q u L ''0 vJ C M a m vJ N cu C vJ vJ ,i S O q Q u C M a m a�ac'`3 C � > E a� � W aocc�S o u ,i S n Front Perspective U - — 12' office w 16'- 11 "` T.O.P 1 --- ---10'-0'1 Level 1 a_01 n Office S LJ 1/16" = 1'-0" OOffice N 1/16" = 1'-0" MATERIALS AND COLORS _ T.O.P 1 10'-0" _ Level 1 0'-0" STORAGE DOORS: EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -"SOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT kk, POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW 4C,. "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. SANTORINI BLUE g EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR GALVALUME � -XK we, 1 W. n SEAM BY MBCI OR 1/16' 16" N V O N L 0 ''1-^ VJ 4— a ''0^ VJ C 0] (u cu U) U) T_ V O 'v a B rn 0 � 0 >m a)a ¢ U W d � E � a _V F Y 0 QN L aoo0 n B-1 E 1" = 20'-0" DOORS TO RF SWAR11 "SANT( 17'-8 iI ii 7 T.O.P1 10'-0" Level 1 0'-0" 17'- 8 1/2" B-1 N 1" = 20'_0" 17'- 8 1/2" m w— Entry �1" = 20'-0„ = 20'-0" SW 6800 Something Blue Interior / Exterior Locator Number: 177-C2 177 COORDINATING COLORS Ell SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All Purple Paint Colors - R: 176 G: 214 B: 230 Hex Value: #bOd6e6 LRV: 63 O B-1 W 1" = 20'-0" 17'-81/2" T.O.P 1 --- - - 10'-0„ _ _ - _ _ _ Level 1 0'-0" T.O.P 1 T.O.P 1 10'-011 - - - --- -- 10,_0, Levell-1 Lev el 01-01 - - - �r 01, BB1SFAUX WINDOWS 20'-0" View All Timeless Color Paint Colors . R:65 G: 109 B: 131 Hex Value: #416d83 LRV: 14 _ 1 WINDOWS MATERIALS AND COLORS STORAGE DOORS: METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: POLAR BLUE NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW SANTORINI BLUE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS T�TMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -"SOMETHING BLUE" EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW _ "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL - - PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. I _.. —_-_ �. en•r. Inlenw -, g ROOF PEELS: LOK-SEAM METAL STANDING SEAM BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR:GALVALUME 6" &6" n1,16' R 04 L O a-+ U) 4-- m t� C 0 (U .0) I,i ca > ..Q _ W C0 U) U/ 04 Q m t� C 0 > W U m E C B-2 W -A 6 1" = 30'- 14'-21/2" B-2 W -B 1" = 301-0" 12" n B-2 N U 1" = 30'-0" _T.O.P1 101-_0" -Level 1 0'-0n T.O.P 1 ---------- 101-0" Lever 01-0" 14'-3" 6T - 6 3/8" 69'- 7 3/8" 67" - 6 3/8" _ __TOP1 ® ® ® ul ---- Lev -ON — 01-0" n B-2 E 1" = 30'-0" T.O.P 1 Leve . X16 -2S - --- 01_011 C� , MATERIALS AND COLORS STORAGE DOORS: ExTERI OR WALL PLANK OR EQUAL; CO OR: SHERW N WILLIAMS SW6800 BSOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT n Office E POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW 1"= 301-0" PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALL"SOMETHING BILUEO IN Y METAL NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW �. SANTORINI BLUE 1 EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: ROOF PANELS LOK-SEAM METAL STANDING SEAM BY MBCI OR METAL TRIM PIECES BY MSCI OR EQUAL; COLOR : GALVALUME EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE 16" NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW �7 RARIFIED AIR 1 s 4. t I ws' ]I J� 0) co L < C rr0 VJ N C C Q) Cu Cu w U) V) J� M < C N C 0 w m N � a c a k :?O 2 D � U J� 75'-n" B-3 E 1" = 20'-0" wn"�a•"'ILL•n1n IAV '. Ivvl'T.N I cu MCI AL VMIMML 15'-0" 10'-0" 1 1 —-1 A n B-3 S 1" = 20'-0" 15'-0" SHUTTERS AND FAUX WINDOWS ARE INOPERABLE AND FOR AESTHETICS ONLY. TO BE SW6716 DANCING GREEN n B-3 W U 1" = 20'-0" SW 6525 Ei SW 6716 Rarified Air Dancing Green Interior / Exterior Interior / Exterior Locator Number: 273-C4 Locator Number: 149-C2 273 I'. 149 COORDINATING COLORS SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All White & Pastel Paint Colors R: 225 G: 230 B: 230 Hex Value: #el e6e6 LRV: 78 COORDINATING COLORS EA 01 SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All Green Paint Colors R: 197 G: 205 B: 143 Hex Value: #c5cd8f LRV: 58 MATERIALS AND COLORS T.O.P 1 10'-0" Level 1 0'-0" _ T.O.P 1 10'-0" Level 1 STORAGE DOORS: EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -"SOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. SANTORINI BLUE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR GALVALUME SEAM BY MBCI OR 1.'IKq,IK T.O.P 1 d 10'-0" N - Lev_el1 01-01, n B-3 N ''�^ VJ U 1" = 20'-0" 4— wn"�a•"'ILL•n1n IAV '. Ivvl'T.N I cu MCI AL VMIMML 15'-0" 10'-0" 1 1 —-1 A n B-3 S 1" = 20'-0" 15'-0" SHUTTERS AND FAUX WINDOWS ARE INOPERABLE AND FOR AESTHETICS ONLY. TO BE SW6716 DANCING GREEN n B-3 W U 1" = 20'-0" SW 6525 Ei SW 6716 Rarified Air Dancing Green Interior / Exterior Interior / Exterior Locator Number: 273-C4 Locator Number: 149-C2 273 I'. 149 COORDINATING COLORS SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All White & Pastel Paint Colors R: 225 G: 230 B: 230 Hex Value: #el e6e6 LRV: 78 COORDINATING COLORS EA 01 SIMILAR COLORS DETAILS View All Green Paint Colors R: 197 G: 205 B: 143 Hex Value: #c5cd8f LRV: 58 MATERIALS AND COLORS T.O.P 1 10'-0" Level 1 0'-0" _ T.O.P 1 10'-0" Level 1 STORAGE DOORS: EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -"SOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. SANTORINI BLUE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR GALVALUME SEAM BY MBCI OR 1.'IKq,IK "tt d 0 N L 0 ''�^ VJ 4— v U) �r In cu N CC C 0 U) U) "tt d 0 Q v In N C O ca> m o o `m W M In Q U � k E c a a a of N 12 L WQ a 13 O U :MIE Mo m n, B-4 N 1 " = 20'-0" TOP 1 ffo- bi-- Level I - oi__ oil 13-4 W 11"= 20'-0" B-4 S 1" = 20'-0" SHEPHERD'S SCONCE WHERE VISIBLE FROM STREET. T.O.P 1 1w - ow Level 1 MATERIALS AND COLORS I STORAGE DOORS: C:) I METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: POLAR BLUE NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW SANTORINI BLUE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR TAP 1 ffO- _011 Level 1 o - w_ T.O.P I - I _01-41 Level 1 01-0. EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW68DO -'SOMETHING BLUE" E)(TERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW 'SOMETHING BLUE"IN PROFILED METAL PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. _777- 11 : 11 3. nWnoF 1. � ROOF PANELS: LOK-SEAM METAL STANDING SEAM BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: GALVALUME )v ,3,4. n 1116. FTI 0 a) I C:) I 0 -6� c/) 4- 7a) - - - U) c 0 0) cu co a) cu L_ _0 A� 0 (2) U) U) Lr) I C:) I U) - - - - c 0 > w IL E L CL 19 0 6 n B-5 W ` 1" = 20'-0" 13'- 91/2" - — T.O.P 1 10'-0" � Level_1_ 01- 0" 1" = 20'-0" 1" = 20'-0" Fixed Bahama Shutter painted dancing green Faux Window and trim painted dancing green MATERIALS AND COLORS METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: POLAR BLUE NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW SANTORINI BLUE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: SNOW WHITE NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIED AIR I.P 1 I_0,l vel 1 U - 0" TAP_1 10'-0"_ Level_1 0'-0"_ EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 - "SOMETHING BLUE" EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. Exle­ 11, l l 3 qr 5' ROOF PANELS: LOK-SEAM METAL EQUAL; COLOR:GALVALUME 6" (1 3I6" p 1 I I 1/18' 11 N L 0 4-0 4— 0 N U) � C C O Cn O 17) U) Q 0 CO) C O ca �o 0 g W L0 a�ac`� a 0 � E '21 m all! B-6 E 1/16" = 1'-0" TOP 1 - 10'-0" - Level B-6 N B-6 W 1/16" = 1'-0" 2 1/16" = 1 NOTE: ALL SIDES OF ALL BUILDINGS WILL BE PAINTED SOMETHING BLUE, WITH THE EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS TO REMAIN RARIFIED AIR, AND THE ARCHITECTURAL EMBELLISHMENTS TO BE DANCING GREEN. BUILDINGS B4, B5, & B7 WILL NOT HAVE HARD] -PLANKING, BUT HORIZONTAL RIBBING (AND PAINTED SOMETHING BLUE). THE EXTERIOR BUILDINGS - OFFICE/MAIN, B1, B2, B3 & B6 WILL HAVE HARDI-PLANKING ON ALL SIDES EXCEPT THOSE WITH THE OVERHEAD DOORS (THE INTERIOR WALLS). TOP 1 10'-0" Level 1 0'-0" B-6 S 1116"=;__V-0' MATERIALS AND COLORS T.O.P 1 ---10E-0„ _ Level 0'-0" 14'-8 _ TOP 1 10'-0" STORAGE DOORS: EXTERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARD[ PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -"SOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT V1. POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW k_-_ - "SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL��. NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. L._..-�... SANTORINI BLUE t; - ' Edenor — i Inleno, e'_5' EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: OF PANELS: LOK-SEAM METAL STANDING SEAM BY MBCI OR METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: GALVALUME EQUAL; cu COLOR: SNOW WHITE l,,'- _- 16•— NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW y p" RARIFIED AIR n """ 1'" -'' 1 zin' I I vis^ A ■ 0) IM L O ''I-^ VJ 4- d 75 U) i C (Q _0) cu 0 U) U) Q d N N C 0 > m A' W N. N W a a E c' a r g u m a 0 001 TAP 1 • -, 10' - 0" Level 1 0'-0" B-7 E 1" = 30'-0" nB-7 W 1 _T.O.P_ 1 10'-0" Level 1 O"-0" MATERIALS AND COLORS 0) v STORAGE DOORS: F7SLERIOR WALL TREATMENTS: CEMENTITIOUS PANELS BY HARDI L PLANK OR EQUAL; COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW6800 -'SOMETHING METAL STORAGE DOORS BY JANUS BLUE" INTL GROUP OR EQUAL; COLOR: EXTERIOR WALLS ON BUILDINGS NOT POLAR BLUE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET SHALL BE SW 'SOMETHING BLUE" IN PROFILED METAL NOTE: JANUS POLAR BLUE = SW PANELS PLACED HORIZONTALLY. SANTORINI BLUE - ,a m NNCT) U) Inlenol � p 5 EAVES AND RAKE TRIMS: ROOF PANELS: LOK-SEAM METAL STANDING SEAM BY MBCI OR METAL TRIM PIECES BY MBCI OR EQUAL; COLOR: GALVALUME EQUAL; V) COLOR: SNOW WHITE 16' NOTE: MBCI SNOW WHITE = SW RARIFIEDAIR 3/0" n i .. I I vis^ J_ 0) v (2 O L O ''a -^-i VJ 4— _d ''T)^ VJ Jc C m NNCT) U) ca 0 V) V���J//�� J_ W v O 8 Q _d co) C O > I" I" I m �o m a m L [I-- d Q U c kv aoocr5 J_ A qX Break Room Ij�te od ExterigR 78 SF ++ 4 I 7 SF L \ / Q BREAK ROOM 78 i U) INTERIOR RESTROOM 49 - 4- EXTERIOR RESTROOM 74 LEASING OFFICE 369 COVERED AREA 312 F- - _ (n TOTAL BUILDING AREA 900 0) cu �-) cu Leasing Office 369 SF I I L J Covered Area 312 SF a S a 0 OffICe 7 J � „ a C y�Q di U NN� g v3 3 a��zci � E p CO) c J aILAA A N N cu VJ VJ n Perspective 2 �J a 0 r a m 3 m �f1 a o m W O N O 'Yj � 0- L) U �L N E � C N ftU al C4 n V°rW d+.�i u} �„.a i°- .� «ertr .. S...X ik .;. � ., �,.. ;".-. ��r a>' f'q. .,. s.. -,;. c, • - x s a.. .. � ""�7�� Nw � ..g,. n,a.. Street Perspective U - n Perspective 7 Perspective 5 W O L O Q ''+^� vJ tom^^W d ++ U) t� L C N N _O cu U) U) r O Q d 8 N A3 O Y _W p U `m Nc E k c �� C om co a o 01010 O .Swum CO 4- vJ 4-0 C/) m n�Pers ective 3 L- 0 U) U) 0 9- ILI O • / /-Z / / / / -z-z / ru_ Q 0 Q� 3 s V a r.+ � E � � aooc`S WHEEL STOPS TO BE PLACED IN EACH STALL ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 0 6 Eld-if b ti 9 1'-p-{�11P-plltl•P�1P-P�/P•plltl-Plltl-7� �1tl-P�10-p�1C-PL1p-P�1p•pLitl-P`1tl-p�1tl-PI1tl-PL1p•p� � �f0•p�1tl-P�1tl-pL1tl•P�1P-PL1p-p�ttl-Plip-p70-P1tl-P1p• I-tO11P•P1P-P1p-PI1tl-P Area A Floor Plan V-1 11111l�Ii11111111111111 0) 4 cu r L- 0 O U) v imp v +� W cu I.^L, N IN L — - U) U) i to EL 2 L O E m �C Y w a o o 0 V MESON' Ti' -P ftl-p ttl-P 10--p 1tl-P 1tl-P 10-p ttl-P 10--p P i"' -p 10'-P i0 --P cr -p itl-P 10--p 10--p 10--p 1p -p 10--P o-2 10--P 0.2 ttl-P 10-P ID' -p ttl-1 i §b N � fy 0) 4 cu r L- 0 O U) v imp v +� W cu I.^L, N cu L — - U) U) i c 4 r u imp W m - a to EL 2 L O E m �C Y w a o o 0 V 20'-P d -P 7-P ttl-0' iV-0` lei I k Ov b b I b N a b �/1 b Ib 0) cu b a I , a cn b a b a cu ? b e L 0 4-0 b I VJ T b III X IJ b m ' TRASH ENCLOSURE TO BE CMU BLOCK a a PAINTED SW "SOMETHING BLUE". b N a , T•9df1T-B mTiT•BmHT-B mBYT-B R' , m O bgg 'I o ' � � 5_ ca C a�N2c�i Q A09 a 0 n Area B Floor Plan M LL Ov 30' Spednp typ. W.U. 8D'-7 87.7 W-7 W-7 W-7 WO' 80'-7 80'-7 80'-7 W-7 &ZY4ZZ sv (1) �W TITTITTI lit -7 V/ O ) V '^�I 8� CO om W cu j M r ID VJ VJcc N a o E�erior. L;ghko Plan o �0 N 11 N F ^ N O � COLD C � z L � � E � W �8�� aoocii