HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-2016 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 23, 2016 1. Call to Order — Vice Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Sims Mr. Paschall Ms. Webster Ms. Flescher Ms. Gilroy (A) Also Present Mr. Joseph Griffin, City Manager Ms. Marissa Moore, Community Development Director Ms. Karen Kroger, Recording Secretary 4. Agenda Modifications A motion to add A Florida Camp presentation, by Kristin Beck, under New Business was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Flescher. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting March 28, 2016 A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Flescher. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Introduction of new Alternate Board Member, Corrine Gilroy Mr. Sims welcomed Ms. Gilroy to the Parks and Recreation Committee as an alternate. 7. New Chair and Vice Chair Nominations Mr. Sims noted that Ms. White did not want to be elected either Chair or Vice Chair. He called for nominations for the position of Chair. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 2 of 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 23, 2016 A motion to nominate Mr. Sims as Chair was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Flescher and passed unanimously. A motion to nominate Mr. Paschall as Vice Chair was made by Ms. Flescher, seconded by Ms. Webster and passed unanimously. 8. Unfinished Business — None 9. Public Input Mr. John Tenerowicz, 310 South Wimbrow, reported that he has seen three unauthorized vehicles using the restricted path at the dog park. He asked whom he should contact to resolve the issue. Mr. Griffin, City Manager, instructed Mr. Tenerowicz to contact the police department with the information. Ms. Kristen Beck, A Florida Camp, introduced herself and explained that they would like to hold a stand up paddle board race as a fund raiser for scholarships for homeless and under privileged children to attend their summer camp. It would be held on June 18th out of Riverview Park. She explained the proposed route of the race, noting that it would be well clear of the Intracoastal. She stated that there would be trained teenagers present to assist should there be a need as well as the Board of Directors. She provided a history of the organization stating that it is a 501(c)(3) and she has been doing this type activity for ten years. Mr. Paschall stated that his children have attended her camp and he had invited her to make the presentation this evening to see if there is some way the Committee could assist in the project. Following discussion it was suggested that the fee be waived as a way for the City to support the project. Mr. Griffin advised the Committee that decision would be one made by the City Council. Mr. Griffin requested that Mr. Sims provide him an email with details on the proposed activity, dates and times, etc. He stressed the need for the organization to provide documentation confirming their non-profit status included with the information about what is proposed. Ms. Beck stated that she will get that information to Mr. Sims quickly. Mr. Paschall stressed that his point is for Parks and Rec to support this activity which would possibly encourage area businesses to join in with their support. Ms. Beck responded to the question about if the scholarships would be within IRC that they would be and she provided details on how the funds were raised and applied for the last summer camp. Ms. Amy Speak told the Committee that her son has been attending this camp and the skills he has learned are priceless. She stated that Ms. Beck has taught him to respect nature as well as the respect he has learned for those around him. She stated that she Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 3 of 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 23, 2016 is very excited about being able to help more of the under privileged children in the County to have such an opportunity. Ms. Gilroy asked if Ms. Beck had a brochure. Ms. Beck responded she did not because she had come straight from camp. Ms. Gilroy asked about the provision of first aid on site. Ms. Beck responded that she is certified in first aid as well as the teenagers who will be helping. Ms. Beck responded to the concern about damage to the recently installed oyster mats that she has stressed the importance of staying clear of that area, not only to protect the mats but to prevent cuts from the oyster shells. 7. New Business A. Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan-RFQ 16-07. Submit evaluations and discussion. Mr. Griffin explained that the Committee had been provided proposals from a number of firms with a score sheet for each. He stated that his objective would be for the Committee to select the two with the highest score and invite them to make a presentation. He stated that each member should rank each firm based on their interpretation of the qualifications presented. After tallying the score sheets, Mr. Griffin reported that the two firms receiving the highest ranking were LITTLEJOHN and Tindale. He explained that staff will confirm the rankings and will contact each firm and invite them to make a presentation at the next meeting. Following the presentations the Committee will rank them in first and second positions. Staff will then enter into financial negotiations with the first ranked firm; that information will be brought back to the Committee for approval. If the Committee approves, it will then be forwarded to the City Council. In the event staff does not agree with the financial proposal of the first firm they will enter into financial negotiations with the second firm. Mr. Griffin asked for comments from the Committee regarding the suggested schedule. The consensus was for Mr. Griffin to proceed as proposed. Mr. Sims thanked Mr. Griffin for his assistance. 8. Staff Matters Ms. Moore reported that she has had an inventory and evaluation of the health of the trees in Riverview Park. She explained the need for removal of some trees and the pruning of others to maintain the overall health of the tree stock in the park. She stated that this will be accomplished over 2 to 3 days and the park will be closed in sections while the work is done. Mr. Paschall asked if vehicular traffic is an issue to the health of the trees. Ms. Moore responded that the report did indicate that vehicular traffic in the park will damage the tree roots and reduce their life span. Mr. Griffin stated that there is an Ordinance that prohibits vehicular traffic in the park except as authorized by the City Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 4 of 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 23, 2016 Manager. He explained that allowing vehicles to drive into the park to set up for events is under closer scrutiny and more effort is being made to keep any vehicles allowed in the park from doing damage. Mr. Griffin reported that there is a police evidence building and additional parking to be constructed behind the police department building. He explained that in order to do this the ADA playground will have to be removed. He stated that over the years it has been there, it has been greatly underutilized. He stated that in order to move the pad that makes it ADA compliant would be very expensive. He proposed moving just the swings to the circular area in front of the Boys and Girls Club and incorporating it into the playground that is already there. The other equipment could be utilized elsewhere. He stressed the fact that this building and improvements is critical for the operation of the Police Department. He stated that this proposal will go to the Council for approval and he will advise the Director at the Boys & Girls Club of the proposed change. Following questions and discussion the consensus was that it would be a positive change and a better utilization of the equipment. Mr. Griffin stated that he wanted to discuss the Kayak Launch Area with the Committee. He provided a history on how the area evolved and stated that there are problems with people driving on the sidewalks, parking on the grass and generally mis-using the area. He presented an overhead slide and explained the changes he proposed to help alleviate some of the problems that have developed. He explained that this is in the beginning phase and a lot of the detail would depend on the permitting and approvals required. There was input from the Committee about the entry area used by Kayakers even when the gate is open for them to use the proper entry path. As a result of discussion the consensus was that it is a good idea, but design should be such as to prevent entry from any area other than the designated entrance. The Committee agreed with Mr. Griffin moving forward. Mr. Griffin provided an overhead slide showing the proposed improved parking area which is adjacent to the Veterans Memorial. He explained that the driveway would be one way after entering off Indian River Drive, but there is an exit into the shopping center and also a one-way entry from the shopping center. He stated this change would increase the number of handicapped parking spaces for Memorial Park. He suggested that possibly the Art Club might be interested in using this area rather than Riverview Park because they could park next to their exhibit. Mr. Griffin explained that in an effort to ease the objection to prohibiting vehicles in the park the City has purchased 12 large hand carts that can be used to transport materials from the parking lot into the park when there are events or shows. He explained that this is in the planning phase and he does not have all the permitting, funding, etc. details worked out, but he will keep the Committee updated on the progress. Following discussion the consensus of the Committee was that this will be a great improvement to the parking especially during events. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 5 of 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 23, 2016 9. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. Flescher stated that she is glad the palm trees are going to be addressed. She asked that if the ones in George Street Park could be placed on the list of ones to be taken care of. She also asked if Ms. Gilroy had been given the names of the parks she is to visit. Following discussion it was agreed that until Ms. Gilroy receives her official list she can visit Filbert Park and Bryant Court to observe any damage, usage, resident input, etc. Ms. Flescher reminded everyone about the Memorial Day Ceremony that is planned at Veterans Memorial Park. Ms. Webster apologized for not being prepared for the meeting. She reported that Little League and Teen Baseball would be starting the beginning of June. 10. Items for Next Agenda and Date — Next meeting June 27, 2016 11. Adiourn Chairman Sims called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 7:35pm. By: N 62" � Matthew Sihs, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee s/m